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目的 分析对比两地公民无偿献血的状况及特点,为推广无偿献血活动提供思路.方法 自制调查表,对1 000名武汉市民和500名长崎市民无偿献血状况进行调查.对获得的关于无偿献血人群的特征(人次、献血量、年龄、文化程度、性别)的数据进行分析,并与未无偿献血的市民特征进行统计学比较.结果 武汉市的无偿献血比率为35.97%,长崎市为52.29%.从未献血者的理由看,武汉市民主要是担心不安全因而影响健康和服务态度不够好,而长崎市民主要是不满足条件和怕疼等心理因素;从年龄上看,在18~30岁之间的武汉公民献血量最高,随着年龄的增长,献血量随之下降;而31~40岁之间的长崎市民献血量最高.从文化程度上看,文化程度高的人群的献血量明显高于文化程度偏低的人群.结论 武汉市应该吸取日本长崎无偿献血工作中的宝贵经验,逐步完善我们的无偿献血制度.要以献血者为中心,提高人文服务质量,加大对各年龄层和各阶层的宣传力度,普及与无偿献血相关的健康教育内容.  相似文献   

目的:了解楚雄州近3年无偿献血人群结构状况,为今后制定无偿献血宣传招募策略和建立一支固定的献血者队伍提供科学依据。方法:收集本血站2011~2013年参加无偿献血的献血者资料,对无偿献血者的性别、年龄、职业、文化程度等运用统计学方法进行比较分析。结果:男性献血者明显高于女性献血者,男女比例为1.62:1。30~39岁和40~49岁人群献血比例较大;初中及以下学历人群和农民及其他职业献血者所占比例较大。大中专院校师生、公务员、医务人员、军人的献血率明显偏低。结论:本州无偿献血工作中,应注重加强对大中专院校师生、公务员、医务人员等的宣传招募工作,继续做好农村居民的宣传招募,进一步推动楚雄州无偿献血事业的持续发展。  相似文献   

自 1998年 10月 1日《献血法》实施以来 ,运城市通过组织多种形式宣传、普及献血常识 ,“科学献血无损健康 ,救死扶伤献爱心”已成广大公民共识。在山西省各地市中 ,运城市率先实现了临床用血全部来自自愿无偿献血。《献血法》明文规定 :“国家提倡 18周岁至 5 5周岁的健康公民自愿无偿献血”。为了解广大适龄献血公民中 ,各年龄段献血情况 ,笔者对2 0 0 0年至 2 0 0 3年运城市无偿献血者年龄分布进行统计分析 ,现报道如下 ,见表 1。表 1  2 0 0 0年至 2 0 0 3年运城市无偿献血者年龄统计表年龄 (岁 ) 2 0 0 0年献血总量 (单位 )  百分率…  相似文献   

随着无偿献血的深入发展,烟台市中心血站自2001年5月至今,献血工作重点已由原来的指令性计划模式转向街头志愿献血,为不断提高无偿献血宣传效果,增进公民无偿献血意识,我们对几年来街头无偿献血基本情况进行了统计分析。就2001年5月—2003年12月全街头献血阶段我市50105名志愿献血的性别、年龄、职业、献血史进行了调查,情况如下。  相似文献   

目的分析衡阳市2012~2016年无偿献血情况,为推动无偿献血健康发展提供有力的科学依据。方法收集2012~2016年衡阳市无偿献全血的登记表数据。分别对献血者一次性献血量、性别、年龄、学历、职业构成等情况进行分析。结果自2012年来,男性献血者明显高于女性献血者,年轻人、不明职业者和高中及大学学生是献血的主力军。一次性献血400 mL比例偏低。结论应针对女性、年龄大于45岁、初中及以下学历、农民、大学新生等人群加强无偿献血宣传,以壮大无偿献血者队伍。同时,提倡无偿献血一次献血量由300 mL向400 mL转移。  相似文献   

目的通过对2010年8月至2011年8月焦作市无偿献血人群的分布调查,为本市无偿献血事业的进一步发展提供科学依据.方法对调查期间的无偿献血者性别、年龄、职业、文化程度、献血次数进行统计学分析.结果34261名献血人员中,男性19344名,女性14917名;年龄20-50岁占总献血人数91.07%;无偿献血者构成以农民为主(占62.24%),城镇居民和企事业职工其次;献血人群与职业和文化程度存在显著关系;献血二次以上者相对较多,占56.09%.结论进一步做好无偿献血的宣传和招募工作,鼓励更多的企事业职工和学生加入到无偿献血的群体,建立一支广覆盖的献血人群.  相似文献   

目的探讨乌鲁木齐市无偿献血者的人群分布及献血动机,为今后的无偿献血工作提供实践依据和宣传策略。方法采用问卷调查法,对乌鲁木齐市2 000名无偿献血者进行问卷调查,将调查结果进行统计学分析。结果学生、服务人员、私营业主、城镇户籍及常住本市的外来人口是乌鲁木齐市无偿献血的主力军;"奉献爱心"是公民献血的主要原因(87.2%),不同文化程度、不同职业的无偿献血人群献血动机有明显差异(χ2文化程度=59.780,P〈0.05;χ2职业=102.339,P〈0.05);"街头宣传"、"周围环境影响"、"大众媒体宣传"是献血人群了解献血知识的主要渠道。结论加强不同形式的宣传力度,挖掘不同人群的血源潜力,建立一支固定的无偿献血队伍。  相似文献   

内江市无偿献血人群分布调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对无偿献血人群分布调查,建立一支广覆盖的献血人群。方法:利用χ2检验对2005年1月至2008年12月无偿献血人群进行分析。结果:31323名献血人员中男性15725名,女性15667名。血型分布:A型31.84%、B型23.68%、O型36.60%、AB型7.88%。献血一次有20735人,占66.20%,献血2-8次分别占19.52%、8.50%、4.20%、1.17%、0.24%、0.12%、0.06%。无偿献血人群的年龄20-40岁占68.4%,年龄差异显著(p<0.01)。献血人数与职业存在非常显著的关系(p<0.01)。结论:要做好献血知识的宣传工作,才有可能扩大农民及城镇居民加入到无偿献血的群体。  相似文献   

目的 分析重庆市荣昌县3年来的无偿献血情况,为本县无偿献血事业进一步发展提供科学的依据.方法 应用统计学方法对3年来无偿献血者年龄、性别、职业构成情况进行统计分析.结果 3年中,本县无偿献血者为13 340人次,其中18~45周岁献血者占总献血人数90%以上;无偿献血者男女性别构成差异无统计学意义;无偿献血者职业构成以国家公务员、企事业单位职工、城镇居民、大中专院校学生为主,占96%,农民占献血人数的4%.结论 本县是以农业人口为主的农业县,在农村招募无偿献血者大有潜力,只要加强宣传力度,调整配套政策,方便农民献血,做好献血后的服务工作,完全可以实现在乡村无偿献血者招募工作的飞跃,把无偿献血工作向农村推进.  相似文献   

付军  林柱洲  庄立 《现代实用医学》2007,19(1):63-63,67
目的 通过调查宁波地区公民的无偿献血知识的知晓情况,探索促进无偿献血宣传的适宜办法.方法 分析1367人无偿献血知识知晓情况,内容涉及无偿献血的政策法规、献血知识、血液生理以及免费用血等.结果 多数市民知道献血制度并参加献血,对目前的献血制度、献血知识及免费用血的情况都较好,尤其是参加过献血的人明显好于未献血者;无偿献血知识的知晓率以农民和高校学生最低;79.9%的人认为适量献血无损健康.结论 加大无偿献血宣传是提高和扩大公民无偿献血知识知晓的最关键因素.  相似文献   

裴莲君  陈琛  王冠男 《当代医学》2021,27(6):98-100
目的探究大连市街头无偿献血乳糜血人群分布特点。方法选取2018年1月至2018年12月在大连市某街头采血点献血的16524人次为研究对象,使用比浊图片法判读献血群体乳糜血发生情况。比较乳糜血发生在性别、年龄、BMI、职业、婚姻状态及季节方面的分布特点。结果16524人次街头无偿献血群体中乳糜血发生率为6.37%,其中以中、重度乳糜血发生为主(3.24%、2.35%);不同性别、年龄、BMI、职业、学历、婚姻状况等人口学特征献血群体乳糜血发生率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);11:01~16:00乳糜血发生率显著高于08:30~11:00和16:01~17:30(P<0.05);夏季和秋季显著高于冬季(P<0.05)。结论大连市街头无偿献血群体中乳糜血分布存在明显倾向性,主要集中于男性、>39岁、肥胖、已婚人群,尤其是公务员、工人/企业职员、个体户等人群,应加强对街头献血人群的提前排查,以提高血液资源利用率。  相似文献   

目的了解近年来杭州地区献血人群HBsAg流行及分布状况,以便进一-步改进和完善HBV感染的预防策路。方法遵循献血者知情同意,采用ELISA法分别使用两种不同厂家的试剂检测献血后标本的HBsAg。回顾性分析2015年1月至2019年12月杭州地区无偿献血人群HBsAg阳性率,对年龄性别.献血次数等不同分布组的HBsAg阳性情况进行比较。结果共检测无偿献血者741 441人,HBsAg阳性率为0.231%。2015-2019 年HBsAg阳性率分别为0.321% .0.241% .0.251% .0.179% .0.172% ,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。将无偿献血人群分为18-2425-34.35-44.45--5455-60岁年龄组,各年龄组随着年龄增加献血人群比例下降,HBsAg阳性率存在差异,其中45-54岁年龄组阳性率最高(0.512%) ,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。男、女献血者HBsAg阳性率分别为0.271%和0.168% ;初次献血者阳性率为0.336% ,两次献血的人群阳性率为0.017%,两者差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论杭州地区无偿献血人群HBsAg阳性率低,不同年龄.性别和献血次数人群的阳性率存在差异,提高重复献血者率有利于提升血液安全。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether previous blood donations from HIV-positive patients posed a threat to recipients. DESIGN: Interviewer-administered questionnaire survey. SETTING: Regional HIV outpatient referral clinic for southern Alberta. PATIENTS: All 478 patients attending the clinic from May 1, 1993, to Mar. 31, 1994; 366 were excluded: 335 had not donated blood, and 31 could not provide reliable information regarding possible donations. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were asked at a routine clinic visit regarding the dates, frequency and location of previous blood donations. The Canadian Red Cross was informed, with patient consent, if the previous donations posed a potential risk of HIV transmission. OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of HIV-positive patients whose donations posed a possible or definite risk to recipients. RESULTS: A total of 545 units of blood had been donated by the 112 patients in the study; 57 units (donated by 29 patients) posed a possible risk, and 12 (given by 11 patients) posed a definite risk of HIV transmission to the recipients. Thirty-two of these donors had been unknown to the Red Cross through its "look-back" and "trace-back" protocols. Only 1 of the 13 patients found to be HIV positive by the Red Cross openly admitted donating blood to undergo HIV antibody testing; the remainder were either ill-informed or did not perceive themselves to be at risk. The patients were highly mobile, 36.7% donating blood at some time in a province other than the one where they had received their positive HIV test result. CONCLUSION: Asking HIV-positive patients about their blood donation history, although subject to recall bias, is a simple and inexpensive method for identifying high-risk blood donations. The Red Cross should routinely be notified, with patient consent, of all donations posing a risk in order to enhance the prospect for identifying HIV-positive blood recipients.  相似文献   

Blood and plasma donations among a cohort of intravenous drug users   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K E Nelson  D Vlahov  J Margolick  M Bernal  E Taylor 《JAMA》1990,263(16):2194-2197
We evaluated the blood and plasma donation histories of a cohort of 2921 intravenous drug users in Baltimore, Md, and correlated these histories with their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serologic status, numbers of CD4 lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, and stigmata of intravenous drug use (scarred veins). Of the 793 intravenous drug users (27.1%) who had donated blood or plasma, 652 (82.2%) donated after they had started using intravenous drugs. Most subjects donated at commercial plasma centers, where they were paid $10 to $15 per donation. Although the HIV-1 seroprevalence of the entire cohort was 24.1%, the HIV-1 seroprevalence among those reporting plasma or blood donations declined progressively with time, from 17.1% in those who last donated in 1985 to 3.6% in those who last donated in 1988-1989. Many of the 437 intravenous drug users who had donated plasma or blood since 1985, when screening for HIV-1 was initiated, had not been notified and counseled about their HIV test results. Current programs to exclude individuals with a history of intravenous drug use from the plasma donor pool should be reevaluated and improved.  相似文献   

目的通过肇庆市互助献血者与自愿无偿献血者的情况对比,分析互助献血在现阶段献血招募工作中的价值。方法依据2006-2012年肇庆市《全血献血登记表》和《单采血小板献血登记表》中登记的内容,用广东迈科网络血站信息系统,统计分析互助献血者和自愿无偿献血者年龄、人数、性别、献血频次、季节性分布、传染性指标检测结果,比较互助献血者与自愿无偿献血者献血的情况。结果 2006-2012年互助献血的人数呈逐步上升趋势,互助献血1 834人次,占总献血人次的0.84%,其中互助捐献单采血小板共计372人次,占总捐献单采血小板人次的5.37%。互助献血者和自愿无偿献血者的性别、文化程度、献血频次、月份、传染病指标结果比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),而年龄差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论互助献血在现阶段可作为自愿无偿献血的有益补充。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Current screening practices for blood donations have been successful in reducing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission through receipt of contaminated blood products. However, HIV-infected blood donations made prior to seroconversion and before high levels of viral replication occur could test negative using both serologic antigen and antibody tests. Testing based on nucleic acid amplification (NAT) is being implemented to screen for HIV-infected blood donated during this period, yet the issue of single vs minipool donation screening remains unresolved. OBJECTIVES: To determine HIV-1 genetic linkage between virus in 2 HIV-1-infected recipients of blood components and virus in the donor, who was HIV antigen and antibody negative at the time of donation; to screen the blood donor's plasma with HIV NAT assays, including those currently proposed for use in US blood donation screening. DESIGN AND SETTING: Case study conducted in October 1997 involving the Communicable Disease Centre, Singapore General Hospital, and the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service, Singapore. SUBJECTS: The blood donor and the 2 recipients of donor platelets and red blood cells. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Genetic analysis of the HIV-1 p17 coding region of gag and the C2V5 region of env to determine the genetic relatedness of virus from the donor and recipients; reactivity in quantitative and qualitative assays, and reactivity in donor screening HIV NAT assays in single donation and minipool screening contexts. RESULTS: Direct DNA sequencing demonstrated identical HIV-1 subtype E viral sequences in the donor and recipients. Based on comparisons of a qualitative and quantitative assay for HIV-1 RNA levels, a low level of viremia (range, 5-39 copies/mL in plasma) was estimated to be in the donor's undiluted blood at the time of donation. Additional testing using donor-screening NAT assays showed consistent detection of HIV RNA in the undiluted donor plasma whereas detection was inconsistent at the 1:16 and 1:24 dilution levels currently used in minipool screening of blood donations in the United States. CONCLUSIONS: Transmission of HIV from a blood donor to a platelet recipient and a red blood cell recipient occurred in the preseroconversion infectious window period. The viral load in the implicated donation was estimated to be less than 40 copies/mL of plasma. Current US minipool HIV NAT screening protocols may not be sufficiently sensitive to detect all infectious window-period donations. JAMA. 2000;284:210-214  相似文献   

目的探讨乌鲁木齐地区无偿献血的现状,分析输血相关病原体感染的危险性、不同献血方式与输血风险的关系,为建立乌鲁木齐地区公共卫生安全体系提供技术支持.方法对乌鲁木齐市血液中心2002年1月~2003年12月63 935名献血人员资料进行分析,比较不同性别、不同民族、不同户口所在地献血者血液检测不合格率,并比较不同献血方式、不同献血量、不同献血次数的血液检测情况.结果男、女性血液检测不合格率分别为4.66%、3.47%,男性明显高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);汉、维吾尔、回、哈萨克族及其他民族血液检测不合格率分别为3.91%、3.47%、4.45%、3.84%、3.83%,不同民族之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2002、2003年自愿献血分别占47.64%、71.46%,2003年高于2002年(P<0.05);计划、自愿献血者血液检测不合格率分别为4.73%、3.82%,计划献血者明显高于自愿献血者(P<0.05);献200 ml、400 ml献血者血液检测不合格率分别为4.28%、3.72%,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);献血1、2、≥3次者血液检测不合格率分别为4.30%、3.93%、3.62%,献血3次以上者血液检测不合格率明显低于献血1次和2次,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论建立一支固定的无偿献血队伍、实行血液集中检测、改进血液检测方法、加强临床科学用血、推广成分输血等是提高血液安全的有效途径.  相似文献   

目的:了解无偿献血服务需求未满足状况及无偿献血促动因素,探索有效促进无偿献血招募思路.方法:采用问卷形式,对献血者和非献血者服务需求未满足情况及献血促动因素进行调查.结果:献血者献血服务需求较高;献血者主要需求是获得足够的尊重,而非献血者的主要需求是献血途径和献血知识的认知;献血者献血服务需求未满足情况主要有:没有受到足够的尊重或对血站印象不好、自己献血对血站意义不大、找不到可以带领自己去献血的人、献血程序繁琐等,献血的主要原因是奉献爱心;而非献血者献血服务需求未满足情况主要有不清楚怎么献血、对血站系统不熟悉、没人要求自己献血,不献血的主要原因是没有社会压力.结论:加强血站的自身建设,提高服务水平、加大献血知识宣传力度,提高人们对献血重要性的认识、利用社会压力,鼓动人们广泛参与献血是当前强化献血招募的重要举措.  相似文献   

D V Owings  M S Kruskall  R L Thurer  L M Donovan 《JAMA》1989,262(14):1963-1968
Blood transfusions are frequently necessary for patients having open heart surgery. Although autologous blood is free of such risks as transfusion-transmitted diseases, the safety and effectiveness of autologous donations by cardiac patients are debated. We analyzed the records of 291 consecutive patients undergoing elective open heart surgery. One hundred seven (36.8%) donated between 1 and 6 U of autologous blood (mean, 3.0 +/- 1.5 U) before undergoing surgery. First-time elective coronary artery bypass surgery was the most common indication for autologous donation (90.6% of autologous donors). Problems following donations were infrequent (2 of 326 donations) and without long-term consequences. Among patients having coronary artery bypass surgery who donated autologous blood, 27% required homologous blood transfusions as compared with 82% of other patients undergoing the same procedure. We conclude that autologous blood donations are safe for patients with cardiac disease and effective in significantly reducing homologous blood needs in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery.  相似文献   



This study was undertaken to study the motivational factors leading to voluntary blood donation and understanding the psychosocial variables of blood donors.


300 blood donors were selected by systematic random sampling method.


It was observed that most of the voluntary donors were males (89.3%) and belonged to age group 16-25 years (48%). Most of the donors (93.46%) had studied upto high school and above and 84.33% of the donors belonged to the middle class. 27% of the donors had donated blood previously. The common motivational factors to donate blood were for ‘a good cause'', ‘for the society’ and ‘to save a life''. 4.67% of them donated blood for self satisfaction.


Motivation, recruitment and retention of voluntary blood donors are important criteria to achieve safe blood donation.Key Words: Motivation, Psychosocial, Voluntary, Blood Donors  相似文献   

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