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预测药物小肠吸收的数学模型和细胞模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
随着组合化学和药物高通量筛选等方法的应用 ,使新药研发的时间大大缩短 ,但这往往仅考虑药物的药理活性 ,而没有考虑药物是否能够透过体内的各种生物膜和生理屏障。在已发现的有很好药理活性的化合物中 ,其中大约 4 0 %由于本身理化性质问题而不能应用于临床 ,所以需要在发现药物的早期对药物的体内行为进行预测 ,降低投资的风险性[1] 。对于大多数药物 ,口服给药是最好的给药途径 ,可以提高病人顺应性 ,且经济、安全。近几年国外学者对药物的理化参数和采用细胞培养模型预测药物小肠吸收的研究报道很多 ,本文对这方面的研究作一综述。1 …  相似文献   

 目的 综述近年来药物晶型与生物活性关系的研究进展及在早期成药性评价中化合物晶型的生物活性研究策略。方法 根据国内外相关文献,对固体药物多晶型概念及意义、影响固体晶型药物生物活性的因素及早期成药性评价中化合物晶型的生物活性研究策略和技术等做一综述。结果与结论 药物的多晶型直接影响药品的熔点、溶解度、溶出速率和稳定性等理化性质及临床疗效。早期成药性评价中开展化合物多晶型的生物活性研究,可明确化合物的药理活性是否具有晶型选择性,提前预测其后期开发的必要性,提高研发的效率和成功率,避免早期评价中存在的由于化合物晶型不同造成的生物活性差异。  相似文献   

黄酮类化合物的构效关系研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天然黄酮类化合物是以C6-C3-C6为基本结构骨架,结构亚型多种多样;其在自然界中的分布极为广泛,从水果、蔬菜到中药中都有发现,生物活性具有多样性,一直是药物研发的热点领域。以天然黄酮类化合物为先导化合物或直接开发成的药物已经得到广泛应用。由于黄酮类化合物的结构具有极强的规律性,对于该类化合物的构效关系研究也很活跃,也为药物研发提供了丰富的理论依据。总结了近年来黄酮类化合物构效关系的研究进展,为分离或合成具有更强药理活性的黄酮类先导化合物提供理论参考。  相似文献   

药物代谢研究方法简述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
药物进入机体后即与机体间发生一系列的相互作用而结构发生变化,一些药物经代谢失去药理活性,随尿和粪便最终排除体外,但也有一些药物通过代谢产生了有药理活性或毒性的代谢物。因此,药物代谢不仅影响药物作用的强弱和持续时间的长短,而且还会影响药物治疗的安全性,具有重要的现实意义。通过代谢研究发现并确定产生药理作用的物质基础,掌握药物代谢规律,对于设计更合理的给药途径、给药方法、给药剂量,以及对制剂处方的设计、工艺改革和临床都具有指导意义。  相似文献   

硫化氢是机体细胞重要的信号转导分子之一,其在胃肠道内的合成和分解代谢极为旺盛,在胃肠道生理病理过程中的作用也十分复杂。通过梳理近年来有关硫化氢和胃肠道相关的研究文献,提出硫化氢在胃肠道内发挥着“双相”调节作用,低浓度下可促进胃肠道功能,而高浓度下则损害胃肠道。硫化氢供体药物或硫化氢代谢调节剂通过恢复硫化氢代谢稳态从而发挥治疗作用,并通过硫化氢相关的肠生物轴将药物作用范围扩大到全身组织;同时,药物可因性质不稳定、局部剂量过高、药理效应偏强等原因,使硫化氢代谢偏离稳态,从而诱发毒副作用或将治疗作用逐渐转化为毒副作用。相关认识可为硫化氢生理病理作用机制的深入研究以及硫化氢相关药物研发及其毒、效机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

微生物在药物的开发中具有十分重要的作用,主要表现在微生物(细菌、放线菌、真菌等)的次级代谢产物具有结构多样性、活性广泛性和临床有效性,其中许多化合物或其衍生物已经成为临床治疗多种疾病的药物;微生物产生的酶具有反应条件温和、立体选择性强和效率高的优点,也成功地应用于甾体药物和手性药物的合成中,部分酶蛋白也直接成为治疗药物。微生物对药物开发的贡献巨大,仍然值得进一步发掘其潜力.  相似文献   

龙苗苗  程贤  赵振东  陈玉湘  毕良武 《中草药》2023,54(11):3715-3724
迷迭香酸是从迷迭香等植物中分离得到的一种多酚类化合物,具有显著的抗氧化、抗炎、抗微生物、抗肿瘤及神经保护等作用。然而,由于溶解度差、渗透性低、光不稳定性、体内靶向性差、代谢速率快等缺点,限制了其药理活性及临床产品开发。药物递送系统能够在改善药物的理化性质、保护药物稳定性、发挥更佳给药途径和提高生物利用度等方面具有显著优点。通过对迷迭香酸的药理作用及新型药物载体用于迷迭香酸递送的研究进展进行综述,为迷迭香酸的药物开发和临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

韦春玲  肖瑾  肖珊  崔培梧  刘向前 《中成药》2023,(4):1231-1240
五环三萜类化合物是一类重要的天然化合物,广泛存在于水果、蔬菜和药用植物中,种类繁多,且具有丰富的药理活性。研究发现,五环三萜类化合物及其衍生物具有显著的抗菌活性,这为新型广谱抗菌药物的研发提供思路。本文查阅2015年至2021年国内外相关文献,对天然药用植物中具有抗菌活性的五环三萜类物质的研究进展进行综述,以期为五环三萜类抗菌药物的开发和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

植物内生真菌因为可以产生与宿主植物相同或者相类似的活性代谢产物而广受重视。已经从各种药用植物中分离得到大量内生真菌并对其次级代谢产物进行研究。其中相当部分的次级代谢产物具有抗肿瘤药理活性,显现出巨大的经济价值和应用前景。对植物内生真菌次级代谢产物的抗肿瘤药理作用进行整理综述,并对未来研究的发展趋势做出展望,发现探索和开发植物内生真菌次级代谢产物是发现抗肿瘤特效药物的一个极好的途径。  相似文献   

黄酮类化合物吸收、分布和代谢的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
吕鹏  黄晓舞  吕秋军   《中国中药杂志》2007,32(19):1961-1964
各种资料及相关实验表明,黄酮类化合物是一种非常重要的生理活性物质,有着很强的药理活性,是中草药的重要成分。笔者就近几年国内外关于黄酮类化合物的文献资料进行分析、归纳和总结,分别按胃、肠和肝脏几个主要吸收和代谢部位及其在体内的分布情况进行介绍。对于黄酮类化合物的吸收、分布和代谢的研究将为开发黄酮类新药打下坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

汤卫国  王奇志  印敏  王鸣  陈雨  张建华  冯煦 《中草药》2014,45(15):2172-2177
目的建立微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)直接稀释测定脉络宁注射液中25种矿物质元素(Mg、Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Al、B、Ba、Co、Cr、K、Li、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、Sr、Th、Ti、V、As、Cd和Hg)的方法。方法分别对微波消解条件和测试条件进行考察;样品经微波消解后,采用电感耦合质谱仪测定25种矿物质元素,并对测定方法学进行考察。结果确定最佳消解条件为3步缓慢升温:400 W 80℃升温10 min,保留5 min;600 W 120℃升温10 min,保留5 min;900 W 200℃升温20 min,保留20 min;25种矿物质元素在各自的线性范围内线性关系良好,r≥0.999 6,精密度、稳定性和重复性试验的RSD均符合定量分析要求;加标回收率为94.7%~106.1%,RSD在0.34%~2.79%。脉络宁注射液中检测出Mg、Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Al、B、Ba、Co、Cr、K、Li、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、Sr、Th、Ti、V,未检出As、Cd和Hg。结论该方法简便、迅速、准确,适用于脉络宁注射液中25种矿物质元素的同时测定。  相似文献   

The disturbance and instability of laterality are obstacles to diagnostics and therapy. Correction prior to starting therapy is required. They also predispose toward defined health problems and unspecific diseases. Numerous research activities provide evidence of the relevance of undisturbed laterality in diagnostics and therapy. Techniques of testing and therapeutic corrections will allow for optimized therapy success.  相似文献   

The Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, a journal with an international scope (IS SN 1672-3597, CN 31-1908/R, Bimonthly), is embodied by 'Springer Verlag' Database, Index Copernicus (IC) and Chinese Scientific and Technical Paper and Citations Data (CSTPCD). You can search full text on http://www, springerlink, com/content/1672 -3597.  相似文献   

正Beverages based on Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil.are used in the south Brazil and other Latin American countries located at the so-called southern cone.It is known as chimarro or mate in south and southeast Brazil,tererêin  相似文献   

This paper deals with an interdisciplinary study covering historic, botanical, phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical aspects of rhubarb and related species, to lay stress on the correlation between plant phylogeny, chemical constituents and purgative activity.

It was found that the official rhubarbs were exclusively restricted in the Sect. Palmata e.g. Rheum palmatum R. palmatum var. tanguticum R. officinale; the following criteria may serve as their standard, viz., the presence of sennoside derivatives and rhein, the occurrence of the reduced form of rhein and aloe-emodin, the leaves with any kind of palmate incision. Comprehensive multivariate analyses showed that there is a very close relationship between the leaf incision, existence of sennosides or rhein and purgative activity.  相似文献   



At present, the state-of-the-art medication in treating idiopathic taste disorder (gustatory dysfunction) is zinc. If zinc medication was unsuccessful, not tolerated or if it is contraindicated the persons affected can hardly be helped.


In a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial an attempt was made to determine the efficacy of acupuncture.


The treatment group was treated with acupuncture needles, the placebo group with an inactive acupuncture-laser. Endpoints of the study were changes in the taste test, the quality of life and the severity of symptoms of depression (BDI) as well as mood changes (ZMS). Satisfaction with the success of the respective therapy was also evaluated. Data were collected before and after therapy and again for the treatment group 10 weeks after completion of the treatment period.


Treatment with real acupuncture showed a significant improvement in gustatory function as well as a significant improvement in psychological symptoms. Greater satisfaction with the treatment results was evident in the treatment group. The treatment results of acupuncture remained stable over a period of ten weeks after completion of the treatment.


Acupuncture was effective in the therapy of idiopathic taste disorders and therefore it is an effective alternative when zinc medication is not tolerated or unsuccessful. But it is also suitable as a therapy of first choice. Acupuncture can be considered as an extension of the therapeutic spectrum in the difficult treatment of taste disorders.  相似文献   



Experimental and clinical studies postulate a neurobiological mechanism of acupuncture by modulating central pain systems, neurohormones and -transmitters. It seems to be quite likely that the autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays an important mediating role in this neuromodulation.


In measuring heart rate variability (HRV), as a non-invasive approach to the ANS-function, the object of this study was to monitor probable acupuncture-induced changes of autonomic balance. The innovative technology of laser-needle acupuncture offers for the first time a stimulation method which fulfils the demands on a placebo-controlled acupuncture trial not requiring controversial sham acupuncture.


19 healthy voluntary subjects underwent 3 treatments in randomized sequence, consisting of placebo-, 1-point- (PC 6) and simultaneous 3-point- (PC 6, LR 3, SI 3) laser-needle-stimulation over 20 minutes. Before, during and after placebo-/verum laser-needle acupuncture, HRV-data for normalized HF(high frequency)- and LF(low frequency)-Power (nHF, nLF) and their quotient nLF/nHF obtained by power spectrum analysis (FFT), were measured and analyzed statistically at 5 different time points (ANOVA repeated measures, p < 0,05).


During both verum applications, the 1-point- (PC 6) as well as the simultaneous 3-point- (PC 6, LR 3, SI 3) laser-needle stimulation, significant changes of the ANS-activity were found in comparison to the placebo application. The most significant modification of HRV was an increase of nHF (p < 0,05 (PC 6), p < 0,0001 (PC 6, LR 3, SI 3)) as an expression of growing vagal activity during acupuncture.


Laser-needle acupuncture causes in 1-point-stimulation (PC 6) as well as in simultaneous 3-point-stimulation (PC 6, LR 3, SI 3) significant changes in HRV in comparison to placebo application. HRV-monitoring seems to be a suitable approach in exploration of acupuncture-induced changes of ANS and could possibly be established in combination with laser needle acupuncture as a standard for further scientific and clinical acupuncture investigations which are greatly needed.  相似文献   

瑞香科植物广泛分布于世界热带和温带地区,其中多种植物可供药用。在对该科植物的研究中发现,黄酮类、木脂素和香豆素等酚性化合物的低聚体为其重要的特征性成分,药理活性主要表现在抗肿瘤、抗炎、抗氧化、抗菌和抗病毒等方面。对已发现的酚性聚合体的化学结构、植物来源及药理活性进行综述,为瑞香科植物今后的研究和开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的采用HPLC梯度洗脱法同时测定沉香化滞丸中沉香四醇、柚皮苷、橙皮苷、新橙皮苷、和厚朴酚、大黄素、厚朴酚、木香烃内酯、去氢木香内酯、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚11种成分。方法采用Thermo Syncronis C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为水-乙腈,梯度洗脱:0~10 min,20%乙腈;10~20 min,20%~40%乙腈;20~24 min,40%乙腈;24~26 min,40%~52%乙腈;26~30 min,52%乙腈;30~31 min,52%~90%乙腈;31~35 min,90%乙腈;35~40 min,90%~100%乙腈;40~43min,100%乙腈;43~45min,100%~20%乙腈;检测波长215nm,体积流量1.0m L/min,柱温30℃,进样量20μL。结果各成分在43 min内分离良好,沉香四醇、柚皮苷、橙皮苷、新橙皮苷、和厚朴酚、大黄素、厚朴酚、木香烃内酯、去氢木香内酯、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚的线性范围分别为1.4~13.6、10.0~200.0、31.5~315.0、1.0~120.1、1.8~50.6、0.93~10.1、1.8~30.0、0.2~40.3、1.8~18.1、1.7~25.0、0.45~10.70μg/mL;样品中各成分的平均回收率均在98.90%~100.87%;11种成分精密度RSD在0.55%~1.54%;供试品溶液在30 h内稳定性良好,RSD在0.75%~1.94%;重复性RSD在0.39%~1.73%。6批次样品中沉香四醇、柚皮苷、橙皮苷、新橙皮苷、和厚朴酚、大黄素、厚朴酚、木香烃内酯、去氢木香内酯、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚质量分数分别为92.0~201.0、511.5~9 033.0、5 475.0~12 635.5、54.5~5 095.5、192.0~2 137.5、117.0~391.5、106.5~1 281.5、13.0~136.5、93.5~199.0、177.0~1 207.0、33.5~251.5μg/g。结论本方法准确、快速、简便,重复性好,精密度高,适用于沉香化滞丸中多种活性成分的定量分析。  相似文献   

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