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四川省艾滋病疫情严重,2017年以凉山州艾滋病防治和健康扶贫攻坚行动为突破口,全省打响了艾滋病防治攻坚战。经过努力,凉山州艾防攻坚取得突破性进展,第一阶段行动目标圆满完成。四川省明确防治策略,创新构建“三线一网底”艾滋病防治体系,聚焦感染者发现、抗病毒治疗、预防母婴传播等核心措施,提供技术指导,狠抓工作落实。全省HIV感染者发现率不断提高,治疗覆盖和成功率大幅提升,预防母婴传播效果显著,注射吸毒和输血传播得到了有效控制,重点地区疫情快速上升的势头基本遏制。攻坚行动中,四川省探索总结出一系列艾滋病防治有效举措和经验,为全国艾防工作提供了良好借鉴,也为持续深入推进全省艾滋病防治工作奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

With the revival of “prevention” in Germany well-known problems from discussions in the 70s have gained new importance: prevention of behaviour vs prevention of conditions and orientation towards the individual vs society. On the one hand “curative” medicine in Germany never has allowed prevention to develop a role for itself, but on the other hand a preventive orientation has—unnoticed by medicine—revolutionized “curative medicine”. Not reflecting the structural differences between prevention and “curative medicine” has resulted in a number of serious misunderstandings of practical importance.  相似文献   

罗军 《医疗设备信息》2008,23(4):128-129
本文对目前国内较常见的几种手术防粘连材料性能进行比较。选取聚乳酸防粘连凝胶、透明质酸钠、聚乳酸防粘连膜、医用壳聚糖膜等4类防粘连产品进行比较分析。得出结论,不同的防粘连产品由于防粘连机理、剂型不同,其手术适用范围应各有侧重。但聚乳酸凝胶具有更好的生物相容性、自动粘附性(不需缝合)、可吸收性、足够的体内存留时间及能够显著抑制瘢痕增生而不干扰伤口正常的愈合等特点。  相似文献   

在国内新冠疫情已进入科学精准的常态化防控阶段,高校传染病防控成为当前学校卫生工作的重点,系统性分析高校传染病 流行特点及传染病防控中存在的问题,并提出合理防控策略十分必要。探讨高校传染病防控的策略和方法,为高校传染病工作实践提供思考和帮助。  相似文献   

疾病预防控制体系建设与人民身体健康和生命安全密切相关,由于党和国家高度重视疾病预防控制体系建设,因此各级基层疾病预防控制体系建设得到了长足的发展。为深入了解基层疾病预防控制体系建设成效,发现疾控体系建设存在的问题,对辽宁鞍山市各县(市)区基层疾病预防控制体系建设情况开展调查研究,并对调查结果进行汇总分析。  相似文献   

加强政府领导与多部门参与预防控制艾滋病探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了国家级贫困县云南省澜沧县开展艾滋病预防控制工作中领导重视,组织落实,多部门配合参与,举办各种培训班,利用宣传媒体等艾滋病预防控制工作取得的成绩和工作经验。  相似文献   

安徽省社区慢性病防治人力资源开发策略探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 <中共中央国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见>已将慢性病防治相关内容纳入国家基本公共卫生服务项目,把慢性病防治工作提高到重要位置,社区慢性病防治人力资源状况是决定慢性病防治工作效果的关键.本文通过对安徽省社区慢性病防治人力资源现状及问题的分析,对社区慢性病防治人力资源开发策略进行初步探讨.方法 查阅相关文献,了解近年来安徽省各地社区慢性病防治状况.结果 安徽省慢性病防治服务需求不断上升,而社区卫生人员素质状况不高,不能满足目前需要.欲全面推进社区慢性病防治工作,落实实施国家相关基本公共卫生服务,必须从决策层、慢性病防治专业队伍和非专业队伍三个层面共同加大慢性病防治人力资源开发力度.结论 需要进一步开发安徽省社区慢性病防治人力资源.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(2):117-130

Globally each year, HIV continues to infect millions of people, and the number of people living with HIV and AIDS grows. While there has been an increase in funding for HIV and AIDS, there is a growing gap between the funds available and the funds needed for both prevention and treatment. Yet, one of the means of closing that gap – preventing new infections – has slipped down the agenda. In arguing for a significant intensification of the HIV prevention response, and the relevance of a strong social stance within this response, this paper addresses the need to manage finding a balance between prevention and treatment and care. Not only is there not enough being spent on HIV prevention, but also in some instances, the prevention agenda has been hijacked by those who favour morally conservative, but ineffective, HIV prevention strategies. We argue that effective prevention needs to be firmly located within the everyday realities affecting communities and societies, and needs to focus on what is known to work. In particular, we need to move beyond a public health underpinned by neo-liberal notions of agency and individual responsibility to a public health that recognises the collective nature of epidemics, and works with communities and networks to transform social relations. This latter, more ‘social’ public health, is concerned with the social, political and economic factors that produce HIV risk and responses to it. Contrary to what some might suggest, HIV prevention has not failed, rather, governments and donors have failed HIV prevention.  相似文献   

The value of medical care for health promotion.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A "rediscovery" of the value of prevention in the 1970s has led to the denigration of medical care, which had been occurring also for other reasons--aversion to high technology, demonstrable abuses, spiraling medical costs, etc. The achievements of prevention in conquering infectious diseases had long been recognized, and preventive strategies in the 1970s and 1980s were beginning to show reductions in mortality from the non-communicable chronic diseases as well. Yet the benefits of medical care in extending life expectancy over recent decades have often been overlooked. The quality of life in the later years has also been substantially improved by effective medical care. Most important, access to medical care has definite value in facilitating the prevention of disease and the promotion of health, both in developing and developed countries. It is too often forgotten that prevention embodies a range of activities, merging from general health promotion through specific disease prevention and early case-detection to rehabilitation and prevention of disability. Medical care, in other words, should not be counterposed to prevention, but rather should be integrated with it for the benefit of both health strategies.  相似文献   

在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下,北京大学肿瘤医院乳腺中心探索建立了个性化的科室新冠肺炎疫情防控体系,依托信息化管理平台和现有资源进行疫情防控策略的顶层设计和工作调整,通过提高集体防控意识、加强防护技术培训、患者精准分类处理和个性化防控管理等对策,初步验证了疫情防控体系的有效性,培养了科室疫情防控骨干,提高了科室成员集体防控意识和个人防护技术水平,充分换位思考保障患者需求提高了患者满意度,取得了较好的实际效果。  相似文献   



The slogan "Suicide prevention is everyone's business" has been used in a number of campaigns worldwide in recent years, but most research into suicide prevention has focused on the role of medical professionals in identifying and managing risk. Little consideration has been given to the role that lay people can play in suicide prevention, or to the resources they need in order to do so.  相似文献   

近期新型冠状病毒肺炎肆虐,正在严重威胁人们的身体健康和生命安全。政府作为应对突发公共卫生事件的主体,在疫情爆发初期存在信息沟通不畅、防控工作效率不高和民众依从性不理想等局限性,因此政府需要充分发挥社会力量。社区作为疫情防控的第一道防线,在疫情防控中具有信息收集及时准确、防控措施执行精准和社会动员效率高等优势,在应对突发公共卫生事件中的作用日渐显现。应充分发挥社区在疫情防控中的基础作用,完善城市社区防控体系建设,使其成为预防与控制疾病的重要堡垒,意义重大。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家高度重视和相应政策出台,儿童青少年近视防控再次成为学校卫生、眼科等领域工作重点。目前近视率多年持续攀升、已处于高位,近视率的下降难以一蹶而就,须基于循证证据长期推进防控工作,通过持续“量变”迎来“质变”。然而,当前近视防控多个环节尚缺乏高质量的研究证据。本文就近视防控效果评价指标选择、增加户外活动时间干预、规范化开展筛查和闭环管理、近视影响因素和有效防控手段探索等关键方面,分析已有证据和存在局限,提出努力方向和建议,为科学制定、实施近视防控方案和评估近视防控效果提供参考。  相似文献   

杨渊  李玲  高东平  李杰 《实用预防医学》2019,26(11):1401-1405
目的 分析泰国艾滋病防控成效取得的成功经验。 方法 从疾病防控的组织管理、防控策略的实施路径、防控成效几个方面进行分析。 结果 2000年以来,泰国有效控制了艾滋病的流行趋势,并成为亚洲第一个阻断母婴传播的国家。 结论 泰国过去几十年在艾滋病预防和应对方面的成功归功于政府清晰的政策承诺、完善的信息系统、有效的价格调节机制、治疗的全民覆盖和所有有关部门的良好合作。  相似文献   

The concept of primary prevention of mental and emotional problems has existed since the 1950s. It has been discussed, espoused, and critiqued. At the same time very few programs of primary prevention of emotional disorders of children have been developed, tested, and evaluated. This paper addresses the issue as to whether large-scale programs of primary prevention are feasible within the state of our current knowledge. A typology of three major approaches to primary prevention is presented. Examples from past and current theory, practice, and research are described as well as recommendations to lead to more rapid implementation of preventive programming for children and families.  相似文献   

目的:明确2002—2005年三年来中国疾病预防控制体系人力综合素质的变化情况。方法:采用系统抽样的方法,调查全国省市县各级疾病预防控制机构人力资源配置的基本情况,并进行比较分析。结果:经过三年建设,疾病预防体系人力综合素质有所提高,综合得分从2002年的5.63提高到2005年的5.69,已经初步形成了“高素质人员流入、低素质人员流出”氛围。  相似文献   

The issue of prevention of tobacco use has received a great deal of attention in recent years. As an outgrowth of this interest, several smoking prevention programs based on a social influence approach have been developed. One example of these types of programs is the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) prevention program which was produced by Health and Welfare Canada. We discuss the preliminary results of a prospective cohort evaluation of the PAL program. This evaluation suggests that the program has some utility in preventing the uptake of tobacco use among young males; however, its efficacy with females has been negligible. It is clear that prevention programming will have to consider targeting males and females in different ways.  相似文献   

在目前的社会中,传染病的发病率在持续性提升,其对社会的危害也在显著性的增加,所以积极的进行传染病的预防和控制有非常积极的效果。就现阶段的传染病预防和控制而言,公共卫生管理在其中发挥重要作用的,一方面,通过卫生管理的加强,传染病的预防效果在显著的提升,另一方面,公共卫生管理的加强使得越来越多的人开始关注公共卫生的相关内容,其健康常识、传染病知识等具有了显著的增加,这为传染病的预防加强提供了稳定的基础和良好的条件。简单来讲,公共卫生管理在传染病预防中的地位明确,所以文章就其定位做具体的分析并就其干预措施等做讨论和分析,旨在为实践提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

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