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B超引导下经皮肾镜钬激光治疗开放术后复杂性肾结石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨B超引导经皮肾镜钬激光手术(PCNL)治疗开放手术后复杂性肾结石的手术技巧及临床效果.方法 回顾性分析2009年1月至2010年12月肾结石开放手术后复发性或残留复杂性结石35例患者临床资料,所有患者均曾行开放手术取石,其中曾行肾实质切开取石术20例,肾盂切开取石患者15例.多发性结石31例,铸型结石4例,单侧27例,双侧8例,合并尿路感染15例.结果 35例均成功建立通道并一期手术,其中单通道完成手术29例,双通道6例.经上组肾盏建立通道4例、中组肾盏建立通道16例,下组肾盏建立通道15例.平均手术时间117min,平均住院时间16d,一期手术清除结石29例,占82.9%.结论 B超引导经皮肾镜钬激光手术是治疗开放手术后肾结石微创、安全、有效方法.  相似文献   

目的:分析输尿管软镜碎石术(FUL)联合经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)治疗鹿角状肾结石的结果及并发症情况,探寻治疗鹿角状肾结石的合适方法。方法:30例鹿角状肾结石患者接受治疗,一期PCNL术中采用F20~22经皮肾通道清理大部分结石,二期手术采用FUL击碎经皮肾通道平行肾盏残留结石,必要时转二期PCNL清理残留碎石。结果:30例患者均接受联合治疗成功,术后1个月结石清除率93.3%,2例患者残留0.8~1.2cm结石位于下盏及中盏。术后3例(10%)患者发热,2例(6.7%)患者需输血2U,无其他严重并发症。结论:采用一期PCNL清除鹿角状肾结石的大部分,二期FUL处理平行肾盏残留结石,减少了新增经皮肾通道的需要及相应的并发症,并提高了结石清除率,是鹿角状肾结石治疗的安全有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨经皮肾镜标准通道下气压弹道-超声碎石清石系统治疗复杂性肾结石的疗效及安全性。方法2008年1月~2009年3月采用B超引导,经皮肾镜标准通道下气压弹道-超声碎石清石系统治疗26例复杂肾结石。结果一期PCNL20例,12例结石完全清除;3例残石直径≤0.5cm,5例残石直径≥1.2cm,分别行二期PCNL3例,ESWL治疗残石5例。手术时间15~240min,(117±68)min。一期PCNL无术中、术后大出血需要输血者,无胸膜、腹腔器官损伤等严重并发症。2例因肾实质撕裂、穿刺通道迷失而中转开放手术。1例孤立肾合并肾结石、重度肾积水因服用农药中毒致急性肾功能衰竭,PCNL通道建立后镜下寻找结石困难,患者病情危重,行肾造瘘转ICU治疗。二期PCNL3例,均为术中肾穿刺孔道撕裂,灌注液外渗,不能耐受而结束一期手术;1例二期PCNL见肾盂输尿管交界处炎性闭塞,2周后行开放输尿管肾下盏吻合术。3例术中导丝脱出。3例PCNL结束时双J管不能置入膀胱。一期PCNL术后留置肾造瘘管(6.9±1.6)d。1例术后造瘘管周围持续漏尿10d。2例二期PCNL在一期PCNL术后发生肾盂肾炎及肾周围炎。结论标准通道下经皮肾镜联合EMS第3代超声气压弹道-超声碎石清石系统具有高效、安全的特点,但对于复杂肾结石应加强并发症的防治。  相似文献   

目的总结肾下盏入路单通道微创经皮肾穿刺取石术(MPCNL)联合输尿管镜下取石术(URL)治疗肾结石的经验。方法建立经皮肾下盏通道后行URL,在完成肾盂内碎石解除肾盂出口处梗阻后输尿管内放置双J管,然后改行单通道MPCNL。结果18例均一次肾造瘘成功。仅1例行URL时因输尿管镜未能触及结石失败,单行PCNL。手术平均时间107min。1次取石13例,2次取石5例。18例中4例有残留结石后均行体外冲击波碎石(ESWL),仅1例随访6个月仍有少量残留结石。术中、术后无严重并发症。结论肾下盏入路单通道MPCNL联合URL治疗肾结石具有效率高、结石取净率高、肾损伤小、并发症少等优点,可作为治疗以肾下盏及肾盂为主肾结石首选方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮肾镜取石术( percutaneous nephrolithotomy , PCNL )联合套石网篮治疗体外震波碎石( extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ,ESWL)排空障碍的肾盏及输尿管上段结石的临床疗效。方法2009年4月~2012年8月采用PCNL联合套石网篮治疗ESWL排空障碍的输尿管上段结石合并肾盏结石78例。 B超定位,58例肾盏结石长径<1 cm或分布于单组肾盏,采用微通道经皮肾镜下气压弹道碎石;20例肾盏结石长径>1 cm或分布于多组肾盏采用新型经皮肾镜标准通道下气压弹道或超声联合气压弹道碎石。结果78例手术均获成功,手术时间52~98 min,平均61 min。71例一期取净结石,结石取净率91.0%(71/78);2例二期碎石后取净;3例辅助行ESWL治疗;2例因残留结石较小药物排石排出。住院5~12 d,平均7.2 d。无胸膜及其他重要脏器损伤,无大出血等严重并发症。78例随访3个月,未见结石残留。结论PCNL术中联合套石网篮可减少皮肾穿刺通道数,避免大出血及集合系统狭窄风险,是处理ESWL排空障碍的肾盏及输尿管上段结石恰当的选择。  相似文献   

目的:评估输尿管软镜取石术治疗经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)残留肾结石的效果。方法:利用输尿管软镜治疗PCNL残留肾结石12例,男8例,女4例;平均年龄42.6岁。左侧5例,右侧3例。KUB测量结石直径为0.7~2.6cm,平均1.4cm。经留置输尿管扩张鞘或沿导丝直接置入输尿管软镜抵达肾盂,寻及结石后以200μm光纤、10 W功率钬激光碎石。观察其手术时间、结石清除率、并发症等疗效指标。结果:本组12例均顺利完成输尿管软镜碎石,手术时间68~116min,平均92min;结石清除率为83.3%(10/12)。1例结石残留患者另作穿刺通道行二期PCNL后结石完全清除;1例术后行ESWL仍有少量结石残留,随访观察。均无严重出血及输尿管穿孔等并发症。结论:输尿管软镜取石术治疗PCNL后残留肾石安全、有效。  相似文献   

目的:探讨超声引导经皮肾穿刺逆向追踪法治疗复杂性肾结石的安全性、有效性.方法:采用B超引导下经皮肾镜气压弹道碎石治疗复杂性肾结石37例,术中对于超声提示而肾镜未找到的肾盏结石,在超声定位下穿刺相应肾盏结石并于针鞘置入斑马导丝至肾盂,便于肾镜发现和逆向追踪至其穿刺结石的起始处,术毕行胸腹腔和肾的超声检查.结果:37例复杂性肾结石患者在超声定位引导下一次穿刺成功,顺利建立良好的人工取石通道,单通道30例,双通道4例,三通道2例,四通道1例,术中经超声引导穿刺的肾盏结石均能顺延导丝迅速找到结石并粉碎清除,结石清除率92.7%;无一例出现严重并发症.结论:对于复杂性肾结石PCNL术中,应用逆向追踪法有助于经皮肾镜迅速找到残余肾盏结石并粉碎清除,而且方法简单、创伤小、安全有效.  相似文献   

经皮肾镜碎石清石术治疗巨大肾结石的疗效观察   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:探讨经皮肾镜碎石清石术治疗难治性巨大肾结石的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析采用经皮肾镜结合EMSⅢ代碎行清石系统治疗36例复杂性巨大肾结石患者的临床资料。结石位于肾上盏6例,中盏10例,下盏3例,肾盂14例,输尿管上端3例。结石直径1.5~6.0cm,平均2.7cm,其中巨大鹿角状结石12例。结果:肾镜直视下一期取石32例,1周后二期取石2例。34例2周内结石全部排净,另外2例术后2个月有结石残留,残留结石直径均小于0.8cm,行一次体外碎石后排净。平均手术时间58min,术中估计出出量平均50ml,均无需输出,无肾切除、肾穿孔等严重并发症发生。术后随访3~6个月,肾功能均有不同程度改善。结论:经皮肾镜下使用EMSⅢ代碎石清石系统治疗肾结石具有损伤小、手术时间短、出血少、恢复快等优点,可以使绝大多数患者避免开放手术。  相似文献   

目的探讨24 F标准通道经皮肾镜碎石取石术(PCNL)治疗无积水肾结石的疗效和安全性。方法对28例接受24 F标准通道经皮肾镜碎石取石术治疗无积水肾结石患者的资料进行回顾分析。结果 28例患者中24例成功施行一期取石,4例二期取石,一次清石率85.7%,术后无严重的并发症。结论 24 F标准通道的PCNL具有损伤小、手术时间短、结石清除率高、并发症少等优点,是治疗无积水肾结石的理想的微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 评估超声引导多通道微创经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)治疗复杂性肾结石的方法及效果.方法 对46 例接受超声引导微创多通道PCNL 的患者进行回顾性分析.其中鹿角型肾结石8 例,多发性肾结石38 例.部分残留结石行二期或三期手术取石.结果 双通道取石40 例,三通道6 例;一期取净率76.1%,总结石取尽率为95.6%;一期手术平均手术时间1.8 h.手术平均出血量240 ml.结论 超声引导多通道PCNL 治疗复杂性肾结石安全、有效.  相似文献   

Expanding role of flexible nephroscopy in the upper urinary tract   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Flexible nephroscopy has become an important diagnostic and therapeutic modality for urologists. We have applied the flexible nephroscope in four clinical settings: as an adjunct to rigid instruments during primary percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL); in a second-look procedure to remove residual renal calculi; as the primary endoscope to treat renal calculi; and to diagnose and treat other upper urinary tract pathology. The most common application of flexible nephroscopy in our experience has been during primary PCNL after the bulk of the stone burden has been removed with the rigid nephroscope. Liberal use of the flexible endoscope in these settings may increase the stone-free rate and decrease the need for additional access tracts and procedures. In addition, patients with conduit urinary diversions may be managed using flexible nephroscopy to diagnose and treat upper tract tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the status of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) in managing renal and upper ureteric calculi, from initial experience and a review of previous reports. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From September 2004 to December 2004, 46 patients were scheduled for tubeless PCNL in a prospective study. Patients with solitary kidney, or undergoing bilateral simultaneous PCNL or requiring a supracostal access were also enrolled. Patients needing more than three percutaneous access tracts, or with significant bleeding or a significant residual stone burden necessitating a staged second-look nephroscopy were excluded. At the end of the procedure, a JJ ureteric stent was placed antegradely and a nephrostomy tube avoided. The patients' demographic data, the outcomes during and after surgery, complications, success rate, and stent-related morbidity were analysed. Previous reports were reviewed to evaluate the current status of tubeless PCNL. RESULTS: Of the 46 patients initially considered only 40 (45 renal units) were assessed. The mean stone size in these patients was 33 mm and 23 patients had multiple stones. Three patients had a serum creatinine level of >2 mg/dL (>177 micromol/L). Five patients had successful bilateral simultaneous tubeless PCNL. In all, 51 tracts were required in 45 renal units, 30 of which were supracostal. The mean decrease in haemoglobin was 1.2 g/dL and two patients required a blood transfusion after PCNL. There was no urine leakage or formation of urinoma after surgery, and no major chest complications in patients requiring a supracostal access tract, except for one with hydrothorax, managed conservatively. The mean hospital stay was 26 h and analgesic requirement 40.6 mg of diclofenac. Stones were completely cleared in 87% of renal units and 9% had residual fragments of < 5 mm. Two patients required extracorporeal lithotripsy for residual calculi. In all, 30% of patients had bothersome stent-related symptoms and 60% needed analgesics and/or antispasmodics to treat them. CONCLUSION: Tubeless PCNL was safe and effective even in patients with a solitary kidney, or with three renal access tracts or supracostal access, or with deranged renal values and in those requiring bilateral simultaneous PCNL. The literature review suggested a need for prospective, randomized studies to evaluate the role of fibrin sealant and/or cauterization of the nephrostomy tract in tubeless PCNL.  相似文献   

微创经皮肾穿刺取石术治疗上尿路结石   总被引:276,自引:23,他引:253  
目的:探讨微创经皮肾穿刺取石术(PCNL)治疗上尿路结石的安全性及有效性。方法:对接受微创经皮肾取石术治疗的858例上尿路结石患者进行了回顾性分析。其中单发肾盂、肾盏结石213例,输尿管上段结石111例,手术后残留结石129例,肾铸型或鹿角形结石391例;双侧肾结石14例。结果:所有患者均行一期穿刺取石,共行1015次手术。其中单通道穿刺取石672侧肾,二通道186侧肾,三通道13侧肾,四通道1侧肾,结石清除率90.18%,平均手术时间98min,肾造瘘管留置时间平均6d,平均住院14d,其中2例需要输血,仅1例术后10d并发大出血,经高选择性肾动脉栓塞止血治愈,其余未出现大的并发症。结论:微创经皮肾取石术治疗上尿路结石是有效的。它与开放手术及传统经皮肾取石术相比,能减少术中、术后出血及并发症,明显提高结石的清除率,具有对患者创伤小、恢复快、缩短住院时间等优点,并对残留结石和复发结石的再次手术治疗有较大优越性。  相似文献   

超声联合气压弹道碎石术治疗复杂性肾结石(附78例报道)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经皮肾镜下超声联合气压弹道碎石术治疗复杂性肾结石的方法及疗效。方法:B超引导下穿刺并扩张建立F22经皮肾镜操作通道,在F20.8肾镜下采用瑞士第三代EMS超声气压弹道碎石机,争取一期粉碎结石并主动吸出体外。结果:78例83侧肾结石,单侧结石清除时间43~156min,平均89min。结石粉碎率100%,结石取净率85.6%(71/83)。术后随访1~9个月,平均5.6个月,均无严重并发症如出血及感染,亦无结石复发。结论:经皮肾镜超声联合气压弹道碎石术可以明显地提高复杂性肾结石取石的效率,降低结石的残余率,具有高效、安全、微创的特点,有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy for staghorn calculi is reported to have a residual stone rate of 28%, while shockwave lithotripsy alone results in residual stones in approximately 50% of cases. Combination therapy, sandwich therapy, and multiple percutaneous accesses have also been advocated for staghorn stones. We believe these stones can often be removed with a staged procedure via a single upper-pole percutaneous access using flexible nephroscopy and the holmium:YAG laser. Our experience is reviewed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The hospital records of patients having a cumulative stone burden > or =5 cm who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) for a single complex staghorn calculus were reviewed. There were 15 male and 34 female patients having 45 complete and 7 partial staghorn calculi constituting a mean stone burden of 6.7 cm (range 5.0-10.0 cm). A calix was punctured that would provide access to the majority of the involved calices. Thirty-five renal units were approached through a single upper-pole percutaneous access, and four and six renal units were accessed through single middle or lower-pole calices, respectively. The remaining seven renal units were treated with multiple percutaneous accesses. RESULTS: In the renal units having only a single access, a mean of 1.6 (range 1-3) procedures were required to achieve stone-free status. The mean operating room time was 2.9 hours (range 2.0-3.5 hours). For the second PCNL, the mean operating room time was 63 minutes (range 30-90 minutes). Two patients (two renal units) had residual stones <1 cm in diameter. One refused additional surgery, and the other is awaiting further treatment. The mean estimated blood loss was 238 mL (range 50-800 mL), with only one procedure (2.2%) necessitating a blood transfusion. One (2.8%) hydrothorax developed among the 35 upper-pole puncture cases. Six patients had transient oral temperature readings >101 degrees F with negative blood cultures. Other early complications included single cases of leg cellulitis, atrial fibrillation, and noncardiac chest pain. There were no delayed surgical complications. Patients were discharged from the hospital a mean 2 days (range 1-10 days) after the first PCNL. CONCLUSION: Use of flexible nephroscopy with holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy and Nitinol basket stone extraction has allowed us to render staghorn-containing renal units stone free in a mean of 1.6 procedures. Of the 45 renal units treated through a single percutaneous access, 43 (95%) were rendered stone free. The holmium:YAG laser appears to be a safe lithotrite for the kidney, as no complications occurred from its use.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is an effective procedure for the treatment of large renal calculi. An important consideration for patients undergoing PCNL is the management of any residual stone burden, which may include "second-look" nephroscopy. The utility of this practice is unproven, and we present our data on a series of patients in which second-look procedures were not performed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 43 consecutive patients undergoing a total of 45 procedures by a single surgeon at a tertiary-care center. Patients were considered stone free if no calculi were evident by either plain film or noncontrast CT scan. Statistical analysis was used to look for correlations between radiographic stone clearance and various patient and stone characteristics. Results: Of these procedures, 15% had immediate postoperative evidence of residual fragments. At a mean follow-up of 8 months, 32.5% had residual or recurrent stone. There were statistically significant correlations between both patient age and stone size and the risk of recurrent or residual stone. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, PCNL was effective for the single-stage treatment of large renal calculi. Aggressive stone clearance obviated the need for routine second-look nephroscopy. Factors leading to an increased risk of residual or recurrent calculi included the presence of a staghorn calculus and younger patient age. The excellent stone-free rates achieved suggest that routine second-look nephroscopy may not be necessary for the majority of patients undergoing PCNL.  相似文献   

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the management of pediatric renal calculi   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSES: In the era of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL), there are still some patients who will require percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Our experience with this procedure is reviewed and discussed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty five patients with a mean age of 7.9 years (10 months-14 years) underwent 67 PCNL procedures on 62 renal units between September 1997 and April 2001. Of the patients, 13 had previous open renal surgery, 4 had a solitary kidney, 4 were SWL failures, 2 had osteogenesis imperfecta, one had anuria secondary to bilateral calculi, 2 had poorly functioning kidneys, and 1 had cystinuria (complete staghorn calculus). One disabled patient with neurologic disorders who had multiple stones underwent PCNL in order to decrease the stone burden and to improve the kidney function. Operations were performed under the guidance of monoplane fluoroscopy. Pneumatic or ultrasonic lithotripsy and forceps extraction were used with a rigid nephroscope or ureteroscope (as an alternative instrument in small-caliber tracts). RESULTS: Excluding the patient with neurologic disorders, 53 of the renal units (86.9%) were stone free at the time of discharge, and the success rate was 96.7%, with six patients having insignificant residual fragments after the procedure. In one patient, open surgery was required, and the other patient was sent for SWL treatment. There was no contiguous organ injury, but in 16 procedures (23.9%), intraoperative hemorrhage was seen, and blood transfusions were required. CONCLUSION: Pediatric urolithiasis is usually a result of metabolic abnormalities and urinary tract infection, and there is always a risk of recurrence that may necessitate multiple additional intervention. Therefore, PCNL must be considered in selected cases by urologists who are experienced in adult percutaneous procedures.  相似文献   

B超引导下经皮肾镜取石术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨B超引导下经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)的方法和效果。方法对上尿路结石51例患者行一期B超引导下,建立经皮肾穿刺通道PCNL。结果51例患者一次取净结石36例,一周后经瘘管再行PCNL取净结石10例,两次手术结石总取净率90.19%,手术时间平均150min,肾造瘘管留置时间平均7天,平均住院15天,其中5例患者输血,输血量平均300ml,未出现大的并发症。结论单用B超引导下经皮肾镜取石术治疗上尿路结石是有效的方法。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To present our initial experience of tubeless percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) in patients with previous ipsilateral open renal surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with previous ipsilateral open renal surgery underwent tubeless PCNL at our institute. Patients with large renal and/or upper ureteral calculi, irrespective of the number and size of the stones, amount of hydronephrosis, or the renal parameters, were selected for the procedure. Exclusion criteria were patients needing more than two percutaneous tracts, significant bleeding, and a significant residual stone burden that would necessitate a staged PCNL. The perioperative outcome of these patients (study group) was retrospectively compared with an historic cohort of the same number of patients with a history of open surgery for renal calculi who underwent ipsilateral PCNL with routine placement of a nephrostomy tube (control group). RESULTS: The two groups had comparable demographic data. Patients in the study group needed less postoperative analgesia (P = 0.000). They were discharged a mean of 10 hours earlier (P = 0.000). Two patients in both groups required blood transfusion. No urinoma or urinary leak from the nephrostomy site occurred in the study group. The incidence of other postoperative complications was comparable in both groups. Complete stone clearance was achieved in 88% of patients in the study group and 84% patients in the control group. CONCLUSION: The tubeless approach in patients with a history of open renal surgery is associated with decreased analgesia requirement and hospital stay without compromising stone-free rates or increasing the complications.  相似文献   

目的:评估B超引导下建立经皮肾穿刺通道行经皮肾镜取石术(PCNL)的方法及效果。方法:收治102例肾结石患者。前50例先行B超定位下经皮肾微穿制备瘘,置入F10硅胶引流管,1周后经造瘘管放入导丝。B超引导下用Cook扩张器扩张穿刺通道,再行PCNL;对后52例患者行一期B超引导下建立经皮肾穿刺通道PCNL。结果;102例患者1次取净结石69例,1周后经瘘管再行PCNL取净结石23例,再次手术结石总取净率为91.0%。手术时间平均2.5h。术中6例患者输血,输血量平均230ml。早期2例患者出现腹腔积液,1例术后2周出现肾动静脉瘘,1例肾盂输尿管连接处狭窄。经及时治疗后痊愈。结论:单用B超引导建立经皮肾穿刺通道行PCNL技术上可行,能在基层医院推广。  相似文献   

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