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目的探讨维持性血液透析患者常规单次血液透析过程中透析充分性的影响因素。方法选取2016年2月至2017年1月在江苏省中医院血液净化中心规律血液透析的130例患者,观察记录患者的一般情况,性别、年龄、原发病、血管通路及单次血液透析中患者的透析前后尿素氮、透析时间、超滤量、血流量、透析后体质量及超滤量/干体质量(%),利用公式计算得出尿素清除指数(Kt/V)作为评估透析充分性指标。根据Kt/V结果分为达标组(Kt/V≥1.2)与未达标组(Kt/V1.2),采用独立样本t检验和多元线性回归分析探讨维持性血液透析患者单次血液透析充分性与临床数据的关系。结果独立样本t检验显示单次透析时间(P=0.00)、透析后体质量(P=0.00)、超滤量/干体质量(%)(P=0.02)与Kt/V相关,多元线性回归显示单次透析时间(β=0.365,P0.05)、透析后体质量(β=-0.47,P0.05)是单次血液透析Kt/V的独立影响因素,且单次透析时间与Kt/V呈正相关,透析后体质量与Kt/V呈负相关。结论维持性血液透析患者单次血液透析的透析充分性与单次透析时间呈正相关、与透析后体质量呈负相关。  相似文献   

目的评估分析兰州军区兰州总医院血液净化中心维持性血液透析患者血液透析充分性的情况,为进一步规范化制定血液透析处方和评估血液透析质量提供依据,进而提高维持性血液透析患者的生活质量。方法采用单中心横断面调查的对照研究方法,应用在线尿素清除率监测(online clearance monitoring,OCM)尿素清除指数(Kt/V),统计分析2014年5月~6月我院血液净化中心维持性血液透析患者211例的人口统计学资料、血液透析处方、超滤量、血流量,以测定的单次Kt/V值≥1.2为透析达到充分性的标准,并对Kt/V值达到和未达到充分性的2组患者临床资料进行对比分析。结果①211例维持性血液透析患者单次Kt/V值为0.65~1.88,平均Kt/V值为(1.11±0.20);其中74例患者(占35.0%)单次Kt/V值≥1.2;137例患者(占65.0%)单次Kt/V值1.2,146例患者(146/211,占69.1%)单次Kt/V值≥1.0。②对Kt/V值达到和未达到充分性的2组患者临床资料进行对比分析发现,2组患者的男女比例[(30/44)比(122/15)]及体质量[(56.0±10.1)kg比(68.8±12.3)kg]均有统计学差异(P0.05),而超滤量[(2.62±0.69)L比(2.74±1.02)L]及血流量[(234.8±21.4)ml/min比(232.4±30.4)ml/min]则无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论①OCM用于维持性血液透析的充分性监测方便、快速;②本中心维持性血液透析患者的血液透析充分性总体达标率低,需综合评估,个体化处方,加强患者管理;③男性、体质量较高的患者达标率低,需重视此类患者的透析充分性评估,并进一步调整血液透析处方。  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年患者血液透析相关感染的原因及特点,为其感染的预防和治疗提供理论依据.方法 选取2012年1月~2014年6月在本院行血液透析治疗的老年患者60例.观察患者的年龄、血透龄、血红蛋白(HGB)、血浆白蛋白(ALB)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、血沉(ESR)、白细胞(WBC)、尿素清除指数(Kt/V)值等指标.使用COX回归分析老年患者透析相关感染的主要类型和相关危险因素,并以Kt/V和CRP水平对老年患者发生透析相关感染的诊断绘制ROC曲线.结果 60例老年患者发生透析相关感染共78例次,其中肺部感染38例次(48.7%)、泌尿系感染20例次(25.6%)、消化道感染8例次(10.3%)、透析导管感染7例次(9.0%)、动静脉内瘘感染5例次(6.4%);COX回归分析示:年龄、透析龄、Kt/V值、HGB、ALB、ESR、CRP水平与老年患者透析相关感染的风险存在显著相关性(P均<0.05);ROC曲线示:Kt/V和CRP水平与老年患者透析相关感染的关系密切.结论 老年透析患者主要以呼吸系统、泌尿系统感染等最为常见.年龄、透析龄、Kt/V值、HGB、ALB、ESR、CRP等指标可能是引起透析相关感染的重要危险因素,定期监测Kt/V、CRP指标对透析相关感染有着较好的预防作用.  相似文献   

在线尿素清除率监测中心静脉导管反向使用结果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的通过在线尿素清除率监测(OCM),观察中心静脉导管(下称导管)动-静脉(A-V)端与血路管的A-V端对换连接使用时的尿素清除指数(Kt/V),了解其对透析充分性的影响。方法选择符合条件的透析患者21例,取每例患者导管A-V端正向使用和反向使用各1次进行透析,采用OCM对Kt/V值监测。结果导管A-V端正向使用时Kt/V值为1.14±0.06,反向使用时为0.95±0.05,两者比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论导管A-V端反向使用时Kt/V值下降,增加了通路再循环,降低透析效率,影响透析充分性。  相似文献   

目的 研究维持性血液透析(MHD)患者血清中性粒细胞明胶酶相关载脂蛋白(NGAL)水平与透析充分性、微炎性反应状态及铁代谢的关系;探讨NGAL对判断透析充分性的价值.方法 从2010年10月开始,纳入我院MHD患者150例为对象,同时以50例健康人为对照.收集MHD患者的人口学资料、临床表现及检测参试者血清NGAL、C反应蛋白( CRP)、转铁蛋白饱和度(TSAT)、铁蛋白等水平.根据单室尿素清除指数(spKt/V)值将MHD 患者分为透析充分组和不充分组,比较组间血清NGAL差异.用Pearson相关法、多元线性回归模型和受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析NAGL与Kt/V、炎性因子和铁代谢指标等相关性.患者随访3个月,对比两组随访前后NAGL、Kt/V及炎性因子变化,进一步评估血清NGAL与透析充分性、炎性指标的关系.结果 MHD患者血清NGAL为(445.45±50.34) μg/L,显著高于健康对照的(50.02±6.45) μg/L(P<0.01).150例MHD患者中,95例为充分组,55例为不充分组.充分组与不充分组NGAL分别为(589.14±56.34) μg/L和(360.13±46.23)μg/L,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).MHD患者血清NGAL与spKt/V、CRP、TSAT呈正相关(r=0.652、0.825、0.785,均P<0.05).多元线性回归模型结果显示,NGAL与CRP、spKt/V、TSAT有相关关系.ROC曲线下面积(AUC)表明,NGAL水平能较好地反映透析充分性.随诊后结果显示,所有充分组患者均维持透析充分状态;经干预后,不充分组中38例达透析充分,另17例仍未达到透析充分.在这38例中,未达充分和达充分时的NGAL分别为(368.14±56.21) μg/L和( 360.56±46.23) μg/L,差异无统计学意义.CRP水平达充分后有所下降,但差异无统计学意义.结论 MHD透析充分患者血清NGAL显著高于不充分患者.MHD患者血清NGAL与spKt/V、CRP及TSAT均呈正相关.血清NGAL能较好地反映透析充分性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨持续性非卧床腹膜透析(continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,CAPD)患者透析充分性与血磷变异度的关系。方法:选取2014年01月~2018年08月山西医科大学第一医院肾内科腹膜透析中心CAPD患者168例,收集患者的一般资料、实验室指标及透析充分性指标。按照透析充分性[尿素清除指数(Kt/V)≥1. 7且肌酐清除率(总Ccr)≥50 L·周~(-1)·1. 73 m~(-2)]分为两组,其中透析充分组87例,透析非充分组81例;血磷变异程度以标准差(SD)、变异系数(CV)表示,根据血磷CV中位数,将患者分为血磷高变异和血磷低变异,分析患者透析充分性与血磷变异度的关系。结果:(1)与透析充分组相比,透析非充分组的血红蛋白、白蛋白、残肾Kt/V、残肾e GFR、尿量均降低,而血磷CV、iPTH升高,两组差异有统计学意义(P 0. 05)。(2)透析充分组和透析非充分组中血磷高变异分别为34例(39. 1%)和50例(61. 7%),差异有统计学意义(P 0. 05)。(3) Pearson秩相关研究结果显示,白蛋白(r=0. 294,P 0. 001)(r=0. 262,P=0. 001)、残肾Kt/v(r=0. 421,P 0. 001)(r=0. 365,P 0. 001)、残肾e GFR(r=0. 294,P 0. 001)(r=0. 213,P=0. 006)、尿量(r=0. 168,P=0. 029)与总Kt/v、总Ccr成正相关,而血磷CV(r=-0. 334,P 0. 001)(r=-0. 285,P 0. 001)与总Kt/v、总Ccr成负相关。全因死亡做Spearman秩相关结果显示,全因死亡(r=-0. 183,P=0. 017)与透析充分性成负相关。(4) Logistic回归分析显示:血磷CV(OR=2. 675,95%CI:1. 111~6. 446,P=0. 028)、白蛋白(OR=0. 827,95%CI:0. 961~1. 008,P 0. 001)、iPTH (OR=1. 005,95%CI:1. 001~1. 009,P=0. 027)、残肾Kt/V (OR=0. 001,95%CI:0. 000~0. 015,P 0. 001)和残肾e GFR (OR=0. 926,95%CI:0. 865~0. 991,P=0. 026)是透析充分性的独立危险因素。结论:CAPD患者血磷变异度与透析充分性密切相关。提示加强血磷稳定性的管理,对提高透析充分性及改善心血管并发症预后至关重要。  相似文献   

目的研究长期腹透患者临床转归,分析其临床特点。方法对本院1994年1月至2003年8月腹透龄超过3年以上的58例腹透患者进行分析。根据其临床转归分为继续腹透组、转向移植组、转向血透组及死亡组。比较各组间近期营养指标(半年以内血清白蛋白水平)、近期透析充分性指标(Kt/V、Ccr)、水清除指标及残肾功能等临床特点。对死亡组同时做回顾性前后自身对照研究(死亡前半年以内与死亡前1年资料比较)。对继续腹透组回顾性分析比较1年前资料,并前瞻性追踪随访1年。结果死亡组总Kt/V显著低于其余3组(P〈0.05);总Ccr显著低于继续腹透组(P〈0.01)。继续腹透组、移植组及血透组3组间总Kt/V、总Cer及血清白蛋白水平差异无统计学意义。血透组水清除指标显著低于继续腹透组及移植组;继续腹透组水清除指标稍高于死亡组但无显著性差异。死亡组近期总Kt/V显著低于死亡前1年总Kt/V(P〈0.05);近期总Ccr显著低于死亡前1年总Ccr(P〈0.01)。继续腹透组近期总Kt/V及总Ccr与1年前及1年后指标比较差异均无统计学意义,但残肾Kt/V或残肾Ccr随时间推移而显著下降(P〈0.05)。继续腹透组残肾Kt/V或残肾Ccr显著高于死亡组及血透组(P〈0.05)。死亡组血清白蛋白水平较其余3组降低但差异无统计学意义。死亡组13例中有7例死于心脑血管疾病。结论腹透3年以上患者大部分仍可继续腹透。透析不充分是长期腹透患者死亡的重要原因。死亡的病因主要为心脑血管疾病。残肾功能可影响长期腹透患者的转归。  相似文献   

目的探讨维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者单次血液透析充分性的影响因素。方法选取2019年3月在航空总医院血液净化中心行规律血液透析的109例患者,观察记录患者的临床资料,包括性别、年龄、体质量指数、原发病、血管通路及单次血液透析中患者的透析前后尿素氮、透析时间、超滤量、血流量、干体质量和超滤率等。根据单室尿素清除率(single-pool Kt/V,spKt/V)结果分为达标组(spKt/V≥1.2)与未达标组(spKt/V1.2),分析探讨MHD患者单次血液透析充分性与临床数据的关系。结果单因素分析显示性别、透析相关性凝血、泵控血流量、动静脉内瘘、干体质量共5个因素与spKt/V相关(P0.05),二元Logistic回归分析显示性别(OR=4.345,95%CI 1.240~15.070,P0.05)、透析相关性凝血(OR=5.497,95%CI 1.213~27.125,P0.05)、动静脉内瘘作为血管通路(OR=0.105,95%CI 0.012~0.889,P0.05)和泵控血流量(OR=0.984,95%CI 0.969~0.998,P0.05)是单次血液透析spKt/V的独立影响因素。结论 MHD患者单次血液透析充分性与患者性别、透析相关性凝血、泵控血流量及使用动静脉内瘘作为血管通路密切相关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年腹膜透析患者的相关危险因素。方法:通过观察分析危险因素:性别、原发病情况(糖尿病、高血压)、营养状态指标、贫血指标、腹膜透析充分性指标、钙磷代谢情况,并分析腹膜透析患者相关性感染及其心脑血管并发症情况。结果:高血糖、腹膜透析充分性(总Kt/V和总Ccr)及血浆白蛋白(Alb)成为腹膜透析患者老年组独立影响危险因素;另外,31例患者中有2例患者出现腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎情况,1例患者出现严重的脑血管并发症。结论:积极控制老年腹膜透析患者的血糖,并改善患者血清白蛋白及正确评估老年腹膜透析患者的透析充分性,这对于提高老年腹膜透析的生存质量具有重要作用。  相似文献   

高危尿毒症患者每日短时透析的临床初步经验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的观察高危尿毒症患者应用每日短时透析的疗效。方法16例常规血液透析(HD)治疗无效或不能耐受HD的高危尿毒症患者改作每周6次、每次2h的血液透析滤过或血液滤过治疗,随访8周。比较每日透析治疗前后患者的透析不良反应、血压、体重变化、每周Kt/V,血清磷、血清白蛋白、血红蛋白、心胸比率、左心重量指数以及SF-36生活质量评价的变化。结果与常规透析比较,患者每周Kt/V从4.36±0.62升高至4.88±0.41(P=0.009),血压下降至趋于正常,透析中低血压反应明显减少,血清白蛋白明显升高,血清磷明显下降,血红蛋白明显升高,心脏缩小(P均<0.05),SF-36生活质量评分明显改善。结论高危尿毒症患者应用每日透析治疗后耐受性良好,并能使血压平稳,透析充分,更好地预防透析骨病,改善患者营养状况,减少及治疗心血管并发症,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), the impact of dialysis adequacy on patient outcome is well established in Caucasian patients but is less clear in Asian patients. Recent evidence suggests that Asian dialysis patients enjoy better overall survival. We hypothesize that dialysis adequacy may be less important in determining outcome for this ethnic group. METHODS: We performed a single-center prospective observational study. From September 1995, we enrolled 150 existing and 120 new CAPD patients. They were followed for up to three years. We monitored dialysis adequacy and nutritional indices, including Kt/V, weekly creatinine clearance (CCr), residual glomerular filtration rate (GFR), normalized protein catabolic rate (NPCR), percentage of lean body mass (%LBM), and plasma albumin level. Clinical outcomes included mortality, technique failure, and duration of hospitalization. RESULTS: The duration of study follow-up was 22.1 +/- 12.3 months. In our study population, 136 were male. Seventy were diabetic (25.9%), and 212 were treated with 6 L exchanges per day (78.5%). The body weight was 59.3 +/- 9.4 kg. Baseline total Kt/V was 1.78 +/- 0.41, peritoneal Kt/V 1.48 +/- 0.36, and median residual GFR 0.98 mL/min (range 0 to 7.45). Two-year patient survival was 83.0%, and technique survival was 72.8%. Multivariate analysis showed that the duration of dialysis, diabetes, %LBM, index of dialysis adequacy (Kt/V or CCr), residual GFR, and requirement of a helper for CAPD exchanges were independent factors of patient survival; serum albumin, adequacy index (Kt/V or CCr), and requirement of a helper were independent factors of technique survival. Duration of dialysis, body weight, requirement of helper, cardiovascular disease, HBsAg carrier, serum albumin, and CCr had independent effects on hospitalization. The peritoneal component of Kt/V or CCr had no independent effect on any outcome parameter. When the prevalent and new CAPD cases were analyzed separately, Kt/V predicted survival only for new CAPD cases. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that dialysis adequacy has significant impact on outcome of Asian CAPD patients. Although we have excellent medium-term patient and technique survival, this favorable outcome should not prevent health care workers from providing adequate dialysis to Asian patients. The reason of discrepancy in outcome between Asian and Caucasian dialysis patients requires further study.  相似文献   

Aim:   Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) often start long-term haemodialysis (HD) thrice weekly, regardless of the level of residual renal function (RRF). In this study, we investigated whether ESRD patients having sufficient RRF can be maintained on twice-weekly HD, and how they fare compared to patients without RRF on thrice-weekly HD.
Methods:   We analyzed 74 patients who had undergone long-term HD and maintained on the same dialysis frequency from February 1998 to July 2005, and followed until December 2005. We compared the clinical variables between twice-weekly and thrice-weekly HD patients and a second analysis testing the residual urine output as an independent predictor for twice-weekly HD.
Results:   After a mean follow up of 18 months, twice-weekly HD patients ( n  = 23) had lower serum β2-microglobulin than thrice-weekly HD patients ( n  = 51). Moreover, the twice-weekly group had a slower decline of RRF, as indicated by their higher urine output and creatinine clearance, fewer intradialytic hypotensive episodes, and required less frequent hospitalization. There was no difference between the two groups in cardiothoracic ratio or indices of nutrition and inflammation. Multivariable logistic regression identified age (odds ratio (OR), 1.866; 95% CI, 1.093–3.183), dry body mass index (OR, 0.790; 95% CI, 0.625–0.999), and urine output (OR, 1.093; 95% CI, 1.026–1.164) as predictors for maintaining twice-weekly HD.
Conclusion:   Our data suggest that when patients who have sufficient urine output are given twice-weekly HD, they maintain dialysis adequacy and exhibit better preservation of RRF than patients on thrice-weekly HD.  相似文献   

Dialysis adequacy has a major impact on the outcome of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients. However, most studies on peritoneal dialysis adequacy have focused on patients with significant residual renal function. The present study examined the effect of dialysis adequacy on anuric CAPD patients. A single-center prospective observational study on 140 anuric CAPD patients was performed. These patients were followed for 22.0 +/- 11.9 mo. Dialysis adequacy and nutritional indices, including Kt/V, creatinine clearance (CCr), protein equivalent nitrogen appearance, percentage of lean body mass, and serum albumin level were monitored. Clinical outcomes included actuarial patient survival, technique survival, and duration of hospitalization. In the study population, 64 were male, 36 (25.7%) were diabetic, and 59 (42.1%) were treated with 6 L exchanges per day. The body weight was 59.2 +/- 10.2 kg. Average Kt/V was 1.72 +/- 0.31, and CCr was 43.7 +/- 11.5 L/wk per 1.73m(2). Two-yr patient survival was 68.8%, and technique survival was 61.4%. Multivariate analysis showed that DM, duration of dialysis before enrollment, serum albumin, and index of dialysis adequacy (Kt/V or CCr) were independent factors of both patient survival and technique survival. It was estimated that for two patients who differed only in weekly Kt/V, a 0.1 higher value was associated with a 6% decrease in the RR of death (P: < 0.05; 95% confidence interval, 0.92 to 0.99). Serum albumin and CCr were the only independent factors that predicted hospitalization. It was found that even when there is no residual renal function, higher dialysis dosage is associated with better actuarial patient survival, better technique survival, and shorter hospitalization. Dialysis adequacy has a significant impact on the clinical outcome of CAPD patients, and the beneficial effect is preserved in anuric patients as well as in an ethnic group that has a low overall mortality.  相似文献   

BackgroundTwice-weekly hemodialysis (HD) could be regarded as an important part of incremental hemodialysis, volume status of this treatment model remains to be elucidated.MethodsPatients undergoing regular twice-weekly or thrice-weekly hemodialysis in our unit on June 2015 were enrolled into the cohort study with an average of 2.02 years follow-up. Volume status of the subjects was evaluated by clinical characteristics, plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels and bioimpedance assessments with body composition monitor (BCM). Cox proportional hazards models and Kaplan–Meier analysis were used to compare patient survival between the two groups.ResultsCompared with patients on thrice-weekly HD, twice-weekly HD patients had significantly higher log-transformed BNP levels (2.54 ± 0.41 vs. 2.33 ± 0.49 pg/ml, p = 0.010). Overhydration (OH) and the ratio of overhydration to extracellular water (OH/ECW) in twice-weekly HD group were significantly higher than that of thrice-weekly HD (OH, 2.54 ± 1.42 vs. 1.88 ± 1.46, p = 0.033; OH/ECW, 0.17 ± 0.07 vs. 0.12 ± 0.08, p = 0.015). However, subgroup analysis of patients within 6 years HD vintage indicated that the two groups had similar hydration status. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that log-transformed BNP levels, serum albumin and diabetes status were predictors of mortality in hemodialysis patients. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis indicated that patients with BNP levels higher than 500 pg/ml had significantly worse survival compared with those with lower BNP levels (p = 0.014).ConclusionsTwice-weekly hemodialysis patients had worse volume status than that of thrice-weekly HD patients especially for those with long-term dialysis vintage, BNP level was a powerful predictor of mortality in HD patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The hemodialysis adequacy is one of the most important issues influencing the survival of patients on maintenance hemodialysis (HD). Assessment of measuring the delivered dialysis dose using clearance x time/volume (Kt/V) index requires multiple blood sampling. New methods for assessment of dialysis dose based on ionic dialysance (ID) have been suggested. Online conductivity monitoring (using sodium flux as a surrogate for urea) allows the repeated noninvasive measurement of Kt/V on each HD treatment. In this study we have compared this method with the standard method of estimating Kt/V. METHODS: We studied 24 established HD patients over a 4 week time period. Patients were dialyzed using Fresenius 4008S dialysis monitors, equipped with modules to measure ID. Data were manually collected and analyzed using the appropriate statistical software. Urea removal (UR) was measured once a week by a two-pool calculation, estimating an eKt/V. RESULTS: The Kt/V measured by ID highly correlated with the one derived from the measurement of the UR (r=0.8959, p< 0.0001). The ID underestimated UR by the mean of 6%. The ID varied greatly within individual patients with a median of 1.29 +/- 0.22. If the eKt/V > or = 1.2 is considered adequate, 33% of the patients would have been inadequately dialyzed. The mean HD duration to achieve an adequate dialysis was 4 hours and 47 minutes with high interpatient variability. CONCLUSION: The ID seems to be an easily obtained measure of the delivered dialysis dose, correlating well with standard UR method. Substantial individual variations imply that repeated measures (ideally for all treatments) are necessary to obtain a real answer to the mean treatment dose being delivered to the patients.  相似文献   

The dose of dialysis in hemodialysis patients: impact on nutrition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiple lines of evidence have indicated that the dose of hemodialysis impacts upon patient outcome. Among these outcome measures, nutrition is inextricably linked to the adequacy of the treatment. All of the methods of determining dialysis adequacy are based on assessing the removal of toxic substances retained in renal failure, the majority of which are derivatives of protein metabolism. Urea kinetics, employing urea as a surrogate for quantifying the elimination of small molecular weight nitrogenous substances, is the method that has been most thoroughly validated to date as defining a dose range for thrice-weekly hemodialysis: Both inadequate and optimal levels of hemodialysis dose have been identified by prospective, randomized clinic trials utilizing Kt/V(urea) as the index of adequacy. The impact of urea kinetics on nutritional status during thrice-weekly hemodialysis is discussed. Recently, in an attempt to improve outcome beyond that achievable with thrice-weekly hemodialysis, alternative regimens, consisting of daily treatments, have received increasing interest. In order to compare the dose of hemodialysis associated with these regimens with conventional thrice-weekly regimens in terms of removal of small molecular weight substances, standard Kt/V(urea), a parameter that combines treatment dose with treatment frequency, and thus allows for various intermittent therapies to be compared to continuous therapy, must be used. In addition, membrane flux and middle molecule removal, factors that have not yet been well defined as parameters of adequacy during thrice-weekly regimens, may be shown to be important indices with longer hemodialysis treatments, particularly daily nocturnal hemodialysis. The impact that these alternative regimens have had on nutritional status in hemodialysis patients and how they compare to conventional therapy are important considerations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The benefits of residual renal function (RRF) in peritoneal dialysis patients have been described frequently. However, previous reports have shown that RRF diminished faster in haemodialysis (HD) patients than in peritoneal dialysis patients, and in most of the studies in HD patients, RRF was ignored. In this study, the RRF in chronic HD patients was studied to assess its impact on patients' nutritional status. METHODS: In 41 chronic HD patients with at least a 2-year history of HD treatment, RRF was determined by a urine collection for 7 consecutive days. Nutritional parameters, such as percentage body fat, fat-free mass index, serum albumin concentration and normalized protein catabolic rate, were also measured. RESULTS: In all 41 patients, mean weekly total Kt/V urea was 4.88 and renal Kt/V urea was 0.65. RRF was well correlated with serum albumin concentration, but dialysis Kt/V urea was not. One year after the start of this study, RRF and nutritional indices were re-examined and patients were classified into two groups: with RRF, preserved residual renal diuresis over 200 ml/day (mean, 720 ml; range, 230-1640 ml), N=23; and without RRF, persistent anuria (mean, 51 ml; range, 0-190 ml), N=18. At the start of this study, the mean serum albumin concentration and mean normalized protein catabolic rate in patients with RRF were 3.84 g/dl and 1.16 g/kg/day, respectively, which were significantly higher than those in patients without RRF (P=0.02 and P=0.0002, respectively), despite total (renal+dialysis) Kt/V urea being equal in both groups. During the 1-year study period, there was no significant change in total Kt/V urea in either group. Mean serum albumin concentration increased to 4.05 g/dl in patients with RRF, but did not change significantly (from 3.66 to 3.62 g/dl) in patients without RRF. The same trend was observed in all other parameters. CONCLUSION: Over half of our HD patients had sufficient RRF. RRF itself may have a beneficial effect on nutritional parameters, and it is important to determine RRF over time, even in chronic HD patients.  相似文献   

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