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目的探究慢病毒介导聚蛋白多糖(Aggrecan)过表达质粒转染骨髓间充质干细胞联合Gelatin/PLGA纳米纤维多孔支架向软骨细胞转化及软骨缺损修复的作用效果。方法构建慢病毒聚蛋白多糖过表达载体,培养骨髓间充质干细胞,构建兔模型软骨缺损模型,实验组造模后植入Gelatin/PLGA三维支架+转染聚蛋白多糖过表达载体骨髓间充质干细胞复合物;阴性对照组造模后植入Gelatin/PLGA三维支架+未转染骨髓间充质干细胞复合物;模型组造模后加入生理盐水处理。体外实验利用HE染色和免疫组织化学染色检测骨髓间充质干细胞联合Gelatin/PLGA纳米纤维多孔支架的联合培养体系向软骨细胞转化中聚蛋白多糖和Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的表达。构建兔膝关节软骨缺损模型,HE染色和免疫组织化学分析复合支架材料对软骨缺损的修复效果。结果 a)实验组(Gelatin/PLGA纳米纤维多孔支架+转染Aggrecan过表达载体骨髓间充质干细胞复合物)中支架表面黏附的细胞与对照组(Gelatin/PLGA纳米纤维多孔支架+未转染骨髓间充质干细胞)相比,细胞数明显增多;b)动物模型大体观察结果显示,实验组的修复效果要明显优于阴性对照组;c)动物模型HE染色结果显示,阴性对照组多为纤维性修复,而实验组多为细胞性修复;d)免疫组织化学染色结果显示,实验组修复软骨组织中Aggrecan和Ⅱ型胶原含量要明显优于阴性对照组。结论 Gelatin/PLGA三维支架加转染Aggrecan过表达载体骨髓间充质干细胞复合物可以促进BMSC向软骨细胞的分化,并且分泌更多的含Aggrecan和Ⅱ型胶原成分的细胞外基质,从而发挥其促进软骨缺损修复的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探究慢病毒介导BMP-2过表达质粒转染骨髓间充质干细胞联合丝素蛋白支架向成骨细胞转化的作用效果。方法:构建慢病毒BMP-2过表达载体,培养骨髓间充质干细胞,构建细胞核支架的联合培养体系,体外实验利用茜素红染色和碱性磷酸酶染色检测骨髓间充质干细胞的成骨转化。选择10只新西兰大白兔,体重3.2~4.5 kg,平均3.9 kg;年龄(2.89±0.45)岁;使用口腔钻在兔子胫骨钻孔(长度5 mm、宽度2 mm、深度3 mm的锥形胫骨缺损)构建兔子胫骨骨缺损模型,HE染色观察动物模型内骨缺损的修复。实验组造模后植入丝素蛋白支架+转染BMP-2过表达载体骨髓间充质干细胞复合物,阴性对照组造模后植入丝素蛋白支架+未转染骨髓间充质干细胞复合物。结果:实验组(丝素蛋白支架+转染BMP-2过表达载体骨髓间充质干细胞复合物)中支架表面黏附的细胞与对照组(丝素蛋白支架+未转染骨髓间充质干细胞)相比,细胞数明显增多。实验组细胞外基质分泌与对照组相比,支架间细胞外基质含量明显增多。对照组支架表面元素EDX分析显示钙离子含量为0.22%,实验组支架表面元素EDX分析显示钙离子含量为0.86%,可见实验组诱导钙离子形成的能力要比对照组强。钙结节茜素红染色结果显示,对照组肉眼观无明显变化,镜下观察可见少量钙结节点。实验组肉眼观可见明显红色区域染色,镜下观察可见大量钙结节点。碱性磷酸酶染色结果显示,对照组肉眼观无明显变化,镜下观察未见明显变化。实验组肉眼观可见紫色区域染色,镜下观察可见ALP染色呈强阳性。丝素蛋白支架与骨髓间充质干细胞联合培养体系可以对软骨缺损有较好的修复作用,转染BMP-2骨髓间充质干细胞后修复作用明显优于未转染组。HE染色结果显示,对照组炎性细胞减少,支架略有消失。实验组炎性细胞明显减少,支架消失,血管生成。结论:慢病毒介导BMP-2过表达质粒可以促进BMSC向骨细胞的分化作用,并且分泌更多的含Ca2+成分的细胞外基质,从而发挥其促进骨缺损修复的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨脱细胞骨软骨支架接种自体骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)修复羊骨软骨缺损效果,探索骨软骨缺损新的修复方式。方法制备直径为8mm骨软骨脱细胞支架,培养羊BMSCs,接种于骨软骨支架,制备羊负重区骨软骨缺损模型,分空白、空白支架及细胞支架复合物3组,每组4只羊,3个月后处死动物取标本行大体及组织学检测。结果修复羊负重区骨软骨缺损模型实验结果显示细胞支架复合修复组骨软骨有较好修复,空白支架组软骨下骨基本修复、软骨侧无明显修复,空白对照组未见明显修复,缺损边缘软骨退变。结论含骨软骨连接结构的脱细胞骨软骨支架接种种子细胞能较好的修复羊负重区骨软骨缺损。  相似文献   

壳聚糖/羟基磷灰石支架修复骨软骨缺损的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的] 探讨双层壳聚糖(chitosan CS)/羟基磷灰石复合支架(hydroxyapatite HA)修复兔骨软骨缺损的可行性.[方法] 采用冻干法和烧结法制作双层壳聚糖(CS)/羟基磷灰石(HA)复合支架,以骨髓间充质干细胞为种子细胞,运用纤维蛋白胶种植技术,以双层壳聚糖(CS)/羟基磷灰石(HA)复合支架为载体,修复骨软骨缺损,实验分3组,A组:BMSc 支架,B组:单纯支架,C组:未处理.将修复材料植入骨软骨缺损模型,分别于6、12周取材,进行大体观察,组织学检测,改良Wakitani法评分,经统计学处理,比较各组修复效果差异(P<0.05).[结果] (1)CS/HA支架CS层孔隙率为76%± 5.01%,孔径为200~400 μm,平均为300 μm左右,孔相通性好,HA层孔隙率为72%± 4.23%,孔径为200~500 μm,平均为350 μm左右,孔相通性好,结合部结合好;(2)P2骨髓间充质干细胞较纯,扫描电镜观察MSCs附着在复合支架上.大体观察和组织学检测显示, A组基本修复软骨缺损,骨缺损有骨小梁长入.B、C组骨软骨缺损修复不良,组织学检测以纤维性组织或无新生组织形成,软骨及骨缺损均明显存在,改良Wakitani评分显示A组在6周、12周2个时间点的各项评分结果,均优于B、C组,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).[结论] 双层壳聚糖(CS)/羟基磷灰石(HA)复合支架可作为骨软骨组织工程支架,结合BMSc可修复软骨与骨的缺损,重建关节的解剖结构和功能.  相似文献   

关节软骨由于无血管、神经和淋巴管,损伤后自我修复能力极差。目前软骨损伤修复主要采用其他组织来源的间充质干细胞体外大量扩增或自体移植,然而体外扩增容易去分化,自体移植需要多次手术。理想的关节软骨修复要求新生软骨具有与原关节软骨相同的分层结构、生物特性及基质组分,并实现功能学恢复。激活内源性关节软骨干/祖细胞促进缺损部位自我修复或组织工程化软骨为软骨再生提供可能性。前期研究表明,关节软骨干/祖细胞在多个组织存在。该文对关节软骨干/祖细胞治疗关节软骨缺损研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的 探索自体脂肪干细胞修复猪关节软骨缺损的可行性.方法 从猪背部脂肪组织中获取脂肪干细胞,经过体外培养扩增,以50×106/ml的浓度将脂肪干细胞接种于PLGA(polylacticacid/polyglycolicacid,PLA/PGA,PLGA)中,细胞材料复合物在体外成软骨诱导2周.于猪膝关节软骨非负重区形成2个直径8mm的环形、全层软骨缺损,实验组回植经诱导后的细胞材料复合物,对照组放置单纯支架材料.术后12周取材,缺损修复区行大体观察、组织学HE及藏红花染色、免疫组化检测.结果 术后12周实验组缺损区大部分被修复,缺损被软骨组织填充,修复区表面光滑.组织学染色显示有典型的透明软骨样结构.藏红花染色发现修复组织表达丰富的聚合蛋白多糖.对照组则未能修复关节软骨缺损,缺损区面积增大,表面覆盖薄层纤维组织.结论 猪自体脂肪干细胞可以作为组织工程种子细胞,修复猪关节软骨缺损.  相似文献   

目的 利用兔同种异体软骨脱细胞基质支架和脂肪干细胞体外构建组织工程软骨,探讨其修复关节软骨损伤的可行性.方法 将新西兰大白兔的脂肪干细胞与软骨脱细胞基质支架复合,于软骨细胞方向诱导培养基中培养两周,构建组织工程软骨.兔24只随机分为A、B、C 3组, A组关节软骨缺损处置入经诱导的脂肪源干细胞复合软骨基质支架, B组缺损处只置入软骨基质支架, C组软骨缺损处不做任何处理.分别于术后第12周处死动物,修复处行大体、组织学、Ⅱ型胶原免疫组化染色和透射电镜检测.结果 A组软骨缺损处被类软骨组织填充,修复区表面光滑;Ⅱ型胶原免疫组化染色和甲苯胺蓝染色阳性;电镜下可见软骨陷窝内有细胞结构存在,且有大量均匀颗粒状细胞分泌基质成分存在,细胞周围大量胶原纤维.B组软骨缺损处为纤维组织状物填充,C组软骨缺损处无修复组织填充.结论 脂肪干细胞与软骨脱细胞基质复合并向软骨诱导后可良好地修复关节软骨缺损,具有替代正常软骨的潜力.  相似文献   

关节软骨缺损修复与组织工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关节软骨缺损自身修复能力很有限,目前的临床治疗手段无法达到满意修复.组织工程的发展为解决这个问题提供了新思路,使软骨组织缺损的完全再生成为可能.组织工程方法修复关节软骨缺损的最终目的是恢复软骨组织结构的完整性和功能稳定性.在细胞选择方面,软骨细胞主要要解决去分化问题,而间充质干细胞因为自体来源、易扩增、具有软骨细胞分化潜能,受到广泛重视,胚胎干细胞主要用于细胞的分化机制研究.生长因子因为作用效果不同,也趋向于联合应用.在支架材料选择方面,复合支架成为研究的主要方向.应用组织工程方法修复关节软骨缺损的效果存在一定的争议,主要是远期功能观察距离临床应用存在一定差距,在修复组织固位和生物力学影响方面还需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

骨关节炎是一种常见的关节退行性疾病, 而软骨损伤通常被认为是不可逆的关节变性早期因素。由于软骨的自我修复和再生能力有限, 目前软骨缺损的修复仍是一个具有挑战性的医学难题。近年来, 应用组织工程技术治疗软骨缺损被认为是一种新的治疗途径。软骨脱细胞基质(acellular cartilage matrix, ACM)保留了天然软骨的细胞外基质空间结构和生物活性成分, 能够最大程度地模拟天然软骨的细胞外环境, 是软骨修复与再生的理想材料。ACM的主要组成成分包括胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白、生长因子等, 其中Ⅱ型胶原蛋白是透明软骨中的主要类型, 在调节软骨组织的机械性能方面发挥重要作用。有研究证实Ⅱ型胶原蛋白、生长因子和低氧微环境分别在促进软骨再生中发挥重要作用。Ⅱ型胶原蛋白可以通过特定的方式诱导细胞聚集和软骨分化;ACM中含有的多种生长因子能够诱导Sox9的表达, 促进干细胞成软骨分化;低氧微环境可上调Ⅱ型胶原(COL2A1)、Sox9的表达并维持软骨细胞表型。此外, ACM已被广泛应用于软骨再生的研究, 将ACM制备成脱细胞支架、水凝胶或是利用3D生物打印技术对软骨缺损进行修复均取得了良好的软骨再...  相似文献   

目的 观察软骨脱细胞基质(Cartilage acellular extracellular matrix,CAEM)-Ⅱ型胶原(CollagenⅡ,COLⅡ)纳米支架,复合骨髓基质干细胞(Bone marrow stem cells,BMSCs)修复兔关节软骨缺损的效果。方法 CAEM和COLⅡ按质量比1∶1混合,通过静电纺丝技术制备组织工程纳米支架。将第二代BMSCs种植到该支架上,培养箱内静置2 h。12只日本大耳白兔随机分为实验组和对照组,将细胞支架复合物植入实验组兔膝关节软骨缺损处,对照组仅行膝关节软骨缺损建模。12周后实验动物取材,大体观察修复效果,并行HE染色、Ⅱ型胶原染色观察。结果 大体观察见实验组软骨缺损修复良好,对照组软骨缺损处由肉芽样组织充填。HE染色显示,实验组关节软骨缺损处可见软骨陷窝形成,对照组关节软骨缺损处仅有纤维组织充填。实验组修复区Ⅱ型胶原染色为阳性,对照组为阴性。结论 CAEM-COLⅡ纳米支架复合BMSC,对兔关节软骨缺损具有较好的修复能力,具有潜在的临床应用价值。  相似文献   



Although progenitor cells have been observed in articular cartilage, this part has a limited ability to repair due to a lack of blood supply. Formerly, tissue engineering was mainly based on collecting chondrocytes from the joint surface, culturing them on resorbable scaffolds such as poly D, L-lactic glycolic acid (PLGA) and then autologous transplantation. In recent times, due to difficulties in collecting chondrocytes, most of the researchers are focused on stem cells for producing these cells. Among the important factors in this approach, is using appropriate scaffolds with good mechanical and biological properties to provide optimal environment for growth and development of stem cells. In this study, we evaluated the potential of fibrin glue, PLGA and alginate scaffolds in providing a suitable environment for growth and chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the presence of transforming growth factor-β3.

Materials and Methods:

Fibrin glue, PLGA and alginate scaffolds were prepared and MSCs were isolated from human adipose tissue. Cells were cultured separately on the scaffolds and 2 weeks after differentiation, chondrogenic genes, cell proliferation ability and morphology in each scaffold were evaluated using real time-polymerase chain reaction, MTT chondrogenic assay and histological examination, respectively.


Proliferation of differentiated adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs) to chondrogenic cells in Fibrin glue were significantly higher than in other scaffolds. Also, Fibrin glue caused the highest expression of chondrogenic genes compared to the other scaffolds. Histological examination revealed that the pores of the Fibrin glue scaffolds were filled with cells uniformly distributed.


According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that natural scaffolds such as fibrin can be used as an appropriate environment for cartilage differentiation.  相似文献   

Silk fibroin (SF) is a natural, degradable, fibrous protein that is biocompatible, is easily processed, and possesses unique mechanical properties. Another natural material, wool keratose (WK), is a soluble derivative of wool keratin, containing amino acid sequences that induce cell adhesion. Here, we blended SF and WK to improve the poor electrospinability of WK and increase the adhesiveness of SF. We hypothesized that microwave‐induced argon plasma treatment would improve chondrogenic cell growth and cartilage‐specific extracellular matrix formation on a three‐dimensional SF/WK scaffold. After argon plasma treatment, static water contact angle measurement revealed increased hydrophilicity of the SF/WK scaffold, and scanning electron microscopy showed that treated SF/WK scaffolds had deeper and more cylindrical pores than nontreated scaffolds. Attachment and proliferation of neonatal human knee articular chondrocytes on treated SF/WK scaffolds increased significantly, followed by increased glycosaminoglycan synthesis. Our results suggest that microwave‐induced, plasma‐treated SF/WK scaffolds have potential in cartilage tissue engineering.  相似文献   

In an attempt to delay the progression of osteoarthritis from an index injury, early intervention via repair of injured musculoskeletal soft tissue has been advocated. Despite the development of a number of scaffolds intended to treat soft tissue defects, information about their functional performance is lacking. The goal of this study was to consolidate a suite of in vitro and in vivo models into a pre-clinical test platform to assess the functional performance of meniscal repair scaffolds. Our objective was to assess the ability of a scaffold (Actifit™; Orteq, UK) to carry load without detrimentally abrading against articular cartilage. Three test modules were used to assess the functional performance of meniscal repair scaffolds. The first module tested the ability of the scaffold to carry load in an in vitro model designed to measure the change in normal contact stress magnitude on the tibial plateau of cadaveric knees after scaffold implantation. The second module assessed the in vitro frictional coefficient of the scaffold against cartilage to assess the likelihood that the scaffold would destructively abrade against articular cartilage in vivo. The third module consisted of an assessment of functional performance in vivo by measuring the structure and composition of articular cartilage across the tibial plateau 12 months after scaffold implantation in an ovine model. In vitro, the scaffold improved contact mechanics relative to a partly meniscectomized knee suggesting that, in vivo, less damage would be seen in the scaffold implanted knees vs. partly meniscectomized knees. However, there was no significant difference in the condition of articular cartilage between the two groups. Moreover, in spite of the high coefficient of friction between the scaffold and articular cartilage, there was no significant damage in the articular cartilage underneath the scaffold. The discrepancy between the in vitro and in vivo models was likely influenced by the abundant tissue generated within the scaffold and the unexpected tissue that regenerated within the site of the partial meniscectomy. We are currently augmenting our suite of tests so that we can pre-clinically evaluate the functional performance at time zero and as a function of time after implantation.  相似文献   

Shi J  Zhang X  Zeng X  Zhu J  Pi Y  Zhou C  Ao Y 《Orthopedics》2012,35(5):e665-e671
Focal full-thickness articular cartilage defects are challenging to repair. The purpose of this study was to find a simple, effective 1-step articular cartilage repair method. Because stem cell niches produce a microenvironment for stem cell self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation, we integrated in situ bone marrow stem cells with an implanted poly(L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLLGA) scaffold. Marrow stem cells grew and proliferated on cell-free PLLGA scaffolds, which were evaluated by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and Cell Counting Kit-8 (Dojindo, Kumamoto, Japan). Twenty-seven rabbits (54 knees) with large cylinder femoral trochlear cartilage defects were created and repaired with microfracture and cell-free PLLGA scaffold implantation (group 1), microfracture (group 2), or cell-free PLLGA scaffold implantation (group 3).Outcomes were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging, International Cartilage Repair Society scores, histology, and immunohistochemistry. The repair effects were better in group 1 than in groups 2 and 3. In group 1, hyaline-like cartilage formed at week 24. Magnetic resonance imaging showed homogeneous signals as the adjacent normal cartilage. Collagen type II and toluidine blue were stained positively as normal cartilage tissue, and the color and thickness of regenerated tissue were similar to surrounding normal tissue. The combination of microfracture and cell-free PLLGA scaffold implantation used endogenous marrow stem cells in situ and promoted hyaline-like cartilage regeneration rapidly and effectively.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering has become a new approach for repairing bony defects. Highly porous osteoconductive scaffolds perform the important role for the success of bone regeneration. By biomimetic strategy, apatite-coated porous biomaterial based on silk fibroin scaffolds (SS) might provide an enhanced osteogenic environment for bone-related outcomes. To assess the effects of apatite-coated silk fibroin (mSS) biomaterials for bone healing as a tissue engineered bony scaffold, we explored a tissue engineered bony graft using mSS seeded with osteogenically induced autologous bone marrow stromal cells (bMSCs) to repair inferior mandibular border defects in a canine model. The results were compared with those treated with bMSCs/SS constructs, mSS alone, SS alone, autologous mandibular grafts and untreated blank defects. According to radiographic and histological examination, new bone formation was observed from 4 weeks post-operation, and the defect site was completely repaired after 12 months for the bMSCs/mSS group. In the bMSCs/SS group, new bone formation was observed with more residual silk scaffold remaining at the center of the defect compared with the bMSCs/mSS group. The engineered bone with bMSCs/mSS achieved satisfactory bone mineral densities (BMD) at 12 months post-operation close to those of normal mandible (p > 0.05). The quantities of newly formed bone area for the bMSCs/mSS group was higher than the bMSCs/SS group (p < 0.01), but no significant differences were found when compared with the autograft group (p > 0.05). In contrast, bony defects remained in the center with undegraded silk fibroin scaffold and fibrous connective tissue, and new bone only formed at the periphery in the groups treated with mSS or SS alone. The results suggested that apatite-coated silk fibroin scaffolds combined with bMSCs could be successfully used to repair mandibular critical size border defects and the premineralization of these porous silk fibroin protein scaffolds provided an increased osteoconductive environment for bMSCs to regenerate sufficient new bone tissue.  相似文献   

目的观察比较不同浓度重组人BMP-7对骨髓间充质干细胞复合组织工程支架材料TCP-COL体外构建组织工程软骨的影响。方法用梯度离心法获取人骨髓间充质干细胞(hMSCs),将扩增的第3代hMSCs以1×10~7/ml的细胞浓度接种在支架材料TCP-COL上,分为三组进行培养:对照组(成软骨诱导液培养),BMP-7(50)组(成软骨诱导液基础上加入50ng/ml的BMP-7),BMP-7(100)组(成软骨诱导液基础上加入100ng/ml的BMP-7)。培养2周后进行扫描电镜观察(SEM),苏木素伊红染色(HE),阿尔新蓝染色,Ⅱ型胶原免疫组织化学染色(IHC),荧光定量PCR(RT-PCR),糖胺多糖定量(GAG quantification assay)研究。结果扫描电镜与苏木素伊红染色结果显示细胞在TCP-COL生物支架中分布均匀且紧密粘附在材料表面。阿尔新蓝染色,Ⅱ型胶原免疫组织化学染色,二型胶原(F=76.931,P〈0.05),糖胺多糖(F=63.158,P〈0.05)荧光定量PCR,糖胺多糖定量(F=8.981,P〈0.05)结果显示BMP-7能有效促进人骨髓间充质干细胞复合支架材料TCP-COL体外成软骨,且100mg/ml的浓度应用效果大于50mg/ml。但在COL1基因的表达上,BMP-7(50)组和BMP-7(100)组都显著大于对照组(F=34.823,P〈0.05)。结论 BMP-7能有效促进人骨髓间充质干细胞复合支架材料TCP-COL体外成软骨,且100mg/ml的浓度应用效果大于50mg/ml,但应注意其促进骨质增生的作用。TCP-COL是一种有应用前景的生物支架材料。  相似文献   

Using a previously established canine model for repair of articular cartilage defects, this study evaluated the 15-week healing of chondral defects (i.e., to the tidemark) implanted with an autologous articular chondrocyte-seeded type II collagen scaffold that had been cultured in vitro for four weeks prior to implantation. The amount and composition of the reparative tissue were compared to results from our prior studies using the same animal model in which the following groups were analyzed: defects implanted with autologous chondrocyte-seeded collagen scaffolds that had been cultured in vitro for approximately 12 h prior to implantation, defects implanted with autologous chondrocytes alone, and untreated defects. Chondrocytes, isolated from articular cartilage harvested from the left knee joint of six adult canines, were expanded in number in monolayer for three weeks, seeded into porous type II collagen scaffolds, cultured for an additional four weeks in vitro and then implanted into chondral defects in the trochlear groove of the right knee joints. The percentages of specific tissue types filling the defects were evaluated histomorphometrically and certain mechanical properties of the repair tissue were determined. The reparative tissue filled 88+/-6% (mean+/-SEM; range 70-100%) of the cross-sectional area of the original defect, with hyaline cartilage accounting for 42+/-10% (range 7-67%) of defect area. These values were greater than those reported previously for untreated defects and defects implanted with a type II collagen scaffold seeded with autologous chondrocytes within 12 h prior to implantation. Most striking, was the decreased amount of fibrous tissue filling the defects in the current study, 5+/-5% (range 0-26%) as compared to previous treatments. Despite this improvement, indentation testing of the repair tissue formed in this study revealed that the compressive stiffness of the repair tissue was well below (20-fold lower stiffness) that of native articular cartilage.  相似文献   

人脐带间充质干细胞与蚕丝素多孔支架的体外复合培养   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的观察蚕丝素多孔支架对人脐带间充质干细胞(human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells,hUCMSCs)吸附作用及支架对hUCMSCs形态、功能及活性的影响,为脂肪组织工程支架选择提供实验依据。方法将hUCMSCs制成细胞悬液接种在蚕丝素多孔支架,荧光倒置相差显微镜、扫描电镜和四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)法观察hUCMSCs的吸附和生长情况。结果培养1~2d后可见hUCMSCs与蚕丝素多孔支架充分附着。培养5~7d细胞生长增殖十分活跃,10d左右时,蚕丝素多孔支架孔中hUCMSCs成片状融合。荧光倒置相差显微镜和扫描电镜见细胞与支架黏附良好并有大量基质分泌,且活性指标与正常培养的hUCMSCs比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论蚕丝素多孔支架对hUCMSCs具有良好的吸附作用,并能维持其正常形态、功能及活性,蚕丝素多孔支架是hUCMSCs三维立体培养时的良好天然支架。  相似文献   

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