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健身器材控制界面的通用化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  结果与结论:通过对现有市场上45款健身车、84款跑步机及129款健身器材的调查发现,其设计生产过程中及控制界面的显示、输入等功能主要考虑的使用者是普通人群。通用设计便是一种超越能力缺失的设计理念,以一种设计来满足不同人的不同需求,使得设计出来的产品能够减小甚至消除特殊人群与普通人群在使用上的能力差距。新的设计策略实现了健身器材控制界面的通用化设计,使其具有良好的人机交互性和通用性,能够满足特殊群体的使用需求,帮助更多的特殊群体进行健身锻炼,改善自身健康状况和身体机能。  相似文献   

刘昌华  吴建时 《中国康复》1993,8(4):148-150
残疾儿童问题,越来越受到政府和社会的重视。为了给今后采取措施、制订规划提供参考,充分开发、利用残疾人调查资料,现将我区残疾人调查中有关儿童部分加以整理,并进行初步讨论。资料与方法资料来源于《1987年全国残疾人抽样调查资料新疆分册》。抽样采用世界通用的分层、等距、整群的人口调查方法,并经质量抽查,主要项目调查数据和抽查数据对比核实,均无差错,符合设计要求。残疾人定性  相似文献   

作者介绍了瑞典简况(人口900万,21个郡议会)、使用辅助产品的统计数字(9.5%的人口使用各类辅助产品,其中70%是65岁以上老人)、各类残疾人的统计数字、政策目标和基本原则、一些定义、法律和法规、辅助产品的资金筹措、家居辅助产品(用于日常生活和处理事务)、教学和训练领域的辅助产品、用于工作的辅助产品、辅助产品处方,以及瑞典残障研究所的概况。  相似文献   

目的:探索不同境况下的肢体残疾人的需求差异,为制定康复服务政策提供客观依据。方法:针对肢体残疾人康复需求大样本流行病学调查研究。通过在无锡市滨湖区进行现况调查,采用横断面调查获取滨湖区9个街道(镇)肢体残疾人的调查问卷2831份,描述肢体残疾人的康复及相关需求。结果:2015年无锡市滨湖区肢体残疾人中男性占62.5%,女性占37.5%,但不同性别中康复服务需求率相仿,分别为33.6%、33.17%。残疾等级以二级和三级居多,康复服务需求率在一级、二级中需求率较高,分别为43.17%和45.14%。虽然青少年儿童肢体残疾人并不多,但其中有康复需求的人群占到了该人群的70.37%。婚姻状况中未婚肢体残疾人占绝大多数,而离异肢体残疾人的康复服务需求率最高,达40.85%。就业肢体残疾人的康复服务需求率明显低于未就业肢体残疾人。而过去1年获得过康复服务的依然有较高的康复服务需求率。功能训练依旧是滨湖区肢体残疾人的主要康复服务需求,同时辅具器具的需求量较大。结论:在肢体残疾人康复服务需求摸底与政策制定时可考虑适当倾斜儿童青少年、有婚姻经历、未就业、重残或过去曾有康复服务需求的残疾人群。通过健全机制,扩大部门合作和社会联动,加强残疾预防和健康教育,使更多肢体残疾人享受到适宜的康复服务。  相似文献   

目的:对江西省残疾人康复过程中医疗服务需求及其影响因素进行计量分析,试图找到对医疗服务有迫切需求的残疾人群的特征,从而使有限的扶残助残资源能够得到有效的利用。方法:抽取24个县(市、区)5310例残疾人进行调查,利用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果:曾接受过各种医疗服务、领取救济金、女性、中老年、无工作残疾人及精神与视力残疾者医疗服务需求程度相对较高,残疾人所在社区(村、居委会)没有康复站、拥有残疾人专职委员会或残疾人协会/小组等残疾人组织的需求程度较高。结论:应该增加政府投入,建立健全残疾人组织,扩大康复医疗服务的宣传教育,提高康复医疗服务提供的公平性,并将康复医疗服务重点向女性、中老年、无工作者等相对弱势群体和群众关心的精神残疾等人群倾斜。  相似文献   

目的研究如何运用ICF和世界卫生组织《社区康复指南》的架构和理论,构建社区体育活动服务体系以促进社区健康。方法运用ICF有关功能、残疾和健康的理论与方法,以及世界卫生组织《社区康复指南》矩阵作为社区体育活动与融合发展的架构,探讨社区体育活动。结果开展社区体育活动服务不仅可以提升不同参与人群的身体功能、运动能力,还可以促进构建健康行为方式,提升心理健康水平和提高幸福感。社区体育活动可以促进社区人群健康、康复、教育、生涯发展以及赋权。社区体育活动与社区健康、康复等活动的融合发展,共同构建现代社区健康服务体系。残疾人居家康复体育活动是以"社区-家庭-个人"形式开展的社区体育活动,残疾人居家康复体育活动指导是社区体育活动服务的重要组成部分,残疾人居家和社区体育活动指导是以个别化服务的形式,向残疾人提供有关体育活动的咨询、技能训练、运动环境的改造以及心理咨询与指导等,以促进他们形成健康的行为方式。结论运用ICF构建基于功能导向和整体健康的社区体育活动架构。运用世界卫生组织《社区康复指南》矩阵和方法促进体育活动与健康、康复、教育、职业发展和赋权等活动的融合,实现社区包容性发展和社区整体健康。从社区体育活动视角思考残疾人的居家康复体育作为社区体育活动的组成部分,为残疾人提供个别化的居家康复体育指导服务。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肢体残疾人群的伤害特征及服务需求。方法 采用自行编制的《残疾人伤害流行病学调查表》,对上海市长宁区新泾镇持有残疾证的肢体残疾人进行横断面调查。结果 共调查1 204人,有效问卷1 199份,应答率99.58%。调查结果显示,肢体残疾人的伤害发生率为31.61%,不同伤害类型中以跌倒发生率最高(19.43%),其中80岁及以上肢体残疾人群的发生率最高,达到34.07%。下肢残疾的调查对象较非下肢残疾的人群伤害发生率更高(2=6.342,P=0.012),且跌倒发生率更高(2=8.839,P=0.003)。发生伤害次数越多的人更需要加装扶手、拐杖安全性评估、检查视力并配镜以及居家安全环境评估等伤害防制服务。结论 肢体残疾人群伤害发生率较高,以跌倒伤为主,且对伤害防制有较大需求。  相似文献   

师昉  王龙  李鹏征  赵芳杰 《中国康复》2013,28(3):234-237
辅助器具是残疾人使用的,可以预防、补偿或代偿、减轻或消除损伤、活动限制和参与限制,提高、维持或改善残疾人功能的任何产品、器械、设备或技术系统。但随着时代的发展,辅助器具所适用的人群在不断扩大,老年人和某些疾病患者(如:骨折,脑卒中,帕金森病等)也需要辅助器具的帮助。尤其在康复医学领域,辅助器具评估适配越来越受到重视,康复从业者已经开始转变思想,由原来对患者进行单纯的机能训练转变为机能、  相似文献   

大学生残疾人态度量表测评   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 初步了解大学生对残疾人的态度.方法 对650名大学生采用残疾人态度量表问卷进行调查.结果 大学生对残疾人的态度在乐观-人权因素上存在性别差异,是否与残疾人有过接触的经历与其对残疾人的态度之间存在一定联系.结论 要重视在大学生人群中进行残疾与康复知识的教育.  相似文献   

刘莹  田化敏 《护理研究》2005,19(12):2699-2699
护理的目标是为人类的健康服务,按照最新的人口统计,中国有残疾人6000多万人,残疾人生理上的缺陷,给他们的生活带来了不便,但残疾人同样享有人权、尊严、生命价值、社会价值。护理工作者如何帮助这一弱势人群,关心残疾人的身心健康,掌握他们的认知方式、心理特点和生活基本需求尤为重要,这也是以病人为中心做好护理工作的前提。  相似文献   

Purpose. A growing emphasis has been placed on providing equal opportunities for all people, particularly people with disabilities, to support participation. Barriers to participation are represented in part by physical space restrictions. This article explores the decision-making process during the construction of a new office building housing a disability-rights organization. The building project featured in this study was developed on the principles of universal design, maximal accessibility, and sustainability to support access and participation.

Method. A qualitative case study approach was used involving collection of data through in-depth interviews with key decision-makers; non-participant observations at design meetings; and on-site tours. Qualitative thematic analysis along with the development of a classification system was used to understand specific building elements and the relevant decision processes from which they resulted.

Results. Recording and analyzing the design process revealed several key issues including grassroots involvement of stakeholders; interaction between universal design and sustainable design; addressing diversity through flexibility and universality; and segregationist accessibility versus universal design.

Conclusions. This case study revealed complex interactions between accessibility, universal design, and sustainability. Two visual models were proposed to understand and analyze these complexities.  相似文献   

Since publication of the Atkins Commission report in 2003, the national scientific community has placed significant emphasis on developing cyberinfrastructure-enabled knowledge communities, which are designed to facilitate enhanced efficiency and collaboration in geographically distributed networks of researchers. This article suggests that the new cyberinfrastructure movement may not fully benefit those participants with disabilities, unless closer attention is paid to legal mandates and universal design principles. Many technology-enhanced learning communities provide geographically distributed collaboration opportunities that expand the inclusion of diverse peoples and help close the digital divide. However, to date, most collaboratory efforts have not emphasized the need for access among people with disabilities nor meeting minimum standards for technological accessibility. To address these concerns, this article reports on two pilot collaboratory studies that explore the role advanced information, communication, and collaboration technologies play in enhancing geographically distributed collaboration among specific research and applied networks within the national disability community. Universal design principles inform the design of the collaboratory and its use and our efforts to ensure access for all. Data for this article come from Web-based surveys, interviews, observations, computer logs, and detailed, mixed-methods accessibility testing. Emerging results suggest that with deliberate and systematic efforts, cyberinfrastructure can be more accessible and generate benefits among persons with disabilities. The authors provide lessons learned and recommendations for future research, policy, law, and practice.  相似文献   

Universal design and assistive technology present advantages and disadvantages in accommodating the needs of people with disabilities. The best solution may be a combination of the two, using universal design wherever possible and commercially practical and using assistive technologies wherever it is necessary or provides sufficient additional advantage to the user. Three approaches are discussed for the individual who is unable to interact with their world: change the individual, provide them with tools they can use, or change the environment. Examples of each are illustrated using personal workstations and shared, public, and encountered systems. The final decision may rest on commercial practicality, and several new technologies are explored. Ultimately, we need to continue to move forward both on the universal design and the assistive technology fronts if we are to address the needs of people with disabilities and those who are aging.  相似文献   

Application of the seven principles of universal design of instruction in occupational therapy education is intended to meet the diverse learning needs of students and provide full access to educational experiences without disadvantaging some students (Bowe, 2000; Burgstahler, 2001; McGuire & Scott, 2002). The intended outcome is success for all students. Further, universal design of instruction is congruent with the occupational therapy core value of mutual respect, whereby... We treat people fairly and equitably. We acknowledge and support others regardless of differences. We appreciate their qualities, capabilities and contributions (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2003). While the benefits of universal design of instruction in occupational therapy curricula appear to be extensive, a caveat must be included. Use of any instructional design tool is legitimized when grounded in research. Though literature in multiple disciplines is expanding related to universal design of instruction, we need research specific to occupational therapy education.  相似文献   

Universal design and assistive technology present advantages and disadvantages in accommodating the needs of people with disabilities. The best solution may be a combination of the two, using universal design wherever possible and commercially practical and using assistive technologies wherever it is necessary or provides sufficient additional advantage to the user. Three approaches are discussed for the individual who is unable to interact with their world: change the individual, provide them with tools they can use, or change the environment. Examples of each are illustrated using personal workstations and shared, public, and encountered systems. The final decision may rest on commercial practicality, and several new technologies are explored. Ultimately, we need to continue to move forward both on the universal design and the assistive technology fronts if we are to address the needs of people with disabilities and those who are aging.  相似文献   

Purpose: In the USA, private businesses and the federal government contract with health plan companies to arrange and provide for specific health benefits and services. Most contracts are designed around acute care services for people without disabilities. We wanted to design a health benefit programme tailored to the needs of people with disabilities. Method: We convened two expert panels. The first, comprised of experts on government programme payments and benefit design, identified key services of a programme providing care for people with disabilities. The second panel, comprised of representatives of health plan companies, simulated the contract evaluation process. Results: Model health benefit programmes for people with disabilities are similar to programmes for people without disabilities, but should provide and pay for care co-ordination, non-medical benefits, and unlimited therapy while incorporating self-directed care. As existing health plan companies consider whether or not to sign a contract to provide these programmes, operational issues carry as much weight as financial factors. Conclusion: Purchasers seeking to contract with health plans to provide innovative programmes for people with disabilities must be willing to consider pilot projects, and to give the health plan companies projected utilization and cost data so they can predict their financial risk.  相似文献   

The terms assistive technology and universal design challenge designers, engineers, and technologists to consider the broadest possible use for the things they create, to make assistive technology as useful to non-disabled persons as to those with disabilities, and to make the products and environments we design as usable as possible for everyone, regardless of age or ability.  相似文献   

The terms assistive technology and universal design challenge designers, engineers, and technologists to consider the broadest possible use for the things they create, to make assistive technology as useful to nondisabled persons as to those with disabilities, and to make the products and environments we design as usable as possible for everyone, regardless of age or ability.  相似文献   

Use of cell phones has grown dramatically; however, there remains a gap between people with disabilities and the general public in regard to access to cellular telephony. This article describes the importance of cell phone use among people who use augmentative communication devices. An "off-the-shelf" solution is described and illustrated with the goal of improving access to mobile communication among individuals with significant communication disabilities. Finally, a discussion of the need for universal design of cell phones that includes such features as infrared ports, volume range, speakerphones, matrix displays, EZ buttons, voice dialing, and messaging is presented.  相似文献   

Purpose: This research describes the development and use of the Needs Analysis and Requirements Acquisition (NARA) framework to elicit and construct user requirements for the design of cell phones (which are a type of assistive technology) that are both usable and accessible to persons with disabilities. Method: Semi-structured interviews and a focus group were used to elicit information and a systematic approach was used to translation information into requirements (construct). Elicitation and construction are the first two stages of NARA. Results: Requirements for general and feature-specific phone attributes were identified, and several requirements were found to match six of the seven universal design principles. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that NARA is both a straight-forward and cost-effective method to develop user requirements and can be used throughout the development cycle.  相似文献   

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