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目的 通过对优质护理示范病房及普通病房病人满意度调查,更好的实施以病人为中心,为病人提供优质、全程的护理服务,提升住院病人满意度.方法 随机抽取实施优质护理示范病房组(实验组)114人,普通病房组(对照组)110人进行问卷调查,对满意度进行比较.结果 优质护理示范病房病人对护理工作满意度为96.19%,普通病房病人满意度为88.38%,2组相比差异有统计学意义,P<0.05.结论 通过优质护理示范病房的实施,提高了护士工作积极性,增强了护士责任感,为病人提供全程、优质的护理服务,全面了解病人的病情变化,提供高质量的护理,提升了住院病人的满意度.  相似文献   

易煊 《现代护理》2000,6(7):43-44
目的为了对整体护理模式病房和责任制护理病房病人满意度进行比较,笔者调查了178例住院病人.方法问卷调查,整体护理模式病房85例(实验组),责任制护理病房93例(对照组).结果整体护理模式病房病人对护理工作的满意度为94.6%,责任制病房病人满意度为77.6%,两组相比有显著差异(P<0.001).结论实施较为科学的整体护理模式,能促进护理学科的发展,有助于护士在实践中不断学习和更新护理知识,提高护理人员的专业水平,最终满足病人身心及健康教育的需求.  相似文献   

目的为了对整体护理模式病房和责任制护理病房病人满意度进行比较,笔者调查了178例住院病人.方法问卷调查,整体护理模式病房85例(实验组),责任制护理病房93例(对照组).结果整体护理模式病房病人对护理工作的满意度为94.6%,责任制病房病人满意度为77.6%,两组相比有显著差异(P<0.001).结论实施较为科学的整体护理模式,能促进护理学科的发展,有助于护士在实践中不断学习和更新护理知识,提高护理人员的专业水平,最终满足病人身心及健康教育的需求.  相似文献   

朱丽辉  李凤辉  祝益民 《护理研究》2013,(23):2512-2514
[目的]探讨以家庭为中心的护理(FCC)模式对儿科病房护理管理的影响。[方法]2010年10月—2012年10月,选择消化内科病房作为观察组,按FCC模式实施护理;呼吸内科病房作为对照组,按功能制护理模式实施护理,比较两组护理质量评分、不良事件的发生率及患儿家属、病房医师对护士工作的满意度。[结果]两组护理质量检查月平均总分、家属对护理工作的满意度以及医师对护士工作的满意度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]开展以家庭为中心的护理模式,有效提高了护理工作质量,提升了病人家属和医师对护士工作的满意度。  相似文献   

目的探讨改革排班模式在老年科病房的应用效果。方法随机选取综合医疗科4个病区中的2个病区实行改革夜班排班模式(观察组),另2个病区继续实行原有连续夜班排班模式(对照组),于实施后3个月,由非本病区的护士长分别调查2组病区患者对责任护士知晓率、护士对工作的满意度及护理质量。结果观察组患者对责任护士的知晓率、护士对工作满意度及护理质量都明显高于对照组,差异有显著统计学意义(P0.05)。结论改革夜班排班模式减少了责任护士频繁轮转夜班的次数,增加了护士的休息时间,保证了护士的睡眠时间,从而提高了护士对工作的满意度,保证了护理质量。  相似文献   

目的:探讨优质护理服务在精神科开放式病房中的应用效果。方法:学习领会优质护理服务示范工程精神实质,改善住院环境,规范服务流程,改革护士排班模式,实施小组责任制护理,夯实基础护理,规范康复治疗,改革护理质量控制等措施创建精神科优质护理服务示范病房,创建前(2010年2~7月)后(2010年7~12月)采用我院护理工作满意度调查表进行调查、比较。结果:创建优质护理服务示范病房后患者总满意度及对护理服务、护理技术、护士态度、病房环境维度的满意度与实施前比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:创建优质护理服务示范病房,护士服务由被动变主动,可有效地提高护理质量,提高患者满意度,同时能提升护士自我价值感。  相似文献   

目的探讨特需与普通病房护患关系现状,比较其差异。方法应用护士工作满意度量表[1]对普通病房30名和特需病房35名护理人员进行问卷调查。自编患者满意度量表问卷对普通和特需病房各30名患者进行问卷调查。结果特需病房住院患者的满意度显著高于普通病房。特需病房护理人员在家庭工作平衡和与共事者的关系高于普通病房。特需病房床护比显著低于普通病房。结论比较特需和普通病房的满意度,找出护理工作中存在的不足,并有针对性地改进护理工作。  相似文献   

王理瑛  张莉  颜萍  刘畅  汪惠才 《护理研究》2013,27(16):1622-1623
[目的]探讨应用分层管理模式对重症监护病房护士的实施效果,以提高护士工作满意度、护理质量,提高护理人力资源的利用效能。[方法]选取我院综合重症监护病房为研究对象,采用自行设计调查问卷,对开展分层管理前后护士的工作满意度及工作质量进行比较研究。[结果]实行护士分层管理模式后,重症监护病房护士工作满意度较实行分层管理前显著提高,上级护士、医生、护士自评结果显著提高(P<0.05)。[结论]实行分层管理,有效提高了护士的工作满意度和病人满意度。  相似文献   

小组负责制护理模式在优质护理服务示范病房中的应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
陈员娥  李艳  厉小小 《护士进修杂志》2011,26(12):1073-1074
目的探讨小组负责制护理模式在优质护理服务示范病房中的应用效果。方法选择2009年4~12月的传统责任制护理人员和护理对象为对照组,2010年4~12月在优质服务示范病房开展后采取小组负责制护理模式的护士与患者为实验组。采用浙江省护理质量评价标准及护士综合能力测评表评价护理质量,并统计基础护理合格率。结果患者及护士满意度、护士综合分析能力、基础护理合格率等方面两组差异有显著意义,P〈0.05。结论在优质护理服务示范病房中采用小组负责制护理模式,有利于提高患者和护士的满意度、护理质量及护士的综合能力。  相似文献   

连续排班模式对护士工作压力影响的评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 建立连续性排班管理标准并在相关科室组织试点,比较连续性排班模式病房与普通病房之间护士工作满意度水平的差异,并分析其原因.方法 采用Mueller/McCloskey满意度量表(MMSS),对连续性排班模式病房的396名护理人员和普通病房的142名护理人员发放调查问卷,并将调查结果 进行统计分析.结果 连续性排班模式病房护士总体满意度与普通病房相比差异有统计学意义,护士、护理组长及护士长工作满意度水平差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 连续性排班模式能够缓解各科室护理人力不足的压力,改善护理工作高峰时段护士的工作强度,改善护士不能按时下班的状况,从而使各层级护理人员工作满意度水平得到提高.  相似文献   

目的了解新型冠状病毒肺炎重症隔离病房护理人员生理期的工作体验和需求。方法采用质性研究的现象学研究方法,利用微信视频对13名重症隔离病房工作护士进行一对一半结构式访谈。结果共提炼出4个主题:生理期的困扰(周期异常、躯体不适症状严重、心理症状明显),应对经验(调整身心状态、物品准备、人为干预生理期),生理期需求及护理管理建议。结论新冠肺炎重症隔离病房工作给护理人员带来一定的生理期相关困扰,护理管理者需重视,采取人性化管理措施,引导护士科学应对,以减轻生理期困扰、保障护理工作质量。  相似文献   

Title. Service quality in hospital wards with different nursing organization: nurses’ ratings. Aim. This paper is a report of a study to assess: (1) the relations between nursing organization models in hospital wards and nurses’ perception of the quality of patient care and dimensions of the practice environment, and (2) if these relations were modified by variations in local conditions at the ward level. Background. Previous literature is inconclusive concerning what model of nursing organization maximizes the quality of nursing services. Method. A cross‐sectional survey was carried out in a representative sample of Norwegian hospital wards in 2005. Intra‐ward organization models were classified as: (1) Team leader (n = 30), characterized by extensive responsibilities for team leaders, (2) Primary nurse (n = 18), with extensive responsibilities for named nurses, and (3) Hybrid (n = 37), (1) and (2) combined. We prepared multilevel regression models using scales describing quality of patient care, learning climate, job satisfaction, and relationships with physicians as dependent variables. As independent variables, we used variables representing local ward conditions. Results. Eighty‐seven wards and 1137 nurses (55% response rate) provided complete data. The ward level proportion of variance ranged from 0·10 (job satisfaction) to 0·22 (relationships with physicians). The univariate effect of organization models on quality ratings was not statistically significant. Introducing local ward conditions led to a statistically significant effect of primary nurse organization on relationships with physicians, and to a substantial proportional reduction in ward level variance, ranging from 32% (quality of patient care) to 24% (learning climate). Conclusion. Caution is needed about using service quality arguments when considering the possible benefits and drawbacks of different organizational models.  相似文献   

鲍凤香  闫秀霞  林平 《护理研究》2005,19(7):640-641
[目的 ]开发研制护理信息系统(NIS) ,改进护理质量评价体系 ,并应用于病区护理工作质量控制及评价管理 ,为临床护理管理提供综合考核数据依据。 [方法 ]对临床护理指标考核评价 ,代入计算公式 ,得出数据 ,进行统计学分析。 [结果 ]使用该系统软件以来 ,各项护理工作耗时明显缩短、质量指标明显提高 ,使用前后的各项数据比较有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 1)。[结论 ]系统突出了环节质量和内在质量的控制、实施全员护理质量管理 ,有效地改进了护理工作质量的评价 ,提高了整体护理质量和工作效率 ,构建了护士长更科学、规范、定量管理的护理管理模式。  相似文献   

县级医院病房护士工作满意度调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解县级医院病房护士对工作的满意度,提出医院管理工作中存在的不足,制定改进措施。方法:采用Mueller/Mccloskey满意度量表(MMSS)对320名病房护士的工作满意度进行调查。结果:病房护士的工作满意度水平较低,其主要原因是福利待遇低,排班制度缺乏灵活性,护理专业发展机会少等。结论:医院及护理管理者应采取有效措施,提高病房护士的工作满意度,提高护士工作的积极性,从而提高护理质量水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解病房护士不稳定的原因,提高病房护士素质和护理质量.方法 采用问卷调查法对182名病房护士进行问卷调查.结果 护士离职意愿与护士的年龄、护龄、职称有显著相关性,离职原因依次为社会及医院管理、时间和工作量、工作环境、护理管理、护理专业本身及患者方面.结论 尊重病房护士,争取社会和医院的支持,改善护士工作环境,提高病房护士待遇,加强其自身修养,增加发展机会,加强护患沟通,密切护患关系,稳定病房护士.  相似文献   

Improving care quality is one of the duties of almost all health service providers. Although it is of much significance to identify the factors influencing nursing care quality in specific clinical settings, a few studies have been conducted to improve our knowledge in this regard. This study aimed to determine Iranian nurses' perceptions of the factors influencing quality of nursing care in general surgery wards. A qualitative approach was adopted using content analysis of semi-structured interviews carried out with 15 nurses working in general surgery wards of two educational hospitals. The following themes and subthemes emerged from the analysis: 'beyond daily routine tasks', 'cooperation and the promotion of effective relationship' and 'updating education'. The second theme consisted of two subthemes: 'relationship among care team members' and 'communication between nurses, patients and relatives'. Providing qualified nursing care in Iran is complicated contextually and is somehow controversial. The study participants believed that in this context, proper delivery of appropriate nursing care is difficult for nurses owing to the barriers mentioned. Therefore, as a primitive action health care policy makers and managers are required to bring sensible changes into health care system through legislating suitable rules to guarantee the quality of nursing cares.  相似文献   

目的 研究不同层级护士在病区临床护理岗位的工作职责.方法 在前期对护士进行分层级管理的基础上,通过资料分析、实地观察法,总结出护士在病区临床护理岗位的工作任务,根据工作任务形成各层级护士岗位职责调查问卷,对重庆市某三级甲等综合医院132名病区临床护士进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行分析.结果 病区临床护士主要承担包括临床护理、护理管理、护理教学和护理科研4个方面共11项工作任务,根据11项工作任务,界定出N0级护士4项、N1级护士6项、N2级护士10项、N3级护士11项、N4级护士8项和N5级护士5项共44项工作职责.结论 通过科学化、系统化的方法明确不同层级护士在病区临床护理岗位的工作职责,为病区临床护士的工作提供具体明确的指导;为医院能科学的对病区临床护士进行人员配置、绩效考核、能力培训等提供决策依据;也为我国护士岗位管理工作的推进提供参考.  相似文献   

This study investigated work motivation and job satisfaction at hospital wards with high and low levels of job enrichment. Primary nursing was assumed to represent a highly enriched job, whereas functional nursing represented a job with a low level of enrichment. Five surgical wards were divided into these two categories based on the structured interviews with head nurses. Work motivation and job satisfaction among ward personnel were assessed by a questionnaire. The ward personnel occupying highly enriched jobs reported significantly higher work motivation and satisfaction with the management than the personnel occupying jobs with a low level of enrichment.  相似文献   

目的探讨小组责任制护理模式在优质护理示范病房中的实践效果。方法选择某医院5个科室为优质护理服务示范病房,实施小组责任制护理模式,建立责任小组,确立不同级别人员的职责。比较实施前后患者对护理工作满意度、医生对护士工作满意度、护理质量及护士职业认同感等。结果实施小组责任制护理模式后,患者对护理工作满意度、医生对护士工作满意度、临床护理质量、护士职业认同感均明显提高(P﹤0.01或P﹤0.05)。结论实施小组责任制护理模式可以优化临床护理工作模式,提高患者对护理工作的满意度及护理质量。  相似文献   

Background. RAFAELA is a new Finnish PCS, which is used in several University Hospitals and Central Hospitals and has aroused considerable interest in hospitals in Europe. Aims and objectives. The aim of the research is firstly to assess the feasibility of the RAFAELA Patient Classification System (PCS) in nursing staff management and, secondly, whether it can be seen as the transferring of nursing resources between wards according to the information received from nursing care intensity classification. Methods. The material was received from the Central Hospital's 12 general wards between 2000 and 2001. The RAFAELA PCS consists of three different measures: a system measuring patient care intensity, a system recording daily nursing resources, and a system measuring the optimal nursing care intensity/nurse situation. The data were analysed in proportion to the labour costs of nursing work and, from that, we calculated the employer's loss (a situation below the optimal level) and savings (a situation above the optimal level) per ward as both costs and the number of nurses. Results. In 2000 the wards had on average 77 days below the optimal level and 106 days above it. In 2001 the wards had on average 71 days below the optimal level and 129 above it. Converting all these days to monetary and personnel resources the employer lost €307,745 or 9.84 nurses and saved €369,080 or 11.80 nurses in total in 2000. In 2001 the employer lost in total €242,143 or 7.58 nurses and saved €457,615 or 14.32 nurses. During the time period of the research nursing resources seemed not have been transferred between wards. Conclusions. RAFAELA PCS is applicable to the allocation of nursing resources but its possibilities have not been entirely used in the researched hospital. The management of nursing work should actively use the information received in nursing care intensity classification and plan and implement the transferring of nursing resources in order to ensure the quality of patient care. Relevance to clinical practice. Information on which units resources should be allocated to is needed in the planning of staff resources of the whole hospital. More resources do not solve the managerial problem of the right allocation of resources. If resources are placed wrongly, the problems of daily staff management and cost control continue.  相似文献   

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