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移动护理信息系统是将无线网络与移动电脑相结合,从而为护士提供患者床旁的信息需求。通过阐述目前移动护理信息系统的发展及分类、应用领域及应用功能,明确移动护理信息系统的应用现状,为国内移动护理信息系统的进一步完善和发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨移动护理信息系统在优质护理服务中的应用效果.方法:选择2011年1~7月使用移动护理信息系统前患者460例,对其按传统方法进行护理;选择2011年8月~2012年2月使用移动护理信息后患者476例,将移动护理信息系统应用于临床,比较移动护理信息系统使用前后住院患者的满意度、医师对护士工作的满意度、护士对自身工作的满意度及护理质量.结果:患者及医护人员对护理工作的满意度均有提升,护理服务质量明显提高.结论:移动护理信息系统的应用有利于规范临床护理工作,提高患者满意度,为优质护理服务质量提供了有力保障.  相似文献   

移动护理信息系统是近几年迅速发展起来的一种新技术,护士是应用此系统的最直接、最广大的群体,但其在应用过程中受到诸多因素的影响。本文综述了目前影响护士使用移动护理信息系统的因素,以期为移动护理信息系统的顺利使用和继续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨移动护理信息系统PDA在优质护理服务中的应用效果。方法选择2014年6-11月入住我科的90例患者,对比引入PDA前后的护理效果,6-8月未使用45例,按传统方法进行护理及健康宣教;9-11月使用45例,应用移动护理信息系统进行护理及健康宣教。比较两组患者的健康知识及对本次住院知识需求知晓率、满意度以及治疗护理依从性。结果患者对护理工作的满意度明显提升,护理服务质量提高,患者的治疗护理依从性也有较大的改善,较使用前差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论移动护理信息系统的应用有利于改进临床护理工作,为优质护理服务质量提供有力保障。  相似文献   

杜文娟  张桂 《中国误诊学杂志》2011,11(20):4880-4881
目的 探索PDA在无线护理信息系统建设中的应用.方法 2009-04起南京军区南京总医院呼吸内科应用无线护理信息系统,通过临床实践及反馈,总结PDA在系统建设过程中的优势,所存在问题及对策.结果 及结论在无线信息系统建设过程中,PDA使护理工作的移动办公成为可能,提高了护理工作效率,提升了护理管理的质量.  相似文献   

目的探讨移动护理信息系统在临床输血护理安全管理中的应用效果,实现安全输血管理信息化,提高输血护理质量。方法移动护理信息系统实施前(2017年11—12月)临床输血472例次,移动护理信息系统实施后(2018年4—5月)临床输血441例次,比较实施前后护士输血查对规范化行为、输血护理质量、输血不良事件发生情况、医疗不良事件发生情况。结果移动护理信息系统实施后血标本采集双人核对率、床边输注双人核对执行率、血制品取回后30 min内输注率、输血前15 min巡视率、血制品取回4 h内输注完毕率均高于实施前(P 0. 05)。移动护理信息系统实施前后血袋入科双人核对率均为100%。移动护理信息系统实施前发生2例输血不良反应,其中1例为过敏反应,1例为寒颤发热反应;移动护理信息系统实施后发生1例过敏反应,均给予及时处理后症状缓解。结论移动护理信息系统应用于临床输血护理安全管理中,规范了输血流程、过程环节可追踪,提高了输血护理质量,确保了临床输血安全。  相似文献   

目的:探讨移动护理工作站在神经外科护理工作中的临床应用效果。方法:随机选取2015年3~6月引入移动护理信息系统前的200例患者为对照组,选取2015年9~12月引进移动护理信息系统后的200例患者为观察组,比较两组护理质量、患者满意度及护理缺陷等。结果:观察组护理质量、满意度均明显高于对照组(P0.05),护理缺陷发生率明显低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:移动护理信息系统便于操作,符合时代发展特征,不仅可以提高护理质量,还可以节约资源,提高患者满意度,对医护人员的工作产生激励作用,为临床护理工作的开展提供有力支持。  相似文献   

为了全面提高护理管理水平和护理质量,采用医惠护理信息系统进行精细化管理,该系统具有移动护士工作站及护理信息管理两大功能。通过对应用前及应用后的护理质量信息数据进行比较,医惠护理信息系统的应用使护理质量及护理管理水平均比实施前提高。应用医院信息系统促进了护理管理精细化,有效地提高了护理质量及护理管理水平。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨移动信息系统下重点护理流程闭环管理的构建与应用效果。[方法]以六级电子病历为基础,多学科团队构建移动信息系统下重点护理流程闭环管理模式,比较该模式应用前后护理不良事件发生情况和医护患满意度。[结果]应用重点护理流程闭环管理模式后,输液、手术病人交接及血标本采集不良事件发生率低于应用前(P0.05);医护患满意度较应用前提高。[结论]移动信息系统下重点护理流程闭环管理模式的构建与应用,有助于降低不良事件发生率,提高病人及医护人员满意度。  相似文献   

主要综述了移动信息系统(MNIS)在护理病历书写、护理查房、健康宣教和临床教学等护理工作中的应用,分析了MNIS运用过程中存在的问题,讨论了相应的解决方案,并展望其发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的完善腰椎手术患者临床护理路径,为患者提供规范化、科学化的护理服务模式,培养护士发现问题、思考分析问题及解决问题的能力,建立护士临床护理思维。方法以病历和文献回顾为理论依据,以科室现使用的临床路径为基础,查阅患者在手术不同阶段产生的主要护理问题与干预措施,结合《护理结局分类》形成针对性的腰椎手术患者结局评价指标。经过专家咨询与修改,形成符合腰椎手术患者的临床护理路径。结果构建了以护理结局为导向的腰椎手术患者住院当天、术前日、手术日、术后1~3 d、术后4~10 d不同阶段的临床护理路径。结论以护理结局为导向的腰椎手术患者临床护理路径,集中了临床护理路径与护理程序的优势,实现了从个案管理到群体化护理,在使用过程中能充分反映不同层级护理人员的水平与资质,增加护士间的团队合作精神。  相似文献   

护理本科生护理学基础双语教学效果评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 分析护理学基础理论课双语教学效果与存在的问题,以探讨提高双语教学效果的对策.方法 于2010年对2008级105名护理本科生开展1学年的护理学基础理论课双语教学后,采用自行设计的护理学基础双语教学效果评价问卷对全部学生进行调查,分析教学效果与存在的问题.结果 护理本科生英语基础较好,学习潜力较大,学习积极性有待提...  相似文献   

PURPOSE.  This case study illustrates the characteristics of, and challenges for, a woman in the United States with multiple health problems.
DATA SOURCES.  Data were obtained through the authors' experience and knowledge of community health nursing and from published literature.
DATA SYNTHESIS.  NANDA International, Nursing Interventions Classification, and Nursing Outcomes Classification were utilized to identify appropriate nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes for the client.
CONCLUSION.  This case study illustrates and provides appropriate nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes relevant to a woman with many health concerns. It provides guidance for nurses in community health settings when caring for patients with multiple health problems.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE.  Utilizing the standardized nursing languages of NANDA International, Nursing Interventions Classification, and Nursing Outcomes Classification can provide the necessary framework for enhancing and improving the management of care for patients with many health concerns in the community setting.  相似文献   

Nursing management diagnosis based on nursing and management science, merges "nursing diagnosis" and "organizational diagnosis". Nursing management diagnosis is a judgment about nursing organizational problems. The diagnoses provide a basis for nurse manager interventions to achieve outcomes for which a nurse manager is accountable. A nursing organizational problem is a discrepancy between what should be happening and what is actually happening that prevents thegoals of nursing from being accomplished. The purpose of this study was to validate 73 nursing management diagnoses identified previously in 1992: 71 of the 72 diagnoses were considered valid by at least 70% of136 participants. Diagnoses considered to have high priority for future research and development were identified by summing the mean scores for perceived frequency of occurrence and level of disruption. Further development of nursing management diagnoses and testing of their effectiveness in enhancing decision making is recommended.  相似文献   

The authors describe the development of a research tool for studies on nursing diagnosis by the Computer-Aided Research in Nursing (CARIN) project. The tool, a computerized assessment guide, has reliable and valid items for the identification of patient problem areas. The patient information in the assessment guide, nursing diagnoses identified by the clinical nurse specialist, and a statistical interface are linked in a customized computer program for the CARIN project, providing a system capable of analyzing patient problems from several perspectives. The system provides an accurate assessment and subsequent analysis of patient problems, as well as large data sets. Implications for the future of nursing diagnosis research are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE. This case study illustrates the characteristics of, and challenges for, a woman in the United States with multiple health problems. DATA SOURCES. Data were obtained through the authors' experience and knowledge of community health nursing and from published literature. DATA SYNTHESIS. NANDA International, Nursing Interventions Classification, and Nursing Outcomes Classification were utilized to identify appropriate nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes for the client. CONCLUSION. This case study illustrates and provides appropriate nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes relevant to a woman with many health concerns. It provides guidance for nurses in community health settings when caring for patients with multiple health problems. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE. Utilizing the standardized nursing languages of NANDA International, Nursing Interventions Classification, and Nursing Outcomes Classification can provide the necessary framework for enhancing and improving the management of care for patients with many health concerns in the community setting.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nursing students are at high risk to become a victim of patient aggression. There is little evidence that training programmes developed for post-registered nurses or nurses in psychiatric or forensic settings can meet the needs of nursing students. To gain more insight into student nurses' educational outcomes in Germany the view of the target group was explored. METHODS: Twelve nursing students participated in semi-structured interviews. Data were evaluated by qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: Managing patient aggression is a general challenge for nursing students and is not confined to psychiatric settings. Specific problems of beginners became evident. Additionally, general issues were addressed on control of causes of aggression, interpretation aggressive situations, dealing with the aggressive patient, coping with stress, and organizational issues. CONCLUSION: Nursing students need preparation and training in handling patient aggression. They should acquire knowledge about aggression, awareness of contributing problems, self-confidence in dealing with aggressive patients, assertiveness and empathy in communication and the ability to cope in an appropriate manner. In addition the safety policy of hospital placements should be examined for appropriateness to support nursing students.  相似文献   

采用北美护理诊断协会对护理诊断的定义分析心血管内科87份病历中264项护理诊断,符合定义特征的168项(63.64%),不符合定义特征的96项(36.36%),其中护理措施不能解决护理问题的48项、陈述错误的16项、医护合作性问题与护理诊断相混淆的20项、护理诊断与医疗诊断相混淆的12项。说明部分护理人员对护理诊断的内涵认识不足,需加强学习  相似文献   

对62份护理病历中462项护理诊断采用北美护理诊断协会(NANDA)对护理诊断的定义进行分析,符合定义特征的326项,占70.56%;不符合定义特征的136项,占29.44%。136项护理诊断中陈述错误或用语不当27项,其中有些护理诊断与医学诊断相混淆,有些与护理问题相混淆。说明部分护理人员对护理诊断的概念还不理解,需加强学习,深刻了解其内涵。  相似文献   

The winds of change have swept in a new era for nursing. Complex decisions can be aided by a conceptual model for nursing administration practice. The authors discuss how the Iowa Model of Nursing Administration can be used by nurse administrators to solve administrative problems. Two practical examples are described.  相似文献   

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