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以素质教育为核心的护理教育改革实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年北京协和医学院(时称中国协和医科大学)建立了我国第一所护理学院,同时承担了国家教育部。面向21世纪教育教学课程体系改革”护理专业的重点课题。这项改革旨在按照现代护理观和教育观探索既符合国情又能同国际接轨的,面向21世纪的护理教育新途径,目的是以素质教育为核心,使学生学会学习、学会思考、学会生活、学会做人,成为适应21世纪的合格护理人才。  相似文献   

陈丽敏 《护理研究》2006,20(33):3093-3094
21世纪,我国护理教学改革已经进入了新的发展时期,尤其是国家教育部和卫生部联合组织的《面向21世纪高等医学教育课程体系建设和改革》课题的广泛实施,极大地促进了医学和护理教育的发展[1]。高等护理教育课程作为达到教育目的的主要手段,必须加以改革与创新,要着眼于21世纪发展趋势与要求,以学生的发展为本,把学生身心全面发展和个性、潜能发展作为核心,充分借鉴已有的课程改革实践经验和成果,培养符合21世纪需要的高层次护理人才[1]。在当前推行以人为本的整体护理背景下,现代护理教育越来越重视培养学生的探索精神、科研精神、创新精神,…  相似文献   

用多样化教学方式提高本科护理专业学生综合素质   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
21世纪护理模式的改变,给目前高等护理教育提出了严峻的挑战,如何去培养学生创造性地解决问题的能力和综合素质的全面提高,成了当前高等护理教育改革的重要课题。虽然教学内容和课程体系的改革是人才培养式改革的落脚点,而教学方法的改革是教学改革的重要内容。目前部分国内高校生理学教学已采用专题讲座式、讨论式等教学方式,国外院校也采取了缩短讲课时间比例,增加小组讨论等教学方式。在吸收这些经验的基础上。针对我校学生特点,我们在理论教学中开展了一系列教学改革活动,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

陈丽敏 《护理研究》2006,20(11):3093-3094
21世纪。我国护理教学改革已经进入了新的发展时期,尤其是国家教育部和卫生部联合组织的《面向21世纪高等医学教育课程体系建设和改革》课题的广泛实施,极大地促进了医学和护理教育的发展。高等护理教育课程作为达到教育目的的主要手段,必须加以改革与创新,要着眼于21世纪发展趋势与要求,以学生的发展为本,把学生身心全面发展和个性、潜能发展作为核心,充分借鉴已有的课程改革实践经验和成果,培养符合21世纪需要的高层次护理人才。在当前推行以人为本的整体护理背景下,现代护理教育越来越重视培养学生的探索精神、科研精神、创新精神,通过研究改进护理工作和提高对病人的护理。这也正和分组式教学的功能相吻合。为了充分发挥该模式对护理人才培养的作用,对其理论基础以及在护理教育领域中的教学程序、教学效果进行探讨是很有必要的。  相似文献   

通过国内外护理教育现状比较,分析我国护理教育存在的问题,提出21世纪我国高等护理教育改革的方向:一是确定教育目标,重组教学内容,突出护理专业特点,以护理为主线贯穿始终.二是优化课程体系,创立体现生物、心理、社会医学模式的以人为本的课程体系,改变只注重疾病而不注重心理变化的课程体系.三是教学安排上注重学生能力培养,让学生早期接触临床实践.四是加强师资队伍建设,提高教师的学历层次,以适应培养21世纪高素质护理人才的需要.  相似文献   

用多样化教学方式提高本科护理专业学生综合素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪护理模式的改变,给目前高等护理教育提出了严峻的挑战,如何去培养学生创造性地解决问题的能力和综合素质的全面提高,成了当前高等护理教育改革的重要课题。虽然教学内容和课程体系的改革是人才培养式改革的落脚点,而教学方法的改革是教学改革的重要内容。目前部分国内高校生理学教学已采用专题讲座式、讨论式等教学方式,国外院校也采取了缩短讲课时间比例,增加小组讨论等教学方式[1,2]。在吸收这些经验的基础上,针对我校学生特点,我们在理论教学中开展了一系列教学改革活动,取得了良好的教学效果。1改革的主客观条件与思路1.1客观上具…  相似文献   

我国高等护理教育的发展及改革方向   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
刘扬 《现代护理》2002,8(3):226-227
通过国内外护理教育现状比较,分析我国护理教育存在的问题,提出21世纪我国高等护理教育改革的方向:一是确定教育目标,重组教学内容,突出护理专业特点,以护理为主线贯穿始终。二是优化课程体系,创立体现生物、心理、社会医学模式的以人为本的课程体系,改变只注重疾病而不注重心理变化的课程体系。三是教学安排上注重学生能力培养,让学生早期接触临床实践。四是加强师资队伍建设,提高教师的学历层次,以适应培养21世纪高素质护理人才的需求。  相似文献   

护理教育改革的若干思路及探讨   总被引:120,自引:6,他引:114  
通过对当前我国护理教育存在问题的分析和对21世纪护理教育改革趋势的阐述,提出新世纪我国护理教育改革的思路一是要优化教育层次结构,压缩中专,大力发展大专,稳妥发展本科护理教育;二是要优化课程体系,根据护、医、文相结合与相互渗透的原则,构筑能反映全面素质教育思想、符合新世纪护理人才培养目标的新课程体系;其三要优化教学内容,使教学能更好地体现护理教育宗旨和理念,努力提高教学质量;第四要加强护理师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

李雪莉  刘幼昆  邓三妤 《护理研究》2013,27(16):1646-1647
21世纪社会发展及护理专业学科发展趋势对高等护理人才培养提出了新要求,加入WTO后,中外联合办学与护理人才国际交流的增加,促使中国高等护理教育走上国际标准化轨道。因此,研究与探讨与国际护理教育接轨的本科护理教育课程体系的建立和护理人才培养模式问题是我国高等护理教育改革面临的重要课题,它决定护理教育的根本方向,决定着护理人才培养的质量,决定着护理人员的专业水平,进而也决定我国护理人  相似文献   

护理教育是一项系统工程,其中包括课程体系、教学内容、教学方法、教学安排等诸多环节的有机结合,而教学方法是体现教育理念,实现教学目标的有效手段。在我院完成的国家教育部“面向21世纪护理教育课程体系和教学内容改革”的课题中,以注重培养学生的能力和素质为根本,突出学生在教学活动中与教师的互动作用,根据护理教学的自身特点,探究并尝试了以下若干种课堂教学方法,并通过教学过程的检验,收到了满意的效果。  相似文献   

Background:  This paper describes a Nursing Development Programme in Tajikistan where four organizations worked together to develop some innovative changes in nursing practice and education. Within the context of Health Care Reform the Government of Tajikistan provided a climate for Nursing Development. The joint efforts of the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Midwifery at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, and the Aga Khan Health Service in Tajikistan, have led to major changes in education and practice.
Methods:  The project focused on the development of new standards for practice in Gorno Badakhshan and a new Family Health Nurse curriculum for all students entering nursing programmes. A Nursing Centre was opened to provide leadership in education and practice and a co-ordinating Council was established to develop professional standards.
Results:  The project has demonstrated that nurses in Tajikistan have embraced the developments in both education and practice with the aim of improving the care they give to their communities and the support they provide for the teams within which they work.
Conclusions:  The project also illustrates how different organizations can work effectively together. Key principles identified from this project for effective collaborative working include: communication, common goals, shared expertise, pooled funding and close alignment with Government strategies for Health Reform.  相似文献   

Care of patients at the end of life is contingent on adequate preparation of health care providers. Nursing, as the predominant caring profession in end-of-life (EOL) care, must achieve competence in physical and psychosocial care of patients and families facing terminal illness. Previous research has demonstrated that nursing education has not prepared nurses to provide optimum EOL care. To date, there has not been a unified or organized effort to broadly address the preparation of nurses in EOL care. This article describes one national project, the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC), which was developed as a comprehensive effort to improve EOL care by nurses in the United States. The ELNEC project consists of EOL education for various nursing audiences: the undergraduate faculty; continuing education providers; paediatrics; oncology; and the graduate faculty. This organized effort is a major step towards strengthening nursing knowledge in EOL care to improve care of the dying.  相似文献   

Continuing professional development is an essential element in professional nursing practice. In our Hospital and Health service, a gap in existing nursing pathways was identified for Assistants in Nursing (AINs), who wished to further their career in nursing and progress to Enrolled Nurse (EN). There is also little in the literature that addresses Assistants in Nursing wishing to progress their career to Enrolled Nurses. This article describes a quality improvement project designed to address this gap. The project was a collaborative venture between a Queensland Hospital and Health Service and an Institute of Tertiary and Further Education (TAFE). The focus was on creating a flexible career path for Assistants in Nursing, wishing to become Enrolled Nurses. The project resulted in the Diploma of Nursing program (theory and practice) being delivered within the hospital setting by nurse educators and clinical nurse consultants. This is unusual in that the program is normally delivered in the tertiary setting, by academic staff from the Institute of Further Education. Program implementation is described along with the challenges encountered. Outcomes from the project were: 78% completion rate; 100% employment on completion of their course of study; and 18% progressing to further their education such as Advance Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse. Student satisfaction regarding the program was also positive. The initiative established a local career path for Assistants in Nursing wishing to progress to Enrolled Nurse. This quality project demonstrates that collaborative ventures between the tertiary sector and hospital and health services, can create innovative flexible solutions for staff wishing to further their career in nursing.  相似文献   

The three-year project, a Multi-Faceted Program for Continuing Education in Nursing, provided for development of multiple new and innovative approaches to providing continuing education for nurses. The major accomplishments of the project were: 1. The development and testing of a nursing self-assessment inventory. 2. The establishment of learning laboratories for nursing continuing education in rural communities with emphasis on use of self-instructional materials. 3. Participation in the implementation of a regional plan for continuing education in nursing. 4. The preparation of nurses in rural areas in the skills of planning and implementation of local nursing continuing education programs. 5. The development and implementation of strategies for exposing the public to new roles of nurses through the use of mass media.  相似文献   

L.Y.K. Lee rn  rm  rtn  phd  J.K.L. Lee rn  rtn  phd  M.K. Li rn  rm  rtn  bn  bcm  ma 《International nursing review》2010,57(3):359-364
LEE L.Y.K., LEE J.K.L., WONG K.F., TSANG A.Y.K. & LI M.K. (2010) The establishment of an integrated skills training centre for undergraduate nursing education. International Nursing Review 57 , 359–364 Aim: This paper details the experience of establishing an integrated skills training centre for use in undergraduate nursing education in The Open University of Hong Kong. Background: Skills training is an essential element in undergraduate nursing education. Owing to the increasing complexity of the health‐care system and patient health needs, undergraduate nursing students should be well prepared for integrated skills competency, critical thinking and rapid decision‐making. To achieve this goal, the use of simulation as a skills training tool is being recommended. Conclusion: The Clinical Nursing Education Centre is established. It adopts simulation as a teaching and learning tool. It has four specific education units, namely: (1) clinical simulation education unit, (2) virtual reality education unit, (3) nursing skills education unit, and (4) Chinese medicinal education unit. These units are specifically designed for the teaching and learning of nursing skills related to general, mental and Chinese medicinal nursing from elementary to advanced level. Experiences pertaining to the conceptualization, exploration and actualization phases of the establishment are presented. Details of the structure and specific functions of the centre are also illustrated. Finally, there is discussion on the challenges encountered during the establishment process and how they were overcome.  相似文献   

目的 探讨分娩护理虚拟仿真实验教学项目的设计和应用.方法 以教学内容为基础,利用3D虚拟仿真技术,构建分娩护理虚拟仿真教学系统,学习内容涵盖第一产程护理、第二产程护理、第三产程护理3个模块.在护理本科妇产科护理课程及助产方向的助产学课程中应用,对该系统在2015级121名护理本科生中的应用情况及效果进行分析.结果 学生在线操作时长平均1.39 h.学生对虚拟仿真系统及教学模式的主观评价分别为平均94.24%持赞成或中立态度、88.84%持赞成或中立态度.结论 该教学项目的设计和实施,为今后虚拟仿真实验教学在护理专业各课程教学中的开展提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

护理实验教学改革初探   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
护理实验是护理教学的重要组成部分。目前我国高校护理实验教学仍沿袭中专护理实验教学模式,阻碍了高等护理教育培养目标的实现,甚至制约着护理学科的发展,改革护理实验教学势在必行。将《护理学导论》等18门护理专业课程的实验部分优化组合成1门《护理学综合实验》,转变了护理教师实验教学理念,丰富了教学内容和方法,创新了评价方法,充分体现了以教师为主导、以学生为主体的教学思想。  相似文献   

The relationship between nursing and sociology has been extensively debated for more than two decades [Cox, C.A., 1979. Who cares? Nursing and sociology: the development of a symbiotic relationship. Journal of Advanced Nursing 4, 237-252; Cooke, H., 1993. Why teach sociology? Nurse Education Today 13, (3) 210-216; Sharpe, K., 1994. Sociology and the nursing curriculum: a note of caution. Journal of Advanced Nursing 20, (2) 391-395; Sharpe, K., 1995. Why indeed should we teach sociology? A response to Hannah Cooke. Nurse Education Today 15, (1) 52-55; Sharpe, K., 1996. Feedback - sociology and the nursing curriculum: a reply to Sam Porter. Journal of Advanced Nursing 23, (7) 1275-1278; Balsamo, D., Martin, S.I., 1995a. Developing the sociology of health in nurse education: towards a more critical curriculum. Part 1. Andragogy and sociology in Project 2000. Nurse Education Today 15, 427-432; Balsamo, D., Martin, S.I., 1995b. Developing the sociology of health in nurse education: towards a more critical curriculum. Part 2. Linking methodology and epistemology. Nurse Education Today 15, 427-432; Porter, S., 1995. Sociology and the nursing curriculum: a defence. Journal of Advanced Nursing 21, (6) 1130-1135; Porter, S., 1996. Why teach sociology? A contribution to the debate. Nurse Education Today, 16, 170-174; Porter, S., 1997. Sociology and the nursing curriculum: a further comment. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26, (1) 214-218; Porter, S., 1998. Social Theory and Nursing Practice. Macmillan, Basingstoke; Corlett, J., 2000. The perceptions of nurse teacher, student nurses and preceptors of the theory-practice gap in nurse education. Nurse Education Today 20, 499-505; Allen, D., 2001. Review article: nursing and sociology: an uneasy marriage?. Sociology of Health and Illness 23, (3) 386-396; Pinikahana, J., 2003. Role of sociology within the nursing enterprise: some reflections on the unfinished debate. Nursing and health Sciences 5, (2) 175-180; Holland, K., 2004. Sociology and the nursing curriculum; editorial. Nurse Education in Practice 4, 81-82; Mowforth, G., Harrison, J., Morris, M., 2005. An investigation into adult nursing students' experience of the relevance and application of behavioural sciences (biology, psychology and sociology) across two different curricula. Nurse Education Today 25, 41-48]. Much attention has been given to the role, utility and value of sociology mostly within pre-registration but also post-registration nursing curricula. Through an initial analysis of a series of letters appearing in The Nursing Times over a 12 week period in 2004, and using an analytical framework of four tales (realist, critical, deconstructive and reflexive) we revisit this relationship. Unlike previous debates our argument is that this relationship is more usefully viewed as emblematic of the legitimation crisis inherent in all modern projects. We argue that in order to move beyond the 'utility' discussion, an interrogation of the knowledge claims of both nursing and sociology is required.  相似文献   

Baccalaureate nursing education is moving to adopt the new American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials for Professional Nursing Education. As identified in two of the six domains of the essentials, graduates need to be prepared to address population health and utilize informatics and healthcare technologies. Community/public health nursing also has eight domains for generalist nurses linked to population health which will help prepare a skilled nursing workforce for the 21st century. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Triple Aim which evolved into the Quadruple Aim is focused on improving health outcomes within healthcare delivery. Through a literature review, a need for a Quadruple Aim model for nursing education was identified. Mirroring the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Triple Aim for healthcare delivery, a Quadruple Aim for Nursing Education Model was developed. The model dimensions include (1) Population-focused Care, (2) Maximize Student Learning Experience, (3) Cost-effective Pedagogy, and (4) Nurse Educator Well-being. The Quadruple Aim for Nursing Education Model supports nursing education to prepare future nurses effectively and efficiently bridging population health concepts and issues with nursing informatics. Nurse educators are encouraged to utilize the model to transform nursing education.  相似文献   

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