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腮腺区面神经的解剖及临床意义   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
目的:为腮腺区手术提供解剖学基础。方法:在25具50侧经防腐处理的完整头部标本上观测面神经干的长度、横径以及各个分支再分支前长度和各个分支的解剖特点。结果:颞支横径为(1.1±0.2)mm,分支有(1.7±0.8)支;颧支横径为(1.8±0.3)mm,分支有(1.6±0.6)支,位置恒定;颊支有上下颊支型、融为一支型和一支再分型3种类型,上下颊支多位于距腮腺导管上下0.5cm以内的浅层;下颌缘支横径为(1.2±0.4)mm;颈支横径为(0.9±0.2)mm,走行长度为(2.3±0.3)cm,分支有(1.1±0.4)支。结论:面神经与腮腺区关系密切,腮腺区手术时循颊支向后追踪面神经是比较安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

面神经下颌缘支的应用解剖学目的:为颌面部手术切口定位提供解剖学依据。材料和方法:观测了33具(66例)成人尸体标本面神经下颌缘支的分支类型、行程、神经与面动脉的位置关系以及神经穿出腮腺处和与面动脉交叉处的体表位置。结果:①面神经下颌缘支单干型居多,占57.6%;双干型占2巳7%;合干型占16.7%;②面神经下颌缘支走行于下颌骨下缘的上方者占76.6%,走行于骨下缘的下方者占23.4%;分别走行于骨下缘的上、下方1.5cm范围内;③面神经下颌缘支经过面动脉的浅面和深面者分别占92.6%和7.4%;④面神经下颌缘支穿出腮腺处…  相似文献   

面神经颞支的应用解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:为预防额颞区手术和翼点入路的颅内手术损伤面神经颞支提供解剖学资料。方法:60侧成人头部标本,解剖观测面神经颞支的分支、行程及层次。结果:(1)面神经颞支多为2~4支,占95.00%(57侧)。(2)面神经颞支离开腮腺上缘后向前上走行,从颧弓浅面跨过进入额颞区,后走行于浅筋膜和颞筋膜浅层之间;在腮腺上缘及颧弓上缘处面神经颞支的最后1支距耳屏尖的距离分别为(23.79±0.27)mm和(30.67±0.37)mm。结论:面神经颞支入肌前在颧弓以下一段位置较深、以上表浅。从耳屏尖向前23mm范围内无该神经通过,为手术安全区。  相似文献   

面神经颊支和下颌缘支的解剖及临床应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
临床上吻合血管神经的游离肌肉移植或跨面神经移植整复面瘫时,都需要解剖健侧面神经的分支,其中常解剖的是颊支和下颌缘支。两组分支分别由面神经主干发出,并浅出腮腺缘,在走行过程中,其走行层次以及颊支与腮腺导管、下颌缘支与下颌骨下缘和面动脉关系都有一定的规律性。本文就面神经颊支和下颌缘支的解剖学及临床应用方面的进展作一综述,以指导临床手术,避免损伤神经分支引起继发性的功能障碍。1面神经颊支有学者[1 ̄3]在腮腺手术中观察到颊支有1 ̄2支,多数学者[4 ̄8]观察颊支有1 ̄4支,以2 ̄3支为主,占75% ̄86.6%,可能与临床手术时术野暴露…  相似文献   

目的:研究面神经分支的行程和分布及在外科手术中的意义。方法:用表盘在15个(30侧)人头部标本上进行面神经各分支的定位观察。结果:面神经各分支在表盘中位置较固定。左颞支位于11~12点间13例(86.7%),右支10例(66.7%)。左颧支位于10~11点间10例(66.7%),右支9例(60%)。左上颊支位于9~10点间12例(80%),右支14例(93%)。左下颊支位于8~9点间13例(86.7%),右支11例(73%)。左右下颌缘支位于6~7点间各有15例(100%)。结论:利用表盘对面神经各分支进行定位更具有可预见性,其结果对腮腺咬肌区解剖和外科手术寻找面神经分支具有参考价值。  相似文献   

目的:研究颏下逆行岛状皮瓣血管蒂与面神经分支的解剖关系,为该皮瓣在临床的推广应用、提高手术成功率、减少面神经损伤提供解剖学依据.方法:利用福尔马林灌注固定的头颈部标本,解剖观测面动、静脉与面神经分支的交叉关系、交叉点至神经人肌点的距离、面神经各分支出腮腺处至入肌处的距离;模拟逆行蒂颏下瓣修复眼部缺损的手术过程.结果:面神经颈支从下颌角后方出腮腺向前下走行于颈阔肌深面而分布于该肌,该神经出腮腺处至面动、静脉与下颌缘交点处的距离为29.4 mm±4.0 mm;面神经下颌缘沿下颌骨下缘走行,与下颌骨之间常有淋巴结分隔,该神经均于面动、静脉浅面与其交叉,交叉点至下颌缘支入肌处的距离为16.9 mm±3.7 mm,下颌缘支出腮腺处至入肌处的距离为44.3 mm±5.1 mm;面神经颊支多以2干出腮腺,行程中各颊支之间及与下颌缘支、颧支之间互相吻合形成多个神经弓,在颊脂体表面常交织成丛,继而发出分支进入颧大肌、颊肌和笑肌,与面静脉形成2~4个交叉点,口角平面通常有一个交叉点,其余交叉点均在口角平面以上.结论:为了提高颏下逆行带蒂岛状皮瓣的转瓣点,须从面神经下颌缘支与下颌骨之间向上牵拉皮瓣,因此需充分分离神经与骨之间的间隙,以免牵拉皮瓣经过该间隙时损伤面神经下颌缘支;血管蒂旋转点不宜高于口角水平,以免损伤面神经颊支、口角诸肌和影响皮瓣的血供.  相似文献   

目的:为利用原位血管修复手外伤的腹股沟皮瓣提供感觉神经解剖资料。方法:在22侧成尸腹股沟区解剖观测髂腹下神经的走行及其分布范围。结果:髂腹下神经前皮支出现率100%,其穿出点距腹股沟区上界17.1±6.3mm,距腹股沟韧带垂直距离为19.3±3.7mm,距髂前上辫38.0±9.8mm。结论:不吻合血管行腹股沟区髂腹下神经蒂皮瓣转位对重建手的感觉功能是可行的。  相似文献   

面神经的应用解剖学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王爱平  李严斌 《解剖与临床》2007,12(3):216-216,F0003
面神经颅外段由面神经核发出的躯体运动纤维构成,从茎乳孔穿出颅外,分支分布于面部的表情肌.按其与腮腺的毗邻关系,可将面神经颅外段分为腮腺前段、腮腺内段和腮腺后段.本文主要介绍面神经的腮腺后段.腮腺后段指由腮腺丛发出的5组分支,出腮腺以后至表情肌的一段.颞支、颧支和上颊支主要来自颞面干,下颊支、下颌缘支和颈支主要来自颈面干.熟悉面神经的走行方向、分支分布及其与周围组织的毗邻关系,对于保护面神经及其分支免受损伤非常重要.现就面神经各分支的解剖学研究进展综述如下.  相似文献   

尺神经深支的形态特点及其临床意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:为临床尺管综合征和尺神经深支损伤的诊治提供解剖学基础。方法:在30只成人手标本上解剖观测了尺神经深支的走行、毗邻关系、终末分支和分布。结果:依据尺神经深支的走行可分为:豆钩管段、小鱼际肌段、掌中段和终末段。小鱼际肌段行于小指对掌肌与第5掌骨之间的占56.7%;在小指对掌肌间隙的走行占30%;在小指短屈肌与小指对掌肌之间占13.3%。终末段分支为4支型的占86.7%,3支型占13.3%。结论:尺神经深支的豆钩管段与豌豆骨、钩状骨钩关系密切;小鱼际肌段与第5掌骨基底紧邻。豌豆骨、钩骨钩和第5掌骨基底部骨折,极易损伤此神经。  相似文献   

面神经下颌缘支的应用解剖   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的了解面神经下颌缘支的正常层次解剖位置,为涉及面侧区和颌下区的美容外科手术提供临床应用解剖学资料。方法解剖33具(共66例)成人尸体标本的头颈部标本,观察了面神经下颌缘支的分支类型、走行、与面动脉的位置关系以及穿出腮腺处和与面动脉的交叉处的体表位置。结果面神经下颌缘支为1-2支,以单干型居多,约占58%,大多行于下颌骨下缘上方约占44%,行于骨下缘下方者占5%。未发现面神经下颌缘支不与面动脉交叉,位置在均下颌角下缘上、下方约0.5-1 cm范围内。面神经下颌缘支经过面动脉的浅面和深面者分别占89%和6%;面神经下颌缘支穿出腮腺处的体表位置分别在下颌角上方和下颌支后缘前方1 cm交点附近,面神经下颌缘支与面动脉交处距下颌支后缘约4 cm,距下颌骨下缘约1 cm。结论面神经下颌缘支的毗邻和行程关系较为复杂,了解其与周围结构的重要位置关系,可以减少美容外科手术因神经损伤造成下唇及口角功能障碍的发生。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to classify the buccal branches of the facial nerve in relation to the parotid duct and its relevance to surgical procedures such as rhytidectomy and parotid gland surgery. In this study, 30 cadaver heads (60 specimens) were dissected. The vertical and horizontal relationships between the buccal branches of the facial nerve and tragus, and parotid duct were recorded and analyzed. The buccal branches of the facial nerve were classified into four types: Type I: a single buccal branch of the facial nerve at the point of emergence from the parotid gland and inferior to the parotid duct. Type II: a single buccal branch of the facial nerve at the point of emergence from the parotid gland and superior to the parotid duct. Type III: buccal and other branches of the facial nerve formed a plexus. Type IV: two branches of buccal branch; one superior and one inferior to the duct at the point of emergence from the parotid gland. The buccal branches of the facial nerve are very vulnerable to surgical injury because of its location in the midface. For this reason, the surgeons who are willing to operate on this area should have a true knowledge about the anatomy of these branches.  相似文献   

腮腺内下颌后静脉与面神经关系的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了避免腮腺外科手术过程中损伤面神经,对31具成年尸体(57侧)腮腺内下颌后静脉与面神经关系进行解剖学研究。结果如下:下颌后静脉直径5.6±1.0mm。下颌后静脉位于面神经上、下干(或上、中、下干)内侧有50侧(87.8%);位于面神经上干内侧,而在下干外侧有7侧(12.3%)。依据下颌后静脉横过面神经不同部位,又分成若干亚型。其中较为常见者为下颌后静脉在面神经总干分支点与下干分支点之间的内侧横过(33.3%)。在26具双侧解剖的尸体中,有4例(15.4%)下颌后静脉与面神经关系左、右侧不同  相似文献   

This study examines the anatomic relationships and variability of the facial nerve trunk and its branches, with emphasis on the intraparotid connections between the divisions. Microdissections were performed on 30 Korean half-heads, and the facial nerve trunks and branches were exposed. The average depth of the stylomastoid foramen from the skin surface was 21.0±3.1 mm, and the distance between the stylomastoid foramen and the bifurcation of the temporofacial (upper) and cervicofacial (lower) divisions was 13.0±2.8 mm. In 26 of 30 dissections (86.7%), the facial nerve trunk bifurcated into two main divisions, and a trifurcation pattern was seen in the other four cases (13.3%). According to the origin of the buccal branches, we classified the branching patterns of the facial nerve into four categories. In type I (13.8% of cases), the buccal branches arose from the two main divisions of the trunk but not from other branches of the facial nerve. In type II (44.8% of cases), the buccal branches arising from the two main divisions were interconnected with the zygomatic branch. In type III (17.3% of cases), the marginal mandibular branch sent nerve twigs to the buccal branch, which originated from the upper and lower divisions. In type IV (17.3% of cases), the nerve twigs from the zygomatic and marginal mandibular branches merged to the buccal branch arising from the two main divisions. Communications between the facial and auriculotemporal nerve branches, which are known as communicating auriculotemporal nerves, were observed in 28 of the 30 cases (93.3%). Familiarity with these common variations in the facial anatomy provides useful information for the surgeon in careful dissection, preservation of the facial nerve, and complete removal of the tumors in parotidectomies.  相似文献   

目的探讨腮腺叶间导管转移治疗干眼病的解剖学基础。方法对5具(10侧)成人尸体标本头面部腮腺区进行局部解剖,观察腮腺第1叶间导管与面神经颧支的关系,测量两者的相关数据。结果腮腺浅部第1叶间导管长度为(37.51±1.23)mm,注入腮腺导管处的外径为(0.53±0.15)mm。面神经颧支与腮腺第1叶间导管逆向而行,两者解剖关系密切。结论腮腺叶问导管转位治疗十眼病手术方式可供临床参考。  相似文献   

Although there is a great amount in the literature to describe the anatomy of the parotid gland as a whole, little attention is given to the parotid duct. The purpose of this study is to examine the surgical anatomy of the parotid duct with special emphasis placed on the major tributaries forming the parotid duct and the relationship of the facial nerve to the duct. Twenty-nine fresh cadaver halves were dissected and the branching pattern of the ducts, position within the parotid, and their relationship to the facial nerve were studied. Of the complete heads studied, the parotid duct had the same pattern in 78.6% on the right and left sides. The parotid ducts in 31.0% of the half heads presented as a single discernible duct from parotid papilla to within the gland. In 62.1% of the half heads, the ducts were formed by a branching pattern within the gland. In the ducts with a branching pattern, 48.3% displayed a bifurcated pattern, 6.9% were trifurcated, and 6.9% had multiple branches. In 6.9% of the half heads studied, the parotid ducts bifurcated distal to the parotid gland. In all cases, the deep lobe of the parotid enveloped the parotid duct; only small ductules connected the superficial lobe with the duct. The facial nerve and its branches were always observed lateral to the parotid duct. Because one dissects lateral to the facial nerve during a superficial parotidectomy, generally the parotid duct remains intact and potential complications such as facial paralysis, sialoceles, and fistulizations are thereby minimized.  相似文献   

The current literature is lacking in anatomical landmarks for identifying the buccal branch of the trigeminal nerve on the face. The current study was performed to elucidate this anatomy. Forty cadaveric sides underwent dissection to measure the distances from landmarks of the superficial face to the buccal nerve in this region. On average, the buccal nerve was found to lie 3 cm lateral to the angle of the mouth and at this same level, the nerve was located a mean of 5 mm medial to the medial aspect of the masseter muscle. The buccal nerve was found to be on average 7 mm from the point of entrance of the parotid duct into the buccinator muscle and had an average distance of 5.5 mm from the facial artery. We believe that additional landmarks for identifying the buccal nerve on the face may be of use to the surgeon and dentist.  相似文献   

The transverse facial artery (TFA) is found in the lateral face and supplies the parotid gland and duct, facial nerve, facial muscles, and skin. To better understand the cutaneous vascularization of the lateral face and to better characterize the topography and other anatomical features of the TFA, microsurgical dissection was performed in 44 cadavers. The number of TFAs present ranged from one to three, and a single TFA was most common (70.5%). The TFA originated from the superficial temporal artery at or above the level of crossing by the temporofacial trunk of the facial nerve in the parotid gland (57.6%). The TFA divided into superior and inferior trunks in the gland, and continued as emerging branch. The superior emerging branch emerged from the gland superior to the parotid duct and divided into many branches. It supplied the malar area, crossed the parotid duct, terminated as perforator, vasa nervorum, or artery to the parotid duct or muscle. The inferior trunk in 72.5% continued as emerging branch instead of terminating in the gland. TFAs were classified into four types; the most common type was Type A in which the superior and inferior emerging branches and the duct‐crossing branch were present. The mean number of perforators to the superficial cutaneous layer was 1.9. Most perforators extended from the superior emerging branches (77.9%). The most common perforating site was below the duct on the anterior third of the masseter muscle. In two cases, the TFA formed an anastomosis with the facial artery. Clin. Anat. 23:168–178, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

肋间臂神经的解剖及其临床意义   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
目的:为乳癌腋清扫术中保留肋间臂神经(ICBN)提供解剖学基础。方法:对25具成人尸体的50侧腋区进行了解剖,对肋间臂神经及上下相邻皮神经的走行、分支、支配、粗细等情况进行解剖观察。结果:ICBN可分为缺如型、单干型、单干分支型、双干型及3干型;84%的臂内侧皮神经与ICBN上支、上干相交通;34%的第3肋间神经外侧皮支可发支支配腋窝底;3侧第1肋间神经外侧皮支主干进入上臂内侧。结论:肋间臂神经为第2肋间神经外侧皮支的分支,通常为上支或上干,与臂内侧皮神经联合构成,可有第3或第1肋间神经的外侧皮支参与。其损伤可造成乳房切除术后疼痛综合征,乳癌腋清扫术中经胸小肌后方或经腋静脉下方能顺利找到该神经并加以保护。  相似文献   

The marginal mandibular branch (MMB) has a particular risk of injury during surgical procedures in the submandibular region, especially over the lower border of the mandible. The facial nerve has been described in many studies, but the MMB is dealt with generally as a branch of the facial nerve. The purpose of this study was to document the anatomy of the MMB by correlation with anatomical landmarks. Eighty‐five facial halves were examined for this study. The MMB was classified according to the number of branches and their connections with other branches, and by its relationship with landmarks of the gonion, facial artery, and retromandibular vein. The MMB showed one (28%), two (52%), three (18%), or four branches (2%) where it exited the parotid gland. Classification was based on connection with other branches. Type I (60%) did not communicate with other branches. Type II (40%) communicated with the buccal or cervical branches, or with another branch of the MMB. The cervicofacial division coursed along the lateral aspect of the retromandibular vein in 83% of specimens. The MMB passed the facial artery superficially (42%), passed it deeply in 4%, and ran on both sides of it in 54% of the facial halves. The distribution of the MMB formed a quadrilateral with angles +19.8 mm, ?8.1 mm, +30.0 mm, and ?15.3 mm measured from two sides on the inferior border of the mandible. These topographical data should help to decrease the incidence of injuries during surgery on the submandibular regions in Koreans. Clin. Anat. 22:207–214, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There are several studies concerning branches of the facial nerve, but we encountered less information about the trunk of the facial nerve in the literature. During the routine dissection of a 65-yr-old Caucasian male cadaver, double facial nerve trunk emerged from the stylomastoid foramen and petrotympanic fissure were encountered. Because of an extremely rare variation, we presented this case report. In addition this cadaver had two buccal plexuses. These plexuses and other branches were formed to structures like to polygon. These anatomic peculiarities were described, photographed and illustrated. Finally, magnetic resonance imaging was performed by using 1.5T scanner to this cadaver. The facial nerve trunk can be damaged during surgical procedures of the parotid gland tumours and submandibular region. Surgeons who are willing to operate on this area should be aware of the possible anatomical variations of the facial nerve trunk.  相似文献   

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