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目的:研究含不同佐剂的SARS灭活疫苗免疫小鼠后,小鼠的早期细胞免疫和体液免疫反应。方法:灭活的SAPS冠状病毒F69株分别与弗氏佐剂、氢氧化铝、CpG佐剂配伍,制备灭活疫苗。接种6周龄SPF’级BALB/C小鼠。定时采血,分析小鼠外周血中CD4^ 、CD8^ T细胞亚群动态变化,同时测定鼠血清中特异性IgG抗体及抗体的病毒中和活性。结果:由3种佐剂制备的SARS灭活疫苗免疫小鼠后,CD4^ 、CD8^ T细胞百分比升高或无明显改变,CD4/CD8比值无显著性改变。其中,弗氏佐剂疫苗免疫小鼠的CD4^ T细胞百分比升高较明显,且在一段时间内,维持在一个较高的水平;铝佐剂疫苗免疫小鼠后,未观察到明显T细胞亚群改变;而CoG佐剂疫苗免疫小鼠的CD8^ T细胞百分比改变较其它佐剂疫苗改变更明显。与此相异的是,3种疫苗均可诱导小鼠产生较高滴度特异性IgG抗体,并且所产生的抗体具有中和活性。在初免后第34天,3种佐剂组的IgG抗体滴度分别为1:12800、1:3200和1:1600,中和效价分别为1:2560、1:960和1:320。结论:SARS灭活疫苗接种小鼠后,可诱导较强的体液免疫反应,同时轻度上调CD4^ 、CD8^ T细胞活性,程度因佐剂而异。  相似文献   

目的 评价霍乱毒素B亚基与恶性疟原虫多价抗原的融合蛋白的免疫原性。方法 在大肠杆菌中表达重组霍乱毒素与恶性疟原虫多价抗原的融合蛋白 ,通过免疫小鼠评价融合蛋白的免疫原性。结果 通过亲和层析纯化霍乱毒素B亚基与恶性疟原虫多价抗原的融合蛋白 ,不加任何佐剂 ,以 5 0 μg/只的剂量免疫C5 7BL/ 6J小鼠 ,3次免疫后 ,CTB抗体滴度达 1∶6 40 0 ,抗疟原虫抗体滴度 1∶16 0 0 ,其CTL活性为 2 0 7%。结论 霍乱毒素具有较好的佐剂作用 ,经融合蛋白免疫的小鼠能产生良好的体液和细胞免疫 ,为评价该抗原的免疫保护作用打下了基础  相似文献   

目的 通过自制纳米铝佐剂,研究其对乙型肝炎病毒和狂犬病毒的体液免疫应答。方法 在25℃条件下,采用微乳液法制备纳米铝佐剂。与常规铝佐剂比较,经皮下注射豚鼠和Balb/c小鼠后,于不同的时间测定血清中特异性酥;抗体的效价。结果 透射电镜(TEM)和差式量热扫描(DSC),可知产物为平均粒径约为72.62nm,近球形的A1(OH)3结晶颗粒。纳米铝佐剂辅佐的HBsAg,在免疫Balb/c小鼠后第1周和第2周的血清抗体滴度明显高于常规铝佐剂组(P〈0.01;P〈0.05);纳米铝佐剂辅佐的狂犬疫苗,其特异性IgG抗体效价高于常规铝佐剂组,并且在免疫后的第7天,抗体就呈现出阳性(P〈0.05)。结论 纳米铝佐剂在诱导HBsAg和Rabies疫苗体液免疫应答的早期优于目前的常规铝佐剂,能够快速地激活和提高Balb/c小鼠和豚鼠的免疫应答和应答水平。  相似文献   

目的明确自行研制的新型升血小板因子是否具有免疫原性。方法分别用佐剂、新型升血小板因子+佐剂、新型升血小板因子、鸡卵清蛋白+佐剂免疫Balb/c小鼠,采用琼脂免疫扩散试验和酶联免疫吸附试验(EIJSA)检测小鼠血清中的抗体。结果ELISA法未检测到血清中的抗体;琼脂免疫扩散试验血清经72h扩散观察未出现沉淀线,没有形成抗原.抗体复合物。结论用新型升血小板因子免疫Balb/c小鼠,未发现能够刺激小鼠产生抗新型升血小板因子抗体。  相似文献   

目的探究CpG ODN佐剂对不同抗原含量乙肝疫苗免疫效果的影响。方法在体液免疫方面不同抗原浓度的CpG ODN与Al(OH)3佐剂乙肝疫苗免疫Balb/c小鼠,于免疫后第2、4、6、8、10周收集血清,检测小鼠体内相对效力ED50和血清中的anti-HBs抗体水平;在细胞免疫方面测定诱导产生IFN-γ水平及IgG2a应答水平。结果 CpG ODN与Al(OH)3佐剂可以有效协同HBs Ag诱导机体产生的抗体滴度达49 427 mIU/ml,抗体效价随时间延长而增加。乙肝抗原减半后双佐剂乙肝疫苗诱导机体产生的特异性抗体滴度可达41 225 mIU/ml,高于无CpG ODN佐剂的铝佐剂疫苗。在诱导细胞分泌方面,对照组诱导产生IFN-γ水平及IgG2a应答水平明显低于所有双佐剂疫苗组。结论 CpG ODN对HBsAg具有良好佐剂活性,并与铝佐剂有协同作用,二者联合应用可以降低乙肝抗原用量并提高疫苗免疫原性。  相似文献   

目的考察热休克蛋白HSP70对呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)重组蛋白抗原G1F/M2免疫应答的调节作用。方法构建并表达了Javelin-G1F/M2重组蛋白,在G1F/M2的N端引入Javelin序列,通过该序列可以实现重组蛋白与HSP70蛋白高亲和力结合。以HSP70:Javelin-G1F/M2复合物等免疫Balb/c小鼠,用乳酸脱氢酶释放法测定CTL活性,ELISA法测定IgG及其亚型IgG1和IgG2a抗体滴度,空斑抑制实验测定血清中和抗体。结果经表达和纯化获得了纯度达90%以上的融合蛋白;皮下免疫HSP70:Javelin-G1F/M2复合物可诱导高滴度的IgG抗体和强的CTL应答,其抗体滴度和CTL应答强度均优于Javelin-G1F/M2加铝佐剂腹腔免疫和单独Javelin-G1F/M2皮下免疫。HSP70:Javelin-G1F/M2复合物在诱导中和抗体方面与Javelin-G1F/M2加铝佐剂腹腔免疫基本相当。HSP70:Javelin-G1F/M2复合物可以诱导更强的IgG2a应答,IgG的亚型IgG1/IgG2a的比值明显低于Javelin-G1F/M2加铝佐剂腹腔免疫组和单独Javelin-G1F/M2皮下免疫组。结论 HSP70可能通过增强CTL应答进一步纠正Th2型优势应答,使得Th1/Th2应答更加平衡。  相似文献   

目的在大肠杆菌中表达间日疟原虫乳酸脱氢酶(PvLDH)与谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)融合蛋白,对重组蛋白进行纯化并测定其免疫活性。方法将构建的LDH/pGEX-4T-1重组菌BL21接种于LB培养基中,异丙基硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导重组融合蛋白的表达,重组蛋白纯化后免疫小鼠制备特异性血清,ELISA检测血清效价,Western-blotting鉴定其免疫活性。结果重组质粒在大肠杆菌中表达PvLDH与谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)的融合蛋白,表达产物主要以包涵体形式存在,经复性、纯化后免疫小鼠,能诱导小鼠产生特异性体液免疫应答.ELISA法测效价为1:51200.Western-blotting结果显示该血清能特异性与间日疟和恶性疟患者全血发生反应.而不能与正常人起交叉反应。结论PvLDH在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达且表达产物具有良好的抗原性和免疫原性。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同佐剂与鼠疫F1-V融合重组蛋白抗原滴鼻免疫Balb/c小鼠,观察机体产生体液免疫和局部粘膜免疫反应的效果,为发展黏膜疫苗提供理论基础.方法 鼠疫F1-V融合重组蛋白抗原按比例分别与PorB(2类外膜蛋白)重组蛋白、蛋白体佐剂制备黏膜疫苗,滴鼻免疫Balb/c小鼠3次,取尾静脉血,采用ELISA检测血清IgG及抗体亚型分类,并检测鼻咽、肺、小肠及阴道灌洗液sIsA;采用FAC检测脾淋巴细胞表型的变化.结果 PorB重组蛋白佐剂疫苗组和蛋白体佐剂疫苗组较无佐剂组体液免疫抗体水平高、蛋白体佐剂疫苗组好于PorB重组蛋白佐剂疫苗组,但无显著性差异.结论 PorB重组蛋白佐剂疫苗和蛋白体佐剂疫苗均能诱导较强的系统免疫和黏膜免疫应答,且PorB重组蛋白佐剂疫苗免疫效果可与蛋白体佐剂疫苗相媲美,可进一步论证是否可用PorB重组蛋白佐剂替代蛋白体佐剂,这为鼠疫粘膜疫苗的研制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

潘萌  蒋浩琴  周芸  郑捷 《现代免疫学》2006,26(2):98-101
为研究、比较不同佐剂对诱导小鼠产生获得性免疫应答的不同作用,以卵清白蛋白(OVA)为抗原,分别混合完全弗氏佐剂(CFA)或Al(OH)3佐剂,对C57BL/6小鼠进行常规免疫,采用流式细胞技术对细胞内细胞因子IFN-γ和IL-4进行检测;ELISA方法对特异性抗OVA抗体滴度及抗体亚型进行了检测。结果显示在免疫后CFA组产生以IFN-γ为主的细胞因子而Al(OH)3组产生以IL-4为主的细胞因子;两组中均产生特异性抗OVA IgG抗体,但CFA组以IgG2a亚型为主,而Al(OH)3组则以IgG1亚型为主,不产生IgG2a亚型抗体。实验表明,经CFA加抗原免疫后机体产生的免疫应答以Th1型细胞免疫为主,抗体类型为IgG2a;而Al(OH)3佐剂则诱导机体产生Th2型细胞免疫应答,抗体类型为IgG1。  相似文献   

目的 通过分子佐剂C3d3增强hCGβ避孕疫苗的免疫原性并实现免疫效应向TH2型体液免疫偏倚。方法 在CHO细胞中表达、纯化hCGβ、C3d3和hCGβ-C3d3融合蛋白。分别用hCGβ-C3d3融合蛋白、单用hCGβ、hCGβ联合C3d3和hCGβ加用弗氏完全佐剂免疫BALB/c小鼠,共免疫2次,间隔4周。ELISA测定血清中抗hCGβ抗体滴度。末次免疫后3周处死小鼠制备单个脾细胞悬液,体外用hCG刺激培养48h,ELISA检测上清中TH1型(IFN-γ、IL-2)和TH2型(IL-Ⅱ,4、IL-10)细胞因子分泌水平。结果 C3d3使hCGβ的免疫原性增强了1995倍,C3d3的佐剂能力是弗氏完全佐剂的10倍(初次免疫)-32倍(再次免疫)。借助C3d3分子佐剂,hCGβ-C3d3融合蛋白可产生很明显的TH2型体液免疫优势效应。结论 分子佐剂C3d3可以大幅增强hCGβ避孕疫苗的免疫原性,使免疫效应向TH2型体液免疫偏倚。  相似文献   

目的制备重组人心肌肌钙蛋白I(rhcTnI)的单克隆抗体,并对其单克隆抗体的特性进行鉴定。方法利用纯化后的rhcTn I作为免疫原,常规免疫Balb/c小鼠.取其脾细胞与同系骨髓瘤细胞Sp2/0进行常规融合。用甲基纤维素半固体培养基法获得单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株,利用ELISA、Western blot等方法对单克隆抗体的特性进行鉴定。结果筛选出3株稳定分泌抗rhcTnI的单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株,分别命名为4B3、7D5和3E6。 3株单克隆抗体的免疫球蛋白亚类分别为IgGl(4B3、7D5)和IgG2b(3E6)。3株单克隆抗体与rhcTnI发生特异性结合,而与大肠杆菌菌体蛋白、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、肌酸激酶(CK)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)无特异性交叉反应,3株单克隆抗体的亲和力常数分别为1.76×10^9L/mol、1.43×10^9L/mol和1.04×10^9L/mol。结论获得了效价高、特异性好的抗rhcTnI的单克隆抗体,为cTnI诊断试剂盒的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Highly purified subunit vaccines require potent adjuvants in order to elicit optimal immune responses. In a previous phase I trial, an alum formulation of ICC-1132, a malaria vaccine candidate comprising hepatitis B core (HBc) virus-like particle containing Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CS) protein epitopes, was shown to elicit Plasmodium falciparum-specific antibody and cellular responses. The present study was designed as a single-blind, escalating-dose phase I trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of single intramuscular doses of ICC-1132 formulated in the more potent water-in-oil adjuvant Montanide ISA 720 (ICC-1132/ISA 720). The vaccine was safe and well tolerated, with transient injection site pain as the most frequent complaint. All vaccinees that received either 20 mug or 50 mug of ICC-1132/ISA 720 developed antiimmunogen and anti-HBc antibodies. The majority of volunteers in these two groups developed sporozoite-specific antibodies, predominantly of opsonizing immunoglobulin G subtypes. Peak titers and persistence of parasite-specific antibody following a single injection of the ISA 720 formulated vaccine were comparable to those obtained following two to three immunizations with alum-adsorbed ICC-1132. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ICC-1132/ISA 720 vaccinees proliferated and released cytokines (interleukin 2 and gamma interferon) when stimulated with recombinant P. falciparum CS protein, and CS-specific CD4(+) T-cell lines were established from volunteers with high levels of antibodies to the repeat region. The promising results obtained with a single dose of ICC-1132 formulated in Montanide ISA 720 encourage further clinical development of this malaria vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

目的获得能特异性识别人层粘连蛋白(hLN)的单克隆抗体(McAb)。方法用纯化的人层粘连蛋白(hLN)作抗原免疫Balb/C小鼠,以细胞融合、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)筛选和克隆化技术获得抗hLN的杂交瘤细胞株;用生物学方法鉴定杂交瘤细胞,用免疫学方法鉴定McAb的特异性。结果获得4株稳定分泌抗人LN的杂交瘤细胞株(2A1、3B5、2C4、4D1),培养上清的ELISA效价分别为:1∶512、1∶1024、1∶512、1∶256;腹水效价分别为:1×10^6、1×10^7、1×10^6、1×10^5;采用ELISA相加法表明2A1、4D1与3B5、2C4识别的hLN上的抗原决定簇和识别的不同,4株单抗均属实IgG。结论成功建立了4株稳定分泌抗人LNMcAb的杂交瘤细胞株,它们分别识别hLN上2个不同的抗原位点,有望作为hLN定量检测的特异性抗体。  相似文献   

Unmethylated CpG dinucleotide motifs present in bacterial genomes or synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) serve as strong immunostimulatory agents in mice, monkeys and humans. We determined the adjuvant effect of murine CpG ODN 1826 on the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae-expressed 19-kDa C-terminal region of merozoite surface protein 1 (yMSP1(19)) of the murine malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii. We found that in C57BL/6 mice, following sporozoite challenge, the degree of protective immunity against malaria induced by yMSP1(19) in a formulation of Montanide ISA 51 (ISA) plus CpG ODN 1826 was similar or superior to that conferred by yMSP1(19) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA/incomplete Freund's adjuvant). In total, among mice immunized with yMSP1(19), 22 of 32 (68.7%) with ISA plus CpG 1826, 0 of 4 (0%) with CFA/incomplete Freund's adjuvant, 0 of 4 (0%) with CpG 1826 mixed with ISA (no yMSP1(19)), and 0 of 11 (0%) with CpG 1826 alone were completely protected against development of erythrocytic stage infection after sporozoite challenge. The adjuvant effect of CpG ODN 1826 was manifested as both significantly improved complete protection from malaria (defined as the absence of detectable erythrocytic form parasites) (P = 0.007, chi square) and reduced parasite burden in infected mice. In vivo depletions of interleukin-12 and gamma interferon cytokines and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vaccinated mice had no significant effect on immunity. On the other hand, immunoglobulin G (IgG) isotype levels appeared to correlate with protection. Inclusion of CpG ODN 1826 in the yMSP1(19) plus ISA vaccine contributed towards the induction of higher levels of IgG2a and IgG2b (Th1 type) antibodies, suggesting that CpG ODN 1826 caused a shift towards a Th1 type of immune response that could be responsible for the higher degree of protective immunity. Our results indicate that this potent adjuvant formulation should be further evaluated for use in clinical trials of recombinant malarial vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) 42-kDa fragment (PvMSP-1 p42) is a promising vaccine candidate antigen against the blood stage of the malarial parasite. We have developed a process for the production of this vaccine target, keeping in mind its use in human volunteers. A novel strain, Origami(DE3), of Escherichia coli with mutations in the glutathione and thioredoxin reductase genes yielded 60% more soluble PvMSP-1 p42 than the conventional E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. Recombinant PvMSP-1 p42 was purified to > or = 99% purity with a rapid two-step protocol designed for easy scaling up. The final product had a low endotoxin content and was stable in its lyophilized form. PvMSP-1 p42 was found to have the predicted primary and tertiary structures and consisted of a single conformer containing one free cysteine, as predicted. The product was recognized by conformational monoclonal antibodies against P. vivax MSP-1. Immunogenicity studies of PvMSP-1 p42 were carried out with two strains of mice and the adjuvants Montanide ISA51 and Montanide ISA720. Both formulations were found to induce high levels of immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1), IgG2b, and IgG2a antibodies along with low levels of IgG3. Lymphocytes from animals in all the PvMSP-1 p42-immunized groups showed proliferative responses upon stimulation with PvMSP-1 p42; the cytokines interleukin 2 (IL-2), gamma interferon, IL-4, and IL-10 were detected in the culture supernatants. These results indicate that PvMSP-1 p42 in combination with both of the adjuvants elicited cellular and humoral responses in mice.  相似文献   

Vaccination of mice with yeast-secreted Plasmodium yoelii-derived 19-kilodalton merozoite surface protein 1 (yMSP1(19)) has been shown to afford protection from challenge with a lethal strain of P. yoelii. Sterile immunity can be achieved when MSP1(19) is emulsified in Freund adjuvant but not when it is adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide gel (alum). Because complete Freund adjuvant is not an acceptable adjuvant for use in humans, alternative adjuvants must be identified for formulating MSP1(19) as a vaccine for use in humans. To determine whether oligodeoxynucleotides with CpG motifs (ODN), reported to be a powerful new class of adjuvants, could enhance the immunogenicity of yMSP1(19), C57BL/6 mice were vaccinated either with yMSP1(19) formulated with Freund adjuvant, with alum, or with ODN plus alum and challenged intravenously with P. yoelii 17XL asexual blood-stage parasites. Adsorption of immunogen and adjuvant to alum was optimized by adjusting buffer (phosphate versus acetate) and pH. We found that the adjuvant combination of ODN plus alum with yMSP1(19), injected intraperitoneally (i.p.), increased immunoglobulin G (IgG) yMSP1(19)-specific antibody production 12-fold over Freund adjuvant given i.p., 3-fold over Freund adjuvant given subcutaneously (s.c.), 300-fold over alum given i.p., and 48-fold over alum given s.c. The predominant antibody isotype in the group receiving alum-ODN-yMSP1(19) was IgG1. Increased antibody levels correlated to protection from a challenge with P. yoelii 17XL. Supernatant cytokine levels of gamma interferon in yMSP1(19)-stimulated splenocytes were dramatically elevated in the alum-ODN-yMSP1(19) group. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels were also elevated; however, no IL-5 was detected. The cytokine profile, as well as the predominant IgG1 antibody isotype, suggests the protective immune response was a mixed Th1/Th2 response.  相似文献   

Merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) is the major protein on the surface of the plasmodial merozoite, and its carboxy terminus, the 19-kDa fragment (MSP1(19)), is highly conserved and effective in induction of a protective immune response against malaria parasite infection in mice and monkeys. However, the duration of the immune response has not been elucidated. As such, we immunized BALB/c mice with a standard four-dose injection of recombinant Plasmodium yoelii MSP1(19) formulated with Montanide ISA51 and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) and monitored the MSP1(19)-specific antibody levels for up to 12 months. The antibody titers persisted constantly over the period of time without significant waning, in contrast to the antibody levels induced by immunization with Freund's adjuvant, where the antibody levels gradually declined to significantly lower levels 12 months after immunization. Investigation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass longevity revealed that only the IgG1 antibody level (Th2 type-driven response) decreased significantly by 6 months, while the IgG2a antibody level (Th1 type-driven response) did not change over the 12 months after immunization, but the boosting effect was seen in the IgG1 antibody responses but not in the IgG2a antibody responses. After challenge infection, all immunized mice survived with negligibly patent parasitemia. These findings suggest that protective immune responses to MSP1(19) following immunization using oil-based Montanide ISA51 and CpG ODN as an adjuvant are very long-lasting and encourage clinical trials for malaria vaccine development.  相似文献   

Recombinant Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3 (PfMSP3F) and a 24-kDa fragment from its N terminus (MSP3N) that includes the essential conserved domain, which elicits the maximum antibody (Ab)-dependent cellular inhibition (ADCI), were expressed as soluble proteins in Escherichia coli. Both proteins were found to be stable in both soluble and lyophilized forms. Immunization with MSP3F and MSP3N formulated separately with two human-compatible adjuvants, aluminum hydroxide (Alhydrogel) and Montanide ISA 720, produced significant antibody responses in mice and rabbits. Polyclonal Abs against both antigens recognized native MSP3 in the parasite lysate. These two Abs also recognized two synthetic peptides, previously characterized to possess B cell epitopes from the N-terminal region. Antibody depletion assay showed that most of the IgG response is directed toward the N-terminal region of the full protein. Anti-MSP3F and anti-MSP3N rabbit antibodies did not inhibit merozoite invasion or intraerythrocytic development but significantly reduced parasitemia in the presence of human monocytes. The ADCI demonstrated by anti-MSP3N antibodies was comparable to that exhibited by anti-MSP3F antibodies (both generated in rabbit). These results suggest that the N-terminal fragment of MSP3 can be considered a vaccine candidate that can form part of a multigenic vaccine against malaria.  相似文献   

目的研究建立BALB/c小鼠肥大细胞瘤/白血病模型。方法 BALB/c小鼠尾静脉注入小鼠肥大细胞瘤P815细胞,实验按每只小鼠接种细胞数量分为1×10^7/只组、5×10^6/只组、2.5×10^6/只组、1×10^6/只组、5×10^5/只组、1×105/只组和溶剂(RPMI1640培养液)对照组。观察小鼠的生存状态、体重及肝肺脾(重量、形态、病理)、染色体、血涂片、骨髓涂片、白细胞及血小板计数。结果注入P815细胞≥1×106/只的所有组小鼠均死亡,〈1×10^6/只的所有组生存良好,且死亡小鼠的生存时间与注入细胞数量呈负向依赖关系(P〈0.05)。死亡组小鼠体重较注射前相当或减轻、肝肺脾重较对照组及未死亡组显著增加(P〈0.05);肝质地变硬,表面可见大量大小不一的白色结节突起,部分脾肺可见出血梗死灶,病理示肝脾有大量异形肥大细胞瘤细胞浸润;脾细胞染色体分析可见肥大细胞瘤细胞的非正常染色体核型;白细胞和血小板计数较对照组降低(P〈0.01),血涂片可见少量肥大细胞瘤细胞,骨髓涂片示骨髓原始细胞比例增高。结论 P815细胞通过静脉注射能使BALB/c小鼠形成肥大细胞瘤/白血病,可作为肿瘤实验研究的一种模型构建方法。  相似文献   

BALB/c mice were vaccinated by the intramuscular (i.m.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) routes with a native preparation of the Chlamydia trachomatis mouse pneumonitis (MoPn) major outer membrane protein (MOMP), using Montanide ISA 720 and CpG-1826 as adjuvants. A negative control group was immunized with ovalbumin and the two adjuvants, and a positive control group was immunized intranasally (i.n.) with 10(4) inclusion-forming units (IFU) of C. trachomatis. Four weeks after the last i.m.-plus-s.c. immunization, mice were challenged in the ovarian bursa with 10(5) IFU of C. trachomatis MoPn. Six weeks after the genital challenge, animals were mated, and the pregnancies were monitored. After vaccination with MOMP, the mice developed strong Chlamydia-specific humoral and cellular immune responses. Following the genital challenge, of the mice vaccinated with the MOMP, only 15% (3/20) had positive vaginal cultures, while 85% (17/20) of the animals immunized with ovalbumin had positive cultures over the 6 weeks of observation (P < 0.05). Also, only 14% (3/21) of the animals inoculated i.n. with Chlamydia had positive vaginal cultures. After mating, 75% (15/20) of the mice vaccinated with MOMP carried embryos in both uterine horns. Of the animals vaccinated i.n. with the Chlamydia, 81% (17/21) had embryos in both uterine horns (P > 0.05). In contrast, only 10% (2/20) of the mice immunized with ovalbumin had embryos in both uterine horns (P < 0.05). In conclusion, immunization with a purified preparation of the MOMP is as effective as vaccination with viable C. trachomatis in eliciting a protective immune response against a genital challenge in mice.  相似文献   

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