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目的旨在髓内钉手术进针点术语的标准化,探索股骨近端可靠的骨性标志与周围软组织的解剖学关系。方法查阅关于顺行髓内钉进针点的文献,重点关注"梨状窝"和"转子窝"两个术语。选取国人成人股骨干标本130例,分析转子窝与大转子的关系。选取国人成人尸体下肢标本20例,观察股骨近端软组织附着,测量梨状肌、闭孔内肌和闭孔外肌肌腱相关数据。结果 (1)如果没有梨状窝则转子窝是髓内钉标准的进针点。(2)样本中3.85%的大转子完全不遮挡转子窝,76.15%的大转子包绕转子窝但不遮挡,20.00%部分遮挡。(3)梨状肌纵径和横径的均值分别为(6.74±1.21)mm和(4.29±1.37)mm,闭孔内肌纵径和横径的均值分别为(6.36±1.74)mm和(5.74±1.61)mm,闭孔外肌纵径和横径的平均值分别为(6.26±1.13)mm和(4.57±1.26)mm。(4)梨状肌附着点前、后缘距大转子后缘的距离占大转子长度的百分比分别为(57.9±8.8)%和(43.8±8.7)%,闭孔内肌的分别为(65.6±7.3)%和(52.6±6.9)%。结论所谓的梨状窝应被称为转子窝;因为大转子与转子窝不同的关系,股骨钉的进针点是可变的,转子窝不能被视为通用的进针点;肌腱的定量数据有助于优化手术入路。  相似文献   

男尸 ,身长 16 5cm ,年龄约 6 0岁 ,臀部皮肤无疤痕。解剖臀部时发现左侧梨状肌正常 ,右侧为异常的双梨状肌 ,现报道如下 :右侧的双梨状肌实为两个头肌 ,长头起自骶骨前面 ,穿坐骨大孔 ,止于股骨大转子 ,与正常梨状肌类似。短头起自坐骨大切迹附近的髂骨翼外面骨面 ,距股骨大转子 2 .5cm处移行为肌腱 ,且与长头肌腱会合 ,止于股骨大转子。短头肌腹长 4 .5cm ,中部宽 2 .8cm。该例梨状肌长短头间有一间隙 ,短头与臀小肌、髂骨骨面之间也有一间隙 ,从而形成梨状肌上、中、下三孔。上孔中有臀上动脉、静脉、神经通过 ,主要分布至臀中肌、臀小肌…  相似文献   

目的 探讨非透视下确定顺行股骨髓内钉大转子进钉点的技术方法。方法 2007年12月—2008年6月选取10%甲醛溶液固定的成人髋部湿标本8具,男5例、女3例,观察股骨大转子解剖特征,标记大转子上臀中肌、梨状肌的附着情况,观察股骨大转子嵴拐点凹陷、髓腔中轴线与梨状窝的解剖关系。2010年1月—2012年12月对收治的44例股骨转子间及股骨干骨折患者进行前瞻性研究。其中男20例,女24例;年龄25~85岁,平均 (66.9± 15.7)岁。患者均行顺行髓内钉固定术,术中根据标本解剖中发现大转子嵴拐点凹陷和梨状窝的关系,非透视下通过手法触摸确定髓内钉开口位置。结果 尸体标本解剖研究发现,股骨大转子在与股骨颈结合部形成一个向外侧凸出类似“C”形的山嵴样结构。股骨大转子嵴呈后方高、前方平坦下降似斜坡样结构,中间凭借手指就可以感觉有一个类似拐点的凹陷切迹。臀中肌附着在大转子嵴的外侧部分,梨状肌腱附着在大转子嵴拐点切迹的内侧部分。梨状窝就是梨状肌附着点的骨质凹陷,梨状窝基本位于髓腔中轴线上、大转子嵴拐点凹陷的内侧。44例患者中,1例患者术中无法满意确定骨折近端髓腔朝向,开口过程中采用X线透视检查髓腔开口器的方向;43例均在非透视的情况下将髓内钉导针置入髓腔,髓内钉均置入良好。术后随访时间9~28个月,平均18.4个月;除1例股骨干骨折愈合迟缓,动力化后愈合外,其他患者均愈合良好;随访期间所有患者无髓内钉松动、股骨头切出等并发症。结论 在股骨干和股骨转子区骨折采用顺行髓内钉固定治疗术中,非透视下通过手法触摸,可以利用大转子嵴拐点凹陷切迹代替梨状窝参考定位,确定髓内钉开口位置,避免反复透视,降低辐射损害。  相似文献   

臀下动脉吻合支的解剖学观测及其临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为以臀下动脉吻合支臀中肌止腱支为蒂的大转子后外侧骨、骨膜瓣移位术提供解剖学依据.方法在30侧动脉灌注红色乳胶液的成人下肢尸体标本上,重点观测臀下动脉吻合支臀中肌止腱支的走行、分布与吻合.结果臀下动脉吻合支沿梨状肌下缘行向大转子途中,在距动脉起点4.4±1.2cm处分出臀中肌止腱支,分布于臀中肌止腱及大转子尖端并参与大转子后外侧动脉网.结论可设计以臀中肌止腱支为蒂蹬大转子后外侧骨、骨膜瓣移位修复股骨头缺血性坏死.  相似文献   

髋关节后侧入路应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为髋关节后侧手术入路及如何避免易损伤结构提供解剖学依据。方法:对60侧成尸下肢标本,参照手术进路的层次对相关结构和神经血管进行解剖观测。结果:1.臀大肌的神经和血管及其分支均从肌深面入肌,入肌点均在臀大肌前缘后方。2.在竖脊肌起点外侧缘与大转子尖连线上距大转子尖距离:臀上血管神经束上支为(105.8±29.6)mm;臀上血管神经束下支为(78.6±36.8)mm。3.坐骨神经半腱肌支上支入肌点与坐骨结节距离为(102.6±56.2)mm;坐骨神经股二头肌支最上支入肌点与坐骨结节距离为(127.1±50.5)mm;坐骨神经半膜肌支上支入肌点与坐骨结节距离为(135.6±85.1)mm。结论:1.从大转子尖向上分离臀中肌臀小肌时不要超过大转子尖与髂嵴连线的下1/2,最安全应在1/3以内,以免损伤臀上血管神经束下支。2.切断梨状肌的位置越贴近大转子越不易损伤坐骨神经,梨状肌肌腱残留长度在保证吻合的情况下越短越好。  相似文献   

在解剖一成年女尸右下肢时,见梨状肌形态和止点变异,现报道如下:梨状肌起于第四骶前孔前外侧骨面,起端宽19mm,厚1.5mm,于坐骨神经背侧出坐骨大孔.出坐骨大孔后被高位分出的胫神经和腓总神经夹持下行,肌的周围被脂肪组织和筋膜包裹,最后以细长扁腱止于腓骨头后外侧。梨状肌从始端到止端全长为42.7cm,依其形态结构可分为四段(附图):上段为始端至坐骨结节与股骨大转子尖连线之间的一段,  相似文献   

<正>笔者在对一男性左上肢标本进行解剖操作时,发现该标本左侧胸大肌止点处有异常腱束于肱二头肌长头肌腱表面上行,上行的腱束纤维与肩关节囊附着,通过牵拉发现其与岗上肌亦存在联合(图1)。胸大肌止点处异常腱束上行止于肩关节囊的变异报道少见,为积累国人肌肉变异资料,故对其加以报道。  相似文献   

目的:进一步为临床应用大转子骨(膜)瓣移位术提供解剖学基础及手术方式。方法:在52侧经股动脉灌注红色乳胶的成人下肢标本上,重点对旋股外侧动脉横支、升支的臀中肌支走行、分布及臀中肌的形态、血供来源进行解剖学观测。结果:旋股外侧动脉横支起始点外径(2.5±0.8)mm,其上行支分布于大转子前外侧部,供血范围4.0cm×2.0cm×3.5cm,下行支分布于股骨前外侧的骨膜,供血范围9.7cm×4.6cm。臀中肌支起点至入肌点的距离为(3.5±0.8)cm,血管在近臀中肌止点处有小动脉穿出至大转子上部和外侧面。臀中肌由多条血管供血,诸血管肌支在肌肉内形成丰富的血管吻合网。结论:可设计旋股外侧动脉横支联合升支的臀中肌支为蒂大转子骨(膜)瓣,移位治疗股骨头缺血性坏死、股骨颈骨折、股骨中上段缺损的手术方式,并具有血供可靠、操作简便、术式灵活多样等特点。  相似文献   

在制作1男性标本时,见其右侧坐骨神经伴梨状肌变异及臀上动脉、臀下神经穿梨状肌位置异常及第2骶神经异常分支,此种变异较为少见,为积累国人解剖学数值,现报道如下. 此标本梨状肌为三肌腹两肌腱型:肌束Ⅰ起自骶结节韧带的盆面,长8.38 cm,肌束Ⅱ起自骶骨前面,长 9.96 cm,肌束Ⅲ起自髂骨臀面,长8.60 cm,梨状肌最宽处为5.28 cm;肌束Ⅰ的肌腱为一扁腱,肌束Ⅱ、Ⅲ在末端汇合成一圆形肌腱,两肌腱共同止于股骨大转子上缘后部.坐骨神经在盆腔内即分为胫神经(直径8.84mm)和腓总神经(直径6.80 mm),胫神经从梨状肌下孔穿出,腓总神经从梨状肌上孔穿出,二者向下走行未见汇合.据潘铭紫[1]的分型法,此种变异率为2.20%.  相似文献   

目的    为髋前外侧肌间隙手术入路治疗股骨转子间骨折提供解剖学基础。  方法    12侧成人尸体下肢标本,模拟髋前外侧肌间隙入路对相关结构和神经血管进行解剖观测。  结果    臀中肌阔筋膜张肌间隙髂嵴附着处距髂前上棘距离(5.13±0.52)cm(4.25~6.30 cm),在该间隙内常见臀上神经最下支以及旋股外侧动脉升支臀中肌支穿过,臀上神经最下支穿臀中肌阔筋膜张肌间隙处至股骨大转子外侧最凸点距离为(8.15±0.67)cm(7.13~9.56 cm);旋股外侧动脉升支臀中肌支走行至该间隙处距离股骨大转子外侧最凸点距离为(5.57±0.39)cm(5.05~6.62 cm)。  结论    髋前外侧肌间隙入路治疗股骨转子间骨折具有安全、暴露充分、软组织损伤小等特点,为股骨转子间骨折的手术治疗提供了新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

Patients with lumbosacral and buttock pain provide tacit support for recognizing the piriformis muscle as a contributing factor to the pain (piriformis syndrome). One hundred and twelve cadaveric specimens were observed to elucidate the anatomical variations of the piriformis muscle referred to the diagnostic and treatment of the piriformis syndrome. The distance between the musculotendinous junction and the insertion was measured and the piriformis categorized into three types: Type A (71, 63.39%): long upper and short lower muscle belly; Type B (40, 35.71%): short upper and long lower muscle belly; Type C (1, 0.9%): fusion of both muscle bellies at the same level. The diameter of the piriformis tendon at the level of the musculotendinous junction ranged from 3 to 9 mm (mean: 6.3 mm). The piriformis showed the following possible fusions with adjacent tendons. In type one (60, 53.57%) a rounded tendon of the piriformis reached the upper border of the greater trochanter. In type two (33, 29.46%) it first joined into the gemellus superior tendon and at last both fused with the obturator internus tendon and inserted into the medial surface of the greater trochanter. A fusion of the piriformis, obturator internus and gluteus medius tendon with the same insertion area as above was observed in type three (15, 13.39%) and finally in type four (4, 3.57%) the tendon fused with the gluteus medius to reach the upper surface of the greater trochanter. Based on this survey anatomical causes for the piriformis syndrome are rare and a more precise workup is necessary to rule out more common diagnosis.  相似文献   

Preservation of piriformis during exposure of the hip joint via a posterior approach may result in a lower rate of dislocation following total hip arthroplasty. The aim of this study was to identify anatomical variations in the tendons of piriformis and obturator internus which could inform piriformis sparing approaches to the hip. Twenty-nine proximal femora from 15 cadavers, 5 male and 10 female aged 65-79 years, were examined. Tendon crossing angles, location and mode of insertion to the greater trochanter and the extent of fusion between tendons prior to insertion were noted. The mean (and associated standard deviation) of the vertical and horizontal widths of the piriformis tendon were 4.78 ± 1.31 mm and 7.35 ± 1.74 mm, respectively. The mean (and associated standard deviation) of the vertical and horizontal widths of the obturator internus tendon were 6.87 ± 1.61 mm and 5.72 ± 1.38 mm, respectively. The mean distances of the anterior and posterior margins of the piriformis tendon insertion from the posterior limit of the greater trochanter, defined as a percentage of the anteroposterior length of the greater trochanter, were 63.3% ± 9.4% and 43.0% ± 9.4%, respectively. Equivalent mean distances for the obturator internus insertion were 73.0% ± 6.6% and 55.9% ± 7.0%, respectively. On the basis of the relationship between the piriformis and obturator internus tendons in terms of the angle and point at which they cross, in addition to any degree of tendon fusion, four classifications were identified. This study shows that the most posterior margins of the piriformis and obturator internus attachments are located more than one-third of the way along the greater trochanter, suggesting that current osteotomies would not include these external rotators in the majority of cases.  相似文献   

The manner of innervation of the obturator internus, superior and inferior gemelli, and the quadratus femoris in humans (101 pelvic halves) and in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta: 8 pelvic halves) were investigated. In most specimens, the inferior gemellus originated from the lateral surface of the ischial tuberosity and also from the medial surface (intrapelvic origin) just beneath the obturator internus and was covered by the falciform process of the sacrotuberous ligament. The superior gemellus was frequently innervated by the nerve to the obturator internus and the nerve to the quadratus femoris (60.4%), and the inferior gemellus was innervated by the obturator internus nerve in two specimens. The quadratus femoris nerve originated from more cranial segments than the obturator internus nerve, however these nerves had various communication patterns inside and outside the muscles. According to the intramuscular nerve distribution, in some specimens the branches to the superior gemellus from the quadratus femoris nerve extended to the inferior gemellus, and the branches to the inferior gemellus were distributed to the obturator internus. The present findings revealed that the positional relationships among the branches to the obturator internus and gemelli muscles are relatively constant, although the branching patterns and innervation patterns were varied. The various patterns and routes are considered to reflect the variability of the differentiation patterns of the anlage of the muscles. A possible schematic model of the positional relationships between the muscles and the nerves is proposed.  相似文献   

The current literature indicates that the standard starting point for intramedullary nailing is the piriform fossa. The accuracy of the entry point for anterograde femoral intramedullary nailing between published texts and relevant illustrations was recorded. The piriform fossa is the site of insertion of the piriform tendon and represents a small, shallow depression located on the tip of the greater trochanter. The trochanteric fossa is a deep depression on the inner surface of the greater trochanter, and in the vast majority of the published data is indicated incorrectly as "piriform fossa". As a result of either a recurrent drawing mismatch or a terminology error, the correct entry point for anterograde femoral intramedullary nailing is confusing and should be indicated in the current literature. The trochanteric fossa appears to be the standard entry point that most surgeons recommend.  相似文献   

Background: The superior gemellus, inferior gemellus, and obturator internus muscles were once regarded as a single muscle judging from their insertion and function. However, current textbooks of anatomy do not treat them as one muscle. In gross anatomy, the classification of muscles depends largely upon the nerve supply, so that the present author re-examined the nerve supply to the three muscles. Methods: Fourteen nerve-muscle specimens were taken from 12 cadavers (five males and seven females) and examined with the unaided eye and under a dissecting microscope. Results: (1) The modes of nerve supply to the superior gemellus, inferior gemellus, and obturator internus muscles differed; however, the nerves to the muscles shared the same spinal nerve components. (2) The gemelli formed a muscular pocket (“gemellus pocket”) through which obturator internus muscle passed. Conclusions: In light of this knowledge on nerve muscle relationships, the difference in the pattern of nerve supply to the superior gemellus, inferior gemellus, and obturator internus muscles cannot be the basis for stating that the muscle are independent. Rather, their fusion to form the gemellus pocket and their common insertion suggest that they are different heads of one muscle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Antegrade intramedullary nailing is an accepted method of treatment for femoral shaft fractures. Entrance of the nail through the trochanteric fossa is currently recommended by some surgeons. This approach results in some cases, however, in loss of abduction strength and persistent pain. Nail insertion at the tip of the greater trochanter may be more favorable. In this study the anatomical relationships of the trochanteric fossa and of the tip of the greater trochanter were explored. Dissection was carried out in 10 fresh human cadaver femurs. The risks and safety of the two entry points with respect to the adjacent soft tissues were assessed. Abductor muscles and tendons, branches of the medial circumflex femoral artery and the hip joint capsule were at risk during nail insertion through the trochanteric fossa. These structures were not endangered during insertion through the trochanteric tip. The reported clinical morbidity after nailing through the trochanteric fossa may result from direct soft tissue injury and may be reduced by choosing the route through the greater trochanter.  相似文献   

To examine the development of the tendon pulley of the obturator internus muscle (OI), we observed paraffin sections of 26 human embryos and fetuses (~6–15 weeks of gestation). The OI was characterized by early maturation of the proximal tendon in contrast to the delayed development of the distal tendon. At 6 weeks, the ischium corresponded to a simple round mass similar to the tuberosity in adults. At 8 weeks, before development of the definite lesser notch of the ischium, initial muscle fibers of the OI, running along the antero‐posterior axis, converged onto a thick and tight but short tendon running along the left‐right axis. Thus, at the beginning of development, the OI muscle belly and tendon met almost at a right angle. At 10 weeks, the OI tendon extended inferiorly along the sciatic nerve, but the distal part remained thin and loose and it was embedded in the gluteus medius tendon. At 15 weeks, in association with the gemellus muscles, the distal OI tendon was established. The mechanically strong sciatic nerve was first likely to catch the OI muscle fibers to provide a temporary insertion. Next, the ischium developing upward seemed to push the tendon to make the turn more acute along the cartilaginous ridge. Finally, the gemellus muscle appeared to provide inferior traction to the OI tendon for separation from the gluteus medius to create the final, independent insertion. Without such guidance, the piriformis tendon first attached to the OI tendon and then merged with the gluteus medius tendon. Anat Rec, 298:1282–1293, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In medical practice, greater trochanteric pain syndrome has an incidence of 5.6 per 1,000 adults per year, and affects up to 25% of patients with knee osteoarthritis and low back pain in industrialized nations. It also occurs as a complication after total hip arthroplasty. Different etiologies of the pain syndrome have been discussed, but an exact cause remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the sensory innervations of the greater trochanter in attempt to improve the treatment of this syndrome. Therefore, we dissected the gluteal region of seven adult and one fetal formalin fixed cadavers, and both macroscopic and microscopic examination was performed. We found a small sensory nerve supply to the periosteum and bursae of the greater trochanter. This nerve is a branch of the n. femoralis and accompanies the arteria and vena circumflexa femoris medialis and their trochanteric branches to the greater trochanter. This nerve enters the periosteum of the greater trochanter directly caudal to the tendon of the inferior gemellus muscle. This new anatomical information may be helpful in improving therapy, such as interventional denervation of the greater trochanter or anatomically guided injections with corticosteroids and local anesthetics. Clin. Anat. 25:1080–1086, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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