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目的应用数字化三维重建技术构建上肢的解剖结构,建立虚拟神经,血管及腕管的结构和形态。方法采用新鲜成人上肢标本3具,灌注显影剂后经CT扫描,将得到的数据导入Mimics13.1软件中,对皮肤、骨骼、血管及神经等主要软组织进行三维构建,利用图像的多次切割重建,构建正中、尺、桡神经、血管以及腕管部位的解剖结构。结果建立了基于解剖结构的可视化上肢神经,血管及腕管模型,与实体解剖学基本一致。结论皮肤、骨骼、血管、神经等主要软组织等三维构建,及腕管的可视化研究模型为虚拟现实技术提供数字化模型,尤其是神经的成功构建,对临床解剖学提供三维形态学资料有着重要意义。  相似文献   

目的寻求建立颈椎后路手术相关结构数字模型及三维可视化方法。方法取健康志愿者头顶至第3胸椎下缘连续CT/MRI断面图像,Mimics软件对骨骼,肌肉,神经等组织用半自动方法进行分割和重建,MedCAD(医学计算机辅助设计)模块对细小解剖结构重建,三维化显示颈椎后路手术相关解剖结构。结果建立颈椎后路手术相关结构的三维可视化模型,显示骨性结构、颈背部由浅入深4层17组肌肉、4组韧带、C1~T2脊神经后支和颈部浅层肌等解剖结构的位置关系。结论在颈背部三维可视化模型基础上,参照解剖学层次逐层显示该手术相关重要结构,为该手术解剖教学、手术培训提供医疗教学平台。  相似文献   

人体大脑数字化解剖模型的构建及可视化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的构建人体大脑数字化解剖模型,为实现大脑的计算机精确模拟提供可操作的基础平台,为人体大脑功能研究提供解剖学框架。方法采用低温冷冻铣切技术采集人体大脑的横断面图像,用课题组自行开发的软件,将分割提取后的脑断面图像进行重建,建立大脑三维模型。用与香港中文大学合作开发的可视化软件,在三维空间上对人体大脑结构进行可视化研究。结果建立了以前后连合间线中点为原点的大脑三维模型,且模型上每一像素都有相应的解剖标识,其任意一点的坐标均能显示;大脑的三维模型可以任意切割显示大脑内部结构:重构后的大脑结构还可进行三维测量。结论大脑数字化模型建立在临床常用的三维空间坐标系中且模型上每一像素都有相应的解剖标识,为模型驱动分割算法的研究提供了模板,同时也为神经解剖教学提供了一种新的、直观的手段。具有明确解剖标识和量化空间信息的数字化人大脑模型,与坐标系统联系起来,还为人大脑各类图像配准提供了公共参考系统。  相似文献   

医学影像资料三维重建及在解剖学教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
目的探讨利用三维重建软件构建人体三维模型在解剖学教学中应用。方法采集层厚为1mm的颈、胸部CT影像,利用三维重建软件Mimics对其进行三维重建,并将重建模型应用于本科学生的理论教学中,课后收集学生的学习感受。结果通过三维重建软件Mimics进行图像重建,清楚直观地再现胸廓整体的三维结构,也可单独显示肺、颈椎、胸椎、肋骨、胸骨等结构的三维形态。学生普遍反应学习效率提高。结论利用三维重建可直观显示人体三维结构,应用于解剖学教学可获得良好效果。  相似文献   

传统的人体解剖学教学,常采用教科书、图谱及标本、模型相结合的教学方法。但因解剖名词繁杂、人体标本短缺、二维图像难以构建三维立体方位等,给初学者构筑了许多学习障碍。随着计算机图像技术的不断完善,出现多种三维重建方法。其三维重建图像资料具有很强的直观性,结构清楚,易于讲解,大大降低了学习难度,提高了学习效率,还能唤起同学学习解剖学的热情。  相似文献   

颅面立体结构三维可视化研究及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为实现颅面结构三维可视化并对其全面、准确的定性和定量分析。方法:应用visual C^ 语言设计开发出一个多功能应用软件包,其功能模块包括:三维重建、精确测量、电子解剖等。借助所开发的软件包,将面向多边形的表面绘制显示方法应用于颅面软组织、骨组织结构的三维重建研究。结果:由二维断层CT图像构建出颅面皮肤软组织和骨组织立体结构模型,其立体模型可旋转以利于不同角度的观察分析,可以任一剖面显示及操作其局部结构。结论:为颅面外科临床提供了定性和定量诊断分析的新技术,实现了颅面电子解剖。为解剖学、人类学和医学美学研究提供了立体分析模型和新方法。  相似文献   

目的:建立正常的颞下颌关节有限元模型和髁突骨折切复内固定手术模型,为颞下颌关节系统的生物力学研究提供数字平台。方法获取正常颞下颌关节CT和MRI扫描图像数据,使用Mimics、Geomagic、ANSYS等软件建立颞下颌关节三维有限元模型和髁突骨折外科手术模型并进行初步的生物力学分析,以验证模型的有效性。结果建立了颞下颌关节系统的三维有限元模型和髁突骨折外科模型具有良好的生物形态。结论根据CT、MRI影像和解剖参数,利用医学影像三维建模软件Mimics以及逆向工程软件Geomagic Stadio可以精确、可行地构建颞下颌关节系统的表面网格模型,并在有限元分析软件Ansys中构建颞下颌关节系统的三维有限元模型。该模型还原了TMJ的生物力学环境。  相似文献   

背景:X射线、CT、MRI二维图像测量股骨髁间窝受投照体位、选取测量层面等影响,测量准确性较差。 目的:比较MRI影像下股骨髁间窝三维数字化模型测量值和尸体实体解剖测量值的差异,探讨基于MRI影像下三维数字化模型的准确性。 方法:对尸体膝关节标本行MRI扫描,将MRI图像导入Mimics软件对股骨髁间窝进行三维数字化重建,测量三维数字化髁间窝的相关解剖学数据,同时对尸体标本进行解剖,测量实体解剖学数据。 结果与结论:三维数字化重建髁间窝顶长度、髁间窝宽度、内外髁宽度、髁间窝指数测量值与实体解剖测量值差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。说明基于MRI影像下股骨髁间窝的三维数字化模型能够准确反映实体标本信息,可用于正常人股骨髁间窝的解剖学研究。  相似文献   

目的:对比观察肝外胆管供血动脉3D重建图像与传统解剖学图像,评价其各自的优缺点。方法2012年1—12月,对来自南方医科大学珠江医院肝胆一科的10例肝外胆管梗阻性疾病患者病例进行回顾性研究。将10例患者的上腹部亚毫米CT扫描数据导入腹部医学图像3D可视化系统(MI-3DVS)程序化构建肝外胆管供血动脉3D重建图像,并与传统解剖学图像进行对比分析。结果肝外胆管供血动脉3D重建图像真实,立体感强,可以从不同角度进行3D空间的解剖关系观察;传统解剖学图像只能显示平面的解剖结构,表现手法单一,但可根据手术显微镜所观察的尸体标本灌注情况,还原绘制胆管周围血管丛等3D重建图像无法显示的血管。结论3D图像真实直观,能真实还原组织器官结构的本来面貌,便于学习和理解,是解剖学研究和学习的新途径,也可以为个体化胆道外科手术方案提供指导,但不能完全替代传统解剖图像。  相似文献   

生物组织连续切片图像的计算机三维生建研究的进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
80年代末至90年代初,最新计算机图像处理技术与生物技术的发展使生物组织的三维图像直实再现成为可能。现在,计算机图像三维重建技术已越来越广泛地应用于生物学领域。本文介绍了生物组织连续切片图像的计算机三维重建研究进展,着重于三维图像的定位、重建与显示和图像数据压缩,图像自动分割的研究进展。  相似文献   



3D bone reconstructions performed during general clinical practice are of limited use for preclinical research, education, and training purposes. For this reason, we are constructing a database of human 3D virtual bone models compiled from computer tomography (CT) scans.

Materials and methods

CT data sets were post-processed using Amira® 5.2 software. In each cut, bone structures were isolated using semiautomatic labeling program codes. The software then generated extremely precise 3D bone models in STL format (standard triangulated language). These bone models offer a sustainable source of information for morphologic studies and investigations of biomechanical bony characteristics in complex anatomic regions. Regarding educational value and student acceptance models were introduced during bedside teaching and evaluated by medical students.


The current database is comprised of 131 pelvises and 120 femurs (ø 60 years, ø 172 cm, ø 76 kg), and is continuously growing. To date, 3D morphometric analyses of the posterior ring and the acetabulum have been successfully completed. Eighty students (96 %) evaluated instruction with virtual 3D bone models as “good” or “very good“. The majority of students want to increase learning with virtual bone models covering various regions and diseases.


With consistent and steadily increasing case numbers, the database offers a sustainable alternative to human cadaver work for practical investigations. In addition, it offers a platform for education and training.  相似文献   

目的应用三维重建技术研究面神经乳突段神经纤维的空间配布规律。方法取5只新西兰大白兔面神经全段及周围颞骨、脱钙、石蜡包埋、连续切片后神经三色染色,观察拍照、经图形配准后,利用Mimics软件重建显示面神经纤维的空间构筑。结果兔面神经乳突段神经纤维聚集成簇,但周围无明显神经束膜;神经纤维之间相互交叉,重组,形成复杂的网络结构。结论利用计算机三维重建技术可显示面神经乳突段神经纤维的空间配布规律,为研究面神经显微解剖形态提供参考。  相似文献   

目的旨在探究3D打印技术制作解剖教具应用于医学解剖教育的可行性。方法用CT扫描获取大体颅骨标本影像数据,重建并采用3D打印技术构建颅骨模型。招募26名北京协和医学院三年级医学生,采用3D打印颅骨模型进行颅底解剖学习,并通过主观评价问卷对其在解剖教学中的实用性进行评价。结果 57%试验参与者认为3D打印颅骨能够完整呈现颅底解剖结构,超过90%参与者同意3D打印模型有助于空间理解和解剖学习,88%参与者认为3D打印颅骨能够解决大体解剖标本带来的伦理学问题,84%参与者赞同将3D打印模型应用于颅底解剖教学。结论 3D打印模型在解剖教学中效果得到了肯定,3D打印技术在医学教育中的进一步应用亟待展开。  相似文献   

IntroductionVirtual 3D models are powerful tools for teaching anatomy. At the present day, there are a lot of different digital anatomy models, most of these commercial applications are based on a 3D model of a human body reconstructed from images with a 1 mm intervals. The use of even smaller intervals may result in more details and more realistic appearances of 3D anatomy models. The aim of this study was to create a realistic and highly detailed 3D model of the hand and wrist based on small interval cross-sectional images, suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching purposes with the possibility to perform a virtual dissection in an educational application.MethodsIn 115 transverse cross-sections from a human hand and wrist, segmentation was done by manually delineating 90 different structures. With the use of Amira the segments were imported and a surface model/polygon model was created, followed by smoothening of the surfaces in Mudbox. In 3D Coat software the smoothed polygon models were automatically retopologied into a quadrilaterals formation and a UV map was added. In Mudbox, the textures from 90 structures were depicted in a realistic way by using photos from real tissue and afterwards height maps, gloss and specular maps were created to add more level of detail and realistic lightning on every structure. Unity was used to build a new software program that would support all the extra map features together with a preferred user interface.ConclusionA 3D hand model has been created, containing 100 structures (90 at start and 10 extra structures added along the way). The model can be used interactively by changing the transparency, manipulating single or grouped structures and thereby simulating a virtual dissection. This model can be used for a variety of teaching purposes, ranging from undergraduate medical students to residents of hand surgery. Studying the hand and wrist anatomy using this model is cost-effective and not hampered by the limited access to real dissecting facilities.  相似文献   

New views of male pelvic anatomy: role of computer-generated 3D images   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There is considerable controversy concerning the role of cadaveric dissection in teaching gross anatomy and the potential of using 3D computer-generated images to substitute for actual laboratory dissections. There are currently few high-quality 3D virtual models of anatomy available to evaluate the utility of computer-generated images. Existing 3D models are frequently of structures that are easily examined in three dimensions by removal from the cadaver, i.e., the heart, skull, and brain. We have focused on developing a 3D model of the pelvis, a region that is conceptually difficult and relatively inaccessible for student dissection. We feel students will benefit tremendously from 3D views of the pelvic anatomy. We generated 3D models of the male pelvic anatomy from hand-segmented color Visible Human Male cryosection data, reconstructed and visualized by Columbia University's in-house 3D Vesalius trade mark Visualizer.(1) These 3D models depict the anatomy of the region in a realistic true-to-life color and texture. They can be used to create 3D anatomical scenes, with arbitrary complexity, where the component anatomical structures are displayed in correct 3D anatomical relationships. Moreover, a sequence of 3D scenes can be defined to simulate actual dissection. Structures can be added in a layered sequence from the bony framework to build from the "inside-out" or disassembled much like a true laboratory dissection from the "outside-in." These 3D reconstructed anatomical models can provide views of the structures from new perspectives and have the potential to improve understanding of the anatomical relationships of the pelvic region (http://www.cellbiology.lsuhsc.edu/People/Faculty/Venuti_Figures/movie_index.html).  相似文献   

Opportunities for clinicians, researchers, and medical students to become acquainted with the three-dimensional (3D) anatomy of the human embryo have historically been limited. This work was aimed at creating a collection of digital, printable 3D surface models demonstrating major morphogenetic changes in the embryo's external anatomy, including typical features used for external staging. Twelve models were digitally reconstructed based on optical projection tomography, high-resolution episcopic microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging datasets of formalin-fixed specimens of embryos of developmental stages 12 through 23, that is, stages following longitudinal and transverse embryo folding. The reconstructed replica reproduced the external anatomy of the actual specimens in great detail, and the progress of development over stages was recognizable in a variety of external anatomical features and bodily structures, including the general layout and curvature of the body, the pharyngeal arches and cervical sinus, the physiological gut herniation, and external genitalia. In addition, surface anatomy features commonly used for embryo staging, such as distinct steps in the morphogenesis of facial primordia and limb buds, were also apparent. These digital replica, which are all provided for 3D visualization and printing, can serve as a novel resource for teaching and learning embryology and may contribute to a better appreciation of the human embryonic development.  相似文献   

Attitudes of professional anatomists to curricular change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Throughout the world, recent developments in medical curricula have led to marked changes in the teaching of gross anatomy. This change has involved decreasing curricular student contact time and the use of new methods for anatomical teaching. Some "modern" anatomists have welcomed the arrival of these novel methods while other, more "traditional," anatomists have fought to maintain the use of cadaveric dissection. Consequently, controversy over teaching methods has developed to the point that "modernist" and "traditionalist" views within the community of professional anatomists seem to have diverged such that the importance of gross anatomy in the medical curriculum is disputed and that cadaveric dissection by students is no longer the preferred method of teaching. This study tests this hypothesis using Thurstone and Chave attitude analyses to assess attitudes to educational change and the importance of anatomy in medicine and a matrix questionnaire that required professional anatomists to relate course aims to different teaching methods. In total, 112 completed questionnaires were received from anatomists who are employed at higher education institutions that use various teaching methods and who span the academic hierarchy. The results suggest that over 90% of anatomists favor educational change and approximately 98% of professional anatomists believe that gross anatomy has an important role to play in clinical medicine. A clear majority of the anatomists (69%) favored the use of human cadaveric dissection over other teaching methods (this method seeming to achieve a range of different course aims/objectives) (P < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). Using Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests, the order-of-preference for teaching methods was found to be as follows: 1. Practical lessons using cadaveric dissection by students. 2. Practical lessons using prosection. 3. Tuition based upon living and radiological anatomy. 4. Electronic tuition using computer aided learning (CAL). 5. Didactic teaching alone (e.g. lectures/class room-based tuition). 6. Use of models. The preference for the use of human cadaveric dissection was evident in all groups of anatomists, whether "traditionalist" or "modernist" (P = 0.002, Chi-squared). These findings are therefore not consistent with our initial hypothesis.  相似文献   

三维重建上肢解剖结构的计算机模拟手术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
探索三维重建后计算机模拟手术过程的实现。将上肢新鲜标本经CT扫描后连续切片,把CT图像和大体断面图像同时输入计算机,用Borland C++语言编制三维重建和模拟手术程序,建立上肢三维解剖数据模型,将临床实际手术操作过程转化为计算机可接受的指令,实现模拟手术操作。结果表明:上肢模拟手术可分三段进行,手术部位及切口方向可任意选择,逐层“切开”并三维显示,因此,模拟手术系统可运用于手术方案的设计、选择  相似文献   

Radiological anatomy education is an important aspect of the medical curriculum. The purpose of this study was to establish and demonstrate the use of plastinated anatomical specimens, specifically human hearts, for use in radiological anatomy education. Four human hearts were processed with routine plastination procedures at room temperature. Specimens were subjected to cone beam computed tomography and a graphics program (ER3D) was applied to generate 3D cardiac models. A comparison was conducted between plastinated hearts and their corresponding computer models based on a list of morphological cardiac features commonly studied in the gross anatomy laboratory. Results showed significant correspondence between plastinations and CBCT-generated 3D models (98 %; p < .01) for external structures and 100 % for internal cardiac features, while 85 % correspondence was achieved between plastinations and 2D CBCT slices. Complete correspondence (100 %) was achieved between key observations on the plastinations and internal radiological findings typically required of medical student. All pathologic features seen on the plastinated hearts were also visualized internally with the CBCT-generated models and 2D slices. These results suggest that CBCT-derived slices and models can be successfully generated from plastinated material and provide accurate representations for radiological anatomy education.  相似文献   

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