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后腹腔镜下结核性无功能肾切除术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨后腹腔镜切除结核性无功能肾的有效性及安全性。方法2005年8月~2009年2月,对21例肾结核行后腹腔镜下肾切除术。用等离子钳游离肾脏与输尿管,Hem-o-lok阻断肾蒂,18例肾放入肾袋后取出,3例患侧下腹部取斜行切口处理输尿管及取肾。手术前后均行正规抗结核治疗。结果21例均成功完成肾切除,无一例中转开放手术,手术时间75~210min,平均105min。术中失血量40~220ml,平均100.5ml。术后住院时间4~9d,平均6.5d。术中3例肾包膜撕破造成少量干酪样脓液外渗,腹膜损伤5例。切口一期愈合20例,1例术后局部窦道形成,二次手术,输尿管残端切除术后治愈。随访3~24个月,平均12个月,6例因膀胱挛缩,术后3个月行结肠扩大膀胱术。结论后腹腔镜切除结核性无功能肾创伤小、恢复快,对于结核性无功能肾是一种安全、有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

后腹腔镜单纯性肾切除术6例报告   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨后腹腔镜单纯性肾切除术的临床价值. 方法采用后腹腔镜行单纯性肾切除术6例,其中输尿管结石致肾积水无功能肾5例,肾结核1例.经后腹腔操作,分离出输尿管显露肾蒂, 肾动脉、肾静脉钛夹夹闭后切断,单纯采用钛夹处理肾蒂切除肾脏. 结果手术均获成功,无手术并发症发生.手术时间130~220 min,平均150 min;术中出血量80~150 ml,平均120 ml;术后住院5~7 d.5例输尿管结石随访3个月,肾功能正常;1例肾输尿管结核抗结核治疗6个月,随访无复发,血肌酐120 μmol/L稍高于正常. 结论腹腔镜单纯性肾切除术创伤小、恢复快,可成为单纯性肾切除的金标准术式.  相似文献   

目的:探讨后腹腔镜结核性无功能肾切除术的临床应用价值。方法:回顾分析2012年7月至2016年3月为23例结核性无功能肾患者行后腹腔镜肾切除术的临床资料,其中男9例,女14例,平均(39±3)岁;患者均为无功能肾,右侧11例,左侧12例。经过2周抗结核治疗后患者均行后腹腔镜肾切除术。结果:23例患者均成功完成肾切除术,无一例中转开放手术。手术时间73~196 min,平均(125±12)min;术中失血量79~420 ml,平均(198±17)ml;术后住院5~10 d,平均(7.5±0.7)d。术中均未发生脓肾破裂、腹膜损伤,其中1例术后发生输尿管残端积脓感染,二期行输尿管切除术。随访1~36个月,平均(17.0±1.3)个月,肾功能正常。结论:后腹腔镜结核性无功能肾切除术具有良好的安全性、可行性,值得在具备条件的医院推广应用。但因腹膜外空间较小,且结核肾周围粘连较重,对术者技术水平要求较高,需熟练掌握解剖,严格把握手术适应证,术中仔细辨认组织层次。  相似文献   

目的:比较后腹腔镜结核肾切除术与开放手术的方法和疗效.方法:对7例无功能性结核肾行后腹腔镜结核肾切除术,同期11例行开放肾切除术,比较两组的手术时间、术中出血量、术后住院天数、并发症及手术疗效.结果:2组患者均顺利完成手术,平均手术时间分别为122 min(60~270 min)和96 rain(60~150 min),平均术中出血量分别为81 m1(20~400 m1)和255 ml(50~1 000 ml),平均术后住院天数分别为7天和9天,术中术后无明显并发症.结论:后腹腔镜结核肾切除术是一种安全、有效的微创治疗方法.后腹腔镜肾切除为肾结核的手术治疗提供了一条新的途径.  相似文献   

目的 评价腹膜后腹腔镜肾部分切除术的可行性及临床价值.方法 39例肾占位患者行后腹腔镜肾部分切除术,肿瘤直径2.5 ~4.6cm,平均3.8cm.手术时,所有的患者都行肾蒂血管阻断.评价手术时间、肾蒂阻断时间、出血量、并发症及肿瘤复发情况.结果 38例手术顺利完成,1例中转开放,阻断肾蒂时间为21~ 36min,平均26min,手术时间70~145min,平均102min,术中出血60 ~ 900ml,平均105 ml.术后病理为32例肾癌,7例错构瘤.术后并发尿漏1例,放置双J管治愈.术后住院7 ~15d,平均l0d,随访3 ~36个月无肿瘤复发.结论 腹膜后腹腔镜肾部分切除术患者创伤小,术后康复快,值得临床推广.有可能代替开放手术,可能成为治疗肾脏局限性占位病变的首选治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹膜后腹腔镜切除结核性无功能肾的应用价值。方法:回顾分析2008年7月至2010年12月为35例肾结核患者施行腹膜后腹腔镜结核肾切除术的临床资料。结果:本组35例患者均顺利完成腹膜后腹腔镜肾切除术,无一例中转开放手术。手术时间80~190min,平均(115.0±32.7)min;术中失血量30~200ml,平均(105.1±54.5)ml,均未输血。术后均无并发症发生,切口一期愈合。术后住院3~8d,平均(6.3±1.4)d。术后随访2~30个月,平均(14.9±7.2)个月,对侧肾功能正常。结论:腹膜后腹腔镜结核性无功能肾切除术安全有效,具有出血少、患者创伤小、住院时间短等优点,是结核性无功能肾切除的最佳术式,值得进一步临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:总结单纯性腹腔镜肾切除术治疗良性无功能肾的临床应用经验。方法:回顾分析2003年9月至2009年11月施行单纯性腹腔镜肾切除术治疗22例良性无功能肾患者的临床资料。先天性肾盂输尿管连接处狭窄12例,输尿管结石6例,慢性肾盂肾炎2例,肾结核2例。结果:22例手术均获成功,无中转开放手术。手术时间65~180min,平均90min,术中出血25~150ml,平均55ml。住院4~12d,平均5d。无严重并发症发生及输血病例。1例经腹膜后途径患者术后拔除引流管后局部形成腹膜后血肿,再次在B超引导下置管引流。结论:单纯性腹腔镜肾切除术治疗良性无功能肾安全、微创,耐心细致的手术操作和对不同疾病采取个性化的治疗方案是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用后腹腔镜切除无功能结核肾的临床价值。方法回顾性分析新疆自治区区人民医院15例肾结核行后腹腔镜下结核。肾包膜外切除术的临床资料。结果15例均成功完成单纯肾切除。无中转开放手术,手术时间60~150min,平均90min。术中失血最50~250mL,平均105mL。术后住院时间4~10d,平均7d。术中取出肾脏时有3例肾破裂造成脓液外渗,切口I期愈合。随访1~24个月,平均12个月,肾功能正常。结论后腹腔镜结核肾切除术是一种安全、有效的微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜肾切除术中用Hem-o-lok结扎夹处理肾蒂的方法、优势及其应用价值.方法:2004年1月~2006年9月行腹腔镜肾切除术56例,其中38例术中应用Hem-o-lok夹处理肾蒂血管,包括腹腔镜单纯肾切除9例,腹腔镜.肾癌根治术18例,腹腔镜肾输尿管全长切除术11例.观察手术时间、术中出血量、是否中转开放、术后胃肠功能恢复时间、术后住院时间以及术后并发症等情况.结果:应用Hem-o-lok夹处理肾蒂的38例腹腔镜肾切除手术均获成功,无一例转为开放手术,术中术后无肾血管出血及其他严重并发症.手术时间35~270 min,平均165 min;术中出血量50~600 ml,平均187 ml;术后胃肠道功能恢复时间18~72 h,平均32h;术后住院时间7~16天,平均11天.结论:在腹腔镜.肾切除术中,Hem-o-lok结扎夹可以安全快速可靠的处理肾蒂血管,是一种新型有效的血管控制系统,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

目的探讨后腹腔镜行保留肾单位。肾脏肿瘤切除术的手术可行性及疗效。方法2007年3月至2008年8月,15例肾脏局限性肿瘤患者采用后腹腔镜保留肾单位肾脏肿瘤切除术。术中用bull-dog血管钳阻断肾脏血流,用超声刀在距离肿瘤边缘2~10mm处进行切除,肿瘤床随机切取三处组织送冰冻病理检查。结果15例手术均顺利完成,无一例中转开放。平均手术时间110min,术中平均阻断肾血流时间26min,术中平均出血量200ml,平均术后住院时间9d。术中切缘组织病理切片均为阴性。术后随访2~14个月肿瘤无复发。结论后腹腔镜保留肾单位肾脏肿瘤切除术治疗肾脏肿瘤技术可行,安全有效,其远期疗效尚有待长期随访。  相似文献   

目的探讨后腹腔镜切除无功能结核肾的应用价值。方法我院2003年10月-2006年11月为9例肾结核行后腹腔镜下结核肾包膜外切除术。用超声刀游离肾脏与输尿管,Endo-GIA或Hem-o-10k阻断肾蒂,把肾放入肾袋后取出。结果9例均成功完成单纯肾切除。无一例中转开放手术,手术时间90—180min,平均110min。术中失血量20—200ml,平均94.4ml。术后住院时间3—8d,平均5.5d。术中1例肾包膜撕破造成少量干酪样脓液外渗,腹膜损伤1例。切口一期愈合。9例随访1—38个月,平均22个月,对侧肾功能正常。结论后腹腔镜结核肾切除术创伤小、出血少、恢复快,对于无功能结核肾是一种比较安全、可靠的手术方法。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We describe, define and evaluate the role of retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for tuberculous nonfunctioning kidneys, and compare the results with those of open nephrectomy in similar cases in a nonrandomized study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Beginning in July 1994, 9 patients underwent retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for tuberculous nonfunctioning kidneys at our center. Data obtained from the records of these patients were compared with those of 9 who underwent open nephrectomy for a similar indication during the same period. Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy was initially performed by kidney dissection followed by ligation of the hilar vessels. The technique was subsequently modified and the vessels controlled before dissecting the kidney. Various parameters were compared and statistical analysis was done. RESULTS: The 2 groups were similar in regard to patient age, gender and side of disease. Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy was successful in 7 of the 9 patients. Although 2 of our initial patients required conversion to open surgery, the remaining 7 successfully underwent retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy after modifying the technique. Mean operative time was slightly greater in the retroperitoneoscopy than in the open surgery group (103.3 versus 92.2 minutes). Mean blood loss was less in the retroperitoneoscopy group (101.4 versus 123.3 ml.), mean hospital stay plus or minus standard deviation was significantly shorter (3.2 +/- 0.83 versus 8.88 +/- 3.37 days) and mean time to return to work was significantly less (3 versus 7 weeks). Mean analgesic requirement for opioids and diclofenac sodium was also lower in the retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy group (0 versus 1.44 +/- 0.72 and 3.8 +/- 1.3 versus 4.3 +/- 1.2 doses, respectively). Minor complications developed in only 2 retroperitoneoscopy cases. CONCLUSIONS: Tuberculosis has been considered a contraindication to retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy due to a high conversion rate. However, we believe that our modified technique of retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy is a viable option for managing tuberculous nonfunctioning kidneys. The conversion rate is lower than previously reported. Comparing our results with those of open nephrectomy shows that retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy is beneficial in all respects except for slightly longer operative time. Because of the benefits of minimally invasive surgery, this approach should be considered in such cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the feasibility and outcome of retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for benign nonfunctioning kidneys and compare it with open simple nephrectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1998 to December 2006, 505 retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomies were performed. In the same time period, 112 open nephrectomies were also performed. In the retroperitoneoscopic group, the mean age was 39 years (range 15-74 years); 204 (40.4%) were men and 301 (59.6%) were women. Forty in this group had a history of surgery. Thirty-six patients had a pyonephrotic kidney; 33 of these patients had undergone percutaneous nephrostomy preoperatively. The cause of the nonfunctioning kidney was ureteropelvic junction obstruction in 198 patients, calculus disease in 193 patients, genitourinary tuberculosis in 48 patients, renal dysplasia in 19 patients, anomalous kidney in 20 patients, and renovascular hypertension in 16 patients. In 11 patients, there were other causes for the nonfunctioning kidney. RESULTS: Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy was performed in 476 (94.2%) patients. Conversion to open nephrectomy was necessary in 25 patients. The mean operative time was 85 minutes (range 45-240 min) in the retroperitoneoscopic group and 70 minutes (range 35-120 min) in the open group. The mean blood loss was 110 mL (range 30-600 mL) in the retroperitoneoscopic group and 170 mL (range 70-500 mL) in the open group. Four (0.8%) patients in the retroperitoneoscopic group needed a blood transfusion, whereas 5 (4.5%) patients in the open group had a blood transfusion. The hospital stay in the retroperitoneoscopic group was 3 days (range 1-7 d) and was 5 days (range 3-12 d) in the open group. CONCLUSIONS: Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy, although technically challenging, is becoming a gold standard for patients with nonfunctioning kidneys caused by benign conditions.  相似文献   

目的探讨后腹腔镜包膜内切除严重感染粘连性无功能肾的技术方法和临床应用价值。方法9例患者,男5例,女4例。年龄38~61岁,平均46岁。肾结核5例,肾非特异性感染4例。左侧5例,右侧4例。9例均行后腹腔镜包膜内肾切除,沿肾脏长轴切开增厚的肾包膜,包膜内游离肾实质,紧靠肾门处再次环行切开肾包膜,分离肾血管周围脂肪,使肾蒂组织薄到足以用血管闭合系统(LigaSure)凝固肾动静脉。离断肾蒂,取出标本,留置腹膜后引流管。记录手术时间,术中出血量,术中术后并发症及恢复时间。结果9例手术均获成功。手术时间1.5—3.0h,平均2.2h;术中出血量40~120ml,平均70ml;术后胃肠功能恢复时间1—2d;术中及术后无明显并发症;术后住院6~8d。随访1~10个月,效果满意。结论该术式具有微创、出血少、恢复快、效果好等特点,较好地解决了严重感染粘连性无功能肾的肾蒂处理难题。  相似文献   

目的:探讨后腹腔镜手术切除结核性无功能肾的安全性与疗效。方法:将36例结核性无功能肾患者,按手术方式分为后腹腔镜组和开放手术组,比较两组手术时间、术中出血量、术后住院时间、并发症等方面的差异。结果:后腹腔镜组手术中转开放手术2例,开放手术组手术均获成功;后腹腔镜组肠功能恢复时间平均2.10天。显著少于开放手术组2.79天(P〈0.05);镇痛剂使用平均0.71次,显著少于开放手术组1.87次(P〈0.05)。结论:后腹腔镜手术切除结核性无功能肾创伤小,恢复快,有学习曲线,安全可行。  相似文献   

Zhang X  Zheng T  Ma X  Li HZ  Li LC  Wang SG  Wu ZQ  Pan TJ  Ye ZQ 《The Journal of urology》2005,173(5):1586-1589
PURPOSE: We retrospectively investigated the advantages of retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for nonfunctioning tuberculous kidneys by comparing its clinical results, operative methods and skills with those of open nephrectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical data on 22 patients with nonfunctioning tuberculous kidneys who underwent retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy, including simple and subcapsular nephrectomy, were compared with those on 22 who underwent open nephrectomy for a similar indication during the same period. Results in the 2 groups were analyzed. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference between the retroperitoneoscopy and open surgery groups with regard to patient age, sex or mean operative time +/- SD (93.0 +/- 12.6 vs 92.6 +/- 35.5 minutes). Mean blood loss was significantly less in the retroperitoneoscopy group than in the open surgery group (78.3 +/- 60.6 vs 160 +/- 120.0 ml). Mean hospital stay after operation was notably shorter in the retroperitoneoscopy group compared with the open surgery group (3.3 +/- 0.9 vs 9.1 +/- 0.8 days). The mean analgesic requirement for opioids and diclofenac sodium was also lower in the retroperitoneoscopy group than in the open surgery group (0 vs 2.1 +/- 0.9 and 5.2 +/- 1.1 vs 5.8 +/- 1.3 doses, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for renal tuberculosis has several advantages over open nephrectomy, namely a smaller wound, less blood loss and more rapid recovery. It may provide a safe and reliable method for treating refractory renal tuberculosis clinically.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the technique, findings and results of retroperitoneoscopic ablation of recalcitrant renal, giant adrenal and complex peripelvic cysts, and nephrectomy for nonfunctioning congenital anomalous kidneys. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nine patients (six men and three women, mean age 56 years, range 44-68, five with renal, two with adrenal and two with peripelvic cysts, diameter 6-14 cm) were treated by retroperitoneoscopic cyst ablation using three 10-mm ports. Six further patients (two male and four female, mean age 24 years, range 13-38) underwent retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy using three or four ports for anomalous nonfunctioning kidneys; three patients had a pelvic kidney, two a horseshoe kidney and one an iliac kidney. Isthmusectomy was also performed in the patients with horseshoe kidneys. RESULTS: Retroperitoneoscopic cyst ablation was successful in all nine patients; the mean (range) operative duration was 69 (50-85) min in patients with simple renal and adrenal cysts, and 185 (160-210) min in patients with peripelvic cysts. The mean (range) blood loss was 130 (50-200) mL and hospital stay 2.33 (2-4) days. At the last follow-up, 15-39 months after the procedure, all patients were asymptomatic and satisfied with the outcome, with no recurrence of cysts. Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy with isthmusectomy (when applicable) was successful in the six patients with anomalous kidneys, with a mean (range) operative duration of 105 (85-120) min; the mean (range) blood loss was 116 (75-150) mL and the analgesic requirement 208 (150-250) mg of diclofenac sodium. The hospital stay was 2-3 days and the delay before return to preoperative activity 7-14 days. CONCLUSIONS: Retroperitoneoscopic cyst ablation is a safe and effective method to treat symptomatic cysts of the upper urinary tract which are refractory to other forms of management. Dissection is difficult in patients with peripelvic cysts. Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for anomalous kidneys is a challenging procedure because of the abnormal location, anomalous vessels and presence of an isthmus. With advances in laparoscopy and increasing experience, open surgery for such conditions is likely to become obsolete.  相似文献   

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