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目的评价老年患者术前血清β2微球蛋白(β2MG)浓度与术后谵妄(POD)的关系。方法基于围术期神经认知障碍和生物标志物生活方式队列, 属于巢式病例对照研究, 选取2021年5月至2022年11月在青岛市市立医院择期于脊椎-硬膜外麻醉下行膝或髋关节置换术患者, 根据是否发生POD将患者分为POD组和非POD组。收集患者病例资料, 分析组间差异;采用logistic回归筛选POD的危险因素;敏感性分析检验回归模型的稳定性;中介效应模型评估脑脊液(CSF)生物标志物在β2MG对POD影响的中介效应;绘制受试者工作特征曲线并计算曲线下面积评价术前β2MG浓度和CSF生物标志物浓度预测POD发生的准确性。结果 POD组57例, 非POD组449例。logistic回归分析在校正了年龄、性别、受教育程度、简易智力状态检查量表评分、高血压史、输液量等多个混杂因素后的结果表明:血清β2MG和CSF总tau蛋白(t-tau)浓度升高为POD发生的危险因素, CSF β淀粉样蛋白42浓度升高为POD发生的保护因素(P<0.05);中介效应分析结果显示, 血清β2MG浓度升高对POD的影响由t-tau...  相似文献   

目的评价全膝/髋关节置换术患者术前血浆白蛋白浓度与术后谵妄(POD)的关系。方法选择本院2021年12月至2022年12月择期在脊椎-硬膜外联合麻醉下行全膝/髋关节置换术的患者500例, 性别不限, 年龄50~90岁, 体质量50~80 kg, ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级。蛛网膜下腔穿刺成功后抽取脑脊液(CSF)标本, 采用ELISA法测定β淀粉样蛋白42(Aβ42)、总tau蛋白(T-tau)和磷酸化tau蛋白(P-tau)浓度。于术后1~7 d(或出院前)采用意识错乱评估量表(CAM)、谵妄程度评估量表(MDAS)评估是否发生POD及严重程度, 将患者分为POD组和非POD组(NPOD组)。采用logistic回归分析筛选POD的危险因素。采用受试者工作特(ROC)曲线评价血浆白蛋白浓度和CSF生物标志物浓度预测POD的准确性, 进行CSF生物标志物的中介效应分析。结果本研究最终纳入343例患者, POD发生率为23.3%。与NPOD组相比, POD组患者年龄、术前血浆白蛋白浓度和MDAS评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。混杂因素校正前后, 术前血浆白蛋白浓度降低及CSF P-t...  相似文献   

目的 研究髋关节置换术老年患者术后谵妄(POD)与术前脑脊液β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)-42、Tau及磷酸化Tau(pTau)水平的关系.方法 在蛛网膜下腔麻醉下行全髋关节置换术、ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级、年龄65~90岁的老年患者82例,术前应用简易精神状态量表(MMSE)对认知功能进行评定,术后根据谵妄评定法(CAM)将患者分为POD和非POD组.检测术前脑脊液Aβ-42、Tau及pTau水平,记录并分析围术期的相关危险因素.结果 髋关节置换术老年患者POD发生率为36.6%,其中年龄及术前认知功能水平为POD的高危因素(P<0.05).与非POD组比较,POD组患者术前脑脊液中pTau明显升高,而Aβ-42降低(P<0.05).结论 术前脑脊液中pTau及Aβ-42水平与POD发生相关,可以作为预测POD的指标.  相似文献   

背景随着社会老龄化的进展和医疗技术的提高,接受手术的老年患者越来越多,术后谵妄(postoperative delirium,POD)越来越受到重视,但其病理生理机制尚未明确.目的 介绍POD的病理生理机制及提出进一步研究POD的方法及方向.内容从神经递质改变、血脑屏障损害、神经细胞老化、神经内分泌系统变化、睡眠觉醒障碍及神经网络连接异常等方面阐述POD的病理生理机制.趋向POD的病理生理机制应该可以归结于中枢神经系统单胺类神经递质的含量改变及其基因多态性和某一特定神经网络的连接异常,尚需开展更深入的研究为临床提供有效的预防及治疗措施.  相似文献   

<正>术后谵妄(postoperative delirium, POD)是患者在经历手术麻醉后出现的急性神经精神综合征,主要表现为注意力下降和认知紊乱~([1])。对生物标志物的研究,有助于在病理生理学机制层面理解POD的发生发展。特异性标志物有助于POD的预测及诊断,对评估其严重程度和动态变化有重要指导意义。本文从神经递质、炎性因子、激素、代谢异常、电解质紊乱和基因位点6个方面对谵妄的生物标志物作一综述。POD的诊断与概况  相似文献   

术后谵妄(POD)是手术患者常见的并发症,严重影响患者远期认知功能、生理功能和社会功能。既往对POD的评估多以量表为基础,评估结果存在主观性,如何科学客观地进行POD的评估值得深入探究。POD可在早期预测并干预,从而进行有效预防,基于临床预测模型进行POD的风险预测已成为研究热点。本文从神经心理学量表、血清标志物、脑脊液标志物和脑电标志物等多个维度对POD的评估方法进行归纳,并针对POD临床预测模型的预测对象与预测指标进行总结,以期为POD评估和预测提供科学、可行、有效的参考依据。  相似文献   

目的评价老年患者术前中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值(NLR)与术后谵妄(POD)的关系。方法择期蛛网膜下腔-硬膜外麻醉下行膝/髋关节置换术患者937例, 术前1 d行简易智力状态检查量表(MMSE)评分且MMSE评分≥24分。术前抽取肘静脉血, 计数中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞并计算比值。蛛网膜下腔-硬膜外麻醉穿刺成功后抽取脑脊液(CSF), 采用ELISA法检测术前CSF β淀粉样蛋白40(Aβ40)、β淀粉样蛋白42(Aβ42)、总tau蛋白(T-tau)和磷酸化tau蛋白(P-tau)水平。术后采用意识模糊评估(CAM)法评估POD的发生, 采用记忆谵妄评定量表(MDAS)评估POD严重程度。采用logistic回归筛选POD的危险因素并分析CSF生物标志物的中介效应, 采用敏感性分析检验logistic回归模型结果的稳定性。绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线并计算曲线下面积(AUC)评价术前NLR预测POD的准确性。结果共纳入853例患者, POD发生率为17.4%。logistic回归分析:校正多项混杂因素后, NLR (OR值1.141、95%CI 1.033~1.260、P=0.010)...  相似文献   

脓毒症相关急性肾损伤(sepsis associated acute kidney injury, SA-AKI)被定义为脓毒症背景下急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury, AKI)的存在。在遗传易感性的背景下, 脓毒症可通过多种机制导致SA-AKI的发生, 基于病理生理机制的差异, SA-AKI归属于不同的"内型", 且表现为不同的"亚表型"。生物标志物和预测模型的结合具备早期识别AKI高风险患者和明确SA-AKI"内型"的潜力。容量复苏及血液净化是SA-AKI治疗的优化策略。此外, 基于儿童的SA-AKI临床研究值得期待。  相似文献   

脓毒症是危及患者生命的疾病。生物标志物可用于对脓毒症的诊断、治疗和预后评估。近年来不断有新的脓毒症生物标志物被发现, 迄今已确定的生物标志物超过250种。脓毒症发生过程的复杂性以及各种检测技术灵敏度的提高将会导致新的生物标志物不断涌现。但针对脓毒症, 目前临床上仍缺乏特异性的用于诊断的生物标志物以及有效的治疗方法。因此, 寻找可靠的生物标志物以及评估生物标志物在脓毒症中的运用无疑有助于指导临床决策。该文综述了脓毒症生物标志物的研究现状, 以期加强对目前脓毒症生物标志物的认识, 为生物标志物运用于脓毒症的诊断、治疗和预后评估提供参考。  相似文献   


目的 探讨全麻下行髋关节置换术的高原患者发生术后谵妄(POD)的危险因素。
方法 选择择期行全麻髋关节置换术的高原患者1 010例,男373例,女637例,年龄24~76岁,BMI 19.0~34.7 kg/m2,ASA Ⅰ—Ⅲ级。根据术后7 d内是否发生谵妄分为两组:POD组和非POD组,采用多因素Logistic回归分析确定行髋关节置换术的高原患者发生POD的相关危险因素。
结果 术后7 d内有120例(11.9%)患者发生POD。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄(每增加10岁,OR=2.106,95%CI 1.616~2.745,P<0.001)、脑梗死病史(OR=9.712,95%CI 3.620~26.055,P<0.001)、术后中重度疼痛(OR=6.826,95%CI 2.991~15.578,P<0.001)以及常居海拔高度3 500~4 500 m(OR=2.844,95%CI 1.448~5.587,P=0.002)和高原红细胞增多症(OR=5.374,95%CI 3.900~7.404,P<0.001)是发生POD的危险因素。
结论 年龄、脑梗死病史、术后中重度疼痛以及常居海拔高度3 500~4 500 m和高原红细胞增多症是高原患者全麻下髋关节置换发生POD的危险因素。  相似文献   



In the elderly, hip fracture is a common injury associated with high early mortality dominated by cardiorespiratory and thromboembolic events. Identification of risk factors that can be modified by treatment has caught attention over the last years. This study was conducted to assess biological markers on perioperative organ dysfunction and its association with early mortality within 3?months after surgery.


Blood samples were collected before, during and until 4?days after surgery. Analyses on PaO2, alanine aminotransaminase (ALAT), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (g-GT) and creatinine were performed and used as markers on lung, liver and kidney functions.


Three hundred and two patients over 75?years of age with acute dislocated hip fracture were consecutively enrolled from two hospitals in Norway.


We found a positive correlation between the plasma levels of ALAT, creatinine and death, and an inverse relationship between PaO2 and death. After controlling for confounding factors such as sex, age and comorbidity, ALAT and creatinine levels were shown to be significantly and independently related to risk for fatal outcome.


Our results provide data on clinically important biomarkers in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. We suggest a stronger emphasis on monitoring and correcting these biomarkers when possible.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elderly patients with previous organ damage are at risk for minor neurologic deficits after major surgery. Spinal catheter analgesia is used whenever possible in this group and enables regular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling. Nimodipine, a calcium blocker, may have neuroprotective effects. We examined whether preoperative treatment with nimodipine affects ischemic markers in the CSF during extracranial surgery. METHODS: We performed a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in patients (ASA III or IV, 65-85 years) that underwent elective implantation surgery of the hip joint with intrathecal catheter anesthesia. Starting 15 h before surgery, patients received either 30 microg x kg(-1) h(-1) of nimodipine (n = 20) or 0.9% saline solution (placebo, n = 23) as a central venous infusion. The concentrations of neuron-specific enolase, hypoxanthine, creatine-kinase, lactate and pH in the CSF were determined before and immediately after surgery as well as 6 and 24 h after surgery. RESULTS: Before surgery, the baseline CSF pH was normal in all patients. Immediately after surgery it fell significantly to 7.08 +/- 0.29 in the placebo group and non-significantly to 7.27 +/- 0.38 in the treatment group; all values were normalized at 6 and 24 h after surgery in both groups. In the placebo group, lactate levels rose significantly from 1.48 +/- 0.28 mmol l(-1) before surgery to 1.77 +/- 0.27 mmol l(-1) immediately after surgery, and to 2.03 +/- 0.32 mmol l(-1) 24 h after surgery. In the treatment group, lactate concentrations remained stable up to 6 h after surgery (1.55-1.62 mmol l-1), while an increase to 2.10 +/- 0.48 mmol l(-1) was observed 24 h after the operation. Neuron-specific enolase, hypo-xanthine and creatine-kinase showed no change in either group. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, preoperative nimodipine treatment reduced intraoperative CSF acidosis and delayed surgery-related increases in lactate concentration in the CSF by several hours in elderly, comorbid patients at risk for minor postoperative neurologic deficits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Multilevel somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) and the release of biochemical markers in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were investigated to identify patients with spinal cord ischemia during thoracoabdominal aortic repair and/or a vulnerable spinal cord during the postoperative period. METHODS: Thirty-nine consecutive patients undergoing elective aneurysm repair using distal aortic perfusion and cerebrospinal fluid drainage were studied. Continuous SSEP were monitored using nerve stimulation of the right and left posterior tibial nerves with signal recording at the level of both common peroneal nerves, the cervical cord and at the cortical level. CSF concentrations of the markers glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAp), the light subunit of neurofilament triplet protein (NFL), and S100B were determined at different time points from before surgery until 3 days postoperatively. RESULTS: SSEP indicated spinal cord ischemia in two patients leading to additional intercostal artery reattachments. In one of them the signal loss was permanent and the patient woke up with paraplegia. In the other the signal returned but the patient later developed delayed paraplegia. Three patients without SSEP indications of spinal cord ischemia during surgery later developed delayed paraplegia. The patients with spinal cord symptoms had significant increases, during the postoperative period of CSF biomarkers GFAp (571-fold), NFL (14-fold) and S100B (18-fold) compared to asymptomatic patients. GFAp increased before or in parallel to onset of symptoms in the patients with delayed paraplegia. CONCLUSIONS: Peroperative multilevel SSEP has a high specificity in detecting spinal cord ischemia but does not identify all patients with a postoperative vulnerable spinal cord. Biochemical markers in CSF increase too late for intraoperative monitoring but GFAp is promising for identifying patients at risk for postoperative delayed paraplegia.  相似文献   

背景:老年髋部周围骨折患者围手术期易出现各种并发症,其中围手术期精神障碍(perioperative delirium, POD)近年来逐渐得到国内骨科医师的重视。预防POD发生,是摆在骨科医生面前的重要问题。 目的:探讨老年髋部周围骨折患者中POD的发病率,以及其发病相关的危险因素和保护因素。 方法:回顾性分析2001年1月至2013年1月收治的384例老年髋部周围骨折行大型手术的患者,女206例,男178例;年龄65-95岁,平均78.3岁。以性别、年龄、手术时间、手术方式、麻醉方式、输血、药物治疗及合并症为自变量,POD的发病率为因变量,进行Logistic回归分析。 结果:384例患者平均住院时间15.8 d(7-35 d),其中79例发生POD,发生率为20.6%。经分析进入Logistic回归方程的因素是年龄、手术时间、麻醉方式、合并症、输血、药物治疗(P〈0.05)。其中高龄、手术时间过长、全身麻醉、合并症(尤其脑血管病变)是POD的危险因素,输血和药物治疗是保护因素。性别及手术方式对发生POD的影响差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。 结论:老年髋部周围骨折易并发POD。围手术期仔细评估POD形成的相关因素,避免全身麻醉和手术时间过长,积极治疗合并症。高危患者必要时应输血并采用药物预防以降低POD的发生率。  相似文献   

Measurement of cardiac troponin I or T in serum (highly specific for the myocardium) have replaced classical markers, such as creatine kinase MB. Cardiac troponins are preferred markers because of their high specificity and sensitivity. This had led to modifications of the original World Health Organization criteria for acute myocardial infarction. Furthermore, the place of the troponins as superior markers of subsequent cardiac risk in acute coronary syndrome has now become firmly established, for both diagnostic and risk stratification purposes. The use of C-reactive protein and/or other inflammatory biomarkers may add independent information in this context. After non cardiac surgery, the total cardiospecificity of cardiac troponins explains why other biomarkers of necrosis should no longer be used. Recent studies suggest that any elevation of troponin in the postoperative period is indicative of increased risk of long-term cardiac complications. This prognostic value has been previously demonstrated in other clinical settings such as invasive coronary intervention (surgical myocardial revascularization and percutaneous coronary intervention) and after heart valve surgery. Increases of troponin indicate cardiac damage, whatever the mechanism (ischemic or not). Other causes of cardiac injury include: pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, pericarditis, congestive heart failure, septic shock, myocardial contusion. In most cases, elevation of troponins has been shown to be associated with a bad outcome.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major public health problem. The classification of CKD by KDOQI and KDIGO and the routine eGFR reporting have resulted in increased identification of CKD. It is important to be able to identify those at high risk of CKD progression and its associated cardiovascular disease (CVD). Proteinuria is the most sensitive marker of CKD progression in clinical practice, especially when combined with eGFR, but these have limitations. Hence, early, more sensitive, biomarkers are required. Recently, promising biomarkers have been identified for CKD progression and its associated CVD morbidity and mortality. These may be more sensitive biomarkers of kidney function, the underlying pathophysiological processes, and/or cardiovascular risk. Although there are some common pathways to CKD progression, there are many primary causes, each with its own specific pathophysiological mechanism. Hence, a panel measuring multiple biomarkers including disease-specific biomarkers may be required. Large, longitudinal observational studies are needed to validate candidate biomarkers in a broad range of populations prior to implementation into routine CKD management. Recent renal biomarkers discovered include neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, kidney injury molecule-1, and liver-type fatty acid-binding protein. Although none are ready for use in clinical practice, it is timely to review the role of such biomarkers in predicting CKD progression and/or CVD risk in CKD.  相似文献   

背景术后谵妄(postoperativedelirium,POD)在老年患者中很常见,且与不良预后相关。在行择期手术的患者中,POD的认知和功能性后遗症尚且未知。我们试图研究:①在老年手术患者中,敏感性神经认知测试的较低评分能否作为POD的独立风险因子;@POD能否预测手术3个月后的认知和功能下降。方法我们对年龄I〉65岁的全髋关节或全膝关节置换术患者进行了一项前瞻性队列研究。参与者接受术前的神经认知和功能测试。使用混乱评估法诊断POD。出现POD的患者组与对照组在手术后3个月接受重复的神经认知和功能测试。结果418例患者符合入选标准,有42例出现POD。各组之间在基础细微精神状态检查评分、酗酒、抑郁和语言智力等方面没有差别。POD的独立预测因子包括年龄、精神疾病史、功能状态的下降和语言记忆的下降。对于所有测试,POD患者组和匹配的对照组之/'~-J在术前和术后3个月的变化相似。结论术前神经认知和功能状态的轻微下降可以预测POD。然而在出现POD的小群体中,没有手术后3个月出现认知和功能下降的证据。POD与术前认知功能的降低有关,但在择期手术的老年患者中,可能不存在手术后3个月有害的认知或功能后遗症。  相似文献   

The use of reliable biomarkers is becoming increasingly important for the improved management of patients with acute and chronic kidney diseases. Recent developments have identified a number of novel biomarkers in serum or urine that can determine the potential risk of kidney damage, distinguish different types of renal injury, predict the progression of disease and have the potential to assess the efficacy of therapeutic intervention. Some of these biomarkers can be used independently while others are more beneficial when used in combination with knowledge of other clinical risk factors. Advances in gene expression analysis, chromatography, mass spectrometry and the development of sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays have facilitated accurate quantification of many biomarkers. This review primarily focuses on describing new and established biomarkers, which identify and measure the various pathophysiological processes that promote kidney disease. It provides an overview of some of the different classes of renal biomarkers that can be assessed in serum/plasma and urine, including markers of renal function, oxidative stress, structural and cellular injury, immune responses and fibrosis. However, it does not explore the current status of these biomarkers in terms of their clinical validation.  相似文献   

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