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本研究提出了将动物实验、数学表达式的未知参数识别和计算机仿真技术相结合的方法建立数值量化的骨生长与重建自适应生物模型。通过设计一种新的动物实验,研究不同应力环境对快速生长期大鼠股骨生长与重建的影响,依据等时间间隔提取的大鼠股骨骨密度数值,反演了骨生长方程中的未知生物参数B和K,根据股骨的CT截面信息.重塑了三维几何模型。文中提出的这种模型及建模方法不仅能够量化表示骨密度变化量和外界刺激值之间的关系,而且能够预测大鼠整个生命周期内不同应力环境中骨的生长情况。本文的建模思路和研究方法对于人体骨骼生长重建适应模型的建立也会有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目的研究采用应变能密度、等效应力、等效应变3种不同力学激励对骨重建数值模拟结果的影响。方法建立股骨近端的二维有限元模型,基于力学稳态理论的重建控制方程并结合有限元法,分别用3种不同力学激励模拟股骨近端的内部结构及密度分布,并与CT数据计算得到的骨密度值进行定量分析比较。结果 3种力学激励模拟得到的重建结果均能反映出股骨近端的主要特征结构,但采用等效应力作为激励时得到的股骨密度曲线图的趋势和数值都与CT图像数据更为一致。结论在骨重建力学调控机制中,应力可能起主导作用。准确预测和模拟骨重建过程将对矫形外科、骨伤治疗、人工假体的优化和个体化设计等临床实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 考虑电场影响的同时研究骨在低载荷刺激频率下的废用行为。方法 提出一个废用模型并通过参数激活频率来描述力学刺激与电刺激对骨重建过程的影响。通过建立股骨近端有限元模型,结合有限单元法,模拟低载荷刺激频率下耦合电刺激的骨重建过程,并分析骨密度的流失情况。结果 降低日载荷刺激频率会显著降低骨密度。电刺激可以在一定程度上抵抗由于低载荷刺激频率导致的密度流失,其主要影响区域分布在股骨头部与股骨颈部。电刺激持续时长会显著影响骨皮质与骨松质的密度流失情况。结论 模型可以模拟由于日载荷刺激频率降低导致的废用过程;同时,纳入了电场影响表现其抵抗密度流失的现象。  相似文献   

低应力环境对大鼠股骨的骨密度和几何形态学的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
切断6周大鼠的坐骨神经,使其右后肢处于低应力环境中。测量股骨不同部位的骨密度和几何形态学参数。结果发现,低应力环境下大鼠股骨的直径、皮质骨面积和骨矿密度的增加明显受抑制。但不同部位的骨密度对低应力环境的敏感性不同,表现为早期富于松质骨的股骨干骺端骨密度增加幅度的受抑,接着是富于皮质骨的骨干部的骨密度增长幅度的降低。几何形态学结果提示,早期干骺端骨密度增长幅度的降低是由于骨吸收增强,而皮质骨的骨量和尺寸的增长受抑制是骨膜骨形成持续减少的结果。  相似文献   

应力环境对大鼠股骨生长与重建和力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过创建一种新的动物模型,研究应力环境对生长期大鼠股骨生长与重建,以及对其力学性能的影响,并探讨其作用机理。切断6周大SD大鼠右后肢的坐骨神经,致使其右后肢残废,为废用组;左后肢过度负重,为过载组;正常大鼠为对照组。每天早午晚鼓励动物运动半小时,4周后结束实验观测。测量股骨中段的宏观几何学参数、物理学参数和生物力学参数。实验发现:与对照组相比,实验组股骨的若干几何及物理参数发生了明显变化,表明应力环境可以改变活骨组织的成份和结构并逐渐改变其力学性能。实验结果表明,本研究提出的实验模型实用且可靠。  相似文献   

骨表观力学性能参数常被用来评定骨质量,而微观力学性能参数由于难以测得尚未被广泛应用。为从微观水平评判骨质量,本研究提出一种骨微观力学性能参数的预测方法。该方法以大鼠股骨皮质骨为研究对象,预测其在微观水平的失效应变。首先依据扫描影像建立大鼠股骨皮质骨有限元模型,然后以表观压缩实验为研究依据,模仿实验条件,模拟皮质骨有限元模型在压缩载荷作用下的断裂过程,并通过与实验所测表观应力-应变曲线进行对比、反演,预测出大鼠股骨皮质骨在微观水平的失效应变。分析结果显示四只7月龄大鼠股骨皮质骨的微观失效应变数值处于4.53%~4.75%之间。经验证,本方法能够准确预测出骨结构在微观水平的力学性能参数。  相似文献   

为了定量分析骨量分布与载荷环境的关系,基于CT数据建立了大鼠股骨和胫骨的三维有限元模型,并分别赋予均匀的材料特性和基于CT灰度值的材料特性,用描述骨密度与力学刺激关系的算法来评估简单生理载荷下两种材料模型的有限元分析结果。结果表明,基于CT灰度值模型的有效应力和应变能密度分布与CT灰度分布比较相似,相关系数也较均匀材料模型更高;而且,基于CT灰度值模型的抗断裂能力更强;除此之外,这类模型也更符合骨再造平衡时的力学刺激均匀性假设。基于CT灰度值的有限元模型符合骨的功能适应性原理,可用于进行骨骼内部受力、变形和断裂分析,以及骨再造的数值仿真等研究。  相似文献   

目的观察不同振动频率刺激下股骨表观密度的变化情况,从而确定何种振动参数能对骨骼系统产生最有益影响。方法先获得兔股骨扫描图像,再利用UG软件对图像进行三维重建得到股骨的实体模型,最后导入ANSYS软件中,利用ANSYS软件布尔操作中的减操作,得到带有空腔的兔股骨生物力学模型。结果通过有限元仿真分析,发现添加振动激励后骨骼的应力分布和骨密度发生了变化,股骨部分部位骨密度增加。结论有限元分析不但为分析振动对骨重建的动物和人体实验打下基础,还为进一步深入了解骨骼结构与力学环境之间的关系、为进一步研究对抗航天失重引起的骨丢失和治疗骨质疏松症提供了帮助。  相似文献   

进行长期空间飞行的航天员处于失重环境,所受力学激励小于正常值,会面临骨密度减小和骨丢失的问题。为了探究失重环境下股骨密度和质量的变化趋势,本文建立了人体股骨的三维模型,进行了卧床条件下基于有限元的人体股骨重建的仿真分析。通过对比卧床实验数据与仿真数据,验证了人体股骨有限元模型与重建参数的有效性。继而进行人体股骨在空间失重条件下的重建仿真,建立关于时间的骨重建速率函数。增大载荷大小和增加载荷循环都能减少骨丢失,仿真结果表明增大载荷大小更能有效减少骨丢失。对股骨骨量恢复的重建速率作出讨论,结果表明骨量恢复的重建速率小于骨丢失的重建速率。本文为航天员阻力锻炼方法及后期恢复训练提供了理论依据,航天员在空间飞行期间可以通过增大阻力锻炼强度减少骨量丢失。  相似文献   

目的 采用Wolff骨重建理论分析全髋关节置换(total hip arthroplasty,THA)对股骨近端骨重建进程的影响。方法 根据骨重建控制方程,利用Python语言编写骨重建程序。在ABAQUS软件中分别建立术前股骨模型与术后股骨及假体有限元模型。对比THA手术前后骨重建进程,分析假体植入对THA术后中远期股骨力学性能的影响。结果 假体植入后,股骨近端应力持续降低,受力点由股骨头转移到假体,出现明显的应力遮挡现象。应力遮挡区域内骨丢失现象严重。股骨干皮质骨变薄,应力遮挡有所缓解。假体底端内侧受挤压,应力显著高于外侧,此处骨质分布不均。结论 THA术后股骨近端内侧出现明显的应力遮挡,导致骨丢失,造成假体松动;假体底端两侧应力水平存在差异,引起骨质分布不均,导致假体与股骨配合不紧密,造成术后患者大腿中段的疼痛。  相似文献   

The insertion of an implant into a bone leads to stress/strain redistribution, hence bone remodeling occurs adjacent to the implant. The study of the bone remodeling around the osseointegration implants can predict the long-term clinical success of the implant. The clinical medial–lateral X-rays of 11 patients were reviewed. To eliminate geometrical distortion of different X-rays, they were converted into a digital format and geometrical correction was carried out. Furthermore, the finite element (FE) method was used to investigate how the bone remodeling was affected by the stress/strain distribution in the femur. The review of clinical X-rays showed cortical bone growth around the proximal end of the implant and absorbtion at the distal end of the femur. The FE simulation revealed the stress/strain distribution in the femur of a selected patient. This provided a biomechanical interpretation of the bone remodeling. The existing bone remodeling theories such as minimal strain and strain rate theories were unable to offer satisfactory explanation for the cortical bone growth at the implant side of the proximal femur, where the stress/strain level was much lower than the one in the intact side of the femur. The study established the correlation between stress/strain distribution obtained from FE simulations and the bone remodeling of the clinical review. The cortical bone growth was initiated by the stress/strain gradient in the bone. Through the review of clinical X-rays and FE simulations, the study confirmed that the bone remodeling in a femur with an implant was influenced by the stress/strain redistribution. The strain level and stress gradient hypothesis is presented to offer an explanation for the implanted cortical bone remodeling observed in this study.  相似文献   

基于骨骼自适应理论优化模型的骨重建数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们根据骨重建的自适应理论以及结构优化方法,建立了骨重建数值模拟的反问题求解模型和算法.由材料密度分布描述骨内部重建,材料密度的变化通过优化方法求解.股骨、长骨干和腰椎体冠状面(外部形状和内部结构)重建模拟的计算结果,符合实际情况,反映了骨结构对荷载环境的自适应特征,表明本文方法是骨重建研究的一种有效数值方法.  相似文献   

目的建立基于应力状态的细胞分子水平骨重建力生物学模型。方法从工程角度分析骨重建过程和力学激励,吸纳力学强度设计理论思想,选取相当应力作为力学激励,基于应力状态选取合适的力学激励计算公式,提出基于应力状态的细胞分子水平骨重建力生物学模型;应用模型进行口腔临床正畸牙槽骨的模拟预测。结果张力区孔隙度降低,骨量增加;压力区孔隙度增加,骨量减少,与牙槽骨特性一致。结论基于应力状态的细胞分子水平骨重建力生物学模型考虑应力状态对骨组织失效形式的影响,体现骨重建过程是力学激励下细胞水平的自优化强度设计,有助于在细胞分子水平探讨应力状态对骨重建的影响,是骨重建理论的补充和完善,可为口腔正畸的治疗提供理论指导。  相似文献   

This study investigates stress shielding by predicting bone density around two different implants following total hip arthroplasty using a new thermodynamic-based model for bone remodeling. This model is based on chemical kinetics and irreversible thermodynamics in which bone is treated as a self-organizing system capable of exchanging matter, energy, and entropy with its surroundings. Unlike the previous works in which mechanical loading is regarded as the only stimulus for bone remodeling, this model establishes a coupling between mechanical loading and the chemical reactions involved in the process of bone remodeling. This model is incorporated into the finite element software ANSYS by means of a macro to investigate stress shielding around two different implants: Stryker Omnifit and Exeter periprosthetic hip stems. The results of the simulation showing bone density reductions of 17% in Gruen zone 1 and 27% in Gruen zones 7 around the Omnifit hip stem agree well with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) measurements reported in the literature. On the other hand, the Exeter implant is found to result in more severe resorption in the proximal femur. This is consistent with clinical studies, which report a higher survivorship rate for HA-coated Omnifit hip stems.  相似文献   

Effects of a static magnetic field were studied on bone formation using an ischemic rat femur model. Metal rods were prepared from magnetized and unmagnetized samariun cobalt to have tapered structure, both with the same geometrical dimension, and were implanted transcortically into the middle diaphysis of 88 rat femurs. Both sides of the rat femoral artery were ligated to create an ischemic bone model, followed by implantation of the tapered rod to the femur. The bone mineral density (BMD) and weight of the femurs were measured at 1st and 3rd week after implantation.The result at the 3rd week post-implantation revealed that the BMD and weight of the ischemic bone model rats were significantly reduced, compared with that of non-operated femur. It was also found that the magnetized group had significantly higher bone weights than the unmagnetized (p<0.05). The BMD of the rats implanted with the magnetized rods were similar to those of the non-operated (p>0.05). This enhancement of the femoral bone formation of the ischemic rat model by the static magnetic field seems to be due to the improved blood circulation of the femur.  相似文献   

The effect of delaying puberty on bone mineralization was studied using female rats as a model. Repeated injections of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist (GnRHa) were used to suppress the onset of puberty from the age of 6-10 weeks. A group of control female rats was given aqueous solution injections at the same age and for the same duration. The effect of delaying puberty on bone mineralization was examined using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and peripheral quantitative computerized tomography (QCT), both methods being adapted for small animals. Bone mineral parameters were measured at baseline and at the ages of 10, 17 and 24 weeks in total body, femur and spine. Compared to controls, bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD), as measured by DXA, were significantly decreased in GnRHa-treated rats in total body and femur at 10 and 24 weeks of age (P < 0.05). The results were even more significant after adjusting for weight. After this adjustment, spine BMC and BMD at 10, 17 and 24 weeks were significantly lower in the treatment group (P < 0.05). Trabecular BMD at the distal femur in the GnRHa treated group as measured by peripheral QCT was significantly lower (P < 0.05). However, cortical bone in the mid-femur had higher BMD, concurrent with lower cortical thickness in the treatment group. In conclusion, a delay in the onset of sexual maturation may cause prolonged, possibly irreversible defect in bone mineralization.  相似文献   

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