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《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中,一共收录了51条有关五行学说的术语,“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称世中联)的标准《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中则收录了103条。这些术语的翻译与通行译法基本一致,如将木、火、土、金、水译为wood、fire、earth、metal、water。但一些关键词语的翻译却多参照海外译法而行。如将“五行”译为five phases(同时也罗列出了five elements这一通行译法),  相似文献   

精、神、气、血、津、液是中医理论中6个非常重要的概念,有关术语在《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中一共收录了59条,“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称世中联)《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中收录了58条。血、津、液的内涵较为具体,有一定的物质基础,理解并不困难。翻译上虽有差异,但亦不难统一。精、神、  相似文献   

“脏腑”是中医基本理论中的一个重要方面,其基本概念和用语为中医名词术语的核心内容,反映了中医翻译的基本问题。对这方面术语的翻译和标准化问题的讨论,有利于我们进一步明确中医翻译的基本理论与方法。《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中共收录有关脏腑的术语83条,  相似文献   

在中医名词术语的英语翻译中,与经络学说相关的术语,其翻译一般都比较统一。在中医药的对外交流中,针灸是率先走出国门并为西方世界所接受的中医疗法。其传入西方的历史远远早于中医药学的其他领域。正因为如此,其用语的英语翻译在国际上相对比较一致。在《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》中共收录了有关经络学说的术语43条。“世界中医药学会联合会”(以下简称“世中联”)《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》中则收录了87条。下面试根据WHO的标准并结合“世中联”的方案,对这些术语的翻译问题加以简要的比较分析。  相似文献   

1一点信息 昨天世界中医药学会联合会(世中联)翻译部的王奎主任,给我寄来了人民卫生出版社出版的《中医基本名词术语中英对照国际标准》( International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine)抚摸着这部近八百页的国际标准,感慨实在良多!  相似文献   

1996年,我国提出了“中医药国际化战略”,在中医药国际化进程中,中医英译有举足轻重的地位.然而中医药翻译会出现文化缺省的语言文化现象,笔者尝试用归化和异化翻译策略来翻译一些具有文化空缺的中医术语,现探讨如下.1中医术语的特殊性 中医术语翻译具有较强的专业性和目的性,涉及的是特殊用途语言(language of special purpose).中医许多术语、概念是世界上独一无二的,例如:阴阳(yin and yang)、气(qi)、三焦(triple energizers)、五行(five elements)、命门(life gate)、经络(meridian)等等,这些术语含义深刻,概念复杂,在英语中找不到“对等词”(equivalents)或“对应语”;有些即便字面意义对应了,也并不能完全传达与原语言相同的信息[1].中医知识体系的独特性和其所依赖的背景文化,决定了中医术语翻译的特殊性和难度.  相似文献   

1 概述 2007年9月,世界卫生组织(WHO)西太区公布了其主持制定的《WHO西太区传统医学国际标准名词术语》,其中绝大部分是中医名词术语,极少部分为所谓的“韩医”、“越医”、“汉方”所使用的一些概念^[1]。我曾应邀出席2004年的首次国际研讨会,会后在《中西医结合学报》撰文,就中医名词术语英译国际标准化的发展作了一些介绍^[2]。  相似文献   

WHO西太区10月16日在北京颁布首个《传统医学名词术语国际标准》,“奇经八脉(eight extra meridans)”等3543个传统医学名词术语有了自己的英文名字。此标准的出台,将有助于中医学等传统医学在世界范围内的推广和应用。由于不同地区简化汉字各有差异,因此对照汉字部分全都使用繁体字。[第一段]  相似文献   

21世纪高职高专规划《实用英语》(非英语专业用)综合教程第一册至第三册共60篇课文中有122处出现“as”一词,而且第一册第九课的翻译技能虽然命题为“‘as’的译法”,但是未加详细讲解,仅仅在相关习题Practice 3中要求英译汉12个包含“as”的句子。中等职业教育国家规划教材《英语》(基本版)第二册共10篇课文中“as”也出现了10次,同样未见总结性说明。因此,笔者认为有必要对“as”一词的词性、翻译及用法作一小结,以弥补上述教材编写方面的不周之处。  相似文献   

程丑夫是国家级名老中医,湖南中医药大学第一附属医院主任医师、教授、博士生导师,享受政府特殊津贴专家,出身于中医世家,从医40余年,经验丰富,对于内科系统及疑难杂症的治疗颇有心得,笔者有幸跟师学习,聆听教诲,受益匪浅,现将程师论治情志病的经典验案略陈一二。1思虑伤脾案患者肖某,女,27岁。初诊:2014年5月20日。半年前因婚变后出现忧心忡忡,多思多虑,近1月来反复腹部胀满,刻诊:腹胀,食后为甚,呃逆,无反酸,通气后可减轻,无腹痛,不欲食,夜寐不安,二便调。舌红苔厚白腻,脉弦,BP:110/70mmHg。  相似文献   

目的观察益智健脑颗粒联合针灸对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimers disease,AD)大鼠学习记忆的影响。方法将大鼠随机分为假手术组(A组)、模型组(B组)、针灸组(C组)、益智+针灸组(D组)各10只,B、C、D 3组分别以海马CA1区注射β淀粉样蛋白25-35(Aβ25-35)造模,A组注射等量的双蒸水,各组分别治疗20 d后行Morris水迷宫试验,观察大鼠学习记忆能力变化。结果B组较A组的平均潜伏期明显延长,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);与B组比较,C组、D组的平均潜伏期明显缩短,过台次数增多,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);与C组比较,D组的潜伏期缩短,过台次数增多,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论益智健脑颗粒联合针灸能够提高Aβ25-35介导的AD模型大鼠的学习记忆能力。  相似文献   

补肾活血方对PCOS大鼠模型卵巢中PAI-1mRNA表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨补肾活血方对大鼠PCOS模型卵巢局部纤溶酶原激活物抑制因子-1(PAI—1mRNA)表达的影响。方法选用未成年24d龄SD雌性大鼠60只,随机分为模型组、克罗米酚组、补肾活血方高剂量组、补肾活血方低剂量组、正常对照组5组。用Bogovich法建立大鼠多囊卵巢病理模型。以克罗米酚为对照。用原位杂交法观察补肾活血方对多囊卵巢大鼠局部PAI—1mRNA的影响。结果模型组卵巢局部PAI—1mRNA存在卵泡膜间质细胞显著增高,用补肾活血方高、低剂量与克罗米酚药后,卵巢局部PAI-1mRNA的表达明显降低.差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05、P〈0.01)。补肾活血方高剂量组与克罗米酚组比较,差异具有显著统计学意义(P〈0.01);低荆量组与克罗米酚组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),补肾活血方高、低剂量组比较,低剂量组卵泡膜间质细胞上PAI-1的基因表达增高更明显,但二者差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论PAI-1mRNA可能与多囊卵巢综合征的发病机制有关。以补肾活血立法的补肾活血方能降低多囊卵巢大鼠局部PAI—1mRNA的显著增高表达.降低PAI—1mRNA卵巢局部的作用。提示补肾活血方可能通过PAI—1mRNA途径促进卵巢排卵的机制。  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the potential mechanism of herb-herb interaction between ginseng and Trogopterus (Trg) based on Cytochrome P450 isozymes (CYPs) in rat livers. We estimated the influence on CYP1A2, CYP2E1, and CYP3A1/2 activity caused by ginseng and Trg used in combination. The CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 enzyme activity were induced by ginseng and Trg used in combination. And this induction effect was caused via inducing CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 protein expression which was supposed caused by inducing the gene expression of CYP1A2 and CYP2E1.  相似文献   

Background Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) has developed dramatically in the last century.Now,ACLR has become a reliable and productive procedure.Patients feel satisfied in 〉90% cases.The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of allogenetic cortical bone cross-pin (ACBCP) used as a clinical fixation method in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the femoral side based on biomechanical tests in vitro.Methods The specimens were provided by the bone banks of the First Affiliated Hospital of People's Liberation Army of General Hospital from September 2011 to June 2012.Fresh deep frozen human allogenetic cortical bone was machined into cross-pins which is 4.0 mm in diameter and 75.0 mm in length.Biomechanical parameters compared with Rigidfix were collected while cross-pins were tested in double-shear test.The load-to-failure test and cycling test were carried out in a goat model to reconstruct anterior cruciate ligament with Achilles tendon autograft on the femoral side fixed by human 4.0 mm ACBCP and 3.3 mm Rigidfix served as control.Maximum failure load,yield load,and stiffness of fixation in single load-to-failure test were compared between the two groups.Cycle-specific stiffness and displacement at cycles 1,30,200,400,and 1 000 were also compared in between.Results In double-shear test both maximum failed load and yield load of 4.0 mm humanACBCP were (1 236.998±201.940) N.Maximum failed load and yield load of Rigidfix were (807.929±110.511) N and (592.483±58.821) N.The differences of maximum failed load and yield load were significant between ACBCP and Rigidfix,P 〈0.05.The shear strength of ACBCP and Rigidfix were (49.243±8.039) MPa and (34.637±3.439) MPa,respectively,P 〈0.05.In the load-to-failure test ex vivo,yield load and maximum failed load of ACBCP fixation complexity ((867.104±132.856)N,(1 032.243±196.281) N) were higher than those of Rigidfix ((640.935±42.836) N,(800.568±64.890) N,P 〈0.05).However,s  相似文献   

Spontaneous, rhythmical contractions, or vasomotion, can be recorded from cerebral vessels under both normal physiological and pathophysiological conditions. We investigated the cellular mechanisms underlying vasomotion in the cerebral basilar artery (BA) of Wistar rats. Pressure myograph video microscopy was used to study the changes in cerebral artery vessel diameter. The main results of this study were as follows: (1) The diameters of BA and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were 314.5±15.7 μm (n=15) and 233.3±10.1 μm (n=12) at 10 mmHg working pressure (P〈0.05), respectively. Pressure-induced vasomotion occurred in BA (22/28, 78.6%), but not in MCA (4/31, 12.9%) from 0 to 70 mmHg working pressure. As is typical for vasomotion, the contractile phase of the response was more rapid than the relaxation phase; (2) The frequency of vasomotion response and the diameter were gradually increased in BA from 0 to 70 mmHg working pressure. The amplitude of the rhythmic con- tractions was relatively constant once stable conditions were achieved. The frequency of contractions was variable and the highest value was 16.7±4.7 (n=13) per 10 min at 60 mmHg working pressure; (3) The pressure-induced vasomotion of the isolated BA was attenuated by nifedipine, NFA, 181]-GA, TEA or in Ca2+-free medium. Nifedipine, NFA, 18~-GA or Ca2+-free medium not only dampened vasomotion, but also kept BA in relaxation state. In contrasts, TEA kept BA in contraction state. These results sug- gest that the pressure-induced vasomotion of the isolated BA results from an interaction between Ca2+-activated C1- channels (CaCCs) currents and Kca currents. We hypothesize that vasomotion of BA depends on the depolarizing of the vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) to activate CaCCs. Depolarization in turn activates voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, synchronizing contractions of adjacent cells through influx of extracellular calcium and the flow of calcium through gap junctions. Subsequent calc  相似文献   

目的观察桑叶汤治疗夏令皮炎的临床疗效及其对患者血清IL-4的影响。方法将80侧患者随机分为治疗组45例和对照组35例,分别采用桑叶汤及皿治林片治疗1周后观察患者症状、体征改善情况,并检测两组患者治疗前后血清IL-4含量的水平。结果治疗组总有效率为84.5%。明显优于对照组的62.9%(P〈0.05);治疗后两组患者血清IL-4含量均显著降低(P〈0.01),但治疗组降低幅度大于对照组(P〈0.05),与正常组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论桑叶汤治疗夏令皮炎的疗效较好,值得进一步研究及推广应用。  相似文献   

Abnormal proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are the major cause of in-stent restenosis (ISR). Intervention proliferation and migration of VSMCs is an im- portant strategy for antirestenotic therapy. Roscovitine, a second-generation cyclin-dependent kinase in- hibitor, can inhibit cell cycle of multiple cell types. We studied the effects of roscovitine on cell cycle distribution, proliferation and migration of VSMCs in vitro by flow cytometry, BrdU incorporation and wound healing assay, respectively. Our results showed that roscovitine increased the proportion of Go/G1 phase cells after 12 h (69.57±3.65 vs. 92.50±1.68, P=0.000), 24 h (80.87±2.24 vs. 90.25±0.79, P=0.000) and 48 h (88.08±3.86 vs. 88.87±2.43, P=-0.427) as compared with control group. Roscovifine inhibited proliferation and migration of VSMCs in a concentration-dependent way. With the increase of concen- tration, roscovitine showed increased capacity for growth and migration inhibition. Roscovitine (30 μmol/L) led to an almost complete VSMCs growth and migration arrest. Combined with its low toxicity and selective inhibition to ISR-VSMCs, roscovitine may be a potential drug in the treatment of vascular stenosis diseases and particularly useful in the prevention and treatment of ISR.  相似文献   

Background The therapeutic success of renal transplantation has been largely attributable to the development of effective and balanced immunosuppressive treatment regimens.This study provides a meta-analysis of a series of randomized controlled trials that compared the effects of tacrolimus and cyclosporine on metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cardiovascular risk factors after renal transplantation.Methods We searched various electronic databases and bibliographies,including MEDLINE,the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,and EMBASE,for relevant studies published prior to October 2012.Results Our meta-analysis included five randomized controlled trials that examined a total of 923 patients.The tacrolimus group and the cyclosporine group exhibited no significant differences in MetS incidence after renal transplantation; risk ratio (RR):1.06,95% confidence interval (C/):0.73-1.55,P=0.76.Cyclosporine treatment was associated with a higher incidence of hyperlipidemia (RR:0.50,95% CI:0.39-0.64,P <0.01).Although there were no statistically significant differences,cyclosporine treatment was associated with a higher incidence of hypertension (RR:0.91,95% CI:0.83-1.00,P=0.06) after renal transplantation compared to tacrolimus treatment,and tacrolimus treatment was associated with a higher incidence of diabetes after renal transplantation (RR:1.79,95% CI:0.98-3.27,P=0.06) compared to cyclosporine treatment.Conclusions Compared to tacrolimus treatment,cyclosporine treatment was associated with a higher incidence of hyperlipidemia.Future large-scale studies are expected to be conducted to further confirm our findings.  相似文献   

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