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分析了对医院文化的误解,指出了医院文化的内涵,提出了怎样走出医院文化的误区,认为合理的利益目标是医院文化建设的经济基础。  相似文献   

当前,医院文化的建设越来越受到重视,但是一 些医院的文化建设还存在一些误区,需要加以认真 分析和思考。  相似文献   

医院领导者在医院文化建设中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院文化建设已经成为现代医院核心竞争力的重要要素,但目前的医院文化建设中还存在诸多的误区.作者从分析误区的成因和主要责任出发,阐述了医院领导者在医院文化建设中的重要地位和主导作用,剖析了医院发展不同阶段领导者所起的不同作用,提出不同特质的领导应与不同的医院文化进行匹配.  相似文献   

市场经济下加强医院文化建设的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院文化建设渗透在医院的各个方面,它对于塑造医院精神、提升医院形象、增强医院核心竞争力都具有十分重要的作用。本文分析了医院文化的内涵和功能,提出了医院文化建设对于医院改革发展的重要性,并就打造优秀医院文化新模式结合医院管理实践提出了自己的看法,同时也指出了当前医院文化建设的几个误区。  相似文献   

当前医院文化建设中存在的误区及其对策   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
伴随着我国卫生事业的改革与发展,医院文化建设这一现代管理理论已被越来越多的医院管理工作者所接纳,并应用于医院管理的工作实践中,丰富了医院管理理论,促进了卫生事业的改革与发展。然而,在医院文化建设中出现的一些误区,影响了医院各项工作的全面发展。1 存在的误区 医院文化是在医院医疗工作实践的基础上经过不断倡导和培育而生成的一种群体文化,它一旦确立,就会对医院发展  相似文献   

联勤体制下医院文化建设的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
发展与联勤相适应的医院文化建设,产当前医院管理的重点和难点问题。本文从探讨联勤体制下医院文化的特征与要求入手,就目前医院文化建设出现了误区进行了全面客观地剖析,并提出了狠抓医院文化意识,选准定位目标,开拓创新和分步实施医院文化建设的基本思路。  相似文献   

唯物辩证法告诉我们,现象是事物的外部联系和表现特征,而本质才是事物的根本性质和事物基本要素的内在联系,本质是现象的根据,它决定现象,并且总要通过现象来表现,而现象总是表现着本质,一切事物都是现象和本质的辩证统一,透过现象看本质,是揭示事物发展规律的基本途径。我们许多人之所以在对医院文化的认识上产生偏差,走入误区,就是因为他们只看到了医院文化丰富多彩的表面现象,而对深藏于内的本质不了解,只凭自己的感性认识对医院文化作片面理解。因此,我们必须以唯物辩证法为指导,走出误区,正确认识医院文化的深刻内涵,才能有利于建设优秀的医院文化。  相似文献   

关注医院劳动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着持续的医疗体制改革和民营医院的飞速发展,医院劳动合同管理逐渐被纳入医院管理的新视野,它不仅是一个法律问题,某种意义上也是一个医院文化问题,通过一纸合同,不仅能窥视一个医院的管理水平,而且更能体现医院的诚信文化和社会责任意识。然而实际运行中却存在许多误区和错误做法。  相似文献   

在医院现代化科学管理中,医院文化建设的重要性和必要性已被医院管理者所接受认可,越来越多的医院开展了文化建设。但是,由于医院文化建设的复杂性,很多医院陷入了医院文化建设的误区,大大限制了医院文化作用的发挥。从医院文化建设的重要作用入手,分析了当前医院文化建设中普遍存在的"肤浅化"、"形式化"、"雷同化"、"脱节化"、"短视化"等一些误区,并有针对性地从医院文化建设必须坚持完善制度建设、坚持突出医院的文化个性、坚持与医院管理紧密结合、坚持领导示范和全员参与、坚持科学规划等5个方面提出了文化建设的策略。  相似文献   

医德医风失控原因和对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了医德医风失控的原因:(1)市场经济的双重性影响;(2)劳务价值正当补偿途径出现空白;(3)正常的医患关系模式扭曲化;(4)医务人员的人生价值取向发生偏差;(5)宣传教育存在误区;(6)监督机制缺乏力度。据此提出相应对策:(1)加强医德医风建设;(2)加强医院经营机制改革;(3)加强医院文化建设。  相似文献   

儿童早期单纯肥胖症的流行病学及危险因素研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
儿童早期肥胖率在发达国家居高不下并保持上升趋势,在发展中国家的城市地区日益蔓延,部分地区的增长失控,肥胖率已接近发达国家.在不同人群中,儿童早期肥胖率分布的差异较大.危险因素包括:父母肥胖,高或低的出生体重,出生追赶和体重增长过快,家长错误的喂养行为和观念等,与儿童早期营养相关的家庭因素,不合理饮食、运动和睡眠时间少,看电视和静坐时间长等儿童不良行为习惯.  相似文献   

Nickerson's critique of our brief report on changes in knowledge, attitudes and use of condoms among adolescents over a year's time mistakenly interprets the paper as examining an attitude/behavior discrepancy. A number of her criticisms follow from this mistaken interpretation. We agree with some of her general points but identify several errors in her analysis and note areas of disagreement about strategies for studying complex behaviors.  相似文献   

目的:探讨以生态学方法为主的综合防制城镇居民区家鼠的措施。方法:比较综合防制与单纯药物防制家鼠的效果。结果:试验区鼠密度一直控制在较低水平,而且从1996年5月至今维持在国家规定标准(3%)以下;药物区除投药后1~2个月内鼠密度暂时下降外,大多数月份均在6%以上,且从未下降到3%以下的国家标准;空白区除试验开始后药物杀灭使鼠密度下降外,从第2个月起一直超过6%,大多数月份在12%~13%。结论:综合防制不仅可以取得与单纯药物相同的甚至更好的灭鼠效果,且可减少或避免药物对环境的污染、人畜误食及二次中毒、灭效维持时间不长、鼠类易产生耐药性和抗药性、耗费大量人、财、物力等副作用或弊端。  相似文献   

The Authors described a particular ultrasound finding which can sometimes be observed in the echographic picture of diffused hepatic steatosis and which was seen by these Authors in 117 out of 312 patients affected by steatosis. This finding consists of the presence of one or more hypoechoic focal areas situated at the IV-V and/or II-III segment level surrounded by wide-spread increase in echogenicity of remaining parenchyma, which is typical of "bright liver". These areas, which can easily be mistaken for neoplastic formations, were instead seen to be limited areas of normal liver parenchyma free of fatty infiltration. In those patients presenting valid reasons for suspecting the presence of primary or secondary neoplastic formations, the Authors believe that echographic examination of these areas should always be accompanied by more invasive methods in order to confirm or exclude the possible presence of neoplastic formations with certainty. On the contrary, in those patients where no such diagnosis is suspected, it should prove sufficient to monitor these ares by means of ultrasound.  相似文献   

在总结我国儿童营养现状的基础上,指出了我国儿童营养存在的6个误区,并认为误区主要归结于经济不发达、营养知识的缺乏、饮食习惯以及对儿童的教育,最后提出采取加强营养知识教育、加强儿童营养的研究和加强食品和农业科学的研究等措施来改善儿童营养状况。  相似文献   

《Health devices》2005,34(12):393-413
Skin injuries sustained--or suspected of having been sustained--by patients in the operating room or special care areas of the hospital have many potential causes. Such injuries are often initially mistaken for thermal or electrical burns, with medical devices immediately blamed as the cause. However, such a hasty conclusion can overlook the actual cause of the injury and delay the implementation of measures to prevent future occurrences. In this article, we describe a thorough investigation process to help healthcare facilities uncover the real cause of an accidental skin injury. Included is a detailed questionnaire to facilitate the investigation. We also present a list of potential causes of accidental skin injuries; these causes must be considered in a thorough investigation.  相似文献   

A 58-year-old man presented with hoarseness and a sore throat for the previous 3 months, which were caused by a laryngeal infection with the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. He had been infected during a stay in Indonesia. Both his hoarseness as well as the Histoplasma antigen titres in serum responded to therapy with itraconazol. H. capsulatum is found in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide, but infections are most commonly reported from the south of the United States of America. If not asymptomatic, the disease most often presents with pulmonary symptoms. A histoplasmosis presenting as a laryngeal infection is relatively uncommon and can be mistaken for papillomatosis or carcinoma. The diagnosis can be made by microscopy and culture of the fungus; an antigen test is available in the United States.  相似文献   

罗文惠 《现代医院》2004,4(8):49-50
目的 分析误诊低血糖为脑梗塞的原因。方法 回顾分析 1995年至今所见 9例误诊病例。结果 输注葡萄糖等治疗后 ,肌力恢复到发病前水平 ,复查CT影像如前。结论 低血糖症状发生与血糖下降的程度、速度、持续时间及病人的机体反应性有关。因其发病突然 ,并有意识障碍或肢体瘫痪 ,且老年人多发 ,故易误诊为脑血管病。  相似文献   

Increased public awareness of the possible presence of carcinogens and other potentially harmful agents in the workplace and in other areas of the environment has created a demand for studies to determine the extent of the risks associated with exposure to such agents. These studies require large numbers of individuals in various "control" populations to be followed-up over long periods of time. Such large-scale follow-up can be greatly facilitated where information on all deaths and on cases of serious morbidity is accumulated centrally, for a whole country, in a form that permits rapid searching by computer and in which individuals are well enough identified to minimize the possibility of mistaken identity. The Canadian Mortality Data Base and the National Cancer Incidence Reporting System are two such centralized follow-up facilities which have been developed in Canada. We describe here the manner in which these files are used, the problems encountered, and their solutions.  相似文献   

目的分析胸部结节病的影像学特征及鉴别诊断方法,提高其影像诊断水平。方法回顾性的分析36例经确诊的胸部结节病的胸部平片及CT影像资料。结果X线胸片及胸部CT提示双侧肺门淋巴结增大27例(75%),无双侧肺门淋巴结肿大者为不典型胸部结节病,9例(25%)呈不典型表现;肺部异常表现在75%的病例都发现了微结节或结节,其他异常包括小叶间隔增厚15例(41.7%),纤维化表现12例(33.3%),磨玻璃影10例(27.8%),血管支气管集聚7例(19.4%),斑片或实变影5例(13.9%)。结论结节病临床表现多样而无特异性,容易引起误诊。CT检查能发现淋巴结肿大,又可显示肺内特征性改变,可提高诊断准确率。  相似文献   

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