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为发扬志愿者无私奉献的精神,进一步提高医疗服务品质,促进医患关系和谐,绍兴市人民医院于2010年7月1日成立"绍兴市人民医院志工服务队",通过近半年的"志愿服务在医院"活动,取得了良好的社会效益得到了社会各界和广大患者的肯定和好评。  相似文献   

新媒体以其"传播面广、时效性强、内容丰富"为特点,在实际工作中,运用其凸显的价值优势,不断创新医院志愿服务的组织性;完善志愿者招募、注册、培训、考核、表彰等机制;挖掘志愿服务的亮点,塑造品牌,拓展医院志愿服务的公益性;助力医院志愿服务的可持续性.运用新媒体,创新医院志愿服务管理模式,为医院志愿服务工作注入新的生机和活力.  相似文献   

有计划、有针对性地在医院开展志愿服务工作,有组织、有目的地调配志愿服务资源,促进志愿服务融入医院常规医疗服务工作,使之常态化,可以扩展了医院服务领域,满足患者多层次的服务需求。  相似文献   

医院开展志愿服务工作,能有效地弥补医院服务资源的不足,为患者提供安全、有效、便捷的医疗服务,促进医患关系的和谐.该文对如东县人民医院开展志愿服务实践过程中的具体措施进行了阐述,对取得的成效进行了介绍,并对志愿服务中存在不足进行了思考,以期进一步提高志愿服务水平,改进志愿服务质量.  相似文献   

我国医院志愿服务工作近年来呈现蓬勃发展景象,然而由于兴起时间短,目前仍处于探索阶段,在规范化和制度化志愿服务体系建设推进中面临很多薄弱环节和现实困境。作者以上海市浦东医院为个案,在实践经验基础上分析公立医院党建工作的顶层设计和机制保障作用,建立服务内容常态化、项目化、品牌化,管理规范化、专业化、人性化的医院志愿服务体系。逐步建立党委作为核心,志愿服务工作协同党的建设工作发展的特色体系,既促进和谐的医患关系,也为医院党建工作和志愿服务工作提供新的视角。  相似文献   

朱文红 《现代医院》2014,(10):117-118
介绍我院青松义工分队开展的医院志愿服务和社区志愿服务的做法。分析发展医院退休人员参与志愿服务的优势:以其服务时间充裕的优势,保障了医院志愿服务的常态化、持续化;以其对医院的熟悉及感情,能为患者提供更贴心的服务;以其掌握的专业知识,能提供更好的社区义诊、健康咨询服务。青松义工分队为医院退休人员提供了继续服务社会、发挥余热的平台,从而间接提升了老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

医院志愿服务伴随着医疗体制改革和医疗环境的需要应运而生。它作为社会志愿服务活动的一个重要分支,在构建和谐医患关系,提升病人就医获得感,改善医疗服务质量方面发挥着不可替代的作用。医院志愿服务虽发展迅速,但仍处在起步阶段。根据某公立医院在开展志愿服务工作中的实际情况,对地区发展不平衡、社会化程度不深、志愿者来源单一、激励机制不完善等影响医院志愿服务发展的因素进行分析,从提高志愿者积极性、加强规范化管理、完善激励机制、促进志愿服务文化建设几个方面探讨解决医院志愿服务困境的对策并提出建议,以期为促进医院志愿服务更好地开展提供参考。  相似文献   

人文关怀是医院服务的灵魂。医院志愿服务和医院社会工作服务是医院践行人文关怀的两种重要实务模式。医院志愿服务属于非职业化服务,医院社会工作则属于职业化服务。医院社会工作能够带动医院志愿服务能力的提升,医院志愿服务则能为目前尚处于困难起步阶段的医院社会工作提供展现其专业价值的机会并弥补其资源不足,两者相互合作联动发展是实现医院人文建设的有效路径。  相似文献   

本文从县级公立医院志愿服务工作实践中的困惑入手进行分析,研究剖析医院志愿服务工作存在的主要问题,并从志愿服务作为一种社会工作形态的角度,提出从“提升组织动员能力、构建“金字塔”型的组织构架、完善管理运行机制”三方面全面推进医院志愿服务社会化的工作对策。  相似文献   

以党委为核心,打造志愿服务与发挥党员先进性相互促进的志愿服务特色模式,在志愿服务中践行核心价值观,将志愿服务工作纳入党建工作,纳入支部目标考核,褒奖优秀,完善管理,促进党建工作与志愿服务活动的相互结合,推动医院志愿服务健康发展.  相似文献   

目的 通过实证调查采集患者、医务工作者和志愿者对医务社工及志愿者工作的评价,解析医务社工及志愿者在医院服务管理中的作用.方法 采用问卷调查、文献查阅、深度访谈法,调研上海市3家三级甲等公立医院获取第一手资料.结果 调查结果显示,患者、医务人员及医务管理人员高度认可医务社工与志愿者在医院服务管理的作用.结论 医务社工和志愿者在医院服务管理中能发挥独特的作用,可以增进医患沟通,缓解或预防医患矛盾,给患者更多人文关怀和增值服务,一定程度上解决了医患之间的诊治经费问题,提升服务品质,降低人力成本,应当得到全社会更多的重视.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to clarify problems perceived by volunteers of a meal distribution service (MDS) in Less-Favoured Areas and the content of information expected to be provided by the administration and social welfare council. METHODS: We chose three municipalities (A, B, and C) with a population of less than 4,000 and an elderly population rate of 25% or higher. Volunteers involved in MDS in the municipalities were 28, 11, and 22 people in A, B, and C, respectively. We interviewed each group after explaining our purpose in writing, and made word-for-word records. Survey items were as follows; what you try and aim to do, what is your burden and pleasure, what are your problems and the solutions, and what are your demands for future activity in the MDS. The study period was from March to November, 2003. RESULTS: The information that the volunteers expected the administration and social welfare council to provide encompassed 3 categories, each of which contained 2 subcategories. They expected (information to allow elderly people to use the service on their own initiative> and as [information to improve understanding of the users and residents about the aims and contents of the MDS], and as [information to ensure the quality and quantity of volunteers], and and as [information to improve the relationships between the volunteers and users]. CONCLUSIONS: The volunteers expected education to improve the understanding of the residents so that elderly people can use the MDS on their own initiative, recruiting of motivated volunteers to ensure continuation of the service, and support for the smooth execution of the service and a system for such support. These were perceived by the subjects as problems to be solved for effective implementation of the service, and are considered to represent the meaning and state of the MDS that the volunteers wanted to share with the administration, social welfare council, and residents. The information that should be shared among the administration, social welfare council, residents, and volunteers can be clarified by evaluation of the expectations of the volunteers which must be met to promote their cooperation to support the service.  相似文献   

Conclusions This study suggests that the most valuable volunteers are women between the ages of 25 and 50 who have had some volunteer or workrelated counseling experience. Therefore, telephone counseling services might want to focus recruitment activities on groups such as teachers, nurses, and community service leagues. This study also indicates that allowing volunteers to participate in supervision, advanced training, and social activities increases length of stay and improves quality of work. While this study does not explore causative relationships, it suggests that offering such activities is worthwhile. This is supported by interviews and informal discussions with volunteers who indicate that one of the major satisfactions of volunteering is the inter-personal contact which such activities provide. Therefore, regardless of the social characteristics of available volunteers, crisis centers can increase volunteer quality and amount of service by providing in-service support activities. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02FC019 00002  相似文献   

This article reports results from a survey of AIDS service organizations (ASOs) that provide medical and social services to people with AIDS in the Oakland, California, area. The survey was designed to assess organizational and staffing characteristics of ASOs. Forty two of sixty-seven (62.7% response rate) ASOs responded, providing detailed data on their staffing patterns. ASOs that provided social services reported 48.5 percent of their total full-time equivalents (FTEs) as volunteers while medical organizations reported only 9.5 percent of their total FTEs as volunteers. Among the social service providers, ASOs that self-identified as private, non-profit community-based organizations (CBOs) reported greater than half (50.8 percent) of their total FTEs as volunteer staff. All CBOs that reported utilizing more than five volunteer FTEs were AIDS-specific providers and had designated a full-time, paid staff position as volunteer coordinator/director.  相似文献   

目的了解男男性行为者(MSM)艾滋病知识知晓现况,分析社会网络及艾滋病预防服务对知晓率的影响。方法 2009~06/09,采用应答者趋动招募抽样法(RDS),在MSM活动场所定时、定点进行艾滋病防治知识知晓、社会网络、预防服务等情况的招募和寻问式匿名现场调查。结果共调查400人,艾滋病防治知识平均总知晓率为92.1%,获取知识主要途径互联网62.8%、朋友57.0%、电视44.2%、宣传材料35.3%。不同主要寻找性伴场所者艾滋病防治知识知晓率差异有统计学意义(H=21.254,P〈0.01),以联网最高,其次为酒吧/歌舞厅/茶室/会所,以浴室/桑拿/按摩最低,其次是公园/公厕/草地;认识MSM朋友人数与知晓率相关性有统计学意义(rs=0.142,P〈0.01),认识朋友多,知晓率相对较高;不同介绍参加调查关系知晓率差异有统计学意义(H=7.905,P〈0.05),熟人介绍者最高,其次是好朋友,性伴介绍最低。近半年是否接受过HIV检测、知道检测结果、安全套发放、润湿剂发放、同伴教育、防艾宣传资料发放知晓率差异有统计学意义(Z=-3.358、-2.308、-3.028、-3.106、-3.531、-4.019,P〈0.05),接受过相应预防性服务者知晓率相对较高;是否以互联网、朋友、宣传材料为主要艾滋病防治知识来源者知晓率差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.754、-3.08、-2.196,P〈0.05),以此为主要来源者知晓率较高,为有效宣传来源途径。结论绵阳市MSM艾滋病防治知识知晓率较高,但不平衡,受社会活动网络、接受艾滋病预防服务因素的影响,应针对性深入开展健康教育,提整体知晓率。  相似文献   

Conclusions This study suggests that the most valuable volunteers are women between the ages of 25 and 50 who have had some volunteer or workrelated counseling experience. Therefore, telephone counseling services might want to focus recruitment activities on groups such as teachers, nurses, and community service leagues. This study also indicates that allowing volunteers to participate in supervision, advanced training, and social activities increases length of stay and improves quality of work. While this study does not explore causative relationships, it suggests that offering such activities is worthwhile. This is supported by interviews and informal discussions with volunteers who indicate that one of the major satisfactions of volunteering is the inter-personal contact which such activities provide. Therefore, regardless of the social characteristics of available volunteers, crisis centers can increase volunteer quality and amount of service by providing in-service support activities. Due to a printer’s error, Dr. Stern’s name was omitted from this article when it was first published in the Spring 1985 issue of theJournal of Mental Health Administration.  相似文献   

医院门诊引入社会志愿者资源,着力解决医疗服务领域中的社会问题,提升服务品质,改善医患关系,满足患者多层次的服务需求,已成为各级各类医疗卫生机构的共识。从门诊志愿者队伍建设以及志愿服务形式、日常管理体系等方面进行全面探讨。  相似文献   

The Strong Communities initiative in the Upstate region of South Carolina relies on expansion and utilization of social capital as the principal strategy in preventing child maltreatment. The 44 volunteers (out of more than 4,500) whom outreach staff identified as most central to mobilization of the community were interviewed about their background, motivation, and experience in the initiative. These exceptionally productive volunteers were less distinctive in their background than in their beliefs. Almost all were active church-goers, and many reported a strong religious foundation for their commitment to community service. The exceptional volunteers generally reported that they had become involved in Strong Communities through interaction with outreach staff of the initiative. Most appraised Strong Communities as effective in improving the community, and they regarded the initiative as providing deeper and more personally meaningful experiences than other volunteer programs in which they had participated. Strong Communities appears to be making progress toward both personal and community transformations.  相似文献   

志愿服务在医院是一项创新的工作。通过志愿者组织文化建设,构建良好的志愿者管理体系,培育众多的忠诚志愿者,建设一支富有奉献精神的志愿者服务队,为改善医疗服务、促进医患和谐发挥了积极作用,得到了广大患者和社会各界的肯定和好评。  相似文献   

目的 通过对中外医院开展志愿服务的原因、服务机制等内容的比较,找出我国目前医院志愿者服务中存在的不足,并探索适合我国医院志愿服务的运行机制.方法 以文献研究为主要研究方法,辅以小组讨论等其他方法,对中外医院志愿服务运行机制进行深层次的剖析.结果 医院发展的需要促进了欧美发达国家医院开展志愿服务,其志愿服务内容广泛、管理规范,并依据志愿者动机制定了相应的激励措施.结论 我国医院志愿者服务尚处于初级阶段,国内学者亟需在医院志愿者岗位设置、实践规范等方面提供更多的科学证据.  相似文献   

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