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目的分析总结骨间前神经卡压征的神经电生理特点,探讨其对骨间前神经卡压征的诊断意义。方法对12例骨间前神经卡压征患者进行神经电生理检测:(1)惠侧及对侧骨间前神经运动潜伏期及复合肌肉动作电位波幅:(2)患侧正中神经运动、感觉传导速度及复合肌肉动作电位、感觉动作电位波幅:(3)患侧拇短展肌、指浅屈肌、旋前方肌、拇长屈肌肌电图。结果10例骨间前神经运动潜伏期延长;12例骨间前神经复合肌肉动作电位波幅降低;12例正中神经运动、感觉传导速度及复合肌肉动作电位、感觉动作电位波幅正常:12例旋前方肌、10例拇长屈肌肌电图示神经性损害;12例拇短展肌、指浅屈肌肌电图正常。结论骨间前神经卡压征的神经电生理表现特点为:骨间前神经运动传导潜伏期延长及复合肌肉动作电位波幅降低,其支配肌肉肌电图示神经性损害,而正中神经运动及感觉传导正常.其支配肌肉肌电图正常。骨间前神经卡压征的神经电生理表现可为该病提供客观、准确的诊断与鉴别诊断依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高频电在经尿道手术中的作用原理、适应证、电极配置及神经肌肉刺激等相关问题。方法:开展经尿道高频电手术1665例,其中TURP 468例、TUVP 227例、TUEVAP 341例,TURBT 527例.TUIBN 102例。采用高频发生器为Storz TUR 27810或Vally Lab Froce FX,输出电流频率395~450kHz。结果:手术时间TURP、TUVP、TUEVAP之间差异无显著性(P〉0.05);术后拔管时间TURP与TUVP、TUEVAP,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);术后继发出血TURP组17例、TUEVAP组2例;TURP发生TURS,先兆2例;TURBT49例、TUEVAP24例发生闭孔神经反射;1例返回电极灼伤,3例置心脏起搏器者及4例置金属股骨头者手术未发生高频电意外。结论:调制及匹配最佳的高频电频率及输出功率可产生最佳的电灼、脱水、汽化效应,应注意手术电极及返回电极的意外损伤,对高频电流产生的低频刺激电流引起神经肌肉刺激(闭孔神经反射)要注意防范。  相似文献   

目的 探究低频神经肌肉电刺激联合透明质酸修护敷料与橄榄油对产后腹部妊娠纹的修复效果。 方法 选择2021年11月-2022年11月遵义市第一人民医院收治的100例产后出现腹部松弛合并妊娠纹患者为 研究对象,按随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各50例。对照组应用透明质酸修复敷料,并外涂橄榄油进行 按摩,观察组在对照组基础上应用低频神经肌肉电刺激,比较两组修复效果、修复满意度、复发情况及 不良反应发生情况。 结果 观察组修复总有效率为90.00%,高于对照组的72.00%(P<0.05);观察组修 复满意度为90.00%,高于对照组的74.00%(P<0.05);观察组治疗3、6个月后的复发率分别为8.00%、 16.00%,均低于对照组的30.00%、34.00%(P<0.05);观察组不良反应发生率为10.00%,低于对照组的 42.00%(P<0.05)。 结论 对产后妊娠纹患者应用低频神经肌肉电刺激联合透明质酸修护敷料及橄榄油,可有 效改善妊娠纹情况,同时还可减少不良情况发生,降低复发率,提高患者满意度,具有良好的临床应用价值。 【关键词】 低频神经肌肉电刺激;透明质酸修护敷料;产后妊娠纹  相似文献   

目的 研究在痉挛型脑瘫患者选择性脊神经后根切断术(SPR)中的肌电监测技术与标准.方法 在89例痉挛型脑瘫患者SPR中,采用50 Hz方波电脉冲,分别刺激L3-S1神经后根小束,分别于双侧三角肌、长收肌、股直肌、股二头肌、胫骨前肌和腓肠肌内、外侧头记录自由肌电反应及触发肌电反应,同时观察下肢肌肉痉挛性收缩活动.对肌电反应向对侧、乃至远隔神经支配节段明显扩散的3+级和4+级神经后根小束,及引起下肢或足趾肌肉收缩活动的相对低阈值的神经后根小束进行选择性切断.术后观察下肢肌张力的改善程度,并对下肢感觉、运动及排便功能进行评估.结果 触发肌电反应的出现明显滞后于自由肌电反应,观察自由肌电反应更能及时的判断"异常的"神经小束.89例患儿的372根神经后根被选择性切断,其中324根(83.5%)腰神经后根的出现3+~4+级肌电反应的神经小束被选择性切断;48根(12.9%)神经后根的神经小束根据"相对低阈值"被选择性切断.所有患儿术后下肢肌张力明显降低,未出现明显的下肢感觉、运动及排便功能障碍.结论 SPR中,肌电监测所出现的向对侧和(或)远隔节段扩散的持续的肌肉动作电位反应,是判定"异常"神经后根小束并进行选择性切断的有效并可重复的客观标准.  相似文献   

目的 比较眼肌型和全身型重症肌无力患者罗库溴铵的肌松时效.方法 择期行胸骨正中切口胸腺切除术的27例患者,性别不限,年龄12 ~64岁,体重指数17~26 kg/m2,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,根据Osserman分型分为2组:眼肌型组(O组,n=10)和全身型组(G组,n=17).依次静脉注射芬太尼2 μg/kg、咪达唑仑0.05 mg/kg和丙泊酚1.5 mg/kg行麻醉诱导,气管插管,采用四个成串刺激模式,刺激电流60 mA,间隔12 s,频率2 Hz,波宽0.2 ms,监测拇内收肌肌颤搐,定标后静脉注射罗库溴铵0.6 mg/kg.记录麻醉诱导前(基础状态)、气管插管后1、3 min时MAP、HR、心率变异性和低频与高频比值,记录肌松起效时间、T125%恢复时间、T150%恢复时间和恢复指数.结果 与基础值比较,2组不同时点MAP、HR、心率变异性和低频与高频比值差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与0组比较,G组肌松起效时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),T125%恢复时间、T150%恢复时间及恢复指数延长(P<0.05).结论 罗库溴铵在全身型MG患者的肌松维持时间长于眼肌型,而起效时间无差异.  相似文献   

改良电切法在TURBt术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术(TURBt)中,高频电流透过膀胱壁刺激闭孔神经.会引起大腿内收肌强烈收缩,特别是电切侧壁肿瘤时常易引起闭孔神经反射,易导致膀膀穿孔等严重并发症,处理较为棘手。1997—2004年我们采用先电凝刺激引起闭孔神经疲劳后电切的方法治疗浅表性膀胱肿瘤136例,效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

分析在产后妊娠纹修复中应用低频神经肌肉电刺激联合手法按摩的效果。方法 选取2022年 1月-2023年2月于黄骅市中医医院行妊娠纹修复的60例患者为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为对照组和观 察组,各30例。对照组采用单纯手法按摩修复,观察组采用低频神经肌肉电刺激联合手法按摩修复,比较 两组修复效果、腹部美观度、不良反应发生情况及复发情况。结果 观察组修复总有效率为96.67%,高于 对照组的73.33%(P<0.05);观察组治疗后腹部美观度评分低于对照组(P <0.05);两组治疗后3、6个月 复发率比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05);两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。 结论 在产后妊娠纹修复中应用低频神经肌肉电刺激联合手法按摩的效果良好,能有效提升修复效果,改 善腹部美观度,且复发率及不良反应发生率均较低,应用有效性和安全性确切。  相似文献   

探讨肘管综合征电生理分期的定量指标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨并制定肘管综合征轻度、中度、重度三期电生理的分期定量指标,为临床分期提供电生理依据。方法对临床诊断为肘管综合征的82例(82侧)患者,测定以下电生理检查:(1)第一背侧骨间肌,小指展肌,尺侧屈腕肌的肌电图(EMG);(2)肘段尺神经运动神经传导速度(MNCV)的测定;(3)感觉诱发电位的测定(小指→腕,腕→肘)。结果轻度:EMG(-),肘段MNCV≥45.0m/s,尺神经感觉电位或神经于(腕→肘)电位波幅较健侧下降≥50%。中度:EMG(±),肘段MNCV<45.0m/s,尺神经小指感觉电位波幅及尺神经干电位波幅均较健侧下降>50%,重度:EMG(+),肘段MNCV<40.0m/s,复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)消失,尺神经小指感觉电位或尺神经干的CMAP电位引不出。结论肘管综合征电生理的分期指标,主要看尺神经肘段的MNCV,MNCV≥45.0m/s提示为轻度,MNCV<45.0m/s提示为中度,MNCV<40.0m/s提示为重度。  相似文献   

上臂巨大滑液囊肿压迫尺神经麻痹一例报告潘进社李衡吴喜瑞患者男,49岁,主因右手麻木5年,伴肌肉萎缩2个月于1994年8月20日收住院.查体:右手骨间肌和小鱼际肌轻度萎缩,呈爪形指畸形,右环、小指感觉迟钝,小指外展活动受限.夹纸试验(+),Fromen...  相似文献   

在80例患者中应用双重爆发刺激(DBS)检测残余神经肌肉阻滞,并与四次成串(TOF)中的TR(TOF中第四与第一次颤搐之比)对比。DBS系由JS-型肌松自动监测仪刺激腕部尺神经,检测拇内收肌的肌电反应,其结果以数字与图形自动打印。结果表明,此种DBS方式的残余神经肌肉阻滞检出率明显高于DBS目测与触感法;即使TR恢复至1.0,DBS仍存在衰减,较TR更敏感。  相似文献   

报道额肌悬吊术治疗眼型重症肌无力型上睑下垂10例。手术利用富有弹力和悬吊力的自体肌皮瓣,既无异体排斥等不良反应,又能有效地借助额肌运动重建上睑功能,并获得自然的双重睑,随访1年,效果良好。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In most publications about myasthenia, monitoring neuromuscular blockade during anesthesia is recommended. In healthy patients, the relation of blockade between muscles has been established, but there is little information about the relation in myasthenic patients. Our objective was to investigate whether the relation between the orbicularis oculi and adductor pollicis muscles is the same in healthy patients and myasthenic patients. METHODS: After anesthesia was induced with 4-6 mg/kg thiopental and 2 microg/kg fentanyl, followed by 2% sevoflurane and 60% nitrous oxide in oxygen, 10 healthy patients and 10 myasthenic patients received 0. 025 and 0.01 mg/kg vecuronium, respectively. Neuromuscular monitoring was performed with use of accelerometry at the orbicularis oculi and the adductor pollicis muscles by stimulating the temporal branch of the facial nerve and the ulnar nerve. RESULTS: The relation of blockade between these two muscles was not the same in healthy patients and myasthenic patients: in healthy patients, the maximum neuromuscular blockade with 0.025 mg/kg vecuronium was less in the orbicularis oculi than in the adductor pollicis (median 72% vs. 91%; P < 0.05); in contrast, in myasthenic patients, the blockade with 0.01 mg/kg vecuronium was greater in the orbicularis oculi than in the adductor pollicis (median 96% vs. 62%; P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Neuromuscular monitoring at the orbicularis oculi may overestimate blockade in myasthenic patients. Extubation must be performed when the muscle most sensitive to neuromuscular blocking agents is recovered. Therefore, neuromuscular monitoring at the orbicularis oculi is recommended to avoid persistent neuromuscular blockade in patients with myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

目的探讨延髓型重症肌无力患者电视胸腔镜下胸腺扩大切除术(video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy,VATET)后喉肌电指标测定的临床价值。方法回顾分析2002年6月~2011年7月我科36例延髓型重症肌无力(延髓型组)行VATET的临床资料,对术前后喉肌电指标进行分析,选取同期36例健康受试者作为对照组。结果延髓型组术前喉内肌肌电振幅(210.68±75.42)μV,较对照组(309.40±55.33)μV明显缩窄(t=6.332,P=0.000);时程(7.68±0.57)ms较对照(5.42±0.34)mB明显延长(t=-20.431,P=0.000);募集相最大电位(1132.18±467.19)μV较对照组(1675.00±532.85)μV明显缩窄(t=4.596,P=0.000),术后2组比较仅时程有明显差异(t=6.375,P=0.000)。延髓型组喉内肌群术后肌电振幅(312.91±69.43)μV,较术前(210.68±75.42)μV明显变宽(t=-5.983,P=0.000);术后时程(6.19±0.64)m8较术前(7.68±0.57)m8明显缩短(t=10.431,P=0.000);术后募集相最大电位(1557.67±521.45)斗V较术前(1132.18±467.1)μV明显变宽(t=-3.646,P=0.000);喉外肌仅肌电振幅差异显著[(139.36±74.26)μV vs.(102.75±63.22)μV,t=-2.252,P=0.027]。术后喉肌电图正常的患者疗效有效率89.3%(25/28),喉肌电图异常的患者疗效有效率37.5%(3/8),2组比较有统计学差异(χ2=6.891,P=0.009)。结论延髓型重症肌无力患者肌电指标异常,VATET可有效改善各项指标,缓解相关的临床症状。  相似文献   

A 51-year-old woman with a 3-year history of diplopia was admitted to our hospital. Repetitive stimulation of the right median nerve revealed decreasing hand muscle responses. Edrophonium chloride administration alleviated the symptoms. The serum anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody level was 3.3 nmol/l; thus, myasthenia gravis was diagnosed. A chest roentgenogram revealed a left inferior mediastinal mass, and a chest computed tomographic scan revealed a fat density mass partly containing soft tissue areas in the left side of the anterior mediastinum. Median sternotomy and extended thymectomy were performed. The pathology examination of the tumor revealed mature adipose tissue including islands of thymic tissue containing Hassall's corpuscles, without germinal centers. The tumor was a thymolipoma of the anterior mediastinum. Her postoperative course was good, and she is doing well at 1 year postoperatively. The present study is the 15th reported case of thymolipoma associated with myasthenia gravis. We did not confirm a causal relationship between the thymolipoma and myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

Patients with myasthenia gravis show sensitivity to non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs, but little is known about differences in this sensitivity between types of myasthenia. In 10 patients with ocular myasthenia gravis and 10 with generalized myasthenia gravis, twitch tension was monitored in the adductor pollicis muscle by supramaximal train-of-four stimulation of the ulnar nerve during anaesthesia with sevoflurane 2.5% and nitrous oxide 60%. After baseline measurement, an initial dose of vecuronium 10 microg kg(-1) was given. When the twitch height stabilized (maximum block after the first 10 microg kg(-1)), the next incremental dose of 10 microg kg(-1) was given and repeated until block, defined as [1-(first twitch/baseline first twitch)] x 100 reached 90%. Maximum block after the first dose of vecuronium in ocular patients was significantly less than that in generalized patients (median 51 vs 91%; P<0.05). Onset of block after the first dose of vecuronium was significantly slower in ocular than in generalized myasthenic patients (mean 300 vs 200 s; P<0.05). Doses required to attain a block of 90% or more were significantly higher in ocular than in generalized patients (median 20 vs 10 microg kg(-1); P<0.05). Clinicians should consider the type of disease according to the Osserman classification when using non-depolarizing neuromuscular. blocking drugs in patients with myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

Repetitive stimulation of phrenic nerves in myasthenia gravis.   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
A Mier  C Brophy  J Moxham    M Green 《Thorax》1992,47(8):640-644
BACKGROUND: In the investigation of patients with myasthenia gravis, repetitive supramaximal stimulation of an affected peripheral nerve is commonly performed to detect abnormal transmission at the neuromuscular junction. A study was undertaken to determine whether abnormal transmission could similarly be detected during stimulation of the phrenic nerves. METHODS: The phrenic nerves were stimulated supramaximally with surface electrodes in 13 patients with myasthenia gravis and in 16 control subjects (six control patients with diaphragmatic weakness but not with myasthenia and ten normal subjects). The amplitude of diaphragm muscle action potentials was measured with surface electrodes during phrenic nerve stimulation at frequencies of 1-5 Hz for 3-4 seconds. RESULTS: In five patients with myasthenia gravis, a significant decrement (15-43% decrease) occurred in the amplitude of diaphragm muscle action potential during stimulation at 3 Hz. When stimulation frequency was reduced to 1 Hz, diaphragm muscle action potentials returned to their original amplitude within 4-5 seconds. The decrement in the amplitude of the diaphragm muscle action potential was reduced temporarily in three of four patients after the administration of intravenous edrophonium chloride (Tensilon). There was no significant change (< 10% decrease) in the amplitude of diaphragm muscle action potentials during stimulation at increased frequencies either in the 16 control subjects or in eight of the patients with myasthenia gravis. CONCLUSION: A significant reduction in the amplitude of diaphragm muscle action potential occurred in five of 13 patients with myasthenia gravis during phrenic nerve stimulation at 3 Hz but in none of the control subjects. This may be a useful and non-invasive method for identifying patients with myasthenia gravis in whom weakness of the diaphragm is suspected.  相似文献   

Background In the management of autoimmune myasthenia, thymectomy is recognized as effective surgical therapy. The necessity of complete radical thymectomy to achieve maximal improvement has been emphasized. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery has been successfully used for thymectomy in adults, and more recently in children, and has been described as achieving the same radicality and functional improvement as median sternotomy or as transcervical thymectomy. The aim of this work is to report our first thoracoscopic experience in this indication.Methods Patients with myasthenia gravis on anticholinesterase drugs and/or steroids are discussed for surgery in case of clinical deterioration despite increasing doses of medication or in case of no improvement. We decided to perform thoracoscopic thymectomies by a left-sided approach. Preoperative localization of thymic tissue is done by a thoracic CT exam. Patients are placed on their right side with a thoracic tilt under the thorax. Four thoracoscopic ports are used, a 10-mm for the camera and three 5-mm operating ports. The left lung was collapsed by selective intubation (double-lumen endotrachial intubation).Results Two boys, 7.5 and 14 years old, were addressed by the department of neurology for radical thymectomy. They presented an ocular myasthenia gravis for 2 years and a mild general myasthenia gravis for 7 years. The operative times were 120 and 240 min. There was no intraoperative or postoperative complication. Duration of thoracic drainage was 2 days. The children were discharged on the third postoperative day. For the second procedure, an ultrasound exam during surgery was necessary to localize the thymus exactly, thus enabling its complete resection without the need for a conversion. The follow-up is 19 and 7 months with a clinical improvement enabling the diminution of medication for both children, the end of ptosis for the first child, and the general improvement of muscle strength for the second.Conclusions Thoracoscopic thymectomy in children with juvenile myasthenia gravis seems to offer a complete surgical resection, as do open techniques. In case of difficulties in finding the thymus, an ultrasound exam is feasible to enable complete resection. The left-sided thoracoscopic approach gives a good mediastinal and cervical exposition. Furthermore, being less painful in the postoperative period, it presents a less pronounced impairment of pulmonary function, and it presents good cosmetic effect.  相似文献   

Background The medical treatment for myasthenia gravis has been reported to have remission rates as low as 15%. Thymectomy on the other hand has been reported to have clinical remission rates up to 80% and therefore has become the accepted mode of treatment. Methods 57 patients diagnosed with myasthenia gravis underwent thymectomy at the Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore from January 1994 to December 2003. The aim of this study was to determine the outcome for myasthenia gravis after thymectomy. Results Our results indicated that female sex had a better over all prognosis, Ossermann stage, I, IIA, & III was associated with higher incidence of complete clinical remission and the response to thymectomy decreased with increasing Ossermann stage. Post operative medication requirement reduced significantly as compared to the preoperative requirement. Conclusion We therefore conclude that trans-sternal thymectomy was found to be beneficial to all patients of mild to moderate myasthenia gravis, with 70.2% patients showing improvement postoperatively. We also advocate thymectomy for ocular myasthenia gravis.  相似文献   

单纯眼肌型重症肌无力胸腺切除的适应证探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的许多学者对单纯眼肌型重症肌无力(POMG)不主张手术治疗,为此,探讨POMG胸腺切除的适应证。方法回顾性分析了1980~1996年10月期间所行胸腺切除治疗POMG23例。结果23例POMG占所有重症肌无力117例的17.9%,术后1例病理证实为胸腺瘤;随访1年有效率为95.7%,1~3年88.2%,3~5年90.9%,超过5年为87.5%。单纯眼肌型重症肌无力多见于儿童,合并胸腺瘤甚为罕见。结论单纯眼肌型病例行胸腺切除应严格控制,特别是儿童,只有症状严重而长时间对抗胆碱酯酶药物反应不佳或疑有胸腺瘤时才施行手术。  相似文献   

胸腔镜手术切除胸腺瘤治疗重症肌无力   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的探讨胸腔镜手术治疗胸腺瘤伴重症肌无力的可行性。方法2005年7月-2006年2月,采用电视胸腔镜在双腔气管插管静脉复合麻醉下行胸腺、胸腺瘤切除术10例,胸腺瘤最大6cm×4cm×3cm。于腋中线第5肋间做1cm胸腔镜口,腋前线与锁骨中线中点第4肋间做3cm主操作孔,腋前线第6肋间做1.5cm辅助操作孔。术中沿胸廓内动脉与锁骨下动脉分叉下方、胸廓内动脉内侧,剪开纵隔胸膜暴露同侧胸腺及部分对侧胸腺;沿上腔静脉或膈神经前方剪开胸膜,暴露同侧胸腺下极,自下而上游离同侧胸腺,沿头臂干静脉前方解剖、结扎胸腺静脉,同法游离对侧并切除。术后全部进行4000cGy放疗。结果手术时间70—130rain,平均110min。术中出血〈100ml。术后Masaoka分期Ⅰ期7例,Ⅱ期3例。术后无死亡,未出现心肺并发症和重症肌无力危象。术后1周重症肌无力症状缓解。10例随访8—15个月,平均13.0月,均无复发、转移,重症肌无力症状无明显加重。结论采用胸腔镜手术切除Ⅰ期或部分Ⅱ期胸腺瘤技术上是可行的,创伤小,术后并发症少,且不影响美观。  相似文献   

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