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肾盂旁囊肿(附13例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结13 例肾盂旁囊肿的临床特点和治疗体会。 方法 行开放手术7 例,经腹腔镜手术1 例,保守治疗5 例。 结果 7 例在开放手术后2 周内血尿、高血压及其他临床症状消失,随访6 个月~18 年无复发,肾功能正常;1 例经腹腔镜手术治疗,随访1 年无复发;5 例经保守治疗控制了病情,随访1 ~5 年病变稳定。 结论 肾盂旁囊肿应与肾盂积水和囊性肾癌相鉴别,B超、IVU 及CT检查可明确诊断。对囊肿小无症状者可临床观察,保守治疗;对囊肿较大局部有压迫症状,或伴有囊内结石,或患肾合并其他病变者可手术治疗。  相似文献   

肾盂旁囊肿(附3例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结13例肾盂旁囊肿的临床特点和治疗体会。方法 行开放手术7例,经腹腔镜手术1例,保守治疗5例。结果 7例在开放手术后2周内血尿、高血压及其他临床症状消失,随访6个月~18年无复发,肾功能正常;1例经腹腔镜手术治疗,随访1年无复发,5例经保守治疗控制病情,随访1~5年病变稳定。结论 肾盂旁囊肿应与肾盂积水和囊性肾癌相鉴别,B超、疗控制了病情,随访1~5年病变稳定。结论 肾盂旁囊肿应与肾盂积水  相似文献   

目的探讨对终末期膝关节病变合并膝外翻畸形患者行经髌旁内侧入路人工全膝关节置换(total kneearthroplasty,TKA)时膝外翻畸形矫正方法及临床疗效。方法 1998年11月-2010年10月,收治64例72膝合并膝外翻畸形的终末期膝关节病变患者。男18例,女46例;年龄23~82岁,平均62.5岁。骨关节炎44例49膝,类风湿性关节炎17例20膝,血友病性关节炎2例2膝,创伤性关节炎1例1膝。双膝8例,单膝56例。膝关节屈伸活动度为(82.2±28.7)°,X线片测量股胫角为(18.0±5.8)°。膝关节学会评分系统(KSS)临床评分为(31.2±10.1)分,功能评分(37.3±9.0)分。根据Krackow膝外翻分型标准:Ⅰ型65膝,Ⅱ型7膝。手术经髌旁内侧入路,采用常规方法行股骨及胫骨截骨,Ranawat技术进行软组织松解。6例7膝采用保留后交叉韧带型假体,54例60膝采用后稳定型假体,4例5膝采用髁限制型假体。结果术后患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合。1例血友病性关节炎合并严重膝外翻畸形(股胫角41°)、屈曲挛缩20°的患者术后出现腓总神经麻痹,经保守治疗1年后神经功能恢复。1例术后2年发生深部感染,行二期翻修术后治愈。患者术后均获随访,随访时间1~13年,平均4.9年。末次随访时X线片示股胫角为(7.0±2.5)°,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=15.502,P=0.000)。KSS临床评分为(83.0±6.6)分,功能评分(85.1±10.5)分,膝关节屈伸活动度为(106.1±17.0)°,与术前比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。5例遗留12~15°膝外翻畸形,但患膝关节功能良好。结论通过恰当的术中截骨和软组织平衡,采用经髌旁内侧入路TKA治疗合并膝外翻畸形的终末期膝关节病变可有效改善膝外翻畸形和恢复关节功能,临床疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的 探讨关节镜下手术治疗四肢关节滑囊炎的效果.方法 2008年4月~ 2011年3月,关节镜下滑囊切除术治疗四肢关节滑囊炎17例,其中膝关节髌前皮下滑囊炎13例,肘关节鹰嘴皮下囊肿2例,股骨大转子滑囊炎2例.结果 手术时间23 ~60 min,平均32 min.术后3~7d出院,平均4d.17例随访2~19个月,平均9.6月,1例外伤性髌前滑囊炎术后3周复发,余患者均愈合良好,皮肤无明显瘢痕,无明显疼痛和功能障碍.结论 关节镜下手术治疗四肢较大的关节周围滑囊炎效果良好,体表切口小,恢复快.  相似文献   

同侧股骨干股骨颈骨折   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
目的探讨同侧股骨干、股骨颈骨折的临床特点及诊断要点。方法对1995年5月~1999年5月间治疗的初诊时未诊断出股骨颈骨折的7例同侧股骨干合并股骨颈骨折的骨折类型、膝关节合并损伤、股骨颈骨折诊断时间、治疗方法、随访结果等进行了回顾性研究。结果7例股骨干骨折均发生于中1/3,股骨颈骨折均为基底型,2例合并膝关节其他骨折,股骨颈骨折诊断延误时间1~75d,除1例保守治疗外,其余6例股骨干骨折及5例股骨颈骨折均行手术治疗,另1例股骨颈骨折确诊时已近临床愈合。平均随访时间15.6个月,7例股骨颈及股骨干骨折均获得愈合,2例股骨颈骨折畸形愈合。所有患者随诊时均未发现股骨头有缺血性坏死的表现。结论对高能损伤造成的股骨干骨折患者应常规拍摄骨盆前后位X线片。对髋关节X线片表现阴性,但股骨干骨折内固定之后仍主诉髋关节疼痛的患者应进行动态检查。一旦发现合并股骨颈骨折应争取早期复位内固定,手术治疗效果优于非手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨后稳定型全膝关节置换治疗成人膝大骨节病混合内翻畸形的手术方法及临床疗效。方法应用后稳定型全膝关节置换治疗晚期成人膝大骨节病混合内翻畸形29例(31膝),男16例(17膝),女13例(14膝)。年龄56~79岁,平均65.2岁。病程3.9~29年。术前屈曲挛缩畸形5°~40°,平均12.4°,膝内翻畸形5°~20°,平均11.5°,术前内旋转度7°~14°。用膝关节HSS评分标准及畸形矫正角度进行效果评价,术前平均40.98分。结果本组有1例下肢血栓性静脉炎经保守治疗痊愈,1例术后心肌梗死经抢救治愈,对全部病例进行了平均28个月(2个月~6年)的随访,术后6个月髌前痛1例,行股四头肌功能锻炼疼痛消失,随访期间无假体周围透明带出现,无假体下沉或松动,无植骨块移位、骨折、骨吸收、不愈合及胫骨平台塌陷。终末随访HSS评分为86.34分。优21膝(67.7%),良9(29%),尚可1膝(3.23%)。结论应用后稳定型全膝关节置换治疗成人膝大骨节病,可有效矫正内翻、屈曲、内旋混合畸形,缓解疼痛,重建膝关节功能,近期疗效满意。  相似文献   

浮膝损伤的诊断与治疗   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
目的 :探讨浮膝损伤的临床诊断标准及最佳治疗方法。方法 :对 1 993~ 1 996年间 2 5例浮膝损伤病人的临床诊断及治疗方法进行回顾性研究。结果 :2 3例骨折骨性愈合 ,2例胫骨骨折不愈合经再次手术植骨外固定架固定获得骨性愈合。术后随访平均 2 6个月。 1 0例术后伸膝装置粘连 ,取内固定物时行伸膝装置松解术 ,效果满意。膝关节功能优良率 80 %。结论 :膝关节内骨折破坏了膝关节本身的完整性 ,不适用浮漆的诊断。浮膝伤多合并其他损伤 ,优先处理致命伤 ,同时固定胫骨骨折 ,将浮膝变为单一骨折 ,即“部分固定”原则  相似文献   

目的:分析奇正消痛贴膏与小针刀并用治疗膝关节周围滑囊炙的疗效.方法:对我科自2008年6月~2010年3月问收治的63例膝关节周围滑囊炎患者,行奇正消痛贴膏与小针刀并用治疗,观察治疗效果.结果:42例患者1个疗程治愈,18例患者经过2个疗程治愈,3例患者经过2个疗程好转.总有效率为100%,治愈率95.3%.结论:奇正消痛贴膏与小钟刀并用治疗膝关节周围滑囊炎,见效快,方法简便、经济,患者易于接受.  相似文献   

目的回顾性研究关节镜下选择性清理结合加压包扎治疗慢性非感染性髌前滑囊炎的治疗效果。 方法2011年1月至2015年12月四川大学华西医院西藏成办分院骨科共收治16例慢性非感染性髌前滑囊炎的患者,所有患者炎性指标正常,无关节感染病史,其中男12例,女4例,病程1月至13个月。入院后予以股神经阻滞+静脉麻醉+吸入麻醉复合麻醉,在囊肿的7点钟方向置入关节镜探查,根据探查发现病灶组织的位置建立入路,置入刨削刀对近端质地坚韧的组织使用髓核钳咬碎后再切除、吸尽。前方的病灶组织只做适当切除,不予止血。术后伸膝位支具固定,术后3周内禁止屈膝锻炼。疼痛评估使用疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS),膝关节功能使用Lysholm膝关节功能评分系统,末次随访复查MRI。 结果本组3例患者门诊随访,13例通过手机微信随访,随访时间12~21月,平均(16±5)月。术后4周患者主动屈膝均超过120°,平均活动度(131±10)°,疼痛VAS评分0~3分,平均(2.0±1.0)分。Lysholm膝关节功能评分:优14例,良2例,优良率100%。MRI显示髌前滑囊无积液。 结论关节镜下清理治疗慢性非感染性髌前滑囊炎创伤小、疗效满意,是一种有效的手术方法;手机微信可用于患者随访。  相似文献   

�ε��ܽ�ʯ�ϲ�������Ѫ����ϼ�����   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨肝内胆管结石合并胆道出血的诊治方法。方法对1982~1992年收治的32例肝内胆管结石合并胆道出血病人进行回顾性分析。结果32例病人中14例为肝内胆管自发性出血,均采用手术治疗,止血率为100%,随访1年无复发出血,18例为手术后出血,3例经保守治疗治愈,15例经保守治疗无效后采用手术治疗,13例止血成功,2例死亡。结论对肝内胆管结石合并自发性胆道出血应及时手术,在止血同时注意处理原发病变。手术后的胆道出血可先采取非手术治疗,部分病人可取得较好的疗效;非手术治疗无效者,应积极再手术治疗。  相似文献   

Bursitis is a common cause of lower extremity pain in patients presenting to primary care physicians. However hemorrhagic prepatellar bursitis is considered to be one of the rare differential diagnoses of swellings around the knee and its diagnosis both clinically and radiologically can be difficult. We present a rare case report of a 50-year-old female patient with complaints of swelling and pain over her right knee for past one year. An initial diagnosis of prepatellar bursitis was made and aspiration of the swelling was done which revealed blood. After further investigations a final diagnosis of hemorrhagic prepatellar bursitis was made which was treated with complete excision and the patient was completely relieved of her symptoms.  相似文献   

The scaphocapitate fracture syndrome is a rare entity of a perilunate fracture-dislocation. The diagnosis is frequently missed at initial presentation to a physician. Usually, a CT scan is required to reveal the extent of the lesion. Operative treatment consists of open reduction and internal fixation with screws (e.g. headless compression screw) or Kirschner wires. We report on a case of a 19-year-old man who presented to our hospital 2 months after he fell on his left wrist. He complained about persistent pain and a decreased range of motion after conservative treatment in a short arm cast. The diagnosis was finally made by a CT scan and the patient was treated operatively using headless compression screws in both the capitate and the scaphoid. After 12 weeks, fractures were completely healed radiographically and the patient returned to work. At follow-up 16 months after trauma, the patient had no further complaints. Range of motion increased and no avascular necrosis could be observed.  相似文献   

We describe a new operative procedure for patients with chronic trochanteric bursitis. Between March 1994 and May 2000, a trochanteric reduction osteotomy was performed on ten patients (12 hips). All had received conservative treatment for at least one year. Previous surgical treatment with a longitudinal release of the iliotibial band combined with excision of the trochanteric bursa had been performed on five hips. None had responded to these treatments. The mean follow-up was 23.5 months (6 to 77). The mean Merle d'Aubigné and Postel score improved from 15.8 (8 to 20) before to 27.5 (18 to 30) after operation, six patients showing very great improvement, five great improvement and one fair improvement. We conclude that trochanteric reduction osteotomy is a safe and effective procedure for patients with refractory trochanteric bursitis who do not respond to conservative treatment.  相似文献   

Operative treatment of prepatellar bursitis is indicated in intractable bursitis. The most common complication of surgical treatment for prepatellar bursitis is skin problems. For traumatic prepatellar bursitis, we propose a protocol of outpatient endoscopic surgery under local anaesthesia. From September 1996 to February 2001, 60 cases of failed nonoperative treatment for prepatellar bursitis were included. The average age was 33.5 ± 11.1 years (range 21–55). The average operation duration was 18 minutes. Two to three mini-arthroscopic portals were used in our series. No sutures or a simple suture was needed for the portals after operation. After follow-up for an average of 36.3 months, all patients are were symptom-free and had regained knee function. None of the population had local tenderness or hypo-aesthesia around their wound. Their radiographic and sonographic examinations showed no recurrence of bursitis. Outpatient arthroscopic bursectomy under local anaesthesia is an effective procedure for the treatment of post-traumatic prepatellar bursitis after failed conservative treatments. Both the cosmetic results and functional results were satisfactory.  相似文献   

目的 观察腓骨旋转延长截骨术治疗踝关节骨折后外踝畸形愈合的临床疗效.方法 自2005年10月至2008年7月,对23例术前诊断为踝部骨折后外踝畸形愈合合并早、中期创伤性关节炎患者行腓骨旋转延长截骨术治疗,采用腓骨斜形或横形截骨,旋转延长后植骨内固定.17例获得完整的随访资料,应用美国骨科足踝外科协会(American Orthopedic Foot Ankle Society,AOFAS)踝关节功能评分系统进行评分.结果 17例获得12~45个月(平均29.1个月)随访.骨折全部愈合,平均X线愈合时间13.1周(11~16周).完全负重时间平均为12.1周(11~15周).术前踝关节AOFAS评分为21~47分(平均29分),术后12个月评分为56~91分(平均81分),优5例,良8例,一般3例,差1例,优良率76.5%.术后1例发生切口皮缘部分坏死,经保守治疗痊愈.2例术后出现足外侧皮肤感觉麻木.2例患者在随访时X线片示关节炎有轻微进展,予以关节腔内注射施沛特,保守治疗后获得较满意的临床效果.无螺钉松动、断裂及内固定失败等其他并发症.结论 外踝畸形愈合的踝关节骨折采用腓骨旋转延长截骨术治疗,近期可获得满意效果.  相似文献   

To determine the type of urinary incontinence in 96 female incontinent patients, we performed a comparative study between the clinical evaluation and the results of urodynamic studies. Their complaints, physical examination, laboratory examinations including routine urological X-ray and ultrasonic studies, revealed that 15 to 30% of the patients had another type of incontinence than those with stress incontinence, urge incontinence and those in whom diagnosis was made from urodynamic studies. Urodynamic studies disclosed that another urinary incontinence type was observed in 7 to 18% of the patients, who were not improved in spite of treatment which was required because of their complaints and physical examination. Our findings showed that urinary incontinence could not be classified according to the frequency of urination or vesical volume. Urodynamic studies may be essential in female patients with urinary incontinence scheduled to have an operation or for whom initial treatment was unsuccessful.  相似文献   

目的研究膝关节假体周围骨折的治疗方法。方法14例假体周围骨折,其中股骨骨折8例,胫骨骨折6例。4例拉力螺钉固定,4例多道钢丝固定,1例更换为铰链膝,5例采用LPC钢板固定。结果所有患者获得随访,平均随访时间24.5个月(6~44个月)。术后6~12周所有患者骨折均愈合(平均8.5周)。随访期内无感染及松动发生,1例皮肤切口延迟愈合。术后HSS评分平均为84分。结论多数膝关节假体周围骨折的患者能够获得功能重建和无痛的关节,LCP钢板是假体稳定的股骨骨折较适合的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Polyethylene-induced pes anserinus bursitis after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with the clinical manifestations mimicking an infected TKA is a very rare occurrence. We report such a case in a 74-year-old woman. She developed recurrent draining papules on the anterolateral aspect of the knee because of polyethylene-induced chronic pes anserinus bursitis 8 years after TKA. The diagnosis was established with a sinography study and confirmed by histopathologic examination of the surgical specimen. The symptoms were resolved after surgical excision of the lesion. Pes anserinus bursitis should be included in the differential diagnosis in knees with a draining sinus after TKA, and sinogram is considered the best method to establish the diagnosis.  相似文献   

MRI对膝关节骨挫伤的诊断及临床意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:探讨MRI对膝关节骨挫伤的诊断价值,提高临床医师对骨挫伤诊断及鉴别诊断的认识。方法:收集2008年5月至2009年12月经MRI检查确诊的膝关节骨挫伤47例进行回顾性分析,其中男30例,女17例;年龄12~69岁,平均34.5岁。47例外伤后局部均出现疼痛、压痛和(或)软组织肿胀及功能障碍,MRI检查时间自外伤后6h~30d,平均7d。单纯骨挫伤临床采用保守及对症治疗。结果:47例共显示82个病灶,其中股骨下端39个,胫骨上端(包括胫骨平台)35个,髌骨5个,腓骨上端3个。MRI表现为不规则斑片状或地图样T1WI低信号、T2WI等或略高信号,STIR脂肪抑制序列均呈明显高信号,其中伴半月板撕裂20例,侧副韧带损伤14例,前交叉韧带损伤8例。47例X线、CT检查未见骨折征象。经治疗后临床症状和体征均明显减轻或消失,29例获随访,时间1~12个月,MRI异常信号消失21例,异常信号减弱8例。结论:MRI能揭示膝部骨挫伤的病理改变,并准确判断关节周围韧带及软组织的损伤情况,常规MRI检查并行脂肪抑制序列是诊断外伤性骨挫伤最有价值的方法。  相似文献   

Summary Objective: Determination of the value of bone scanning in symptomatic total knee arthroplasties. Setting Academic Hospital Maastricht and Maasland Hospital Sittard. Design: Retrospective clinical investigation. Method: The clinical reports of 27 patients, who underwent a bone scintigraphic study, were investigated for complaints and analysis of diagnostic decision making. These patients had persistent symptoms after total knee arthroplasty. In addition, conventional radiographs and the isotope scans were studied without knowledge of the clinical records. Based on these data we evaluated in which cases isotope scanning of the knee had contributed decisively to the further treatment. Results: Isotope scanning did not contribute to the treatment planning if physical examination or conventional radiographs had not led to a clinical diagnosis. This comprised 37% of the patients in our series. If a clinical diagnosis was present, isotope scanning did influence decision making in 65% of the patients. However in the remaining patients with a clinical diagnosis (35%) this was not the case. Conclusion: Radionuclide imaging is of limited value in the diagnostic process of symptomatic total knee arthroplasty. It may support or reject a clinical diagnosis, but in the absence of abnormal findings at physical examinations or radiologic studies, it seldom will induce a change in treatment  相似文献   

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