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逆行性额部耳颞区反流轴型皮瓣的临床解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 明确额部常见皮瓣间供血血管系统之间的吻合情况,为额部皮瓣特别是眶上动脉蒂反流轴型皮瓣的临床应用提供解剖学基础.方法 15具福尔马林保存的成人尸体头面部进行肉眼解剖,观察眶上动脉、滑车上动脉和颞浅动脉额支的位置、口径、走行和相互吻合状况及其与周围组织的关系;5具新鲜成人头部标本制作血管铸型.结果 眶上动脉、滑车上动脉和颞浅动脉额支走行基本恒定,且三者存在众多吻合,吻合支集中区域为上界距眶上缘4.9±0.4 cm,下界为眶上缘水平,上界内侧距离前正中线1.0±0.2 cm,外侧距离前正中线4.5±0.4 cm;下界内侧距离前正中线1.4±0.2 cm,外侧2.3±0.5 cm.结论 额部有眶上动脉、滑车上动脉和颞浅动脉额支供血,吻合支丰富且吻合区域较恒定,故可制成多种类型的跨血管的反流式皮瓣,增大血管蒂旋转的角度和长度以及灵活性.  相似文献   

额眉部除皱术的应用解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:为额眉部除皱术提供解剖学基础。方法:在100个成人颅骨和30具成人尸体标本上解剖和观测了额眉部与除皱术有关的组织结构。结果:眶上和滑车上切迹(孔)至正中线的距离分别为22.8mm±5.3mm和16.5mm±2.8mm,至眶上缘的距离分别为3.5mm±1.4mm和3.2mm±1.5mm。额眉部薄的皮下组织与皮肤和深面的肌组织连接紧密,肌组织与深面的额骨外膜以疏松组织相连,其内走行有眶上、滑车上、颞浅和面血管神经支。眶上动脉神经从眶上缘内、中1/3交界处几近垂直上行,其入肌点是眶上缘上方1.4cm±0.3cm;滑车上动脉神经行于内眦与额正中线之际上1cm点连线的深面,分支入肌点在该线的上2/3部;颞浅动脉额支从鬓角穿出行向额肌,入肌点是外眦上方4.5cm±0.8cm。面神经颞支行于额支动脉的下方,在额肌与眼轮匝肌交角处先交织成网,由网再分支入肌。结论:额眉部除皱术宜于额肌下分离,避免损伤相关的血管神经。  相似文献   

目的探讨颞部注射填充致颅内栓塞的解剖机制和危险因素。方法 (1)对4个(8侧)成人头颅标本血管行乳胶灌注, 对颈外动脉起点至颞浅动脉额支眶上缘水平段的血管(简称选取段动脉)进行解剖, 获取血管铸型, 测量其长度、起止点口径及体积(排水法)。(2)从浙江省人民医院影像库中获取2021年1月至2022年12月期间20例成人头颅CT血管成像数据(排除有颈部血管疾病者), 对颈外动脉起点至颞浅动脉额支眶上缘水平段血管长度、起止点口径及体积进行测量。(3)由5位整形外科医生使用压力模拟测定设备按照临床操作习惯对真实颅骨模型颞区进行大力按压, 并维持2 s, 测得最大压强值, 用最大压强值减去颈总动脉基础压强值[设置为90、120、150、200 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)4个等级], 得到对颞区产生的额外的压强值。结果 (1)4个成人头颅标本共采集8条动脉, 选取段动脉血管铸型形态均完整, 血管长度为(169.5±7.2) mm,起点口径为(4.29±0.28) mm, 终点口径为(1.31±0.15) mm, 体积为(1.56±0.21) ml。(2)20例成人中, 男11例...  相似文献   

目的 研究滑车上动脉未被发现或未被重视的解剖学特点,以减少额部旁正中皮瓣在修复鼻缺损时发生血运障碍的机率.方法 于直视与手术放大镜下解剖10具20侧成人头部标本,观察滑车上动脉的行程、层次及吻合情况,以双侧眶上缘水平线为X轴,前正中线为Y轴的二维坐标系定位滑车上血管的出眶位置以及滑车上动脉穿出额肌的位置.结果 滑车上动脉从眶上缘出眶后大致呈直线斜向内上行走,但部分(9/20)滑车上动脉起始处有一外凸的迂曲部.滑车上动脉层次表浅,在距离眶上缘水平线上方(15.2±2.6)mm、距离前正中线(12.1±1.4)mm处穿出额肌走行在皮下层,并沿原方向逐渐浅出紧贴真皮,在额上部与对侧滑车上动脉及同侧眶上动脉、颞浅动脉额支的分支相吻合.结论 额部旁正中皮瓣蒂部不能过于狭窄,分离蒂部时不能太靠近滑车上动脉,以免损伤动脉的迂曲部影响皮瓣血运.额部旁正中皮瓣分离到眶上缘上2~3 cm时则需在额肌深面分离,以免损伤滑车上动脉.  相似文献   

【摘要】〓目的〓探讨上颌动脉与大脑中动脉第二段近端之间进行血管搭桥的可行性。方法 解剖观察10具尸头标本(20侧)的颞浅动脉、上颌动脉及颞深动脉、大脑中动脉分叉部、颈总动脉分叉部及颈外、颈内动脉起始部,分别测量其外径,颈外、颈内动脉起始部及上颌动脉至大脑中动脉分叉部移植血管的走行距离。多普勒超声检查10例健康成人(20侧)的上颌动脉、颈总、颈外、颈内动脉及颞浅动脉主干、额支、顶支的内径和相关血流动力学参数。 结果〓尸头解剖上颌动脉外径为(2.60±0.20) mm,大于颞浅动脉分叉部外径(1.70±0.30) mm,两者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);上颌动脉至大脑中动脉分叉部移植血管的行程为(61.70±1.50) mm,而颈外、颈内动脉至大脑中动脉分叉部移植血管的行程分别为(162.40±2.60) mm、(171.00±2.70) mm。超声多普勒检查上颌动脉第二段血流量为(62.70±13.30) mL/min,而颞浅动脉额支、顶支血流量仅(15.90±3.70) mL/min、(17.70±4.10) mL/min,均具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论〓上颌动脉与大脑中动脉第二段近端进行血管搭桥是切实可行的,具有血流量大、移植血管短、路径直等优点,是一种有效的颅内外血管搭桥方法。  相似文献   

从解剖学角度探讨应用锯齿线行面部提升术的可行性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:以解剖学研究为基础,探讨应用锯齿线行面部提升术的适应证、禁忌证与手术层次。方法:对10例(20侧)防腐人头标本进行头面部逐层解剖,观察面部脂肪分布与眶上血管神经、滑车上血管神经、面神经的走行特点。结果:额正中部皮肤与皮下组织的厚度(1.9±0.2)mm,颞部发际缘处皮肤与皮下组织的厚度(2.4±0.3)mm,面颊部颊脂肪垫处皮肤与皮下组织的厚度(3.1±0.4)mm。眶上血管神经分为内侧支和外侧支,分别穿过额肌、帽状腱膜进入头皮。滑车上血管神经穿过额肌分布于近中线的额部皮肤。面神经颞支向前上方走行于颞浅筋膜深面。面神经颊支出腮腺后走行于表浅肌肉腱膜系统(SMAS)的深面,其分支相互吻合呈立体网格状。结论:额部于额肌深面、颞部于颞浅筋膜浅面、面颊部于SMAS浅面,是锯齿线的安全植入层次。  相似文献   

目的通过颈内、外动脉造影对滑车上动脉分支血管进行影像学研究,并设计改良额部皮瓣行鼻再造术。方法选用30例成人颈内、外动脉造影资料进行血管三维成像,对滑车上动脉分支(肌支和皮支)进行研究,探讨滑车上动脉分支走行、层次以及与眶上动脉的交通情况。根据影像学检测结果临床应用滑车上动脉分支设计额部皮瓣对11例鼻缺损患者行鼻再造术。其中男7例,女4例;年龄15~48岁,平均23岁。鼻缺损范围3.0 cm×2.5 cm~5.0 cm×3.5 cm。结果颈内动脉造影和三维成像显示,30例滑车上动脉恒定出现,直径(0.9±0.6)mm;其中浅层皮支恒定出现,直径(0.7±0.3)mm;深层肌支4例缺失,直径(0.5±0.5)mm,走行于额肌间,长(32.0±6.2)mm,分支间互有交通并与眶上动脉亦有吻合。临床应用皮瓣均成活,无软骨外露,外形良好。术后经4个月~3年随访,鼻尖、鼻翼及鼻小柱外形接近正常,鼻高度和坡度适中,再造鼻质地弹性良好,鼻孔无狭窄,通气功能正常。结论影像学检测结果佐证了滑车上动脉存在恒定皮支,以其分支为血管蒂设计的额部皮瓣提高了鼻再造疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨低负压吸脂及全面部颗粒脂肪填充的临床效果。方法对61例接受全面部脂肪填充的患者采用20 ml注射器低负压吸脂,获取脂肪组织经低速离心后行全面部注射,包括颞部、额部、眶下部、鼻唇沟,部分患者填充颊部、颏部、上睑及泪沟。注射层次包括骨膜上、深层脂肪和浅层脂肪。剩余脂肪制成富含血管基质片段(stromal vascular fraction, SVF)的胶状物质保存,于术后3个月内补充注射。结果本组61例患者均行颞部、额部、眶下区、鼻唇沟脂肪注射,单侧平均注射量分别为17.8、15.1、6.2、5.6 ml。接受颊部脂肪注射51例,单侧平均注射量为7.1 ml;颏部脂肪注射49例,单侧平均注射量为3.9 ml;上睑脂肪注射12例,单侧平均注射量为1.2 ml;泪沟脂肪注射40例,单侧平均注射量为1.1 ml。术后效果良好,患者和医师评估改善程度优良率均达85%以上。除1例患者出现局部硬结需穿刺促吸收外,其余患者无感染、结节等并发症发生。结论采用低负压吸脂结合面部颗粒脂肪填充是改善面部轮廓及面部年轻化较好的方式,效果可靠,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 研究颞浅静脉额支的变异情况及其与颞浅动脉额支的关系,为避免颢浅血管蒂额部皮瓣发生淤血性坏死提供解剖学依据.方法 观察颢浅静脉额支的变异情况,以颧弓上缘为X轴、过骨性外耳门前缘点X轴的垂线为Y轴的二维坐标系定位颞浅静脉额支,测量颞浅动静脉额支之间的距离.结果 颞浅静脉额支缺如率为50%(10/20),多数(9/10)位于颞浅动脉额支的上方,颞浅静脉额支与颞浅动脉额支的平均距离为(17.3±8.4)mm,且越向颅顶方向,动静脉之间的距离越大.结论 颞浅静脉额支解剖变异较大,颞浅血管额支动静脉伴行多不紧密.因此,颞浅血管蒂额部皮瓣蒂部应较宽(3~4 cm)设计成逐渐增宽的扇形,可避免皮瓣发生静脉回流障碍.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用跨血管区反流轴型额颞部皮瓣修复上睑软组织缺损的方法及效果。方法根据上睑软组织缺损的大小和位置设计跨血管区反流额颞部皮瓣,最大为3.5 cm×12.0 cm,其皮瓣长度应大于皮瓣蒂部至缺损区最远端1.5 cm;对累及睑板的缺损采用游离硬腭黏膜修复,再行皮瓣修复同侧上睑软组织缺损。结果本组共11例患者,均行跨血管区反流额颢部皮瓣修复,术后皮瓣完全成活,供区均直接缝合;随访6~12个月,无上睑缺损及外翻发生,效果满意。结论采用颞浅动脉额支为蒂的跨血管区反流轴型皮瓣修复上睑软组织缺损,方法可行,效果良好。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣修复口腔鳞癌根治术后缺损的解剖基础及临床效果。方法在10具新鲜尸体上进行双侧旋髂浅动、静脉的解剖测量。选择2017年6月至2019年6月,湖南省肿瘤医院肿瘤整形外科收治的口腔鳞癌术后缺损患者,术前使用超声多普勒血流仪探查标记穿支位置,根据口腔内缺损组织的面积设计旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣,制备皮瓣并转移至口腔,显微镜下吻合动、静脉。术后随访6~30个月,观察皮瓣的存活情况及口腔功能的恢复情况。结果10具新鲜尸体完成双侧解剖,共获得20侧旋髂浅动、静脉的解剖数据。旋髂浅动脉直径为(1.94±0.30)mm,浅支直径为(0.94±0.25)mm,深支直径为(1.25±0.27)mm。至少有2条来自深支的肌皮穿支穿过缝匠肌[(2.15±0.37)条],肌皮穿支直径为(0.75±0.15)mm。旋髂浅静脉直径为(1.72±0.14)mm。浅支动脉蒂长度为(6.5±1.2)cm,深支动脉蒂长度为(8.5±1.9)cm,静脉蒂长度为(9.2±2.1)cm。共选择16例口腔鳞癌术后缺损患者,男14例,女2例,年龄31~70岁,平均48.8岁。切取旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣面积6 cm×4 cm~12 cm×6 cm,血管蒂动脉平均长度约6.8 cm,静脉平均长度约7.6 cm。1例术后出现皮瓣静脉危象,皮瓣坏死,其余患者皮瓣均存活良好。2例出现供区淋巴瘘,拔管延迟。16例术后随访6~30个月,1例9个月时出现颈部淋巴结转移,其余患者未发现复发或转移;供区未见并发症,患者对口腔功能恢复满意。结论旋髂浅动脉穿支皮瓣厚薄适中,质地柔软,血管蒂直径及长度恒定,血供稳定,供区瘢痕隐蔽,是修复口腔鳞癌根治性切除术后缺损的良好选择。  相似文献   

硅胶片置入及自体颗粒脂肪注射阴茎延长增粗术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨防止阴茎延长后回缩的阴茎延长增粗手术。方法在阴茎根部背侧V形切开,将全部阴茎浅悬韧带及部分深悬韧带切断,为了防止切断的阴茎韧带与耻骨联合重新粘连而回缩,根据阴茎悬韧带附着于耻骨联合的面积,采用宽1.5~2.5cm,长2.3~3.6cm,厚2~3mm的硅胶片置入,缝合于其表面,采用自体颗粒脂肪30~48ml,行阴茎背侧深筋膜表面注射。结果16例患者,阴茎静态下延长长度为1.8~5.1cm,平均2.91cm;增粗直径0.6~1cm,平均0.85cm,观察期为3个月~2年,回缩率小于8%,阴茎增粗后缩小率低于10%。结论硅胶片置入结合自体颗粒脂肪注射是一种理想的阴茎延长增粗术,可有效防止阴茎延长后的回缩。  相似文献   

The largest prospective cadaver study done over a 3-year period to investigate the arterial variations of the forehead is presented. The primary goal was to find anatomical support for various forehead flaps previously designed. Thirty cadaver foreheads (60 hemi-foreheads) were dissected from deep to superficial to identify arterial variations. The arteries were filled with a latex solution prior to dissection. The results show that the supratrochlear and dorsal nasal arteries have a relatively constant origin. Vertical (VB), oblique (OB), medial (MB) and lateral branches (LB) of the supraorbital artery were identified. The frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery (FBSTA) was found to continue in the direction of the scalp at the lateral orbital rim vertical line and gave off a transverse branch, the transverse frontal artery (TFA), to supply the forehead. The oblique branch of the supraorbital artery (OBSOA) most often anastomosed with either the transverse frontal artery or the frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery at the lateral orbital rim vertical line. A central artery (CA) was consistently found originating from the dorsal nasal artery usually 5mm from its origin. The central artery had a constant anastomosis with the opposite central artery in the inferior transverse third of the forehead. The central artery was not easily identifiable in the superior third of the forehead. The angular artery (AA) was found to have a variable termination. The angular artery could communicate with the supratrochlear artery (STrA) at the supraorbital rim (SOR) or it could continue up into the forehead medial to the STrA. This artery was called the paracentral artery (PCA). The central artery, paracentral artery and supratrochlear artery have an important relationship with the most prominent central vein that is relevant to flap construction. The significance of the central artery and vein favours the median forehead flap as anatomically superior and the prominent central vein is a constant landmark on which to select the side of the pedicle. Clear landmarks for defining the pedicle base for the median forehead flap are provided.  相似文献   

带前臂外侧皮神经营养血管筋膜皮瓣的应用解剖   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
目的:为带前臂外侧皮神经及其营养血管筋膜皮瓣提供形态学基础。方法:在32侧成人上肢标本上,观测前臂外侧皮神经营养血管及其周围皮肤的供血情况。结果:前臂外侧皮神经近侧的血供为肱动脉末端和桡动脉起始部的肌皮支,起始处外径分别为1.4mm、1.1mm,穿出深筋膜前长为1.9cm、1.4cm;远侧主要为桡动脉的粗大皮支,起始处外径为0.8mm,穿出深筋膜前长0.8cm;此外,桡动脉的茎突返支及掌浅支的皮支营养其远端。其神经支在神经束间或神经旁相互吻合构成纵向(链式)血管网,并借分支与筋膜皮支所形成的皮下筋膜血管网沟通。结论:可设计带前臂外侧皮神经及其营养血管的筋膜皮瓣,顺行或逆行转位修复邻近部位的软组织缺损。  相似文献   

Degenerative changes have been considered to be a cause for spontaneous quadriceps tendon rupture. Aim of this study is to investigate the microvasculature of the quadriceps tendon by injection techniques and immunohistochemical methods (antibodies against laminin) with regard to the pathogenesis of tendon degeneration. The blood supply of the quadriceps tendon arises from descending branches of the lateral circumflex femoral artery, by branches of the descending geniculate artery and by branches of the medial and lateral superior geniculate arteries. Blood vessels penetrate the tendon from the surrounding connective tissue and anastomose with a longitudinally orientated intraligamentous network. Compared to the surrounding synovial layer, the amount of vessels in the tendon substance is greatly reduced. The distribution of blood vessels within the quadriceps tendon is not homogenous. The anterior or superficial part of the tendon has a complete vascular network that extends from the musculo-tendinous junction to the patella. Within the deep portion of the quadriceps tendon there is an oval shaped avascular area which measures app. 30 mm in length and app. 15 mm in width. Within this area the immunohistochemical proof of laminin is negative. An explanation for the absence of blood vessels may be compressive stress caused by the patellar groove which serves as hypomochlion for the quadriceps tendon when the knee is flexed. The occurrence of an avascular zone within the deep layer of the tendon that is directed to the joint cavity may explain the frequency of degenerative changes in this region.  相似文献   

Blood supply of the quadriceps tendon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Degenerative changes have been considered to be a cause for spontaneous quadriceps tendon rupture. Aim of this study is to investigate the microvasculature of the quadriceps tendon by injection techniques and immunohistochemical methods (antibodies against laminin) with regard to the pathogenesis of tendon degeneration. The blood supply of the quadriceps tendon arises from descending branches of the lateral circumflex femoral artery, by branches of the descending geniculate artery and by branches of the medial and lateral superior geniculate arteries. Blood vessels penetrate the tendon from the surrounding connective tissue and anastomose with a longitudinally orientated intraligamentous network. Compared to the surrounding synovial layer, the amount of vessels in the tendon substance is greatly reduced. The distribution of blood vessels within the quadriceps tendon is not homogenous. The anterior or superficial part of the tendon has a complete vascular network that extends from the musculo-tendinous junction to the patella. Within the deep portion of the quadriceps tendon there is an oval shaped avascular area which measures app. 30 mm in length and app. 15 mm in width. Within this area the immunohistochemical proof of laminin is negative. An explanation for the absence of blood vessels may be compressive stress caused by the patellar groove which serves as hypomochlion for the quadriceps tendon when the knee is flexed. The occurrence of an avascular zone within the deep layer of the tendon that is directed to the joint cavity may explain the frequency of degenerative changes in this region.  相似文献   

Fat necrosis is a common postoperative complication in transverse rectus abdominis muscle flap breast reconstruction. A histological quantification of the blood supply to the lower abdominal fat was undertaken to define this problem further. One hundred eighty sections, 1.5 cm(2) in size, were studied from one half of the lower abdomen in 10 fresh cadavers. These represent three different depths of fat (superficial, middle, deep) and six different anatomic areas (upper, middle, and lower sectors of the medial and lateral parts of the hemiabdomen). The average diameter, number of blood vessels, and the total vascular area were measured in each section. The average diameter of the blood vessels was greater in the superficial compared with the mid fat layer (p = 0.02). The total vascular area was greater in the deep compared with the mid fat layer (p = 0.01) and the superficial fat layer (p = 0.05). The number of blood vessels was also significantly higher in the deep fat layer compared with the mid fat layer (p = 0.001) and the superficial fat layer (p = 0.01). The lower medial area of the lower anterior abdominal wall contained the largest number and average diameter of blood vessels whereas the mid lateral area contained the smallest number and average diameter; however, this did not reach significance (p = 0.1 and 0.2). The results of this study are in keeping with the bimodal vascular supply to the subcutaneous fat of the anterior abdominal wall. The deep and the superficial fat layers are supplied more richly with vessels with a larger diameter whereas the intermediate fat layer is supplied from the terminal branches of these vessels.  相似文献   

The lower abdominal skin and fat has become a standard for breast reconstruction in terms of skin texture, suppleness and colour. Concerns regarding donor site morbidity related to the harvest of rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap, based on the deep inferior epigastric vessels, have turned attention towards alternative options. The superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap is a fasciocutaneous flap that has been used for reconstruction of the breast, as well as head, neck and limb defects. In Taylor's classic dissection series the SIEA was 'absent' in 35% [Plast Reconstr Surg 56 (1975) 243]. In our series of 22 cadaver dissections (eight female, three male) the SIEA was identified in 20 and the vein (SIEV) in 21. In 15, the artery was located at the level of the inguinal ligament, within 1 cm of its midpoint. In 17, the origin, from the common femoral artery, was within 2 cm of the inguinal ligament. In 18, the SIEA arose as a common trunk with the superficial circumflex iliac artery, superficial external pudendal artery, and/or the deep circumflex iliac artery. Mean SIEA calibre was 1.9 mm and the mean pedicle length from origin to inguinal ligament was 5.2 cm. Our findings suggest that the SIEA is more consistently present and larger in calibre than previously reported, and consequently may be of greater clinical use than previously believed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨跨供区髂骨皮瓣一期修复肢体大面积骨与软组织缺损的临床效果.方法 对髂骨皮瓣进行解剖学研究,提出采用旋髂深动脉、旋髂浅动脉串联供血的跨供区髂骨皮瓣新术式.模拟该术式,采用墨汁灌注的方法对跨供区髂骨皮瓣的供血面积及血流量进行测量.采用此术式一期修复四肢大面积骨与软组织缺损患者32例,男20例,女12例;年龄17~68岁,平均36岁.采用激光多普勒血流测定仪对跨供区髂骨皮瓣的血流量进行测定.结果 模拟术式的新鲜尸体墨汁灌注墨染结果:髂骨瓣,从距髂前上棘(15.8±3.2)cm处可见墨染情况;皮瓣,以髂前上棘为中心上及(8.6±2.4)cm、下达(5.4±2.6)cm、向内至(5.8±2.6)cm,向外至(24.6±5.8)cm均可见墨染情况.血流量测定结果显示:皮瓣周缘的血流量随时间的延长而逐渐增加,在灌注后第3天增加变缓,进入相对平台期.临床应用的32例患者皮瓣全部成活,外形及功能恢复良好.除1例患者经二次手术骨折经22个月愈合外,其余31例患者骨愈合时间为9~19个月,平均12个月.结论 跨供区髂骨皮瓣血供充分,可一期修复四肢大面积骨与软组织缺损.  相似文献   

颈横血管肩胛冈支骨瓣移位修复下颌骨缺损的应用解剖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的为下颌骨缺损提供带血管蒂骨瓣移位修复术的应用解剖学基础。方法在15具(30侧)灌注红色乳胶的成人尸体标本上,观测颈横血管及其肩胛冈支的走行、分支及分布。结果颈横动脉全程分为:颈段,长(4.7±0.1)cm,起始外径(4.0±0.1)mm;背段,长(5.88±0.63)cm,起始外径(3.30±0.35)mm。颈横动脉肩胛冈支86.7%起于颈横动脉浅支,13.3%起自颈横动脉,干长(4.97±1.68)cm,起始外径(2.08±0.27)mm。肩胛冈支恒定地向肩胛冈发出4~8支骨膜支营养肩胛冈。结论颈横血管肩胛冈支是肩胛冈区的主要血供来源之一,以其为蒂的肩胛冈骨瓣可以颈横血管背段起始处为旋转点向下颌区移位,血管蒂平均长约10.85cm,可为下颌骨缺损修复提供一种新的术式。  相似文献   

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