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目的探讨内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检术(EUS-FNA)对胰腺占位病变的诊断价值。方法收集2009-05~2011-06因胰腺占位病变行EUS-FNA病人16例,回顾性总结分析EUS-FNA病理诊断的阳性率及穿刺活检的安全性。结果 EUS-FNA病理结果中,腺癌8例,假性乳头瘤状1例,胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤(IPMT)1例,炎性6例,阳性检出率为62.5%。其中4例行手术治疗,手术结果与EUS-FNA结果符合3例,符合率为75%。结论 EUS-FNA对胰腺占位的定性诊断具有较高的准确性及安全性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肿瘤标志物联合超声内镜引导下细针穿刺(endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration, EUS-FNA)对胰腺占位的诊断价值,并分析其相关影响因素。方法 选取2021年8月至2022年8月于重庆医科大学附属第一医院确诊的68例胰腺占位患者,全部患者均完成EUS-FNA,分析患者的临床资料及病理结果。结果 68例患者中,EUS-FNA对胰腺占位诊断的准确率为94.12%、灵敏度为92.86%、特异度为100%;EUS-FNA穿刺阳性患者年龄>60岁、胰腺占位大小>2 cm、穿刺次数≥3次的比例高于穿刺阴性患者;恶性胰腺占位组CA19-9水平高于良性胰腺占位组;CA19-9对恶性胰腺占位诊断的准确率为75.00%、灵敏度为75.00%、特异度为75.00%;CA19-9联合EUS-FNA对恶性胰腺占位诊断的准确率为97.06%、灵敏度为96.43%、特异度为100%。结论 EUS-FNA诊断胰腺占位安全且准确率较高;EUS-FNA诊断胰腺占位的影响因素有穿刺次数、占位大小、年龄;EUS-FNA联合肿瘤标...  相似文献   

目的探讨超声内镜引导下细针穿刺活检(EUS-FNA)对胰腺占位性病变的诊断价值。方法回顾分析2009年1月至2010年1月间行EUS-FNA的35例胰腺占位病例,与CT、B超、临床表现等进行对比分析,依病理学和细胞学检查或随访结果确诊。结果在所有35例患者中,最后确诊胰腺癌23例、慢性胰腺炎9例、导管内黏液性乳头状瘤1例、胰腺假性囊肿1例、浆液性囊腺瘤1例。B超共检出胰腺病变22例,CT29例,EUS发现35例可疑胰腺病变。对所有患者均行EUS-FNA检查,获得满意标本34例,取材满意率97.14%。EUS-FNA诊断胰腺癌17例,敏感性为73.91%,EUS-FNA总准确率为82.86%。5例患者EUS-FNA后出现淀粉酶及脂肪酶轻度升高,治疗后很快恢复正常。结论 EUS-FNA是病理学诊断胰腺占位性病变安全而有效的方法,应作为首选。  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声内镜引导下的细针穿刺检查(EUS-FNA)在消化系占位性病变诊断中的价值.方法 2007年5月-2008年12月对68例患者行超声内镜检查及超声内镜引导下的细针穿刺检查,对比细胞学和(或)病理学检查结果与术后病理结果及随访结果.结果 EUS-FNA细胞取材成功率91.18%(62/68).其中病灶位于食管4例(6.45%,4/62),胃19例(30.65%,19/62),直肠19例(30.65%,19/62),肝脏3例(4.84%,3/62),纵隔4例(6.45%,4/62),淋巴结13例(20.97%,13/62).40例患者细胞学检查结果阳性,阳性率为64.52%(40/62).22例患者获得组织碎片或细条行病理学检查,组织获得率为35.48%(22/62),其中10例病理学检查结果阳性,阳性率为45.45%(10/22).与术后病理结果及长期随访结果对照,EUS-FNA对消化系占位性病变诊断的准确率为85.48%.敏感度为90.91%,特异度为100.00%,阴性预测值为57.14%,阳性预测值为100.00%.结论 在消化系占位性病变诊断中,EUS-FNA是一项安全、有效、准确的诊断及鉴别诊断方法,在细胞学诊断中具有重要临床价值.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨内镜超声引导下细针穿刺抽吸术(EUS-FNA)在纵隔肿大淋巴结、纵隔不明原因占位定性诊断及肺癌N分期中的应用价值.方法 应用22 G穿刺针对61例患者经食管行EUS.FNA,穿刺物均行病理及细胞学检查.结果 EUS·FNA诊断阳性率为93.4%(57/61),细胞学及病理诊断阳性率分别为85.2%(52/61)和83.6%(51/61).100.0%(26/26)临床疑诊肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移而经支气管镜等检查未能提供病理或细胞学证据者均通过EUS-FNA得到诊断,其中21例诊断为肺癌、5例排除肺癌诊断为良性疾病;86.4%(19/22)纵隔不明原因占位明确定性;85.7%(6/7)有恶性肿瘤病史影像学检查疑诊纵隔淋巴结转移者,EUS-FNA病理及细胞学结果 支持转移;6例经支气管镜检查已获得明确病理细胞学诊断的肺癌病例但影像学提示纵隔淋巴结肿大,为明确N分期行EUS-FNA,结果 均为阳性,改变了原计划治疗方案.本组无一例EUS-FNA相关并发症发生.结论 对于明确纵隔肿大淋巴结、纵隔不明原因占位定性诊断及肺癌N分期,EUS-FNA是一种较为安全、有效的诊断方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨内镜超声引导下细针抽吸术(EUS-FNA)诊断消化道周围占位性病变的价值及其影响因素。 方法 回顾性分析2009年1月至2016年5月行EUS-FNA的171例患者的临床资料,纳入病灶部位、大小、性状,穿刺次数、穿刺时抽吸负压、穿刺针型号、医师操作经验等因素进行分析。 结果 EUS-FNA诊断消化道周围恶性占位性病变的敏感度、特异度和准确率分别为78.3%(83/106)、100.0%(65/65)、86.5%(148/171)。单因素logistic回归分析示,EUS-FNA诊断恶性占位性病变穿刺阳性率的影响因素有病灶部位、性状、大小。多因素logistic分析示,病灶大小(OR=1.029,95%CI:1.011~1.047,P=0.001)、病灶性状(实性及囊实性/囊性,OR=5.098,95%CI:1.324~19.633,P=0.018)是EUS-FNA诊断恶性占位性病变穿刺阳性率的独立影响因素。171例患者中,术后2例出现发热,1例出现急性胰腺炎,并发症发生率为1.75%(3/171),经保守对症处理后均好转。 结论 EUS-FNA是一项安全有效、敏感度和准确率高的细胞组织病理诊断手段,在鉴别消化道周围良恶性占位性病变中起重要作用。EUS-FNA诊断恶性占位性病变穿刺阳性率与病灶大小呈正相关,诊断实性恶性占位性病变的穿刺阳性率显著高于囊性病变。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨超声内镜引导下细针穿刺活检(EUS-FNA)对纵膈和腹膜后淋巴结转移癌的诊断价值,并评价EUS-FNA的安全性。[方法]收集经影像学检查发现有纵膈和(或)腹膜后淋巴结肿大怀疑恶性肿瘤转移,并伴或不伴实质或空腔脏器管壁占位的门诊和住院患者119例、共187处病灶行EUS-FNA,其中穿刺肿大淋巴结140个,穿刺实质或空腔脏器管壁占位47处。[结果]119例均接受了EUS-FNA,每部位平均穿刺3次。140个淋巴结和47处实质或空腔脏器病灶均可获得细胞学涂片,136个淋巴结和45处实质或空腔脏器病灶可获得组织学切片。119例中,EUS-FNA诊断阳性率95.0%(113/119),细胞学诊断阳性率92.4%(110/119),组织学诊断阳性率87.4%(104/119)。113例EUS-FNA阳性诊断中,80例为恶性肿瘤,不确定诊断者6例。EUS-FNA诊断恶性肿瘤41例,良性占位4例,2例诊断不明确。术后观察1例胸痛不适,2例轻微腹痛不适,其中1例合并一过性发热,均给予对症处理后好转,余未出现出血、穿孔等并发症。[结论]超声内镜可在一次操作中对多部位病灶进行EUS-FNA,获得病理学诊断;EUS-FNA对纵膈和腹膜后淋巴结转移癌的确诊具有肯定的价值;EUS-FNA可在实时超声监控下进行,安全性高,值得临床重视。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声内镜(EUS)检查在胰腺占位性疾病中的应用价值。方法纳入2015年1月-2017年1月嘉兴学院附属第二医院诊治的可疑胰腺占位性疾病患者85例,以手术病理或随访结果作为金标准,评价EUS及EUS引导下穿刺活组织检查(EUS-FNA)在胰腺占位的应用价值。计数资料组间比较采用配对样本χ~2检验。结果 EUS对胰腺占位的影像学检出率为96.7%(59/61),特异度为100%(24/24),准确率为97.6%(83/85);EUS在检出率和准确率上均明显优于腹部B超、CT和MRI(检出率:χ~2=4.344、3.873、15.445;准确率:χ~2=6.675、8.685、17.389,P值均0.05)。EUS-FNA对肿瘤性占位的检出率和准确率分别为81.8%(45/55)、81.0%(47/58)。在手术明确病理的患者中,术前EUS-FNA检查的总体符合率为84.2%(16/19)。结论EUS较常规影像学检查对于胰腺占位具有更高的影像学准确率,EUS-FNA可进一步明确占位性质、病理类型,EUS可为胰腺肿瘤的早期诊断、治疗提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜超声引导下细针穿刺抽吸术(EUS—FNA)对胰腺占位病变的诊断价值及影响其准确率的相关因素。方法回顾性统计101例因胰腺占位病变行EUS—FNA患者的临床资料,纳入患者性别、年龄、病灶部位、大小、性状、穿刺时抽吸负压、穿刺次数、实时细胞学诊断、超声内镜类型、操作医师经验等10个因素进行分析。结果EUS-FNA总体诊断准确率为85.1%,敏感度为81.1%,特异度为96.3%,阳性预测值为98.4%,阴性预测值为65.0%。单因素Logistic回归分析示,EUS-FNA穿刺阳性率的相关影响因素有病灶大小、病灶性状、抽吸负压、操作医师经验(P〈0.05),EUS-FNA诊断准确率的相关影响因素只有病灶大小(OR=1.984,95%CI:1.141—3.451,P=0.015),病灶每增大1cm,其穿刺阳性的概率增加1.67倍,其穿刺诊断准确的概率增加1.83倍。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,EUS.FNA穿刺阳性率的独立影响因素有病灶大小(OR=2.012,95%CI:1.394—2.906,P=0.000)和病灶性状(OR=10.218,95%CI:2.432~42.937,P=0.002),实性病灶穿刺阳性的概率为囊性病灶的10.2倍;EUS—FNA诊断准确率的独立影响因素为病灶大小(OR=1.984,95%CI:1.141—3.451,P=0.015)。结论EUS.FNA是一项安全有效、特异度高的诊断手段,在胰腺占位病灶的病理诊断中具有重要临床价值。EUS-FNA穿刺阳性率及诊断准确率均与胰腺病灶大小呈显著正相关。胰腺实性病灶的穿刺阳性率显著高于囊性病灶。  相似文献   

目的 探讨通过内镜超声引导下细针抽吸术(EUS-FNA)获取胰腺癌组织构建体外三维类器官(organoid)模型的可行性。方法 自2017年6月至2018年1月前瞻性纳入发现胰腺占位并行EUS-FNA诊断的患者9例,术中使用COOK公司22 G穿刺针穿刺获取病灶组织构建体外类器官模型,并持续观察其体外生长状态。结果 9例患者EUS-FNA穿刺的胰腺病灶组织标本,其中5例体外类器官模型构建成功。这5例组织标本经组织病理学诊断均证实为胰腺癌。随着传代次数增加,类器官的生长速度相应加快,对类器官进行HE染色显示类器官与其来源的人胰腺病灶组织病理形态大致相似。结论 通过EUS-FNA穿刺获取人胰腺病灶组织,可以成功构建体外三维类器官模型。胰腺癌类器官模型的建立为临床上胰腺肿瘤患者精准治疗策略的制定提供了绝佳的模型。  相似文献   

EUS-guided FNA of pancreatic metastases: a multicenter experience   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND: Metastatic lesions of the pancreas are a rare but important cause of focal pancreatic lesions. The purpose of this study is to describe the EUS features, cytologic diagnoses, and clinical impact of a cohort of patients with pancreatic metastases diagnosed by EUS-guided FNA (EUS-FNA). METHODS: Over a 6-year period, in a retrospective, multicenter study, patients had the diagnosis of pancreatic metastases confirmed with EUS-FNA. All examinations were performed by one of 5 experienced endosonographers. The EUS and the clinical findings of pancreatic metastases were compared with those of a cohort with primary pancreatic malignancy. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients with possible metastases were identified, and 13 were excluded because of diagnostic uncertainty. The remaining 24 underwent EUS-FNA (mean passes 4.1) of a pancreatic mass without complications. Diagnoses included metastases from primary kidney (10), skin (6), lung (4), colon (2), liver (1), and stomach (1) cancer. In 4 (17%), 16 (67%), and 24 (100%) patients, EUS-FNA provided the initial diagnosis of malignancy, tumor recurrence, and pancreatic metastases, respectively. Four (17%) metastases initially were discovered by EUS after negative (n = 3) or inconclusive (n = 1) CT scans. Compared with primary cancer, pancreatic metastases were more likely to have well-defined margins (46% vs. 4%) compared with irregular (94% vs. 54%; p < 0.0001) margins. No statistically significant difference between the two populations was noted for tumor size, echogenicity, consistency, location, lesion number, or number of FNA passes performed. CONCLUSIONS: Pancreatic metastases are an important cause of focal pancreatic lesions and may occasionally be discovered during EUS examination after previously negative or inconclusive CT. Use of immunocytochemistry, when available, may help to confirm a suspected diagnosis. These lesions are more likely to have well-defined EUS margins compared with primary pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The clinical value of endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) of pancreatic lesions is uncertain in patients with normal parenchyma and chronic pancreatitis. The aim of this study was to analyze the diagnostic yield and influence of EUS-FNA on the clinical management of patients with pancreatic lesions, in the presence (CP) or absence (NP) of chronic pancreatitis. METHODS: A total of 207 consecutive patients with NP (n = 133) and CP (n = 74) were examined using linear array echo endoscopes for the procedure and 22-gauge needles. RESULTS: Adequate specimens were obtained from 200 lesions. A correct final diagnosis was established at histology (n = 108), bacteriology (n = 9), and clinical follow-up (n = 83). Cytology gave 17 false-negative EUS-FNA results (overall sensitivity: 85%). In patients with NP, 60 solid adenocarcinomas were detected, 32 other malignancies, and 38 benign lesions, with 11 false-negative results (sensitivity: 89%). In patients with CP, only seven of 13 malignancies (all solid adenocarcinomas) were identified using FNA (sensitivity: 54%). Overall, malignancy was identified in 116 patients, 32 of whom (27%) had lesions other than primary solid adenocarcinomas. Management was altered in 25 of these patients, which changed the surgical approach in 21%. EUS-FNA influenced the therapeutic approach in 44% of the total patient group. CONCLUSIONS: EUS-FNA was especially useful in patients with a focal pancreatic lesion with normal parenchyma. Its sensitivity in patients with CP was unacceptably low, and resection of the tumor using standard surgical techniques was still usually required to confirm the correct diagnosis. Diagnostic EUS-FNA influenced clinical management in nearly half of patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aims of this study were to determine the utility of EUS and EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) in the detection and confirmation of celiac lymph node metastasis in patients with esophageal cancer and to define EUS features predictive of celiac lymph node metastasis in these patients. METHODS: The records of 211 patients with esophageal cancer who underwent EUS staging were reviewed. The operating characteristics of EUS were determined in patients where either surgery, EUS-FNA of a celiac lymph node, or both were performed (n = 102). The association between selected variables and the presence of celiac lymph node metastasis was evaluated by univariate and multivariable analyses. RESULTS: EUS in 48 patients provided a true-positive diagnosis of celiac lymph node involvement, a false-positive and false-negative result, respectively, in 6 and 14 patients, and a true-negative diagnosis in 34 patients. The sensitivity of EUS in detecting celiac lymph node was 77% (95% CI [67, 88]), specificity 85% (95% CI [74, 96]), negative predictive value 71% (95% CI [58, 84]), and the positive predictive value 89% (95% CI [81, 97]). EUS-FNA was performed in 94% (51/54) of patients with celiac lymph nodes. The accuracy of EUS-FNA in detecting malignant celiac lymph nodes was 98% (95% CI [90, 100]). Advanced T-stage, the need for dilation, detection of peritumoral lymph nodes, and black race were associated with celiac lymph node involvement. In multivariable analysis, advanced T-stage was the strongest predictor of celiac lymph node involvement. CONCLUSION: EUS and EUS-FNA are highly accurate in detecting and confirming celiac lymph nodes metastasis. Depth of tumor invasion as assessed by EUS is a strong predictor of celiac lymph node metastasis in patients with esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite improvements of diagnostic modalities differentiation between benign and malignant hilar strictures remains a challenge. Hilar neoplasia requires preoperative tissue diagnosis to avoid risk of inappropriate extensive surgery. This is commonly attempted using various techniques at ERCP, which have variable sensitivity and accuracy. We used endosonography-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for the preoperative diagnosis of hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC). METHODS: Prospective evaluation of 44 patients (31 male, mean age: 59 yr) with strictures at the liver hilum were diagnosed by CT and/or ERCP. All were suspicious of HC but had inconclusive tissue diagnosis. They underwent EUS-FNA with linear echo endoscope and 22 gauge needles. RESULTS: Adequate material was obtained in 43 of 44 patients. Cytology revealed HC in 26 and other malignancies in 5 patients; 12 had benign results: sclerosing cholangitis (n = 4), primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 4), inflammation (n = 3), sarcoid-like lesion (n = 1). There were no significant differences in age, lesion size, or echo features among patients with adenocarcinomas, other malignancies, or benign lesions. Thirty-two patients underwent surgery, 2 had autopsy, 10 were followed up clinically. Four of the benign results were false negatives. No complications occurred. Accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were 91%, 89%, and 100%, respectively. EUS and EUS-FNA changed preplanned surgical approach in 27 of 44 patients. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that EUS-FNA is of value as a new, less-invasive approach for tissue diagnosis of hilar strictures of unknown cause. It was technically feasible without significant risks, when other diagnostic tests were inconclusive and was able to change preplanned management in about half of the patients.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: The ability to diagnose sarcoidosis cytologically has been reported previously, but the method is rarely used. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is a sensitive technique for detecting mediastinal lymph nodes, which in addition provides an opportunity to carry out guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. We report herein on the use of EUS-FNA in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with suspected sarcoidosis were investigated using EUS-FNA with a linear echoendoscope and a 22-gauge Hancke-Vilman needle. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: In all 19 patients, EUS revealed enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes (mean size, 2.4 cm), located subcarinally (n = 15), in the aortopulmonary window (n = 12), or in the lower posterior mediastinum (n = 5). The nodes had an isoechoic or hypoechoic appearance, with atypical vessels in five cases. The amount of aspirate obtained using EUS-FNA was adequate in all patients, and contained blood in excess of normal in some, indicating a high degree of vascularity. Cytology demonstrated epithelioid cell granuloma formation, suggesting sarcoidosis. Mycobacterial cultures were negative in all of the patients except one, in whom the final diagnosis was tuberculosis. The specificity and sensitivity of EUS-FNA in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis were 94% and 100%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: EUS of mediastinal lymph nodes in sarcoidosis reveals certain characteristic features. However, it is not capable of differentiating the lesions from tuberculosis or malignancy. EUS-FNA is a safe and sensitive method of aspirating material for cytology and mycobacterial cultures. We believe it will provide a useful alternative in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The additional diagnostic value of endoscopic ultrasound-fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) over lymph node (LN) echofeatures alone in evaluating lymphadenopathy is unknown. The objectives of this study are (1) to prospectively evaluate the utility of EUS-FNA in evaluating mediastinal or peri-intestinal lymphadenopathy and to compare its yield to that of echofeatures alone and (2) to determine clinical and endosonographic features predictive of malignant involvement of LNs. METHODS: All consecutive patients who underwent EUS-FNA of a LN over a 22-month period were prospectively evaluated. Reference standard for final diagnosis included: surgery (n = 76), long-term clinical and/or imaging follow-up (n = 74), or death from disease (n = 26). RESULTS: One hundred and eighty-three EUS-FNAs of LNs were performed in 137 patients with no major complications. Locations of the biopsied LNs included 31% subcarinal, 21% celiac, 21% peripancreatic, 13% periesophageal, 4.4% aortopulmonary window, 3.2% perigastric, and 3.3% perirectal. Mean LN size was 20.5 mm (SD +/- 11.1) x 13.2 mm (SD +/- 7.97). The mean number of EUS-FNA passes was three (range 1-7). The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of EUS-FNA of LNs were 98.3%, 100%, 100%, and 98.4%, respectively. EUS-FNA was more accurate compared to LN echofeatures alone (99.4%vs 75.4%, p < 0.001). Mediastinal LNs were 2.77 times less likely to be malignant as compared to other LN locations. In multivariable analysis, the number of LN echofeatures, site of LN, and patient's age were associated with malignant involvement (p= 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: EUS-FNA is superior to LN echofeatures in evaluating lymphadenopathy. Endosonographic LN features alone are particularly unreliable in the mediastinum, necessitating tissue confirmation. EUS-FNA can safely, reliably, and accurately sample mediastinal and peri-intestinal LNs obviating the need for more invasive testing or surgical intervention.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is now established as a valuable imaging test for diagnosing and staging pancreatic cancer. But, with significant recent improvements in spiral CT scanners, particularly higher resolution and ability to reconstruct 3D images, spiral CT is now increasingly accepted as being better for pancreatic cancer staging. The debate continues, however, about the best diagnostic test or combination of tests in patients with suspected pancreatic cancer. Spiral CT is more readily available than EUS-FNA and, therefore, more frequently used. In this study, we evaluated the use of EUS-FNA in conjunction with spiral CT for suspected pancreatic cancer. METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 81 consecutive patients who underwent EUS and EUS-FNA for clinical suspicion of a pancreatic cancer from November 2000 to November 2001. All patients had spiral CT with a multiphasic pancreatic protocol using multidetector spiral CT scanners. In all patients, EUS-FNA and spiral CT examinations were performed less than 3 wk apart. RESULTS: Overall, the accuracy of spiral CT, EUS, and EUS-FNA was 74% (n = 60/81, CI 63-83%), 94% (n = 76/81, CI 87-98%), and 88% (n = 73/81, CI 81-96%), respectively, for diagnosing pancreatic cancer. In patients without an identifiable mass on spiral CT, the diagnostic accuracy of EUS and EUS-FNA for pancreatic tumors was 92% (n = 23/25, CI 74-99%). Absence of a focal "mass" lesion on EUS reliably excluded pancreatic cancer irrespective of clinical presentation (NPV 100% n = 5/5, CI 48-100%). The negative predictive value of EUS-FNA was only 22% (n = 2/9, CI 3-60%) in patients with obstructive jaundice and biliary stricture. However, in patients without obstructive jaundice at initial presentation, EUS-FNA was highly accurate (accuracy 97%, n = 33/34, CI 85-100%) and was reliable for ruling out malignancy (NPV 89%, n = 8/9, CI 52-100%). Cytologic assessment of EUS-FNA specimens was 89% accurate for identifying malignancy in suspicious lesions visualized on EUS. CONCLUSIONS: The EUS with FNA can be a valuable adjunct to newer high-resolution multidetector spiral CT for diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) represents a highly sensitive method for the detection of pancreatic masses. When available, EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) is the best technique for the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic cancer due to its ability to obtain tissue for diagnosis. The standardized indications for pancreatic EUS-FNA comprise the definite diagnosis of malignancy and histopathological confirmation of adenocarcinoma before surgical resection, chemo/radiotherapy, or celiac plexus neurolysis. The technique of performing EUS-FNA is described in detail, from the vizualization of the target lesion and adequate placement of the transducer to allow optimal needle access, to needle penetration and sampling of the targeted lesion. We report a series of 9 patients who underwent EUS-FNA and shortly review the indications, technique, results and impact of EUS-FNA on the management of these patients.  相似文献   

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