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Knowledge of variations in the possible patterns of origin, course, and distribution of the lacrimal artery are necessary for the diagnosis and important for the treatment of orbital disorders. The vascularization of 38 lacrimal glands was studied by orbital dissection subsequent to injection of the arterial bed with red-dyed latex. The origin, calibration, and branches of the lacrimal artery and its topographic relations were investigated.In all subjects, arteria lacrimalis originated from ophthalmic artery. On the right, the lacrimal artery sprang from the angle of the ophthalmic artery in 63.15% of the cases, from the curve of the ophthalmic artery in 26.31%, and from the first part the ophthalmic artery in 5.26%. The outer diameter of the lacrimal artery was measured as 1.02 +/- 0.17 mm on the right and 1.03 +/- 0.16 mm on the left. In 68.42 of the cases on the right and in 52.63 of the cases on the left, the lacrimal artery was present, and the lacrimal nerve was seen in a superolateral position with respect to the origin of the artery. Variability of the glandular branch in its course toward lacrimal gland was observed. Recurrent meningeal branch was seen in six cases on the right and in five on the left. On the right, of the six cases, two passed through meningoorbital foramen, and four passed through superior orbital fissure and entered middle cranial fossa. On the left, of the five cases, two passed through meningoorbital foramen, and three passed through superior orbital fissure and entered middle cranial fossa. In this case, the lacrimal gland is the site of an intraorbital anastomosis between internal and external carotid systems.This article confirms the well-known variability of the lacrimal arterial branches and their relation to the lacrimal gland. These variations have been discussed and described with respect to the embryonic development. A better understanding of the vascular anatomy of the lacrimal gland should allow modification of surgical techniques to reduce bleeding during biopsy or excision of the lacrimal gland.  相似文献   

目的探讨狗颈外动脉显影及舌动脉栓塞的可行性。方法对2只杂种健康狗先行经股动脉插管选择性颈外动脉造影,显示清楚其解剖结构后,用明胶海绵超选择性舌动脉栓塞,再造影。解剖颈外动脉及其分支。结果狗颈外动脉及其分支解剖结构与人相似。栓塞前舌动脉及其他颈外动脉分支显影清楚,栓塞后舌动脉则未见显影。结论选择狗作为实验动物,经股动脉插管选择性颈外动脉造影及超选择性舌动脉栓塞,实验可行。  相似文献   

During educational dissections a rare anatomic variant was encountered at the level of the right carotid triangle of a human adult male specimen. The variant was unilateral. On that side the common carotid artery bifurcated slightly above the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, but the external carotid artery was posterolateral to the internal carotid artery and the anterior branches of the external carotid artery (superior thyroid, lingual and facial arteries) initially crossed over the internal carotid artery before continuing with a normal anatomical course. The possibility of an inversed disposition of the internal and external carotid arteries must be held in mind when performing arterial ligatures in the carotid triangle, to avoid damage to the internal carotid artery or haemorrhagic accidents.  相似文献   

颈外动脉危险吻合血管造影研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:研究颈外动脉与颈内动脉,椎动脉间存在的危险吻合,方法:分析了250例颈外动脉造影图像中存在的危险吻合现象(包括烟雾病35例,头颈部高血运病变216例,其中7例已行戏外动脉结扎)。结果:烟雾病中14侧病脑中动脉,11例颞浅动脉,7例枕动脉参与颅内供血;颈外动脉结扎病例均丰在咽枕吻合,此外,还发现3例(3/250)眼动脉由脑膜中动脉异常起源,结论:颈外动脉与颈内动脉,椎动脉间存在多种危险吻合途径,栓塞治疗时应高度注意并予以适当处理,以避免造成颅内误栓。  相似文献   

A giant unilateral parapharyngeal mass from the skull base to the vocal folds is presented in this case. A 20-year-old man experiencing dysphagia for 4 years was admitted, and his magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographic scans showed a giant parapharyngeal ellipsoid mass from the left jugular foramen to the vocal folds. Its craniocaudal length was 9 cm. The left internal carotid artery was lateralized, and posterior glottic airway was narrowed by the mass. In digital subtraction angiography, 2 aberrant branches of the internal carotid artery were going inside the mass. After the excision, histopathologic evaluation showed the diagnosis, Castleman disease. This is the first case in literature presenting with the only symptom of dysphagia.  相似文献   

穿透性颈部大血管伤的救治:附6例报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨穿透性颈部大血管伤的救治方法。方法:1999—2010年收治6例穿透性颈部大血管伤患者,损伤的重要血管结构中颈内动脉1例,颈内静脉2例,椎动脉5例。6例患者中,5例行手术探查,1例为外伤性椎动脉假性动脉瘤,采用覆膜支架介入治疗。结果:6例患者均获得成功救治,所有患者存活,止血彻底,无继发性出血,无因脑部供血不足产生的功能障碍;2例患者颈部伤口延期愈合,分泌物非脓性,细菌培养无致病菌。结论:开放性颈部大血管伤以手术探查止血为首要治疗手段,损伤血管首选吻合,闭合性血管损伤介入血管重建值得推荐,椎动脉损伤手术填塞止血是有效的止血措施。  相似文献   

Variants of the branches of the external carotid artery are common, but it is extremely rare that the occipital artery arises from the internal carotid artery. We investigated the incidence using three-dimensional computed tomographic (CT) angiography. In 265 patients with cancer of the head and neck, we did CT angiography for vascular mapping of the external carotid artery and its branches before reconstruction or superselective intra-arterial chemotherapy. The origin of the occipital artery was detected in 514 of 530 carotid arteries (97%); the incidence of it arising from the internal carotid artery was 0.2%.  相似文献   

颈动脉可因发育或硬化等原因发生扭曲,在颈部形成搏动性肿块,临床上易误诊为颈动脉体瘤等疾病。本文报告1例76岁女性双侧颈动脉扭曲患者,经B超及螺旋CT血管成像确诊,左侧颈内动脉严重扭曲呈“L”形,长度达12cm;右侧颈内动脉经度弯曲,作者认为遇到颈部搏动性肿块时,应考虑到颈动脉扭曲的可能,进行B超和(或)影像学检查,明确诊断,切不可冒然手术。  相似文献   

目的 总结颞浅动脉逆行栓塞治疗颈外动脉结扎后口腔颌面部动-静脉畸形经验.方法 2005年5月至2007年6月7例颈外动脉结扎后的口腔颌面部动-静脉畸形患者进行颞浅动脉逆行栓塞治疗.治疗前行血管造影,详尽了解包括双侧颈动脉、椎动脉以及甲状颈干情况.介入治疗采用颞浅动脉切开、逆行引入管腔外经为4F(1F=0.333 mm)的动脉鞘进行栓塞,栓塞材料选用不可吸收组织胶--二氰基丙烯酸正丁酯(N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate,NBCA).结果 7例均成功进行双侧颈动脉、椎动脉以及甲状颈干的血管造影,造影期间未发生并发症.颈外动脉阻断后的口腔颌面部动-静脉畸形仍呈异常血管团样改变,颈部回流静脉提前显示.血管造影所见:颈外动脉阻断后,病变由颈内动脉的眼动脉供血;椎动脉通过枕动脉与结扎远端的颈外动脉相通;甲状颈干增粗并为病变供血;健侧的颈外动脉扩张后为患侧供血.结论 治疗口腔颌面部动-静脉畸形严禁行颈外动脉永久性结扎,否则不仅不能治疗疾病,相反会促进疾病的发展,同时使该类病变的介入治疗风险加大.颞浅动脉切开、逆行栓塞是有效的治疗途径,适于动-静脉畸形急性出血且无其他有效治疗手段的病例.  相似文献   

数字减影血管造影在颈动脉体瘤术前的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨颈动脉体瘤术前数字减影血管造影 (DSA)的应用。方法  7例颈动脉体瘤患者 ,行DSA瘤体造影 ,术前再次利用DSA行颈动脉体瘤滋养血管栓塞 ,并行健侧颈内动脉及颅内血管造影 ,观察大脑动脉环情况及血流侧支循环情况。结果 除颈动脉体瘤常见影像特征外 ,还发现另一种影像特征 :肿瘤将颈总动脉、颈内、外动脉推向前方 ,使颈动脉呈倒“Z”型 ,颈内、外动脉夹角变小。栓塞后可使术中出血量减少。颈内动脉及颅内血管造影 ,综合分析大脑动脉环情况及大脑侧支循环情况 ,可减少肿瘤手术切除的危险性。结论 DSA在颈动脉体瘤术前应用具有重要的临床价值  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis, a progressive inflammatory disease, may lead to stroke, coronary artery disease, or peripheral artery disease. The prevalence of atherosclerosis associated with morbidity and mortality is very high in industrialized countries. This report describes the case of a 49-year-old male patient whose panoramic radiograph taken as part of a dental examination showed calcification in the branches of the external carotid artery. The right facial artery and left maxillary, facial, and lingual arteries were also calcified. The patient had a history of thrombosis in the right axillary and brachial veins with extension to half of the brachiocephalic trunk. In addition, selective lesions were found in the aorta and mitral valve. The patient's medical history also included hypertriglyceridemia, essential arterial hypertonia, terminal renal insufficiency, renal anemia, neurogen disturbance micturition, secondary hyperparathyroidism, hyperuricemia, lymphatic edema, polyneuropathy, tachyarrhythmia absoluta, and erysipelas. The case presented reports on the possibility of detecting signs of atherosclerosis in arteries of the maxillofacial region by use of panoramic radiography.  相似文献   

双侧颈总动脉发育异常、左侧颈总动脉先天性闭锁、右侧颈外动脉在颈内外分杈处形成假性动脉瘤临床罕见。作者收治1例,经CT血管成像及DSA确诊,动脉造影术后假性动脉瘤体积明显增大,出现呼吸困难、呛咳、声音嘶哑、头晕、头痛等症状。将覆膜支架放至右侧颈动脉分杈处行介入治疗,成功地封堵假性动脉瘤,保持颈内动脉通畅,瘤体不显影。治疗随访14个月,无并发症发生,肿瘤未复发。  相似文献   

头颈癌累及颈动脉的切除与重建   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
目的:寻求一种对晚期头颈部恶性肿瘤累及颈动脉患者的外科治疗方法。方法:对4 例头颈部恶性肿瘤(舌癌、食道癌、喉癌、腮腺癌各1 例) 累及颈动脉患者,术前采用TCD、DSA、SPECT等检查脑血管耐受性,术中翻瓣解剖颈内动脉近颅端,用圆钻磨去1cm岩骨段(C5 ) ,使颈内动脉近颅端充分暴露。然后用Shunt 管行颈总-颈内动脉分流,切除肿瘤及颈动脉,同时行颈动脉重建(大隐静脉1 例,人造血管3 例) 胸大肌肌皮瓣修复创面(3 例) 。结果:术后2 周~6 月行B 超、TCD 等检查显示重建颈动脉通畅。4 例患者除1 例出现Honer′s 综合征外均无脑神经症状和并发症。结论:该术式为头颈癌累及颈动脉患者的一种新的治疗方法。  相似文献   

颈动脉假性动脉瘤的DSA诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:加深对颈动脉假性动脉瘤DSA表现特点的认识,探讨其诊断价值。方法:由两名有经验的放射学医师对16例颈动脉假性动脉瘤的血管造影及临床资料进行同顾性分析。结果:16例患者经DSA检查均能明确诊断,其中颈总动脉者1例,颈动脉分叉处9例,颈内动脉5例,颈外动脉1例。DSA主要表现为:所有瘤腔内造影剂滞留,瘤腔内形成涡流者12例,动脉瘤开口处“喷射征”17例,颈动脉分叉角度增大,颈内、外动脉移位者12例。结论:DSA是诊断颈动脉假性动脉瘤最有价值的检查方法,它有利于临床治疗方式的选择。  相似文献   

False aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm is usually a result of blunt trauma causing laceration of part of the vessel wall and extravasation of blood into surrounding tissue, followed by tamponade and clot formation. The wall of the pseudoaneurysm consists of perivascular fibrous tissue. Extracranial carotid artery pseudoaneurysms are relatively rare because trauma to external carotid artery branches usually results in total transection rather then partial laceration of blood vessel. Most affected branches are the superficial temporal artery, internal maxillary artery and distal facial artery, usually where they pass over the bone (zygoma or mandible). The authors present the case of a 78-year-old male patient with facial artery pseudoaneurysm in its proximal part in the submandibular region with no known evidence of trauma. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first case in the literature of facial artery pseudoaneurysm without traumatic origin and the third case of proximal facial artery pseudoaneurysm. Although formation of pseudoaneurysm in the region of face and neck is rare, the authors consider that inclusion of pseudoaneurysm in the differential diagnosis of a neck mass is important.  相似文献   

颈动脉体瘤的手术治疗——附10例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:总结10例11侧颈动脉体瘤的手术经验。方法:术前9例做数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查,其中3例行暂时性球囊阻断试验(TBO);10例10侧行颈动脉压迫训练(Matas试验)。术中9例9侧先在局麻下阻断颈总动脉30min,边手术边观察患者反应,再改为全麻下手术;单纯瘤体剥除5侧,行瘤体合并颈动脉分权切除的6侧中,颈动脉修补1例、颈动脉重建2例、结扎颈总和颈内动脉3例。结果:随访1~20a,无复发和死亡病例。1例双侧颈动脉体瘤患者右侧术后当天出现左侧偏瘫,1a内恢复;左侧肿瘤术后,患者血压、心率波动过大,给予可乐定等药物治疗.2周后趋于稳定。其余病例术后经过平稳。结论:术前对大脑侧支循环进行综合评估,合理运用Matas试验,尽量选择单纯瘤体剥除,颈动脉缺损时尽可能即刻行修补或重建,术后采取针对防治脑梗死的措施等.是围术期必须认真对待的问题。  相似文献   

颈动脉手术35例临床分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【摘要】 目的 回顾分析35例颈动脉手术,探讨其术前评价方法、手术方式及并发症防治措施。方法1999年1月—2004年12月,共进行各类颈动脉手术35例,其中颈动脉体瘤16例、恶性颈动脉体瘤1例、恶性肿瘤累及颈动脉17例、外伤性动-静脉瘘1例。手术包括颈动脉修补术(7例)、颈动脉结扎或切除术(17例)、颈动脉切除重建术(11例)。术前采用数字减影血管造影术(DSA)、DSA+暂时性球囊导管阻断(TBO)+单光子发射计算机体层摄影术(SPECT)、经颅多普勒超声(TCD)等方法评价脑侧支循环状况,术后随访4个月一4年,评价并发症及手术效果。结果27例接受颈动脉阻断试验,10例阳性(不能耐受),17例阴性(可耐受)。7例行颈动脉修补,其中1例术后大出血死亡。17例行单侧颈动脉结扎或切除,术后2周内,4例出现脑血管并发症;3例恶性肿瘤患者死亡,1例颈动脉体瘤术后言语不清,1例术后同侧上肢无力,运动受限,5例自觉头晕。11例行颈动脉切除、重建,术后均未出现明显的神经功能障碍,1例因肿瘤复发死亡,1例颈动脉体瘤对侧肢体运动不便、言语不清。颈动脉彩色超声检查显示,移植血管均畅通。结论TBO+SPECT是目前比较可靠的脑侧支循环评价方法。颈动脉结扎近、远期并发症发生率较高。在条件具备时,提倡对颈动脉体瘤或累及颈动脉的恶性肿瘤患者行颈动脉切除重建术。  相似文献   

The effect of ligation of the external carotid artery and its major branches on blood flow from the maxillary artery was investigated in four Chacma baboons. The left common carotid artery and its branches were surgically exposed and the maxillary artery was isolated, sectioned and cannulated. Blood flow from the proximal segment of the maxillary artery was determined with and without occlusion of the common carotid artery, the external carotid artery above and below the origin of the linguo-facial trunk and the posterior auricular occipital trunk. Ligation of the external carotid artery below and above the origin of the lingual and facial arteries reduced maxillary artery blood flow by 40% and 73% respectively. Ligation of the external carotid artery above the origin of the lingual and facial vessels, together with ligation of the posterior auricular occipital trunk reduced maxillary artery blood flow by 99.2%. On the basis of these experimental findings, it is suggested that maxillary artery haemorrhage in man may be most effectively controlled by ligation of the external carotid artery in the retromandibular fossa, distal to the origin of the posterior auricular artery, combined with ligation of the superficial temporal artery at the root of the zygoma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨重型颌面外伤导致钝性颈内动脉损伤后脑梗死的治疗策略。方法 回顾性复习2008年1月 —2013年12月本院收治的8例颌面外伤引起颈内动脉损伤后脑梗死患者的临床资料。结果 男6例,女2例;年龄19~54岁,平均36±11.95岁;受伤至我院收治时间5~8 h,平均(6.31±1.00)h;伤后均清醒,入院时6例嗜睡,2例昏睡,其中1例次日进展为昏迷,6例偏瘫;8例颌面部CT显示面部骨折,2例合并颅底骨折,1例合并下颌骨骨折;头颅CT发现颈内动脉供血区低密度缺血病灶,无颅内出血。治疗均给予阿司匹林300 mg/d,口服2周,然后改为100 mg,维持6个月,1例行开颅减压手术。6个月后GOS评价,恢复良好6例,轻残1例,重残1例,死亡0例。结论 颌面骨折合并颈内动脉钝性损伤的患者早期出现缺血导致的中枢神经系统损害表现时,应积极使用抗血小板治疗,以降低卒中引起的病患伤残与死亡率。  相似文献   

颈动脉阻断术在累及颈动脉或颈动脉源性疾病中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 讨论颈动脉阻断术在累及颈动脉或颈动脉源性疾病中的应用。方法 回顾性总结6例累及颈动脉病变和6例颈动脉源性疾病的治疗经验。结果 12例患者分别经DSA、超声波,MRI和螺旋CT血管成像病例均施行颈动脉阻断术,围阻断期无手术死亡。结论 颈动脉阻断术的临床应用是比较完全的,应放宽其手术适应症范围。  相似文献   

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