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腹腔镜离断性肾盂成形术动物模型的建立方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的建立模拟训练腹腔镜离断性肾盂成形术的动物模型。方法选择体质量25kg左右的小型猪作为实验模型,速眠新(0.1ml/kg)和戊巴比妥钠(0.25g/kg)麻醉。经脐部导入CO2制备气腹,取侧卧位后,放置3个套管。分离肾脏和输尿管,斜形裁剪输尿管远切端。取肾门附近一段小肠与肾上极固定后,环形裁剪小肠壁约3cm,以此段小肠模拟扩张肾盂。按腹腔镜离断性肾盂成形术的标准方法进行肾盂输尿管吻合。术中顺行放置双J管于肾盂输尿管内。4名学员均有体外模拟训练经验,按照手术时间和肾盂输尿管吻合质量评估学员的学习曲线。结果该模型能够模拟完成腹腔镜离断性肾盂成形术的各项技术要求,而且每侧肾脏输尿管可以在相同解剖毗邻关系下进行3次肾盂成形术。在学员接受了12次肾盂成形术训练后,平均手术时间从最初的(140.0±20.3)min降为(63.0±7.1)min(P<0.01)。学员均能熟练完成无张力的肾盂输尿管吻合。结论本模型的建立能够使学员掌握肾盂成形术的腔内操作技巧和手术方法。此外,本模型利用小肠替代扩张肾盂从而能够提供更多的训练机会。  相似文献   

泌尿外科腹腔镜技能培训模式的初步探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 初步探索合理的泌尿外科腹腔镜技能培训模式. 方法利用模拟训练箱开展腹腔镜基本技能培训.选择20~30 kg的小猪建立腹腔镜下肾部分切除术、肾盂成形术和输尿管再植术3种动物模型,然后开展有针对性的专项手术模拟训练.33名泌尿外科研究生参与培训,其中博士16名、硕士17名.初学者从基本技能培训开始,腹腔镜基本技能达剑合格水平后在动物模型上进行模拟手术培训. 结果 参与2期基本技能培训后,33名学员腹腔镜基本操作技能均达到合格水平.33名学员在完成8次肾部分切除术专项手术训练后,手术时间从(64.0±18.4)min降为(30.9±3.8)min(P<0.01),学员均熟练掌握肾肿瘤切除和肾实质腔内缝合等技术;完成8次肾盂成形术的模拟训练后,平均完成时间由(127.5±17.5)min降为(65.2±7.5)min(P<0.01),学员均能熟练完成无张力的肾盂输尿管吻合并掌握了顺行放置双J管的技巧;完成8次输尿管膀胱再植术的模拟训练后,平均手术时间从(75.8±11.6)min降为(37.7±7.2)min(P<0.01),学员均能熟练完成输尿管的分离、裁剪、缝合等操作.接受系统培训后,15名(45.5%)学员已完成了从模拟训练到临床手术的过渡,在临床开展腹腔镜手术. 结论 腹腔镜基本技能训练设备简单,成本较低,适合于初学者的培养;动物模拟手术可以全真地模拟手术过程,在动物模型上进行专项手术训练町以帮助学员更快掌握腹腔镜手术方法和技巧.基本技能培训与动物模拟手术相结合的模式较适合于腹腔镜技能的培训,有一定的临床推广价值.  相似文献   

目的探讨后腹腔镜下离断性肾盂成形术即Anderson-Hynes手术治疗儿童肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻(UPJ0)的疗效。方法采用后腹腔镜下Anderson-Hynes手术治疗肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻所致中、重度肾积水的患者15例。病程2周~5年,均为腰部钝痛不适就诊,所有患者均经影像学明确UPJ0诊断。结果后腹腔镜离断式肾盂成形术耗时120~230(155.0±37.4)min,术中出血20-55(35.0±9.2)mL。无中转开放手术。术后2~4d拔出腹膜后引流管,切口均一期愈合,术后8~10周拔出D-J管,无漏尿及吻合口狭窄,随访3~24(18.0±4.1)个月,B超及静脉肾盂造影(IVU)提示积水改善、肾功能恢复。结论后腹腔镜离断式肾盂成形术在手术创伤、住院时间、术后恢复等方面优于开放手术,有望替代开放术式。  相似文献   

目的:评价腹腔镜肾盂成形术治疗肾盂输尿管连接处梗阻(UPJ0)的临床疗效及其可行性。方法:对50例UPJO均有不同程度肾盂积水患者分别使用Anderson—Hynes、FoleyY—V成形术、Fenger成形术及Hellstrom成形术进行治疗。结果:50例手术均获成功,无一例中转开放手术。手术时间2.5~4.5h,出血量35~88ml。40例术后随访6~24个月,IVP检查UPJ吻合口未见狭窄,肾盂输尿管排尿功能好,手术侧肾盂积水明显减轻或基本消失。结论:腹腔镜肾盂成形术具有术中创伤小、术后恢复快、疼痛减轻的优点,效果优于开放手术,是既安全又有效的微创手术方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨俯卧位背侧入路后腹腔镜肾盂成形术治疗肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻(UPJO)的临床应用价值。方法:回顾性分析18例UPJO患者的临床资料。其中男12例,女6例,年龄18~65岁,平均31岁。所有患者行肾脏超声、静脉肾盂造影或多层螺旋CT尿路成像和逆行造影检查,其中2例行逆行造影证实迷走血管压迫,8例无症状患者行同位素肾图证实上尿路梗阻。结果:18例均在后腹腔镜下顺利完成手术。手术时间85~205min,平均125min;术中出血量35~80ml,平均54ml;术后住院6~12天,平均8.7天。围手术期未出现并发症。术后4~6周拔除双J管。随访时间9~20个月,平均14.7月,17例痊愈,总治愈率(94.4%)。1例发生再狭窄,二次行开放手术治愈。结论:俯卧位背侧入路后腹腔镜离断性肾盂成形术治疗UPJ0安全可行。经背侧入路后腹腔镜手术的成功实施为临床手术路径的研究提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

目的:分析总结机器人辅助腹腔镜手术在儿童上尿路修复重建手术中的应用经验及治疗效果。方法:回顾性分析2019年5月—2020年5月在本中心完成的35例行机器人辅助腹腔镜下儿童上尿路修复重建手术患儿的临床资料,包括离断性肾盂成形术28例,肾盂瓣肾盂输尿管成形术4例,输尿管-输尿管吻合术3例。所有患儿术后随访时间均超过6个月,常规行泌尿系超声和分肾功能等检查。结果:全部手术均在机器人辅助腹腔镜下成功完成,无中转开放性手术。28例行机器人辅助腹腔镜下离断性肾盂成形术患者的平均手术时间(168.5±35.9)min,术中出血量10(0~20)ml,平均术后住院时间(9.8±1.4)d;4例行机器人辅助腹腔镜下肾盂瓣成形术患者的平均手术时间(209.0±46.7)min,术中出血量17.5(15~20)ml,平均术后住院时间(11.0±1.4)d;3例行机器人辅助腹腔镜下输尿管-输尿管吻合术患者的平均手术时间(183.0±13.2)min,术中出血量10(5~15)ml,平均术后住院时间(9.6±0.6)d。结论:机器人辅助腹腔镜手术在儿童上尿路疾病修复重建手术中的应用取得了较好效果,操作较易掌握...  相似文献   

目的评价后腹腔镜肾盂成形术中改良吻合技术对术者学习曲线的改进。 方法回顾性分析自2015年4月至2017年6月在资阳市第一人民医院接受腹腔镜肾盂输尿管离断成形术的患者资料,共33例,平均年龄17岁(4~41岁),根据术中是否采用腹腔镜带线悬吊技术,将患者分为传统腹腔镜组与改良组。分别比较两组患者的术前、手术及术后恢复情况。 结果所有手术均在腔镜下完成,无一例中转开放。患者术前资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。改良组总手术时间,特别是肾盂输尿管吻合时间,以及术后第1天疼痛评分显著优于传统腹腔镜组(P<0.05)。两组患者在术中预计出血量、术后住院时间、术后并发症发生率方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论带线悬吊的改良吻合技术可显著减少初学者施行肾盂输尿管离断成形术的手术时间及手术难度,缩短学习曲线时间,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经腹腔途径腹腔镜下离断式肾盂成形术治疗肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻(UPJO)的临床效果。方法:采用经腹腔途径腹腔镜下离断式肾盂成形术治疗UPJO患者42例,男25例,女17例,平均年龄30(12~50)岁。其中左侧24例,右侧18例;重度肾积水17例,中度肾积水22例,轻度肾积水3例。结果:42例手术均顺利完成,无中转开放手术者。其中3例伴肾盂结石者同时取出肾盂结石;5例迷走血管为梗阻原因者,将受压段输尿管切除后于血管腹侧吻合。平均手术时间110(80~200)min,平均术中出血量25(10~50)ml。术后漏尿2例,分别于术后7天及40天消失,其余患者术后4~5天拔出引流管,6~7天拔出导尿管;术前表现为腰腹部胀痛者术后症状减轻或消失,术后平均住院时间8(6~11)d。术后4~6周拔出双J管,未见特殊不适。40例随访3~36个月,行彩超及IVu等影像学检查,2例患侧UPJ吻合口狭窄伴肾积水,行输尿管镜下丝状电极内切开术后治愈;余38例中,肾积水消失15例,肾积水减轻18例,肾积水无加重5例。结论:经腹腹腔镜下离断式肾盂成形术视野清晰,易于缝合,创伤小,恢复快,是治疗UPJO较为理想的手术方法。  相似文献   

后腹腔镜与开放离断肾盂成形术的临床效果比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:通过与开放离断肾盂成形术的效果比较,评价后腹腔镜离断肾盂成形术的临床价值。方法:回顾性分析的腹腔镜离断肾盂成形术56例(A组)及开放离断肾盂成形术10例(B组)的临床资料,就两组手术时间、术中出血量、术后肠道功能恢复时间、术后止疼药用量、术后住院天数,并发症和成功率等指标进行比较。根据数据类型选用X^2检验,成组t检验或Mann-Whitey U检验。结果:A组在术中出血量,术后肠道功能恢复时间,术后止产药用量。术后住院天数方面优于B组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);并发症和成功率与B组相当,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:后腹腔镜离断肾盂成形术是一种治疗肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻的微阳、安全、有效的方法,但存在较明显的学习期。熟练后可在较短时间内完成手术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨开放或腹腔镜肾盂成形术失败后再次行腹腔镜肾盂成形术的可行性和疗效。方法:从2004年9月~2012年5月,我们对32例肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻行肾盂成形术后再梗阻的患者采用经腹腔入路腹腔镜肾盂成形术治疗。同期开展首次腹腔镜肾盂成形术30例。术前统计两组患者的年龄、性别、体重、左右侧和积水程度,比较两组手术时间、术中术后并发症、住院时间和手术成功率,并把手术时间和术中出血与文献报道的结果相比。手术成功率以临床症状的缓解和影像学上积水和肾功能的改善来判断。两组所有数据均通过SPSS16.0专业软件进行统计,以P0.05为差别有统计学意义。结果:术前两组患者在年龄、性别、左右侧和积水程度上的差别无统计学意义(P0.05)。两组均无严重术中并发症,无中转开放手术者。再次手术组的平均手术时问和术中出血量多于初次手术组(P0.05);两组患者的术后住院时间和手术成功率差别无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:首次的开放手术或腹腔镜手术会造成肾盂输尿管周围粘连,给再次腹腔镜肾盂成形术带来困难,但只要腹腔镜操作技术熟练,再次行腹腔镜肾盂成形术仍安全可行,还保持了腹腔镜手术微创的优点,且经腹腔途径更容易完成手术。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To create a model for laparoscopic pyeloplasty training using the crop and esophagus of a chicken. The model can be used to simulate the steps taken during laparoscopic pyeloplasty and to help trainees practice laparoscopic suturing skills. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The chicken crop and esophagus were used to simulate the renal pelvis and ureter, respectively. These were exposed by reflecting the skin overlying the neck and thorax. The crop was thoroughly cleaned and filled with water via the esophageal end to simulate the dilated renal pelvis. The chicken was positioned within an indigenously made laparoscopic training box. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty was performed using the dismembered Anderson Hynes technique. The model was used over a period of 1 month by three urology trainees in their final year of training. They were assessed with respect to time needed to complete anastomosis and quality of anastomosis. RESULTS: The mean operative time showed a marked reduction from the second to the fourth attempt. There was also a significant improvement in the quality of anastomosis from the first to the fourth attempt. At the end of four attempts, all trainees were able to satisfactorily complete a good quality ureteropelvic anastomosis in a mean time of 67.7 minutes (range 62-76 min). CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic suturing skills require effective training and constant practice to perfect the technique. Adequate practice on this chicken model shortens the learning curve, makes the trainee more confident of his or her skills, and improves his operative performance.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To create an animal model for teaching laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty in which a realistic anatomic environment and the technical points of the procedure could be duplicated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten pigs underwent general anesthesia, and the ureter was dissected and spatulated. The small intestine near the renal hilum was trimmed to replace the enlarged renal pelvis, and the "ureteropelvic" anastomosis was performed according to the standard operation steps. A double-pigtail stent was placed in the ureter in antegrade fashion. This model was used by trainees during their year of fellowship in advanced laparoscopic urology. A mentor-trainee fellowship program was planned to guarantee the success of the operations and the quality of the anastomoses. The learning curve was analyzed in terms of the time necessary to perform the task. RESULTS: This model reproduced the technical complexity of laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty. The total operating time declined from 135 +/- 14.6 minutes (range 121-155 minutes) to 62 +/- 5.2 minutes (range 56-70 minutes) after the trainees had performed 12 pyeloplasties. The time needed for intraoperative antegrade stenting declined from 35 +/- 12 minutes to 8 +/- 2 minutes. Six pyeloplasties could be performed in every pig with adequate substitutes for an enlarged renal pelvis. With this training, all participants were able to perform ureteropelvic anastomosis and intraoperative antegrade stenting skillfully. CONCLUSION: This model not only allows trainees to acquire the skills necessary for laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty but also provides more practices with the use of a suitable renal pelvic substitute.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Computer-assisted pyeloplasty with the daVinci system is an emerging technique to treat ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. A relative cost analysis was performed assessing this technology in comparison with purely laparoscopic pyeloplasty. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients underwent computer-assisted (daVinci) dismembered pyeloplasty (CP) via a transperitoneal four-port approach. They were compared with 13 patients who underwent purely laparoscopic pyeloplasty (LP). All patients had a primary UPJ obstruction and were matched for age, sex, and body mass index. The cost of equipment and capital depreciation for both procedures, as well as assessment of room set-up time, takedown time, and personnel were analyzed. Surgeons and nursing staff for both groups were experienced in both laparoscopy and daVinci procedures. One- and two-way financial analysis was performed to assess relative costs. RESULTS: The mean set-up and takedown time was 71 minutes for CP and 49 minutes for LP. The mean length of stay was 2.3 days for CP and 2.5 days for LP. The mean operating room (OR) times for CP and LP were 176 and 210 minutes, respectively. There were no complications in either group. One-way cost analysis with an economic model showed that LP is more cost effective than CP at our hospital if LP OR time is <338 minutes. With adjustment to a volume of 500 daVinci cases/year, CP is still not as cost effective as LP. Two-way sensitivity analysis shows that in-room time must still be <130 minutes and yearly cases must be >500 to obtain cost equivalence for CP. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative parameters for CP are encouraging. However, the costs are a clear disadvantage. In our hospital, it is more cost effective to teach and perform LP than to perform CP.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether robotic-assisted pyeloplasty (RLP) has any significant clinical or cost advantages over laparoscopic pyeloplasty (LP) for surgeons already facile with intracorporeal suturing. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: LP has become an established management approach for primary ureteropelvic junction obstruction. More recently, the da Vinci robot has been applied to this procedure (RLP) in an attempt to shorten the learning curve. Whether RLP provides any significant advantage over LP for the experienced laparoscopist remains unclear. METHODS: Ten consecutive cases each of transperitoneal RLP and LP performed by a single surgeon were compared prospectively with respect to surgical times and perioperative outcomes. Cost assessment was performed by sensitivity analysis using a mathematical cost model incorporating operative time, anesthesia fees, consumables, and capital equipment depreciation. RESULTS: The RLP and LP groups had statistically indistinguishable demographics, pathology, and similar perioperative outcomes. Mean operative and total room time for RLP was significantly longer than LP by 19.5 and 39.0 minutes, respectively. RLP was much more costly than LP (2.7 times), due to longer operative time, increased consumables costs, and depreciation of the costly da Vinci system. However, even if depreciation was eliminated, RLP was still 1.7 times as costly as LP. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that LP operative time must increase to almost 6.5 hours for it to become cost equivalent to RLP. CONCLUSIONS: For the experienced laparoscopist, application of the da Vinci robot resulted in no significant clinical advantage and added substantial cost to transperitoneal laparoscopic dismembered pyeloplasty.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Laparoscopic pyeloplasty (LP) for the repair of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction provides results similar to those of open pyeloplasty with less morbidity, but its use has been limited, as it requires advanced laparoscopic skills. Robotic computer-assisted pyeloplasty (RAP) has the potential to reduce the technical challenges of the reconstructive portion of the operation. We compare our RAP experience with our recent LP cases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fourteen patients underwent LP, and 31 underwent RAP. The demographics of the two groups were similar. Three patients in the RAP group had been treated previously for UPJ obstruction. All procedures were performed transperitoneally. For RAP, conventional laparoscopic dissection and exposure preceded robot-assisted reconstruction. A Double-J stent was placed cystoscopically in all patients. Patient demographics and operative, postoperative, and follow-up data were compared. Success was defined strictly as the unequivocal absence of both obstruction and postoperative pain. Also technical success was defined as no evidence of persistent high-grade obstruction, no loss of function, no symptomatic obstruction, and no necessity for further treatment. RESULTS: The diagnosis of UPJ obstruction was confirmed intraoperatively in all cases. No difference was found in operative and postoperative outcomes of the two procedures. Operative time, including cystoscopy, was 299 minutes in the LP group and 271 minutes in the RAP group. The median estimated blood loss was <100 mL in both groups. The median console time for RAP was 76 minutes (range 54-124 minutes) and consisted of preparation and completion of the anastomosis. The median robotic docking and undocking time was 16 minutes (range 5-30 minutes). The anastomotic times for LP were not recorded. There were no conversions to open surgery and no intraoperative complications. The mean length of stay (LOS) was 2 days in both groups. There were two postoperative complications in each group: In the LP group, one large retroperitoneal hematoma and one umbilical hernia; in the RAP group, one nonfebrile urinary-tract infection and one urine leak. The mean follow-up was 10 months (range 1-31 months) for LP and 6 months (range 1-21 months) for RAP. Strict success was seen in 64% of the LP patients and 66% of the RAP patients. There was one technical failure in the RAP group, resulting in a technical success rate of 100% for LP and 97% for RAP. Technical success was seen in two LP patients and five RAP patients with partial obstruction on early postoperative renography and three LP patients and four RAP patients with occasional postoperative pain. CONCLUSION: Robotic computer-assisted pyeloplasty provides short-term results similar to those of conventional laparoscopic pyeloplasty at our institution.  相似文献   

ContextOpen pyeloplasty has been considered the referral standard of treatment for ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO). Minimally invasive procedures, however, have evolved and have gradually replaced open surgery, with various success and complication rates. The ideal universal treatment for UPJO is still elusive and controversial.ObjectivesThe current status of three surgical approaches to the treatment of UPJO are reviewed: laparoscopic pyeloplasty (LP), robotic-assisted pyeloplasty, and endopyelotomy.Evidence acquisitionThe interactive discussion among the expert presenters and urologists participating at the Second Congress on Controversies in Urology in Lisbon, Portugal, is summarized.Evidence synthesisA review of the relevant literature and the experts’ opinions seem to indicate that LP, either conventional or robotic, should be considered as the treatment of choice for UPJO, because it achieves the highest success rates (90%) while still offering the patient the advantages of minimally invasive surgery. The conventional laparoscopic approach demands a high level of surgical expertise and dedicated training that can be partially obviated by the robotic system. Evidence proving clear advantages of robotic pyeloplasty over conventional laparoscopy, however, is lacking due to short follow-up. Additionally, in its current version, the robotic system is financially prohibitive for many centers worldwide.In experienced hands, endopyelotomy performed either percutaneously or by the retrograde ureteroscopic approach can achieve long-standing satisfactory results in carefully selected patients (short strictures, minimal hydronephrosis, no crossing vessel). Additionally, endopyelotomy is the procedure of choice for failed pyeloplasty, with success rates of up to 80%.ConclusionsIt can be concluded from the presented data that, given the surgical expertise, LP should be considered the current standard of care for UPJO, with high success rates comparable to the open procedure. The advantages of the robotic system for the patient remain to be proved by scientific data. Endopyelotomy is still indicated in selected cases as a primary therapeutic option and should be considered the procedure of choice for pyeloplasty failures.  相似文献   

The right-handed surgeons/mentors face difficulties when it comes to training left-handed cardiac surgical trainees. Those who are left dominant and non-ambidextrous have to devise their own ways to operate safely and expeditiously. These are some suggestions that can help mentors to plan a proper training program for a left-handed trainee and for the trainees to overcome their shortcomings.  相似文献   

UPJO causes hydronephrosis and progressive renal impairment may ensue if left uncorrected. Open pyeloplasty remains the standard against which new technique must be compared. We analyzed the comparison of Laparoscopic and open pyeloplasty in a randomized prospective trial. A prospective randomized study was done from January 2004 to January 2007 in which a total of 28 Laparoscopic and 34 open pyeloplasty were done. All laparoscopic pyeloplasties were performed transperitoneally. Standard open Anderson Hynes pyeloplasty, spiral flap or VY plasty was done depending on anatomic consideration. Patients were followed with DTPA scan at 3 months and IVP at 6 months. Perioperative parameters including operative time, analgesic use, hospital stay, and complication and success rates were compared. Mean total operative time with stent placement in LP group was 244.2 min (188–300 min) compared to 122 min (100–140 min) in open group. Compared to open pyeloplasty the post operative diclofenac requirement was significantly less in LP group (mean107.14 mg) and open group required mean of (682.35 mg) The duration of analgesic requirement was also significantly less in LP group. The post operative hospital stay in LP was mean 8.29 days (7–11) and was significantly less than open group (mean 3.14 Days (2–7 days). Open pyeloplasty has been the gold standard for UPJO repair and achieves success rates exceeding 90%. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty provides a minimally invasive alternative to repair UPJO and has developed world wide as the first minimally option to match success rate of open pyeloplasty. Its potential advantages including less post op pain, shorter hospital stay an improved cosmesis has been proved in some comparative series. The only disadvantage seems to be longer operative time. LP has a minimal level of morbidity and short hospital stay compared to open approach Although Laparoscopic pyeloplasty has the disadvantages of longer operative time and requires significant skill of intracorporeal knotting but it is here to stay and represents an emerging standard of care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To assist practicing urologists incorporate laparoscopic urology into their practice, a 5-day mini-residency (M-R) program with a mentor, preceptor, and proctor experience was established at the University of California, Irvine, and we report the initial results. STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-two urologists underwent laparoscopic ablative (n=17) or laparoscopic reconstructive (n=15) training, including inanimate model skills training, animal laboratory, and operating room observation. A questionnaire was mailed 1 to 15 months (mean, 8 months) after their M-R program, and responses were reviewed. RESULTS: A 100% response rate was achieved. The mean M-R participant age was 49 years (range 31 to 70 years). The majority of the participants (72%) had laparoscopic experience during residency training and had performed between 5 and 15 laparoscopic cases before attending the M-R program. Within 8 months after M-R, 26 participants (81%) were practicing laparoscopic surgery. Participants were performing laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (p=0.008), nephroureterectomy (p<0.0005), and pyeloplasty (p=0.008) at substantially higher rates after training. At the same time, fewer of the M-R participants were performing hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery after training (p=0.008) compared with before the M-R. Ninety-two percent of the participants indicated that they would recommend this training program to a colleague. CONCLUSIONS: A 5-day intensive laparoscopic ablative and reconstructive surgery course seems to encourage postgraduate urologists, already familiar with laparoscopy, to successfully expand the scope of their procedures to include more complex laparoscopic techniques such as nephrectomy, nephroureterectomy, and pyeloplasty into their clinical practice.  相似文献   

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