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目的:了解医学和工科院校大学生的心血管疾病知识、态度及行为状况,以便及时发现问题并采取相应的指导措施。方法:对二年级的医学生和工科生进行随机问卷调查。结果:对于心血管疾病常识性的问题,工科生回答的正确率都较高,医学生好于工科生,但差异无显著性。而对于医学专业性强的问题,工科生回答的正确率较低,医学生显著高于工科生(P<0.05);在态度、行为方面体现为医学生知道自己血压水平和血压升高及时治疗的比例都显著高于工科生(P<0.05)。医学生饮酒的比例显著低于工科生(P<0.05)。结论:应加强对工科类院校大学生的健康知识教育。  相似文献   

PBL教学法在《儿科学》教学中的初步实践   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
为了更好地激发医学生学习《儿科学》的兴趣,锻炼他们的临床思维能力、探索意识和实践能力,培养他们分析问题的能力,复旦大学上海医学院儿科学系自2004年2月起在2001级七年制临床医学专业床旁教学阶段实施PBL教学法,受到学生和教师的一致好评,本文就PBL教学法在《儿科学》教学的初步实践进行总结。  相似文献   

目的基于医学术语理据性,探究学生学习医学英语术语的学习态度和策略。方法以省内一所医学院校中医学类专业本科三年级学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方法,了解学生医学英语术语学习的大体情况,比较不同性别和基础英语水平学生医学英语术语学习的差异,分析学生对医学英语术语学习的认识和所采用的学习策略的相关性。结果不同性别学生在"重视程度""形态理据使用"及"听力中使用频率"方面差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05~P < 0.01);不同基础英语水平学生在"重视程度""每周用时" "语音理据使用""形态理据使用""词源理据使用""阅读中使用频率""听力中使用频率"以及"说中使用频率"方面差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05);学生在医学英语术语学习认识和学习策略两个维度间呈正向相关性(P < 0.01)。结论医学英语教师应当帮助学生端正学习态度,消除他们所认为的"基础英语水平不高就无法学好医学英语"的顾虑;在策略上引导学生解析术语的理据结构、着力培养学生的思维方式,做到授之以渔。  相似文献   

目的探索适合当前医学教育实习环境的临床实习教学模式。方法针对青岛大学医学院培养应用型医学人才的教学目标,借鉴执业医帅资格考试的形式,按照《本科医学教育标准——临床医学专业(试行)》的要求,以教育目标分类和现代心理元认知理论为指导,建立由临床实习培训和考核模块组成从认知领域、精神运动领域和情感领域三方面培养的临床实习教学模式。结果参加实习的青岛大学医学院2002级~ 2004级临床医学专业357名学生毕业考试的理论、临床技能及医患沟通技能成绩逐年提高,差异具有统计学意义。结论改革后的临床实习教学模式对提高医学生临床技能、职业素质及未来临床工作适应能力具有积极作用。  相似文献   

郑州某技术学院医学生营养知识、态度及饮食行为调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:了解医学生对营养知识的掌握情况及对营养知识与健康的态度,分析2者与饮食行为之间的关系,树立正确的营养观念,培养健康饮食行为,为进行营养教育提供科学依据. 方法:对郑州某技术学院1 142名医学生进行营养知识、态度及饮食行为的问卷调查. 结果:医学生营养知识水平中等偏下(中等分占44.4%,低分占46.6%);饮食行为处于较差的水平(低分占54.1%);但表现出较好的营养态度(高分占69.5%).大中专医学生的营养知识与态度之间(r=0.262, P=0.000)、营养知识与饮食行为之间(r=0.236,P=0.000)、营养态度与饮食行为之间(r=0.097,P=0.001)呈正相关关系.结论:应加大营养知识宣传力度,采取多种方式对医学生进行营养教育,以预防营养相关疾病.  相似文献   

医学生应对方式及其与人格特点关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 :探讨医学生应对方式及其与人格特点的关系。方法:采用问卷法,对120名大学生进行TCSQ和EPQ -RSC测试。结果 :医学生主要采用积极应对方式 ;男女学生在积极应对方面无显著统计学差异 (P>0.05),在消极应对方面统计学差异显著(P<0.05);医学生应对方式与常模相比在积极应对方面具有显著差异(P<0.05);医学生应对方式与人格特点具有显著相关性。结论:医学生以积极应对方式为主 ,应对方式与其人格特点具有显著相关性  相似文献   

陶琳  刘素珍  付岚  张晓霞  易琼 《中华全科医学》2020,18(12):2094-2098
目的 从学生视角出发,了解社区实践教师的教学需要影响因素。 方法 2017年6—11月采用方便抽样的方法在四川省承担了社区实践教学任务的社区卫生服务机构、医学院校和医院全科医学培训中心选取完成了社区实践学习的889名学员进行问卷调查。 结果 单因素分析显示,对教学需要有统计学意义的因素有:性别、年龄、学历、专业类型、是否在校、实践学习所在地、实践时间、实践效果评价、教学能力评价以及培训需要评价(均P<0.05)。而多因素分析中,与其他城市的学员比较,实践学习所在地为省会城市的学员评判的教师教学需要程度更低(OR=0.643,95%CI:0.463~0.891);与自评实践效果为差的学员比较,对自己实践效果评价为非常好(OR=0.385,95%CI:0.220~0.675)、好(OR=0.659,95%CI:0.433~1.002)、一般(OR=0.732,95%CI:0.518~1.034)的学员,其评判的教师教学需要程度更低;与教学能力评价为差的学员比较,对教师教学能力评价为非常好的学员,其评判的教师教学需要程度更低(OR=0.527,95%CI:0.301~0.923)。 结论 社区实践教师应关注学员的个人经历和学习背景,注重学生对实践学习效果和对其教学能力的评价,并根据学生的评价优化教学行为。   相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine students' attitudes and potential behaviour towards informing a 12-year-old patient of her terminal prognosis in a situation in which her parents do not wish her to be told, as they pass through a modern medical curriculum. DESIGN: A cohort study of students entering Glasgow University's new medical curriculum in October 1996. METHODS: Students' responses obtained before year 1 and at the end of years 1, 3, and 5 to the "childhood leukaemia" vignette of the Ethics in Health Care Survey Instrument (EHCI) were examined quantitatively and qualitatively. Analysis of the students' multichoice answers enabled measurement of the movement towards professional consensus opinion. An analysis of their written justifications for their answers helped to determine whether their reasoning was consistent with professional consensus and enabled measurement of changes in knowledge content and recognition of the values inherent in the vignette. Themes on the students' reasoning behind their decision to tell the patient or not were also identified. RESULTS: Unlike other vignettes of the EHCI in which autonomy was a main theme, few students chose the consensus answer before year 1 and there was no significant movement towards consensus at any point during the course. In defence of their decision to withhold information, the students expressed strong paternalistic opinions. The patient's age was seen as a barrier to respecting her autonomy. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to identify students' perceptions on entry to medical school. Transformative learning theory may provide the basis for an approach to foster doctors who consider the rights of young people. Small-group teaching is most conducive to this approach. The importance of positive role modelling is also emphasised.  相似文献   

[目的]调查大连市医学与非医学院校大学生的口腔健康知识、态度和行为,分析比较两者之间的差异,为高校开展口腔健康课程提供参考资料。[方法]对大连市医学与非医学院校1015名大学生进行口腔健康知识、态度及行为的问卷调查。[结果]大学生对口腔健康的一般性知识知晓率较高,对专业性知识了解有限,仅33.9%了解牙菌斑的概念。70%以上的大学生口腔健康态度较好,但对定期口腔检查,洁牙的意识薄弱,59.5%从未洁过牙,牙线和含漱剂的使用者也相当少。医学与非医学院校除牙菌斑,牙龈出血是牙龈炎的表现,氟化物防龋,刷牙方法、次数及时间少数项目上差异存在统计学意义外,其余差异无统计学意义。[结论]大连市大学生对口腔健康知识认识不足,态度较好,口腔健康行为有待改进,在高校开展口腔健康教育十分必要。  相似文献   

目的:了解某医学院校在校大学生健康素养水平及其影响因素,为有针对性地开展大学生健康素养干预工作提供参考依据.方法:以某医学院校在校本科生为研究对象,采用分层整群抽样方法,使用2009年《中国公民健康素养调查问卷》进行调查.结果:该医学院校大学生健康素养总体具备率16.5%,其中健康素养知识理念、健康生活方式与行为、健康...  相似文献   

目的 了解医学生移动学习现状及需求调查。方法 以3所高等院校708名医学生为调查对象,通过问卷调查的方式,对医学生移动学习现状及需求进行调查和分析。结果 72.46%医学生了解移动学习,81.92%医学生对移动学习有一定的需求,66.25%医学生认为目前的移动学习资源能够满足他们的医学知识学习需求;40.96%医学生每周进行1~2次移动学习,32.77%医学生每周进行3~4次移动学习;42.65%医学生每次进行移动学习时间在半小时以内,42.80%医学生每次移动学习时间为31~60 min;35.31%医学生利用移动学习方式进行英语学习,43.64%进行医学专业课学习。结论 目前开展医学生移动学习的环境条件已具备,教师应该加强医学生移动学习资源选择与利用指导,进一步完善和开发移动学习资源,促进移动学习在医学教育的应用,提高学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine attitudinal and self reported behavioural variations between medical students in different years to scenarios involving academic misconduct. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study where students were given an anonymous questionnaire that asked about their attitudes to 14 scenarios describing a fictitious student engaging in acts of academic misconduct and asked them to report their own potential behaviour. SETTING: Dundee Medical School. PARTICIPANTS: Undergraduate medical students from all five years of the course. METHOD: Questionnaire survey. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Differences in medical students' attitudes to the 14 scenarios and their reported potential behaviour with regards to the scenarios in each of the years. RESULTS: For most of the scenarios there was no significant difference in the response between the years. Significant differences in the responses were found for some of the scenarios across the years, where a larger proportion of year one students regarded the scenario as wrong and would not engage in the behaviour, compared to other years. These scenarios included forging signatures, resubmitting work already completed for another part of the course, and falsifying patient information. CONCLUSION: Observed differences between the years for some scenarios may reflect a change in students' attitudes and behaviour as they progress though the course. The results may be influenced by the educational experience of the students, both in terms of the learning environment and assessment methods used. These differences may draw attention to the potential but unintentional pressures placed on medical students to engage in academic misconduct. The importance of developing strategies to engender appropriate attitudes and behaviours at the undergraduate level must be recognised.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the attitudes of final-year medical students to digital rectal examination (DRE) and their experience of performing DRE during clinical training. DESIGN: Questionnaire-based survey. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: All students in the final year of medical school at the University of Melbourne in 2003. OUTCOME MEASURES: Agreement with statements about attitude to DRE; number of DREs performed and abnormalities palpated; and ratings of frequency of supervision and perceived barriers to performing DRE. RESULTS: 222 of 256 students (87%) responded. Almost all (97%) believed that DRE is an essential requirement for a medical practitioner, and 94% that they should have the skill before graduating, while 92% said they had been taught how to perform it. The median number of DREs performed was two, with 17% of students performing none. Sixty-three per cent had palpated a prostate, 24% a prostate cancer, 19% a rectal tumour, and 11% faecal constipation. Half the students (52%) felt they could give a reasonable or confident opinion based on their DRE findings. The most often cited reason for not performing DREs was the lack of a doctor to act as a supervisor. CONCLUSIONS: A concerted effort is needed from academics, supervising doctors and students to improve medical students' proficiency in performing DRE and confidence about their findings.  相似文献   

不同学制医学生循证医学教学实践探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
上海交通大学医学院面向五年制、七年制、八年制和全科医学生开设了循证医学课程。调查显示不同学制的医学生在学习循证医学时,相关基础知识结构参差不齐,学习主动性和实践能力存在差异。循证医学教育应注意与相关基础课程衔接并合理优化,教学形式应从基本知识灌输向技能主动获取转化。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To survey prevocational doctors working in Australian hospitals on aspects of postgraduate learning. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: 470 prevocational doctors in 36 health services in Australia, August 2003 to October 2004. DESIGN: Cross-sectional cohort survey with a mix of ordinal multicategory questions and free text. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Perceived preparedness for aspects of clinical practice; perceptions of the quantity and usefulness of current teaching and learning methods and desired future exposure to learning methods. RESULTS: 64% (299/467) of responding doctors felt generally prepared for their job, 91% (425/469) felt prepared for dealing with patients, and 70% (325/467) for dealing with relatives. A minority felt prepared for medicolegal problems (23%, 106/468), clinical emergencies (31%, 146/469), choosing a career (40%, 188/468), or performing procedures (45%, 213/469). Adequate contact with registrars was reported by 90% (418/465) and adequate contact with consultants by 56% (257/466); 20% (94/467) reported exposure to clinical skills training and 11% (38/356) to high-fidelity simulation. Informal registrar contact was described as useful or very useful by 94% (433/463), and high-fidelity simulation by 83% (179/216). Most prevocational doctors would prefer more formal instruction from their registrars (84%, 383/456) and consultants (81%, 362/447); 84% (265/316) want increased exposure to high-fidelity simulation and 81% (283/350) to professional college tutorials. CONCLUSION: Our findings should assist planning and development of training programs for prevocational doctors in Australian hospitals.  相似文献   

为了探讨以问题为基础学习教学方法在产科学临床技能培训中的应用效果,中山大学附属第三医院妇产科将2004级临床医学专业本科实习学生随机分为实验组和对照组,分别采用以问题为基础学习教学方法和传统教学方法进行产科技能培训,以学生的反馈意见及技能考核成绩作为评价依据来比较两种教学方法的效果.结果表明,以问题为基础学习教学方法调动了学生学习的主动性和积极性,提高了学生的产科学临床操作能力,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的 测量中职生的品行问题倾向及其相关因素,并探讨品行问题、学习倦怠与自测健康之间的关系.方法 选取669名德州职业技术学院中专一年级学生进行品行问题倾向问卷、学习倦怠量表、自测健康评定量表调查,对所得数据进行t检验、相关分析和回归分析.结果 中职生的违规倾向、成瘾倾向和攻击倾向得分为[(11.51±4.08)分,(5.90±2.68)分,(6.68±2.63)分],与高职生、高中生比较有显著差异(成瘾倾向:F (2, 1578)=7.48,P =0.001;攻击倾向:F (2, 1579)=24.40,P <0.01).中职生的品行问题倾向存在显著的性别差异( t(643)>3.85,P <0.01),男生在违规倾向、成瘾倾向和攻击倾向3个维度上都比女生严重.中职生的品行问题与学习倦怠具有显著的正相关(相关系数在0.16~0.52之间),与心理健康具有显著的负相关(相关系数在-0.13~-0.27之间).回归分析发现,学习疏远感和学习疲倦感对品行问题倾向3个维度都有正向预测作用;心理症状与负向情绪对成瘾倾向和攻击倾向有负向预测作用.结论 中职生的品行问题受学习倦怠和心理健康的影响.  相似文献   

鲁娟  周东  许放 《西北医学教育》2012,20(6):1160-1163
目的调查医科研究生对学术道德失范的态度,为相关教育决策部门提供参考。方法应用自制问卷,比较某医科大学研究生总体以及不同类别之间对课堂道德失范、考试道德失范、科研道德失范的态度。结果研究生对迟到早退、旷课、课堂上与学习无关行为、考试作弊、学术造假和不诚信行为持反对态度的比例分别为63.8%、61.9%、62.5%、79.1%和79.5%。不同类别研究生的态度大多有统计学差异。结论医科研究生总体对学术道德失范有较清醒的认识和态度;要关注态度不端正的群体,不断加强其学术道德教育。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The General Medical Council (GMC) is holding consultations in order to decide on the proposed changes to the undergraduate medical assessment. In the last round of consultation only eight medical students formally responded nationally. AIM: To determine the views of a larger proportion of final year medical students across the country on the proposed changes to the undergraduate medical assessment. Method: An online national survey of 10 medical schools, from which 401 responses from final year medical students were collected. Results and discussion: The results indicate the medical students' views on the GMC's proposed changes to standardise the assessment system. The majority of the students were in favour of having a say in any changes to their future assessment. They agreed with the principle that there should be a consistency between assessments at different medical schools and currently their results did not represent preparedness to practice.  相似文献   

为了探讨以问题为基础学习教学方法在产科学临床技能培训中的应用效果,中山大学附属第三医院妇产科将2004级临床医学专业本科实习学生随机分为实验组和对照组,分别采用以问题为基础学习教学方法和传统教学方法进行产科技能培训,以学生的反馈意见及技能考核成绩作为评价依据来比较两种教学方法的效果.结果表明,以问题为基础学习教学方法调动了学生学习的主动性和积极性,提高了学生的产科学临床操作能力,值得推广.  相似文献   

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