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目的 探讨在初次全膝关节置换术(TKA)中放开止血带且缝合内上缘支持带对髌骨轨迹的影响.方法 选择2006年3月至2008年2月初次行TKA的83例患者136侧膝关节.使用前内侧髌旁人路,检测髌骨轨迹.对于不良的髌骨轨迹,术中松开止血带且仅用一针缝合髌骨内上缘支持带.再次检查髌骨轨迹.最后,对残留不良髌骨轨迹的患者行外侧支持带松解术,以求获得满意的髌骨轨迹.采用no-thumb试验作为检测髌骨轨迹的标准.结果 在初次行TKA的83例患者136侧膝关节中,在未松开止血带前,髌骨轨迹不良率为64.7%(88/136).放开止血带且缝合髌骨内上缘支持带后,髌骨外侧支持带松解率为26.5%(36/136),差异有统计学意义(X2=38.55,P<0.01).其中,膝外翻畸形患者的松解率为58.6%(17/29),膝内翻和无明显畸形患者的松解率为17.8%(19/107).结论 高压止血带对行前内侧髌旁人路TKA的患者髌骨轨迹的干扰作用非常明显.术中松开止血带且缝合髌骨内上缘支持带明显降低了外侧支持带的松解率,从而降低了其可能带来的并发症.  相似文献   

目的进行人工全膝关节置换术中股骨假体旋转对线技术对髌骨轨迹作用的随机化、前瞻性的临床研究。方法150例骨关节炎患者接受初次人工全膝关节置换术,其中40例接受双膝同期置换,密封信封抽样随机分组确定股骨假体旋转对线的参照标准,以"布巾钳试验"评价髌骨轨迹,决定是否作外侧支持带松解。结果股骨上髁轴组10个膝需行外侧支持带松解,股骨后髁轴组23个膝需行外侧支持带松解,两组差异有显著性(P<0·05)。结论股骨假体旋转对线对于髌骨轨迹的优劣有着显著影响,股骨上髁轴作为旋转对线的参照轴可以明显改善髌骨轨迹。  相似文献   

目的进行人工全膝关节置换术中股骨假体旋转对线技术对髌骨轨迹作用的随机化、前瞻性的临床研究。方法150例骨关节炎患者接受初次人工全膝关节置换术,其中40例接受双膝同期置换,密封信封抽样随机分组确定股骨假体旋转对线的参照标准,以“布巾钳试验”评价髌骨轨迹,决定是否作外侧支持带松解。结果股骨上髁轴组10个膝需行外侧支持带松解,股骨后髁轴组23个膝需行外侧支持带松解,两组差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论股骨假体旋转对线对于髌骨轨迹的优劣有着显著影响,股骨上髁轴作为旋转对线的参照轴可以明显改善髌骨轨迹。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨膝关节外侧支持带松解前后髌骨轨迹的变化,寻找外侧支持带松解术后部分病例效果不佳的原因。[方法]临床采集符合纳入标准的92例(138膝)样本,松解前后分别行10°、20°、30°和40°屈膝位髌股关节CT扫描,测量髌股适合角,髌骨外移角和股骨远端内侧扭转角,比较松解前后髌骨轨迹的变化。[结果]通过测量髌股适合角,髌骨外移角发现髌骨轨迹29膝松解后无改善,109膝明显改善。109膝的股骨远端内侧扭转角均9°,29膝的股骨远端内侧扭转角均9°。说明股骨远端内侧扭转角可能是影响外侧支持带松解后髌骨轨迹的一个重要因素。[结论]外侧支持带松解术是治疗髌股关节紊乱症非常有效的手术,但是术后部分病例效果并不理想,尤其是长期随访效果,其中原因并不明了,通过实验发现术后髌骨轨迹未发生改变可能是主要的原因,而股骨远端扭转可能是影响髌骨轨迹恢复的重要因素。  相似文献   

改良髌旁外侧入路用于外翻膝人工全膝关节置换术   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的探索外翻膝人工全膝关节置换入路与软组织平衡的新技术。方法设计并应用于临床兼有松解髌外侧支持带功能的改良髌旁外侧入路,通过平行分离髌骨外侧支持带深浅两层,并向外翻转脂肪垫暴露膝关节,术中松解髌骨外侧支持带、髂胫束或膝关节后外侧关节囊、膝外侧副韧带等紧张结构,假体安装后错位缝合外侧支持带深层与浅层,既维持了松解的外侧支持带的适当张力和髌股关节正常活动轨迹,又确保了术后深筋膜的闭合。术后2周内行CPM锻炼,2周后扶拐行走。结果11例患者下肢力线从术前平均外翻10.2°矫正至平均内翻1.5°,膝关节冠状面畸形矫正率达85.3%。术后伤口愈合良好,术后2个月伸屈活动度平均达105°,11例患者均可自如地平地行走,其中9例可上下楼梯。膝关节稳定性好。结论改良髌旁外侧入路能较方便地显露膝关节外侧稳定结构,有利于对外侧挛缩结构的精确松解,并保持良好的髌股关节活动轨迹,是严重外翻膝行全膝关节置换的良好入路。  相似文献   

背景:内侧髌股韧带(MPFL)是限制髌骨向外侧脱位的主要静力稳定结构,MPFL重建术成为治疗髌骨不稳的主要选择。术中止血带的应用对减少出血量,改善手术视野提供了重要保障,同时也不可避免改变了股四头肌的张力,然而对于髌骨轨迹是否产生明显影响一直未有明确定论。目的:比较MPFL重建术中应用止血带对髌骨轨迹的影响。方法:2008年3月至2011年2月行双束解剖重建MPFL的髌骨复发性脱位患者53例(66膝),男23例(28膝),女30例(38膝);年龄18-34岁,平均26岁。发病至手术时间1个月-13年,其中44例有明显外伤致髌骨脱位史。术中观察止血带充气前、后对髌骨轨迹的影响,以及是否需行外侧支持带松解。结果:53例(66膝)中,止血带未充气时,判断需行外侧支持带松解者5膝(5/66);止血带充气后,判断需行外侧支持带松解者6膝(6/66),两者比较无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。重建MPFL后再次应用止血带观察,当止血带充气时,66膝髌骨轨迹良好;当止血带放松后,2膝出现髌骨内移(2/66),两者比较无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论:使用止血带前、后对髌骨轨迹无明显影响,术中观察髌骨轨迹良好则无需行外侧支持带松解。  相似文献   

复发性髌骨脱位是以膝关节周围持续弥漫性钝痛、膝关节不稳、肿胀以及髌骨反复向外侧脱位为主要表现。其致病因素主要包括:1膝关节外侧支持带挛缩;2膝关节内侧支持带松弛;3股骨外髁和/或髁间凹发育不良;4膝外翻畸形;5髌腱止点偏外;6股骨内(外)旋;7高位髌骨。目前治疗方法很多,主要包括4大类:1髌骨近端力线调整:膝关节外侧支持带松解术、内侧支持带或关节囊紧缩术、内侧髌股韧带重建术和股内侧肌止点移位术;2髌骨远端调整:包括肌腱转位术、髌腱手术、胫骨结节移位术和股骨滑车成形术;3髌骨切除股四头肌成形术;4关节镜辅助技术。但目前尚无一种统一有效的术式能够治愈复发性髌骨脱位。  相似文献   

目的探讨外侧髌旁入路膝关节置换治疗膝外翻合并膝骨关节炎(OA)的临床效果。方法对2008年1月至2012年12月,在广州军区广州总医院接受外侧髌旁入路膝关节置换术治疗膝外翻合并膝OA的17例患者进行回顾性分析。其中男4例,女13例;年龄60~76岁。16例采用后稳定型假体,1例1膝采用限制型假体。通过髌旁外侧入路Z字形错层切开关节囊、松解髂胫束、外侧副韧带及后外侧关节囊进行软组织平衡,股骨远端外翻5°截骨,采用Whiteside线和内外上髁轴线定位,确定股骨前后髁截骨外旋角度,术后屈曲缝合关节囊。以膝关节活动度、股胫关节外翻角及美国特种外科医院(HSS)评分评价术后疗效。采用配对t检验对上述计量资料进行统计分析。结果1例患者术中内翻髌骨时出现髌韧带止点部分撕脱,采用锚线钉予以重建。全部病例随访2~6年;随访期间未发生感染、松动、膝关节不稳定及外翻等并发症。术后股胫关节外翻角为(6.6±1.3)°,小于术前的(26.5±4.6)°,且差异有统计学意义(t=17.00,P0.05);术后末次随访膝关节HSS评分为(85.4±2.9)分,大于术前的(35.5±9.9)分,,且差异有统计学意义(t=19.99,P0.05);术后末次随访膝关节活动度为(106.0±8.9)°,大于术前的(81.6±16.1)°,且差异有统计学意义(t=5.47,P0.05)。结论通过精确的截骨及软组织平衡技术,外侧髌旁入路膝关节置换治疗膝外翻合并膝OA可以取得满意的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨固定性膝外翻全膝关节置换(TKA)术中髂胫束松解的作用。方法自2009-05—2012-11对22例(24膝)膝关节骨性关节炎并膝外翻畸形行TKA,采用外侧入路,髂胫束多点切开延长松解,Z形切开关节囊,松解髂胫束止点后记录伸直位外翻角度。以股骨及胫骨侧外侧副韧带及腘肌腱为主进一步进行软组织平衡。股骨远端5°~7°外翻截骨,均采用后稳定骨水泥型假体,行髌骨置换。结果本组术中测量髂胫束松解后外翻角平均11.6°(5°~15°),松解前平均27.6°(20°~35°),松解后平均矫正角度为16°。术后恢复良好,未出现腓总神经麻痹。术后外翻角平均6.9°(5°~9°)。22例均获得平均18.9(5~30)个月随访,期间所有患者胫股角稳定,膝关节活动度平均119.2°(100°~125°)。末次随访时,KSS评分平均87.3分,较术前提高62.2分;功能评分平均89.7分,较术前提高65.2分。结论在固定性膝外翻TKA术中,松解髂胫束最大可矫正伸直位外翻20°以内的畸形,改善了髌骨轨迹,明显降低了腓总神经受压麻痹的发生率,不同程度改善了屈曲位外侧间隙紧张。  相似文献   

保留股内侧肌止点的微创技术结合关节镜治疗膝关节僵直   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的] 探讨关节镜辅助下小切口松解治疗膝关节僵直的方法和效果.[方法] 26例膝关节纤维性僵直,采用髌骨外上方小切口,用剪刀松解髌股关节、内外侧支持带与股骨间、股中间肌与股骨间,以及髌下脂肪垫与股骨髁之间的粘连,在髌骨外侧1 cm处切开髌外侧支持带及用剪刀在股内侧肌止点内侧切开髌骨内侧支持带,再在关节镜下清理关节内断裂及残留的粘连束带和髁间凹瘢痕组织并止血,结合徒手推拿松解.[结果] 随访8~32个月,平均19个月,膝关节活动度从术前平均32°增至113°,平均提高81°.无皮肤坏死、创口裂开、肌腱断裂、骨折等并发症.[结论] 关节镜辅助下小切口松解治疗膝关节纤维性僵直手术操作简单,创伤小,康复快.保留股内侧肌止点对保留伸膝力量、维持膝关节稳定、膝关节功能恢复及减少皮肤坏死等并发症有重要意义.  相似文献   

BackgroundProper patellar tracking is essential for well-functioning total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Besides implanting components in the correct position and rotation, balancing parapatellar soft tissues is also important in aiding normal patellar tracking. Patellar maltracking during TKA can be improved by lateral retinacular release (LRR).MethodsWe studied the incidence of LRR in consecutive primary TKA with nonresurfaced patella and posterior-stabilized implant design. We analyzed data from 250 consecutive primary TKAs (212 patients) from January 2016 to May 2016. We evaluated the preoperative radiological parameters like patellar tilt, patellar shift, patellar morphology, Insall-Salvati ratio, femoro-tibial angle, distal femoral valgus angle, and proximal tibia varus angle which predict the need for LRR during TKA. We used multivariate regression analysis to find the association of individual radiological parameters and the LRR.ResultsThe need for LRR is significantly associated with preoperative radiological parameters like patellar shift and patellar tilt (P < .001). Compared to the nonreleased group, the adjusted odds of LRR were greater for morphological parameters like Wiberg type 3 patella (odds ratio [OR] 17.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] 7.21-42.20), lateral facet thinning (OR 4.38, 95% CI 2.37-8.07), lateral patellofemoral arthritis (OR 14.36, 95% CI 6.82-30.23), and coronal valgus deformity (OR 4.95, 95% CI 1.60-10.68).ConclusionPreoperative assessment of these radiological parameters in the axial view implies a high chance of tight lateral retinacular structures. This helps in identifying patients who have a higher likelihood for patellar maltracking during TKA. Appropriate LRR helps to provide better patellar tracking post TKA.  相似文献   

The need to perform a lateral retinacular release (LRR) during total knee arthroplasty (TKA) may be lessened or eliminated by performing a patellar retinacular peel (PRP). PRP involves peeling the extensor retinaculum off the dorsolateral border of the patella to the extent necessary to facilitate patellar eversion. Generally, a portion of the lateral patellar facet is removed to allow conformity with a round patellar prosthesis. The combination of retinacular peel and partial facetectomy decreases lateral retinacular tension, which reduces the tendency toward lateral subluxation. In the study reported here, a series of 50 TKAs that included a PRP in all cases was compared with an earlier series of 50 TKAs that included LRR for control of patellar tracking, as needed. The incidence of anterior knee pain was lower in the PRP group than in the LRR group, though this difference was not significant from a statistical perspective. The 2 groups were virtually identical on other comparison criteria. PRP seems to be a viable alternative to LRR.  相似文献   

《The Journal of arthroplasty》2020,35(8):2076-2083
BackgroundTotal knee arthroplasty (TKA) for valgus deformity is a challenge. The standard medial parapatellar approach may not be universally useful for this. We have adopted the lateral approach to valgus knees. Here we describe our experience with this approach, present early results, and compare them to the medial approach.MethodsOur institutional registry was queried for all patients with valgus deformity who underwent a TKA via a lateral approach between 2013 and 2016. The registry was also queried for patients with valgus deformity who underwent a TKA through a medial approach in previous years and this data was compared to the study group.ResultsSeventy-nine valgus knees in 72 patients were operated through a lateral approach. Deformity was corrected by 10.8°, from 16.2° to 5.4° (P < .001). Patellar tilt improved from −2.3° to 0.3° (P = .037). Seven implants (9%) were constrained. Mean operating time was 87 minutes (range 53-137). Twenty-five knees in 23 patients were operated via the medial approach. Deformity was corrected by 7.3°, from 13.2° to 5.9° (P < .001). Mean operating time was 137 minutes (range 90-230). Constrained implants were used in 16% of cases. The lateral approach allowed better correction of valgus deformity (10.8 vs 7.3, P = .03) and shorter operative times (87 vs 137 minutes, P < .001).ConclusionA lateral approach TKA for valgus deformity improves knee alignment and patellar tilt. Compared to the medial approach, it allows better correction of the deformity, shorter operating times, and perhaps less use of constrained implants.  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(3):501-504
Background?There are no simple guidelines for the medial/lateral positioning of the femoral component in knee arthroplasty (TKA). I therefore conducted a prospective study to evaluate the use of the native femoral sulcus as a guide for the medial/lateral positioning.

Patients and methods?Between 1997 and 2001, 700 primary TKAs (Nexgen Zimmer, cruciate retaining prostheses) were performed in 508 patients with the femoral component positioned according to the native femoral sulcus. Intraoperatively, no thumb technique was used to check the patellar tracking. The median follow-up period was 4.5 (4.0–5.5) years.

Results?Intraoperatively, lateral retinacular release was performed in 3 knees. In the postoperative radiographic evaluation of patellar tracking, 10 knees (1.4%) had lateral tilting of the patella. The postoperative HSS scores were 93 (85–98).

Interpretation?The native femoral sulcus may be used as an effective and simple guide for the medial/lat-eral femoral component position.  相似文献   

Indications for lateral retinacular release in total knee replacement   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The rule of no thumb test was compared with the towel clip test in determining the need for lateral retinacular release in 200 consecutive primary total knee replacements. The towel clip test was positive in 13 knees (6.5%) and the rule of no thumb test was positive in 78 knees (39%). Using a positive towel clip test as the indication for lateral retinacular release, there was no radiographic evidence of patellar tilt, subluxation, or dislocation in any knee at 6 months postoperatively. Therefore, the rule of no thumb test falsely predicted the need for lateral release in 65 knees (32.5%). The authors advocate the towel clip test to determine the need for lateral retinacular release.  相似文献   

The arthroscopic lateral retinacular release is typically performed to treat patellar pain and instability. This procedure was previously considered to be relatively benign with a low associated complication rate. However, a high incidence of medial subluxation of the patella was recently reported in patients with persistent symptoms after lateral retinacular release. Because the use of physical examination criteria may not always be sufficient to assess patellar alignment, 40 patients (43 knees) were evaluated by the newly developed technique of kinematic magnetic resonance imaging of the patellofemoral joint. One (2%) patellofemoral joint had normal patellar alignment, 10 (23%) had lateral subluxation of the patella, 1 (2%) had excessive lateral pressure syndrome, 27 (63%) had medial subluxation of the patella, and 4 (9%) had lateral-to-medial subluxation of the patella. Seventeen of 40 patients (43%) with unilateral arthroscopic lateral retinacular releases had medially subluxated patellae on the unoperated joints. Because patellar malalignment commonly affects bilateral joints, medial subluxation of the patella may have been present before the lateral retinacular release but was not recognized in these patients.  相似文献   

Lateral release rates after total knee arthroplasty.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
For a total knee replacement to function well, the patella must track centrally in the trochlear groove. A lateral release may be required to ensure such central tracking. During surgery, an evaluation was made of patellar tracking in 178 patients undergoing total knee replacement. The Genesis II prosthesis with a deep-dish tibial insert was used for all the patients. The evaluation was made using the nontouch technique and the axial traction (modified no-touch) technique before and after release of the tourniquet. With the tourniquet still inflated, there were 29 knees in which the patella tilted laterally and 11 additional knees in which the patella subluxed laterally. Using the modified no-touch technique, there were only 12 knees in which the patella tilted laterally and five in which it subluxed laterally. With the tourniquet deflated, only nine of the patellas tilted laterally and three subluxed laterally. It was only in this final group that a lateral release was done for an overall lateral release rate of 6%. Eleven of these 12 knees had a preoperative fixed valgus deformity greater than 10 degrees. Only one lateral release was required for a patient with a preoperative varus deformity. Four patients with a preoperative fixed valgus deformity and a laterally subluxed patella did not require a lateral release. Axial realignment and reconstitution of an anterior trochlear surface by the implant were sufficient to centralize the patella. Had only the no-touch test been used, there would have been 18 unnecessary lateral releases done. When the knees were evaluated radiographically, there was no statistical difference in patellar position between that group and the knees that required a lateral release. Overall in the entire group at 6 weeks after surgery, 105 knees (59%) had no patellar tilt. At 3 months, as quadriceps tone returned to normal, 138 knees (79%) had no patellar tilt. Thirty-three of the remaining 35 knees had a patellar tilt less than 10 degrees. None of the patients had lateral patellar subluxation at any time after surgery.  相似文献   

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