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N-花生四烯酰乙醇胺(anandamide,AEA)属于内源性大麻素类长链脂肪酸衍生物,可通过大麻素受体(CB1/CB2)和(或)非CB1/CB2受体途径发挥神经保护作用。AEA类似物包括脂氨基酸类、脂肪酰乙醇胺类和甲基氟膦酸酯类化合物等。AEA类似物在生物活性及化学结构上与AEA相似,但作用靶点及作用机制并不完全相同,非CB1/CB2受体途径介导的神经保护活性及对脂肪酸酰胺水解酶活性的调节作用为该类化合物的重要特征。由于AEA作用于多靶点所致的许多副作用,给其临床试验和应用带来一定困难,而AEA类似物可能既具备AEA的神经保护活性又避免其毒副作用,因此研究AEA类似物的神经保护作用具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文主要对AEA及其类似物的神经保护活性和其作用机制进行综述。  相似文献   

内源性大麻素系统(ECS)因其对大脑的神经保护作用而受到广泛关注,并被视作是神经精神疾病(包括焦虑、抑郁、阿尔茨海默病(AD)和帕金森病(PD)等神经退行性疾病的治疗靶点。内源性大麻素及其配体,以及参与内源性大麻素系统调控和代谢的蛋白可作为治疗神经精神疾病的潜在对象。2种内源性大麻素水解酶脂肪酸酰胺水解酶(FAAH)和单酰甘油脂肪酶(MAGL)的抑制剂可通过维持下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴负反馈调节机制的稳定,抑制炎症反应,从而对抑郁/焦虑产生作用。也有报告显示,其可在减少的淀粉样蛋白Aβ沉积和抑制多巴胺神经元的死亡等AD/PD的发病机制中发挥作用。由于FAAH和MAGL抑制剂是减少其水解而间接增加内源性大麻素水平,因此比直接补充外源性大麻素引起的副作用更少。本研究在大麻素的物质基础上总结了大麻素的发展概况,包括3个来源:植物类大麻素,内源性大麻素,合成类大麻类。并介绍了ECS及其参与的相关神经系统疾病。最终落脚于2种内源性大麻素水解酶抑制剂在治疗神经精神疾病方面的最新研究进展,尤其是针对抑郁/焦虑和AD/PD。我们希望完善内源性大麻素系统抗神经精神性疾病的机制网络,为相关疾病的基础及临床研究和治疗提供更多可能性。  相似文献   

目的:研究内源性大麻素物质花生四烯乙醇胺是否通过改变蛋白激酶C( PKC)活性从而抑制心肌L型钙电流,并进一步探讨可能改变PKC活性的信号途径。方法应用全细胞膜片钳技术记录单个心肌细胞的L型钙电流(P <0 n.05);应用PepTag非放射性蛋白激酶C检测系统( Promega)检测PKC活性;Elisa试剂盒测定细胞中二脂酰甘油( DAG)的含量;western blot 技术测定磷脂酶Cβ( PLCβ)和磷酸化磷脂酶C β( p-PLCβ)表达。结果应用花生四烯乙醇胺灌流心肌细胞后显著抑制心肌L型钙电流( P <0.05),预先应用大麻素1型受体( CB1)阻断剂AM251或PKC非特异性激动剂佛波醇酯(PMA)可以完全阻断此抑制效应,而大麻素2型受体(CB2)阻断剂AM630没有阻断花生四烯乙醇胺抑制L型钙电流的作用。检测心肌细胞PKC活性发现,花生四烯乙醇胺明显抑制PKC活性( P <0.05),同样预先应用AM251或PMA完全阻断花生四烯乙醇胺对PKC活性的抑制效应,而AM630无此效应。应用花生四烯乙醇胺没有影响心肌细胞DAG含量和PLCβ的磷酸化。结论本实验首次证明内源性大麻素花生四烯乙醇胺激活心肌细胞CB1受体后抑制细胞PKC的活性,从而抑制L型钙电流,此过程没有PLCβ-DAG途径参与。  相似文献   

摘 要:通过文献计量学方法分析内源性大麻素 N-花生四烯酰乙醇胺(anandamide,AEA)的研究现状。以 anandamide 为关键词在 ISI Web of Knowledge 数据库中检索相关文献,对其发表时间、语种、作者、期刊来源、学科类别和被引用次数等进行分析。共检索相关文献3 015篇,主要作者、国家、期刊、学科类别、发表时间依次为:Di Marzo V(220篇)、美国(1 254篇)、Br J Pharmacol(189篇)、生物化学与分子生物学类(2 631篇)、2009年(318篇)。AEA 领域的研究正逐渐受到世界各国研究者的重视,但其产业化、规模化发展还需要很长的发展过程。  相似文献   

内源性大麻素系统因其在多种行为和脑功能中的重要作用,以及作为包括焦虑、抑郁等神经精神疾病中的治疗靶点而得到广泛关注。内源性大麻素信号失调会导致负性情绪状态和应激反应增多。对于其潜在的神经细胞特异性和神经环路调节的深入研究,有助于神经精神疾病治疗药物的开发,并有助于更好地了解内源性大麻素系统对包括麻醉觉醒在内的神经功能的环路调节。本文聚焦内源性大麻素系统在神经精神疾病治疗以及麻醉觉醒调节中作用的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

许雷鸣  付琴  胡本容  汤强  向继洲 《医药导报》2006,25(12):1241-1245
目的 观察大麻素类物质花生四烯乙醇胺(anandamide,Ana)对大鼠体外心脏左心室心肌中一氧化氮(NO)含量和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性的影响。方法 采用Langendorff方法观察Ana对大鼠体外心脏心率(HR)、冠脉流量(CF)、冠脉灌注压(CPP)、左室压最大上升速率(+dp/dtmax)、左室压最大下降速率( dp/dtmax)、左室收缩峰压(LVSP)、左室舒张末压(LVEDP)及左室发展压(LVDP)的影响;NO含量和NOS活性采用联苯胺荧光分光光度法测定。结果 Ana可使体外心脏心率、CPP、+dp/dtmax、 dp/dtmax、LVSP、LVDP降低,使LVEDP升高,CF增加。选择性大麻素CB1受体拮抗药AM251(1 μmol·L 1)可阻断 Ana的部分心脏效应;另一选择性大麻素CB2受体拮抗药AM630(1 μmol·L 1)对Ana的心脏效应无显著影响。NOS抑制药L N 硝基精氨酸甲酯(L NAME)(100 μmol·L 1)对Ana的心脏效应也无显著影响。Ana能增强原生型NOS(cNOS)活性,抑制诱生型NOS(iNOS)活性,促进心肌NO的释放。结论 Ana使离体大鼠心肌收缩力降低,心率减慢,表现出负性肌力和负性频率作用;Ana可舒张冠脉,增加冠脉流量;大麻素CB2受体可能不参与Ana的这些心脏效应,内源性NO也可能不参与调节Ana的心脏效应;可能存在其他新的作用位点调节Ana的心脏效应。Ana调节心肌NOS同工酶活性,增加cNOS活性,降低iNOS活性,促进NO的释放,可能发挥心肌保护作用,在心肌缺血和高血压治疗中有潜在应用前景。  相似文献   

近十余年来,随着内源性大麻素的发现,探讨大麻素系统与神经系统疾病的关系已成为当前的研究热点,大麻素制剂用于神经系统疾病治疗的临床价值已初露端倪.随着研究的不断深入,大麻素系统有望成为神经系统疾病药物治疗的重要靶点.  相似文献   

王强 《中国药物与临床》2014,(12):1647-1649
<正>阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(obstructive sleep apnea,OSA)患者慢性间歇性低氧可使机体长期处于应激状态,导致下丘脑垂体内分泌紊乱,可表现为性欲减退及男性勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)、女性不孕等。研究发现48%的男性OSA患者患有ED[1,2]。而内源性大麻素系统(endocannabi-noid system,ECS)、性激素和细胞因子共同构成内源性大麻素-激素-细胞因子序列,精确调控人类的生育过程。本研究拟在前期研究的基础上,探讨OSA患者内源性大麻素系统的  相似文献   

老年性痴呆即阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’Sdisease,AD)是一种慢性进行性的神经退行性病变,其特征性病理改变为β-淀粉样蛋白(β-amy-loidpeptide,Aβ)沉积形成的细胞外老年斑和tau蛋白过度磷酸化形成的神经细胞内神经原纤维缠结,以及神经元丢失伴随胶质细胞增生等。最近的研究发现内源性大麻素系统对AD的病程有预防治疗作用,主要基于其对神经的保护作用和抗炎功效。本文综述了内源性大麻素对AD的保护作用的几个方面,旨在为AD的治疗开辟新的策略和思路。  相似文献   

内源性大麻素样物质的可能作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内源性大麻素样物质是大麻素受体的内源性配体 ,在脑内有其特定的合成、转运、代谢途径 ,在生理状态下可调节某些神经递质如谷氨酸、GABA等的释放。因此对其作用机制的阐明不仅有利于进一步探讨大麻成瘾的机制 ,还有助于新药的研发  相似文献   

The endocannabinoid signaling system is composed of the cannabinoid receptors; their endogenous ligands, the endocannabinoids; the enzymes that produce and inactivate the endocannabinoids; and the endocannabinoid transporters. The endocannabinoids are a new family of lipidic signal mediators, which includes amides, esters, and ethers of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Endocannabinoids signal through the same cell surface receptors that are targeted by Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)THC), the active principles of cannabis sativa preparations like hashish and marijuana. The biosynthetic pathways for the synthesis and release of endocannabinoids are still rather uncertain. Unlike neurotransmitter molecules that are typically held in vesicles before synaptic release, endocannabinoids are synthesized on demand within the plasma membrane. Once released, they travel in a retrograde direction and transiently suppress presynaptic neurotransmitter release through activation of cannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoid signaling system is being found to be involved in an increasing number of pathological conditions. In the brain, endocannabinoid signaling is mostly inhibitory and suggests a role for cannabinoids as therapeutic agents in central nervous system (CNS) disease. Their ability to modulate synaptic efficacy has a wide range of functional consequences and provides unique therapeutic possibilities. The present review is focused on new information regarding the endocannabinoid signaling system in the brain. First, the structure, anatomical distribution, and signal transduction mechanisms of cannabinoid receptors are described. Second, the synthetic pathways of endocannabinoids are discussed, along with the putative mechanisms of their release, uptake, and degradation. Finally, the role of the endocannabinoid signaling system in the CNS and its potential as a therapeutic target in various CNS disease conditions, including alcoholism, are discussed.  相似文献   

In the relatively short period of time since the discovery of cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands, the endocannabinoids, an intensive research effort has resulted in the identification of agents that affect all aspects of the endocannabinoid system. The cannabinoid(1) receptor antagonist rimonabant is in phase III clinical trials for the treatment of obesity and as an aid to smoking cessation, and cannabinoid(2) receptor agonists are promising in animal models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. In the present MiniReview, the endocannabinoid system is described from a pharmacological perspective. The main topics covered are: the mechanism of action of cannabinoid(2) receptor agonists; identification of the endocannabinoid(s) involved in retrograde signalling; the elusive mechanism(s) of endocannabinoid uptake; therapeutic possibilities for fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitors; and the cyclooxygenase-2 and lipoxygenase-derived biologically active metabolites of the endocannabinoids.  相似文献   

The development of sensitive analytical methods for measurement of endocannabinoids, their metabolites, and related lipids, has underlined the complexity of the endocannabinoid system. A case can be made for an 'endocannabinoid soup' (akin to the inflammatory soup) whereby the net effect of a pathological state and/or a pharmacological intervention on this system is the result not only of changes in endocannabinoid levels but also of their metabolites and related compounds that affect their function. With respect to the metabolism of anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, the main hydrolytic enzymes involved are fatty acid amide hydrolase and monoacylglycerol lipase. However, other pathways can come into play when these are blocked. Cyclooxygenase-2 derived metabolites of anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol have a number of properties, including effects upon cell viability, contraction of the cat iris sphincter (an effect mediated by a novel receptor), mobilization of calcium and modulation of synaptic transmission. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, whose primary mode of action is the inhibition of cyclooxygenase, can also interact with the endocannabinoid system both in vitro and in vivo. Other enzymes, such as the lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 oxidative enzymes, can also metabolize endocannabinoids and produce biologically active compounds. It is concluded that sensitive analytical methods, which allow for measurement of endocannabinoids and related lipids, should provide vital information as to the importance of these alternative metabolic pathways when the primary hydrolytic endocannabinoid metabolizing enzymes are inhibited.  相似文献   

The endocannabinoid system comprises the cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) and type 2 (CB2), their endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids), and the proteins responsible for their biosynthesis and degradation. This ubiquitous signalling system, that has attracted a great deal of scientist interest in the past 15 years, regulates several physiological and pathological functions. In mammals, among other functions, the endocannabinoid is involved in nervous, cardiovascular, metabolic, reproductive and immune functions. Finally, yet importantly, endocannabinoids are known to exert important antiproliferative actions in a great number of tumor cells including breast, brain, skin, thyroid, prostate and colorectal. The following review describes our current knowledge on the effects of two of the most studied endocannabinoids (AEA and 2-AG) on various types of tumor and summarizes the possible mechanism of observed antitumor effects.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made, recently, in understanding the role of the endocannabinoid system in regard to neuroprotection. Endogenous cannabinoids have received increasing attention as potential protective agents in several cases of neuronal injury. The endocannabinoid system is comprised of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), their endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids) and proteins responsible for their metabolism. Endocannabinoids serve as retrograde signalling messengers in GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses, as well as modulators of post‐synaptic transmission, interacting with other neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine and dopamine. Furthermore, endocannabinoids modulate neuronal, glial and endothelial cell function and exert neuromodulatory, anti‐excitotoxic, anti‐inflammatory and vasodilatory effects. Physiological stimuli and pathological conditions lead to differential increases in brain endocannabinoids that regulate distinct biological functions. The purpose of this review is to present the available in vivo and in vitro experimental data, up to date, regarding the endocannabinoid system and its role in neuroprotection, as well as its possible therapeutic perspectives. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research into the endocannabinoid signaling system has grown exponentially in recent years following the discovery of cannabinoid receptors (CB) and their endogenous ligands, such as anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Important advances have been made in our understanding of the endocannabinoid signaling system in various aspects of alcoholism, including alcohol-seeking behavior. Alcohol increases the synthesis or impairs the degradation of endocannabinoids, leading to a locally elevated endocannabinoid tone within the brain. Elevated endocannabinoid tone might be expected to result in compensatory down-regulation of CB1 receptors or dampened signal transduction. Following release, endocannabinoids diffuse back to the presynaptic neuron where they act as short-range modulators of synaptic activity by altering neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity. Mice treated with the CB1 receptor antagonist SR141716A (rimonabant) or homozygous for a deletion of the CB1 receptor gene exhibit reduced voluntary alcohol intake. CB1 knockout mice also show increased alcohol sensitivity, withdrawal, and reduced conditioned place preference. Conversely, activation of CB1 receptor promotes alcohol intake. Recent studies also suggest that elevated endocannabinoid tone due to impaired degradation contributes to high alcohol preference and self-administration. These effects are reversed by local administration of rimonabant, suggesting the participation of the endocannabinoid signaling system in high alcohol preference and self-administration. These recent advances will be reviewed with an emphasis on the endocannabinoid signaling system for possible therapeutic interventions of alcoholism.  相似文献   

The endocannabinoid system comprises amides, esters and ethers of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Narachidonoylethanolamide (anandamide; ANA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) are endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) ligands for the cannabinoid family of G-protein-coupled receptors named CB1 and CB2. Endocannabinoids are released upon demand from lipid precursors in a receptor-dependent manner and behave as retrograde signaling messengers, as well as modulators of postsynaptic transmission, interacting with other neurotransmitters systems. The two principal enzymes that are responsible for the metabolism of ANA and 2-AG are fatty acid amide hydrolase and monoacylglycerol lipase, respectively. Pharmacological experiments have shown that the administration of endocannabinoids induce cannabimimetic effects, including sleep promotion. This review will focus on some of the current evidence of the pharmacological potential of the endocannabinoid system on sleep modulation.  相似文献   

1. The endogenous cannabinoid (endocannabinoid) system is emerging as a key modulator of intestinal physiology, influencing motility, secretion, epithelial integrity and immune function in the gut, in addition to influencing satiety and emesis. 2. Accumulating evidence suggests that the endocannabinoid system may play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal disease, particularly in the light of recent studies demonstrating an effect of endocannabinoids on the development of experimental inflammation and linkages with functional clinical disorders characterized by altered motility. 3. The predominant endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, not only mediate their effects via two recognized cannabinoid receptor subtypes, namely CB(1) and CB(2), but emerging evidence now shows they are also substrates for cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2, generating a distinct and novel class of prostaglandin ethanolamides (prostamides) and prostaglandin glycerol esters. These compounds are bioactive and may mediate an array of biological effects distinct to those of conventional prostanoids. 4. The effects of prostamides on gastrointestinal motility, secretion, sensation and immune function have not been characterized extensively. Prostamides may play an important role in gastrointestinal inflammation, particularly given the enhanced expression of both COX-2 and endocannabinoids that occurs in the inflamed gut. 5. Further preclinical studies are needed to determine the therapeutic potential of drugs targeting the endocannabinoid system in functional and inflammatory gut disorders, to assist with the determination of feasibility for clinical translation.  相似文献   

The activity of the endocannabinoid system, in terms of the levels of the endocannabinoids and of cannabinoid receptors, or of the functional coupling of the latter to a biological response, undergoes to remodelling during pathological conditions. In the CNS, these changes, depending also on the nature of the disorder, can be transient or long-lasting, occur only in those tissues involved in the pathological condition and usually aim at restoring the physiological homeostasis by reducing excitotoxicity, inflammation and neuronal death. However, during chronic disorders, prolonged activation of the endocannabinoid system might also contribute to the symptoms of the pathology. Whilst acute changes of the tissue levels of the endocannabinoids reflect the "on demand" nature of their biosynthesis and release, and hence are effected mostly through regulation of the biosynthetic enzymes, chronic changes seem to be mostly due to longer-lasting alterations in the expression of anabolic and catabolic enzymes. The possibility of obtaining therapeutic advantage from endocannabinoid plasticity in neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders is discussed in this review article.  相似文献   

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