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腔内切开治疗移植肾输尿管膀胱吻合口梗阻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨腔内切开处理移植肾输尿管膀胱吻合口梗阻的安全性与有效性. 方法 18例肾移植患者术后2~18个月出现尿量减少.实验室检查SCr 230~570/μmol/L.超声检查提示中重度肾积水.膀胱镜检查18例均无法逆行输尿管置管.经皮肾造瘘后行顺行造影显示输尿管膀胱吻合口梗阻,不完全梗阻14例、完全梗阻(闭锁)4例,梗阻长度0.5~1.3 cm.术中先经皮肾通道入镜,将斑马导丝顺行插过梗阻段达膀胱,再逆行经尿道将膀胱内导丝拉出尿道外,直视下用电刀或钬激光全层切开梗阻段;若斑马导丝无法通过梗阻段,则采用造影剂混合美蓝充盈膀胱,顺行入镜到达梗阻处,X线监视下用长针向膀胱内穿刺打通.术后留置2条双J管6~8周,定期行超声、肾图和肾功能检查. 结果 18例术中见吻合口黏膜苍白水肿,管壁僵硬、管腔狭窄、瘢痕组织增生明显,均成功将梗阻段切开,无手术并发症发生.术后夹闭肾造瘘管后排尿通畅,尿量正常.实验室复查SCr降至87~233μmol/L.超声检查提示肾血流正常,肾积水消失或仅轻度积水.随访4~90个月,平均51个月.8例1次治疗成功;5例因瘢痕组织切除不彻底经再次腔内切开(3例2次,2例3次)治疗后成功;5例拔管后梗阻复发无法逆行入镜,梗阻难以处理改开放手术治疗,其中4例治疗成功,1例仍需长期输尿管置管. 结论 肾移植术后输尿管膀胱吻合口梗阻采用腔内切开治疗安全、有效,梗阻复发者可考虑再次内切开或开放手术治疗.  相似文献   

目的:探讨膀胱全切原位回肠新膀胱术后输尿管肠吻合口良性狭窄的处理方法。方法:我科自2003年1月~2012年6月采用膀胱全切原位回肠新膀胱术治疗395例膀胱癌患者。术后发生输尿管肠吻合口良性狭窄10例,采用输尿管镜扩张、内镜下逆行/经皮穿刺顺行球囊扩张、内镜下狭窄段内切开、开放输尿管膀胱再植术,并留置双J管3~6个月。结果:本组10例中,1例(1处)因导丝不能通过狭窄段而改行开放手术,术后随访36个月,肾积水明显改善。其余9例(11处)采用腔内技术处理,其中3例(4处)采用输尿管镜扩张,2例(3处)采用内镜下狭窄段内切开,4例(4处)采用内镜下逆行/经皮穿刺顺行球囊扩张。术后随访9~72个月(中位25个月)。5例(7处)肾积水明显改善,2例(2处)肾积水长期随访无加重,2例(2处,狭窄段长分别为1.2cm、1.5cm)再发狭窄,遂采用开放手术,分别随访16及24个月,肾积水改善。结论:腔内技术操作简单,创伤小,可作为输尿管肠吻合口良性狭窄的首选治疗方案。开放手术仍然是治疗输尿管肠吻合口狭窄的金标准。对于狭窄段〉1cm的患者,应首先考虑开放手术。  相似文献   

经皮顺行球囊扩张治疗输尿管-肠吻合口狭窄   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:评价经皮肾穿刺顺行球囊扩张治疗尿流改道术或原位膀胱术后输尿管-肠吻合口狭窄治疗效果。方法:对15例尿流改道术或原位膀胱术后患者,共25处输尿管-肠吻合口狭窄,采用经皮肾穿刺顺行球囊扩张,并置入输尿管支架管6周进行引流治疗。结果:本组15例中,2例双侧和1例单侧狭窄患者因导丝不能通过狭窄处,扩张失败。其余8例双侧狭窄、4例单侧狭窄患者均成功完成扩张,其中9例拔除支架管后症状好转,血肌酐下降及肾积水保持稳定,随访时间3~29个月(平均13个月),有效率60%;另3例拔除支架管后1~3个月,血肌酐进行性上升,予以再次留置输尿管内支架管并定期更换。结论:经皮肾穿刺顺行球囊扩张治疗输尿管-肠吻合口狭窄,创伤小,操作简单,可替代开放手术作为首选治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的探讨输尿管镜术中输尿管口丢失的应对方法。方法报告输尿管镜术中因输尿管口丢失而进镜失败的14例患者的处理过程及结果。先采用斜仰卧截石位,实时超声定位下以G18穿刺针朝向肾盂输尿管连接部穿刺患肾中上盏,从针芯中顺行向输尿管内推置亲水导丝,如可见导丝进入膀胱,则沿导丝径路进镜;如导丝无法顺行进入膀胱,则换用经尿道电切镜,薄层电切患侧输尿管口对应部位,显露输尿管壁内段断端,置入亲水导丝后换用输尿管镜进镜。所有患者术后均留置F7双J管1~2根。结果11例肾穿刺顺行置入导丝可见进入膀胱,沿导丝成功进镜入输尿管;3例此法失败者采用输尿管口部位电切法成功进镜。所有患者肾穿刺针和导丝拔除后无大出血,无输尿管穿孔、撕脱等严重并发症,术后2~3个月拔除双J管后未发生输尿管口狭窄。结论输尿管镜术中发生输尿管口丢失,依次采用肾穿刺顺行导丝置入法和输尿管口部位电切法寻找输尿管口成功率高,创伤小,无严重并发症发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内技术治疗尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄的临床应用价值.方法 膀胱癌尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄患者9例,狭窄段长度1~3 cm,均采用腔内技术治疗,顺行经皮肾处理8例,逆行输尿管镜处理1例;术中使用高压气囊配合筋膜扩张器扩张,术后留置双J管.结果 随访0.5~5.0年.1例吻合口闭锁患者术后3个月仍为重度积水,患者拒绝开放手术而长期留置肾造瘘管;8例患者肾积水减轻,再次逆行扩张狭窄段并留置双J管,其中5例经2~3次扩张换管,拔除双J管后复查肾积水稳定于轻度状态;3例拔除双J管后腰痛不适,需要长期留置双J管.结论 尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄腔内技术治疗效果良好,可避免开放手术的风险.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮顺行输尿管支架植入治疗移植肾输尿管梗阻的有效性和安全性.方法 2009年3月至2011年3月间11例肾移植输尿管梗阻患者,其中急性梗阻2例,慢性梗阻9例.11例梗阻的原因为移植肾输尿管膀胱吻合口狭窄5例,结石梗阻2例,原因不详4例.术前以超声评估移植肾及集合系统,选择合适穿刺部位,在X线透视下完成顺行肾盂和输尿管造影;明确梗阻位置后,通过穿刺针植入斑马导丝直至膀胱,再经膀胱镜从尿道引出斑马导丝,沿斑马导丝顺行植入输尿管支架管,X线下观察输尿管支架上端进入肾盂后,拔除斑马导丝,再次透视,确认支架管位置.移植肾肾盂造瘘管引流1~2周后拔除,输尿管支架在术后半年至1年内取出.在术后1周、1个月、3个月、6个月行B型超声及肾功能检查,之后每隔半年检查.结果 11例中10例手术成功,1例因输尿管狭窄段过长置管失败.输尿管支架植入手术耗时为(54±27) min,患者血清肌酐由术前(326±147) μmol/L下降至术后(89±49) μmol/L.随访6~27个月,患者均未发生并发症.结论 经皮顺行输尿管支架植入治疗移植肾输尿管梗阻是一种安全、有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内技术治疗尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄的临床应用价值.方法 膀胱癌尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄患者9例,狭窄段长度1~3 cm,均采用腔内技术治疗,顺行经皮肾处理8例,逆行输尿管镜处理1例;术中使用高压气囊配合筋膜扩张器扩张,术后留置双J管.结果 随访0.5~5.0年.1例吻合口闭锁患者术后3个月仍为重度积水,患者拒绝开放手术而长期留置肾造瘘管;8例患者肾积水减轻,再次逆行扩张狭窄段并留置双J管,其中5例经2~3次扩张换管,拔除双J管后复查肾积水稳定于轻度状态;3例拔除双J管后腰痛不适,需要长期留置双J管.结论 尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄腔内技术治疗效果良好,可避免开放手术的风险.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内技术治疗尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄的临床应用价值.方法 膀胱癌尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄患者9例,狭窄段长度1~3 cm,均采用腔内技术治疗,顺行经皮肾处理8例,逆行输尿管镜处理1例;术中使用高压气囊配合筋膜扩张器扩张,术后留置双J管.结果 随访0.5~5.0年.1例吻合口闭锁患者术后3个月仍为重度积水,患者拒绝开放手术而长期留置肾造瘘管;8例患者肾积水减轻,再次逆行扩张狭窄段并留置双J管,其中5例经2~3次扩张换管,拔除双J管后复查肾积水稳定于轻度状态;3例拔除双J管后腰痛不适,需要长期留置双J管.结论 尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄腔内技术治疗效果良好,可避免开放手术的风险.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内技术治疗尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄的临床应用价值.方法 膀胱癌尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄患者9例,狭窄段长度1~3 cm,均采用腔内技术治疗,顺行经皮肾处理8例,逆行输尿管镜处理1例;术中使用高压气囊配合筋膜扩张器扩张,术后留置双J管.结果 随访0.5~5.0年.1例吻合口闭锁患者术后3个月仍为重度积水,患者拒绝开放手术而长期留置肾造瘘管;8例患者肾积水减轻,再次逆行扩张狭窄段并留置双J管,其中5例经2~3次扩张换管,拔除双J管后复查肾积水稳定于轻度状态;3例拔除双J管后腰痛不适,需要长期留置双J管.结论 尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄腔内技术治疗效果良好,可避免开放手术的风险.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内技术治疗尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄的临床应用价值.方法 膀胱癌尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄患者9例,狭窄段长度1~3 cm,均采用腔内技术治疗,顺行经皮肾处理8例,逆行输尿管镜处理1例;术中使用高压气囊配合筋膜扩张器扩张,术后留置双J管.结果 随访0.5~5.0年.1例吻合口闭锁患者术后3个月仍为重度积水,患者拒绝开放手术而长期留置肾造瘘管;8例患者肾积水减轻,再次逆行扩张狭窄段并留置双J管,其中5例经2~3次扩张换管,拔除双J管后复查肾积水稳定于轻度状态;3例拔除双J管后腰痛不适,需要长期留置双J管.结论 尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄腔内技术治疗效果良好,可避免开放手术的风险.  相似文献   

We report our experience on the use of antegrade percutaneous incision of ureterointestinal anastomosis strictures after urinary diversion. Since 1994, we evaluated 9 patients with 12 ureterointestinal anastomosis (UAS) strictures who were treated with a cold-knife incision. After placement of an 8-Fr nephrostomy tube, a 0.035-in guide wire was passed through the stricture under guidance of a central opened ureter catheter (5 Fr). A wire-mounted cold-knife was pulled through the strictured area in the retrograde way under fluoroscopic control. Routinely, following the incision, an 8-Fr external stent was left in place for 6-8 weeks. After removal of the stent, the ureteroenteric area remained patent in 7 UAS (58%) cases versus 7 of 9 (78%) patients, with average follow-up of 18 months (range 13-25 months). Failures were associated with radiogenic injury of the ureter in three UAS cases and unexplained in two. No complication was observed. Percutaneous endourological management of ureterointestinal anastomotic strictures with the cold-knife incision is a safe and effective alternative to open surgical repair and should be tried as an initial approach.  相似文献   

He Z  Li X  Chen L  Zeng G  Yuan J  Chen W  Zhang C 《BJU international》2008,102(1):102-106


To report our experience of endoscopic incision for obstruction of vesico‐ureteric anastomosis (VUA) in transplanted kidneys.


Between February 2001 and March 2006, six men and two women (mean age 38 years, range 27–57) with VUA obstruction in their transplanted kidneys were treated by percutaneous nephrostomy and endoscopic incision. After the anastomosis was completely cut, two JJ stents were placed in the ureter for 4–6 weeks. During the follow‐up, serum urea, creatinine and uric acid levels were measured, and urine culture, ultrasound examination and washout renal scintigraphy were performed every month for the first 6 months, then every 3 months.


In all, 12 procedures of endoureterotomy were performed and all procedures resulted in successful incision of the obstruction. There were no complications during or after the procedures. The retrograde and antegrade endoureterotomies were performed with four procedures in two patients and eight procedures in six patients, respectively. At a mean (range) follow‐up of 16 (4–45) months, five of the eight patients had ureteric patency and stable renal function. In three patients there was a recurrence of obstructive uropathy, immediately after JJ stent removal, which finally required open surgical correction.


Percutaneous nephrostomy and endoscopic incision is safe and effective for obstruction of VUA in transplanted kidney, and it can be the initial therapy for ureteric obstruction in transplanted kidneys; however, open surgical reconstruction should be considered if the initial endoscopic incision procedure fails.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Ureterointestinal anastomotic stricture follows urinary diversion in 4% to 8% of patients and may lead to a progressive deterioration of renal function. There are problems with all current management techniques: surgical revision, endourologic incision, nephrostomy drainage, external ureteral stents, and dilation with a high-pressure angioplasty balloon. The authors present their long-term results with permanent ureteral Wallstents for the treatment of benign ureterointestinal stricture. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight patients with 10 strictures were treated by placement of self-expanding permanent indwelling stents via percutaneous nephrostomy between September 1993 and January 1998. The mean age of the group was 59.2 years. Development of strictures occurred a mean of 20.9 months after urinary diversion. There were seven complete and three partial strictures. Of 49 patients treated by the Camey procedure, 7 patients (14%) developed 9 (18%) strictures. Of 28 patients having the Wallace procedure, 1 patient (3.5%) developed one stricture. After recanalization of the distal ureter by a Terumo guidewire and dilation with a high-pressure angioplasty balloon, a Wallstent was placed across the stricture via a percutaneous approach. RESULTS: The endourologic placement of the Wallstent was well tolerated by all patients. The hospital stay averaged 2 days. Seven patients with nine strictures after the Camey procedure are doing well with a follow-up of 7 to 68 months (mean 22.4 months). One major complication was observed in one patient necessitating an additional procedure (lithotripsy) because of stone formation at the lower part of the stent extending into the neobladder in order to maintain patency after 68 months. The other patient, who had a Wallace procedure, is doing well 1 year 8 months afterward. CONCLUSION: An endourologic ureteral Wallstent approach to ureterointestinal stricture is a successful alternative, providing satisfactory management of the problem in most patients. No complication such as stent migration, hematuria, pain, or recurrent stricture was observed.  相似文献   

The established treatment for ureterointestinal anastomotic strictures is open surgical revision. In an effort to evaluate the efficacy of endourological surgery for this problem, we compared 7 patients (9 strictures) who underwent open revision to 6 patients (7 strictures) who underwent endoscopic incision and balloon dilation of the stricture. The success rate (that is patent ureter and no stent) was 89 per cent for the open revision group and 71 per cent (5 of 7) for the endoscopic group. All open revisions required use of general anesthesia, while 3 of the endoscopic procedures were performed with the patient under assisted local anesthesia. The endoscopic group had markedly shorter hospitalization, decreased blood loss, diminished patient discomfort and no postoperative complications. While the endoscopic procedure for ureteroileal anastomotic strictures is less successful than open revision, the lower morbidity, decreased cost and shorter hospital stay associated with the endourological approach favor its use over open revision. For elderly patients who fail initial endoscopic revision and for patients with metastatic transitional cell cancer, placement of an indwelling stent is a reasonable alternative. Given these guidelines, less than 30 per cent of the patients who suffer a ureteroileal anastomotic stricture will require open surgical revision.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内技术治疗尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄的临床应用价值.方法 膀胱癌尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄患者9例,狭窄段长度1~3 cm,均采用腔内技术治疗,顺行经皮肾处理8例,逆行输尿管镜处理1例;术中使用高压气囊配合筋膜扩张器扩张,术后留置双J管.结果 随访0.5~5.0年.1例吻合口闭锁患者术后3个月仍为重度积水,患者拒绝开放手术而长期留置肾造瘘管;8例患者肾积水减轻,再次逆行扩张狭窄段并留置双J管,其中5例经2~3次扩张换管,拔除双J管后复查肾积水稳定于轻度状态;3例拔除双J管后腰痛不适,需要长期留置双J管.结论 尿流改道术后输尿管肠代膀胱吻合口狭窄腔内技术治疗效果良好,可避免开放手术的风险.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Urinary diversion after radical cystectomy is commonly performed via an ileal conduit using the Bricker method. However, 4-8% of these cases are complicated with stricture formation at the ureterointestinal junction. Thus, this could eventually lead to hydronephrosis and kidney loss in neglected patients. Few data exist concerning the outcomes of patients with ureterointestinal junction strictures managed via a percutaneous approach and balloon dilatation of the stricture. The potential of managing these strictures, using a stent replacement strategy, was evaluated. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 14 patients (10 male, 4 female; age range 24-72 years) were enrolled in the study. Mean follow-up time was 30.9 months. Invasive bladder cancer was diagnosed in 11, neurogenic bladder in 2 and shrunk bladder after external beam radiation for prostate cancer in 1 patient. They were all managed by radical cystectomy followed by Bricker ileal conduit. In 6 cases, ureterointestinal strictures bilaterally were discovered, whereas unilateral (left-sided) strictures were noted to the remaining 8 patients. All strictures were managed via a percutaneous approach and balloon dilatation. A double J stent was placed at the end of the procedure and was regularly replaced after an interval of 3-6 months. RESULTS: A percutaneous nephrostomy was successfully placed in all patients. Double J stent insertion was possible in 18 of a total of 20 (90%) obstructed ureters. No major complications were observed in any of the cases while adequate renal function was preserved in all patients. Quality of life is not reported to be significantly compromised in any patient. Double J ureteral stent replacement is performed every 3-6 months in a retrograde fashion. One patient died in the follow-up period due to disease progression. CONCLUSION: Placement of a double J stent via a percutaneous approach seems to have offered a viable option in the management of ureterointestinal strictures in this patient population. In addition, periodical retrograde replacement of the stent probably does not constitute a factor compromising quality of life. However, further studies are required to justify these primary clinical data.  相似文献   

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