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杨民  王丽强  黄一飞 《眼科新进展》2007,27(10):724-724
1临床资料 患者,男,26岁。因右眼结膜肿物切除2a,多次复发,于2007年1月就诊。患者2005年3月首次发现右眼内眦球结膜单个乳头状赘生物,在外院诊断为“右眼球结膜乳头状瘤”,并行“乳头状瘤切除术”;术后9个月瘤体复发,体征同前,相同术式切除;2006年8月再次发现右眼肿物,且侵及结膜范围扩大,数目增多。眼部检查:双眼视力1.5;右眼结膜轻度充血.泪阜、内眦皱襞、下穹隆部结膜、上下睑结膜面及睑板上缘均可见大小不等乳头状赘生物。  相似文献   

金建新 《眼科》2003,12(6):332-332
1 病例介绍  患者 ,男 5 8岁 ,因右眼内眦部乳头状赘生物 10天 ,于2 0 0 2年 6月就诊眼科。患者 10天前右眼不明原因出现痒、干涩 ,伴异物感 ,并见内眦部有一粉红色赘生物 ,且逐渐增大。全身体检 :口腔内右颊侧粘膜及舌腹可见多个溃疡 ,余组织未见异常。眼部检查 :双眼视力 1 0 ,右眼下睑内眦部结膜面可见一粉红色带蒂乳头状瘤体 ,质软 ,直径约 4mm ,遮挡泪小点 ,余未见异常。初步诊断 :右眼下睑结膜乳头状瘤 (conjunctivapapilloma ,CP)。采用超脉冲二氧化碳激光行瘤体切除术 ,切除范围大于瘤体根部 ,并局部冷冻 ,术后滴宁眼液治疗。病…  相似文献   

眼结膜乳头状瘤二例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
例 1 男 ,2 3岁。因右眼内眦部乳头状赘生物 6d ,于2 0 0 1年 8月就诊。患者 6d前右眼不明原因出现痒、涩 ,伴异物感 ,并见内眦部有一粉红色赘生物 ,且逐渐增大。其配偶有尖锐湿疣病史 8个月。体检 :尿道口可见 3个“小米粒”大小的乳头状灰白色赘生物 ,余黏膜未见异常。眼部检查 :双眼视力 1 0 ,右眼下睑内眦部结膜面可见一粉红色带蒂乳头状瘤体 ,质软 ,直径约 2 5mm ,遮挡下泪小点 ,触之易出血 ,余双眼未见异常。初步诊断 :右眼下睑结膜乳头状瘤(condylomataacuminata ,CA)。采用超脉冲二氧化碳激光行瘤体切…  相似文献   

患者,男,23岁,无业人员。因左眼内眦瘤体生长半年于2004年10月6日收入院。入院后查体所见,阴茎包皮外侧及内侧、阴睾皮肤见多个0.7cm×0.6cm×0.6cm疣体结节。左眼视力1.0,内眦、睑缘、泪阜及下睑结膜分别见6~7个直径最大5mm、最小3mm瘤体,质软肉色样隆起呈菜花状,脱出睑外,眼睑闭合不全,屈光间质正常。抗生素眼液点眼数天后,沿瘤体基底部切除,并进行烧灼,术后局部滴安达芬(干扰素)眼水预防复发,切除组织送病理,镜下见病变呈乳头状生长,表面过度角化,及角化不全,鳞状上皮增生,可见轻度异型性,并见凹空细胞,间质血管充血,淋巴细胞浸润。病理…  相似文献   

44例结膜乳头状瘤临床分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 分析和探讨眼结膜乳头状瘤的发病年龄、临床和病理特征、治疗方法及其疗效。方法 对44例47眼结膜乳头状瘤住院患者的临床和病理资料进行了分析。结果 44例(47只眼)患者均经病理证实为结膜乳头状瘤,年龄2~72岁,平均18岁,其中2~10岁29例占65.9%。术后患者随访时间1~6年,平均随访时间3.5年,无一例失访。36例一次手术成功,无复发。复发病例共8例,其中5例复发1次,两例复发2次,一例复发3次。结论 眼结膜乳头状瘤易复发。肿物切除联合冷冻或电灼是治疗眼结膜乳头状瘤的有效方法。  相似文献   

灼烙联合干扰素局部注射治疗球结膜乳头状瘤2例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李年爽 《眼科新进展》2006,26(8):591-591
1临床资料例1,男,18岁,理发员。主诉左眼内眦部球结膜新生物逐渐增大1月,伴异物感、流泪,无眼痛及视力障碍。视力:右1.0,左1.2。左眼内眦部球结膜可见一花生米大小粉红状瘤,在局麻下行肿物切除,术后伤口愈合好,病检结果与临床诊断相符。2月后复发,大小基本同前。例2,男75岁,农民。主诉双眼内眦部球结膜新生物逐渐增大2月,伴眼红、流泪、发痒及分泌物多。视力:右0.4,左0.5且不能矫正。右眼及左眼内眦部球结膜分别可见0.5cm×0.6cm、0·6cm×0.8cm新生物,表面潮湿污秽,呈灰白色菜花状,其短蒂位于内眦半月皱襞,与之相邻的内眦睑缘可见散在芝麻…  相似文献   

冯珂  陈鹏  孔宇  袁军 《国际眼科杂志》2011,11(9):1574-1576
结膜乳头状瘤是结膜上皮组织呈乳头状增生的良性肿瘤,根据发病部位可分为结膜型和角膜缘型。结膜型多见,好发于儿童或青少年;角膜缘型少见,好发于中老年人,过度增生有演变成鳞状上皮细胞癌的可能。结膜乳头状瘤发病原因与人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)感染有关,而HPV在结膜鳞状上皮细胞癌的发生过程中也起着重要作用。因此对结膜乳头状瘤患者进行常规HPV检测对于治疗和随访是非常重要的。手术切除是结膜乳头状瘤基本的治疗方法,但单纯手术切除复发率高,目前采用多种方法防治复发,包括冷冻及电灼、细胞毒药物及干扰素的应用。我们报道了成功应用多种方法综合治疗1例复发性角膜缘型鳞状上皮乳头状瘤的病例。  相似文献   

1 临床资料  患者 ,男 ,2 2岁 ,右眼下睑穹窿部肿物 2 0 d,有时稍痒 ,无其他不适。眼部检查 :右眼下睑穹窿部有一 0 .6 cm× 0 .4cm× 0 .3cm肿物 ,无蒂 ,肉红色 ,呈菜花样 ,质脆 ,触及易出血 ,用 5 0 g· L- 1 冰醋酸涂肿物表面 ,见肿物表面变白。追问 1个月前患有生殖器尖锐湿疣。刮取肿物表面组织送病理 ,病理诊断 :尖锐湿疣。眼科诊断 :右眼下睑穹窿部结膜尖锐湿疣。治疗 :白细胞介素 - 2 10万单位溶于 2 0 g· L- 1利多卡因 2 m L,用 5号皮试针头于疣基底及周围结膜下浸润麻醉 ,CO2 激光将湿疣碳化 ,注意保护眼球。 1g· L- 1 无…  相似文献   

结膜乳头状瘤是结膜常见良性肿瘤之一。但术后易复发。我科于1999年5月至2001年3月间采用羊膜移植治疗结膜乳头状瘤,取得良好疗效,现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

结膜松弛症诊断治疗技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
结膜松弛症是由于球结膜过度松弛和/或下睑缘张力高,造成松弛球结膜堆积在眼球与下睑缘、内、外眦部之间形成皱褶,引起眼表泪液学异常,并伴有眼部不适等症状的疾病。结膜松弛症多发生于老年人,常主诉眼部干涩、异物感、泪溢。诊断结膜松弛症的关键是裂隙灯检查见松弛的球结膜堆积在眼球与下睑缘、内眦部、外眦部之间。结膜松弛症根据症状和体征在临床上分为四级。结膜松弛症的球结膜组织发生以弹力纤维减少、胶原纤维溶解为主要的组织病理改变,泪液中出现蛋白质及酶的异常表达,泪液排泄出现障碍。结膜成纤维细胞中基质金属蛋白酶MMP-1及MMP-3过度表达,使得MMPs与TIMPs之间失去平衡,可能使胶原纤维溶解,弹力纤维变性,导致球结膜基质和Tenon’s的过度降解,引起眼表泪液学异常的病理循环,而发生结膜松弛症。结膜松弛症眼部刺激症状严重者,可以给予泪液制剂、润滑剂和皮质类固醇或抗组胺等药物。上述方法无效,选择手术治疗:(1)结膜新月形切除术;(2)结膜缝线固定术;(3)结膜切除羊膜移植术;(4)角膜缘结膜梯形切除术;(5)双极电凝治疗术;(6)下睑缘高张力减弱术。上述手术方法对治疗结膜松弛症都有效,但各有缺点,且有不同适应证。  相似文献   

目的 观察亲体结膜移植治疗儿童大范围结膜肿物的治疗效果。设计 回顾性病例系列。研究对象 2012年1月至2014年12月北京同仁眼科中心大范围结膜肿物的4~10岁患者12例,其中原发性结膜黑变病2例,结膜乳头状瘤10例,主要表现为累及270度以上范围球结膜、穹窿结膜的弥漫性病变,部分病变累及睑结膜。方法 完整切取肿物,对结膜缺损部位取其亲体结膜进行修补,术后平均随访2.5±0.3年。主要指标 组织病理学检查,裂隙灯检查。结果 原发性结膜黑变病患者均未见病灶复发及睑球粘连,3例乳头状瘤患者术后半年出现散在复发,给予单纯切除后治愈,2例患者存在轻度睑球粘连,未影响眼球运动,所有患者均外观满意。结论 对于儿童大范围结膜肿物,采用肿物切除联合亲体结膜移植可有效重建眼表,恢复正常功能和外观。  相似文献   

Purpose:To evaluate the possibility of amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) for the treatment of conjunctival tumor.Methods:Preserved AMT was performed in 26 patients (26 eyes) with conjunctival tumor, including 9 eyes (34.62%) with malignant tumor (conjunctival malignant melanoma, corneal and conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma, conjunctival lymphoma), 17 eyes (65.38%) with benign tumor(conjunctival papilloma, conjunctival dermoid tumor, conjunctival nevus, hemangioma etc.).Result:All the patients are followed up for 1~53 months. No acute rejection was observed after preserved AMT. Ideal healing was found in conjunctiva wound.Conclusion:Preserved AMT is a very effective method to repair wound after giant conjunctival tumor operation. Complete removal of tumor and perfect fixation are the key of ocular surface reconstruction. Eye Science 2003;19:165-167.  相似文献   

目的:探讨结膜肿物的临床、病理学分类及治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析72例结膜肿物患者年龄分布、病理分类、治疗及外观等情况。结果:结膜恶性肿瘤中居前两位者为结膜黑色素瘤、淋巴瘤,良性肿瘤中居前两位者为乳头状瘤和皮样瘤。72例全部手术切除,其中恶性的辅以放、化疗。结论:对结膜肿物进行分析有利于指导临床诊断及其治疗。  相似文献   




结论:术前应用影像学检查对OCH进行准确定位,根据不同的位置选择合适的手术入路,可成功摘除肿瘤,并减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical features of conjunctival lymphoid tumors and factors predictive of systemic lymphoma. DESIGN: Retrospective, observational case series. SETTING: Clinical practice of ocular oncology. PARTICIPANTS: The participants included 117 consecutive patients with lymphoid tumors of the conjunctiva treated at the Oncology Service of Wills Eye Hospital between 1974 and 1999. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The main outcome measure was the development of systemic lymphoma. Cox proportional regression models were used to calculate the risk of eventual systemic lymphoma. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were used to analyze the development of systemic lymphoma as a function of time. RESULTS: There were 55 males (47%) and 62 females (53%); 110 patients (94%) were white and 7 patients (6%) were African AMERICAN: The mean age at ocular presentation was 61 years, and the conjunctival lymphoid infiltrate was unilateral in 72 patients (62%) and bilateral in 45 patients (38%). In 8 patients (7%), initial unilateral conjunctival disease evolved into bilateral involvement over a mean of 32 months. Additional sites of ocular involvement were found in 27 patients (23%) and included lymphoid tumor in the eyelid in 3 cases, orbit in 18, choroid in 5, and vitreous in 1. Systemic lymphoma was known to exist before ocular diagnosis in 16 patients; (14%; for a mean of 51 months) and was found subsequent to ocular diagnosis in 20 patients (17; at a mean of 21 months). Therefore, of 117 patients with conjunctival lymphoid infiltration, 36 (31%) had or eventually developed systemic lymphoma, and 81 (69%) did not manifest systemic lymphoma during the mean follow-up of 38 months. Of the 64 patients with unilateral conjunctival involvement, 11 (17%) manifested systemic lymphoma, and of the 53 patients with bilateral involvement, 25 (47%) manifested systemic lymphoma. By univariate analysis, the clinical factors at date first seen predictive of the presence or development of systemic lymphoma included location of the tumor at an extralimbal site (fornix or midbulbar conjunctiva; P = 0.02) and increasing number of conjunctival tumors (P = 0.02). Using Kaplan-Meier life table analysis of those 101 patients who had conjunctival lymphoid tumor(s) and no evident systemic lymphoma at presentation, systemic lymphoma was eventually discovered in 7% of patients at 1 year, 12% at 2 years, 15% at 5 years, and 28% at 10 years. Overall, only one patient (<1%) died of systemic lymphoma, at 28 months after the diagnosis of the ocular disease. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphoid tumors of the conjunctiva are associated with systemic lymphoma in 31% of patients. Systemic lymphoma is found more often in those patients with forniceal or midbulbar conjunctival involvement and in those with multiple conjunctival tumors. Long-term systemic follow-up is advised, because related systemic lymphoma can manifest many years later.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Conjunctival carcinomas are tumors especially of the 6th/7th decades. They occur in Germany with a frequency of 1/20,000. For years it has been well known that in Africa the number of malignant tumors of the conjunctiva has been increasing. The reasons for that are not well known. HIV is a possible pathogenetic cofactor. METHOD: A histological examination of 34 specimens was performed in Rostock on conjunctival tumors removed at the Ophthalmologic Department of the University of Kinshasa in 2001. The study included 23 female and 11 male patients aged 20-75 years (mean 42). All patients underwent serological investigation for HIV infection. RESULTS: Of 34 patients 18 were HIV positive. Of the HIV-positive patients, six had a squamous cell carcinoma, seven a CIN (conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia) I-III, and five a pinguecula. Of the HIV-negative patients, five showed a squamous cell carcinoma, eight a CIN I-III, one a pinguecula, one a sebaceous gland carcinoma, and one a papilloma. The average age of the HIV-positive patients with a squamous cell carcinoma was 41 years compared to the HIV-negative patients with 58 years. CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in frequency of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia between HIV-positive or HIV-negative patients. HIV-positive patients with a squamous cell carcinoma were on average 17 years younger. UV radiation is the main risk factor and HIV infection is a possible carcinogenic cofactor. Investigations on additional viral infections as possible pathogenetic factors and on changed tumor suppressor genes are needed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the incidence of benign and malignant eyelid lesions and conjunctival tumors. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: One-hundred-and twenty-eight cases (131 eyes) which were treated during the period from January 1990 to February 2004 were histopathologically diagnosed for eyelid or conjunctival tumors (87 cases of eyelid tumors and 41 cases of conjunctival tumors) in retrospective evaluations. The incidence of benign or malignant lesions, the pathological classification, age, sex, and clinical diagnostic accuracy were all investigated. RESULTS: Sixty-four (73%) of the tumors were found to be benign eyelid tumors. The common benign eyelid tumors were 14 nevocellular nevi, 9 seborrheic keratosis, 7 epidermoid cysts, and 6 papillomas. Twenty-four (27%) eyelid tumors were malignant. These included 9 basal cell carcinomas, 9 sebaceous gland carcinomas, 4 malignant lymphomas, and 2 metastatic tumors. Thirty-four (79%) conjunctival tumors were benign, and the common benign conjunctival tumors were 9 nevocellular nevi and 7 papillomas. Nine (21%) conjunctival tumors were malignant, comprising 7 malignant lymphomas and 2 squamous cell carcinomas. The mean ages of malignant eyelid and conjunctival tumor patients were significantly older than those of benign tumor patients. Clinical accuracy in predicting basal cell carcinoma and sebaceous gland carcinoma was 11.1% and 44.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : Approximately 70 approximately 80% of all eyelid and conjunctival tumors are benign. Clinicians should suspect that the lesions are malignant when seeing elderly patients with eyelid or conjunctival tumors. Excised eyelid lesions should be submitted for histopathologic confirmation because there are some cases where clinical diagnosis does not match pathological diagnosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the relative frequency and clinicopathologic characteristics of benign conjunctival tumors. METHODS: A retrospective study of 80 consecutive patients admitted to our hospital with benign eyelid and conjunctival tumor between April 2000 and November 2002 was undertaken, and clinical records including age, sex and involved site of tumors and pathology slides of the patients were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: Twenty-three males and 33 females presented with benign eyelid tumors and 12 males and 12 females with conjunctival tumors. Mean age was 42.3 and 29.7 years, respectively. The lower eyelid was involved in 27 (48.2%) of eyelid tumors and the medial conjunctiva in 14 (58.3%) of conjunctival tumors. The most frequent tumor was intradermal nevus (44.6%), seborrheic keratosis (16.1%) and compound nevus (10.7%) in eyelid tumors, and compound nevus (29.2%) and intradermal nevus (25.0%) in conjunctival tumors. CONCLUSION: This report will provides a basic analysis of benign eyelid and conjunctival tumors.  相似文献   

Font RL  Del Valle M  Avedaño J  Longo M  Boniuk M 《Cornea》2008,27(4):494-497
PURPOSE: To report 3 cases of primary adenoid cystic carcinoma originating from the accessory and/or ectopic lacrimal glands of the conjunctiva. METHODS: We examined 3 conjunctival tumors histopathologically. The specimens were fixed in 10% formalin. Sections were cut at 5 microm, and the slides were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, periodic acid-Schiff, alcian blue, and colloidal iron methods. RESULTS: We report 3 conjunctival tumors that histopathologically proved to be adenoid cystic carcinomas that had arisen from the accessory lacrimal glands of the conjunctiva (cases 1 and 2) and from ectopic lacrimal gland tissue (case 3). The age of the patients ranged between 53 and 68 years. In 2 of the cases, the tumor involved the tarsal conjunctiva. The third patient had a mass involving the limbal conjunctiva and two thirds of the cornea inferiorly. Histopathologically, acini of accessory lacrimal glands of the conjunctiva were found near the neoplastic lobules in 2 of the tumors. Foci of perineural invasion were observed in 1 of the tumors (case 1). Follow-up examination showed no evidence of recurrence or metastatic disease in cases 1 and 2 (10 and 8 years, respectively). In case 3, the patient was alive and without any evidence of recurrence 1 year after surgical excision of the mass. CONCLUSIONS: Adenoid cystic carcinoma arising from the accessory lacrimal glands of the conjunctiva is a rare occurrence. Only 2 previously reported cases have appeared in the literature, and to our knowledge, there are no reports of this tumor arising from ectopic lacrimal gland tissue in the conjunctiva. Follow-up studies are mandatory to evaluate the biologic behavior of the tumor.  相似文献   

目的 分析眼结膜淋巴瘤影像学表现,了解其MRI特征。设计 回顾性病例系列。研究对象 首诊于北京同仁医院眼科的21例眼结膜淋巴瘤患者。方法 分析21例患者临床表现、MRI影像学特征和病理诊断。主要指标 眼结膜淋巴瘤原发部位、范围及MRI特征。结果 21例(25眼)患者中,病变位于上睑结膜4眼,下睑结膜7眼,上下睑结膜同时受累14眼;病变局限于结膜或眼睑19眼,侵及眼眶6眼(2眼累及肌锥外间隙、眼外肌和泪腺,3眼累及眼上肌群,1眼累及Tenon囊及视神经);边界欠清晰15眼,清晰10眼;17眼病变包绕眼球生长,8眼表现为眼球前部结节影。与眼外肌相比,所有病变T1WI均显示等信号,T2WI 18眼显示等信号,7眼显示稍高信号;18眼信号均匀,7眼不均匀或欠均匀。13例(15眼)进行增强扫描的病变均呈轻至中度强化,强化均匀8眼,不均匀7眼。7例(8眼)行动态增强扫描的病变,动态增强曲线表现为平台型6眼,流出型2眼。结论 眼结膜淋巴瘤MRI特征是呈等T1等或稍高T2信号,信号多均匀,增强呈轻中度强化,动态增强曲线呈平台型。(眼科,2013, 22:320-323)  相似文献   

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