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氯丙嗪和氯氮平对小鼠生殖细菌和人淋巴细胞的诱变效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨氯丙嗪和氯氮平在使用临床治疗剂量时的遗传毒理效应,研究了两药对小鼠生殖细胞和小鼠子代体细胞的影响,以及对人体淋巴细胞姊妹染色单体互换(SCE)频率及微核率的影响。结果显示:(1)连续给药5开后第1周两药高、中、低三个剂量组均能引起小鼠精子头部畸形率明显增高,但停药4周后对精子的致畸作用基本消失;(2)两药对小鼠睾丸细胞子代体细胞的染色体结构畸变率均无明显影响;(3)两药在治疗剂量时对人淋巴细  相似文献   

检测了95例正常人和25例精神分裂症患者治疗前后的外周血淋巴细胞的姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)频率,结果表明患者病情减轻、症状缓解后,SCE频率并无明显下降。作者认为SCE频率不适于作为评价疗效的指标。同时,对病程、家族史和药物对SCE频率变化的影响也作了讨论。  相似文献   

采用成人脑血管病患者和小儿脑病患者外周血,研究紫外线照射血输注疗法(UBI)的细胞遗传效应。成人离体血受不同剂量照射,观察外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变(CA),结果表明,双着丝粒、断片受照组与未照组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),但畸变细胞受照组高于未受照组。以此受照血输注治疗中或治疗后患者的CA,仅单体断裂升高明显。小儿离体血受照与未受照者CA未见明显变化,血输注治疗后亦无明显变化。受照离体血中的妹妹染色单体互换(SCEs)明显升高,分裂指数(MI)和增殖率(P1)明显下降。血输注治疗后患者的SCEs仍保持正常水平,而MI和PI明显升高。这反映T淋巴细胞分裂增殖力旺盛,表明DNA损伤与修复处于正常水平。并对剂量与效应的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的 研究卡马西平(CBZ)的诱变性及其与叶酸的关系,探讨CBZ致畸及叶酸防止致畸的机制。方法 应用细胞遗传学方法,检测15例单服CBZ及15例CBZ加叶酸的癫痫患者外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变率(CAR)、姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)频率,同时用放免法测定血清叶酸含量,并与未服药癫痫对照组及正常对照组进行比较。结果 单服CBZ组患者的CAR和SCE频率较对照组增高,其血清叶酸含量较正常对照组下降;单服CBZ组患者的CAR和SCE频率较服CBZ加叶酸组增高;CBZ血药浓度与叶酸水平CAR及SCE之间未发现明显相关性。结论 CBZ具有DNA损伤效应,其损伤效应可能与CBZ干扰叶酸代谢有关,补充叶酸可以有效防止CBZ引起的DNA损伤。  相似文献   

背景:对罗汉果的遗传毒性进行研究,可为其安全使用提供实验依据。 目的:观察罗汉果水提液对雄性小鼠骨髓细胞微核率和附睾精子畸形率的影响,了解其是否有遗传毒性。 方法:按罗汉果水提液最大使用剂量(3 g/mL)和最大灌胃容量(20 mL/kg)灌胃小鼠,观察罗汉果水提液的急性毒性。将雄性昆明小鼠随机分为5组,分别灌胃给予30,15,7.5 g/kg的罗汉果水煎液、蒸馏水,连续5 d;或腹腔注射40 mg/kg环磷酰胺。于灌胃第5天,采用骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验计算小鼠的骨髓微核率。于首次灌胃后第35天,观察小鼠精子畸形率。 结果与结论:罗汉果水提液对昆明小鼠的经口急性毒性最大耐受剂量大于120 g/kg。罗汉果水提液30,15,7.5 g/kg灌胃后,小鼠的骨髓微核率、精子畸形率与正常小鼠无差异(P > 0.05),均明显低于环磷酰胺诱发的骨髓微核率和精子畸形率(P < 0.05)。说明罗汉果水提液对成年雄性小鼠无明显遗传毒性。  相似文献   

目的;探讨长期应用氯氮平的遗传毒理效应。方法:观察以氯氮平治疗1年以上的患者体内淋巴细胞微核率(MN)及姊妹染色单体互换(SCE)频率的变化。结果:长期使用氯氮平对人体细胞的SCE频率及微核率无影响,氯氮平服药时间及血药浓度与SCE频率及微核率之间亦无明显关系。结论:氯氮平长期使用对人体遗传物质无明显损伤作用。  相似文献   

有研究发现氯氮平对体细胞有诱变效应。为进一步评价其对生殖细胞的诱变性,本文应用人精子染色体离体测试系统研究氯氮平对人精子染色体的影响,结果发现氯氮平浓度分别为200、400、800ng/ml时,染色体结构畸变精子率和断裂均数与空白对照组比较均无显著性差异,提示氯氮平在该测试系统中对人精子染色体可能无损伤作用。  相似文献   

用氯丙嗪10mg/kg,5mg/kg,2.5mg/kg氯氮平6.67mg/kg,3.33mg/kg,1.67mg/kg分别对小鼠生殖细胞进行亚急性毒性实验,结果显示,连续给药5天后第1周,两药各剂量组的精子头部畸形率均明显高于阴性对照组,且氯丙嗪的作用强于氯氮平,连续给5天后第4周,两药各剂量组的精子头部畸形率与阴性对照组无差异,表示停药4周后氯丙嗪及氯氮平时精子的致畸作用己基本消除。睾丸细胞染色  相似文献   

精神分裂症免疫指标与精神症状的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探讨精神分裂症精神病理与免疫指标的相关性、评估抗精神病药对免疫指标的影响及其与疗效的关系,用固定剂量氟哌啶醇治疗50例慢性精神分裂症患者12周,在治疗前后测查T细胞亚群和白细胞介素2(IL-2)分泌细胞,并采用简明精神病评定量表(BPRS)、阳性症状评定量表(SAPS)和阴性症状评定量表(SANS)进行评定。结果显示,治疗前CD3阳性细胞(CD+3)、CD4阳性细胞(CD+4)、CD4/CD8阳性细胞比值(CD4/CD8)和IL-2分泌细胞均明显低于正常人,治疗后CD+4呈显著性增高;治疗前CD4/CD8与SAPS总分呈显著负相关,BPRS、SAPS和SANS减分率与治疗前CD+3细胞数均呈显著正相关,SANS减分率与治疗前CD+4细胞数亦呈正相关。研究表明,抗精神病药在改善患者精神症状的同时,也使其免疫功能得到改善;临床症状改善程度与治疗前的免疫功能状态相关。  相似文献   

加用加巴喷丁治疗难治性癫痫的临床观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的观察加用加巴喷丁(GBP)对难治性癫痫(IE)的临床效果与安全性。方法观察IE20例,以加用GBP前3个月的月均发作频率为基线,与治疗后16周以上的月均发作频率进行比较,计算反应率,发作改变百分率(PCH)和有效率,参照病人或家属病情日记。加用前和治疗中与结束前均定期进行临床和规定实验室检查。结果PCH较加用前减少478%(P<001),有效率为12/20,其临床疗效单纯部分性发作(SPS)>全身强直阵挛性发作(GTCS)>复杂部分性发作(CPS),而对强直性发作(TS)无效。与其它传统抗痫药无明显交互作用。结论加用GBP是治疗IE有效而安全的选择方法之一。  相似文献   

Summary Vasomotor responses from the nasal mucosa and tongue, and contractions of the nictitating membrane, were recorded on stimulation of the cervical sympathetic or internal carotid nerves.Preganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres which elicited a membrane response possessed a lower threshold than those which evoked nasal vasoconstriction, while the latter displayed a lower threshold than fibres which evoked tongue vasoconstriction. The sympathetic vasodilator fibres to the tongue, whose activity was revealed after-receptor blockade, had a similar threshold to the vasoconstrictor fibres.Membrane contraction, nasal vasoconstriction and occasionally tongue vasoconstriction could be evoked by stimulating the internal carotid nerve. The postganglionic fibres innervating the nasal mucosa had a similar threshold to those of the nictitating membrane, which may indicate that there are small myelinated fibres innervating the mucosa.The preganglionic compound nerve action potential had four major components, S1–S4. S1, S2 and usually S3 fibres were associated with membrane contraction; S2, S3 and sometimes S1 fibres were associated with nasal vasoconstriction; and S3, usually S2 and occasionally S1 fibres were associated with vasoconstriction in the tongue. It is concluded that each of these three groups of nerve fibres, but not S4 fibres, may include fibres associated functionally with the three effectors.There was a considerable difference between the relative amplitude of the responses of the three effectors elicited by stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve at frequencies between 0.2 and 2 Hz. Vasoconstrictor responses were relatively larger than membrane contractions suggesting differences in the mechanisms of neurotransmission at the neuroeffector junctions.  相似文献   

Investigates the construct validity of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) by comparing its sensitivity and specificity with another self-report measure of social anxiety, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A). Participants were 252 adolescents (124 males and 128 females) 13-17 years old. Adolescents completed the SPAI-C and the SAS-A and were interviewed using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV: Child Version (ADIS-IV:C). Parents were also interviewed and composite diagnoses were formed. Youth were classified as socially phobic or non-anxious based on these composite diagnoses. By comparing clinical cutoff scores with diagnostic group classification, the sensitivity and the specificity of the SPAI-C and SAS-A were compared. Results indicated that the SPAI-C was a more sensitive measure than the SAS-A (61.5% vs. 43.6%) providing evidence of the scale's construct validity. The two measures were similar with regard to specificity (82.7% for both). Implications of these results for assessment and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The afferent and sympathetic innervation of different regions of the urinary bladder (bladder dome vs. bladder base) was examined in the female rat using simultaneous injections of two fluorescent tracers. Retrogradely labeled cells were found in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG; L1-L3 and L6-S1), the sympathetic chain (SC; T12-L6), the inferior mesenteric ganglia (IMG) and the major pelvic ganglia (MPG). There were very few double-labeled cells, indicating that the dome and the base of the bladder receive innervation (afferent or sympathetic) from separate and distinct neuronal populations. Most of the sympathetic innervation of the bladder arose from the SC (dome: 77%; base: 89%) and it was carried equally by the hypogastric and pelvic nerves. The distributions of SC postganglionic neurons innervating the dome and the base of the bladder were very similar. In contrast, the contribution of IMG neurons was almost entirely restricted to the dome of the bladder (22%), with less than 1% innervating the base. Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH) neurons in the MPG displayed a strong sexual dimorphism. Many TH neurons were found in the male MPG, but very few in the female MPG. In the female, these TH neurons projected almost exclusively to the bladder base of the female rat and were responsible for 10% of the sympathetic innervation of the base. Less than 1% innervated the dome. Therefore, prevertebral ganglia (IMG and MPG) show a strong regional selectivity in the innervation of the bladder of the female rat. The possible functional implications of this organization are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Three cases of intracranial fibrous xanthomas and a case of multicentric cerebral xanthosarcoma are reported. All three fibrous xanthomas developed in the temporal area of boys in their early teens, one was within the leptomeninges (without dural attachment), the other two involved meninges and the superficial portions of the temporal lobe itself. These tumors were characterized by mono- and multinucleated cells with morphological features of histiocytes, Touton type giant cells and a storiform pattern in areas of spindleshaped tumor cells.Because of cellular atypism, giant cells and mitotic figures such tumors may suggest the diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme but the absence of glial fibers, negative Cajal impregnation, presence of reticulin fibers in close proximity to tumor cells and the morphological similarity to the bizarre cells found in atypical xanthofibromas of the skin and soft tissues help to establish the diagnosis. Since the menigeal forms are probably derived from local meningeal mesenchyme, occasional abortive whorls and pseudopsammoma bodies may be encountered, the overall picture, however, is very different from meningiomas. Two patients had a 2.5 and a 12 year long symptomfree survival, respectively. The third boy had a local recurrence 14 months after initial removal which was excised and the patient is presently doing well.The xanthosarcoma first developed in the right frontal lobe of a 26 year old woman. This tumor was almost exclusively made up of various sized anaplastic cells filled with birefringent lipids. It is suggested that this tumor which had a diffuse network of reticulin, had originated from primitive adventitial cells. It was histologically more malignant than the first three and the patient died within a year after removal of the frontal lobe tumor, from a second mass in the cerebellum. The relationship of this tumor to glioblastomas and to other types of giant cell sarcomas is discussed.This paper was presented in part at the 6th International Congress of Neuropathology in Paris, France, on August 31, 1970.  相似文献   

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