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临床活体部分小肠移植术的血管处理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 报告我国首例活体小肠移植术的血管处理技术。方法 为 1例 18岁的男性超短肠综合症患者施行了活体部分小肠移植术 ,供肠来自患者的父亲 ,切取供体回肠 15 0cm ,UW液灌洗血管。将移植肠动、静脉分别与受体腹主动脉及下腔静脉端侧吻合。移植肠近端与受体空肠近端行端端吻合 ,移植肠远端与受体空肠远端行侧端吻合 ,末端造口。术后给予抗排斥 ,抗感染 ,抗凝及营养支持等治疗。结果 术后曾出现贫血 ,单纯疱疹感染和急性排斥反应 ,经积极处理得到控制 ,目前患者健康 ,生存 11月余。结论 活体小肠移植术中处理好供、受体的血管对手术成功至关重要。  相似文献   

目的总结短肠综合征合并高位肠瘘患者施行亲属活体小肠移植的经验和体会。方法为1例因肠系膜上动脉栓塞而切除空肠、大部分回肠及右半结肠的患者施行亲属活体小肠移植,供者为患者之子,移植回肠长度为150 cm,供肠热缺血时间1 min,冷缺血时间65 min。受者切除肠瘘,供肠动、静脉分别与受者的腹主动脉和下腔静脉行端侧吻合,供肠的近端与受者的空肠残端行端端吻合,远端侧壁与结肠残端行侧端吻合,移植小肠末端造口,作为观查窗。术后使用他克莫司、霉酚酸酯和甲泼尼龙预防排斥反应,并给予抗感染、抗凝以及胃肠外为主、肠内营养为辅的支持治疗。结果术后移植小肠功能接近正常,能胜任一般的体力劳动。术后110 d,患者因情绪变化突发心脏意外,抢救无效死亡。结论合并肠瘘的短肠综合征并非小肠移植禁忌证,术前充分准备和术后细致观察及管理是成功的关键。  相似文献   

活体部分小肠移植供受体围手术期的处理   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的 报告国内首例活体部分小肠移植的手术经过和围手术期处理。方法 受者为男性直肠癌术后18岁,因短肠综合征而接受小肠移植。供体,男性,44岁,为受体之父。取供体回肠末段150cm,移植肠血管与肾上腹主动脉,下腔静脉吻合,移植肠近端与受体残留空肠的端行端端吻合,移植肠无端与受体残留空肠远端行侧端吻合,移植肠末端造口作为观察窗。免疫抑制方案为FK506、骁悉、甲基强的松龙联合用药。结果 受者术后已健康  相似文献   

目的 总结活体部分小肠移植在治疗短肠综合征合并肠瘘中的临床经验.方法 1例短肠综合征合并肠瘘患者接受其子的150 cm 回肠,供肠动、静脉分别与受体的腹主动脉和下腔静脉行端侧吻合,受体残余空肠与供体回肠近端行端端吻合,受体结肠与供肠远端行端侧吻合,供肠远端造瘘作为观察窗,术后给予免疫抑制等治疗. 结果患者小肠移植术后恢复顺利,肠道功能恢复,血管吻合口通畅,正常生活110 d后因心脏意外死亡.结论 短肠综合征合并肠瘘患者实施活体部分小肠移植是可行的,植入肠管的血管植入技术对小肠移植成功非常重要.  相似文献   

目的探讨亲属活体小肠移植后急性排斥反应的监测与治疗。方法对1例短肠综合征患者施行亲属活体小肠移植,手术分两期进行。供者为患者的母亲,供、受者HLA有4个抗原相符。移植肠段长120cm,一期手术时供、受者肠道不进行吻合,移植肠两端在腹壁造口,一期手术后188d,再行二期手术,分别将受者残存小肠的近端、远端与移植肠袢的近端、远端作端侧吻合。术后观察移植小肠引流液的性状,定期内镜观察,并行移植肠组织学检查。采用他克莫司、霉酚酸酯及甲泼尼龙预防排斥反应,并予两剂达利珠单抗诱导。结果受者两次手术均顺利。一期手术后37d出现急性排斥反应,给予皮质激素冲击治疗9d,未能逆转,后改为莫罗单抗-CD3治疗8d后逆转。术后121d,肠镜及组织学检查证实移植肠修复良好,小肠绒毛形态及结构基本正常,D-木糖吸收试验提示移植肠吸收功能改善。现患者已存活213d,体重增加4.5kg,进半流质饮食,生活自理。结论小肠移植后可采取肠镜和组织学检查,并结合临床表现来综合判断排斥反应。发生急性排斥反应时,及时予以激素冲击治疗,无效时可用莫罗单抗-CD3。  相似文献   

临床同种活体部分小肠移植:附1例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨临床同种活体小肠移植治疗短肠综合征的效果。方法:对1例因小肠扭转而切除大部分小肠和右半结肠,残留小肠仅20cm的超短肠综合征男性患者,行亲属活体同种部分小肠移植。供体为患者之母。受体术前行供体特异性输血,50mL/周,共8周。供受体巨细胞病毒感染状态均为阴性。移植肠长约160cm。移植肠的回结肠动静脉分别与受体肾下腹主动脉和下腔静脉端侧吻合,移植肠末端造口。术后给予抗排斥、抗感染、抗凝及营养支持治疗。结果:供体术后恢复顺利,无并发症。受体已健康存活31周,无感染和排斥反应。术后8周脱离肠外营养治疗,口服低脂饮食,D-木糖吸收试验结果接近正常。结论:同种活体部分小肠移植是治疗短肠综合征的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的 总结1例保持门静脉连续性的小肠双造口方式肝小肠联合移植病例的手术操作和术后处理的经验.方法 受者为短肠综合征合并肝功能不良的男性患者,供者为尸体供者.联合切取器官,确保供者肠系膜上静脉和门静脉的连续性.移植肝静脉采用背驼式吻合,受者自体门静脉和供肝门静脉端侧吻合,胆道端端吻合,供者肝动脉和肠系膜上动脉吻合于受者腹主动脉;移植小肠约2 m,两端双造口于腹壁,未作肠道吻合.采用人源化抗CD52单克隆抗体诱导治疗,维持期单用他克莫司.行内镜下黏膜活检监测排斥反应.结果 术后1个月内,患者发生腹腔感染和疑似排斥反应各1次,分别经过手术和甲泼尼龙冲击治疗后痊愈.随访6个月,受者移植肝和小肠功能恢复良好,但仍有腹泻,需补充静脉营养,体重尚未完全恢复.结论 保持门静脉连续性的小肠双造口方式肝小肠联合移植可以简化手术操作,发生外科并发症的风险小,有利于肝脏和小肠功能恢复及术后排斥反应的监测,但是消化液未能进入移植小肠,也影响了受者的恢复.  相似文献   

保留幽门胆管胃肠双改道治疗乳头旁憩室   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨治疗乳头旁憩室的一种术式效果。方法 于幽门下3cm断十二指肠,其远端与横断的胆总地端端或端侧吻合,Tritz断空肠,远端空肠与近端十二指肠行端端吻合,距此吻合口下49cm处行近端空肠与空肠侧吻合。结果 本组手术死亡,仅1例出现吻合口水肿,2例发生胃排空障碍,经保守治疗后缓解。  相似文献   

血缘性活体部分小肠移植术二例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Song W  Wu G  Song W 《中华外科杂志》2001,39(10):767-769
目的 探讨血缘性活性小肠移植治疗短肠综合征的效果。方法 对2例短肠综合征患者切取有血缘关系的供肠行部分小肠移植术,1例18岁,男性,供体为患者的父亲,供肠150cm。另1例15岁,男性供体为患者的母亲,供肠160cm。移植肠动、静脉分别与受者的腹主动脉及下腔静脉行端侧吻合,移植肠一期消化道重建,末端造口,术后给予抗排异、抗感染、抗凝血及营养支持等治疗。结果 第1例患者术后曾出现贫血、急性排异反应,经积极处理得到控制,目前已存活26个月,肠道吸收功能正常,自由经口进食,能参加日常工作,第2例患者术后26d发生排异反应,顷冲击治疗好转,术后80d再次发生重度排异反应,经甲基强的松龙冲击无效,改为单克隆抗淋巴细胞抗体、抗胸腺细胞球蛋白冲击治疗,排异反应虽有好转,但发生不可控制的感染。抢救无效死亡。生存5个月。结论 具有血缘关系的活体部分小肠移植是治疗短肠综合征的一种方法。  相似文献   

上腹部器官簇移植的消化道重建与术后处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨上腹部器官簇移植术中消化道重建和手术后处理的方法。方法回顾性分析中山大学附属第一医院于2004年5月为1例胰腺癌合并多发性肝脏转移患者成功实施的亚洲首例上腹部器官簇移植资料。结果术中切除了患者的肝脏、胆囊、胰腺、十二指肠及近端部分空肠、全胃、脾脏、大小网膜等脏器。采用Roux-en-Y方式进行消化道重建:供体十二指肠近端封闭,受体近端空肠与供体十二指肠水平部吻合,吻合口下方35cm处切断受体空肠,断端远端口与食管行端侧吻合,近端口与距离食管吻合口50cm的空肠行端侧吻合。十二指肠腔内置减压管自受体空肠引出体外,Roux-en-Y吻合口远端空肠造瘘置营养管。术后应用生长抑素控制胰液分泌,尽早使用肠内营养,延迟拔除胃管及十二指肠减压管。患者术后恢复顺利,第3天移植胰腺内分泌功能已发挥作用,移植肝脏功能基本正常;消化道功能恢复顺利,第4天肠道排气排便,逐渐恢复至普通饮食;术后1个月除出现腹泻症状外,无其他并发症出现,肝功能及胰腺外分泌功能各项指标均正常。结论上腹部器官簇移植的成功为消化道重建及其手术后处理提供了经验。  相似文献   

亲缘性活体部分小肠移植术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 介绍我国首例亲缘性活体部分小肠移植术的临床处理体会。方法 受体为男性,18岁,因短肠综合征而接受小肠移植。供体,男性,44岁,为受体之父。取供体回肠末段150cm,移植给患者,术后给予抗免疫排斥、抗感染、抗凝及营养支持等治疗。结果 目前,患者已健康生存19个月,移植肠功能恢复良好。结论 亲缘性活体部分小肠移植术是治疗短肠综合征的有效手段,良好的术后管理是确保活体小肠移植手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

活体小肠移植术供体的选择及处置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨活体小肠移植供体的选择原则和处置。方法 对我国首次成功的2例临床活体小肠移植进行回顾性研究。受体均为短肠综合征患。患1由其父供末端回肠150cm;患2接受其母亲末端回肠160cm。两供体的组织配型HLA与各自的受体半相符,ABO血型相同。供体进行严格的体检,肠镜及钡剂造影确定小肠的长度合适,D-木糖吸收实验证实吸收功能正常,血管造影示肠系膜血管分布正常。术前严格肠道准备,术中细致取肠及运用4℃UW液进行重力灌洗。供体术后常规处理。结果 两名供体术后恢复顺利,无手术并发症,肠道吸收功能恢复正常。受体1目前已经健康存活24个月,正常进食,生活自理,体重增加20kg;受体2已健康存活5个月。2例均出现了1次急性排斥反应,但经激素冲击治疗后得到控制。结论 选用组织相容性好、健康标准体重的亲体作为供体,术前供体的充分准备、术中细致操作、术后细心管理,是保证移植小肠存活和供体手术安全的关键。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the results of treating short bowel syndrome with an early living related small bowel transplantation (SBT). METHODS: A 17-year-old boy with a 20-cm-long residual intestine due to necrotic volvulus received an early living related SBT from his mother. Donor-specific blood transfusion was performed for 8 weeks before transplantation, each time for 50 mL every week. Cytomegalovirus status in both donor and recipient was negative. A 160-cm distal ileal segment was removed from the donor. The graft ilecolic artery and vein were anastomosed to the recipient's infrarenal aorta and caval vein. The proximal end of the graft was anastomosed end-to-end to the residual recipient jejunum; the distal anastomosis, between the distal end of the graft and transverse colon. An ileostomy was also performed. Immunosuppression, infection prophylaxis, and antithrombotic and nutrition support were given postoperatively. RESULTS: The donor had an uneventful recovery. No technical complications were observed. The recipient was alive and well at 31 weeks after the operation. No graft rejection or infection was observed. He was off TPN 8 weeks after the operation and took low-fat food. The D-xylose test in the recipient was almost normal. CONCLUSIONS: Early living related small intestine transplantation is a good treatment for short bowel syndrome.  相似文献   

Abstract A living‐related small bowel transplantation (SBT) was performed in two pediatric patients with short bowel syndrome. In both cases, the donor was the patient's mother. The distal ileum (100 cm, 120 cm) was harvested and the ileocolic vessels, ileocecal valve, and terminal ileum were left intact. The two donors were discharged from the hospital on postoperative days 15 and 6, respectively. Recipient 1 was a 2 year 6 month‐old boy with short bowel syndrome who underwent SBT due to loss of venous access. The graft vein was anastomosed to the recipient's infrarenal inferior vena cava. Despite triple immunosuppression (tacrolimus, steroid, and azathioprine), there were four episodes of rejection. The patient had been on total parenteral nutrition for almost his entire post‐transplant course. He died from Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 16 months after the transplantation. Recipient 2 was a 4 year 5 month‐old girl with short bowel syndrome who underwent an isolated small bowel transplantation because of recurrent line sepsis. Her pretransplant bilirubin was 8.0 mg/dl and a biopsy showed severe fibrosis. The graft vein was anastomosed to the recipient's inferior mesenteric vein. After transplantation, her bilirubin level became normal within 10 days. Triple immunosuppression (tacrolimus, steroid, and cyclophosphamide) together with a 3‐day course of OKT‐3 made her post‐transplant course feasible. After overcoming a single episode of rejection she left the hospital 4 months after SBT. The patient is currently (10 months after transplantation) hospitalized due to rejection, which is being successfully controlled, and she is off total parenteral nutrition. From our experience, harvesting of the distal ileum for use as a bowel graft can be safely performed. The advantages of living‐related grafts, optimal graft length, and choice of vascular reconstruction in SBT are yet to be explored.  相似文献   

AIM: We sought to discuss vascular anastomosis and gut reconstruction in a living-related small bowel transplantation recipient. METHODS: Living-related small bowel transplantation was performed successfully on a boy with short gut syndrome in two stages. In the first stage, 120 cm, of his mother's ileum was implanted into the recipient with the artery and vein anastomosed to the recipient's sigmoid artery and inferior mesenteric vein, respectively. The two ends of the implanted intestine were constructed as stomas. In the second stage, reconstruction of the continuity of the digestive tract was performed at 188 days after the initial transplantation. The residual small bowel was transected and both ends were anastomosed to the proximal and distal end of the graft in end-to-side fashion. The stomas were closed 30 and 43 days later. RESULTS: Both procedures were successful. Postoperative cytomegalovirus infection and acute rejection occurred successively and were controlled. No leakage of the reconstructed gut or other complications developed after the second procedure. The recipient is alive at 15 months with 8 kg an increase in weight. He is caring for himself independently and has a half-liquid diet, sometimes supplied with auxiliary enteral nutrition. A d-xylose test increased from 4.25% to 25% after the small bowel transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Vascular anastomoses should be performed according to the state of graft and the recipient. The portal route is the first choice when possible. A two-stage gut reconstruction could decrease the incidence of complications, and offer a useful method in living-related small bowel transplantation.  相似文献   

非整块肝脏和小肠联合移植的外科技术(附一例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 介绍国内首例非整块肝脏和小肠联合移植的外科技术。方法 采用在体灌注、整块切取的方法获取肝脏和小肠,供者器官采用 UW液保存。将供者肝脏、小肠联合植入短肠综合征合并胆汁淤积的男性受者体内,供肝采用改良背驮式肝移植术;供肠的动脉、静脉分别与受者的肾下腹主动脉和下腔静脉吻合。结果 至术后2个月时,移植小肠和肝脏均无排斥反应,肠黏膜结构正常,对肠内营养耐受良好;CT示移植肝形态正常,复查肝功能完全恢复正常。结论 选择性应用非整块肝脏和小肠联合移植术是安全有效的,特别适合需要接受肝脏、小肠联合移植的成年患者。  相似文献   

We report a patient with short gut syndrome successfully treated with living related bowel transplantation. A 27-year-old Caucasian man was referred after traumatic loss of almost the entire bowel from the third portion of duodenum to the sigmoid colon. His HLA-identical sister volunteered as a donor. A 200-cm segment of ileum was successfully transplanted under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. The posttransplant course was uneventful, without rejection or infectious complication. Total parenteral nutrition was discontinued 1 week posttransplant. At 6 months the patient had returned to his preinjury weight. Water and D-xylose absorption as well as fecal fat studies were markedly abnormal 1 month posttransplant but normalized by 6 months. The donor recovery was uneventful. A well-matched segmental ileal graft from living donor can provide complete rehabilitation for patients with short gut syndrome. We documented a progressive functional adaptation of the ileal graft, resulting in normal absorption by 5 months posttransplantation.  相似文献   

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