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目的探讨不同级别胶质瘤的术中常规超声与超声造影的声像图特征。方法 61例颅脑胶质瘤患者(均为单发)接受显微外科手术切除术,手术过程中采用二维超声实时观察,其中有31例还进行了术中超声造影检查。结果本研究的所有61例胶质瘤回声特点与正常脑组织有明显不同,术中均能准确定位,并对其常规超声及超声造影的特征进行分析。低级别胶质瘤通常表现为边界清晰,回声较为均匀,并且常伴有钙化;而大部分的高级别胶质瘤表现为边界不清,内部回声不均匀,常伴有中央不规则低回声或无回声的坏死区。二维超声显示低、高级别的胶质瘤的边界、形态、坏死有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。二维超声探查胶质瘤周边水肿特异性欠佳,尤其是高级别胶质瘤,而超声造影可以较为清晰地显示瘤周水肿组织。二维超声上低、高级别胶质瘤的瘤周水肿无统计学差异(P〉0.05),而超声造影两者具有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。采用超声造影可以弥补常规超声的不足,使高级别胶质瘤的边界显示清晰,辨别瘤周水肿组织的特异性提高。高级别胶质瘤的造影达峰时间早于低级别胶质瘤,组间比较有统计学差异(P〈0.05),并根据造影的特点来初步鉴别胶质瘤的级别。结论术中常规超声可以准确定位病灶。不同级别的胶质瘤具有不同的声像图特征,术中常规超声及超声造影联合应用,为胶质瘤手术过程中初步判断胶质瘤级别提供较为客观的诊断依据。  相似文献   

术中超声在脑胶质瘤外科治疗中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨术中超声在脑胶质瘤外科治疗的应用价值。方法30例幕上原发性胶质瘤显微手术在术中采用实时超声定位肿瘤,确定边界和切除程度。结果所有30例胶质瘤的回声特性不同于正常脑组织,可被准确识别,实质性低级别胶质瘤以脑沟为边界,恶性胶质瘤最常见的回声表现是中心性坏死。所有肿瘤均在超声引导下获得全切除,只有2例患者术后出现轻度神经功能缺失。结论术中超声可为脑胶质瘤手术提供实时信息,使之获得准确和有效的外科治疗。  相似文献   

脑胶质瘤术中超声图像表现与其病理分级的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 通过分析不同病理分级的脑胶质瘤与其术中超声图像表现的关系,探讨术中超声在评价脑胶质瘤病理分级与指导术中切除的应用价值。 方法 回顾性分析脑胶质瘤患者的术中超声图像资料,根据脑胶质瘤的病理级别进行分组,观察病灶的形态、边界、内部回声、周围水肿带的超声图像表现。 结果 不同病理分级的脑胶质瘤超声图像表现有其不同的特点,低级别脑胶质瘤(Ⅰ~Ⅱ级)病灶大多形态规则,边界清晰,内部回声均匀,周围无明显水肿带;而高级别脑胶质瘤(Ⅲ~Ⅳ级)病灶形态多不规则,边界欠清晰,内部常有液化坏死区,周围常常伴有与病灶分界不清楚的水肿回声带。 结论 脑胶质瘤的超声图像表现与其病理分级有一定的相关性,根据此特点术中超声可以有助于判定脑胶质瘤病理分级,指导手术切除及术后治疗。  相似文献   

术中超声与病理评价颅脑胶质瘤切除程度的对照研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨术中超声评价脑胶质瘤切除程度的应用价值.方法 对48例颅内胶质瘤患者术前采用超声定位病灶,肿瘤切除术后,应用超声评价肿瘤切除程度,对超声判断的瘤腔周围残余肿瘤及脑组织进行活检,以病理结果为金标准,评价术中超声判断残余肿瘤的敏感度和特异度.结果 48例颅内胶质瘤患者中,低级别胶质瘤26例,高级别胶质瘤22例,术中共活检150次.术中超声诊断残余肿瘤的敏感度为69.6%,特异度为91.4%,术中超声判断低级别胶质瘤的敏感度和特异度高于高级别胶质瘤,以向残腔周围脑组织突入的不规则偏强回声团为超声诊断残余肿瘤标准具有较高的诊断特异度.结论 术中超声评价肿瘤切除程度具有较高的敏感度和特异度,可提高颅脑胶质瘤全切除率.  相似文献   

目的评价术中灰阶及彩色多普勒超声在颅内病变诊断中的作用。方法对36例疑诊为脑肿瘤的患者去骨瓣后术中超声实时监测颅内实性肿瘤切除范围,显示颅内实性肿瘤部位、大小、深度、回声、内部血流信号及毗邻组织,引导术者确认脑动脉瘤位置、载瘤动脉及实性肿瘤的边界。手术结束前探查有无残余肿瘤及是否确切夹闭动脉瘤,对可疑残余颅内肿瘤取小块组织行病理检查。对实性病灶术中彩色多普勒超声图像与术前增强MR对比;夹闭动脉瘤后声像图与术后CT血管成像(CTA)对比分析。结果 (1)36例(39个病灶)术中超声清晰显示38个颅内病灶并准确定位,1例髓内病变未显示。(2)术中超声成功引导术者完全切除26例(26/28)胶质瘤,2例转移瘤(3个病灶),1例脑脓肿,1例脑缺血性梗死灶。2例脑胶质瘤不完全切除。完全夹闭2例动脉瘤及1例动脉瘤破裂机化灶的载瘤动脉。不完全切除的2例胶质瘤术后半年复发,术中超声不能区分复发肿瘤与首次手术填塞物。结论术中超声可准确定位并有助于制定手术方案,实时监测肿瘤切除情况,评价手术效果,最大程度降低手术对脑组织的损伤。  相似文献   

磁共振弥散加权成像对脑肿瘤瘤周水肿的临床应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨瘤(灶)周水肿的磁共振弥散加权成像(DWI)表现在脑肿瘤诊断方面的临床应用价值.方法对73例脑肿瘤(胶质瘤40例,转移瘤20例,脑膜瘤13例)、3例脑脓肿及2例炎性肉芽肿患者进行常规MRI及DWI检查.对照测量病变的实质部分、周围水肿区以及正常脑组织的表观弥散系数(ADC)值,并分析实质部分及水肿区的相对ADC值(rADC).对于瘤周水肿直径>1 cm者,将水肿区域划分为近侧、远侧瘤周.结果高级别胶质瘤与低级别胶质瘤、转移瘤、脑膜瘤、炎性病变之间的近侧瘤(灶)周水肿rADC值存在差异.各病变远侧水肿区之间的rADC值无差别.高级别胶质瘤的近侧瘤周水肿区rADC值低于远侧;低级别胶质瘤近、远侧瘤周水肿的rADC不能区分;转移瘤、脑膜瘤、炎性病变近侧瘤(灶)周水肿区rADC值高于远侧.结论脑肿瘤近侧水肿区DWI检查的rADC值有助于胶质瘤级别鉴定和与其他肿瘤及炎性病变的鉴别.高级别胶质瘤近侧瘤周水肿区rADC值低于远侧,而在低级别胶质瘤、转移瘤、脑膜瘤和炎性病变却相反.  相似文献   

超声对颈部神经鞘瘤诊断及鉴别诊断的价值   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 回顾分析21例颈部神经鞘瘤的超声表现,总结其声像图特征及鉴别诊断。方法 21例病人均经手术病理证实,常规进行二维超声检查,记录其大小,回声类型,边界,均匀度,后方回声等声像图表现,其中10例应用了彩色多普勒血流成像检测肿瘤的血供情况。结果 21例颈部神经鞘瘤均为单发,声像图以低回声多见,伴有退行性变者,可表现为囊实性混合回声,肿瘤边界清晰,内部回声多为不均匀成欠均匀,彩色多普勒显示其血供丰富。结论 二维超声结合彩色多普勒超声对于颈部神经鞘瘤的诊断具有很大帮助。  相似文献   

超声技术在脑肿瘤术中的应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的术中对不同脑肿瘤声像图特点及血流变化情况分析以提高手术切除率,确定术中超声造影应用于脑肿瘤的价值。方法对115例脑肿瘤患者行术中超声检查,并与随机选取同期90例未进行术中超声检查的脑肿瘤比较手术切除率。选取10例边界不清肿瘤患者行超声造影,了解肿瘤的强化情况。结果所有病变均呈强回声,不同肿瘤有其特征性的声像图表现,肿瘤内血供无明显差异;应用术中超声可以明显提高脑肿瘤手术的切除率;术中超声造影后肿瘤边界均显示清晰。结论术中超声可定位,确定肿瘤边界,提高诊断准确性、手术的精确性和全切除率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨小儿阴道内胚窦瘤的超声表现特点和超声诊断依据及超声在本病化疗随诊中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析15例经病理证实的小儿阴道内胚窦瘤的超声声像图表现及化疗后超声改变,结合文献综合分析总结。结果:15例超声均清晰显示肿瘤位于阴道,肿瘤平均径线为3~5cm,5例瘤体为不均匀低回声,其中1例见少量不规则囊腔,10例呈相对均匀低回声。肿瘤最大者累及膀胱后壁及后尿道。1例盆腔内可见小结节状转移灶。化疗2~4个月超声复查,瘤体均缩小1/2,呈低回声小包块,转移浸润灶消失。化疗7~8个月复查, 呈边缘模糊低回声小结节。结论:本病好发于婴幼儿,临床常见阴道出血,超声发现阴道实性低回声肿物时应首先考虑阴道内胚窦瘤。超声对小儿阴道肿瘤的定位准确,定性符合率高,高频探头可清晰监测肿瘤大小及实质回声的变化。超声在小儿阴道肿瘤的定位、定性诊断及化疗期间监测和术后随访中均有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的 研究超声造影在脑胶质瘤手术中的应用价值.方法 对31例脑胶质瘤患者于术中瘤体摘除前后进行常规超声及超声造影检查,观察肿瘤及瘤周造影显像特点、对照核磁成像对肿瘤定位、明确边界、术后判断肿瘤残余情况以辅助手术.结果 31例脑胶质瘤(Ⅰ级2例,Ⅱ级13例,Ⅲ级11例,Ⅳ级5例)超声造影均可明确肿瘤边界、判断瘤周水肿带,术后肿瘤残余18处,超声造影判断残余肿瘤的灵敏度85.71%、特异度90.32%,常规超声判断残余肿瘤的灵敏度61.91%、特异度83.87%.结论 术中超声造影在脑胶质瘤手术中具有较好的临床辅助价值.  相似文献   

During the past 10 years, it has been suggested, and accepted by some, that transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate should be used to identify a hypoechoic lesion or, if needed, guide biopsy into nonspecific areas. Retrospectively, the authors attempted to evaluate the need to identify areas that were on pathologic analysis, prostate cancer, but were not hypoechoic, but would require random/systematic biopsy to exclude prostate cancer. Six-hundred fifteen consecutive men were referred to the authors because of a concern found on digital rectal examination or because of increase in prostate-specific antigen. All patients underwent TRUS-guided biopsy of the prostate using either the four-quadrant or sextant biopsy technique. Each area undergoing biopsy was characterized as: 1) normal-appearing; 2) hypoechoic; 3) mixed echogenic (containing both hypoechoic and hyperechoic elements); 4) subtly hyperechoic (containing no calculi); or 5) isoechoic (lesion was seen because of distortion of the normal architecture). A diagnosis of carcinoma was made in 197 patients (32%). Of these, 99 (50.2%) patients had a hypoechoic lesion as the primary site, corresponding to their highest Gleason grade. Twenty-five (12.7%) had mixed echogenicity, nine (4.6%) had hyperechoic foci, and 23 (11.7%) had isoechoic biopsy-proven foci of prostate cancer. Forty-one (20.8%) patients with adenocarcinoma had normal ultrasound findings. The median Gleason grade for cancer in visible mixed echogenic and hyperechoic areas were generally higher than that for cancer in hypoechoic sites. Hypoechoic cancer sites had a Gleason grade range of 2 to 10 (median 5); mixed echogenic foci had a Gleason range of 2 to 10 (median 6); hyperechogenic cancers had a Gleason range of 2 to 8 (median 6); isoechoic cancers had a Gleason range of 2 to 7 (median 5); normal foci had a Gleason range of 2 to 8 (median 5). Results of this study suggest that 50% of clinically significant prostate cancers are not purely hypoechoic, and 37% of all diagnosed cancers contain no hypoechoic elements.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to elucidate the sonographic characteristics of breast hamartomas. METHODS: Data and sonographic images of 14 breast hamartomas were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: All patients had clinically palpable lumps. The median patient age was 39.5 years (range, 24-60 years). Eleven (78.6%) tumors occurred in the right breast, and 3 (21.4%) were in the left. The median tumor size measured by sonography was 2.8 cm (range, 1.2-4.9 cm). The median longest transverse dimension-anteroposterior diameter ratio of the tumors was 2.44 (range, 1.52-3.73). All tumors were oval and compressible with transducer pressure. Thirteen (92.9%) tumors were well circumscribed with smooth tumor margins, and 1 (7.1%) had indistinct margins. The internal echo texture was hyperechoic in 6 (42.9%), mixed (heterogeneous) echogenicity in 5 (35.7%), and isoechoic in 3 (21.4%). Four (28.6%) tumors had echogenic halos, and 2 (14.3%) had anechoic halos. Ten (71.4%) tumors had no retrotumor acoustic phenomena. Two (14.3%) had bilateral edge shadowing; 1 (7.1%) had posterior enhancement; and 1 (7.1%) had a mixture of enhancement and shadowing. CONCLUSIONS: Breast hamartomas were well-circumscribed, solid, oval tumors without intratumor microcalcification. The internal echo texture of most hamartomas is either hyperechoic or composed of mixed echogenicity. Retrotumor acoustic phenomena were absent in most hamartomas.  相似文献   

Eleven patients with sickle hemoglobinopathies undergoing sonographic examinations for reasons unrelated to renal parenchymal disease were incidentally noted to have increased echogenicity in the central portion of the renal parenchyma. This appearance was observed to be a continuum, with some cases showing focally hyperechoic medullary pyramids at one extreme and other cases showing a diffusely echogenic central parenchymal region relative to a thin band of hypoechoic cortical or peripheral parenchyma at the other extreme. The finding of hyperechoic medullae of the kidneys has been reported in patients having conditions associated with hyperuricemia, medullary nephrocalcinosis, or hypokalemia. This sign has not been commonly reported as a finding in patients with sickle syndrome. The thin hypoechoic rim of cortical parenchyma relative to a more echogenic central parenchyma has not been commented on previously.  相似文献   

Sonographic findings in 19 patients with proved adrenal pheochromocytomas observed over a 10 year period were evaluated retrospectively. Adrenal tumors were analyzed by number, size, echogenicity, internal echogenicity, and biologic behavior. There were 16 benign and 3 malignant pheochromocytomas, all of which were well marginated or encapsulated and ranged from 1.4 to 11 cm in greatest diameter (mean, 4.8 +/- 2.2 cm). A broad spectrum of sonographic appearances has been noted, including purely solid tumors (68%), complex masses (16%), and cystic lesions (16%). Compared with renal parenchyma as a reference tissue, 10 (77%) of 13 solid pheochromocytomas were isoechoic or hypoechoic, whereas three (23%) were hyperechoic. Six (46%) of the solid tumors were homogeneously echogenic, and seven (54%) were heterogeneous. Ultrasonic discrimination between benign and malignant pheochromocytoma on the basis of acoustic features alone has proved impossible. Abdominal sonography, however, provided evidence of malignancy in all three patients with malignant tumors by disclosing regional or distant metastases. In conclusion, rather than showing a specific uniform ultrasonographic appearance, pheochromocytoma is associated with a broad spectrum of possible sonographic presentations.  相似文献   

目的:研究皮肤隆突性纤维肉瘤的超声表现,提高其诊断准确性。方法:回顾分析10例病理证实为皮肤隆突性纤维肉瘤患者的超声检查资料。结果:10例患者中,9例肿瘤位于皮肤浅表,紧贴皮肤,1例肿瘤位于乳腺内。其灰阶超声表现有3种:(1)"洋葱皮型"肿瘤6个,肿瘤平均最大径41mm,均呈卵圆形;其中4例呈分叶状,边界清晰,肿瘤内见低回声区,内部及周边见粗大分层状高回声区;(2)回声均匀型3例,肿瘤平均最大径17mm,均呈卵圆形,边界清晰,肿瘤呈低回声或稍低回声;(3)回声杂乱型1例,肿瘤最大径170mm,内见高回声及低回声区,杂乱分布。彩色超声示2个最小肿瘤无明显血流信号;其余8个血流丰富,呈网状,平均阻力指数0.57。结论:皮肤隆突性纤维肉瘤有一定特征性超声表现,超声检查有助肿瘤诊断。  相似文献   

Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy under sonographic guidance suffers from the occasional adverse spread of ethanol. We tried to optimize the technique to obtain the maximal echogenicity of injections. Eight dead pig livers were injected with ethanol and the consequent echogenicity was correlated with the time lapse after the injection, the speed of injection, the injected dose and the concentration of ethanol. For the sake of comparison, ethanol was also injected into processed sour milk. The injected lesions became smaller (P < 0.001), less sharply demarcated and less echogenic (P < 0.001) with time. Speeding up the injection (P < 0.05) and concentrating the ethanol (P < 0.05) increased echogenicity, whereas enlarging the dosage did not. Injections of ethanol into processed sour milk induced hyperechoic zones similar to the liver injections. It is concluded that quick injections of concentrated ethanol would be best detected. Injections should be monitored while they are still taking place, because the echogenicity will soon decrease. This immediate echogenicity seems to be caused by flow and the inherent properties of ethanol.  相似文献   

The aim of lumbar disc herniation surgery is the removal of herniated disc material (HDM) and complete decompression of the nerve root. As some patients present with residual HDM, we examined the ability of intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) to detect this material. Between February 2006 and June 2007, we used IOUS in 30 patients undergoing surgery for lumbar disc herniation. They were 17 men and 13 women; their ages ranged from 22 to 63 y (mean 44.0 y). The level surgically addressed was L3/4 in 1, L4/5 in 14 and L5/S1 in 15 patients; they were operated in the prone position. After placing a 3–4 cm midline skin incision, partial hemi-semilaminotomy was performed. HDM was removed through a bone window; a surgical microscope was used during the operation. After removal was judged as adequate, IOUS was performed; 17 patients also underwent IOUS before removal of the herniated disc. For the acquisition of IOUS images, we used LOGIQ 9 and 8c microconvex probes (GE Healthcare, Wauwatosa, WI, USA). The normal anatomical structures were well visualized. HDM was iso- to hyperechoic compared with normal nerve tissue. In three of 17 patients, the dural sac and nerve root could not be distinguished from HDM before removal, although in all 30, the decompressed dural sac, intradural cauda equina and nerve root were well visualized. We posit that the echogenicity of nerve tissue was raised due to compression, rendering it similar to that of the herniated disc. In two patients, IOUS detected residual disc material; the surgical procedure was resumed and sufficient removal was accomplished. IOUS monitoring is safe, convenient and inexpensive. It is also highly useful for the detection of residual HDM and the confirmation of adequate nerve root decompression. (E-mail: taoya@sirius.ocn.ne.jp)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this series was to describe the sonographic features of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DP) and correlate them with the pathologic findings of this condition. METHODS: The echogenicity and marginal contour of DP in 4 patients were observed on sonography, and these features were then correlated with the cellular components and histologic grading of pathologic specimens. Additionally, color Doppler sonography was conducted to evaluate the distribution of blood flow signals in the tumors. RESULTS: All lesions were located in the subcutaneous fat layer, abutted against the skin, and had a wide base. Two of the cases of DP observed on the sonograms were hypoechoic, and 2 had mixed echogenicity; however, the mixed echogenic tumors were primarily echoic. The margin was focally lobulated but well defined in the hypoechoic tumors; however, the margin appeared as an irregular pseudopodialike protrusion in the mixed echogenic tumors. Color Doppler sonography showed 2 different blood flow patterns: 1 in which profuse blood flowed through the entire tumor and 1 in which only a small amount of blood flowed through the peripheral portions of the tumor. The 2 blood flow patterns were observed in 1 of each type of tumor. Pathologically, samples corresponding to hypoechoic DP were composed primarily of tumor cells, and samples corresponding to mixed echogenic DP were composed of tumor cells and fibrous tissues. CONCLUSIONS: If a sonogram reveals an oval mass in the subcutaneous tissue that is abutting against the skin and has a focal lobulated margin with hypoechogenicity or an irregular margin with mixed echogenicity, a diagnosis of DP should be considered.  相似文献   

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