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目的 探讨隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的超声表现及诊断价值.方法 回顾分析经手术及病理证实的17例隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的超声表现及临床病理资料.结果 17例中,发生于躯干14例(82.4%)、四肢3例(17.6%).13例为原发,2例复发,2例因局部病灶切除病理证实为隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤拟行扩大术.13例原发及2例复发病灶中,术前超声检出率100% (15/15),声像图表现为均质低回声占60.0% (9/15)、混合回声占40.0% (6/15),其中86.7% (13/15)边界清晰、75.0% (12/15)形态规则;均不伴有局部淋巴结转移;CDFI示肿瘤内部呈较丰富血流信号13例86.7% (13/15).结论 隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤声像图表现为病灶位于躯干及四肢皮下边界清晰、形态规则的均质低回声或混合回声、内部血流较丰富、无局部淋巴结转移.  相似文献   

超声诊断隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
目的 探讨隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤(DFSP)的超声表现.方法 回顾性分析12例经手术病理证实的隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的分布、超声图像特征及彩色多普勒血流成像特点.结果 12例隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患者中,11例(91.67%)为单发,直径0.9~8.0 cm;分布在躯干66.67(8/12)、四肢近端16.67%(2/12)、头颈部16.67%(2/12);83.33%(10/12)肿瘤出现在躯干及四肢近端的皮肤与皮肤下层.91.67%(11/12)肿瘤呈不均匀弱回声,66.67%(8/12)边界清楚,形态规则,肿瘤内部无液化或钙化且不伴有局部淋巴结转移;91.67%(11/12)肿瘤内彩色多普勒显示有丰富彩色血流信号.结论 患者躯干及四肢近端的皮肤与皮下层肿块,边界清楚、形态规则、内部呈不均匀弱回声、内部血流较丰富、无局部淋巴结肿大是隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的超声表现.  相似文献   

目的 探讨隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的特征的超声表现.方法 回顾性分析25例经手术病理证实为隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的分布、超声图像特征及彩色多普勒血流成像特点.结果 25例隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患者团块均位于皮肤或皮下组织,大小约1.6 cm×0.5 cm~6.5 cm×4.5 cm;分布在躯干21(占84%)例、四肢近端2例(占8%)、头颈部2例(占8%).25例肿瘤肿块内部为较均质低回声或以低回声为主的混合回声,内部无液化或钙化且不伴有局部淋巴结转移.10例(占40%)肿瘤边界清楚,形态规则;15例(占60%)边界不清楚;13例(占52%)肿块内部彩色多普勒显示有丰富血流信号.所有患者均未见淋巴结转移.结论 隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤有一定特征性超声表现,超声检查对协助诊断有重要的临床价值.  相似文献   

目的探讨子宫内膜间质肉瘤(endometrial stromal sarcoma,ESS)的超声声像图特征,提高ESS超声诊断率。方法回顾性分析经手术组织病理证实7例ESS患者的超声声像资料。结果 5例超声表现为边界清晰的肿块,内部呈均匀或不均匀低回声;1例表现为子宫后壁巨大肿块,边界欠清,内见不规则液性暗区及强光团;1例表现为宫壁内边界清晰的低回声结节,内可见多个蜂窝状小液性暗区。5例肿块内见丰富树枝状彩色血流信号,2例病灶周边环绕血流,内部血流呈放射状分布,阻力指数0.33~0.67。结论对位于子宫肌层、宫腔和/或宫颈管内的肿物,如超声表现为边界清晰或边界不清晰的低回声团块,内部回声均匀或杂乱,伴丰富低阻血流,应考虑ESS可能。  相似文献   

目的探讨隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的声像图特征。方法回顾性分析40例经手术后病理证实为隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的超声表现。结果 40例隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患者中,36例位于皮肤及皮下层,4例位于皮下层,病灶浅面与皮肤层无明显相连;36例边界清楚,30例病灶形态规则;27例为强弱不等的混合回声,主要表现为内部不规则的条带状强回声以及边缘不连续的带状强回声,15例周边可见环状低回声;6例为不均质的低回声,周边未见环状低回声;7例为均质的低回声,周边未见环状低回声;血流分级:7例0级,2例1级,7例2级,24例3级。结论高频超声可以清楚显示病灶位置、形态、边界、回声、血流,以及病灶与周围结构的关系等,为临床提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤的超声及临床病理特征。方法回顾性分析11例隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤患者的超声表现和临床病理特征。结果 11例均为原发单个结节状皮肤肿物,肿物位于皮肤及皮肤下层,最大径0.9~6.8cm,分布在躯干8例(72.73%),四肢2例(18.18%),头面皮1例(9.09%),90.91%(10例)呈不均匀低回声,81.82%(9例)边界清楚,形态规则,内部未见液化或钙化,CDFI示90.91%(10例)肿瘤内具有较丰富血流信号。病理大体为淡红色结节状皮肤肿物,镜下肿瘤浸润真皮,侵及皮下组织,瘤细胞丰富且形态单一,中-高度核分裂性,CD34和Vimentin弥漫阳性表达。全部病例均无局部淋巴结转移。结论 DFSP的超声声像主要由病理组织特征决定,具有一定特征性,超声结合病理可为本病检出提供重要价值。  相似文献   

目的分析子宫癌肉瘤的超声声像图表现及病理组织学特点,提高对本病的认识。 方法回顾性收集2009年1月至2018年12月首都医科大学附属复兴医院收治并经病理证实的6例子宫癌肉瘤患者的临床资料,分析其超声声像图表现与病理组织学特点。 结果6例子宫癌肉瘤患者均为绝经后女性,临床表现为绝经后不同程度的阴道出血。超声表现:绝经后子宫测值增大,6例患者子宫三径之和132~248 mm,平均(199.7±36.8)mm,宫腔回声明显增厚呈息肉样,内呈不均质中高或中低回声,最大径14~81 mm,最大径平均值(47.2±21.3)mm;肿瘤部分边界清晰,可见“亮边”,形态欠规则,部分与肌层分界不清;血流评分3例4分,2例3分,1例2分,均可测及动脉血流频谱(阻力指数:0.15~0.59)。病理检查:3例为中分化子宫癌肉瘤,3例为低分化子宫癌肉瘤;镜下病理见瘤体内血管丰富;6例均伴有肌层浸润。 结论子宫癌肉瘤多表现为绝经后阴道出血伴体积较大的息肉样病变,基底部粗大的供养血管多提示肌层浸润,宫腔镜检查可获得病理诊断。  相似文献   

患者男,66岁,因咽部不适来院就诊。行甲状腺超声检查:术皑异常;甲状腺左后方见一不均匀回声区,范嗣约14mm×9mm×10mm,外形尚规则,边界尚清晰,内见点状及条状强回声,周边呈低回声;彩色多普勒血流成像:未见明显血流信号。  相似文献   

目的:分析低度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤(ESS)的超声特点,降低术前误诊率。方法:回顾性分析11例经手术及病理证实的低度恶性ESS的超声表现。结果:11例患者中,7例病灶位于肌壁间,4例位于宫腔;最大直径长径20~130 mm,平均为50.7 mm;形态为椭圆形8例、不规则2例、类圆形1例;边界清晰7例,不清晰4例;病灶内部回声均不均匀,低回声为主8例,等回声为主3例;呈"斑片状"表现6例,筛孔状暗区3例,中间为等回声,外周为低回声2例。4例合并其他疾病的低度恶性ESS病灶回声均与合并疾病病灶回声不一致。11例病灶中边缘及内部均可探及彩色血流信号,RI 0.41~0.78。结论:当超声发现肿瘤边界不清晰,向肌层浸润可能;内部回声不均匀,呈"斑片状";子宫肿瘤内常合并其他性质病灶存在,而呈现多个病灶回声不一致声像;肿瘤边缘及内部探及中量血流,尤其是月经增多的育龄妇女,应警惕低度恶性ESS发生。  相似文献   

目的:研究乳腺包膜内乳头状癌的超声、钼靶影像学特征和病理特征.方法:收集2012年7月-2012年12月在上海市黄浦区中心医院手术且经术后病理证实为乳腺包膜内乳头状癌的患者共7例,对其超声、钼靶影像学特征和病理特征进行分析.结果:7例乳腺包膜内乳头状癌患者年龄57~77岁,平均年龄70岁.患者均以发现乳腺肿块就诊.超声提示,肿瘤形态不规则,边界不清晰,内部回声为无回声,内见高回声性突出物,后方回声增强,未见钙化灶,肿瘤周围可见血流信号,按照2003年版美国放射协会乳腺影像报告和数据系统(BI RADS)针对超声的分级诊断标准分类为Ⅳ类.钼靶图像表现为单发肿块,形态不规则,边缘呈浅分叶状,密度稍高,可伴有钙化,BI-RADS分类为Ⅳ类.病理学检查见肿瘤最大径12~40 mm,平均20 mm,镜下见纤细的纤维血管轴心,衬覆的肿瘤上皮细胞核为低或中等级别,外裹纤维囊;肿瘤上皮细胞呈雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)高表达,p53、Ki67、cerbB-2均低表达或阴性;乳头内和病变周围肌上皮细胞p63表达均阴性.结论:乳腺包膜内乳头状癌患者的超声、钼靶图像和病理表现有一定特征,这些特征均有助于诊断.  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of this series was to determine the spectrum of findings on gray scale trans‐abdominal ultrasonography (TAUS) in pathologically proven cases of primary gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) and correlate them with gross morphologic and pathologic findings. Methods. The series included 18 patients with a primary GIST tumor detected on preoperative TAUS. The ultrasonographic findings were evaluated for features such as tumor size, shape, margin, echogenicity, and presence of fluid components, and the features were compared with morphologic and pathologic findings. Results. All of the primary GISTs were hypoechoic extraluminal masses with well‐delineated margins. Eight GISTs were homogeneously solid masses, and 8 were heterogeneously solid masses that contained a large central area of lower echogenicity (n = 4) or multiple internal hypoechoic irregular spaces (n = 4) corresponding to necrosis and hemorrhage. Other tumors had a cystic appearance (n = 1) or showed a dual hyperechoichypoechoic echo structure (n = 1). Three tumors showed intratumoral gas due to fistulization into the bowel lumen, which appeared as hyperechoic foci or a linear hyperechoic area with acoustic shadowing. The heterogeneous tumors were significantly larger (P = .03) and had higher mitotic counts (P = .05). Gastrointestinal stromal tumors with high malignant potential tended to be large and showed intratumoral heterogenicity with areas of lower echogenicity. Conclusions. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors showed varied patterns on TAUS. The ultrasonographic pattern depended on the tumor size and mitotic activity. Ultrasonographic features suggesting high malignant potential were size and internal heterogenicity with the presence of intratumoral hypoechoic areas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the sonographic features of Hürthle cell neoplasms (HCNs) of the thyroid. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the sonographic appearance of 15 histologically proven HCNs in 15 patients aged 16 to 70 years (mean age, 44 years). Sonographic features that were reviewed included the size and echogenicity of the tumors, the presence of cystic areas or calcifications, and detectable blood flow on color Doppler imaging. Correlation of sonographic findings with pathologic results was performed. RESULTS: The tumors ranged from 0.4 to 7 cm in diameter, but most were less than 3 cm in diameter. Four (27%) of the 15 tumors were homogeneously hypoechoic. Two tumors (13%) were predominantly hypoechoic with isoechoic areas to thyroid parenchyma. Two (13%) neoplasms were isoechoic to thyroid parenchyma. Four (27%) tumors were predominantly isoechoic, containing hypoechoic areas, and 3 (20%) tumors were hyperechoic. Three neoplasms contained cystic components. None of the tumors contained calcifications. One tumor was avascular on Doppler examination. One neoplasm showed only peripheral blood flow. Thirteen tumors showed internal vascularity, 7 of them with peripheral blood flow. Twelve HCNs were benign, and 3 were malignant on pathologic examination. CONCLUSIONS: Hürthle cell neoplasms show a spectrum of sonographic appearances from predominantly hypoechoic to hyperechoic lesions and from peripheral blood flow with no internal flow to extensively vascularized lesions. Pathologic criteria differentiating benign and malignant HCNs (absence or presence of a capsular breach, vascular or extrathyroidal tissue invasion, nodal involvement, and distant metastasis) are beyond the resolution of sonography and fine-needle aspiration biopsy and require removal of the entire lesion. This precludes diagnosis and characterization of HCNs by sonography.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this series was to describe the sonographic features of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DP) and correlate them with the pathologic findings of this condition. METHODS: The echogenicity and marginal contour of DP in 4 patients were observed on sonography, and these features were then correlated with the cellular components and histologic grading of pathologic specimens. Additionally, color Doppler sonography was conducted to evaluate the distribution of blood flow signals in the tumors. RESULTS: All lesions were located in the subcutaneous fat layer, abutted against the skin, and had a wide base. Two of the cases of DP observed on the sonograms were hypoechoic, and 2 had mixed echogenicity; however, the mixed echogenic tumors were primarily echoic. The margin was focally lobulated but well defined in the hypoechoic tumors; however, the margin appeared as an irregular pseudopodialike protrusion in the mixed echogenic tumors. Color Doppler sonography showed 2 different blood flow patterns: 1 in which profuse blood flowed through the entire tumor and 1 in which only a small amount of blood flowed through the peripheral portions of the tumor. The 2 blood flow patterns were observed in 1 of each type of tumor. Pathologically, samples corresponding to hypoechoic DP were composed primarily of tumor cells, and samples corresponding to mixed echogenic DP were composed of tumor cells and fibrous tissues. CONCLUSIONS: If a sonogram reveals an oval mass in the subcutaneous tissue that is abutting against the skin and has a focal lobulated margin with hypoechogenicity or an irregular margin with mixed echogenicity, a diagnosis of DP should be considered.  相似文献   

One hundred and seven patients who had intrahepatic tumor that demonstrated by sonography, and proved histologically, to be cholangiocarcinoma (CC), were reviewed retrospectively. Two main tumor patterns were found, namely the nodular form (N = 101) and the infiltrative form (N = 6); 33 of 101 patients with nodular lesions had solitary masses and 18 had multiple masses. The echogenicity of primary tumors were hyperechoic (N = 56), hypoechoic (N = 15), isoechoic (N = 10), and mixed-echoic (N = 20). A peripheral hypoechoic rim was present in 35 primary tumors (34.7%). Peripheral bile duct dilatation was seen in 33 patients (30.8%). Extrahepatic extension was found at operation in 46 of 52 patients (88.5%), while it was demonstrable by ultrasonography in only 16 (30.8%). Five of 6 small lesions (3 cm and less) already had an extrahepatic extension.  相似文献   

Clinical and sonographic findings in carcinoma of the penis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: This study was performed to assess the accuracy of high-resolution sonography in measuring penile carcinoma. METHODS: Sonography was performed using a 7.5-MHz linear-array transducer in 59 patients with penile carcinoma. The sonographic measurement of tumor extent was compared with clinical and pathologic measurements. The tumor extent measured by gross pathologic evaluation on cut sections of the fresh penectomy specimen was used as the definitive standard. The echogenicity of the tumor was compared with that of the surrounding normal penile tissue to classify the tumor as hyperechoic, hypoechoic, or of mixed echogenicity (containing both hyperechoic and hypoechoic elements). We evaluated the relationship between the echogenicity of the tumor and both tumor morphology (exophytic or infiltrative) and tumor grade as determined on pathologic examination. RESULTS: The overall mean difference +/- standard deviation in the tumor extent between clinical and gross pathologic evaluation was 3.9 +/- 5.3 mm (range, 1-9 mm), whereas the overall mean difference between sonographic and gross pathologic evaluation was 1.2 +/- 1.7 mm (range, 1-7 mm). As determined with reference to the gross pathologic extent, the error in measuring the extent on clinical examination was significantly greater than the error on sonography (p < 0.001). Lesions involving the glans alone were more often underestimated by clinical examination than were lesions involving the shaft (with or without glanular involvement). The error in measuring the extent of tumor by sonography was not related to the site of the tumor. The tumor was hyperechoic in 21 cases (36%), hypoechoic in 28 cases (47%), and of mixed echogenicity in 10 cases (17%). There was no significant association between echogenicity and tumor morphology or grade. CONCLUSIONS: Sonography gives a more accurate estimate of penile tumor extent than does physical examination. Routine use of sonography for such measurements should enable preservation of more of the penis.  相似文献   

Sonographic findings in 19 patients with proved adrenal pheochromocytomas observed over a 10 year period were evaluated retrospectively. Adrenal tumors were analyzed by number, size, echogenicity, internal echogenicity, and biologic behavior. There were 16 benign and 3 malignant pheochromocytomas, all of which were well marginated or encapsulated and ranged from 1.4 to 11 cm in greatest diameter (mean, 4.8 +/- 2.2 cm). A broad spectrum of sonographic appearances has been noted, including purely solid tumors (68%), complex masses (16%), and cystic lesions (16%). Compared with renal parenchyma as a reference tissue, 10 (77%) of 13 solid pheochromocytomas were isoechoic or hypoechoic, whereas three (23%) were hyperechoic. Six (46%) of the solid tumors were homogeneously echogenic, and seven (54%) were heterogeneous. Ultrasonic discrimination between benign and malignant pheochromocytoma on the basis of acoustic features alone has proved impossible. Abdominal sonography, however, provided evidence of malignancy in all three patients with malignant tumors by disclosing regional or distant metastases. In conclusion, rather than showing a specific uniform ultrasonographic appearance, pheochromocytoma is associated with a broad spectrum of possible sonographic presentations.  相似文献   

Testicular epidermoid cysts are rare, accounting for 1% of all testicular tumors. We present the sonographic appearances of epidermoid cysts in 3 cases, together with the histopathologic correlation. In case 1, sonography showed an intratesticular hypoechoic mass with a well-defined echogenic rim; the mass measured 1.8 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm, and there was no evidence of calcification. In case 2, sonography showed a well-circumscribed mass measuring 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm, with alternating hypoechoic and hyperechoic rings (onion-ring appearance) and no calcifications. In case 3, sonography showed a 2.4- x 2.3- x 2.3-cm, well-circumscribed, oval mass with a heterogeneous echotexture and an outer hypoechoic halo. The mass contained plaque-like regions of increased echogenicity, with peripheral acoustic shadowing from refraction artifact. Hypoechoic clefts were visualized posterior to the plaque-like areas. The triad of findings-sonographic appearance of an onion ring, avascularity on Doppler sonography, and negative results of tumor marker studies-is highly suggestive of an epidermoid cyst.  相似文献   

The medical records of 16 patients (9 female and 7 male; age range, 5–66 years) with 24 lesions that had a histologic diagnosis of desmoid tumors were reviewed at our institution. Six cases were extra‐abdominal, 4 intra‐abdominal, and 6 in the abdominal wall. Lesions ranged from 1.5 to 18.0 cm in diameter (mean, 6.8 cm). All lesions were solid masses, which appeared hypoechoic, isoechoic, or hyperechoic with homogeneous or heterogeneous echogenicity. Posterior acoustic enhancement was seen in 18 lesions. No lesions showed central necrosis. Most lesions had substantial flow and high resistive index values (>0.70). Sonography can show a desmoid tumor's site, size, contour, margin, echogenicity, homogeneity, vascularity, and resistive index value in detail.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe the sonographic findings of soft tissue diffuse neurofibromas. METHODS: Seven soft tissue diffuse neurofibromas proven pathologically were retrospectively evaluated. Medical records and histologic examinations were reviewed, and sonograms were analyzed for the echogenicity, location, margin, and vascularity. RESULTS: All identified lesions were hyperechoic masses permeated by multiple interconnecting irregular hypoechoic tubular or nodular structures. All lesions were located in the subcutaneous fat zone, and all had poorly defined margins with adjacent normal subcutaneous fat. The margins between the lesions and the adjacent muscles were well defined in 5 and poorly defined in the other 2. The vascularity was extensive in 5 lesions and scarce in the other 2. CONCLUSIONS: Soft tissue diffuse neurofibromas have a characteristic sonographic appearance; therefore, sonography should be considered a useful tool in the initial screening of this disease.  相似文献   

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