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Objective To assess the impact of the positional relationship between the large craniopharyngiomas and the third ventricle on the outcome of surgical resection of the tumors. Methods In 72 cases of craniopharyngiomas, the tumors were classified into two types according to the radiographic and surgical findings defining the relationship between the tumors and the third ventricle. For each type of tumors, 3 grades were classified based on the tumor size, texture, and infiltration pattern of the third ventricle. The extend of tumor removal was confirmed by both intraoperative evaluation and postoperative CT or magnetic resonance imaging. The correlation between the degree of hypothalamus invasion and the extend of tumor removal was analyzed in all the cases. Results The craniopharyngiomas were classified into two types, namely those residing in the third ventricle (7 cases) and those invading the third ventricle(65 cases). The degree of tumor resection was significantly different between the 3 grades: total tumor removal was achieved in 95.7% of grade Ⅰ cases, in 80.0% of grade Ⅱ cases, and in only 47.4% of grade Ⅲ I cases (P<0.05). conclusion Understanding of the anatomical relationship of the tumor to the third ventricular floor can be great value for improving the outcome of surgical resection of large craniopharyngiomas.  相似文献   
目的 探讨大型颅咽管瘤与第三脑室的关系在肿瘤切除手术中的意义. 方法 南方医科大学南方医院神经外科白1997年1月至2003年1月共采用手术治疗大型颅咽管瘤患者72例.根据肿瘤的影像学表现及手术所见对其进行分类,每一类肿瘤根据大小及其与第三腩室底的关系分为3级,根据术中判断和术后CT和(或)MPd增强扫描结果确定颅咽管瘤手术切除程度,分析肿瘤分级与手术切除程度的关系. 结果颅咽管瘤总体上可以分为第三脑室内型(本组7例)和第三脑室累及型(本组65例)两大类;手术切除程度在不同分级肿瘤间总体分布位置不同,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 明确大型颅咽管瘤与第三脑室底及下丘腩结构间的关系对提高大型颅咽管瘤手术疗效有重要意义.  相似文献   
目的 通过鞍隔孔区结构的解剖学研究,分析经蝶入路脑脊液漏的发生机制,以及空蝶鞍(ES)的形成原因. 方法 对8例胎儿标本进行组织学连续切片后,做HE和Masson染色,并在显微镜下对鞍隔孔附近结构进行观察;另取10例成人尸头标本,模拟经蝶入路手术,并在手术显微镜下观察鞍隔孔区解剖结构. 结果 鞍上蛛网膜在垂体柄上端和其表面的软脑膜紧密结合,并转折进入鞍内;同时在垂体上表面处,鞍隔从四周紧密包绕并和表面的软脑膜紧密结合,而难以从组织学切片上分辨二者的界限:鞍上蛛网膜池由于蛛网膜、软脑膜和鞍隔的束缚而终止于鞍隔孔上部. 结论 鞍隔、软脑膜和鞍上蛛网膜三者之间存在着严密的解剖学关系,其也是防止脑脊液漏和ES发生的关键因素.这三者的先天性缺损、生理性或者病理性破坏,尤其是在经蝶入路中对垂体腺瘤的过分牵拉,导致鞍上蛛网膜和软脑膜分离或者破裂,可能是造成术中脑脊液漏发生的重要原因;另外鞍隔、软脑膜和垂体上表面之间的分离也可能是造成ES的关键因素.  相似文献   
目的探讨术中肌电监测在累及第四脑室底面肿瘤切除术中的应用及影响因素。方法南方医科大学南方医院神经外科自2007年1月至2010年12月在后组颅神经肌电监测下完成累及第四脑室底面肿瘤切除术32例,其中髓母细胞瘤11例,第四脑室室管膜瘤9例,脑干海绵状血管瘤6例,脑干起源外生性胶质瘤4例,脑干背侧血管网状细胞瘤2例。分析术中肌电监测对手术效果的影响及其干扰因素。 结果 本组肿瘤全切除21例,次全切除9例,大部切除2例;无后组脑神经功能障碍9例,轻度后组颅神经损伤18例,中度后组颅神经损伤5例,无严重损伤者。肌电监测结果的干扰因素主要包括双极电凝产生的外泻电流、肌松药物的过多使用、麻醉深度的改变、以及患者体温、冲洗盐水温度、血压急剧变化等。 结论术中肌电监测可以为累及第四脑底面肿瘤切除术中颅神经核团的位置及功能保护提供客观依据。  相似文献   
Objective To assess the impact of the positional relationship between the large craniopharyngiomas and the third ventricle on the outcome of surgical resection of the tumors. Methods In 72 cases of craniopharyngiomas, the tumors were classified into two types according to the radiographic and surgical findings defining the relationship between the tumors and the third ventricle. For each type of tumors, 3 grades were classified based on the tumor size, texture, and infiltration pattern of the third ventricle. The extend of tumor removal was confirmed by both intraoperative evaluation and postoperative CT or magnetic resonance imaging. The correlation between the degree of hypothalamus invasion and the extend of tumor removal was analyzed in all the cases. Results The craniopharyngiomas were classified into two types, namely those residing in the third ventricle (7 cases) and those invading the third ventricle(65 cases). The degree of tumor resection was significantly different between the 3 grades: total tumor removal was achieved in 95.7% of grade Ⅰ cases, in 80.0% of grade Ⅱ cases, and in only 47.4% of grade Ⅲ I cases (P<0.05). conclusion Understanding of the anatomical relationship of the tumor to the third ventricular floor can be great value for improving the outcome of surgical resection of large craniopharyngiomas.  相似文献   
Objective To assess the impact of the positional relationship between the large craniopharyngiomas and the third ventricle on the outcome of surgical resection of the tumors. Methods In 72 cases of craniopharyngiomas, the tumors were classified into two types according to the radiographic and surgical findings defining the relationship between the tumors and the third ventricle. For each type of tumors, 3 grades were classified based on the tumor size, texture, and infiltration pattern of the third ventricle. The extend of tumor removal was confirmed by both intraoperative evaluation and postoperative CT or magnetic resonance imaging. The correlation between the degree of hypothalamus invasion and the extend of tumor removal was analyzed in all the cases. Results The craniopharyngiomas were classified into two types, namely those residing in the third ventricle (7 cases) and those invading the third ventricle(65 cases). The degree of tumor resection was significantly different between the 3 grades: total tumor removal was achieved in 95.7% of grade Ⅰ cases, in 80.0% of grade Ⅱ cases, and in only 47.4% of grade Ⅲ I cases (P<0.05). conclusion Understanding of the anatomical relationship of the tumor to the third ventricular floor can be great value for improving the outcome of surgical resection of large craniopharyngiomas.  相似文献   
Objective To assess the impact of the positional relationship between the large craniopharyngiomas and the third ventricle on the outcome of surgical resection of the tumors. Methods In 72 cases of craniopharyngiomas, the tumors were classified into two types according to the radiographic and surgical findings defining the relationship between the tumors and the third ventricle. For each type of tumors, 3 grades were classified based on the tumor size, texture, and infiltration pattern of the third ventricle. The extend of tumor removal was confirmed by both intraoperative evaluation and postoperative CT or magnetic resonance imaging. The correlation between the degree of hypothalamus invasion and the extend of tumor removal was analyzed in all the cases. Results The craniopharyngiomas were classified into two types, namely those residing in the third ventricle (7 cases) and those invading the third ventricle(65 cases). The degree of tumor resection was significantly different between the 3 grades: total tumor removal was achieved in 95.7% of grade Ⅰ cases, in 80.0% of grade Ⅱ cases, and in only 47.4% of grade Ⅲ I cases (P<0.05). conclusion Understanding of the anatomical relationship of the tumor to the third ventricular floor can be great value for improving the outcome of surgical resection of large craniopharyngiomas.  相似文献   
2003年1月至2006年6月广州南方医院神经外科手术治疗并经病理学证实的完全位于鞍上的有症状的Rathke裂隙囊肿(RCC)3例,现报道如下.  相似文献   
原发性骨质疏松症(primary osteoporosis,POP)是一种以骨量低下、骨微结构破坏,导致骨脆性增加、易发生骨折为特征的全身性骨病,在现代中医学中属于"骨痿"范畴,肾水亏虚是本病基础,并与肝木、脾土相关,除了补肾壮骨之外,黄帝内经创造性地提出了"治痿独取阳明"治疗大法,本文将通过五行"土克水"的角度重新梳理"骨痿"的病因病机,并在主流治疗方案之外创新性地提出了独特的治法治则,兹可作为现代中医治疗"骨痿"的一个重要补充。  相似文献   
目的探讨胰岛素激发试验(ITT)在成人鞍区病变的应用价值和安全性。方法选择2012-01—2013-06连续收治的鞍区病变患者60例,所有患者均进行ITT试验,检测过程中观察受试者低血糖反应情况及血压、心率等生命体征的变化。结果 60例受试者均完成试验,激发试验结果38例(63.3%)为阴性,不同鞍区病变ITT试验的峰值不同以颅咽管瘤峰值最低,脑膜瘤最高(F=3.094,P=0.000)。结论 ITT试验能可反应不同鞍区病变的下丘脑-垂体生长激素轴及皮质激素轴功能,测定的GH峰值与IGF-1、BMI相关;在严格选择对象、密切监护情况下,ITT试验用于成人鞍区病变患者安全可靠,有极高的诊断价值。  相似文献   
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