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肿瘤防控是当今世界性一大难题,目前我国每年新发肿瘤病例即将突破400万。近年来,我国肿瘤总体发病率和死亡率呈现逐年上升趋势,肿瘤的高死亡率和低治愈率已严重威胁我国居民健康,很大程度影响了患者的生存质量,大大降低患者的生活水平,危害患者的身心健康。中医认为,肿瘤发病的病因复杂,病机变化多端,是内外因相互影响、相互作用的结果。若在外邪作用于人体之初,及时辨证施治,防止伏邪入里发生传变,将大大减少肿瘤疾病的发生和发展。因此,外邪理论与肿瘤的发病机制亟待进一步探究。在中国知网(CNKI),Public Medline(PubMed)数据库中以外感、邪气、中医、肿瘤、发病机制等关键词进行检索,本文共纳入67篇中英文文献为参考,对外邪理论与肿瘤发病机制进行全面探讨。强调了外邪在肿瘤发病中的重要作用,以及中医药在早期防治肿瘤中具有显著的优势。外邪如风邪、寒邪、湿邪、火邪、从口鼻皮表而入的邪气等因素,使得肿瘤的发生更具复杂性。中医药可以在肿瘤发展早期进行有效的防护和干预,可大大提高防病抗肿瘤的目的,减少肿瘤的发生、发展、传变,使临床用药更有效、更精准、更具靶向性,不至使肿瘤的治疗错失良机,为临床治疗肿瘤提供更明确的指导方向。  相似文献   
BackgroundResearch indicates that neck kinaesthetic awareness plays an important role in oculomotor and balance control, however the relationship has not been studied in athletes. As performance in ice hockey demands visual perception acuity during skating, while constantly shifting between unilateral and bilateral stances in sports specific posture more in-depth relationship should be studied.Research questionWhat is the relationship between neck kinaesthetic awareness, postural balance and eye movement control in professional ice hockey players and non-trained individuals?MethodsIn this observational study, centre-of-pressure was measured using force plate in twenty-eight hockey players and thirty non-trained participants during different stances in eyes-opened and eyes-closed conditions. Butterfly test and Head-to-Neutral Relocation test were performed to assess neck kinaesthesia. Horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements were measured using video-oculography. Linear regression was used to determine the relationship between neck kinaesthesia, body sway and oculomotor control.ResultsTime-on-target in Butterfly test was able to predict low to medium proportions of variance in amplitude and velocity parameters for single leg stances in hockey players (R2 = .220–.698). Head-to-Neutral Relocation test was able to predict low to medium proportion of variance in average eye movement velocity during first 100 milliseconds of smooth pursuit initiation for both groups (R2 = .262–.541).SignificanceFindings from our study suggest that cervical spine afferent input plays an important role in maintaining unilateral postural balance in hockey players, with less evidence presented in controls. Sports specific posture or upper body loading could lead to adaptations in neck proprioception, not frequently considered when searching for balance related injury risk factors or performance deficits. Our study suggests, that in addition to balance control, neck kinaesthesia can also affect oculomotor performance which was present in both groups. This is especially evident when initiating changes in eye movement direction.  相似文献   
IntroductionA three-level model of interoception has recently been defined. We aim to study the interoceptive processing in individuals with functional motor disorder (FMD).MethodsTwenty-two patients with FMD were compared to 23 healthy controls. They underwent a protocol measuring different levels of interoception including: accuracy (a heart-beat tracking task), awareness (participant's confidence level) and sensibility (the Body Awareness Questionnaire-BAQ). Depression, anxiety and alexithymia were assessed by means of validated clinical scales.ResultsThe FMD group showed a lower cardiac interoceptive accuracy and sensibility than healthy controls but they did not differ in terms of awareness (p = 0.03 and 0.005 respectively). They were aware of their poor performance in the accuracy task. Cardiac interoceptive accuracy positively correlated with the BAQ sub-scales “Predict Body Reaction” (r = 0.49, p = 0.001) and “Sleep-Wake Cycle” (r = 0.52, p < 0.001). A mediation analysis showed a significant indirect effect of group on cardiac interoceptive accuracy through BAQ “Predict Body Reaction” (b = −2.95, 95% BCa CI[-7.2;-0.2]). The direct effect of group on “Predict Body Reaction” was still significant (b = − 6.95, p = 0.02, 95% CI[-13.18;-0.73]).ConclusionsPeople with FMD have impaired cardiac interoceptive accuracy and sensibility but no difference in metacognitive interoception compared to healthy controls.  相似文献   
目的 选用两种药物分析对血脂异常、中医证候的疗效,以中医证候积分为基础建立血脂异常气郁痰阻型的疗效表征模型,进而提出基于粒子群优化的BP神经网络预测两种方法的疗效。方法 收集50名符合血脂异常气郁痰阻型患者的基本资料,将患者随机分为解郁祛痰化浊方组(JQHP)、血脂康胶囊组(XZKC),每组25例,观察疗程12周治疗前后的血脂水平,治疗前及治疗期间每4周记录一次中医证候积分,共4次。定性疗效分析参考血脂防治指南和中医疗效积分,采用t检验、非参数检验及X2分析的方法;神经网络模型采用粒子群优化的BP神经网络,定量构建血脂异常气郁痰阻证的预测模型,设置为三层网络,输入层节点数为15,隐含层节点数为6,输出层节点数为1。针对JQHP组和XZKC组的数据,分别选择80%的数据进行训练,20%的数据进行验证。结果 两组治疗前、治疗4周、治疗8周、治疗12周的中医证候积分随治疗周期的增加而下降(P < 0.05)。JQHP组除了“形体肥胖”外,其余14项症状均有显著的改善(P < 0.05),XZKC组治疗前后比较除“形体肥胖”、“头晕”、“胸闷”外,其余12项均改善(P < 0.05)。以中医证候积分建立的基于粒子群优化BP神经网络的预测精度高、稳定性佳,可以定量预测两种药物对未知患者的疗效。结论 JQHP和XZKC可以改善血脂异常患者的血脂水平,改善气郁痰阻型患者的症状,此为定性分析。利用中医证候积分建立的基于粒子群优化BP神经网络两种治疗方法的预测模型,可定量预测未知患者的疗效。以此思路将有助于找到一种特定治疗方法的适应人群,从而提高该治疗方法的针对性,实现中医药的智能化、精准化、定量化。  相似文献   
[目的]分析总结浙江近代著名临床医家邵兰荪治疗痛经的经验,以期为临床治疗提供借鉴。[方法]通过研读裘吉生编《邵氏医案》,筛选出其中治疗痛经的医案十余则,并结合邵氏在妇科方面的学术思想,进一步分析其辨证立法遣方特色,从而总结邵氏治疗痛经的临证经验。[结果]邵氏治疗痛经多从血辨治,且分虚实两端,其中属虚者血虚内热用益母胜金丹养血清热、活血止痛,血虚肝风治以养血柔肝、息风止痛;属实者水结血瘀用五苓散利水散瘀、行气止痛,气阻血滞治从行气活血、调经止痛。[结论]在治疗妇人痛经方面,邵氏辨治遣方确有独特经验,这些经验可为中医药治疗此类疾病拓宽诊治思路,有助于提高临床疗效。  相似文献   
Although autosomal DNA testing has been available for a number of years, its use to reconstruct genetic profiles of people that lived centuries in the past is relatively recent and there are no published cases where it was employed to verify a kinship relation, likely to be an alleged paternity, that occurred one and a half century ago.DNA testing has already been employed to study the ancestry and posterity of Joseph Smith Jr., founder of the Latter-day Saint (Mormon) movement. Thanks to information found on the paternally inherited Y chromosome, a number of alleged paternities have been disproved, but obviously this analysis is not effective for alleged daughters. Likewise, his reconstructed mitogenome sequence, reported here for the first time, provides information about his maternal ancestry, but is useless in any paternity questions due to the strict maternal inheritance. Among all the children attributed to Joseph Smith Jr., Josephine Lyon, born in 1844, is perhaps the most frequently mentioned.In the current study, 56 individuals, mostly direct descendants of Joseph Smith Jr. and Josephine Lyon, had their autosomal DNA tested to verify Josephine’s biological paternity. Nearly 600,000 autosomal SNPs from each subject were typed and detailed genealogical data were compiled. The absence of shared DNA between Josephine’s grandson and Joseph Smith Jr.’s five great-grandchildren together with various amounts of autosomal DNA shared by the same individual with four other relatives of Windsor Lyon is a clear indication that Josephine was not related to the Smith, but to the Lyon’s family. These inferences were also verified using kinship analyses and likelihood ratio calculations.  相似文献   
This paper examines the cultural situation and special responsibility of dance movement therapy, delineating certain philosophical and cultural-theoretical interpretations of the ‘corporeal turn’ and ‘therapeutic turn’ of contemporary culture. It aims to show how dance movement therapy’s theoretical horizon is inseparable from the body-mind integration of contemporary philosophies, and how corporeal turn is present in consumer culture, including some of its destructive forms of idealisation and malign regression. The question of how DMT is able to turn malignant regression to the body into benign regression is addressed, and an analysis of the correlating postmodern idea of resilience is offered. Finally, DMT groups are interpreted as social microcosms, and the way Hungarian psychodynamic movement and dance therapists apply their group therapeutic method for the development of democratic culture in the Civil Group Project is described.  相似文献   
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