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成都市某县女性压力性尿失禁影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都市某县社区女性压力性尿失禁(SUI)的发病情况及相关危险因素。方法采用自我完成的问卷调查,问卷的大部分内容根据亚太地区尿控咨询委员会标准,并根据该地具体情况进行调整。结果被调查总人数为563人,获得有效资料512份,问卷回收率为98.5%。调查结果显示女性人群尿失禁患病率为46.1%(236/512),单纯性SUI患病率为21.9%(112/512),单纯急迫性尿失禁患病率为4.7%(24/512),混合性尿失禁患病率为19.5%(100/512)。SUI(包括单纯性SUI和混合性尿失禁)患病率为41.4%(212/512)。SUI患病率和年龄、婚育、饮酒史和教育水平有关,SUI严重程度与年龄、体质指数和教育水平有关。结论成都市某社区女性SUI患病率较高,健康教育和素质教育对女性健康十分重要。  相似文献   
目的:研究人胃癌细胞SGC7901中多肽N-乙酰氨基半乳糖转移酶2(pp-GalNAc-T2)基因表达与肿瘤转移相关基因MMP2,TGF-β1表达的相关性,以及对细胞增殖和形态生物学特性的影响。方法:用两个已构建好的反义表达载体转染胃癌细胞SGC7901,通过G418筛选,建立一系列旨在封闭胃癌细胞SGC7901ppGalNAc-T2基因表达的亚细胞克隆。通过共聚焦显微镜,RT-PCR检测反义封闭pp-GalNAc-T2基因RNA表达后,胃癌细胞SGC7901中TGF-β1,MMP2表达水平,细胞增殖以及形态的变化。结果:反义封闭pp-GalNAc-T2基因表达后,胃癌细胞SGC7901pp-GalNAc-T2的表达水平明显降低,细胞的形态发生改变,分裂增殖减慢。结果还显示,反义封闭pp-GalNAc-T2基因表达可使TGF-β1,MMP2基因在mRNA表达水平均增加,提示pp-GalNAc-T2基因表达可能对胃癌细胞SGC7901浸润转移产生影响。结论:pp-GalNAc-T2可能在肿瘤的增殖、浸润和转移中发挥作用。  相似文献   
患者男,55岁,因“排尿、排便困难伴全身乏力2个月”于2007年9月3日人院。患者于2个月前无明显诱因出现排尿、排便困难,排尿踌躇,尿线变细,大便次数增多,4—5次/d,量少,为黄色稀便,伴全身乏力,无明显发热及腰痛,无尿频、尿急、尿痛,无肉眼血尿及便血。就诊于当地医院,诊断为前列腺炎,给予输液(具体不详)治疗,症状无明显缓解。  相似文献   
目的探讨β射线放射损伤后NOS和SOD的改变情况。方法采用直线加速器照射制作动物的β损伤模型 ,同时对NIH3T3细胞进行β外照射 ,观察NOS、SOD含量的改变。结果 β损伤后NOS在一定剂量范围内上升 ;SOD则在一定剂量范围内下降。结论 β损伤后能产生自由基 ,但其作用效应主要在全身 ,自由基在受照局部皮肤组织中改变的作用不大  相似文献   
排尿异常的糖尿病患者的尿动力学表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解尿动力学检查在糖尿病患者中的作用,我们对31例糖尿病患者进行了尿动力学检查,现报道如下。1.临床资料:31例患者均主诉有尿频、尿急、尿痛或排尿困难等排尿异常症状,并确诊为糖尿病,且无泌尿系感染。病程2至15年,平均8年。男性23例;女性8例。年龄19~85岁,平均61岁。有9例体格检查存在骶反射弧异常,包括会阴部感觉减退、肛门括约肌松弛及球海绵体肌反射未引出。31例患者中出现不稳定膀胱14例;膀胱感觉功能减退6例;逼尿肌反射低下及逼尿肌反射不能的8例;膀胱出口梗阻8例,均为大于50岁的男性…  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of HIV-1 CRF01_AE strains prevailing in. the four provinces of southern China. Methods Plasma samples were collected from the newly diagnosed HIV-1 individuals reported in 2006 in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi and Hunan province. The gag and env gene fragments were amplified from RNA template extracted from plasma using RT and nested PCR methods. CRF01_AE sequences were analyzed by phylogcnetie methods and characterized by calculating the genetic distance and Entropy analysis. Results Two main epidemic clusters were found to exist in the CRF01 AE strains from 210 HIV-1 CRF01 AE infected individuals collected in the 4 provinces, southern China. It was found that no international reference strain was closely correlated with cluster Ⅰ , which including 123 samples. The strains in cluster Ⅱ, consisting 57 cases of samples, were closely related with the strains identified in Vietnam. Genetic distance analysis of gag and env genes showed that the diversity of cluster Ⅰ was obviously less than that of cluster Ⅱ. Data on nucleotide polymorphism showed that nucleotides compositions of 42 sites in gag and 40 sites in env wer esignificantly different between the two clusters. When compared with cluster Ⅱ , the polymorphism decreased at 61 nucleotide sites but increased at 21 sites in cluster Ⅰ. Conclusion This was the first report describing that two main epidemic clusters were existed in CRF01_AE strains prevailing in the 4 provinces, Southern China. The vires in cluster Ⅰ was the dominant strain in this region, with shorter period of circulation and higher proportion seen in the HIV-infected population, which might belong to CRF01_AE strain with certain features facilitating the spread of the virus. The virus in cluster Ⅱ was highly homology with the CRF01_AE strains from Vietnam, and seemed to have had several events of epidemics in populations in border regions of China and Vietnam.  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the genetic characteristics of HIV-1 CRF01_AE strains prevailing in. the four provinces of southern China. Methods Plasma samples were collected from the newly diagnosed HIV-1 individuals reported in 2006 in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi and Hunan province. The gag and env gene fragments were amplified from RNA template extracted from plasma using RT and nested PCR methods. CRF01_AE sequences were analyzed by phylogcnetie methods and characterized by calculating the genetic distance and Entropy analysis. Results Two main epidemic clusters were found to exist in the CRF01 AE strains from 210 HIV-1 CRF01 AE infected individuals collected in the 4 provinces, southern China. It was found that no international reference strain was closely correlated with cluster Ⅰ , which including 123 samples. The strains in cluster Ⅱ, consisting 57 cases of samples, were closely related with the strains identified in Vietnam. Genetic distance analysis of gag and env genes showed that the diversity of cluster Ⅰ was obviously less than that of cluster Ⅱ. Data on nucleotide polymorphism showed that nucleotides compositions of 42 sites in gag and 40 sites in env wer esignificantly different between the two clusters. When compared with cluster Ⅱ , the polymorphism decreased at 61 nucleotide sites but increased at 21 sites in cluster Ⅰ. Conclusion This was the first report describing that two main epidemic clusters were existed in CRF01_AE strains prevailing in the 4 provinces, Southern China. The vires in cluster Ⅰ was the dominant strain in this region, with shorter period of circulation and higher proportion seen in the HIV-infected population, which might belong to CRF01_AE strain with certain features facilitating the spread of the virus. The virus in cluster Ⅱ was highly homology with the CRF01_AE strains from Vietnam, and seemed to have had several events of epidemics in populations in border regions of China and Vietnam.  相似文献   
目的 诱导崩肉瘤特异性细胞毒T淋巴细胞(ostosarcoma specific cytotoxic Tlymphocyte,OSS-CTL)观察其体内外的抗肿瘤特性。方法 通过生化方法从HOS-8603细胞系中提取纯化骨肉瘤相关抗原(osteosarcoma associated antigen,OSAA),并与低剂量IL-2,CD3单体协同刺激骨肉瘤致敏的淋巴细胞诱导产生OSS-CTL。结果  相似文献   
纯化天然骨唾液蛋白的体内成骨活性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 评价骨唾液蛋白(bone sialprotein,BSP)在大 本内的成骨活性。方法 应用从牛骨中提取纯化的BSP与经盐酸胍处理诱导活性的不溶性骨基质(insoluble bone mtrix,IBM)或提纯的1型胶原形成共价交联的复合物,将BSP-IBM复合物和BSP-1型胶原复合物分别植入直径8mm的大鼠颅骨骨缺损和胸部皮下组织内。不含BSP的IBM或1型胶原也分别植入上述部位作为对照。  相似文献   
前列腺重量与膀胱出口梗阻相关性的研究   总被引:104,自引:2,他引:102  
目的探讨BPH患者尿动力学评估价值及膀胱出口梗阻与前列腺重量的关系。方法采用影像尿动力学检查评估临床常规方法诊断的BPH患者。结果63例BPH患者中,13例膀胱出口无梗阻;经影像尿动力学检查确诊为BPH的患者中,以前列腺重量30g为界,大于30g组前列腺重量与AG图分级成正相关(r=0.43,n=22,P=0.046),而小于30g组则无此相关性。结论BPH患者有必要行尿动力学检查以除外膀胱功能障碍性疾病。前列腺大于30g时宜采用减小前列腺体积的治疗方法,而大于30g则应采用缓解膀胱颈梗阻的治疗方法  相似文献   
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