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张景  陈哲 《农垦医学》2010,32(6):519-521
目的:探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)血糖异常及临床意义。方法:采用美国生产的MEDISENSE微量血糖仪及配套试纸,对90例HIE患儿血糖监测。结果:90例HIE患儿中有28例出现高血糖,10例出现低血糖。结论:HIE患儿病情越重,血糖就越高,死亡率也高。  相似文献   
冠心病病人健康教育两种方法的对比性研究   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
心血管疾病是危害人类健康的头号杀手 ,其中因冠心病而死亡的占其死亡总数的 5 0 %左右。目前 ,冠心病的发病率在 4 0岁以上的人群中占 4 %~ 7% ,且呈不断上升趋势 ,这引起了世界卫生组织 (WHO)和各国的广泛关注[1 ] 。有资料表明 ,许多冠心病患者并不是死于疾病本身 ,而是死于对自己健康的无知和不健康的生活方式。笔者从 2 0 0 1年开始关注冠心病患者认知教育问题 ,研究表明 ,系统地对住院冠心病病人健康教育显得尤为重要。1 对象与方法1.1 研究对象。 2 0 0 1年 9月~ 2 0 0 3年 2月 ,我科入院的老年冠心病患者 6 6例。患者平均年龄…  相似文献   
目的深入了解儿科病房护士工作体验,为管理者制定人性化管理措施提供依据,减轻儿科护士病房工作的心理压力和身体不适。方法运用EdmundHusserl观点构成的质性研究,对在儿科工作的26名注册护士进行深入的访谈。结果使用Colaizzico分析程序,分析和提炼儿科护士在照顾患儿的各种感受:心理疲惫;身体疲劳;社会交往及家庭生活的影响;投入与回报不相称。结论儿科护士本身要学会自我调节的方法,医院管理层应对儿科护士给予广泛而持续的支持与关怀,科学合理地制定儿科护理工作管理制度。  相似文献   
冠心病病人健康教育两种方法的对比性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
心血管疾病是危害人类健康的头号杀手,其中因冠心病而死亡的占其死亡总数的50%左右。目前,冠心病的发病率在40岁以上的人群中占4%~7%,且呈不断上升趋势,这引起了世界卫生组织(WHO)和各国的广泛关注。有资料表明,许多冠心病患者并不是死于疾病本身,而是死于对自己健康的无知和不健康的生活方式。笔者从2001年开始关注  相似文献   
目的了解上海市生活饮用水中磺胺类抗生素浓度水平。方法于2016年4—5月,选取上海市27家市政自来水厂进行原水与出厂水水样采集,检测20种主要磺胺类抗生素浓度。结果在27件原水样品中,有21件检出11种磺胺类抗生素,磺胺类总浓度水平在未检出~214.98 ng/L之间。在27件出厂水样品中,有7件检出6种磺胺类抗生素,磺胺类总量浓度水平在未检出~70.9 ng/L之间。水厂原水中磺胺类抗生素总量浓度水平高于出厂水(P0.05)。水源地中磺胺类抗生素平均检出浓度水平较高、检出种类较多的是陈行水库、黄浦江及其支流。出厂水中检出浓度最高的是磺胺间甲氧嘧啶。采用深度处理工艺的水厂原水检出全部11种磺胺类抗生素,且总体检出率高于常规处理工艺水厂原水。深度处理工艺对磺胺类抗生素总量的去除量高于常规处理工艺(P0.05)。结论磺胺类抗生素在上海市生活饮用水原水中广泛存在,现有的水厂处理工艺对其有一定处理能力。应加强推进水源地改造和深度处理工艺改造来对其进行控制。  相似文献   
目前的研究已经证实,同型半胱氨酸(HCY)是冠心病(CAD)的独立危险因素[1-2],但其致病机制尚不明确.HCY氧化产生的H2O2可引起内皮细胞(EC)损伤[3-4].从而促进CAD的形成.因此,我们选择高同型半胱氨酸血症老年CAD患者为研究对象,观察其血脂、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及丙二醛(MDA)的变化,探讨HCY对EC脂质过氧化的影响,研究其对CAD形成的作用机制.  相似文献   
ObJective To evaluate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography microflow imaging (MFI) in detecting prostate cancer. Methods Sixty-five patients with serum prostate-specific antigen levels higher than 4.00 μg/L were evaluated with transrectal gray-scale,power Doppler,and MFI ultrasonography and then biopsy guided by ultrasonography. Biopsy was performed at twelve sites in the base,the mid gland and the apex in each patient. In these three transverse sections, when any of the three methods showed abnormality,the biopsy site was directed to the abnormal foci. Diagnostic efficiency of the three methods for prostate cancer detection was compared based on biopsy results according to patient and biopsy site. Results Overall prostate cancers were detected in 230 (29.5 %) of 780 specimens in 36(55.4%) of 65 patients. MFI could detect more patients(34) than gray-scale(26) and power Doppler(28) (P = 0.021, P = 0.031), 6(16.7%)of the 36 patients diagnosed with cancer were identified only by MFI. By biopsy site, MFI had higher sensitivity and overall accuracy (80.0% and 83.0%) than gray-scale (47.0% and 76.8%) and power Doppler (37.4% and 74.6%) ultrasonography(P <0.001, P<0.001 ; P = 0.001, P <0.001), while the specificity of MFI was 84.4%, lower than gray-scale (89.3%) and power Doppler (90.2%) ultrasonography(P = 0.009, P < 0.001). Conclusions MFI could detect more patients and improve sensitivity and overall accuracy by biopsy site than conventional uhrasonography.  相似文献   
ObJective To evaluate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography microflow imaging (MFI) in detecting prostate cancer. Methods Sixty-five patients with serum prostate-specific antigen levels higher than 4.00 μg/L were evaluated with transrectal gray-scale,power Doppler,and MFI ultrasonography and then biopsy guided by ultrasonography. Biopsy was performed at twelve sites in the base,the mid gland and the apex in each patient. In these three transverse sections, when any of the three methods showed abnormality,the biopsy site was directed to the abnormal foci. Diagnostic efficiency of the three methods for prostate cancer detection was compared based on biopsy results according to patient and biopsy site. Results Overall prostate cancers were detected in 230 (29.5 %) of 780 specimens in 36(55.4%) of 65 patients. MFI could detect more patients(34) than gray-scale(26) and power Doppler(28) (P = 0.021, P = 0.031), 6(16.7%)of the 36 patients diagnosed with cancer were identified only by MFI. By biopsy site, MFI had higher sensitivity and overall accuracy (80.0% and 83.0%) than gray-scale (47.0% and 76.8%) and power Doppler (37.4% and 74.6%) ultrasonography(P <0.001, P<0.001 ; P = 0.001, P <0.001), while the specificity of MFI was 84.4%, lower than gray-scale (89.3%) and power Doppler (90.2%) ultrasonography(P = 0.009, P < 0.001). Conclusions MFI could detect more patients and improve sensitivity and overall accuracy by biopsy site than conventional uhrasonography.  相似文献   
目的分析离休干部抑郁症患病率及相关因素,为离休干部抑郁症的防治提供依据。方法选择968例离休患者,以汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton Depression Scale,HAMD)作为评价抑郁症指标,HAMD评分大于20分认为存在抑郁症。对所有入选病例进行HAMD评分,并调查抑郁相关因素。结果968例离休患者中,抑郁症患者49例,患病率5.06%。11.11%小学文化程度患者、6.49%中学文化程度患者、3.74%大学文化程度患者患有抑郁症(P0.05);4.31%认知功能正常患者、10.91%认知功能障碍患者患有抑郁症(P0.01);7.01%脑卒中患者、2.99%非脑卒中患者患有抑郁症(P0.01);18.18%脑卒中后遗症患者,3.57%无脑卒中后遗症患者患有抑郁症(P0.01);14.29%肿瘤患者,3.94%非肿瘤患者患有抑郁症(P0.01);0~1种躯体疾病患者2.37%患有抑郁症,2~4种躯体疾病患者5.22%患有抑郁症,5~6种躯体疾病患者11.54%患有抑郁症(P0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析显示教育程度、认知功能、脑卒中后遗症、肿瘤、躯体疾病种类与抑郁症相关。结论在离休干部中,抑郁症的发生与教育程度、认知功能、脑卒中后遗症、肿瘤、躯体疾病种类相关,应采取积极的干预措施,减轻抑郁情绪对身心的不良影响。  相似文献   
丝氨酸-苏氨酸激酶11(serine/threonine kinase11,LKB1)的胚系突变可以引起Peutz-Jeghers综合征(PJS)[1].PJS是一种常染色体显性遗传性疾病,其肿瘤的发生率是普通人群的10~18倍[2].研究结果显示,散发性肿瘤中LKB1突变罕见,但在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)中,LKB1的突变率可达30%.  相似文献   
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