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MODS防治的中医及中西医结合研究热点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多器官功能不全综合征(MODS)为临床危重症。病情凶险,病死率高。尽管目前西医对MODS的发病机制有了较为深入的认识,采取了一系列防治措施,但其临床效果仍十分有限。由于中医药防病治病的整体观念优势,使得中医及中西医结合防治MODS成为一个重要研究方向。现对目前MODS的中医及中西医结合研究热点述及如下。  相似文献   
老年多器官功能不全综合征的预测研究近况   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
老年多器官功能不全综合征(MODSE)与成年人多器官功能不全综合征(MODS)虽有许多相似点,但其发病基础、致病原因等方面有不同之处。MODSE一旦发生,救治困难,因此研究其预测指标成为热点。归纳起来,目前应用的指标主要有评分系统、炎性介质、甲状腺激素水平、血小板计数等。由于目前对MODSE的预测还没有理想指标,因而也无法早期采取干预措施,提示加强MODSE的预测指标研究势在必行。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the prediction value of the early prediction score system of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in the elderly (MODSE). Method A total of 393 patients with pulmonary infection, who were above60 years old, were divided into non MODSE(n =224) and MODSE group(n = 169) and were scored by the early prediction score system of MODSE. Independent-samples t Test was used to analyze the difference of forecast score between MODSE and non MODSE group. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn,and the area under the curve was calculated. The prediction accuracy of scores for MODSE was assessed using sen-sitivity and specificity, and the optimal forecast point for MODSE was found. Results The score of MODSE group was higber than that of non MODSE[(19.38±12.049) vs. (45.78±20.257), P <0.001]. The area under the ROC curve was 0.889 (P <0.001) ond 95% (0.857~0.920). As the value of forecast score was 27.5, the sensitivity of the early prediction score system of MODSE was 82.8 %, the specificity of the early prediction score system of MODSE was 80.3 %. Conclusions The early prediction score system of MODSE is valuable in predic-tion of MODSE, which may be used to forecast MODSE and find the high risk population of MODSE.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the prediction value of the early prediction score system of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in the elderly (MODSE). Method A total of 393 patients with pulmonary infection, who were above60 years old, were divided into non MODSE(n =224) and MODSE group(n = 169) and were scored by the early prediction score system of MODSE. Independent-samples t Test was used to analyze the difference of forecast score between MODSE and non MODSE group. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn,and the area under the curve was calculated. The prediction accuracy of scores for MODSE was assessed using sen-sitivity and specificity, and the optimal forecast point for MODSE was found. Results The score of MODSE group was higber than that of non MODSE[(19.38±12.049) vs. (45.78±20.257), P <0.001]. The area under the ROC curve was 0.889 (P <0.001) ond 95% (0.857~0.920). As the value of forecast score was 27.5, the sensitivity of the early prediction score system of MODSE was 82.8 %, the specificity of the early prediction score system of MODSE was 80.3 %. Conclusions The early prediction score system of MODSE is valuable in predic-tion of MODSE, which may be used to forecast MODSE and find the high risk population of MODSE.  相似文献   
1995年1月—2007年12月我院收治26例老年慢性肾衰竭合并带状疱疹,现报告如下。 1临床资料 1.1一般资料 本组26例中男18例,女8例,年龄63~87岁,平均76岁;均为慢性肾功能衰竭患者,其中11例为血透患者。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the prediction value of the early prediction score system of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in the elderly (MODSE). Method A total of 393 patients with pulmonary infection, who were above60 years old, were divided into non MODSE(n =224) and MODSE group(n = 169) and were scored by the early prediction score system of MODSE. Independent-samples t Test was used to analyze the difference of forecast score between MODSE and non MODSE group. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn,and the area under the curve was calculated. The prediction accuracy of scores for MODSE was assessed using sen-sitivity and specificity, and the optimal forecast point for MODSE was found. Results The score of MODSE group was higber than that of non MODSE[(19.38±12.049) vs. (45.78±20.257), P <0.001]. The area under the ROC curve was 0.889 (P <0.001) ond 95% (0.857~0.920). As the value of forecast score was 27.5, the sensitivity of the early prediction score system of MODSE was 82.8 %, the specificity of the early prediction score system of MODSE was 80.3 %. Conclusions The early prediction score system of MODSE is valuable in predic-tion of MODSE, which may be used to forecast MODSE and find the high risk population of MODSE.  相似文献   
老年多器官功能不全综合征(Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome in the Elderlt,MODSE)是指老年人在器官老化和患有多种慢性疾病的基础上,由某种诱因激发,在短时间内出现2个或2个以上器官序贯或同时发生功能不全或衰竭的临床综合征。MODSE分为器官功能衰竭前期和器官功能衰竭期。MODSE为老年病临床常见的危重症,发病率高,病情凶险,病死率高,是导致老年人死亡的重要原因之一。年龄越大,合并严重慢性疾病越多,  相似文献   
住院军职离退休干部主要病种分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解住院军职离退休干部主要疾病构成。方法收集2002—2004年在我院住院的驻石家庄地区离退休军职干部173例,对其主要病种进行统计。结果患病率在前15位的依次是冠心病、原发性高血压、前列腺增生症、慢性支气管炎、糖尿病、高脂血症、慢性胃炎、脑梗死、恶性肿瘤、胆囊炎胆石症、颈椎病、高尿酸血症、肺炎、消化性溃疡、帕金森病。结论以冠心病、高血压、脑梗死为代表的心脑血管病,以糖尿病、高脂血症为代表的代谢性疾病,以及恶性肿瘤在住院军职离退休干部中有较高的患病率,且严重威胁着住院军职离退休干部的身体健康和生命安全,应将这些疾病的筛查和防治作为医疗保健的重点。  相似文献   
老年多器官功能不全综合征(MODSE)是指老年人在器官老化和患有多种慢性疾病的基础上,由某种诱因激发,在短时间内(24 h后)出现2个或2个以上器官序贯或同时发生功能不全或衰竭的临床综合征.MODSE和成年人多器官功能不全综合征(MODS)有着许多相似的特点,但其发病基础、致病原因等方面有着许多不同之处,是一个有别于一般MODS的独立的临床综合征.目前许多有关MODSE的研究并没有完全将MODSE从MODS中区分开来,部分MODSE的研究混杂在MODS研究文献之中.MODSE为老年病临床常见的危重症,病情凶险,病死率高.近年来,在常规西医治疗的基础上加用补虚中药针剂,明显提高了MODSE的防治效果.现将近年来基于“补虚”的中药针剂防治MODSE的现状作一综述.  相似文献   
<正>病人,男,82岁。发作性心前区闷痛30余年。2 h前在家看电视时突发心前区闷痛伴大汗。当时测血压为120/60 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),干休所医生立即给予"硝酸甘油1 mg口含",症状未缓解,给予"阿司匹林300 mg嚼服、罂粟碱30 mg肌注、0.9%氯化钠250 ml+硝酸甘油5 mg静滴",约半小时后患者心前区闷痛症状有所缓解。为进一步治疗来我院求治。查心电图示:窦  相似文献   
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