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解建国教授是国家级名老中医、辽宁省首届名中医,从事中医药治疗疑难顽怪病的临床及科研工作40余载。临床用药喜用药对,擅用药对。文章介绍解建国教授运用药对治疗癌症的经验。解老师临床治疗癌症,整体上以扶正缩瘤药对为基础,结合病变脏腑功能不同,以各脏腑药对为辅,同时结合病变症状表现不同,佐以对症效药药对。其所用药对之性味归经、剂量配比皆有深意,是充分考虑癌病及其病机特点,精研药物功效配伍,并通过长期临床实践所成的宝贵经验。特色鲜明,疗效确切,故加以总结整理,以飨同道。  相似文献   
全国名中医、孟河医派传人单兆伟教授擅长胃肠病诊治,临证擅用《金匮要略》温经汤治疗女性肾虚型泄泻。认为温经汤的主要适应证是肝肾虚寒型的女性腹泻和(或)月经不调,肝脾肾三脏虚寒、寒凝而瘀、虚瘀相因、寒热错杂是温经汤证的病机特点,泄下清谷、脉象沉细或细涩、舌质淡黯有齿痕或瘀点是温经汤的主要应用指证。  相似文献   
随着对于双心疾病研究的加深,西医疗法的弊端也开始显现。而中医因其理论架构中早就有对于“心主血脉”和“心主神明”的认识,因此在双心疾病的治疗上有着先天的优势。同时近些年中医疗法的结合应用也取得不错的成绩,本文通过对于双心疾病的病例分析,来研讨这种治疗手段的合理性和先进性。  相似文献   
IntroductionAdverse events in radiology are quite rare, but they do occur. Radiation safety regulations and the law obligate organizations to report certain adverse events, harm and near misses, especially events related to patients' health and safety. The aim of this study was to describe and analyse incidents related to radiation safety issues reported in Finland.MethodsThe data were collected from incident reports documented by radiology personnel concerning notifications of abnormal events in medical imaging made to the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority between 2010 and 2017. During these eight years, 312 reports were submitted. Only events reported from radiology departments were included; nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and animal radiology cases were excluded. The final number of reports was 293 (94%).ResultsThe majority of the 293 approved reports were related to computed tomography (CT, 68.3%) and to X-ray examinations (27.6%). Altogether 82.9% of those irradiated were adults, most of whom were exposed to unnecessary radiation through CT (86.5%), 5.5% were children, and 4.4% pregnant women. The most common effective dose of unnecessary radiation was 1 mSv or less (89.7% of all examinations). The highest effective doses were reported in CT (from under 1 mSv–20 mSv and above). The reasons for the adverse events were incorrect identification (32%), incorrect procedure, site or side (30%); and human errors or errors of knowledge (20%).ConclusionAdverse events occurred especially in CT examinations. It is important to collect and analyse incident data, assess the harmful events, learn from them and aim to reduce adverse events.Implications for practiceThis study emphasizes the need for radiological personnel to obtain evidence-based information on adverse events and focus on training to improve patient safety.  相似文献   
失眠是由各种原因导致的入睡困难和(或)睡眠维持困难的睡眠障碍,主要特征是睡眠感不满意,属于中医学"不得眠""不寐"范畴。传统多从心、肝、胆、脾、胃、肾论治该病,杜元灏教授认为脏腑机能失调,气血不和,阳不能入阴,阴不能涵阳,神不守舍而致失眠。重视"脑为元神之腑"的理论,且因督脉入络脑,夹脊穴为五脏六腑之气转输、流注之处,杜教授多强调从脑、督脉以及夹脊穴论治失眠,为针刺治疗失眠提供新思路。  相似文献   
目的:运用中医传承辅助平台系统(V2.5)深入分析王树声教授治疗上尿路结石的用药经验,挖掘其核心经验 方组成和辨证用药规律。方法:收集王教授门诊治疗上尿路结石的治疗验方304 首,将方药信息录入系统,采用药物频次统计、 关联规则分析和熵聚类分析等方法分析处方用药规律。结果:304 首处方中涉及中药97 味,用药频次超过100 次的有14 味。所用药物药性多寒、温、平,药味多甘、苦,主归肝、肾、脾经;共得出25 组核心组合和9 首新处方。结论:王教授治疗 上尿路结石以益气固本、清热通淋为主,用药的关键在于“扶正固本”的把握和“祛邪通淋”的权衡,为临证用药和新方 开发提供参考。  相似文献   
谭新华教授采用温肾补肝、益肾疏肝、填精消癥、养肾柔肝、补肾泻肝之法治疗男性不育症、勃起功能障碍、前列腺增生症、精索静脉曲张、慢性前列腺炎等男科疾病临床疗效显著。本文结合典型案例对谭教授从肝肾论治男科疾病经验进行总结。  相似文献   
《伤寒论》乃经方之祖,而其中关于腹诊论述的条文达1/4以上,是临床选方用药的重要依据,临床实践中对于经方的使用,更应该注重腹诊。大陷胸汤出自《伤寒论》,乃峻下之剂,然今之医者,恐其太过峻猛,鲜有人使用此方,近年来相关报道也较少,但若处方用药恰当,则可取得事半功倍的效果,为指导经方临床应用开阔了思路。  相似文献   
Background:  Previous studies into leisure have employed methodologies that may understate the significance of experiential components. This exploratory study investigated the leisure experiences of retired Australians over 65 years of age.
Methods:  Five semistructured interviews were used to explore the leisure experience of older people from metropolitan Adelaide. Data were coded and analysed thematically.
Results:  Relaxation and engrossment emerged as commonly expressed experiences, yet were found to emerge as a result of engagement in occupations predefined as leisure. Experiences of freedom from both necessary duties and a sense of obligation were discussed as potential determinants of leisure consciousness.
Practice implications:  This study highlights a need for therapists to actively access clients' subjective leisure experiences to enable engagement in personally meaningful leisure occupations.  相似文献   
国际计算机辅助骨科手术协会(CAOS-International)是目前致力于计算机辅助骨科手术(CAOS)临床应用和相关生物医学工程技术研究的国际性学术组织。协会通过每年举办学术年会,召集世界各地的骨科医生、工程师及医疗器械厂商探讨CAOS的应用现状和未来发展趋势。其深远目标是通过会议讨论,交换研究和临床信息,并通过计算机辅助系统帮助术前计划、术中操作和术后评估。协会的宗旨是促进骨科医生与技术人员间的合作,使CAOS系统成为临床日常应用的有利工具和有用技术。协会成立迄今已有5年历史,通过国际间的学术交流和各相关学科的技术融合,极大地推动了CAOS技术的发展和普及。中国的CAOS研究还处于起步阶段,积极参加CAOS-International的学术活动,了解有关信息,将有助于及时跟踪国际学术动态,推动相关研究。  相似文献   
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