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为观察系统化整体护理模式对肛裂患者术后疼痛及便秘的效果,将肛裂手术患者184例随机分为对照组和观察组,每组92例。对照组患者术后采用常规护理,观察组患者术后采用系统化整体护理模式护理;比较2组患者术后疼痛及便秘效果。结果显示,观察组患者术后疼痛评分低于对照组(P <0.05),观察组患者3d未排便、用力排便、排便堵塞、粪便干硬比率低于对照组(P <0.05)。结果表明,系统化整体护理模式能有效缓解肛裂患者术后疼痛,改善肛裂术后患者便秘症状。  相似文献   
BackgroundClostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is traditionally taught to be an antibiotic associated diarrheal infection. This diagnosis is based on the presence of clinical symptoms (usually defined as more than 3 watery, loose or unformed stool within 24 h) coupled with a diagnostic test. There is now a new presentation of CDI, including progression to toxic megacolon, in patients without diarrhea.MethodsWe report a case series of 9 surgical patients from a single institution who developed CDI without preceding diarrhea.ResultAll 9 patients had CDI with positive laboratory testing for C. difficile toxin. They, however, presented with a lack of or minimal bowel movements. Six patients had rapid development of abdominal distention, 1 patient had a single episode of watery stool in 3 days, while the other 2 patients presented with constipation. Seven patients received stool softeners, suppositories and/or enemas for presumed constipation. Four patients had a mild course of infection and were successfully treated medically. The other 5 patients developed toxic megacolon, and eventually required total abdominal colectomy. Out of the 5 patients that required total colectomy, 2 expired.ConclusionCDI must be suspected in patients who rapidly develop abdominal distention, vague abdominal complaints or change in bowel function even in the absence of diarrhea, especially if coupled with multi-system organ failure.  相似文献   
风药者,取象春季生发之气也,兼轻巧活泼、芳香辛散、轻扬升浮、通达宣散之性,此药可调肝宣肺运脾、斡旋气机升降,辅有承转机体脏腑气机以交通各脏之功,配伍风药医脾胃之疾,每获良效。张声生教授巧用风药于脾胃之疾,配伍敛阴、补气、活血、降气之药以取风药之长兼制风药之弊,其虽属佐使之品,然组方配伍之术于诊疗临床脾胃之疾常为点睛之笔,甚有裨益。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 63 Patienten wurden wegen eines Rektumprolaps durch eine abdominale Rektopexie (Operationsverfahren nach Ripstein-Corman) therapiert. Als Rektopexienahtlagermaterial wurden lyophylisierte Dura-Streifen, ein Vicryl-Netz oder ein Dexon-Netz verwendet. 71,4% (n = 45 von 63) des Kollektivs konnten nachuntersucht wurden, der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum betrug im Mittel 52,5 Monate. Die postoperative verfahrensbedingte Mortalität betrug 0%, im 30-Tage-Intervall nur 1,6% wegen kardialer Komplikationen. Intraoperative Komplikationen traten in 4,7% der Fälle auf. Die postoperative Morbiditätsrate betrug 25,4% (n = 16 von 63), infektbedingte Komplikationen wurden in 12.7% (n = 8 von 63) der Fälle beschrieben, davon 1 Fall mit einer spontan ausgeheilten pelvikutanen Fistel. Ein Rektumprolapsrezidiv zeigte sich in 4,4% (n = 2 von 45) der Fälle (nur Dura-Rektopexie), ein Schleimhautprolaps trat bei 15,5% (n = 7 von 45) der Fälle auf. Postoperativ reduzierten sich Obstipationsbeschwerden um 28,6% (n = 18 von 63) auf 22,2%. Bei Patienten mit einer präoperativen Inkontinenz wurde eine Verbesserung in 60,7% (n = 17 von 28) der Fälle erreicht, 35,7% (n = 10 von 28) waren vollständig kontinent. Die Steigerung der Kontinenzgrade durch eine abdominale Rektopexie ist statistisch signifikant (Wilcoxon-Test, p = 0,05). Die Einflußgrößen hohes Lebensalter, Prolapsanamnesedauer, Geburtenzahl und präoperative Inkontinenzdauer
Clinical and functional results after abdominal rectopexy: a comparison of dura strips. Vicryl and Dexon gauze as fixation material and suture placement (Ripstein-Corman procedure)
We report our results with abdominal rectopexy (modified Ripstein procedure, Ripstein/Corman) without resection of the colon in 63 patients using lyophylized dura-strips, Vicryl gauze or Dexon gauze, as the underlying fixation material for the mobilized rectum, presacral fascia and fixation suture material. Forty-five of 64 patients (71.4%) were reevaluated by proctoscopic examination and questioning; the mean follow-up time was 52.5 months (range 3–136 months). Postoperative mortality due to the method was 0%; the mortality was 1.6% (n = 1/63) in general for the first postoperative 30-day period as a result of cardiac complications. There were three complications (4.7%) the durating operation. Postoperative morbidity was 25.4% (16/63); infectious complications occurred in 12.7% (8/63) of cases, with one case of spontaneous closure of a pelvicutaneous fistula after intraoperative injury to the rectal wall. Full-thickness rectal prolapse appeared after rectopexy in 4.4% (2/45) (dura material alone) and mucosal prolapse was seen in 15.5% (7/45) of the follow-up group. Constipation was reduced by 28.6% (18/63) to 22.2% during the follow-up. Seventeen of 28 patients (60.7 %) with incontinence showed an improvement; total continence was registered in 35.7% (10/28). The increase in continence as a result of abdominal rectopexy was significant (Wilcoxon, P = 0.05). The special aspects of being in an older age group, having a long history of procidentia, the number of deliveries, the length of the preoperative incontinence period all showed no influence on the postoperative degree of continence (Spearman's rank correlation). In 7/15 cases with persisting incontinence after rectopexy, postanal repair (Parks) was efficient in 7/7 cases leading to total or partial continence. Abdominal rectopexy with the Ripstein-Corman procedure is generally recommended for the treatment of procidentia. Absorbable material for the Ripstein sling is preferred because of the low prolapse recurrency rate and the low infection rate; the absorbability of Vicryl or Dexon gauze might be of advantage in cases of pelvic sepsis after rectopexy, as removal of the gauze is not necessary. Resection of the colon as a treatment for severe constipation is not generally recommended.
Zusammenfassung Die Bauchhöhle hat ein Faszienskelett, das durch ihren permanenten veränderhchen Ruhetonus verspannt gehalten wird. Zur Bauchhöhle gehören mit der seitlichen Bauchmuskulatur auch das Zwerchfell und der Beckenboden. Willkürliche und reflektorische Tonusänderungen bedingen ihre Verformung und ihren Verschluß oder ihre Eröffnung. Am Versuchstier haben wir diesen Ruhetonus schon in der Schwanzmuskulatur nachgewiesen, von der der Beckenboden des Menschen stammesgeschichtlich abstammt. Der Beckenboden bildet mit den Sphinkteren das anorektale Kontinenzorgan. Es ist, phylogenetisch erklärbar, bei der Frau viel schwächer entwickelt als beim Mann. Diese unterschiedliche Mächtigkeit ist his zu den Kernen des Rückenmarks, die diese Muskulatur steuern, zu verfolgen. Diese Asthenie des weiblichen Kontinenzorgans wird durch das Gebären und die Obstipation noch zusätzlich belastet. Das gleiche gilt für die Bauchdecke der Frau, die, wie hier nachgewiesen wird, nach einer Gravidität die gleichen, bleibenden Denervationserscheinungen ihrer Muskulatur erkennen läß t. Es sind die gleichen Schäden, die der Beckenboden mit den Sphinkteren erleidet. In schwereren Fällen ist neben der Inkontinenz also auch ein Schlotterbauch die Folge dieser Belastungen. Der ruhetonisierte Beckenboden kann das spastische Beckenbodensyndrom, die kontinente Obstipation, zur Folge haben. Sic kann psychotherapeutisch geheilt werden. Davon muß die inkontinente Obstipation unterschieden werden, die manchmal mit einem Mastdarmvorfall einhergeht. Bei ihr liegt das Hindernis im Darm. Sic kann in schweren Fällen durch eine Sigmaresektion gebessert werden. Die Denervationsinkontinenz ist am besten durch das operative Engerstellen des ganzen Levatortrichters zu bessern. Voraussetzung ist: Der gelähmte Beckenboden muß noch eine Restruheaktivität aufweisen.
Acquired disturbances of muscles of the peritoneal cavity
The peritoneal cavity has a fascial skeleton that is kept under tension by permanent variable resting tone maintained by the abdominal muscles. The lateral abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and the pelvic floor are all components of this fasciomuscular support system. Voluntary and reflective changes in muscle tension allow the entry and exit of matter into and out of the spherical abdominal cavity by opening and closing of specialized wall segments called sphincters. We have previously demonstrated the existence of a resting tone in the tail muscles of mammals from which the human pelvic floor muscles are derived. The pelvic floor and its integrated sphincters form the anorectal organ of continence. This organ is much weaker in females than in males. The spinal centers that govern continence, contain in the female significantly fewer ganglion cells than the corresponding centers in the male. Childbirth and a commonly found tendency to develop constipation are additional stressors for the congenitally weaker female organ of continence. We explain in this paper why the abdominal wall and the pelvic floor may suffer stretch-induced denervation injuries during pregnancy and delivery. Such damage may persist in later life and can give rise to incontinence and flabby abdomen. Based on our work in this field, we found a new differentiation between continent and incontinent constipation. Continent constipation is caused by spasticity of the pelvic floor characterized by abnormally high sphincter activity. This spastic pelvic floor syndrome can be treated successfully by psychotherapeutic techniques. Incontinent constipation, in contrast, is always associated with subnormal activity of the sphincters and may be a cause of rectal prolapse. It can be treated successfully by anterior rectosigmoid resection. Incontinent constipation will also require operative approximation of the levators in many cases. Improvement cannot be expected to result from this procedure, however, unless the pelvic floor shows some residual resting activity.
Korrespondenz an: em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. F. Stelzner  相似文献   
Few studies related to parity address the changes in anorectal function in women. Since the majority of patients with rectal prolapse are women, we undertook this study to assess the role of parity in the development of rectal prolapse. We retrospectively reviewed defecography studies performed on 354 female patients over a 10-year period. Studies noting the presence of intra-anal and external rectal prolapse (full thickness protrusion of the rectum into and through the anal sphincter) were reviewed. Cases with intrarectal or hidden rectal prolapse, a condition of lesser clinical importance, were excluded. The obstetric histories of the patients with rectal prolapse (n = 27) were compared to those of patients without rectal prolapse (n = 88). There was a larger proportion of nulliparous women in the rectal prolapse group than in the group without rectal prolapse, suggesting that factors in addition to parity play a role in the development of rectal prolapse. However, parous women with rectal prolapse had delivered significantly more children (3.3) than parous women without prolapse (2.5) (P = 0.03). The exact cause of rectal prolapse remains unclear. Childbearing appears to play a limited role in its pathogenesis since nulliparous women are also at risk of developing rectal prolapse. Received: 27 November 1997; Revision received: 15 April 1998; Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   
将56例小儿便秘患者分为胃肠积热型,气机不畅型和气阴两虚型,取大肠、中脘、八卦、七节骨、承山、足三里和迎香,应用小儿推拿手法治疗.痊愈45例,有效9例,无效2例,总有效率96.5%.  相似文献   
决明子提取物泻下作用研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的:研究决明子系统溶剂提取物对实验性便秘小鼠的泻下作用。方法:采用燥结便秘模型小鼠,观察决明子生品及炒品各溶剂提取物的泻下作用。结果:决明子石油醚提取物、正丁醇提取物、炒决明子正丁醇提取物能明显缩短燥结便秘模型小鼠的首便时间,增加排便粒数及粪便重量。结论:决明子泻下作用的有效成分主要集中于石油醚提取物及正丁醇提取物中,可能是油脂类及苷类成分。  相似文献   
后矢状位肛门直肠成形术后便秘原因初探   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 研究无肛畸形胎鼠直肠盲端神经元细胞分布情况 ,探讨后矢状位肛门直肠成形术 (PSARP)后便秘发生原因。方法 选用 2~ 3个月龄 ,体重 2 5 0~ 30 0g健康Wistar大白鼠 12只 ,其中雌鼠 8只 ,雄鼠 4只。实验组雌鼠为 5只 ,对照组为 3只。雌雄交配后第 11d对实验组 5只雌鼠使用乙烯硫脲 (ethylenethiourea ,ETU)灌胃 (1%乙烯硫脲溶液 ,12 5mg/kg) ,对照组孕鼠在同一天使用等量蒸馏水灌胃。第 2 2d对两组孕鼠剖宫取胎 ,形态学研究取实验组及对照组各一只孕鼠 ,获实验组无肛胎鼠 6只 ,正常 5只 ,对照组胎鼠 10只。对胎鼠盆腔进行正中矢状切片 ,HE染色后在光镜下观察其形态。免疫组化研究将两组剩余孕鼠 (实验组 4只 ,对照组 2只 ) ,获胎鼠实验组无肛、正常和对照组各 2 7只、16只和 2 1只 ,取胎鼠直肠盲端 ,利用神经元特异性烯醇化酶 (neuronspecificenolaseNSE)和S 10 0蛋白标记肠壁内源性神经元细胞及胶质细胞 (SP)法 ,分别对肌间神经元、粘膜下神经元及胶质细胞进行计数并与对照组对比 ,进行统计学分析。结果 实验组无肛胎鼠盆腔正中矢状切面可显示直肠盲端的形态。直肠盲端与对照组直肠肌间神经元细胞数分别为 2 .0 9± 0 .5 0 ,2 .74±0 .5 1;直肠盲端与对照组直肠粘膜下神经元细胞数分别为 0 .72  相似文献   
枳术汤对脾虚便秘小鼠结肠肥大细胞与胃肠激素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的观察枳术汤对脾虚便秘小鼠结肠粘膜肥大细胞(MC)的影响及其与P物质(SP)、生长抑素(SS)免疫反应阳性的相关性,探讨该方治疗脾虚便秘的可能作用机制.方法采用饥饱失常和过度疲劳配合燥结便秘的方法复制小鼠脾虚便秘模型,甲苯胺蓝改良法及LSAB免疫组织化学标记法进行MC和SP、SS的检测,用IMS型彩色图像系统和免疫组化分析软件进行分析.结果脾虚便秘模型小鼠结肠粘膜肥大细胞密度明显降低;其MC密度与结肠粘膜SP免疫反应阳性强度均值(r=0.6508,P<0.01)、面积(r=0.684,P<0.01)呈正相关;而与SS免疫反应阳性强度均值(r=-0.7568,P<0.01)、面积(r=-0.683,P<0.01)呈负相关.大、中剂量的枳术汤能使脾虚便秘小鼠结肠粘膜MC密度增加,并一定程度上使SP免疫反应阳性增强,SS的免疫反应阳性减弱.结论调节肠壁粘膜SP、SS免疫反应阳性强度,影响MC释放5-HT、组胺从而调整胃肠运动功能,这可能是枳术汤治疗脾虚便秘的机制之一.  相似文献   
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