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[目的]调查护士对智能化护理设备的持续使用意愿情况,并分析其影响因素,为智慧医院及智能化护理建设提供参考依据。[方法]通过便利抽样的方法选取某三级甲等医院护理人员147人并采用自制的问卷对其进行调查。调查内容包括持续使用意愿、感知易用性、感知可靠性、感知可用性、社会因素、期望确认和系统满意度等,采用方差分析、相关分析、分层回归方法等进行统计分析。[结果]问卷经mplus验证性因素分析,各维度组成信度为0.69~0.92,各因子各自所对应的载荷值均0.4,问卷信度、效度良好。硕士学历组、36~45岁组护理人员的持续使用意愿得分高于其他组(t=2.73,P=0.01;t=2.14,P=0.03)。使用体验的各自变量与持续使用意愿之间均存在相关性(P0.01),感知易用性、感知可用性、社会因素和期望确认是护理人员智能化设备持续使用意愿的正向因素(t=4.46,P0.01;t=6.49,P0.01;t=2.18,P0.05;t=-4.31,P0.01)。[结论]智能化护理产品应结合感知易用性、感知可用性等因素优化设计。结合护士的使用期望,鼓励护士参与智能化设备的研发设计,可提高智能化护理产品的适用性,满足临床使用需求。  相似文献   
Objective To elevate the prevention rate and reduce the incidence of pressure ulcer inhospi-tal. Methods Design a forecast report chart to assess patients who were in hospital from Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2008 by putting this chart in application, from which screen out 1881 patients who were susceptible to high risk of pressure ulcer (patients" risk scale was below 14) . Those patients were regarded as investigation group, and their shin con-difions was observed, and taken effective nursing measures. Using historical contrast, the patients picked out by Braden chart in Jan. 2005-Dec. 2006 were considered as control group. The differences in gender, age, history, and the number of patients between two groups were insignificant (P>0.05) . The high - risk prediction accura-cy rate of pressure ulcer, inevitable pressure ulcer rate, the amount of inevitable pressure ulcer in different depth, and the amount of evitable pressure ulcer were analyzed. Results The high - risk prediction accuracy rote of pres-sure ulcer, inevitable pressure ulcer rate, the amount of inevitable pressure ulcer in Ⅱ depth, and the amount of evitable pressure ulcer inhospital of investigation group were significantly better than those of control group (P < 0.05) . Conclusions The forecast report chart is a more effective in pressure ulcer risk prediction. Predictive nuring , management and supervision for patients with pressure ulcer high risk factors are conducive to the im-provement of the basic nursing quality and thus lower the incidence of pressure ulcer among high risk patients.  相似文献   
护理人力资源配置方法研究的进展   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
阐述了护理人力资源配置研究的必要性、方法及影响因素 ,对国内现行护理人力资源配置的研究进行了分析总结 ,为护理人力资源合理配置提供依据。  相似文献   
目的 探讨白细胞分离术治疗高白细胞白血病中的作用及护理要点.方法 对42例在化疗前进行白细胞分离术的高白细胞白血病患者进行观察和护理.结果 42例患者术中的不良反应发生率为28.57%,术后1例死亡,41例白细胞平均下降了55&#215;109/L,其中37例白细胞淤积症状明显改善,有效率达97.62%.结论 白细胞分离术是治疗高白细胞白血病的有效措施,而护士对于白细胞分离术的熟练操作和有效护理措施能及时发现和预防各种并发症,提高治疗效果.  相似文献   
目的提高静脉穿刺水平,施行人性化护理。方法在全院范围内开展护理技术竞赛,采用《静脉输液评分标准》和《NPIS疼痛评估法》进行评分,并对4年来的竞赛结果进行前后比较,以评价护理人员静脉穿刺水平。结果开展“无痛注射,一针见血”静脉输液技术竞赛,提高了护理人员静脉穿刺水平,锻炼了护理人员的心理素质;同时,也提供了一个探讨护理技术、展现护士风采的平台。结论有组织、有计划地开展各项护理技术比赛活动,对提高护理人员的操作技能能起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
科室三级护理查房模式在临床中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨三级护理查房在临床中的应用效果。方法按照三级护理查房对象、参与人员、时间与形式等相关要求,在试点科室开展三级护理查房,并比较实施前后护理人员对病人相关资料和专科知识掌握情况及病人满意度。结果护理人员对病人病情和专科知识的掌握率显著提高,病人满意度提高。结论三级护理查房对提高整体护理质量有一定的促进作用,值得进一步推广应用。  相似文献   
目的 探讨拉玛泽非药物减痛分娩法应用于自然分娩产妇的效果.方法 将300例孕妇分为干预组和对照组各150例.干预组自孕7个月开始接受拉玛泽减痛分娩法训练,并应用于待产与分娩的过程;对照组不接受该训练,按常规一对一陪伴分娩.结果 干预组第一产程、第二产程和总产程时间明显短于对照组,Ⅲ级疼痛明显轻于对照组,产后出血率、新生儿窒息率明显少于对照组,差异均有统计学意义.结论 拉玛泽非药物减痛分娩法是一种安全、有效的减痛分娩方法,可以缩短总产程,减少产后出血及新生儿窒息.  相似文献   
方法按护理单元统计静脉穿刺成功率,分析穿刺失败原因,针对性地开展培训练兵;运用《静脉输液评分标准》和《NPIS疼痛评估法》评分,比较不同层次的护理人员大比武活动前后静脉穿刺成功率及疼痛平均值,进行统计学分析。结果比武前后静脉穿刺成功率进行比较,低年资护士差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),不同层次的护理人员之间静脉穿刺成功率比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);大比武前后静脉穿刺疼痛平均值比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论有组织、有计划地开展静脉穿刺技术练兵大比武活动,对提高护理人员的静脉穿刺水平及护理人性化服务水平能起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
Objective To elevate the prevention rate and reduce the incidence of pressure ulcer inhospi-tal. Methods Design a forecast report chart to assess patients who were in hospital from Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2008 by putting this chart in application, from which screen out 1881 patients who were susceptible to high risk of pressure ulcer (patients" risk scale was below 14) . Those patients were regarded as investigation group, and their shin con-difions was observed, and taken effective nursing measures. Using historical contrast, the patients picked out by Braden chart in Jan. 2005-Dec. 2006 were considered as control group. The differences in gender, age, history, and the number of patients between two groups were insignificant (P>0.05) . The high - risk prediction accura-cy rate of pressure ulcer, inevitable pressure ulcer rate, the amount of inevitable pressure ulcer in different depth, and the amount of evitable pressure ulcer were analyzed. Results The high - risk prediction accuracy rote of pres-sure ulcer, inevitable pressure ulcer rate, the amount of inevitable pressure ulcer in Ⅱ depth, and the amount of evitable pressure ulcer inhospital of investigation group were significantly better than those of control group (P < 0.05) . Conclusions The forecast report chart is a more effective in pressure ulcer risk prediction. Predictive nuring , management and supervision for patients with pressure ulcer high risk factors are conducive to the im-provement of the basic nursing quality and thus lower the incidence of pressure ulcer among high risk patients.  相似文献   
[目的]对130例次非计划拔管不良事件进行分析,为规范管道管理提供依据。[方法]回顾某三级甲等医院护理系统上报的130例非计划拔管事件,对拔管的类型、发生时间、特点及原因进行分析。[结果]121例次发生在普通病房,胃管87例次,78例次在夜班,需重新置管94例次,当班护士主要为工作时间1年~4年护士。非计划拔管的主要原因是家属自行解除约束和评估不足。[结论]非计划拔管事件的发生并不能单纯依靠人员的管理而避免,应找出根本原因和能落到实处的解决措施。  相似文献   
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