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目的 比较社区居民接受突发预警(Suddens)和面、臂、言语、时间(the Face Arm Speech Time,FAST)
方法 采用随机对照研究,将来自重庆市渝中区的208例社区居民随机分为2组,分别接受Suddens和
结果 Suddens教育组和FAST教育组各104例居民,接受卒中教育后即刻及3个月后,对卒中警示症状的
接收教育后即刻显著下降(P =0.000)。
结论 FAST较Suddens更容易记忆,适用于国内的公众卒中教育。  相似文献   

目的 调查中国卒中单元对缺血性卒中患者收治的现况,并探索卒中单元对改善卒中医疗质量绩效
方法 本研究数据来自中国多中心缺血性卒中住院患者登记研究。按照是否进入卒中单元,将
performance index,KPI)和在院预后(卒中复发、联合血管事件、全因死亡)的差异,并采用多因素回归,
结果 本研究共纳入了全国1374家医院的269 428例急性缺血性卒中住院患者。其中,63 548例
(23.6%)患者纳入卒中单元组。卒中单元与较高比例的rt-PA静脉溶栓(OR 1.48,95%CI 1.43~1.53)、
早期抗栓治疗(OR 1.13,95%CI 1.10~1.17)、深静脉血栓预防(OR 1.19,95%CI 1.16~1.22)、吞
咽功能筛查(OR 1.36,95%CI 1.32~1.39)、康复评估(OR 1.31,95%CI 1.28~1.34)、出院抗栓治疗
(OR 1.12,95%CI 1.08~1.15)、合并心房颤动患者抗凝治疗(OR 1.13,95%CI 1.08~1.19)、戒烟宣教
(OR 1.22,95%CI 1.20~1.25)独立相关,与较低的在院卒中复发率(HR 0.79,95%CI 0.75~0.82)和
联合血管事件发生率(HR 0.80,95%CI 0.77~0.84)独立相关(均P <0.001)。
结论 进入卒中单元的缺血性卒中患者,卒中医疗质量KPI完成较好,在院卒中复发率及联合血管事
件率较低。  相似文献   

目的 旨在比较中国北京和加拿大安大略省卒中/短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)
方法 中国国家卒中登记于2007年9月~2008年8月在北京地区的11个研究中心连续收集了1775例急
结果 ①基线信息:北京地区的患者较安大略省的患者年轻(64.5±12.9 vs 70.2±15.3,P<0.001),
并且男性较多(64.8% vs 51.6%,P<0.001);既往史有吸烟、饮酒、卒中、高血压的比例北京地区均
(33.5% vs 78.4%,P<0.001),并且2.5 h内到达急诊的比例较低(21.0% vs 42.4%,P<0.001)。③
治疗情况:北京地区的患者中,进行影像学检查的比例低于安大略省(93.9% vs 99.2%,P<0.001),
并且进入卒中单元治疗的比例较低(23% vs 64.7%,P<0.001)。在缺血性卒中的患者中,北京地区
的患者进行溶栓治疗的比例较低(8.1% vs 17.4%,P<0.001),然而伴有心房颤动的患者中,给与抗
凝治疗的比例两者无明显的差异(75.9% vs 75.5%,P =0.945)。北京地区和安大略省地区缺血性卒
中患者出院给予抗栓治疗的比例相近(77.0% vs 77.9%,P =0.544)。④结局事件:与安大略省地区
相比,北京地区患者住院期间新发卒中的比例较低(3.4% vs 5.1%,P<0.001),然而住院期间肺炎
的发生率较高(12.5% vs 7.6%,P<0.001)。北京地区患者的住院死亡率、7 d死亡率和30 d死亡率均
显著低于安大略省地区(7.7% vs 14.7%,5.7% vs 9.3%,7.9% vs 15.9%,P均<0.001)。
结论 北京和安大略地区的卒中/TIA住院患者在基线信息、住院治疗和结局方面有较大的差异。认
识到这些差异将有助于提高中国卒中住院治疗的质量,有助于更好地制订卒中的控制和预防策略。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高压氧联合康复治疗动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血术后患者6个月预后的影响因素。
方法 回顾性纳入2014年10月-2019年6月首都医科大学附属复兴医院康复中心连续收治的动脉瘤
结果 共纳入68例患者,平均年龄57.0±11.6岁,男性33例(48.5%)。6个月良好预后率为51.5%
(35/68)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,入院NIHSS评分(OR 2.131,95%CI 1.532~2.876)和迟发性脑
缺血(OR 1.743,95%CI 1.203~2.145)为不良预后的独立影响因素。
结论 高压氧联合康复治疗的动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血术后患者中,康复治疗前严重的神经功能
缺损及迟发性脑缺血与其6个月不良预后相关。  相似文献   

北京卒中社区康复的现状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 调查了解北京市丰台区社区居民对卒中康复相关知识的认知情况以及社区康复现状。方法 在北京市丰台区两个社区内采用随机抽样方法随机抽样198名卒中患者,194名卒中患者看护人,填写自行设计的调查表。结果 调查显示约9.7%的患者及9.3%的看护人表示对康复治疗很了解或比较了解。约65.2%的患者和63.0%的看护人希望能够在社区进行康复。但只有34.4%的患者和42%的看护人曾经进行过社区康复。结论 北京市丰台区两社区居民对卒中康复治疗的相关知识仍比较缺乏,社区康复开展率较低,但是对康复的需求量仍较大。需要进一步加强康复治疗相关知识的宣传,同时进一步普及社区康复。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血管内支架成形术在症状性大脑中动脉血管狭窄治疗中的应用,评价其安全性及治疗
方法 回顾性分析2008年5月-2015年2月在沧州市人民医院神经内科行血管内支架成形术治疗的症
结果 入组98例患者,均成功置入支架,术前患者平均狭窄率为(83.8±7.9)%,术后患者残余狭窄
率为(21.9±4.2)%,术后3 d发生亚急性血栓1例(1.0%),再狭窄发生率12.9%(10/77),随访1年疗
效终点事件(术后30 d内发生缺血性卒中、出血性卒中及手术相关性死亡;30 d后发生病变血管责任区
结论 血管内支架成形术治疗症状性大脑中动脉狭窄具有良好的安全性,手术成功率高,1年再狭窄
率低。  相似文献   

目的 观察急性大血管闭塞性轻型卒中患者血管内治疗的疗效及安全性。
方法 回顾性分析2018年1月-2019年5月行血管内治疗的急性大血管闭塞性轻型卒中(NIHSS评分
≤5分)患者的临床资料。观察术后血管成功再通率(mTICI≥2b级)、围手术期并发症、90 d良好预后率
结果 共纳入13例患者,平均年龄58.7±14.5岁,男性11例(84.6%)。术后血管成功再通率100%;围
手术期并发症2例,假性动脉瘤1例、无症状性颅内出血1例;90 d良好预后率100%。
结论 急性大血管闭塞性轻型卒中行血管内治疗可能是安全、有效的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗急性缺血性卒中/TIA患者的院内死亡率及其影响因素。
方法 回顾性分析2013年1月-2016年5月河南省11家市级、县级医院神经内科连续收治的发病6 h内
结果 共入组444例患者,平均年龄60.19±11.61岁,男性296例(66.7%),院内死亡25例(5.6%)。多
因素Logistic回归分析显示,发病至溶栓时间3~6 h(OR 3.006,95%CI 1.120~8.071,P =0.029)、溶栓前
NI HSS评分(OR 1.130,95%CI 1.079~1.183,P<0.001)及心房颤动病史(OR 3.671,95%CI 1.282~10.511,
P =0.015)是尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗急性缺血性卒中/TIA患者院内死亡的独立影响因素。
结论 发病至溶栓时间3~6 h、严重神经功能损害、心房颤动病史是尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗急性缺
血性卒中/TIA患者住院期间死亡的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在探讨卒中患者各项临床指标和卒中后反射性交感神经营养不良的关系。
方法 前瞻性登记2011年4月~2013年1月在成都市第三人民医院神经内科、神经外科及康复理疗科
经营养不良(reflex sympathetic dystrophy,RSD)组,即卒中后12周内未出现RSD的患者;RSD组,即12周
结果 RSD组与非RSD组比较,年龄、性别、卒中类型、既往史评分、感觉障碍及焦虑没有显著性
差异;两组之间合并症评分、美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(National Institutes of Health Stroke
Scale,NIHSS)评分、抑郁、运动功能障碍、肌张力变化及巴氏指数(Barthel Index,BI)存在显著差
异;COX回归模型分析表明合并症评分[危险比(harzard ratio,HR)1.018,95%可信区间(confidence
interval,CI)1.006~1.163]、NIHSS评分(HR 1.157,95%CI 1.062~1.261)、抑郁评分(HR 4.975,
95%CI 1.839~13.460)、肩关节半脱位(HR 4.627,95%CI 2.383~8.984)及运动功能障碍(HR 0.577,
95%CI 0.358~0.930)是RSD发生的独立危险因素。
结论 合并症评分、NIHSS评分、抑郁、肩关节半脱位及运动功能障碍是卒中后RSD发生的独立危险
因素。  相似文献   

目的 通过大数据分析我国临床缺血性卒中患者阿司匹林联合氯吡格雷(双抗)的使用率情况。
方法 从北京市职工医疗保险系统数据库中提取2012年1月-2014年12月,根据国际疾病分类
(International Classification of Diseases,ICD)-10编码主诊断为I63(缺血性卒中)和G45[短暂性脑缺血发
作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)和相关的综合征]的患者,以2013年6月为界限分为前后各18个月,比
结果 研究期间共纳入用药记录6 296 188例次,患者总计101 587例。2013年7月-2014年12月,每个
结论 在北京市医疗保险缺血性卒中和TIA患者中,相比2013年6月前,2013年6月后使用阿司匹林联
合氯吡格雷进行双抗的比例较高。  相似文献   

目的 观察大脑中动脉闭塞(middle cerebral artery occlusion,MCAO)或狭窄的缺血性卒中患者的危险
因素及血白细胞(white blood cell,WBC)、红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate,ESR)和超敏
C反应蛋白(high-sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)的变化。
方法 2005年1月~2011年1月期间北京友谊医院神经内科连续入选符合研究标准的262例缺血性卒中
患者,其中98例MCAO(闭塞组)、23例大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery,MCA)狭窄率70%~99%(重
组患者的危险因素及入院24 h血WBC、ESR和hs-CRP等指标。
结果 闭塞组、重度狭窄和中度狭窄组糖尿病患病率明显高于轻度狭窄组(P分别为0.008、0.044和
组(P分别为0.005、0.002和0.001);重度狭窄组ESR亦高于轻度狭窄组(P =0.026)。
结论 MCA闭塞和重度狭窄的缺血性卒中患者血WBC、ESR和hs-CRP水平高于MCA轻度狭窄患者。  相似文献   

Medical records of all residents of Rochester, Minnesota, who had a first stroke in 1975-1979 were reviewed to determine level of disability, disposition, and use of rehabilitation services. Of the 292 persons with a first stroke, 251 (86%) (mean age 70 years) survived greater than 1 week. The mean Rankin disability score (Grade 1, no disability, through Grade 5, severe disability) changed from 1.7 before stroke to 2.8 in survivors at hospital discharge; 29% of those discharged required further institutional care. The level of disability in survivors remained relatively constant from 6 months after stroke through 5 years of observation. Of the 112 patients with an admission score of 5, 40 (36%) were alive at 1 year and only 5 of those (13%) improved to relative independence (Rankin scores of 1 or 2). The most common comorbidity contributing to disability was cardiovascular disease (31%). After the first 18 months, the mortality in patients with stroke was similar to that in a normal population having the same age and sex distribution. Of the 251 1-week survivors, 132 (53%) had rehabilitation (physiatrist) evaluations, 127 (51%) received physical therapy, 103 (41%) received occupational therapy, and 33 (13%) received speech therapy. Thirty-four of the 132 patients (26%) referred for rehabilitation evaluations were transferred to the rehabilitation unit.  相似文献   

IntroductionStroke in air travelers is being increasingly recognized. We report on stroke among passengers arriving at or transiting through a busy air travel hub.MethodsThe stroke database of the sole tertiary care center for stroke in a large busy international hub was interrogated. Demographic data of transit passengers, their stroke risk factors, stroke severity, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), acute stroke interventions, discharge status and outcome utilizing the Modified Raking scale (mRS) were retrieved and compared between passengers and non-passenger controls.ResultsForty-three flight-related stroke patients were compared to 2564 non-passenger stroke patients. The mean age in the flight-related stroke group was 59.53±10.83 years, 30/43 (69.8%) were males. The stroke subtypes were ischemic in 30 (69.8%) patients, hemorrhagic in 9 (20.9%), and transient ischemic attack in 3 (7.0%), with one cerebral sinus venous thrombosis (2.3%). The mean NIHSS score was 7.79±6.44 in passengers, demonstrating moderate severity. Ten patients (23.3%) received thrombolysis, one (2.3%) received thrombectomy, and one (2.3%) received both thrombolysis and thrombectomy. Outcomes, 54.8% had a good outcome (mRS 0-2), and 45.2% had dependence/death (mRS 3-6).ConclusionAir passengers with stroke were found to be older with more severe strokes and a higher probability of receiving acute stroke treatment compared to non-passengers. Increased awareness with appropriate and timely recognition and triaging of transit passengers with stroke is warranted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In an inner-London teaching hospital, a randomized trial of "conventional" care versus early discharge to community-based therapy found no significant differences in clinical outcomes between patient groups. This report examines the economic consequences of the alternative strategies. METHODS: One hundred sixty-seven patients received the early discharge package, and 164 received conventional care. Patient utilization of health and social services was recorded over a 12-month period, and cost was determined using data from provider departments and other published sources. RESULTS: Inpatient stay after randomization was 12 days (intervention group) versus 18 days (controls) (P=0.0001). Average units of therapy per patient were as follows: physiotherapy, 22.4 (early discharge) versus 15.0 (conventional) (P=0.0006); occupational therapy, 29.0 versus 23.8 (P=0.002); speech therapy, 13. 7 versus 5.8 (P=0.0001). The early discharge group had more annual hospital physician contacts (P=0.015) and general practitioner clinic visits (P=0.019) but fewer incidences of day hospital attendance (P=0.04). Other differences in utilization were nonsignificant. Average annual costs per patient were pound sterling 6800 (early discharge) and pound sterling 7432 (conventional). The early discharge group had lower inpatient costs per patient (pound sterling 4862 [71% of total cost] versus pound sterling 6343 [85%] for controls) but higher non-inpatient costs (pound sterling 1938 [29%] versus pound sterling 1089 [15%]). Further analysis demonstrated that early discharge is unlikely to lead to financial savings; its main benefit is to release capacity for an expansion in stroke caseload. CONCLUSIONS: Overall results of this trial indicate that early discharge to community rehabilitation for stroke is cost-effective. It may provide a means of addressing the predicted increase in need for stroke care within existing hospital capacity.  相似文献   

Background and PurposeWe aimed to determine whether the care process and outcomes in patients with acute stroke who received recanalization therapy changed during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in South Korea.MethodsWe used data from a prospective multicenter reperfusion therapy registry to compare the care process—including the time from symptom onset to treatment, number of treated patients, and discharge disposition—and treatment outcomes between before and during the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea.ResultsUpon the COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea, the number of patients receiving endovascular treatment to decrease temporarily but considerably. The use of emergency medical services by stroke patients increased from 91.5% before to 100.0% during the COVID-19 outbreak (p=0.025), as did the median time from symptom onset to hospital visit [median (interquartile range), 91.0 minutes (39.8–277.0) vs. 176.0 minutes (56.0–391.5), p=0.029]. Furthermore, more functionally dependent patients with disabilities were discharged home (59.5% vs. 26.1%, p=0.020) rather than staying in a regional or rehabilitation hospital. In contrast, there were no COVID-19-related changes in the times from the hospital visit to brain imaging and treatment or in the functional outcome, successful recanalization rate, or rate of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that a prehospital delay occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak, and that patients with acute stroke might have been reluctant to visit and stay in hospitals. Our findings indicate that attention should be paid to prehospital care and the behavior of patients with acute stroke during the COVID-19 outbreak.  相似文献   

Dysphagia is a common consequence of stroke, estimated to be present in 25% to 50% of the stroke rehabilitation population. Relatively few data exist concerning outcome following insertion of feeding gastrostomy/jejunostomy tubes (FGT) in stroke patients with dysphagia. Our aim was to identify variables predictive of FGT removal. We studied stroke patients admitted to a single rehabilitation hospital and identified consecutive stroke patients with FGT placement. Each patient’s medical records were reviewed, and demographic, clinical, and neuroimaging information were abstracted. Follow-up status was obtained by telephone interviews and review of state death certificates. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Seventy-seven of the 664 (11.1%) stroke patients admitted in the 42-month study period had FGT insertion for dysphagia. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that bilateral stroke (bilateral vs unilateral; P < .022), aspiration during videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VSS; P < .012), and age greater than 52 years (P < .001) were negative predictors of FGT removal prior to discharge from the rehabilitation hospital. We identified three independent variables (bilateral stroke, aspiration during VSS, and age > 52) in stroke patients with severe dysphagia requiring FGT placement that are negative predictors of FGT removal prior to discharge from rehabilitation. These findings may help physicians and speech language pathologists predict who is likely to have a FGT removed before rehabilitation hospital discharge.  相似文献   

ObjectivePrevious research suggested better recovery in functioning of patients with hemorrhagic as compared to ischemic stroke. Now that more effective acute treatment for ischemic stroke, i.e. thrombolysis and thrombectomy, has become available, this observational cohort study aimed to examine if current rehabilitation outcomes differ between patients with hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.Materials and MethodsThe Barthel Index, 4 domains of the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) and the EuroQol 5Dimensions were completed in all consecutive patients who received stroke rehabilitation at start of rehabilitation and during follow-up (for Barthel Index at discharge, SIS and EuroQol 5D after three and six months). Outcomes and recovery (i.e. change of scores between baseline and last follow-up) were compared between patients with hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke (total and categorized by initial hospital treatment) using the Kruskall Wallis test. In addition, recovery was compared between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in multiple regression analyses with bootstrapping.ResultsBaseline functioning did not differ between 117 patients with a hemorrhagic stroke, 118 ischemic stroke patient treated with reperfusion therapy, and 125 ischemic stroke patients without reperfusion therapy. There were no differences in functioning at follow-up nor in recovery concerning the Barthel Index, SIS domains ‘mobility’, ‘communication’, ‘memory and thinking’ and ‘mood and emotions’, and EuroQoL 5D between the three categories.ConclusionsIn a rehabilitation population the recovery and functioning at three or six months did not differ between ischemic stroke patients and hemorrhagic stroke patients, regardless of the hospital treatment they had received.  相似文献   

This study compared the functional ability and perceived health status of stroke patients treated by a domiciliary rehabilitation team or by routine hospital-based services after discharge from hospital. Patients discharged from two acute and three rehabilitation hospitals in Nottingham were randomly allocated in three strata (Health Care of the Elderly, General Medical and Stroke Unit) to receive domiciliary or hospital-based care after discharge. Functional recovery was assessed by the Extended Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scale three and six months after discharge and perceived health at six months was measured by the Nottingham Health Profile. A total of 327 eligible patients of 1119 on a register of acute stroke admissions were recruited over 16 months. Overall there were no differences between the groups in their Extended ADL scores at three or six months, or their Nottingham Health Profile scores at six months. In the Stroke Unit stratum, patients treated by the domiciliary team had higher household (p = 0.02) and leisure activity (p = 0.04) scores at six months than those receiving routine care. In the Health Care of the Elderly stratum, death or a move into long-term institutional care at six months occurred less frequently in patients allocated to the routine service, about half of whom attended a geriatric day hospital. Overall there was no difference in the effectiveness of the domiciliary and hospital-based services, although younger stroke unit patients appeared to do better with home therapy while some frail elderly patients might have benefited from day hospital attendance.  相似文献   

Brown C, Hasson H, Thyselius V, Almborg A‐H. Post‐stroke depression and functional independence: a conundrum.
Acta Neurol Scand: 2012: 126: 45–51.
© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Objectives – People who suffer a stroke are at risk of developing post‐stroke depression (PSD). Not only does this lower their quality of life but it also increases their risk of another stroke or death. This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with PSD in order to better direct rehabilitation efforts aimed at cutting the incidence of PSD. Material and methods – This study was based on all patients admitted to the stroke unit of a hospital in southern Sweden from 1 October 2003 to 30 November 2005. The total number of patients involved was 181. Measures were collected at 2 ± 1 weeks after discharge from hospital, 3 ± 0.5 months after the occurrence of the stroke and 12 ± 1 months after the occurrence of the stroke. Information collected was results from the Center of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale and the Barthel Index together with demographic data including age, sex, time since stroke and relationship status. Results – Those patients involved in the study were mainly men (58–59%) and generally those either married or cohabiting (53–57%). The age of respondents ranged from 32 to 92 years with a mean age of 74.0 (95%CI 72.37–75.63) at 2 ± 1 weeks after discharge. The Barthel Index scores ranged from 15 to 100 with means of between 88.7 and 91.7. Between 15% and 19% of the group were clinically depressed during the time frame of the study. The Barthel Index, measuring functional independence in terms of need for assistance with personal activities of daily living (P‐ADL), was consistently associated with PSD. Conclusions – The differences found in levels of depression between those with lower functional independence after a stroke compared to those more independent in P‐ADL, raise the possibility that attention should be paid to therapeutic rehabilitation for stroke patients to help them recover as much functional independence as possible in order to improve their quality of life and lower their chances of developing PSD.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of combined conventional rehabilitation therapy and acupuncture on the active shoulder range of motion (ROM) and motor power in stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder subluxation. Twenty-one patients received a combination of acupuncture and rehabilitation treatment at a hospital, and their active shoulder ROM and motor power were assessed at admission and discharge. The therapy produced significant improvements in joint mobility, such as in flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation, abduction, and adduction (p < .001), and in motor power (p < .05) in stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder subluxation.  相似文献   

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