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Fifty-one patients with situational major depression were compared to 75 nonsituational depressives, using multiple clinical variables. Very few differences were found between the two groups for the 75 tested variables. The study data is most consistent with the postulate that the division of depressives into situational and nonsituational categories may not be valid.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Aims of the study were to find the prevalence of chronic depression in elderly patients compared with younger patients, and to compare chronic depression between elderly and younger patients, to find if there were clinical differences. A major feature of the study was the inclusion of a large number of bipolar II patients, usually not included in previous studies. METHODS: Three hundred and ninety-nine consecutive unipolar (N=200) and bipolar II (N=199) depression outpatients were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and depression rating scales in a private practice. RESULTS: Chronic depression was more common in elderly patients than in younger patients (53.6% vs 40.1%, p=0.0299). Late-life chronic depression patients had later age at onset, longer duration of illness, fewer bipolar II cases, more unipolar cases and more relapses than younger chronic depression patients. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that late-life depression is more likely to be chronic than depression in younger patients. The subtyping of chronic depression according to age seems supported by a different age at onset and some clinical differences.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors investigated the features of depression associated with hypochondriac symptoms. The subjects were inpatients of the psychiatry clinic of Jichi Medical School who were clinical diagnosed with depression and enrolled in the study between June 1, 1997, and June 30, 1999. Of 86 subjects enrolled, 49 exhibited hypochondriac symptoms ("hypochondriac group"). Patients in the hypochondriac group tended to be older at diagnosis and admission than those in the "non-hypochondriac group". Our findings suggested that symptoms of both hypochondriasis and depression are related to situational, psychological and organizational factors. As many patients consulted health professionals in specialties other than psychiatry, we emphasize that primary-care doctors need to keep the possibility of depression in mind when examining patients. The frequency of delusions associated with depression was higher in the hypochondriac group than in the non-hypochondriac group. We therefore suggest that hypochondriac attitudes are related to the three major diagnostic features in depressive delusions. Many hypochondriac subjects complained of constipation and pain as concrete symptoms, but the sites of hypochondriac symptoms showed considerable variation. In terms of symptoms of pain, however, affected sites were more localized, with many patients reporting headache or lumbago.  相似文献   

Major depression is associated with impairment of cognitive functions, and especially higher-order cognitive processes referred to as executive functions (EF). Whether this is a general finding is unclear. Patients without EF impairment may have different treatment needs than patients with EF impairment, and will probably have a better everyday functioning. Thus, it is important to identify the prevalence and characteristics of depressed patients without EF impairment. Forty-three patients with recurrent major depressive disorder (19-51 years) and 50 healthy controls were included in the study. The subjects were assessed with neuropsychological tests selected to measure central areas of EF, and screened on clinical and demographic variables. Within the depressed group, a total of 56% were defined as EF unimpaired. These patients were characterised by higher intellectual abilities and fewer depression episodes than the subgroup of patients with EF impairment. The subgroups were similar in age at debut of illness, severity of depression, general psychopathology and global level of functioning. In conclusion, about half of patients with recurrent major depression have normal EF. Since cognitive impairment and depressive symptomatology seem to be distinct dimensions, a neuropsychological investigation could help to ensure optimal treatment in patients with recurrent major depression.  相似文献   

DSM-III personality disorders and the outcome of treated panic disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-two patients with panic disorder who had been receiving active benzodiazepine treatment for 8 weeks were assessed by using the outcome measures of spontaneous and situational panic attacks, scores on the Hamilton scales for anxiety and for depression, and scores on self-rated disability scales. Although spontaneous panic attacks were not affected by the presence of any personality disorder, the remaining outcome measures showed a strong and negative association with DSM-III antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. There was also a mild negative association with avoidant personality disorder. A subgroup of patients with both major depression and panic disorder appeared more strongly affected.  相似文献   

双相抑郁与单相抑郁的临床对照研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:探讨双相抑郁与单相抑郁临床特征的区别。方法:惧单相抑郁症患者32例,双相抑郁症患者40便,从临床的角度进行对照研究。结果:单相抑郁症患者多见焦虑、自杀行为;而双相抑郁却以精神运动性迟滞突出。治疗上单相抑郁症患者抗抑郁剂疗铲明显优于舒必利,而对双相抑郁症病从舒必利与抗抑郁剂同样有效,且舒必利有药物副反应小,不易转躁的特点。结论:舒必利可作为双相抑郁症病伯首选药物,临床特征有助于对双相抑郁与单相  相似文献   

Major depression in patients with social phobia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors examined the longitudinal course of affective illness retrospectively in 63 patients with social phobia and 54 patients with panic disorder. Significantly fewer (35%) of the patients with social phobia than patients with panic disorder (63%) had experienced at least one major depressive episode. Patients with generalized social phobia and patients with specific social phobia had comparable past rates of major depression (37% and 30%, respectively). The clinical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed within the context of current concepts regarding the development of depressive symptoms in patients with anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Few studies have examined pathological changes in serotonergic neurons in depression, particularly in elderly patients and in elderly patients in which depression occurs in dementia. The authors hypothesized that greater neurofibrillary pathology and fewer serotonergic neurons would be found in the dorsal raphe nuclei in depressed elderly subjects, compared with nondepressed elderly subjects, and in Alzheimer's disease patients with depression, compared to Alzheimer's disease patients without depression. METHOD: In a postmortem study, immunocytochemistry and two-dimensional image analysis were used to measure neuronal density and neuritic pathology in serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nuclei of elderly subjects with primary major depression (N=14), elderly Alzheimer's disease patients with (N=8) and without (N=7) comorbid depression, and nondepressed elderly comparison subjects (N=10). RESULTS: No differences in neuritic pathology or neuronal density were found between the subjects with primary major depression and the nondepressed comparison subjects. The Alzheimer's disease subjects showed markedly fewer serotonergic neurons and associated higher levels of neuritic pathology, compared with the subjects with primary depression and the nondepressed comparison subjects, but the Alzheimer's disease subjects with comorbid major depression did not differ from the Alzheimer's disease subjects without depression on these measures. CONCLUSIONS: The study found no evidence of a loss of serotonergic neurons or of neuritic pathology in the dorsal raphe nuclei in older people with depression, with or without comorbid Alzheimer's disease. These findings suggest that if serotonergic dysfunction occurs in older depressed subjects, it is not due to neuronal loss in the brainstem. Pathophysiological changes may lie elsewhere, such as in the frontal-subcortical circuits.  相似文献   

The author examined the relationship between symptom criteria for major depression and family history of mood disorders in 82 outpatients with major depression and 27 outpatients with nonaffective disorders. The family members of depressed patients with six or more groups of DSM-III symptoms of major depression exhibited substantially higher rates of mood disorders than the family members of depressed patients with fewer than six groups of symptoms and the family members of patients with nonaffective disorders. These data suggest that stricter symptom criteria for major depression may define a more homogeneous phenotype, at least from the standpoint of familial aggregation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In spite of the prevalence and chronicity of major depression, there is no consensus regarding which clinical and psychosocial variables are associated with recovery. The authors examined the probability of recovery from a major depressive episode 12 months after hospital discharge, the factors most closely associated with recovery, and the patterns of improvement distinguishing patients who recovered from those who did not. METHOD: Seventy-eight inpatients with a DSM-III diagnosis of major depression were assessed at hospitalization and at monthly intervals for 12 months after discharge on a variety of clinical and psychosocial factors. Recovery status at 12-month follow-up was then used as a basis for comparing acute-phase patient characteristics and change in symptoms over time. RESULTS: By the 12th month of follow-up, 34 (48.6%) of 70 patients met criteria for recovery. The five most important factors related to recovery were shorter length of hospital stay, older age at onset of depression, better family functioning, fewer than two previous hospitalizations, and absence of comorbid illness. The majority of patients who had recovered by 12 months had done so within 6 months of discharge; the average length of time to recovery was 4.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients hospitalized for major depression have less than a 50-50 chance of recovering by 1 year. Some variables associated with nonrecovery (e.g., comorbid illness, poor family functioning) are amenable to clinical intervention; however, findings also suggest that there may be two distinct types of depressive illness with respect to recovery, one that remits quickly and the other with a more prolonged course of illness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Depressive disorders are overrepresented among patients admitted to nonpsychiatric units of general hospitals, but the majority of depressed patients are not identified in this setting. Effective and well-tolerated treatments and reliable diagnostic criteria, together with new assessment tools (self-administered or not), have been developed with encouraging results. Nevertheless, few studies have utilized standardized instruments and extensive clinical interviews by well-trained psychiatrists to assess depression. New research should test these tools in a French-speaking environment. METHODS: The investigation covered 292 patients aged 18-65 who were admitted over a period of 6 months to the internal medicine units of Geneva University Hospitals. Each patient filled in a self-administered questionnaire for depression [Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)]; 212 patients were also evaluated by a psychiatrist using DSM-IV diagnostic assessment and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale during the first week of their hospital stay; both assessments were single-blinded. RESULTS: Psychiatric clinical interviews identified a high proportion (26.9%) of depressive disorders (37% among women) for all diagnoses; 11.3% (17.3% among women) of the patients met the DSM-IV criteria for major depression. The PHQ-9 identified depressive disorders among 34.9% of patients (42% among women) and identified a major depressive syndrome among 18.4% of patients (29.6% among women). Physicians in the internal medicine unit identified only about half the depressive patients; at the time of psychiatric examination, fewer than one in four patients was receiving antidepressant therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm the results of previous investigations, which showed that the failure to detect and treat depression is a major health problem among patients admitted to nonpsychiatric units of a general hospital.  相似文献   

We describe a secondary analysis of data from a randomized trial conducted at seven primary care clinics of a Seattle area HMO. Adults with major depression (n=290) beginning antidepressant treatment completed structured interviews at baseline, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months. Interviews examined clinical outcomes (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and depression module of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IIIR), employment status, and work days missed due to illness. Medical comorbidity was assessed using computerized pharmacy data, and medical costs were assessed using the HMO's computerized accounting data. Using data from the 12-month assessment, patients were classified as remitted (41%), improved but not remitted (47%), and persistently depressed (12%). After adjustment for depression severity and medical comorbidity at baseline, patients with greater clinical improvement were more likely to maintain paid employment (P=.007) and reported fewer days missed from work due to illness (P<.001). Patients with better 12-month clinical outcomes had marginally lower health care costs during the second year of follow-up (P=.06). We conclude that recovery from depression is associated with significant reductions in work disability and possible reductions in health care costs. Although observational data cannot definitively prove any causal relationships, these longitudinal results strengthen previous findings regarding the economic burden of depression on employers and health insurers.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at the phenomenologic comparison of depressive symptoms in elderly patients with poststroke depression (PSD) or primary depression (depression without a known neuropathology). We investigated 20 patients with PSD and 41 patients with primary depression. A structured clinical interview based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, self- and observer-based depression rating scales, a clinical neurologic examination, and neuroradiologic analysis based on standardized computed tomographic scan analysis were applied. The Cornell Depression Scale was used to compare mood-related signs, behavioral disturbances, physical signs, disturbances of cyclic signs, and ideational disturbances in both groups of patients. Those with PSD exhibited no melancholia and fewer cyclic and ideational disturbances but more physical signs of depression. These findings are in line with those of endocrinologic studies. Differences between both groups of patients indicate that careful considerations and further research are needed before treatment strategies developed for and evaluated in patients with primary depression are applied to patients with PSD.  相似文献   

西酞普兰与文拉法辛治疗抑郁症的对照研究   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:23  
目的:比较西酞普兰与文拉法辛治疗抑郁症的疗效及安全性.方法:将50例抑郁症患者随机分入两组分别用西酞普兰和文拉法辛治疗,疗程6周,用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评定临床疗效,副反应量表(TESS)评定不良反应.结果:西酞普兰组显效率64.0%,有效率88.0%,文拉法辛组为60.0%,80.0%,两组疗效相仿.在治疗2周末时,文拉法辛组减分多于西酞普兰组,差异有显著性.两组不良反应均轻微.结论:西酞普兰和文拉法辛抗抑郁疗效肯定,不良反应轻.  相似文献   

Objectives: There is sparse evidence for differences in response to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) between patients with bipolar or unipolar major depression, with virtually no information on speed of response. We contrasted a large sample of bipolar (BP) and unipolar (UP) depressed patients in likelihood and rapidity of clinical improvement with ECT. Methods: Over three double-blind treatment protocols, 228 patients met Research Diagnostic Criteria for UP (n=162) or BP depression (n=66). Other than lorazepam PRN (3 mg/day), patients were withdrawn from psychotropics prior to the ECT course and until after post-ECT assessments. Patients were randomized to ECT conditions that differed in electrode placement and stimulus intensity. Symptomatic change was evaluated at least twice weekly by a blinded evaluation team, which also determined treatment length. Results: Patients with BP and UP depression did not differ in rates of response or remission following the ECT course, or in response to unilateral or bilateral ECT. Degree of improvement in Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression scores following completion of ECT was also comparable. However, BP patients received significantly fewer ECT treatments than UP patients, and this effect was especially marked among bipolar ECT responders. Both BP I and BP II patients showed especially rapid response to ECT. Conclusions: The BP/UP distinction had no predictive value in determining ECT outcome. In contrast, there was a large effect for BP patients to show more rapid clinical improvement and require fewer treatments than unipolar patients. The reasons for this difference are unknown, but could reflect a more rapid build up of anticonvulsant effects in BP patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors compared a combination of clomipramine and psychodynamic psychotherapy with clomipramine alone in a randomized controlled trial among patients with major depression. METHODS: Seventy-four patients between the ages of 20 and 65 years who were assigned to ten weeks of acute outpatient treatment for major depression were studied. Bipolar disorder, psychotic symptoms, severe substance dependence, organic disorder, past intolerance to clomipramine, and mental retardation were exclusion criteria. RESULTS: Marked improvement was noted in both treatment groups. Combined treatment was associated with less treatment failure and better work adjustment at ten weeks and with better global functioning and lower hospitalization rates at discharge. A cost savings of 2,311 dollars per patient in the combined treatment group, associated with lower rates of hospitalization and fewer lost work days, exceeded the expenditures related to providing psychotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Provision of supplemental psychodynamic psychotherapy to patients with major depression who are receiving antidepressant medication is cost-effective.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: 'Vascular depression' may be caused by cerebrovascular disease. Calcium channel blockers, which are putative treatments for cerebrovascular disease, might be expected to improve depression reduction and to prevent recurrence of depression in this patient population. This clinical trial was designed to test these hypotheses. DESIGN: This was a controlled, double blind, randomized clinical trial in which 84 patients with vascular depression (Alexopoulos criteria) were treated with antidepressants at standard doses. Patients were also randomized to nimodipine (n = 40) or an inactive comparator, vitamin C (n = 44). Treatment outcomes were assessed using the Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS) regularly up to 300 days after treatment initiation. RESULTS: As expected, depression reduction was successful in most patients. In addition, those treated with nimodipine plus an antidepressant had greater improvements in depression overall in repeated measures ANCOVA (F(1,81) = 8.64, p = 0.004). As well a greater proportion of nimodipine-treated participants (45 versus 25%) exhibited a full remission (HDRS < or = 10) (chi(2)(df, 1) = 3.71, p = 0.054). Among those experiencing a substantial response in the first 60 days (50% reduction in HDRS), fewer patients on nimodipine (7.4%) had a recurrence of major depression when compared to those on antidepressant alone (32%) (chi(2)(df, 1) = 3.59, p = 0.058). CONCLUSIONS: In treating vascular depression, augmentation of antidepressant therapy with a calcium-channel blocker leads to greater depression reduction and lower rates of recurrence. These findings support the argument that cerebrovascular disease is involved in the pathogenesis and recurrence of depression in these patients.  相似文献   

T J Scheff 《Psychiatry》2001,64(3):212-224
Although there are many theories of the causes of depression, they all assume that some cases are primarily endogenous; that is, they are largely independent of situational influences. This article proposes that most cases of depression have a social component that is closely tied to the immediate situation. During 5 months in 1965 I observed nearly all intake interviews of male patients in a mental hospital near London. Most of them were over age 60, and all but one were diagnosed as depressed. However, there was usually a temporary lifting of depression in those interviews in which the psychiatrists asked the patients about their activities during World War II. At the time I didn't understand the significance of these episodes. I now offer an interpretation in the light of current studies of shame and the social bond: Recounting memories of belonging to a community temporarily resolved shame and depression. These episodes suggest a modification of existing theories of depression, that shame and lack of community, in addition to biology and individual psychology, could be a component of major depression.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Few studies have examined the course of coexisting dementia and depression. The purpose of this study was to compare elderly patients who had coexisting dementia and depression with elderly patients who had either disorder alone in terms of their utilization of inpatient and outpatient services. METHOD: The study group included 7,115 veterans aged 60 years or older who had been discharged from Department of Veterans Affairs inpatient units in 1992 with diagnoses of major depression, dementia, or both. Outcome measures were analyzed for a 2-year period following the index hospitalization for each diagnostic study group. RESULTS: Patients with coexisting dementia and depression had significantly more psychiatric inpatient days than the other two study groups and more medical inpatient days and nursing home readmissions than patients with depression alone. Patients with coexisting dementia and depression had significantly more total inpatient days than the other two groups. Notably, patients with coexisting dementia and depression did not utilize more outpatient resources than the other study groups; in fact, they had significantly fewer medical, psychiatric, and total visits than patients with depression alone. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that patients with coexisting dementia and depression are high utilizers of inpatient services, with a course of illness that may resemble dementia in terms of nursing home and inpatient medical care utilization and depression in terms of inpatient psychiatric care utilization; however, these patients utilized significantly fewer outpatient resources than the group with depression alone. Aggressive outpatient treatment approaches might reduce utilization of inpatient care for patients with coexisting depression and dementia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of atypical antipsychotics in major depression complicated by psychotic features has not been extensively investigated. Event-related potentials (ERP) have been reported to be impaired in depressed patients, probably due to serotonergic hypofunction. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of a combination therapy with ziprasidone and sertraline on ERP in major depression with psychotic features. METHODS: 19 patients with major depression with psychotic features were treated with ziprasidone and sertraline. Before and after four weeks of treatment, visually-evoked ERP (P3 -- oddball paradigm) were investigated. RESULTS: While a significant clinical improvement assessed with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was noted, no significant changes in weight, basal prolactin values and scores on the Extrapyramidal Symptoms Scale were observed. A significant prolongation (p = 0.041) of the QTc-interval between baseline and endpoint showed no clinical symptoms. Combination treatment with ziprasidone and sertraline over 4 weeks was associated with a significant decrease (p = 0.033) of P3 latencies from baseline to week 4. After a four week treatment, significantly (p = 0.008) fewer patients showed pathologically P3 latencies (>450 ms) than at baseline. DISCUSSION: Our data, showing that ziprasidone in combination with sertraline lead to a decrease of prolonged P3 latencies, are in line with previous studies showing a decrease of prolonged P3 latencies by antidepressant treatment.  相似文献   

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