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神经梅毒的临床及磁共振成像特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的探讨神经梅毒的临床及磁共振成像特点.方法对本院收治的7例神经梅毒患者的临床资料、实验室检查、磁共振成像结果进行回顾性分析.结果临床常以间质型梅毒,尤其以脑膜血管梅毒常见,临床表现缺乏特异性;血清学检查以梅毒螺旋血凝集试验特异性较高,而脑脊液梅毒诊断实验阳性率低于血清;头部MRI以梅毒树胶肿表现典型.结论神经梅毒早期误诊率高,临床表现多样,应结合实验室及磁共振成像检查综合分析.  相似文献   

神经梅毒是一种由梅毒螺旋体感染引起的神经组织及血管病变的中枢神经系统疾病.它可分为:(1)无症状性梅毒;(2)脑膜血管型梅毒;(3)脑实质型梅毒,包括麻痹性痴呆、脊髓痨.神经梅毒是可治的,及早诊断对预后有积极意义.本文报道2例,旨在提高对本病的认识.  相似文献   

脑血管痉挛(CVS)是蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)的常见并发症之一,也是该类疾病致死、致残的重要原因,近年研究结果表明神经影像学检查对CVS的早期判断及监测具有较大价值。本文综述了经颅多普勒、数字减影血管造影、CT灌注成像、CT血管成像、磁共振弥散加权成像及灌注加权成像等神经影像学技术在判断CVS方面的临床应用及其进展。  相似文献   

张和 《中国卒中杂志》2018,13(7):731-737
正缺血性卒中的血管内治疗(endovascular stroke therapy)是指直接在动脉里溶栓和取栓,因为效果越来越好,这两年来逐渐成为热点(图1)。先是2015年动脉取栓的5大血管内治疗卒中临床试验,接着是2017-2018年两大血管内治疗卒中临床试验[应用磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)、弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted image,DWI)或计算机断层扫描灌注成像(computedtomography perfusion,CTP)联合临床不匹配筛选醒后卒中和晚就诊卒中患者应用Trevo装置行神经介入治疗  相似文献   

目的:通过分析和总结神经梅毒患者的临床特征,旨在减少神经梅毒的临床误诊。方法:回顾性分析2013年1月—2017年1月上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院神经内科收治的24例神经梅毒患者的临床资料。结果:24例神经梅毒患者中,男性21例,女性3例;中位年龄为55岁(范围:28~75岁);首发临床表现为癫痫者3例,麻痹型痴呆者3例,脑血管病样发作者5例,有脊髓症状者5例。24例患者的血清梅毒螺旋体明胶颗粒凝集试验(treponema pallidum particle assay,TPPA)和非梅毒螺旋体抗原血清试验——甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(tolulized red unheated serum test,TRUST)以及脑脊液TPPA均为阳性。其中,脑脊液细胞计数异常者21例,蛋白含量增加者20例。头颅计算机断层成像(computed tomography,CT)和磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)显示腔隙脑梗死10例,急性脑梗死3例,脑出血1例,血管狭窄、变细、不显影5例,核团异常信号1例,脊髓感染性肉芽肿1例,脊髓异常信号1例,脑叶异常信号2例,脑萎缩和海马萎缩2例,颅内无异常表现4例。所有患者在确诊神经梅毒后均立即接受青霉素治疗,症状好转。结论:通过结合临床表现、实验室检查及影像学检查,有助于减少神经梅毒的误诊。  相似文献   

正神经梅毒(neurosyphilis)是系由苍白螺旋体感染人体后出现的脑脊膜、血管或者脑实质损害的一组临床综合征,是晚期梅毒的全身性损害的重要表现。苍白螺旋体对于中枢神经系统的侵入可以在梅毒的任何病程中出现。大约10%未治疗的梅毒患者会发展成神经梅毒。根据临床表现将神经梅毒分为5种主要类型,即无症状型、脑脊膜型、脑膜血管型、麻痹性痴呆、脊髓痨和树胶样肿性神经梅毒。也可将其  相似文献   

神经梅毒四例误诊分析并文献复习   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 探讨神经梅毒诊断要点,提高临床医师对该病的认识,降低误诊和漏诊率.方法 报告4 例神经梅毒患者临床诊断与治疗经过,结合文献就其临床表现、分型及诊断要点进行回顾分析.结果 4 例最终诊断为脑膜血管梅毒合并麻痹性痴呆、麻痹性痴呆、脊髓痨和梅毒性树胶肿患者,分别被误诊为脑梗死、阿尔茨海默病、多系统萎缩和椎管内肿瘤.检索万方数据库2000 年至今收录的中华医学会系列学术期刊关于神经梅毒的文献共计29 篇,132 例患者,男106 例,女26 例,男女比例约4.08∶1;发病年龄1 ~ 75 岁,平均(44.09 ± 12.93)岁.其中28 例(21.21%)有梅毒感染史,55 例(41.67%)有冶游史,35 例(26.52%)曾被漏诊或误诊.临床分型包括无症状性神经梅毒1 例(0.76%),脑(脊)膜梅毒14 例(10.61%),脑(脊)膜血管梅毒43 例(32.58%),麻痹性痴呆44 例(33.33%),脊髓痨13 例(9.85%),梅毒性树胶肿15 例(11.36%),特殊表现梅毒2 例(1.51%).结论 神经梅毒临床表现复杂多样,误诊和漏诊率高,临床诊断应结合患者临床特征、梅毒血清学检测阳性、脑脊液细胞计数和蛋白定量升高、脑脊液美国性病研究实验室试验呈阳性反应、影像学检查及手术后病理检查等多项检查综合考虑.  相似文献   

目的总结不同时期神经梅毒患者临床特征以及梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测特点。方法回顾分析12例不同时期神经梅毒患者[早期神经梅毒5例,包括4例脑(脊)膜梅毒、1例脑(脊)膜血管梅毒;晚期神经梅毒7例,均为麻痹性痴呆]的临床症状、影像学表现、梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测、治疗及预后。结果 12例神经梅毒患者血清抗梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体和快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)、脑脊液抗梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体均呈阳性,9例脑脊液RPR试验阳性。5例早期神经梅毒患者中1例脑脊液压力升高、3例白细胞计数增加、4例蛋白定量升高;7例晚期神经梅毒患者中1例脑脊液压力升高、7例白细胞计数增加、7例蛋白定量升高,脑脊液细胞学均呈淋巴细胞反应且以小淋巴细胞为主。12例患者分别静脉滴注不同剂量青霉素或肌肉注射头孢曲松钠,8例神经精神症状明显好转、4例未见明显改善。结论神经梅毒发病形式多样,临床症状不典型,极易误诊。明确诊断需依靠临床表现及梅毒血清学和脑脊液检测,早期诊断和规范治疗对改善预后和减少并发症至关重要。  相似文献   

脑微出血(cerebral microbleeds,CMBs)是脑内微小血管病变所致的以微小出血为主要特征的一种脑实质亚临床损害。随着现代神经影像技术的进步,尤其是磁共振梯度回波T2*加权成像(gradient-recalled echo T2*-weighted imaging,  相似文献   

正神经梅毒(neurosyphilis)是梅毒苍白密螺旋体(treponem apallidum,TP)侵袭神经系统所引起的慢性感染性疾病,主要通过性接触传播,也可通过间接接触及血液、母婴途径传播而感染。神经梅毒被称为"伟大的模仿者",可侵犯脑膜、神经、血管而引起一系列临床表现,其病变范围广泛,临床表现多样,影像学表现缺乏特异性,极易漏诊、误诊。既往  相似文献   

目的本研究拟运用MRI三维动脉自选标记法(3D-ASL),结合DWI及时间飞跃法MRA(3DTOF-MRA),探讨3D-ASL在TIA的诊断、血流灌注评估等方面的应用价值,为临床超早期诊断、治疗提供更多的理论依据。方法发病24 h内的TIA患者13例,入院时进行常规MRI、DWI、3D-TOF-MRA及3D-ASL扫描。观察所有患者MRA图,分析颅内血管及颈内动脉有无狭窄及异常,比较DWI所示梗死面积(SDWI)和全脑血流量(CBF)图上灌注异常面积(SASL)的差异,分别计算DWI和3D-ASL对TIA患者的检出率,并结合MRA分析造成脑组织血流灌注异常的原因。对于DWI阴性但ASL灌注异常,且MRA(或CTA)显示血管狭窄的患者,计算病灶侧和对侧相应区域的CBF值的比值(rCBF),比较rCBF与入院时(发病24 h内)的NIHSS、Glasgow昏迷评分量表(GCS)、mRS及神经内科临床评分量表(ABCD2)评分、患者发病时间以及一过性脑缺血症状发作持续时间有无相关性,并且比较分析rCBF值与MRA(或CTA)所示血管直径狭窄程度的相关性。结果(1)SASL>SDWI:13例TIA患者中,11例DWI未发现病灶,即SDWI=0,而SASL>0,且显示灌注减低;2例DWI阳性,但病灶面积仍SASL>SDWI。(2)3D-ASL对TIA的检出率明显高于DWI:DWI对TIA患者病灶的检出率为15%;3D-ASL对TIA患者病灶的检出率为69%。(3)rCBF与入院时(发病24 h内)的NIHSS、GCS、mRS及ABCD2评分的分值均无相关性;rCBF与患者发病时间及一过性脑缺血症状发作持续时间无相关性;rCBF值与MRA(或CTA)所示血管直径狭窄程度呈负相关关系(rs=-0.697,P=0.011)。结论3DASL与DWI相比,对TIA的诊断敏感性较高。及早行3D-ASL检查,并与DWI、MRA等序列联合应用,能更早发现灌注异常,并初步提示责任血管狭窄程度,为临床治疗提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) was performed in 12 patients with Wallenberg's syndrome (WS) in chronic stage to investigate the lesion of the vertebral artery (VA). The laterality of infarction in the medulla oblongata was confirmed with MRI: the right in four patients and the left in eight. In this study, time-of-flight MRA was evaluated. Coronal and OM sections in MRA were examined, because the former is useful to observe asymmetry and curve of the cervical VA, and the latter is useful to observe asymmetry and stenosis of the intracranial VA. In nine out of 12 patients, the ipsilateral VA was rather hypoplastic compared to the contralateral VA, and the flow of the hypoplastic VA stopped before and after entering the intracranial region. The contralateral VA of the hypoplastic cases showed curve in the neck in five patients and stenosis in the intracranial portion in one patient. A comparative study was conducted between vertebral angiogram (VAG) and MRA in four patients. Both VAG and MRA were useful in detecting hypoplasia and stoppage of the flow. It was considered that VA hypoplasia is frequently responsible for WS, and that MRA is useful in screening the vascular lesion as a non-invasive procedure to reveal changes of the bilateral VA.  相似文献   

目的评价弥散成像(DWI)、血流灌注成像(PWI)磁共振对急性缺血性脑血管病的诊断价值。方法用DWI、PWI诊断急性脑缺血,并与常规MRI结果比较。结果经MRI检查证实的急性缺血性脑血管病患者共22例。其中发病后90分钟至6小时检查者11例,其CT及常规MRI未见异常,3例短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者的DWI、PWI正常;其余8例脑梗死患者经DWI、PWI检查,均发现相对应的病灶,且6例灌注减低体积(PWIv)>弥散异常体积(DWIv),2例PWIv=DWIv。起病在6-12小时5例,4例行PWI检查,3例PWIv>DWIv,1例PWIv=DWIv。起病在12-48小时6例,2例行PWI检查,PWIv=DWIv。8例陈旧病灶在DWI上表现为低信号,所有新病灶在DWI上均为高信号。结论DWI、PWI可超早期诊断脑梗死,并可帮助了解缺血半暗带。T2加权像和DWI结合可以鉴别新旧梗死灶。  相似文献   

We report 3 cases with reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (RPLS) accompanied by eclampsia or hypertensive encephalopathy. RPLS may develop in patients who have eclampsia or hypertensive encephalopathy or who are immunosuppressed. The findings on neuroimaging are characteristic of subcortical edema without infarction. A 27-year-old primigravida developed eclampsia at 37 weeks of gestation. MRI was performed 4 hours after the onset. The FLAIR sequence delineated extensive hyperintense lesions in the temporal and occipital lobe bilaterally. MR angiography(MRA) performed 6 days after the onset of symptoms clearly demonstrated intracranial vasospasm. Follow up MRI and MRA were performed 3 weeks after the onset. The MRI showed slight residual hyperintensity in the occipital lobe. The MRA showed the disappearance of the vasospasm. A 39-year-old woman on the 8th postpartum day presented with thunderclap headache, which led to a search for SAH. She visited our hospital, whose high arterial blood pressure (220/110 mmHg) was observed. Both CT and MRA were normal. MRI revealed abnormalities in the parieto-occipital regions bilaterally. Treatment of hypertension led to resolution of the posterior leukoencephalopathy. A 38-year-old woman on the 11th postpartum day suddenly developed vertigo, visual disturbance and generalized convulsion. MRI was performed 7 days after the onset. The FLAIR sequence delineated extensive hyperintense lesions in the occipital lobe bilaterally. MRA clearly demonstrated diffuse intracranial vasospasm. MRA performed 3 weeks after the onset showed the disappearance of the vasospasm. In conclusion, our experience suggests that the MRI and MRA noninvasively provide valuable findings which are complementary in the diagnosis and follow-up examination of a brain edema and vasospasm in RPLS.  相似文献   

The electrically elicited blink reflex was investigated in 25 patients with ischaemic lesions of the pons or the medulla oblongata. Only patients with a lesion on MRI appropriate to the clinical syndrome were included. Twenty patients had an infarction of the pons, bilateral in 5. Additional 5 patients had an infarction of the dorsolateral medulla oblongata. Patients with hemispheric lesions were excluded. Four of the 5 patients with Wallenberg's syndrome showed delayed R2 components to stimulation ipsilateral to the lesion. Additional loss of the ipsilateral R1 component was observed in 1 patient. Fifteen of the 20 patients with pontine infarctions had pathological blink reflexes. All 6 patients with a unilateral pons lesion and an abnormality of R1 had this abnormality on the side contralateral to the lesion. In 3 cases with bilateral pontine infarction R1 was abnormal on one side or on either side. Of 11 patients with a normal R1, 6 had isolated abnormalities of R2 without consistent correlation to the side of the lesion. We conclude that abnormalities of the blink reflex are of minor localizing value in pontine infarction. This may be explained by the fact that a pontine infarction affects either the reflex arch itself or descending pathways that have a modulating influence on the reflex arch. Infarctions of the medulla oblongata, however, have characteristic abnormalities that have already been described.  相似文献   

目的探索表观弥散系数(apparent diffusion coefficient,ADC)在急性缺血性卒中患者分期及判断缺血半暗带中的价值。方法收集经临床和影像确诊为急性缺血性卒中的患者,根据行磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)检查距起病时间的长短分为6 h组,6~24 h组,24~48 h组,48~72 h组,所有患者在治疗前行MRI弥散加权像(diffusionweighted imaging,DWI)检查,评估DWI图像及常规MRI图像显示病变的情况,测定各时间段病灶的ADC、健康对侧相应位置的ADC值、病灶中心及边缘的ADC值。结果共纳入62例患者,发病时间6 h的病例10例,常规MRI图像阳性检出率为0(0/10),DWI阳性检出率为100%(10/10);发病6~24 h的病例27例、24~48 h的病例13例、48~72 h的病例12例,总共52例,其中常规MRI阳性检出率为88.4%(46/52),DWI阳性检出率为100%(52/52)。不同时间段病灶侧ADC值与健侧ADC值分别为:6 h组(0.601±0.079,1.261±0.085)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,6~24 h组(0.623±0.097,1.152±0.083)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,24~48 h组(0.635±0.103,1.036±0.112)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,48~72 h组(0.631±0.082,1.225±0.097)×10~(-3)mm~2/s;不同时间段病灶侧ADC值与健侧ADC值之间均有显著性差异(P分别为0.006,0.007,0.008和0.017)。不同时间段组病灶侧ADC值之间无显著差异。不同时间段组病灶中心及边缘的ADC值分别为:6 h组(0.547±0.089,0.624±0.096)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,两者之间有显著性差异(P=0.027);6~24 h组(0.572±0.074,0.647±0.107)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,两者之间有显著性差异(P=0.032);24~48 h组(0.615±0.104,0.636±0.082)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,两者之间无显著差异;48~72 h组(0.631±0.081,0.625±0.102)×10~(-3)mm~2/s,两者之间无显著差异。结论 DWI的ADC值可以早期准确发现急性缺血性卒中的责任病灶,而且可以区分24 h梗死灶的中心和边缘,边缘区可能为缺血半暗带,但对于急性缺血性卒中(0~3 d)的细化分期意义不大。  相似文献   

We evaluated brain lesions in patients with coronary arterial lesions (CAL) as a complication of Kawasaki disease (KD) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Among 47 patients who underwent coronary angiography for the evaluation of CAL due to KD at Kyushu University Hospital from April 1996 to September 2004, 24 patients were evaluated prospectively by brain MRI and MRA 0.1-21.2 years after the onset of KD. Although most patients had irritability or lethargy, none of them had significant neurological symptoms or signs during the acute phase, except one who showed neck stiffness. In one patient with no apparent neurological symptoms out of the 24 patients, brain MRI and MRA revealed right cerebellar infarction and obliteration of the right posterior inferior cerebellar artery, respectively. These results revealed the presence of cerebrovascular lesion in one of the 24 KD patients with CAL and suggested the need to consider the possibility of brain lesions in severe cases of KD with or without neurological symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rapid resolution of neurological deficits after severe middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke has been coined spectacular shrinking deficit (SSD). We studied clinical and MRI patterns in patients with SSD. METHODS: Patients with acute MCA stroke <6 h were examined by stroke MRI (perfusion- and diffusion-weighted imaging (PWI, DWI), MR angiography (MRA)) at admission, day 1 and day 7. SSD was defined as a > or =8-point-reduction of neurological deficit in the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) to a score of < or =4 within 24 h. PWI and DWI lesion volumes were measured on ADC (ADC < 80%) and time to peak maps (TTP > +4 s). Recanalization was assessed by MRA after 24 h. Final infarct volumes were defined on T2 weighted images at day seven. Outcome was assessed after 90 days using modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and Barthel Index (BI). RESULTS: SSD was present in 14 of 104 patients. Initial DWI and PWI lesion volumes were smaller in SSD patients - ADC < 80%: 8.9 (4.3-20.5) vs. 30 (0-266.7) ml; TTP > +4 s: 91.6 (29.7-205.8) vs. 131.5 (0-311.5) ml. Early recanalization was associated with SSD resulted in smaller final infarct volumes (11.9 (2.4-25.9) vs. 47.7 (1.2-288.5)). All SSD patients were independent at day 90 (mRS 0 (0-2); BI 100). CONCLUSION: The clinical syndrome of SSD is reflected by a typical MRI pattern with small initial DWI and PWI lesion volumes, timely recanalization and small final infarct volumes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence of cervical and intracranial atherosclerosis and silent brain infarction in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Cervical and intracranial atherosclerotic lesions on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and silent brain infarctions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were investigated in comparison with the findings of coronary angiography in 133 consecutive patients with CAD. RESULTS: The mean severity scores of cervical and intracranial MRA lesions were significantly higher in the three-vessel CAD (0.40 and 0.53, respectively) than in the zero-vessel CAD group (0.04 and 0.11). The mean scores of the maximal size and multiplicity of MRI lesion were also significantly greater in the two-vessel (1.00 and 1.44) and three-vessel CAD (0.94 and 1.26) than in the zero-vessel CAD group (0.27 and 0.50). The incidence of MRA lesion was markedly higher in patients with brain MRI lesion than in those without (51.1 vs. 6.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Serious coronary artery lesions were commonly accompanied by latent atherosclerotic lesions in the cervical and intracranial arteries besides silent brain infarction in patients with CAD.  相似文献   

目的探讨大脑后动脉区梗死与后循环血管状态及危险因素的关系。方法回顾性收集2010年1月-2014年6月在首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科住院的经头部MRI证实的首次新发大脑后动脉区梗死的患者192例,其中171例行CT血管成像,21例行DSA,排除有可疑心源性栓子来源的患者。根据头部MRI将梗死部位分为A(中脑组)、B(丘脑组)、C(颞叶内侧组)、D(胼胝体压部组)、E(枕叶组)、F(多部位梗死组)6组。比较PCA区梗死与后循环血管状态及危险因素的关系。结果 (1)PCA区梗死病变分布:192例患者中A、B、C、D、E、F组分别为12例(6.3%)、74例(38.5%)、15例(7.8%)、11例(5.7%)、28例(14.6%)、52例(27.1%)。(2)椎-基底动脉系统血管状态:椎动脉病变66例(34.4%)合并大脑后动脉狭窄13例,基底动脉病变27例(14.1%)合并大脑后动脉狭窄2例,大脑后动脉病变45例(23.4%),未发现血管病变69例(35.9%)。(3)对PCA区梗死病变分布与后循环血管病变行单因素卡方检验:B组与基底动脉病变相关(χ~2=5.318,P=0.021);E组与PCA P4段病变相关(χ~2=18.556,P0.001);F组与椎动脉、基底动脉病变相关(χ~2=4.386,7.059;P=0.036,0.008)。(4)血管病变组与无血管病变组比较:合并高血压病差异有统计学意义(11.126,P=0.001)。结论大脑后动脉区梗死与后循环血管病变关系密切,尤其合并导致血管病变的危险因素时,更应重视血管检查,减少卒中再发。  相似文献   

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