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目的 探讨严重新生儿上气道梗阻病因、临床特征及喉显微外科手术疗效,以提高新生儿阻塞性呼吸困难的诊治水平。 方法 采用观察性研究,分析16例咽喉相关的严重上气道梗阻新生儿临床资料。 结果 共纳入患儿16例(男9例、女7例),出生后7~28 d出现临床症状,包括吸气性呼吸困难、喉喘鸣、三凹征等。其中先天性喉软化症6例、下咽及舌根囊肿3例、喉部血管瘤2例、喉入口畸胎瘤1例、先天性喉蹼1例、双声带麻痹1例、继发性声门下狭窄1例、插管后喉粘连1例。16例患儿均给予相应显微外科治疗,手术顺利。顺利拔管患儿15例,仅1例喉软化症患儿拔管后仍有明显呼吸困难,行气管切开。 结论 严重新生儿上气道梗阻多与咽喉病变相关,需早期行局部及全身检查明确病因及诊断,对有手术指征者积极采取微创手术治疗,可挽救患儿生命,取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

目的 评估内镜下等离子射频辅助双侧声带后端切断术治疗双侧声带麻痹导致上气道梗阻患者的疗效。 方法 回顾性分析13例双侧声带麻痹导致的上气道梗阻患者的病例资料,其中男6例、女7例,27~73岁,所有患者均接受等离子射频辅助双侧声带后端切断术。总结评估该手术的临床疗效。 结果 13例随访时间1年1个月~2年11个月,所有患者无严重并发症发生。一次拔管率为84.44%(10/13),二次手术拔管率为88.89%(11/13),拔管时间1~3个月,中位数1个月,上气道梗阻均未复发。 结论 内镜下等离子射频辅助双侧声带切断术操作简单、手术风险小,同时治疗双侧声带麻痹效果可靠,是双侧声带麻痹导致上气道梗阻的有效治疗方法之一,也可作为其他治疗失败的补救治疗措施。  相似文献   

目的 探讨累及喉、气管的甲状腺乳头状癌的临床治疗经验。 方法 回顾性分析2010年1月至2019年12月山东大学齐鲁医院耳鼻咽喉科收治的87例累及喉、气管的甲状腺乳头状癌患者的基本资料,统计分析其采用的肿瘤切除方式、气管修补方法、术后拔管率及3年和5年生存率。 结果 87例患者均进行了手术治疗,肿瘤切除方式包括:气管壁肿瘤锐性剃除(60例),气管壁楔形切除(15例),气管袖状切除(3例),喉部分切除(1例),全喉切除(4例),姑息切除(4例)。气道重建方法包括:拉拢缝合(5例),胸大肌肌皮瓣修补(1例),胸锁乳突肌锁骨骨膜瓣修补(1例),端端吻合(3例),喉成型术(1例),气管造瘘术(12例)。随访时间为4-122个月,随访到79例,其中15例行气管切开,气管切开术后拔管率66.7%(10/15),3年生存率为100%,5年生存率为93.0%。 结论 对于累及喉、气管的甲状腺乳头状癌,通过准确的术前评估和合理的手术治疗,可以显著改善患者生活质量,获得良好的生存期。  相似文献   

155例声带麻痹患者的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解声带麻痹的病因和临床特点。方法回顾性分析155例声带麻痹患者的临床资料。结果 155例声带麻痹患者中首诊于耳鼻喉科91例(58.71%),左侧78例,右侧33例,双侧44例,左、右侧差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);声带固定于旁正中位124例(80%);声带完全麻痹116例(74.84%);单侧声带麻痹均因不同程度声音嘶哑就诊,双侧声带麻痹因声音嘶哑、呛咳和呼吸困难就诊,双侧声带不完全麻痹均因II度以上呼吸困难就诊;病因以医源性损伤占首位,共72例(46.45%),其次为喉外肿瘤及占位性病变,共37例(23.87%),特发性病因23例(14.84%),其他原因23例(14.84%)。结论单、双侧声带完全麻痹者以声嘶为主要症状,双侧声带不全麻痹者以呼吸困难为主要症状,体征多样,病因复杂,以医源性损伤、喉外肿瘤及占位性病变为多见。  相似文献   

目的 探讨单侧特发性声带麻痹喉返神经/喉上神经电刺激治疗后即刻对主观声音改变、声学参数以及动态喉镜观察结果的影响。 方法 选取诊断为单侧特发性声带麻痹的患者,回顾性收集其行喉肌电图检查并同期行神经电刺激治疗前后的动态喉镜及嗓音分析检查结果,分析检查及治疗前后主观声音改变,声学参数(jitter、shimmer、DSI、MPT)及动态喉镜观察结果。 结果 共计43例单侧特发性声带麻痹患者符合纳入标准,其中喉返神经合并喉上神经受损4例、喉上神经受损1例、喉返神经受损38例。喉肌电图检查及神经电刺激治疗后患者即刻均自觉讲话较前轻松感;治疗后即刻动态喉镜检查发现5例(11.6%)患者声带闭合较前无明显变化,声嘶无明显好转;38例(88.4%)患者动态喉镜显示声门裂均较检查前明显变小,可采集到基频及黏膜波,声嘶较前明显好转;声学参数前后变化:MPT(6.58±2.75 vs 10.3±5.18,P<0.001)、DSI(-3.79±6.7 vs -0.11±1.68,P=0.002),jitter及shimmer治疗前后比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 特发性声带麻痹患者早期接受喉肌电图检查及神经电刺激干预治疗可改善患者声嘶,明显延长最长发音时间,改善嗓音障碍严重指数,显著改善声门闭合程度,提示对神经功能的恢复有促进作用。  相似文献   

小儿声带麻痹是一少见的疾患。可概括地分为先天性及后天性两类。1963~1983年间多伦多儿童医院诊治71例声带麻痹患儿,出现症状的年龄为从出生至17岁。80%在五岁以前。56%为单侧性,44%为双侧性。19例(27%)为先天性,52例为后天性(73%)。先天性声带麻痹:19例先天性声带麻痹患儿中有5例系产伤所致,出生时均有喘鸣表现,其中3例未作任何治疗于2~18个月后恢复正常,有2例严重缺氧者遗有脑干损伤及双侧声带麻痹均未能恢复。有10例(53%)病因不明,列为先天性特发性声带麻痹,其中5例伴有其他的发育畸形,包括小颌畸形、舌半侧萎缩、牙齿发育不全、Mobius综合征、先天性多发性关节弯曲、尿道下裂、大脑瘫痪及智力迟钝伴发育延缓,但均  相似文献   

目的 观察内镜下低温等离子消融治疗不同炎症分期儿童先天性梨状窝瘘的疗效及并发症发生情况,探讨手术适应证的选择及术后治愈标准判断。 方法 将近3年来收治的45 例先天性梨状窝瘘临床资料进行回顾性分析,根据临床特点将其分为炎症早期、脓肿期和静止期,观察低温等离子内瘘口消融封闭术后的疗效。 结果 所有患儿术后随访6个月~3年,治愈33例(占比73.3%),其中17例患儿完成二次内镜下探查,内瘘口均一次性闭合且术后B超检查未见异常;16例患儿未接受二次手术探查,仅B超随访,未见异常;好转11例(占比24.4%),均未接受二次内镜手术探查,术后B超随访可见微管残留,但随访半年以上无临床症状发作;未愈1例(占比2.3%),该例完成内镜探查,内瘘口已封闭,B超复查示微管残留,术后7个月患侧颈部再次感染,抗感染治疗后痊愈,随访一年未见反复,仍在随访中。炎症早期患儿4例,术后短期内出现颈部脓肿2例,切开排脓后痊愈;脓肿期患儿15例,术后随访期间未再出现颈部感染;炎症静止期患儿26例,术后7个月患侧颈部再次肿胀1例,抗感染治疗后痊愈。术后声音嘶哑1例(静止期),随访1个月恢复,其余无并发症出现。 结论 内镜下低温等离子消融治疗炎症静止期和急性感染期的先天性梨状窝瘘,疗效确切,安全微创,推荐作为初治先天性梨状窝瘘方法首选。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全喉切除术后气管感染对喉癌患者肺功能及复发情况的影响。 方法 选取喉癌患者276例,其中行喉癌全喉切除术者149例,全喉切除术+颈部淋巴结清扫者127例,观察患者术后感染情况、肺功能及复发情况。 结果 术后发生感染26例(9.42%),喉癌全切术感染发生率为4.03%(6/149),全切+淋巴结清扫感染率为15.75%(20/127),二者比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。手术时间<4 h的患者感染率为2.11%(3/142),低于4~6 h的11.76%(11/102)及>6 h的37.50%(12/32),且4~6 h的感染率低于>6 h的感染率,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01);与术前比较,术后气管感染组患者FEV1%明显升高,V25明显降低;感染患者肿瘤复发率为34.62%明显高于未感染患者的2.00%(P<0.01)。 结论 喉癌患者全喉切除术后肺功能有一定变化,且存在一定的感染复发风险,应采取措施尽可能降低感染发生,改善预后。  相似文献   

目的 探讨CO2激光联合低温等离子治疗早期声门型喉癌(EGC)的临床疗效。 方法 回顾性分析内镜下CO2激光联合低温等离子治疗的40例EGC患者的临床资料,观察术后治疗效果及复发情况。 结果 所有患者首次手术均为内镜下CO2激光联合低温等离子切除术,共随访4.2~32.0个月(平均18.6个月)。40例均未失访,复发1次3例,复发2次2例,复发率12.5%。复发后行喉全切除术2例,复发后行喉垂直部分切除术1例,复发后行颈淋巴结清扫术1例,复发后再行CO2激光联合低温等离子切除术+气管切开术1例。 其中喉全切除再次复发行放、化疗及介入治疗,治疗效果差1例;喉垂直部分切除再次复发后选择放疗1例,治疗情况欠佳;余3例末次手术后恢复良好。术后肉芽组织增生9例,术后出现声带粘连4例。36例患者术后发音功能恢复满意,恢复欠佳2例,复发行喉全切除术后丧失发音功能2例。 结论 内镜下CO2激光联合低温等离子治疗EGC可弥补激光和低温等离子单一治疗模式的不足、提高手术效率,临床有效可行。  相似文献   

目的 系统评价外伤性面神经麻痹的手术时机。 方法 在英文数据库(Pubmed、EMBASE、 Cochrane)和中文数据库(中国期刊全文数据库、维普数据库、万方数据库)中,检索查找有关外伤性面神经麻痹手术时机相关的文献。检索时限为建库~2016年3月,手术时机分为4个组(<2周,2周~1个月,1~2个月,>2个月)。 结果 最终纳入8篇文献,共145例患者(145侧)。痊愈(House~Brackmanm 分级Ⅰ级)患者56例,占38.6%(56/145)。2周内行手术减压,96.8%(30/31)的患者预后良好(H~B分级Ⅰ和Ⅱ级),相比2周后手术减压,64.9%(74/114)的患者预后良好,两者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。 结论 外伤性面神经麻痹患者手术减压的最佳时机为伤后2周内,研究同时证明2个月内手术干预预后较好。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore the novel technique of percutaneous endoscopic suture lateralization for bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVCP) in neonates from Shenzhen, China, and to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the operation.MethodsIn this retrospective case series, we present four neonates with BVCP diagnosed within 3 days after birth from Shenzhen Children's Hospital. All had stridor, respiratory distress and hypoxemia requiring respiratory support at diagnosis. Endoscopic vocal fold lateralization was performed under general anesthesia using 3.0 mm endotracheal intubation through the improved technique of percutaneous needle-directed placement of a 4–0 Prolene suture, without the use of specialized equipment. A 4–0 Prolene wire was led out through two 10 ml syringe needles, the left vocal cord was fully moved and fixed under the skin with endoscopy monitoring.ResultsOverall, 3/4 of the patients showed clinical improvement in stridor and dyspnea 2–3 weeks after the operation and avoided a tracheostomy, two of them could breathe and feed normally when they were discharged from hospital, and one patient had a weak ability to suck but could breathe normally. The last patient had to undergo a tracheotomy due to the poor improvement in respiratory distress. None of the babies experienced any complications from this surgery, but case four presented with a series of complications and other problems in postoperative care related to the tracheostomy. At the last follow-up (mean 8 months), complete function of the bilateral vocal cords was acquired in case two (6 months) and partial function of the vocal cords was acquired in case one (13 months), with the other cases still experiencing paralysis.ConclusionEndoscopic percutaneous suture lateralization may be a reversible, effective and minimally invasive primary treatment for neonatal BVCP. Most of neonates with BVCP undergoing this procedure avoided a tracheotomy.  相似文献   

Bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVCP) is the second most common cause of neonatal stridor. The aim of this study was to describe the demographic features, aetiology, comorbidities, and management of our patients with BVCP.

Material and methods

We conducted a retrospective review of the clinical charts of all patients diagnosed with BVCP seen at the Department of Respiratory Endoscopy between 2011 and 2015.


47 patients were included. Mean age at diagnosis was 1 month and male sex predominated (63%). The aetiology was congenital in 59% and acquired in 41% of the infants. The cause was most frequently idiopathic in the former group and secondary to postoperative injury in the latter. Overall, 42 patients (89%) required tracheostomy, without statistically significant differences between the causes. Of all the patients, 39% regained vocal-cord mobility; 44% of those with congenital BVCP, 31% of those with acquired BVCP and 62.5% with idiopathic BVCP. In five patients a laryngotracheoplasty was performed with a posterior costal cartilage graft and one underwent posterior cordectomy. All were decannulated. In one patient vocal-cord lateralization was performed, avoiding tracheostomy.


BVCP was most commonly of congenital cause and was mainly idiopathic within this group of patients, with a slight male preponderance. A high percentage of patients required tracheostomy. A higher recovery rate of vocal-cord mobility was observed in idiopathic BVCP, which allowed for successful decannulation. In this series, decannulation was possible in all patients that underwent surgery; however, further studies with comparison of techniques and objective assessment of swallowing and phonation are necessary.  相似文献   

The second most common cause of stridor reported in the newborn is bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVCP) and one-third of the cases have been categorized as idiopathic. During the last year four children with stridor since birth were referred to our department for examination. Videotaped flexible laryngoscopy, carried out with the patient awake or under general anaesthesia with a spontanous respiration, revealed instead of abduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, rather an active adductory movement. Consequently instead of BVCP, we made the diagnosis paradoxical vocal cord movement (PVCM). One of the twins required a tracheostomy, the three other patients have been observed without the need of further treatment. No previous publications have described PVCM in newborn. However, our observations and video recordings clearly show that the stridor in our four patients is due to PVCM. This is possibly the same condition as earlier reported as congenital, idiopathic BVCP where incoordinated vocal cord movement or dyskinesia has been a part of the laryngoscopic findings. The mechanism behind PVCM in this age group or site of lesion is unclear.  相似文献   

支撑喉镜下CO2激光杓状软骨切除术治疗双声带外展麻痹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨支撑喉镜下CO2 激光显微杓状软骨切除术治疗双声带外展麻痹的手术方法、疗效和适应证。方法  1994~ 1998年收治双声带外展麻痹患者 8例 ,其中 3例曾在外院经颈外进路手术失败 ,全部术前行气管切开术。参照并改良Ossoff窥镜下杓状软骨切除术 ,汽化杓状软骨前部 ,包括声带突和部分肌突 ,一小部分室带及声带后端 ,保留粘软骨膜并缝合切口 ,以消灭创面 ,双侧分次手术。结果 术后无肉芽滋生 ,无误吸 ,保留发音功能。 5例拔管 ,2例日间堵管、因睡眠时喉鸣未予拔管 ,1例等待对侧手术。随诊 6个月~ 3 5年。结论 本方式弥补了单纯窥镜及外科手术不足 ,如粘膜出血、水肿、操作困难等 ,而具备显微外科精细、准确的特点。术后反应轻微 ,保留发音功能。并可作为杓状软骨切除术或神经再支配手术失败后的补充手术  相似文献   

目的了解新生儿重度上呼吸道梗阻的原因。方法回顾性分析47例发生重度吸气性呼吸困难的新生儿的临床表现、直接喉镜、CT、上消化道造影等检查结果及治疗经过。结果47例中先天性疾病占87.2%(41/47):先天性喉喘鸣15例,占31.9%,其中6例伴有胃食管反流;上呼吸道先天性囊肿14例(舌根囊肿10例,会厌囊肿3例,喉囊肿1例),占29.8%,其中有13例曾被误诊为先天性喉喘鸣;先天性总气管狭窄3例;先天性喉蹼2例;声带麻痹2例;皮耶-罗宾综合征3例;猫叫综合征2例。急性膜性喉气管支气管炎6例。47例中3例放弃治疗,44例经吸氧、药物治疗后呼吸困难缓解,其中曾行气管插管、吸痰37例次,行直接喉镜、支撑喉镜手术19例次。结论新生儿重度上呼吸道梗阻病因以先天性疾病为主,对这类患儿应及时进行相关检查,尽早明确病因,迅速解除梗阻,以降低新生儿死亡率和预防不良后遗症的发生。  相似文献   

支撑喉镜下CO2激光杓状软骨切除术治疗双声带外展麻痹   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 探讨支撑喉镜下CO2激光显微杓状软骨切除术治疗双声带外展麻痹的手术方法、疗效和适应证。方法1994 ̄1998年收治双声带外展麻痹患者8例,其中3例曾在外院经颈外进路手术失败,全部术前行气管切开术。参照并改良Ossoff窥镜下杓状软骨切除术,汽化杓状软骨前部,包括声带突和部分肌突,一小部分室带及声带后端,保留粘软骨膜并缝合切口,以消灭创面,双侧分次手术。结果 术后无肉芽滋生,无误吸,保留发音功  相似文献   

儿童吸气性喉喘鸣的病因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨儿童吸气性喉喘鸣的发生原因,提高儿童吸气性喉喘鸣的诊治率.方法 回顾性分析2005年1月至2007年1月深圳市儿童医院住院的吸气性喉喘鸣患儿共378例,男245例,女133例;年龄12 h~30个月,中位年龄4个月.全部病例均行胸部X线摄片检查,218例进行了胸部CT扫描、电子喉镜、直接喉镜、纤维支气管镜等检查.结果 急性喉炎140例,喉软化117例,急性喉气管支气管炎54例,声带麻痹18例,先天性气管软化9例,先天性喉蹼8例,先天性喉裂6例,喉囊肿6例,喉乳头状瘤6例,急性会厌炎4例,先天性声门下狭窄3例,气管支气管异物3例,甲状舌管囊肿1例.除先天性气管软化9例,先天性喉裂6例,先天性声门下狭窄3例,声带麻痹18例,仅给予对症治疗外,复发性喉乳头状瘤尚在治疗中,其他病例均获痊愈.结论 儿童吸气性喉喘鸣病因复杂,以急性喉炎和喉软化最为多见.由炎症引起的喉喘鸣经保守治疗可获痊愈,电子喉镜检查是喉喘鸣患儿必要的检查手段,有时需配合胸部CT和纤维支气管镜检查.  相似文献   

Congenital bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVCP) can be associated with an underlying neuromuscular disorder, and may present before other features of the neuromuscular disorder become apparent. All infants less than 12 months of age presenting with BVCP between July 1987 and July 1999 at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, in whom a neuromuscular disorder was subsequently diagnosed were followed. Three children in whom BVCP was diagnosed soon after birth and before recognition of an underlying neuromuscular disorder were identified. All presented with upper airway obstructive symptoms at birth, had a diagnosis of bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis made at awake flexible laryngoscopy, and had no underlying structural laryngeal abnormality on microlaryngoscopy and bronchoscopy. Two children required a tracheostomy, and 1 child was weaned from nasopharyngeal continuous positive airway pressure after 3 weeks. Subsequent neuromuscular symptoms were recognized between 4 months and 7 years later, leading to diagnoses of facioscapulohumeral myopathy, spinal muscular atrophy, and congenital myasthenia gravis. In each case, the prognosis for recovery from symptoms related to BVCP reflected that of the underlying neuromuscular disorder. This experience suggests that congenital BVCP may be a feature of an unrecognized neuromuscular condition. This possibility should be considered particularly in the presence of associated neurodevelopmental or neuromuscular dysfunction, or in cases in which BVCP is progressive.  相似文献   

Two cases of congenital stridor caused by merely unusual redundancy of the mucosa covering the arytenoids are reported in this paper. The stridor was noted only when the patients were awake, and was not affected by postural changes of patients. The patients who did not reach their full mental and physical development had congenital abnormalities: cleft palate in one case, and hypertrichiasis, short palpebral fissures of camptodactyly in the other. No abnormalities were revealed in the patients on examinations of chromosomes, thyroid hormones and brains using the techniques of computerized axial tomographic scanning and electroencephalography. The diagnosis of these cases should be confirmed by a direct laryngoscopy or a laryngofiberscopy.Although the etiology of redundant arytenoid mucosa is not known, it may be suggested that this condition is incidental to other congenital abnormalities.  相似文献   

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