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目的 :探索汉族、纳西族、白族正常儿童嗓音声学和电声门图参数正常值及三者间差异。方法 :对 3个民族中 95 1例 4~ 8岁正常儿童用电子计算机及 Dr.speech系统软件进行嗓音声学 6项参数及电声门图 6项参数检测。并对同年龄组的声带小结和局部增厚患儿 30例进行检测。结果 :测出 3个民族的儿童嗓音声学和电声门图主要参数 ( 1基频微扰 2振幅微扰 3平均基频 4基频方差 5噪声能量 ) ,并列表对比分析。结论 :1汉族学龄前儿童和学龄儿童间全部参数无明显差异。但纳西族和白族学龄前儿童和学龄儿童间平均基频、基频方差均有明显差异。汉族与纳西族、白族间学龄儿童的平均基频、基频方差有非常显著性差异 ;2正常汉族儿童与声带小结等疾患儿童间各项参数有非常显著性差异  相似文献   

目的比较喉癌及声带息肉患者主要嗓音参数在不同检测方法中的变化,探讨喉癌与声带息肉对发声功能的影响。方法采用Dr.SpeechScienceforWindows(4.0)软件对正常成人、喉癌患者、声带息肉患者作嗓音声学分析和电声门图检测,并比较其主要参数的变化,分析各自嗓音质量评估的特点。结果①在喉癌和声带息肉患者中,两种嗓音检测方法的嗓音参数,基频微扰、振幅微扰、声门噪声能量均是有价值的,两者的基频微扰、振幅微扰、声门噪声能量可以互相替代,两种方法各参数间比较无统计学差异;②正常成人、喉癌患者、声带息肉患者平均基频之间无统计学意义,基频微扰、振幅微扰、声门噪声能量数值由低到高排列依次为正常成人组、声带息肉组、喉癌组,两两比较均有显著性差异(P〈O.05);③嗓音质量由好到差排列为正常成人组、声带息肉组、喉癌组。结论计算机声学分析的各项参数可作为嗓音定量评价的客观指标,判断嗓音损害程度。  相似文献   

嗓音声学参数与嗓音音质的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过病理噪音合成器控制声学参数的变化,考察听觉感知判断的变化,寻找能够反映嗓音音质的有效声学参数.方法:采用6个声学参数(嗓音基频、基频微扰、振幅微扰、声门噪声能量、声门谱斜率、共振峰频率微扰),合成36个声学样本/ae/,并在每个参数维度上随机复制25%,总共45个样本,秩序随机化之后,再将样本编号;在室内将声学样本通过计算机播出,声音强度控制在70 dB,由8名耳鼻咽喉科专家参与听觉感知评估,针对GRBAS中的G、R、B进行等级评分,评分结果显示听感判断存在较高的内在一致性(P<0.01).然后分别将声学参数的变化值与听觉感知得分进行等级相关分析.结果:6个声学参数中基频微扰、振幅微扰以及声门噪声能量与感知判断指标(嘶哑声、粗糙声、气息声)显著相关(P<0.01).结论:基频微扰、振幅微扰以及标准化声门噪声能量是衡量嗓音音质的有效参数,并证明嗓音的多维性质.嗓音的听觉感知判断与音质声学分析相结合,是评估嗓音音质的最好方式.  相似文献   

声带小结及声带局部肥厚患儿嗓音声学及电声门图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究声带小结、声带局部肥厚患儿及正常儿童嗓音声学及电声门图参数之间的差异,为临床诊治提供依据.方法对342例正常儿童及76例声带局部肥厚患儿、52例声带小结患儿进行嗓音声学测试及电声门图分析,对三组参数进行方差分析并作两两比较.结果声带小结与声带局部肥厚患儿的嗓音声学分析的标准化噪声能量(NNE)与基频方差(SDFo)无显著差异,频率微扰(jitter)、振幅微扰(shimmer)在两组间差异有显著统计学意义;声带小结与声带局部肥厚患儿的电声门图频率微扰(jitter)、振幅微扰(shimmer)差异无统计学意义,NNE和SDFo在两组间差异有统计学意义.结论 jitter、shimmer、NNE、SDFo四项参数在区分正常嗓音和病理性嗓音时非常重要而且非常敏感;在病理性嗓音中以上四项参数各有异同;嗓音声学参数较电声门图参数更有意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨1~3期帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)患者的嗓音特征。方法对30例(男女各15例)年龄在60~69岁的1~3期帕金森病患者(PD组)的嗓音进行嗓音障碍指数(voice handicap index,VHI)主观评估,采用嗓音声学分析和电声门图对其嗓音进行客观分析,并以28例(男女各14例)同龄健康人作为对照组,比较两组结果。结果 PD组和对照组VHI评分的差异有显著统计学意义,PD组高于对照组(P<0.001)。PD组和对照组嗓音声学分析结果中的基频震颤、振幅震颤和基频标准差的差异有统计学意义,PD组高于对照组(P<0.05)。电声门图测量结果两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 1~3期帕金森病患者的嗓音声学特征为嗓音的基频震颤、振幅震颤和基频标准差显著增高。  相似文献   

嗓音声学分析和电声门图的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的比较嗓音声学分析和电声门图在嗓音障碍客观评估中的意义。方法声样采自153例嗓音障碍患者和80名嗓音正常者。客观检测采用Dr.Speech for Windows嗓音评估软件,在长元音/α:/上检测下列参数:基频(Fo)、基频微扰(jitter)、振幅微扰(shimlner)、基频标准差(FoSD)、基频震颤、振幅震颤、最大基频、最小基频、标准化噪声能量(NNE)、谐噪比(HNR)和信噪比(SNR)。主观听感知评估参数采用日本言语语音学会声音嘶哑评估GRBAS系统中的总嘶哑度,4级评估标准。结果除基频震颤和振幅震颤外,声学分析的基频微扰、振幅微扰、基频标准差、标准化噪声能量、谐噪比和信噪比的可靠性和敏感性高于电声门图。两种测试方法的基频、最大基频和最小基频基本一致。结论嗓音障碍的客观评估应选择声学分析参数。  相似文献   

正常成人嗓音频谱分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
为探讨不同性别及不同年龄阶段我国正常成人嗓音的声学特征,应用计算机频谱分析技术对145例18~80岁正常人的嗓音进行声学参数检测.结果表明:各年龄段男女基频(F_0),第二、三共振峰(F_2、F_3),频率微扰商(FPQ)以及中、青年男女间振幅微扰商(APQ)有显著性差异,男性振幅微扰商(APQ)随年龄增长而下降,六十岁以后又明显升高,老年男性基频(F_0)明显升高而老年女性基频(F_0)则明显下降.本研究可为临床嗓音的分析评估提供客观的方法和依据.  相似文献   

儿童嗓音基频正常值检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的检测4~7岁正常儿童的嗓音基频和基频方差值,探寻此年龄段儿童基频正常值的范围。方法筛选103例4~7岁正常儿童,采用上海泰亿格公司的Dr speech science for window’s 3.0软件,测试音为/e/音,在安静室内,测试基频(F0)和基频方差(SDF0)值,进行统计分析。结果4~7岁正常儿童嗓音平均基频值为303±49 Hz,电声门图测试的平均基频值为305±33 Hz,两者无显著性差异(P>0.05)。嗓音声学分析和电声门图的平均基频和基频方差值男女儿童之间均亦无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论4~7岁正常儿童的嗓音基频值,无论是嗓音声学分析还是电声门图所测结果均在300~320 Hz范围。  相似文献   

目的评价嗓音声学分析和主观听感知评估对几种嗓音疾病测试的客观性及科学性。方法①研究对象:嗓音障碍患者72例,正常对照组30例。②主观听感知评估:采用日本言语语音协会的声音嘶哑评估标准GRBAS系统中的总嘶哑度G、粗糙声R、气息声B主观评估受试者的嗓音质量。③嗓音的客观检测:以/e/音作声样,进行嗓音声学和电声门图测试。结果随声嘶程度加重,反映声带振动的稳定性的基频微扰(jitter)、振幅微扰(shimmer)、电声门图-基频微扰(E-jitter)、电声门图-振幅微扰(E-shimmer)增大;反映声门闭合程度的标准化噪声能量(NNE)、电声门图-标准化噪声能量(E-NNE),接触商微扰(CQP)增大;谐噪比(HNR)减小。嗓音客观参数在主观听感知评估分析患者间的差异有显著统计学意义(P〈0.05),能区分出不同的嗓音障碍组,但在不同的疾病组间缺乏特异性。结论本实验中所选客观参数可客观评价嗓音疾病,为临床治疗提供依据。  相似文献   

嗓音疾病的声学多维分析及电声门图曲线的综合检测   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
为客观、无侵入、较直观地和在不干扰正常发音的情况下了解声带振动规律和形态学改变,文中利用电脑多媒体技术,采用Dr.Speech软件,分别对59例正常嗓音和102例(136人次)病理嗓音进行嗓音声学多维分析和电声门图(EGG)检测.结果:①正常嗓音除基频(F_o)外,基音频率微扰(Jitter)、基音幅度微扰(Shimmer)、标准声门噪声能量(NNF)及基频标准偏差(SDF_o)各参数均无性别差异;③病理嗓音和正常嗓音各参数间均有极显著差异;③手术后各参数有减小趋势;④EGG曲线变异能较准确地反映嗓音疾病的形态学改变,检出率为87.3%,术后复测病例检出率明显降低.  相似文献   

目的 探讨非流畅性失语症患者疑问句语调产出的临床特点,为其康复治疗提供参考.方法 2018年11月至2019年1月,以改编疑问语句为测试材料对17例非流畅性失语症患者(研究组,平均年龄56.65±12.53岁,病程9.35±6.94月)和17例正常成人(正常对照组,平均年龄55.94±13.20岁)进行疑问句语调产出评...  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between articulator movement and prosody in children at different developmental ages. Jaw, lower lip, and upper lip kinematics were examined in 4-, 7-, and 11-year-old children as they produced the declarative and interrogative forms of utterances "Show Bob a bot" and "Show Pop a pot." Articulator movement differences were found between declaratives and interrogatives during the production of vowel and consonant targets. The 7- and 11-year-olds differentiated the duration and displacement of their articulator movements to distinguish between declaratives and interrogatives. Several age-related differences in movement duration between the 4-year-olds and the older participants were associated with the production of these targets. Productions of declaratives and interrogatives were not associated with any significant differences in articulator movement variability, although variability did decrease significantly with maturation. The results suggest that children modify their articulator movements to meet the prosodic and linguistic demands of the task. While 4-year-olds appear to be able to modify lip and jaw movement to mark the declarative-interrogative contrast, refinement of these movements continues throughout childhood.  相似文献   

This study investigated prosodic variables of syllable stress and intonation contours in contextual speech produced during simultaneous communication (SC). Ten normal-hearing, experienced sign language users were recorded under SC and speech only (SO) conditions speaking a set of sentences containing stressed versus unstressed versions of the same syllables and a set of sentences containing interrogative versus declarative versions of the same words. Results indicated longer sentence durations for SC than SO for all speech materials. Vowel duration and fundamental frequency differences between stressed and unstressed syllables as well as intonation contour differences between declarative and interrogative sentences were essentially the same in both SC and SO conditions. The conclusion that prosodic rules were not violated in SC is consistent with previous research indicating that temporal alterations produced by simultaneous communication do not involve violations of other temporal rules of English speech.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that sensitivity to the temporal fine structure (TFS) of sounds is adversely affected by cochlear hearing loss. This may partly explain the difficulties experienced by people with cochlear hearing loss in understanding speech when background sounds, especially fluctuating backgrounds, are present. We describe a test for assessing sensitivity to TFS. The test can be run using any PC with a sound card. The test involves discrimination of a harmonic complex tone (H), with a fundamental frequency F0, from a tone in which all harmonics are shifted upwards by the same amount in Hertz, resulting in an inharmonic tone (I). The phases of the components are selected randomly for every stimulus. Both tones have an envelope repetition rate equal to F0, but the tones differ in their TFS. To prevent discrimination based on spectral cues, all tones are passed through a fixed bandpass filter, usually centred at 11F0. A background noise is used to mask combination tones. The results show that, for normal-hearing subjects, learning effects are small, and the effect of the level of testing is also small. The test provides a simple, quick, and robust way to measure sensitivity to TFS.  相似文献   

Moore BC  Moore GA 《Hearing research》2003,182(1-2):153-163
Difference limens for the fundamental frequency (F0) of complex tones (DLCs) were measured for four normally hearing subjects and three subjects with cochlear hearing loss. The nominal F0 was 100, 200 or 400 Hz. The two tones to be compared contained either low resolved harmonics (RES), harmonics with intermediate resolvability (INT) or high unresolved harmonics (UNRES). For one set of stimuli (fixed harmonics, FH), the tones to be compared contained three harmonics of fixed number, so the changes in F0 were associated with spectral cues. For a second set of stimuli (Shaped), spectral cues were minimized by filtering stimuli through a fixed passband. For the INT and UNRES conditions, the excitation patterns evoked by the Shaped stimuli hardly changed when F0 was altered. To prevent subjects from comparing the frequencies of individual harmonics in the RES condition, subjects were required to detect F0 differences between two tones with non-overlapping harmonics. It was not possible to obtain repeatable results for the hearing-impaired subjects in this condition. The normally hearing subjects had smaller DLCs for the FH than for the Shaped stimuli for the RES condition, and the UNRES condition at the two higher F0s. However, DLCs were similar for the FH and Shaped stimuli for the INT condition and the UNRES condition at the 100-Hz F0, suggesting that spectral cues were not used in these conditions. Except for one subject with F0=400 Hz, the hearing-impaired subjects had smaller DLCs for the FH than for the Shaped stimuli, for both INT and UNRES conditions (although the difference was small for F0=200 Hz in the UNRES condition), suggesting that they used spectral cues for the FH stimuli. For the Shaped stimuli, DLCs were similar in the INT and UNRES conditions for the hearing-impaired subjects, but were smaller in the INT than the RES condition for the normally hearing subjects. We suggest that, in the INT condition with Shaped stimuli, normally hearing subjects used temporal fine structure cues to perform the task. The hearing-impaired subjects appeared to use only temporal envelope cues.  相似文献   

目的探讨3~5岁听障儿童情感语调发音的声学特征。方法选取3~5岁17例(3岁8例,4岁4例,5岁5例)佩戴助听器(hearing aid,HA)儿童(HA组)、51例(3岁19例,4岁17例,5岁15例)人工耳蜗植入(cochlear implant,CI)儿童(CI组)以及32例(3岁10例,4岁9例,5岁13例)健听(normal hearing,NH)儿童(NH组),以自编6个语义中性的高兴和难过情感语调测试语料分别检测各组两种情感语调的平均基频(F0)、基频标准差(F0 SD)、基频范围(F0 range)、平均强度(intensity)、强度标准差(intensity,SD)、强度范围(intensity range)及时长(duration),比较三组儿童情感语调的声学特征。结果三组儿童高兴和难过语调发音的平均基频、平均强度和时长差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);相比难过语调,NH组儿童高兴语调的基频标准差和基频范围更大,而HA组和CI组儿童的强度标准差和强度范围更大,与NH组儿童差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);各项声学指标值在不同年龄儿童间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论在情感语调发音中健听儿童主要利用更多的频率变化来改变语调,而佩戴助听器和人工耳蜗植入儿童则倾向于用更多的强度变化来表达情感;听障儿童在情感语调发音中展示了对韵律线索的利用能力。  相似文献   

Recent psychophysical studies suggest that normal-hearing (NH) listeners can use acoustic temporal-fine-structure (TFS) cues for accurately discriminating shifts in the fundamental frequency (F0) of complex tones, or equal shifts in all component frequencies, even when the components are peripherally unresolved. The present study quantified both envelope (ENV) and TFS cues in single auditory-nerve (AN) fiber responses (henceforth referred to as neural ENV and TFS cues) from NH chinchillas in response to harmonic and inharmonic complex tones similar to those used in recent psychophysical studies. The lowest component in the tone complex (i.e., harmonic rank N) was systematically varied from 2 to 20 to produce various resolvability conditions in chinchillas (partially resolved to completely unresolved). Neural responses to different pairs of TEST (F0 or frequency shifted) and standard or reference (REF) stimuli were used to compute shuffled cross-correlograms, from which cross-correlation coefficients representing the degree of similarity between responses were derived separately for TFS and ENV. For a given F0 shift, the dissimilarity (TEST vs. REF) was greater for neural TFS than ENV. However, this difference was stimulus-based; the sensitivities of the neural TFS and ENV metrics were equivalent for equal absolute shifts of their relevant frequencies (center component and F0, respectively). For the F0-discrimination task, both ENV and TFS cues were available and could in principle be used for task performance. However, in contrast to human performance, neural TFS cues quantified with our cross-correlation coefficients were unaffected by phase randomization, suggesting that F0 discrimination for unresolved harmonics does not depend solely on TFS cues. For the frequency-shift (harmonic-versus-inharmonic) discrimination task, neural ENV cues were not available. Neural TFS cues were available and could in principle support performance in this task; however, in contrast to human-listeners’ performance, these TFS cues showed no dependence on N. We conclude that while AN-fiber responses contain TFS-related cues, which can in principle be used to discriminate changes in F0 or equal shifts in component frequencies of peripherally unresolved harmonics, performance in these two psychophysical tasks appears to be limited by other factors (e.g., central processing noise).  相似文献   

目的:探索汉族、纳西族、白族下沉儿童噪音声学和电声门图参数正常值及二者回差异。方法:对3个民族中951例4~8岁正常儿童用电子计算机及Dr.speech系统软件进行噪音声学6项及电声门图6项参数检测,并对同年龄组的声带小结和局部增厚患儿30例进行检测。结果:测出3个民族的儿童噪音声学和电声门图主要参数(1)基频微扰(2)基叔微扰(2)振幅微扰(3)平均基频(4)基频方差(5)噪声能量),并列表对比  相似文献   

目的寻找能够区分发音方式相同、发音部位不同的两个鼻辅音/m/和/n的客观参数,讨论其在构音功能评估和训练中的应用。方法采用标准化录音获得50名被试(男女各25名)的单音节词“猫”和“闹”的声音文件,利用实时言语测量仪(Plus)进行分析;提取鼻辅音/m/和/n/的前3个共振峰值(F1、F2和F3),并计算各自平均值运用统计学方法判断/m/和/n/的共振峰值是否可以作为区分,/m/和/n/的参数。结果/m/和/n/的F1、F2和F。值均存在显著性差异(P〈0.01);其中/m/和/n/的第二共振峰F2值的差异最大(约600Hz)。结论第二共振峰可以作为区分鼻辅音/m/和/n/的客观参数,并可以在构音功能训练中监控鼻音的训练效果。  相似文献   

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