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目的 探研肝癌肝外动脉供血的特殊规律及可能形成机制,旨在提高介入治疗的有效性.方法 选择516例肝癌介入栓塞前常规腹腔动脉和肠系膜上动脉造影的病例,对癌灶临近膈肌的121例加做选择性膈下、右肾上腺、右肋间或双侧内乳动脉造影,分析肝癌肝外动脉供血特征.结果 196例肝外动脉供血来源于膈下及右肾上腺动脉68例(34.7%),胃十二指肠及网膜动脉51例(26.0%),胃左动脉42例(21.4%),胰十二 指肠动脉弓24例(12.2% ),结肠右动脉2例(1.0%),内乳动脉供 血5例(2.6%),肋间动脉供血3例(1.5%)以及胰背动脉供血1例(0.5%).58例为栓塞或外科肝动脉结扎后肝动脉闭塞所致的肝外侧枝循环(29.6% ),其余为原发性肝外动脉供血.肝外动脉供血与癌灶的原发部位和大小密切相关,统计表明,右膈下或肾上腺动脉主要供养VII、VIII段肝癌,胃十二指肠及网膜动脉主要供养IV、V、VI段癌灶,左膈下或胃左动脉主要供养II、III、IV段肝癌等.肝外供血支的插管成功率为92.7 %(182例).结论 熟悉肝癌肝外动脉供血的特点并掌握其规律对临床准确、彻底阻断肝癌多动脉供血,提高肝癌患者的介入治疗生存率具有重要意义.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌肝外血供的血管造影分析及介入治疗   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 探讨原发性肝癌的肝外血供的血管造影表现及其对肝癌介入治疗的意义.方法 本组32例原发性肝癌患者行常规腹腔动脉造影及肝外血供探查,并对其行超选择性插管及化疗栓塞治疗(TACE).结果 32例患者共见37支肝外营养血管,分别为肠系膜上动脉12支,右膈下动脉9支,左膈下动脉1支,胃左动脉6支,胰十二指肠动脉弓2支,胃网膜动脉2条,胃十二指肠动脉2支,右胸廓内动脉1支,右肋间动脉1支,脾动脉1支.大多数肝外血供为肠系膜上动脉和右膈下动脉;4支肝外营养血管因未能成功行超选择性插管而只予化疗药灌注治疗,其余33支肝外血供均行超选择性插管和化疗栓塞治疗.结论 原发性肝癌的肝外血供较为常见和多变,对肝外血供的化疗栓塞在肝癌的介入治疗中具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

肝癌动脉血供变异在介入治疗中的意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨肝癌动脉血供变异在经动脉导管化疗栓塞术中的临床意义。方法:前瞻性研究分析我院2006年全年共220例(330次)肝癌动脉血管造影及介入治疗资料。结果:220例中171例(77.7%)为典型腹腔动脉-肝总动脉供血。肝动脉解剖变异29例(13.2%,29/220),其中肝总动脉变异2例,肝右动脉变异23例,变异的肝右动脉或副肝右动脉有22例起源于肠系膜上动脉(75.9%,22/29),肝左动脉变异2例,肝左动脉和肝右动脉同时变异2例。20例(9.1%,20/220)在初次或重复介入治疗中发现存在寄生性供血动脉,其中起源于右膈下动脉10例,肠系膜上动脉、胃左动脉、网膜动脉及脾动脉各2例,左膈下动脉及右肋间动脉各1例。肝外侧支供血动脉的存在与病灶大小、位置及介入治疗次数之间显著相关。结论:认识肝癌动脉血供变异有助于提高经动脉导管栓塞成功率及介入治疗疗效。  相似文献   

膈下动脉在肝癌介入治疗中的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
印利民  吴健  周明岳   《放射学实践》2009,24(4):434-436
目的:分析膈下动脉参与肝癌供血的成因,探讨其在肝癌经导管动脉灌注化疗性栓塞(TACE)术中的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析31例膈下动脉参与供血肝癌患者行TACE术治疗的病例资料,重点分析其血管造影表现。结果:31例中,首次接受TACE术2例,既往接受过TACE者29例,31例中,有16例为手术切除后复发病例。膈下动脉直接发出分支供应肝癌27例,与肝固有动脉分支间形成吻合支供应肝癌4例。膈下动脉与肺动脉交通7例,与胸廓内动脉、支气管动脉、心包动脉交通各1例。栓塞膈下动脉成功率100%。术后有9例出现肩背部疼痛不适,无其它特殊并发症。31例中有13例出现肺转移,其中与胸廓内动脉支气管动脉交通者肝内病灶进展较快,并较旱出现肺、肩胛骨等转移。结论:外科手术、多次TACE术等是膈下动脉参与肝癌供血的重要成因,及时发现膈下动脉供血是提高TACE疗效的关键,膈下动脉栓塞是安全的。  相似文献   

膈下动脉供血在肝肿瘤介入治疗中的价值   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:分析膈下动脉侧支形成原因和膈下动脉供血病灶的分布范围,探讨膈下动脉供血在肝癌介入化疗加碘油栓塞(TACE)术中的价值。资料与方法:膈下动脉供血的肝癌21例,男16例,女5例,年龄41-67岁,平均58岁,其中原发性肝癌17例,结肠癌肝转移3例,乳腺癌肝转移1例,术前行CT或MRI平扫及增强扫描,术中发现膈下动脉供血后,行膈下动脉造影,在确认供血范围后将导管超选择至供血支,灌注化疗药,注入碘油,明胶海绵栓塞血管,并摄肝内碘油平片。结果:膈下动脉造显示接受膈下动脉供血的肝内病灶沿膈下动脉走行分布,供血以右膈下动脉为主,病灶多发,多数与其他动脉支同时供养肿瘤组织,注入碘油后,病灶内碘油沉积良好,结论:膈下动脉是供养肝肿瘤的重要侧支血管,原发于肝动脉的供血支闭塞是促其形成的主要原因,在肝癌介入治疗中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

膈下动脉碘油化疗药物栓塞治疗肝癌   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 评价膈下动脉碘油化疗药物栓塞对肝癌治疗的疗效及膈下动脉供血的肿瘤的部位。方法  2 5例肝癌 ,巨块型 12例、结节型 8例、多发结节型 5例。均采用Seldingers法行肝动脉和膈下动脉碘油化疗药物及明胶海绵颗粒栓塞。结果 膈下动脉发自于腹腔干起始处者 16例 ,占 6 4 % ,直接发自主动脉腹腔干周围者 8例 ,占 32 %。其中供应右叶 (Ⅶ ,Ⅷ段 ) 2 3例 ;肿瘤位于左叶 (Ⅳ段 )膈下者2例。膈下动脉碘油化疗药物栓塞后累积 1、2年生存率分别是 84 %和 6 8%。未出现严重并发症。结论 经膈下动脉碘油化疗药物栓塞治疗肝癌是一种安全有效的方法。当肿瘤位于膈下 ,邻近膈肌 ,肝韧带或肝裸区 ,特别是肝动脉造影时肿瘤染色有缺损或无肿瘤染色 ,但肿瘤在CT上有增强或血AFP升高时 ,应考虑到肿瘤由膈下动脉供血。  相似文献   

原发性肝癌肝外动脉供血的临床意义及介入治疗   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :探讨肝癌的肝外动脉供血规律、插管技术及介入治疗。方法 :4 6例原发性肝癌患者发现肝外动脉供血5 1条 ,分别超选择插管行化疗栓塞。结果 :肝外动脉供血与肿瘤部位、大小密切相关。治疗三周后复查 ,肿瘤缩小 >5 0 %者 14例 (30 .4 % ) ;肿瘤缩小 <5 0 %而 >2 5 %者 2 2例 (47.8% ) ;肿瘤无明显变化 10例 (2 1.7% )。AFP下降 >5 0 %者 2 8例(80 .0 % )。肝功能损害轻 ,全部患者术后无严重并发症。结论 :肝癌有丰富的肝外动脉供血。对肝外动脉供血支超选择性栓塞治疗 ,对提高中晚期肝癌患者介入治疗疗效具有重要的临床意义  相似文献   

目的探讨胰弓高流量灌注形成的原因、DSA表现及其在肝癌介入治疗中的意义。方法回顾性分析942例肝癌患者的腹腔动脉造影,发现33例患者存在肝癌胰弓高流量灌注现象,均经过胰弓对肝癌进行选择性肿瘤供血动脉栓塞治疗。结果33例胰弓高流量灌注患者中,肝总动脉闭塞25例(75.7%),腹腔干闭塞8例(24.3%)。引起胰弓高流量灌注的原因有:重复导管栓塞化疗23例(69.7%);肝动脉内置化疗药盒治疗7例(21.2%);腹腔干动脉硬化性闭塞症2例(6.1%);先天性肝动脉狭窄1例(3%)。胰弓供血的DSA表现类型为:单独前弓开放2例(6.1%),单独后弓开放7例(21.2%),前、后弓均开放24例(72.7%)。结论腹腔干闭塞和/或肝总动脉闭塞是引起胰弓高流量灌注的主要形成原因,胰弓供血在肝癌介入治疗中具有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨贲门癌肝转移的血供特点及其与经动脉化疗栓塞治疗效果的关系。方法对42例经临床和病理组织学证实的贲门癌肝转移患者同时行贲门及肝脏肿瘤靶动脉栓塞化疗术。随后,在所有患者中观察了病灶血供特点,并评价了经动脉化疗栓塞治疗的效果及生存率。结果贲门癌病灶主要由胃左动脉供血,左膈下动脉、胃右动脉及肝左动脉可能参与供血。肝转移瘤由肝动脉供血,其中富血供、染色征明显者6例(14.3%),治疗有效率为83.3%;血供中等、染色较淡28例(66.7%),治疗有效率为53.5%;血供稀少、染色呈淡絮状或无明显染色8例(19.0%),治疗有效率为37.5%。经动脉化疗栓塞术后,0.5、1、2、3、5a生存率分别为90.4%,76.1%,33.3%,7.1%和2.4%。本组患者于诊断后中位生存期为19.6个月。结论经动脉化疗栓塞治疗是贲门癌肝转移的有效治疗方法,富血供肿瘤疗效优于乏血供肿瘤。  相似文献   

目的:研究原发性肝癌肝外滋养动脉(非肝脏发出的动脉)在介入治疗原发性肝癌中的意义。方法:回顾性分析2009年3月~2010年8月本院500例原发性肝癌的DSA资料。寻找肝癌肝外滋养动脉的起源,并采用微导管行灌注化疗及栓塞治疗。结果:共发现36例患者存在40条肝外滋养动脉参入肿瘤供血。首次介入治疗发现6例,多次介入治疗发现20例,外科手术治疗后发现5例及经皮化学或物理消融术后发现5例。巨块型肝癌26例。其中右膈下动脉23例,右肾上腺动脉1例,右侧内乳动脉1例,胃左动脉3例,右结肠动脉分支3例,网膜动脉2例,胃十二指肠动脉4例,胰十二指肠动脉3例。其中4例患者存在2条肝外肿瘤滋养动脉。上述动脉均成功采用微导管插入行灌注化疗及栓塞,取得较好疗效。结论:肝外滋养动脉的存在直接影响肝癌治疗的疗效,尤其对多次介入治疗后的肝癌患者,积极寻找肝外肿瘤滋养动脉并行栓塞治疗,可进一步提高疗效。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate reconstructed patterns of occluded inferior phrenic artery (IPA) and determine the technical success rate and complications of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) fed by the occluded IPA through the anastomosing branch. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 19 patients, 24 IPAs, including two that had been previously embolized, were demonstrated through collateral pathways. The incidence of each collateral circulation was evaluated. Thirteen IPAs in 12 patients fed the tumor and TACE was attempted. TACE was performed only if the catheter could be advanced into the anastomosing branch so that the nontarget branches were avoided. RESULTS: A reconstructed unilateral IPA was observed in 14 patients (11 right IPAs and three left IPAs) and two reconstructed IPAs were observed in five. The IPA was demonstrated through the dorsal pancreatic artery (n = 13), inferior or middle adrenal artery (n = 7), left gastric artery (n = 2), contralateral IPA (n = 2), lumbar artery (n = 1), and small branch derived from the celiac trunk (n = 1). Five IPAs (21%) were demonstrated through more than two separate arteries, including two demonstrated through both dorsal pancreatic arteries arising from the celiac and superior mesenteric artery. The IPA opacified through the lumbar artery had been previously embolized. TACE of the reconstructed IPA was possible in 10 of 13 IPAs (77%). Complications related to the procedure were a small amount of pleural effusion (n = 4) and basal atelectasis (n = 2). CONCLUSION: The IPA is reconstructed mainly through the retroperitoneal anastomosing branch in the upper abdomen. TACE of the reconstructed IPA can be performed with a high success rate without major complications.  相似文献   

Purpose To evaluate the incidence of each extrahepatic collateral pathway to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and to assess technical success rates and complications of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) through each collateral. Methods We retrospective evaluated extrahepatic collateral pathways to HCC on angiography in 386 procedures on 181 consecutive patients. One hundred and seventy patients had previously undergone TACE. TACE through extrahepatic collaterals using iodized oil and gelatin sponge particles was performed when a catheter was advanced into the tumor-feeding branch to avoid nontarget embolization. Results A single collateral was revealed in 275 TACE procedures, two were revealed in 74, and three or more were revealed in 34. Incidences of collateral source to HCC were 83% from the right inferior phrenic artery (IPA), 24% from the cystic artery, 13% from the omental artery, 12% from the right renal capsular artery (RCA) and left IPA, 8% from the right internal mammary artery (IMA) and right intercostal artery (ICA), and 7% from the right inferior adrenal artery (IAA). Technical success rates of TACE were 53% in the right ICA, 70% in the cystic artery, 74% in the omental artery, 93% in the left IPA, 96% in the right IPA, and 100% in the right RCA, right IMA, and right IAA. Complications included skin necrosis after TACE through the right IMA (n = 1), cholecystitis after TACE through the cystic artery (n = 1), and ulcer formation after TACE through the right gastric artery (n = 1), in addition to pleural effusion and basal atelectasis after TACE through the IPA and IMA. Conclusion Our study suggests that TACE through extrahepatic collaterals is possible with high success rates, and is also relatively safe.  相似文献   

膈下动脉参与肝肿瘤供血栓塞后并发症及其预防   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
目的 观察经导管做膈下动脉 (IPA)化疗栓塞后并发症的频次、类型和高危因素。方法 对 16 8例经血管造影确认有IPA参与肝肿瘤供血者进行了 2 2 6例次经导管动脉内化疗栓塞术 (TACE) ,其中单独或主要栓塞IPA者占 11.3% ,与栓塞肝动脉和 (或 )其他侧支同时进行占 88.7%。原发性肝癌15 2例 ,转移瘤 14例 ,血管瘤 2例。做肝恶性肿瘤TACE时先用碘油 抗癌乳剂栓塞肿瘤末梢血管 ,然后注入明胶海绵颗粒。观察术后临床经过、相关实验室检查和影像学表现 ,并与血管造影进行对照分析。结果 既往未做其他治疗、首次接受TACE者 2 5例 (14 .9% ) ,曾做多次TACE者 97例 (5 7.8% ) ,曾做超声波引导下经皮肝穿刺治疗 2次以上 2 8例 (16 .7% ) ,肝脏肿瘤外科术后复发 18例 (10 .7% )。异常造影表现有IPA增粗、肿瘤染色 (10 0 % ) ,非肿瘤性造影剂染色 (36 .3% ) ,IPA与其他动脉形成交通支(36 .9% )和IPA 静脉瘘 (7.1% )。做IPA化疗栓塞术中有 96 .4 %患者诉肩区疼痛。与栓塞IPA相关的并发症累计发生率为 8.9% ,包括呃逆 13例 (5 .8% )、胸痛伴咳嗽和少量咯血 9例 (4 .0 % )、膈肌麻痹 8例 (3.5 % )、心绞痛伴心电图异常 4例 (1.8% )、血清肌酸磷酸激酶等明显增高 6例 (2 .7% )、可逆性脊髓损伤 2例 (0 .9% )、膈下脓肿 2  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To retrospectively evaluate the arterial blood supply to the posterior aspect of segment IV of the liver with computed tomography (CT) after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) with iodized oil through the caudate arterial branch of the liver for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board approval and patient informed consent were not required for this retrospective study. Twenty-four patients (11 men and 13 women; mean age, 68 years) with HCC originating in the caudate lobe (n = 23) or posterior aspect of segment IV (n = 1) were selected. TACE of the caudate arterial branch was performed in all patients, including one patient with HCC in the posterior aspect of segment IV who underwent TACE of the caudate arterial branch after CT helped confirm that iodized oil was not distributed in the tumor after TACE of the medial segmental artery. The distribution of iodized oil in the posterior aspect of segment IV was analyzed with CT 1 week after TACE. The number and origin of all arteries supplying the caudate lobe and the number of arteries embolized were determined. RESULTS: Thirty-three caudate arterial branches were embolized. Twenty-nine branches were derived from the right hepatic artery and four were derived from the left hepatic artery. A single branch was seen in 17 patients, two branches were seen in five, and three branches were seen in two. Eight patients simultaneously underwent additional TACE of branches of the right hepatic artery (n = 6) or right inferior phrenic artery (n = 2). At CT, iodized oil was seen to be distributed entirely (n = 19) or partially (n = 5) in the caudate lobe. Distribution of iodized oil at the posterior aspect of segment IV was observed in 16 patients (67%), including 13 (54%) whose caudate arterial branches were derived entirely from the right hepatic artery. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that the caudate arterial branch, which is mainly derived from the right hepatic artery, frequently supplies the posterior aspect of segment IV. This knowledge is important for managing HCC in the posterior aspect of segment IV by means of TACE.  相似文献   

Purpose To prospectively assess the anatomic variation of the right inferior phrenic artery (RIPA) origin with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scans in relation to the technical and angiographic findings during transcatheter arterial embolization of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods Two hundred patients with hepatocellular carcinomas were examined with 16-section CT during the arterial phase. The anatomy of the inferior phrenic arteries was recorded, with particular reference to their origin. All patients with subcapsular HCC located at segments VII and VIII underwent arteriography of the RIPA with subsequent embolization if neoplastic supply was detected. Results The RIPA origin was detected in all cases (sensitivity 100%), while the left inferior phrenic artery origin was detected in 187 cases (sensitivity 93.5%). RIPAs originated from the aorta (49%), celiac trunk (41%), right renal artery (5.5%), left gastric artery (4%), and proper hepatic artery (0.5%), with 13 types of combinations with the left IPA. Twenty-nine patients showed subcapsular HCCs in segments VII and VIII and all but one underwent RIPA selective angiography, followed by embolization in 7 cases. Conclusion MDCT assesses well the anatomy of RIPAs, which is fundamental for planning subsequent cannulation and embolization of extrahepatic RIPA supply to HCC.  相似文献   

The left hepatic lobe is divided into three subsegments according to anatomical landmarks; however, there are several variations in the vascular territories of the left hepatic arterial branches. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) located near the umbilical fissure or at the left side of the umbilical portion of the left portal vein has frequent crossover blood supply. HCC located in the caudal aspect of the lateral segment has a variety of feeding arteries, and is infrequently supplied by the caudate artery or the medial subsegmental artery (A4), and by the lateral left hepatic arteries. HCC located in the posterior aspect of segment 4 is frequently supplied by the caudate artery or a small A4 branch arising from the caudate artery. In addition, the left inferior phrenic, right and left internal mammary, right and left gastric, cystic, and omental arteries are well known extrahepatic collateral pathways supplying HCC in the left hepatic lobe, especially when the hepatic artery is attenuated by previous transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE). Interventional radiologists should have sufficient knowledge of vascular territories in the left hepatic arterial branches and extrahepatic collaterals to perform effective TACE for HCC located in the left hepatic lobe.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma: involvement of the internal mammary artery   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
PURPOSE: To investigate factors related to the development of internal mammary arteries (IMAs) as feeding arteries of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 30 patients with HCC located in ventral hepatic areas directly beneath the diaphragm, bilateral internal mammary arteriography was performed to explore involvement of the IMA with HCC. The number of previous transcatheter arterial embolizations (TAEs), tumor size, time from initial TAE to IMA angiography, inferior phrenic artery (IPA) involvement with tumor, presence of hepatic artery occlusion, and use of other treatments were compared in groups with and without involvement of the IMA. RESULTS: The group with IMA involvement included 10 patients; the group without involvement, 20 patients. TAE had been performed two to 12 times in the group with involvement and zero to six times in the group without involvement (P =.01). Mean tumor sizes in these two groups were 5.1 and 6.0 cm, respectively; hepatic artery occlusion was noted in nine and zero patients (P =.01) in the two groups. The time from initial TAE to IMA angiography ranged from 3 to 53 months (median, 31.5 months) and from zero to 89 months (median, 0 months) (P =.01). IPA involvement was observed in seven and four patients (P =.015). CONCLUSION: These results strongly suggest that, regardless of tumor size, when HCCs are located in the ventral hepatic areas directly beneath the diaphragm, the IMAs serve as feeding arteries in patients with hepatic artery occlusion caused by repeated TAE.  相似文献   

左侧膈下动脉参与肝癌供血的介入治疗研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨左膈下动脉(LIPA)对肝癌的供血及其介入性栓塞在肝癌治疗中的价值.评价经导管行LIPA栓塞化疗的安全性和效果.资料与方法 对16例经DSA确认有LIPA 参与肝癌供血者进行肝动脉栓塞化疗术(TACE).其中,结节型15例,巨块型1例.术前行CT或MRI平扫及增强扫描,术中常规行腹腔动脉、肝动脉及膈下动脉造影,在确认供血范围后将导管超选择至供血支,先用碘油-抗癌乳剂栓塞肿瘤末梢血管,然后注入明胶海绵颗粒或聚乙烯醇(PVA)颗粒.观察术后临床经过、相关实验室检查和影像学表现,并与DSA进行对照分析.结果 病灶位于肝左叶13例(81.2%):5例位于S3, 5例位于S2,3例位于S4.病灶位于肝右叶(S5)3例 (18.8%).16例患者LIPA TACE全部成功.8例进行LIPA化疗栓塞时发现肝动脉完全阻塞.2例术后发生左下肺叶盘状肺不张和少量胸腔积液.结论 LIPA参与肝癌供血多见于多次行TACE的患者并且肿块位于肝左叶.栓塞LIPA的安全性很高,并发症少且多为自限性.  相似文献   



To analyze the origins of the feeding arteries of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) near the umbilical fissure of the left hepatic lobe.


Twenty-eight HCCs with a mean?±?SD tumor diameter of 3.4?±?1.0?cm (range 1–4.4?cm) in contact with the right or left side of the umbilical fissure were treated by superselective transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE). The origins of the tumor-feeding arteries were analyzed with arteriograms and computed tomography or cone-beam computed tomography images obtained during and 1?week after TACE.


Twenty-one HCC lesions were located in segment 3 and seven were located in segment 4. Of 21 tumors in segment 3, 13 (61.9%) were supplied by the lateral inferior subsegmental artery (A3), three (14.3%) by the medial subsegmental artery (A4), three (14.3%) by both A4 and A3, one (4.8%) by a branch arising from the left lateral hepatic artery, and one (4.8%) by a branch of the right gastric artery. In particular, all tumor-feeding branches arising from A4 were the first branch of A4. Of seven tumors in segment 4, four (57.1%) were supplied by A4 and three (42.9%) by A3. In particular, all tumor-feeding branches arising from A3 were the first branch of A3.


This study demonstrates crossover blood supply to HCC lesions located near the umbilical fissure, in addition to direct feeding from a separate branch. In particular, the first branch of the opposite subsegmental artery may feed tumors when crossover blood supply is present.  相似文献   

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