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磷酸川芎嗪缓释透皮贴剂的制备及体外释放度测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张蜀  林华庆  邓红 《药品评价》2005,2(4):292-294
目的制备磷酸川芎嗪缓释透皮贴剂并优化其处方。方法通过正交实验,筛选缓释透皮贴剂的处方组成。结果采用聚丙烯酸树脂EUDRAGITE100为控释骨架和压敏胶材料,1.0%氮酮作为渗透促进剂制备胶粘剂骨架型经皮给药系统,药物从胶粘剂骨架/药物储库(压敏胶层)中恒速释放,体外释放度表明,贴剂的释放符合零级方程。结论所研制的磷酸川芎嗪缓释透皮贴剂具有理想的释药特性。  相似文献   

目的 制备黄体酮热熔压敏胶透皮贴剂并考察其体外释药性能。 方法 采用苯乙烯-异戊二烯-苯乙烯热塑性弹性体热熔压敏胶为骨架材料,以大鼠离体皮肤为渗透屏障,采用改良Freeze扩散池,用HPLC法测定接收液浓度,筛选促渗剂的种类、浓度和涂布厚度,确定贴剂处方。 结果 促渗剂选择肉豆蔻酸异丙酯(IPM),含量为2%;选择涂布厚度为300 μm,得到累积渗透曲线为Q=6.172 1 t-5.457 7(r=0.998 8);24 h药物累积渗透量为144.17 μg/cm2;稳态渗透速率为(6.17±0.49) μg/(cm2·h)。 结论 制备的黄体酮热熔压敏胶透皮贴剂中的有效成分黄体酮体外经皮渗透良好,具有较好的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

吡罗昔康两种给药途径的血药浓度与局部浓度比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨和比较了吡罗昔康以口服和透皮两种途径给药后的血药浓度与局部浓度。将小鼠随机分组,分别给予口服混悬剂0.072mg·ml-1或透皮凝胶剂1mg·g-1(或2mg·g-1)。以HPLC法测定小鼠的血药浓度(Cs)和局部浓度(C1)。结果表明,透皮给药以血药浓度计算凝胶剂的相对生物利用度仅为口服混悬剂的10%。但是透皮给药的C1/Cs=0.13,远远大于口服给药的C1/Cs(0.01)。透皮给药后,局部药物浓度—时间曲线下面积为15.85μg·h-1·ml-1,远远高于口服给药相应值(1.93μg·h-1·ml-1)。揭示单纯以血药浓度作为局部作用透皮制剂的生物利用度评价标准是不全面的,应同时考察作用部位的药物浓度。  相似文献   

控释型硝酸甘油透皮膜剂的制备与体内外释药   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了一种能在24h 内预防或缓解心绞痛发作的控释型经皮吸收硝酸甘油膜剂(NGTTS)的简易制法和体内外释药试验。NGTTS 由 EVA 控释膜、硝酸甘油药物贮库、EVA 粘着层及铝塑背膜组成。其体外平均释药速率约为600μg/h。经对大鼠和家兔的降血压试验证实可持续向体内释药24h,无刺激与过敏现象。经初步临床研究证明是一种有效的、副作用较小的新剂型。  相似文献   

目的:研究几种不同结构的双氯芬酸钠贴剂的透皮释药速率,比较出较优方案.方法:将双氯芬酸钠贴剂粘贴在离体小鼠皮上,通过改良的Franz扩散池测定贴剂中双氯芬酸钠经皮扩散速率.结果:双氯芬酸钠贴剂采用卡波普耳做药库、EVA做控释膜较佳.双氯芬酸钠经控释膜透皮扩散有4~6h的滞后现象.  相似文献   

贴剂组分及月桂氮zhuo酮对吲哚美辛贴剂特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察聚异丁烯、液体石蜡、增粘剂和月桂氮zhuo酮同时作为压敏胶和药库层时,其组成对吲哚美辛贴剂特性的影响。方法:运用正交设计实验研究处方基质组成对药物透皮释放和胶层物理参数的影响,用改进的Franz体外释药装置研究离体鼠皮的透皮规律,建立高效液相色谱法测定了药物的透皮累积释放量和制剂含量。结果:实验发现基质组成中增粘剂和液体石蜡是决定药物渗透系数和剥离强度的主要因素,低相对分子质量聚异丁烯和  相似文献   

目的:研究几种不同结构的双氯芬酸钠贴剂的透皮释药速率,比较出较优方案.方法:将双氯芬酸钠贴剂粘贴在离体小鼠皮上,通过改良的Franz扩散池测定贴剂中双氯芬酸钠经皮扩散速率.结果:双氯芬酸钠贴剂采用卡波普耳做药库、EVA做控释膜较佳.双氯芬酸钠经控释膜透皮扩散有4~6h的滞后现象.  相似文献   

目的 合成帕利哌酮(PPD)的水溶性前体药物,使其能通过离子导入技术快速透过皮肤。方法 合成PPD的水溶性前体药物,即PPD的β-丙氨酸酯(PPD-β-Ala),并对前药进行结构确证;利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)建立PPD及PPD-β-Ala的定量分析方法,并进行方法学验证;测定PPD及PPD-β-Ala的饱和溶解度,并对PPD-β-Ala的脂水分配系数(Po/w)和pKa进行考察;进行PPD-β-Ala体外透皮实验,包括被动透皮吸收和离子导入透皮研究;在体外离子导入研究中,考察给药池介质[纯水、HEPES溶液(pH 5.5)或HEPES溶液(pH 6.5)]、给药池药物浓度(10、20、30 mmol·L-1)和电流密度(0.1、0.3、0.5 mA·cm-2)对PPD-β-Ala透皮递送量的影响。结果 前体药物PPD-β-Ala结构通过核磁共振氢谱得以确证。建立的HPLC法可对PPD及PPD-β-Ala同时检测,方法专属性、精密度和检测限均满足实验要求。PPD-β-Ala在纯水中的饱和溶解度为33.46 mmol·L-1,远高于PPD的水溶解度;PPD-β-Ala的lg Po/w小于PPD;PPD-β-Ala可充分质子化,带1个正电荷,PPD不具备易解离或易质子化的基团。PPD-β-Ala不易透皮吸收,但在离子导入条件下可在接收池中检出大量PPD-β-Ala,如在施加电流0.5 mA·cm-2条件下,当给药池中PPD-β-Ala的浓度为30 mmol·L-1时,7 h后的累积透皮递送量可达250 nmol·cm-2。所选给药池介质的变化未对PPD-β-Ala的累积透皮递送量产生明显改变,但给药池药物浓度和电流强度的增加均能提高PPD-β-Ala的累积透皮递送量。在体外离子导入研究各组中均发现大量的PPD和PPD-β-Ala蓄积于皮肤,以0.5 mA·cm-2电流强度、给药池药物浓度为20 mmol·L-1(HEPES溶液为介质,pH 5.5)的给药条件为例,蓄积于皮肤中的PPD和PPD-β-Ala的量分别可达(144.21±41.73)、(890.61±106.40) nmol·cm-2结论 水溶性离子化的PPD前药PPD-β-Ala可在离子导入过程中通过电迁移作用快速透皮,理论上可利用尺寸适中的离子导入透皮贴片满足PPD的最小日给药剂量。  相似文献   

本文制备了盐酸维拉帕米(verapamil hydrochloride, VH)的三层片芯及四层片芯杯形片, 分别达到脉冲控释双相释药及双脉冲多相释药。用混合粉末直接压片法制备多层片芯, 干压包衣技术制备盐酸维拉帕米杯形片, 以释药时滞(Tlag)评价杯形片顶层重量、 羟丙基甲基纤维素HPMC用量及压片压力对药物的释放效果。结果表明, 顶层重量增加及HPMC用量增大时, Tlag延长; 压片压力在6~10 kg·cm-2时, 压力增大, 时滞延长。杯形片中药物主要通过顶层单面释药, 阻滞层(顶层及多层片芯中的缓释层)的溶蚀速率是决定释药时滞的关键因素。  相似文献   

布洛芬巴布剂的制备与体外释放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 制备布洛芬巴布剂并研究其体外释药性能和透皮吸收行为. 方法 以水溶性高分子材料为基质制备布洛芬巴布剂,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定制剂中布洛芬的含量. 按《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版二部附录 方法 进行体外释放度的测定,利用Franz扩散池研究巴布剂的透皮吸收行为. 结果 布洛芬巴布剂含量稳定,体外释药符合Higuchi方程,释放速率为1.522 mg.(cm2)-1.h-1/2,渗透速率为1.071 mg.(cm2)-1.h-1,渗透速率小于释放速率. 结论 布洛芬巴布剂为皮肤控释型透皮给药系统,为临床提供新的给药途径.  相似文献   

The formulation of a transdermal delivery system for isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) was examined. It was found that the target release rate should be 4.01 mg/h per 20 cm2 for optimal dosing. In order to reach such this zero order release rate, a membrane permeation controlled transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) formulation was developed, with ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVAC) and polyethylene (PE) membranes as rate controlling membranes; a carbomer gel was used as the drug reservoir. The release of ISDN from this drug delivery device was studied in vitro using FDA recommended method. PIB adhesive on the EVAC or PE membrane caused a decreased flux of ISDN; the release kinetics fitted Higuchi matrix kinetics. TTS with EVAC membrane release ISDN at a rate much lower than the calculated target release rate, but with PE membranes, the release rate was very close to the target. Release rate studies have revealed that, as the VA content in EVAC membrane increased, the flux of ISDN increased. All these results were compared with the commercial product Frandol® Tape S from Japan. It was found that the release rate of Frandol was close to target release rate and fitted matrix kinetics. These results suggested that TTS that contain PE membrane as rate controlling membrane, polyisobutylene (PIB) adhesive and carbomer gel as a reservoir can be applicable as a TTS for ISDN.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to develop a membrane-controlled transdermal formulation (TF) of nicotine by using sustained release dosage design (SRDD). TFs were prepared with polyethylene membrane as a rate-controlling barrier; a carbomer was used as the gel reservoir with or without propylene glycol (PG). The in vitro target flux (0.0535 mg cm(-2) h(-1)) was calculated according to SRDD calculations. Nicotine permeation through the membrane with or without transfer adhesive was also studied using diffusion cells. Nicotine permeated through membrane (without adhesive) with a flux of 0.0555 mg cm(-2) h(-1) and this value was similar to that of the in vitro target flux. The release from the TFs and from a commercial product (Nicotinell, 52.5 mg 30 cm(-2)) was studied using the FDA paddle method. The nicotine amount was increased from 22.7 to 56.5 mg in gel reservoir, and a plateau was reached beyond 45.4 mg of drug; the system attained the maximum thermodynamic activity with 56.5 mg of nicotine. The release rate from TFs (without adhesive layer) containing PG in the reservoir was very similar to the target release rate (1.07 mg h(-1)). The fluxes of nicotine from Nicotinell and TF containing 45.4 mg of nicotine were close to the in vitro target release rate.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to design a membrane-moderated transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) of nimodipine using 2%w/w hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) gel as a reservoir system containing menthol as penetration enhancer and 60%v/v ethanol-water as solvent system. The flux of nimodipine was markedly increased from 35.51 microg/cm2/h to 167.53+/-3.69 microg/cm2/h with the addition of 8%w/w menthol to HPMC drug reservoir. There was an increase in the flux of nimodipine through ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer membrane with an increase in vinyl acetate content (9 to 28%w/w) of the copolymer. The permeability flux of nimodipine from the chosen EVA 2825 (with 28%w/w vinyl acetate content) was 152.05+/-2.68 microg/cm2/h, and this flux decreased to 132.69+/-1.45 microg/cm2/h on application of a water-based acrylic adhesive (TACKWHITE A 4MED) coat. However, the transdermal flux of nimodipine across EVA 2825 membrane coated with TACKWHITE A 4MED/ rat skin composite was found to be 116.05+/-2.39 microg/cm2/h, which is about 1.4 times greater than the required flux. Thus a new transdermal therapeutic system for nimodipine was designed using EVA 2825 membrane coated with a pressure-sensitive adhesive TACKWHITE 4A MED, and 2%w/w HPMC gel as reservoir containing 8%w/w of menthol as a penetration enhancer. The in vivo evaluation of nimodipine TTS patch was carried out to find the ability of the fabricated menthol-based TTS patch in providing the predetermined plasma concentration of the drug in human volunteers. The results showed that the menthol-based TTS patch of nimodipine provided steady plasma concentration of the drug with minimal fluctuations with improved bioavailability in comparison with the immediate release tablet dosage form.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to design membrane-controlled transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) for trimetazidine. The optimization of (i) concentration of ethanol-water solvent system, (ii) HPMC concentration of drug reservoir and (iii) limonene concentration in 2% w/v HPMC gel was done based on the in vitro permeation of trimetazidine across excised rat epidermis. A limonene-based membrane-controlled TTS of trimetazidine was fabricated and evaluated for its in vivo drug release in rabbit model. The in vitro permeation of trimetazidine from water, ethanol and selected concentrations (25, 50 and 75% v/v) of ethanol-water co-solvent systems showed that 50% v/v of ethanol-water solvent system provided an optimal transdermal flux of 233.1+/-3.8 microg/cm(2.)h. The flux of the drug decreased to 194.1+/-7.4 microg/cm(2.)h on adding 2% w/v of HPMC to ethanolic (50% v/v ethanol-water) solution of trimetazidine. However, on adding selected concentrations of limonene (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8% w/v) to 2% w/v HPMC gel drug reservoir, the flux of the drug increased to 365.5+/-7.1 microg/cm(2.)h. Based on these results, 2% w/v HPMC gel drug reservoir containing 6% w/v of limonene was chosen as an optimal formulation for studying the influence of rate-controlling EVA2825 membrane and adhesive-coated EVA2825 membrane. The flux of the drug across EVA2825 membrane (mean thickness 31.2 microm) decreased to 285.8+/-2.2 microg/cm(2.)h indicating that the chosen membrane was effective as rate-controlling membrane. On applying an adhesive coat (mean thickness 10.2 microm) to EVA2825 membrane, the drug flux further decreased to 212.4+/-2.6 microg/cm(2.)h. However, the flux of the drug across adhesive-coated EVA2825 membrane-rat epidermis composite was 185.9+/-2.9 microg/cm(2.)h, which is about 2-times higher than the desired flux. The fabricated limonene-based TTS patch of trimetazidine showed a mean steady state plasma concentration of 71.5 ng/mL for about 14 h with minimal fluctuation when tested in rabbits. It was concluded from the investigation that the limonene-based TTS patch of trimetazidine provided constant drug delivery across the skin in rabbit model.  相似文献   

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) gel drug reservoir system prepared with 70:30 v/v ethanol-water solvent system containing 6% w/w of limonene was effective in promoting the in vitro transdermal delivery of nicorandil. The objective of the present study was to fabricate and evaluate a limonene-based transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) for its ability to provide the desired steady-state plasma concentration of nicorandil in human volunteers. The in vitro permeation of nicorandil from a limonene-based HPMC gel drug reservoir was studied across excised rat skin (control), EVA2825 membrane, adhesive-coated EVA2825 membrane and adhesive-coated EVA2825 membrane-excised rat skin composite to account for their effect on the desired flux of nicorandil. The flux of nicorandil from the limonene-based HMPC drug reservoir across EVA2825 membrane decreased to 215.8 +/- 9.7 microg/cm(2).h when compared to that obtained from control, indicating that EVA2825 was effective as a rate-controlling membrane. The further decrease in nicorandil flux across adhesive-coated EVA2825 membrane and adhesive-coated EVA2825 membrane-excised rat skin composite showed that the adhesive coat and skin also controlled the in vitro transdermal delivery. The limonene-based drug reservoir was sandwiched between adhesive-coated EVA2825-release liner composite and a backing membrane. The resultant sandwich was heat-sealed as circle-shaped patch (20 cm(2)), trimmed and subjected to in vivo evaluation in human volunteers against immediate-release tablets of nicorandil (reference formulation). The fabricated limonene-based TTS of nicorandil provided a steady-state plasma concentration of 21.3 ng/ml up to 24 h in healthy human volunteers. It was concluded that the limonene-based TTS of nicorandil provided the desired plasma concentration of the drug for the predetermined period of time with minimal fluctuations and improved bioavailability.  相似文献   

The cardiohaemodynamic response and the development of tolerance to isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) were examined in anaesthetized, open-chest dogs. ISDN, infused intravenously (i.v.) for 2 h at a rate of 10 or 30 micrograms/kg per min, decreased systemic blood pressure (systolic, mean and diastolic; SBP), left ventricular (LV) systolic and end-diastolic pressure, LVdP/dt max, pressure-rate product and coronary blood flow. No significant changes in heart rate (HR) and coronary vascular resistance were observed. Intravenous ISDN significantly attenuated the vasodilator effect of bolus intracoronary (i.a.) glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, 1 micrograms), and ISDN (30 micrograms), whereas that of bolus i.a. nicorandil (mononitrate, 20 micrograms) remained unaffected. Just after acute tolerance towards i.a. ISDN was provoked 1 h after starting ISDN infusion (30 micrograms/kg per min, i.v.), the combined infusion of ISDN (i.v.) and nicorandil (30 micrograms/kg per min) was instigated for a further hour. Also, 1 h after the onset of vehicle infusion (i.v.), the combined infusion of vehicle and nicorandil (30 micrograms/kg per min, i.v.) was started. There were essentially no significant differences between the corresponding values concerning the coronary vascular responses obtained from the two combined infusion groups.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer membranes with vinyl acetate content of 18% w/w (EVA1802) for transdermal delivery of ondansetron hydrochloride. The EVA1802 membranes containing selected concentrations (0, 5, 10 and 15% w/w) of PEG6000 were prepared, and subjected to in vitro permeation studies from a nerodilol-based drug reservoir. Flux of ondansetron from EVA1802 membranes without PEG6000 was 64.1 +/- 0.6 microg/cm(2.)h, and with 10%w/w of PEG6000 (EVA1802-PEG6000-10) it increased to 194.9 +/- 4.6 microg/cm(2.)h. However, with 15%w/w of PEG6000, EVA1802 membranes produced a burst release of drug which in turn decreased drug flux. The EVA1802-PEG6000-10 membrane was coated with an adhesive emulsion, applied to rat epidermis and subjected to in vitro permeation studies against controls. Flux of ondansetron from transdermal patch across rat epidermis was 111.7 +/- 1.3 microg/cm(2.)h, which is about 1.3 times the required flux. A TTS was fabricated using adhesive-coated EVA1802-PEG6000-10 membrane and other TTS components, and subjected to in vivo delivery in human volunteers against a control. It was concluded from the comparative pharmacokinetic study that TTS of ondansetron, prepared with EVA1802-PEG6000-10 membrane, provided average steady-state plasma concentration on par with multiple-dosed oral tablets, but with a low percent of peak-to-trough fluctuation.  相似文献   

The development of a transdermal delivery system for isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) using electron beam irradiation was studied. The solid state stability of the drug to irradiation was assessed. The drug was dissolved in 2-ethylhexylacrylate (EHA)-acrylic acid (AA) system and this solution was directly irradiated on a backing membrane (Scotchpak®1006) at different doses to get transdermal patches. The developed systems were evaluated for residual monomer content, equilibrium weight swelling ratios (EWSR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), weight uniformity, thickness uniformity, drug content and content uniformity, peel strength, in vitro release, skin permeation kinetics and skin irritation potential. The developed system possessed excellent adhesive properties. Increase in the irradiation doses did not have a significant effect on the peel strength values. The systems exhibited promising skin permeation kinetics and no skin irritating potential, both of which are important properties for transdermal drug delivery. The ISDN-EHA-AA system developed at an irradiation dose of 50 kGy showed a higher skin permeation profile as compared to an internationally marketed transdermal matrix system of ISDN.  相似文献   

硝苯啶贴膜剂的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阮丽萍  郑俊民 《药学学报》1991,26(4):286-292
本文研究了硝苯啶骨架型贴膜剂经皮吸收的可行性。建立了测定体内和体外硝苯啶药物浓度的高液效相色谱法。两种处方的贴膜剂(R1未加增渗剂,R2加有月桂氮酮作为增渗剂)的体外经皮渗透实验表明:硝苯啶以零级动力学方式渗透皮肤,但在10.25 h前后释放速率不同,R1分别为2.63及1.1μg/cm2.h,R2分别为4.30及1.5μg/cm2·h。由R2贴膜剂的释放实验确定:硝苯啶从药库基质中的释放符合t~(1/2)型释放过程,释放速度常数为68.91μg/cm2·t1/2。健康受试者五名贴用R2贴膜剂1.5 h后达到稳态血浓,并在24.5h内保持治疗范围内的血药浓度(10~100 mg/ml),本文还对硝苯啶贴膜的质量进行了多方面的考察。  相似文献   

The aim of our present study was to prepare and evaluate a carvone-based transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) of nicorandil to find its ability in providing the desired in vivo controlled release profile on dermal application to human volunteers. The effect of EVA 2825, and adhesive-coated EVA 2825, and adhesive-coated EVA 2825-rat skin composite on the in vitro permeation of nicorandil from a carvone-based HPMC gel drug reservoir was studied against a control (rat abdominal skin alone). The carvone-based drug reservoir system was sandwiched between adhesive-coated EVA 2825-release liner composite and a backing membrane. The resultant drug reservoir sandwich was heat-sealed to produce a circle-shaped TTS (20 cm2) that was subjected to in vivo evaluation on dermal application to human volunteers against oral administration of immediate-release tablets of nicorandil. The carvone-based TTS provided a steady-state plasma concentration of 20.5 ng/ml for ~24 hr in human volunteers. We concluded that the carvone-based TTS of nicorandil provided the desired in vivo controlled-release profile of the drug for the predetermined period of time.  相似文献   

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